J'!, :. -j M PRINTS THIS NEWS WI.I..KIT IS NEWS h n KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER sS. Eh ,!-- Miilli Yror No. S,OI PELT OF UNCURED BOSSIE INTRODUCED IN III: CASE AND NAUSEA Tlir -onie ltnk" Injected lulu iti pimm-dlns in the UUI ol un Kmt. William Hlw and l.me Chandler t"1 f"w fNM' fhaue, iM sti'niooii, hti "State's nllbH (.' nJ t " fit Into the riwui TM mteiit irm Ilk a drop wio lU trrnf ulr Ujf our itUhlira taff. tt( It i lh troth, jrMJ tirally. iMr l il win '0"w '" koar Ud out n l(U olat'imcnl. and vit ir. Halo ' u' l"l.itil I" )'iifi that ifritt Court Jiutlrotxcl IUoi. ;tio Mll. Jul Drake. ltMfn )(.nn i and t'thrra ho 1'iiKlUli diction u mimt palnfullr mrri ltl tV iti utwal uUnin th that tiliiis ud adtiwdly. with ihp .ct.a' n HutoV uhlutt "U" bi tiltti "U," l it kinmn, U t)tr biJo of a drpurfffd tMivlnw ttUlin4 1.) 1 JoIhimiu, and which tho said jiltjtn ) w Uf ltt ty the d frr.iti lit the C4u i mmlo a tuiut dlmnct iropmtlan on all, and WoJsir II Ud t l th? t let lone a rm taken m fi0(e lb Mi ti4vn ih wndo Itr.v4rr y)U tliuy C&tber fftim lllln I bat h hid gitvt off an onr-ntlv pjtr ii did wore--lt Uirr it off r itbvurieht rank wlnr, hibli b bd them all tucked 08 th msn Thr tirintty it a elttp mill ft)Jh.ine t, 04i (sinrr on a ntm Jul; 4) it tcnufHon Ut thin hl-lo (ii atiar j fnM, Utn (if mrrli. r a ki frvin the Vltthni on hVln Sr Hurh an ilor lll l-f pltrti forttt kIii wuljr'whrn all Ot tllttr tidtiirt, nil ili llltiv)( muierl4 uail an the lammfirsi, tmhurer rtc9 ('!unlrlf nml motfajaril r romliftrd ml ralMit t lh- "nlh t-urr will lrln "mllttmi un !.mI mn" ! d from thf lih- IUt) , Tl;p hltl Vtl tliil Killlo tutlfo of a at- rtp hroiiRht In for hlntiM 4tHih by Contablft T it, Durhurn oj Mfrrili wnt twtlrtctl that he liwh lb3 mil of a lioic tut tho Hliu ratitli in IWMiihpr JI3 Thy r0 nut Gardner Resolution Is Held to II.MIN IIOI.DK THAT WHIt.li Till. I'l'OI'l.i: AUIJ KXTITI.KD TO know Tin: facts nnm.. 1 M rut: i:i'i'icii:xoy ot'irit iitiiniMi i'oit('i:s. td(iiti:ss. MtN's MKTHOII Wtlt'l.D NOT Hill NO IMMIHKIl HESl'l.TS vAHIIINt)TON, I), C, Dee II -11 M-gard lo thu Onnltior resolution I 't'siiUmt WIU011 tnki'1 lint stnml thai 'I"1 Ameilrnii pilbllo Is fiitilli'd to "ii" nil facts rtiiiceruliiB lha nlll tlsncy of imtluniil defi'iisn lie lold rnlliirs, linwovur, he hellcv-. vd the farts could best bo di'loriulni'il hi thu ordinary wny, mid tint thnnigli hi liiventlimtloii previously hcriihl"il '" liitenilvil to dovlso plnus to pieimrn fur war with nnother country, t'resl 'hiu Wilson said ho hml rocolvetl iniiiioriiiiH luttora fiuin iironiluuut moil and women throughout tli uiiiiilry protestlnK ngiilust thu aprwiil "1 mllltnrlstlc proimBamlii. Thu presltloiit reflised to ndmlt that he hud kuowluduo of thu proKom-o In WnshliiKtoii of nu nllcKeil lohby, pnlil hy armor plutu innutifiictururs, nmmu iillloii nml orduniim innltrr-t nml hc powder trust, Itupresoututlvo Auustiis P. Hard w of MiiSHftcltiisotlH, uuii of tho "InniMCHl rupiibllciiit uxiinbcra of tho lower huuso, hud hunvy liacltlnK f"r lila proposnil Investigation of thu rmy and imvy. His resolution for n roiuinltteu to LONG OEAD E otlilmt H. I.iliit. ii, , il.al llino Uy the elniti 1'uHiiK till (Mlllj.ii, .1 iluM'lui.iiJ ! 1'utl.aw. atler Utlllt till- mill- UniiU "t HMlt). iU:h) tlmiu iu lUc 1 Mvittu Jail a few day, and UiWtl ,p iiioucin ihew hr, Htiwo nu-y in ihv tmtitfly of iuBUtii Jtlmltck 'A f-w Uhyt no. ai ifco imtancv of the ilUirM nUorfie; UsihaiH a Iiu (Milt ili biOo (u a lotu) Ihvry nublv. wwtiwl ti in iw (o tiiuki- ti mote pliable, and alH sera (mil totnu uf iht tlkll uB II ll toi tisiett il.ftl hUcii liv luriioO Ud. rnuama o(or to Bcballoclt thvic bi mad MHflp 10 (tilt uick III I. itirm i,- njkyt, vu tolled out or itir ui. im tbt It mm (Iwtro) ,il in ai liHil'ilug t prente (he jart of tbt Uvcl.. Tbp Jelrnw viuruu0 prolwu! ini the Inirtnlgtiloii uf ilv hi Jr. nml iKifiM. holiiliiit lhai Uiu KXhlbH h not It Htifti tnki-n frum l lir sriiiJ, and f hat (be scr-ipluE uf U.r bolr titiffH (tin niiftfiiranri' tif the bidr rttt-rn way MJiKr reumtiit af ter vlilrh. hi lht Ulo Itntl nut uffurft hr bll rhi1 Uan In oM'Iclici', lbr pi fnWOVM), follnv.tie a eei livii from Jtnlttf llnou which bfAitil) ronJ.il by nit Till morniiiE Atlulf nml Tou) (rk, tmiiRt-it ibtil In N'omttT, )IS lkf nan Clmilillrr anil l.'rnl tJrKr Ihr rw AlWgol lo hp bwti Mllw frw th llattprr t'lc'. Ann Curl, l'IIBoil lu ir.iis K therf. lUrry Killl. toM of iHircdatlng llir mrcHM u thrrr biptrni from Clinnd lr in Ucpmbt?r. ISIS, wblrli Chaml-tt-r mlJ rainn (loin OU'iic. II. II lliivi (mllliptl to btljtliK tho cuw nil I wtliHC her lo filiue I'ttllniilne them. n.irimm nwiJt tti manJ Vrt. 111 llir rlrl. Klamath l.uilrf N'u 13 IOOI. will ime wurl. in tbe Degree of t'liroiltti 1 -"iigi Ylu'lort ttrlftune. Be Warlike 1 n.nti:s,MAX i.itD.i:n , Who WiiulH the Hib linistiKMtlim Mifsln Inqtiliy 'lll ho (l"ii up by Mio 'liilos roiiuiilllee, which must ioirt (lt. tho house for notion Tlmrp have tin yot heolt un good BU0pi.es nil to Iwhiithnr or not thp hoiiHt. will pass ,ir dofcnt tiu rpsoiHiiim In tho meiiiillino, the work of Mr. (Jnuliiri- him stlned uiiiny poitoua thtoi-j-.hout thu mutiny, as n losult of which n Niitloiml Hei-uilly i.wibuo hits 1'i'i-n oignuUed to innlto 11 HBlit for 11 Rionter nuvy nml nrmy, POEMIC STRIKES .BBBBBBS .aYaBB aBBBBalBBBb'4' ttBBal MWaWaBBBBMKr aas BBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBB aBBBaflaBBBBBBWllBBBl IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW bbbb! BBBBBaKlW!lRCTijt?T's3B" bTbbT tAw HbbbbbbMbbbVi8j " K .v.ajBK "rfi"1 1 vitii r- . KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1914 immi:i.h 1 nt.M rott I'Wt) HIIII'K A VKAU I nlli-U I'riiia Borviwi WAHHINOTON, D (', jc M Ht'ifotiiry UmiUU tuin ,a( un lili iirugrnm uf two btlU hlli binl uliflu or morn ubiiiu. iln thin year Today ho told the iiriuxf naval coininlltto that oiiU Kt Intvniatlonat aKroement to 1 un.) hulldliiK warahliit woiiiii nwerve him J'tukln ilixid nrin In hl thiiii. that America ought to be ir-:..,rrd to withhold any enemy, Hi Hd not ioclfy any nation aa ilai.Ki-roui, but felt that If Amor Iru t'(M Imvu a war It will bo a ioiic uup. cM'tclally If America In rtttlnc ihf worat of It K.C.H.S. TO PLAY MERRILL QUINTET ilndlore that the Jnpanne or Urltlsb I'lltsT IIAhKKTIIAU- !AMi; OFllrat throe hlp In the engagement. Tilt: KIMSO.V WII.I. UK fiaYKIIi TOMOItltOW MIIT IN THK .l r.M.l'A TOW'S tli,l. .M,l. 11 w ..11 r l. n,.,. H.I.H ' """ i'iimiij ii im uiu , linu 1 1111 r.uei win soon oc rounaca re makluK any holng n bt.ket J up, an the sinking of the Ctrntan col booicr. Coarh Moucbcnbacher of illera ha deprived thfe jblpn of their the Klamnlh County lllgb School wllliconl aiippll!. ' journey to Merrill tomorrow, where! . tomorrow nlitht the Merrill tjjJ LONDON. Dec. !' A complete ath County High Bchool wl, rate the hankelhalt hcnDOn V ' H reports! a having a trim ratlin; iII FAGK Tht I.K-nl pU)ers to nuke tU; TWK will he Noel. Page, Slrlger, Kn ,v, .. . .... ....... I Id-alt, Graves, Klllott. Hilton, lloua- lon, O'UouKbllu and I'rather. All w.nandlnc an announcement from the br ghcti a rhaiice to play and show admlrnltr as to tho location of Stnr thelr mottle In action. litre's fleet. The first loral game will be played at h I'avllllun either Friday or Hat urdny night of tie it week. In this the alumni tram will take on the high thooljulnlct. Preceding the Varsity JAIumnl tus sle will be a gaiiin between two high school girls' tennis. There aru about thirty girls out for basketball, and there Is reason to expect games this year with girl teams from other high schools MEAT MAN JAILED on a WILLIAM .MK'LURK ARRESTED FOR ADULTERY, CHARGK RE INC maim: IIY HIS PARTNER. CASE Sl.T ltR TUI-SDAY Churged with Illicit ulatloiiHlilii uilh Sirs. Hurry II. Slovenian, William MrClure, who with the wuiuun'a hits hand, his been engaged In wholesale meat business, was arrested last night at his house In Mills addition. vehPto lie and the woman vvera dis covered. McClurn was brought before Jus tho of the Pe.ice E. W, Gotten 1 his iitoinlng, nud his prellmluiiry hearing was sot for Tuesday morning. He la lit liberty under $7u0 bond. I According to Htowman, Mrs. Stow 'man caniu to Klamath Fills somulliuo ngo, say lug she was coming for modi !cal attention. Instead of this, ha Inlleges, sho has been Intimate with iMrClure. A vvnrnnt w'na Isued Wwl nesdiiy night for McCluro'a urrest, lttnd lust night, Coustahlo Morloy, Stownuiii nnd Stowmnn's 19-year-old sun went to the McCluro homo to nrrost thorn. Hoforo Morlcy could get MrCluro In custody, tho on ratted hiishiiud of tho wonmn iu tho case at tacked McCluro, itnd n warm avvntfest wns engaged III before Morlcy could oMilcntu his prlaoner. Tho stovo was upset during tho melco, and tho rack et nwnkonod and culled out of doora nearly hnlf of Mills adltlou. Cnrloton boustti n ucw steol brldgo nnd eight blocks of paving. A CHARGE --. ... . STUROEE ORDERED TO SWEEP THE RAIPSOFF ATLANTIC I'nlli.-d i'reao Srrlci) UXION,4ikc. tl. It I rclMrt-l tonight tlut' llio Gcrtiuui crulwr Kutli-rlcli Karl li In-vn unk. Tin: inilMT mb Ut rrMrtnt In tlic Itnlllc. Tho normal roinplrmrnL of Un I'nilrrirli Kurl n M" ntrn. I1UKNOS AVRK8. Dec. 11. i'ohI-tlv- confirmation of the linking of ! the flcnnnii rrnlicr .Vurneburg baa been received The Dreiden la bImj jdMiroyed, I lift marking the dqstruc tlon of all flte of the anuadron that, i engaged tho Ilrltlih off the Falkland Island TuMuiay. German report ndmlt that tb Oer ,man 'oii wm 2,000 men. I Report from German aourcca alao I Acrorillrs to llil Inrnrmntlnn .. 'Icmnin fleet w caught between the two tillled tqnndrOB. The kalser'a 'allormen fcu'ght nntll the lait gun luaarllencol. ' , It Is believed that the ra'4cr-cru!-1 r Knrlaruhe, Kronprln Wllhclm j v,i it. . . . p of the Oennan rnldera of com Q..,:"-iVi!,X 'Atlantic before the DUIUICN the task that has THAT WILL NOT,,ll,' squadron.un- KKGL'IK AHyl8 uj i-iwK'i Tl, .............. . Sturdee. It Is ex snccc?d. rhi newspapers and public are do- 1 Kxperts, following the announce ment that the Dresden has been aunk, think that the British fleet Is now spread out over a great area In the Falkland region. I-ate this afternoon the admiralty refused to confirm the reports that German submarines attempted to raid Dover, and that, the-forts there fired on them. While a number of tho German commerce raiders have been destroy ed, tho Karlsruhe Is still at large. t Tho exploits ot this vessel are only .second to tho career of tho Emden, (sunk In the Indian Ocean last month. MAKE YOUR WINDOW "RARK" FOR YOU There are still u few places where shopkeepera employ men , to stand out In the street, "bark- j lug" In other words, describing the giods 10 lie found within ! tbo shop, nud urging posulble patrons to enter. liuiiiiiu "barkers" mo ox- : tieuiely elllrleut In certain ldaces I nnd cases, but probably you. Mr. Retailer, would not cotulder , hiring one. e ' You can have u silent "bark- er" that is Juki -tin eluclcut aa a ' "puller-lu," without unpleasant ) druwbirks. This silent "bark- or ' Is your window. e Make n study ot what you put luto It. Remember the articles tho public already knows nbout aro halt aold. Without a doubt you have Iu your shop articles that nro advertised In Tho Her- nld. If you put them in your window you will And that they exert u stroug "pulllng-lu" In- llunenre for you, Tho manufacturers, through us, haeo done additional "bark- lug" for you, Uy displaying theso nationally known articles In your window you can "cash In" 011 tho advertising done for your benefit. Hack up tho window advertls- Inr with a regular apace In The Herald you'll have to do it some time. It paya (o shop In The Herald ; iH-foro yoH sliop Ut Ute atorea; 01 per rest of tbe clrcuUttoa of this paper goes direct tat the home. n:ititii,i, i'Kei'm: iiavk .VA.Mi:i) COMMITTKK At a mcotlng at Merrill yt- lurday afternoon, fanncrw and otheri of that lection who nro Interested In tho formation of a' fnrmor telephone organization, appointed fkorgo Ofllcld, T. R, end L. if. Andcraon aa their committer to confer with the oilier acctlons lnt;cnu-l. A similar meeting Ik to be held at Olcne noon, when a com- mlttee will he named to act with committee from Merrill and Alt. l-nkl toward getting the pro- ject Into tangible nbnpc, KAISER IMPROVED IS LATEST HEARD 'c.tT.lltltll OK THK THHOAT WAS I Tin: Titoi'iiu:, acoiiding t ' t'OltlUISKONDKYni IS' NOW KKCKIVING Iti:iORTS lly KAItl, (on WIKGAN1I j (United Press Staff Correspondent) , HKIU.I.V, Dec. 11. Kaiser Wll- lielm Is suffering from catarrh of tbe throat. I nm able to state this upon tho authority of a person close to the I court, who Is In a position to know, J Ills Illness Is entirely due to cx !i34ure. Kaiser Wilhelm remained jat the front almost continuously since :he war started, 1 "My" Information tells me that 'the Improvement that started last night .If continued today. Tbe catarrh has practically subsided, the temperature lis about normal, and the patient Is rl'le to receive tbe reports of the gen eral staff. DEMURRER FILED TO INDICTMENT TL'Li: LAKK .MAN IS CHARGED UY GUAM 4URY WITH CRUELTY TO ANIMALS DEMURRER EN. ' TERED UY DRAKE ' Instead of making a plea, Edgar 'Johnson, who was Indicted by the grand Jury on chargo of cruelty to animals, will tight the Indictment. Judge Drake, Johnson's attorney, yes terday morning filed a demon cr to the Indictment, alleging that H does not slate farts siinicletit to constitute u crime. 1 Tho ludittment ebarge that John iuu shot a boric belouglug to D.ivtd Dunn, wounding the animal. The In terested parties ll(e at Title Luke. TO THE COMPLAINT APPEARANCE IS MADE IN THE ACTION TO ARROGATE THE CONTRACT .MADE FOR COURT HOUSE SUPERVISION That John Ilagelstelu, us n mem ber ot tho county court, should be mudu a party defendant, aud that tho complaint does not show cause for action agalust tho Chapman Con struction company nro the grouuds sot up In a demurrer tiled by Judgo Drake, asking that tho ault to re strain the county court from contract ing with the Chapman Construction company be dismissed so far as It affects tho company. Drake's domurrer la in behalf ot Chapman. No appearance has been made as yet by Judgo Wo r den and CHAPMAN DEMURS GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED BY CLAIM TO BE I I United I'rcsa Hervlco I PARIS, Dec. II. Today's commu Inlauo naya: "On December 10th the French rcuulted three atlacka br the iGcnaang In tho region of Yprea. Tho I Germans reached thu French trenchea at one point, but were repulsed. The French are progressing everywhere. 'Artillery duels aro being vigorously I fought In tho region of Arras and Juvencourt. We made further ad vances In the Argonne region, where tho enemy's attacks were repulsed. Near Varcnnes tho Gorman artillery Is active, but harmless. Our progress In tho l.al'retic region has been ac-ct-uluated The French troops have taken the Aspalch depot." iivld'jujl fearing that the present force In Uelclum is Insufficient to hold the coast, tbe Germans are send- ARE LEGISLATING TIIUKK DAY MKETIXO IN SESSION WHKItn SCGGF.STIONS YlhL UK MAJJK ItKGARDING UKNEFICIAL LAWS United Press Service CHICAGO, Dec. 11, A three day conference of Illinois women to form ulate a tentative program ot legisla tion In the Interests ot women ot the state, opened in tho Congress hotel today, with Indications that tbe at tendance would exceed 1,000. The conference was called at the sugges tion of Lieutenant-Governor Barratt O'Hara. head of the Illinois senate ILLINOIS WOMEN Templar Omunandry Elects and Installs bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV' S " WWbbbIbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbPbV V? f H'liS bbbbIbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBBtJBBBBtBBBBfc1 v$ SIlEpWHwHbI BBfflPBB'C BBBBBBBBBJWrW (!. K, VAN RIPER i'ho.seu us Eminent Commander Commissioner Merrill, the two court members who aro made parties. This Is the nctlou filed by R. N. Day through Kuykendall & Ferguson to enjoin tho contract made by the two members of the court, with the Chap man company whereby tho latter was to superintend tbo completion ot the court house, receiving 10 per cent ot the cost hereafter for this work. This Is hold to bo in excess of a reasonable sum, as an architect will furnish the plans and supervise n bulldlug'a con struction for tl per cont. Resides the contract with Chapman, there la also cne whereby Architect McDougall la to receive 6 per cent, making the total supervision cost 10 per cent hereafter, NEAR YPRES FRENCH; ALLIES : GAINING GROUND Mng In reinforcements. Tkr UrMf I aro declared to bo composed of ywitlat I of tbe ages of 18 to 20 year. Reports of progress of th alias (troops along, the entire 250 aslWHaaV oxcept near Ypresr waere ta war mans desperately attatk4 tfcraa times yesterday. One, tkey reached the French trenebea they were driven back. United Press Service LONDON, Dec, 11. Anstrtau.i Germans are making a supreme 1 to relieve Cracow, It la report tkt Archduke Frederick, who ha to command of tho main Austria ataejr, has yielded th dlrecUom of -tions to tbe German general aUff. The fighting south of Cracow to ; vcloplng Into one of the great - tics of the war. welfare commission, whoee aetlittMT In Investigating the causes of vtee aroused national Interest slgMean months ago. "The delegates represest wosaesxof all classes, from tbe wife of the Mil lionaire who studies civics as a sast ter ot culture and humsHtUrlaulsaiC to the working girl wno has forced by necessity to solve of existence." said O'Hara. "Ta thought of the womanhood of Is represented here today If tat nols legislature adopts the laid out here It will place HH " M, thp van of all states"!-. action for the benefit of girls. "The more important subtests be considered at the cosferemeo are: A minimum wage law for woM. maximum work day, perhaps algBt hours, vocation education, and,aU. tion of the system of fining girfrtee victims." Work has started on a las Catholic church at PrineviUe. CAVALRY COMMANRHY. KNIOafM TE.MPLAR, IN ADDITION TO' , SEATING OF THK NEW STAFF OF OFFICERS, DECIDES TO HOLD t'lltttST.UAS OBMSRV- ANCE AT THE SIASOXIC HAIX CHRISTMAS MOR.VIXO The following officers -war for the ensuing tetra at the last ajitf Iiik the Calvary Commandry Notfl Knights Templar: Eminent Commander G, K Va Riper. -v. ' 't Generalissimo I, R. Struble, 4 Captain General L. O. Mills. Excellent Prelate Oco. WaWav" nenior vv araen is. k. Magee. Juulor Warden Oard P. ,Tsa Riper. Treasurer Cboa, Graves. Recorder L. F, Wiliets. Warden C. II. Underwood, Standard Dearer O. A. Krauts. Following the election, th aew M- cers were Installed iu their ,. f conduct the affairs ot the The Installing officer was' Dr. Trunx. past commander of tka ssVIp. who was assisted by Oeorge l&Wffa ton, acting In the capacity of !', Marshal. K " At this meeting the Kalgbta made preparations for th of Christmas, according' to th nt thltt hpnnih Af ! pli . ; ." Tri, session ot onservanee wmjM) Christmas noratM at MlMi' me services to ssgi jpasBSsaaw.sa) m o'clock, - .,-.. l : . t JUT. 4'i ' - J. s- $&i Vfc. 'k-jm ? :i?f'L st ' f,n: ) -Ml