h untna Iteratfi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS .1 KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER " j, jji ,iswpfl's' iis'fy"' r Ninth Vwr N U.rMfi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914 Pike, Hre WIRELESSES SAY FARMERS AFTER TELEPHONE ESCAPING SHIPS jm, i aL; Mo J' n '". liniL Will. WVll HUfl .;., D .. Ill I . w ... , . iiiiiy ue:inK rieia at iviernll loday to Consider Matter Further "WAR IK I'OHKIIIMV kayh head or NAVY (ICIIMVN UMIIt.l. SINN Willi IIIK Mill J I, , ;v,,V,m,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,',',,,,,,,,m,,,,",,,,m,u '''' """iiwt- rrilM.. Kr,,p,t I , ' ' ' "" in. , ,ii. rrlll and Ml. Ikl people M,, i I lip ItH ill t II llil 111 t tAit, .il. ....1. I.-.I.. ii . - '' "" "i M-rloii.l)', nml tentative t Wile I'Milli U ( iuIm-i lUinpIng I'mhh ll... , tiK.'.-U..ii tin, mi,j niit.l.. In ml,.-, paM. nfi he project. 11,1.1.1. Tm.U) WW I'i.i-.m,. w,. ' '-" , ,' ' ""'"IM "I.im'h... , ,lg r , ,,,,1,, Jut.T.uxI " ' J-.... imiiiiii.-.i MHMlilr.l mi rntiinilit.. i.i.i M,l,,lLh Im-. tri,rtrtt I'm hllitht -Uintfcm Throng. Pe- tiutiiiti'ijt lmr iWslL. UnlM I'im Hortko IIIKNOH AVItKH, IW. 10 The crrl? trtirl of tin- pinking of Dip format) rfuitpf NiuiU'Ucre and PreJ. ,fti h .hip escaping friim Tus 4i.fi fleM uR III" Katklatid Island. t Im- r-lptJ from Port HlanUy i U unJrrniWHj that the lltltlili ujudilrnii pursued unit auV thoi (rtit.ff According it Information r ! rd tf0 frE4filln tl.o battle. Admiral ton topr the Or fin "I. admiral, miiV IIIi lilt flagship Tim lirrman tried t atcrt tt,r H)tl. RrrordlllK l IWpOrU. VMM lispr. oactii lo reelt tJ.oopu Atlantic, tin Is mLjuled ttm location til iltr Urlitih "fi and ws furred tn elr dtlii Tfce liiliuii rlct aUtt captured an. I Ubl five Herman mcrrt.anlmrn Th. llflll.l. .c wero r tliHIl JOO melt. itj ihc tnnr rio tint lllill)' ilam- trl m kmil(aad 7" '" "', " ' ""'"" J" " M.n.l,. llt .mi., ,U-v, ,r mmmI I.. I... I.. Mr ,,!, , ,,,.. ,,. ,,.,. Mlh (-(wpri ilUlilii ul.ii nir liil.-iv.l.il. II.-.I.I.-. Ili n.rrlll.K jrM.ltUj ,.l All. U.LI ..,,.1 . ,. In m-.. 1k I..) (ll -MrlU. ,...ll.rr I. to M. I.., , i (i. ,,... .l . , ,,,. '""' "'' "r" u,,,,'r "". ! U .-r) i.-..ii lo IM-Hrw ilwii .ImlUr IIihh. Hill Im .(,(,.! , Hl.T .r,li,M., tllllll ...(l.,., . ....iln, ,ulr !" l.n.iiBl.l ...... , ,.,.r i.hi,,.,. J(1,IK, . ,M,M ,lf ,. iH.-.ltonr. 'I III. I.HilrliH hi iKiltrit ll. Iiiiix-in. iIji,,h,.. .1... ii. ,...,,. tt-.i iv .M.4li.lii,li, Hhlrli i.-.L t.. Hill, ih- rl.in..ill..ii wrtl.. Urn .Urllou of l-iinlllliill Dm iinlri ....I, (i, nuLr u f . uot.rliinrnt M.r for lrlnK- ' hie "hr for iHifiirr ul.timi.. Hue itiU ir.in-l i.-.iilll)- ktoiiI.iI. . Hip Kouiiiim in t.i. n l-lr.l...ii.. line iilo.iu nil of llio .lnrlMl rtl.i.1., Klili llir (h.I. rillii lo KUnmlli I all., our l.lu ll.-ni or .! 1. 1 Urn lrlr.,oii,. .Iinn-liolilrr 1 1 1 Im. lln.l.ml.-.t, for ll.r only polo It ulll Ih l,r, ,-.,.,,, l, ,rm , ,., , , M(al frn (( (M, rrM,r). , rarry . j Hire from llirlr inl.l.iirn lo llir kii.iiiiikiiI m.I.-, lilt n.i.Minl of ,. larK"' iiiiiiiIhti.I lilr....n- ll.nl uoul.l liu ) liuiilc ' .......11,1,. hIHi no (oil .lmi,.s I. K, rjMll) Lcllrtcl Huit nil of Uiimk , f,iril.rr lln.-a .till o.uiirirl ulll. It... KlniDnlli Pall. rtrlmnKr of lln 1'nrlllc I. IrniHiiip awl l..urB.i ioiimii). Ilic innllrr tin. Ukrn iiii ullli t'ountr I I'niti'd I'n-M florvlto WAHIUNOTON, U.r , Dec. 10. Horrclary Daniel aiipcarod for tlm liouau eoinmlltoo on imvflt nfTnlrn ami ailmltted that America face tho possibility of Ijfinac Involvcil In war Ho itnld Ik- thinks tho president m III koop lis out of trou lite, but lth flro all around ui, there Is danger of conflarratlon. Dollcntp question fire continually arising. ALLIES' LINE HAS STIFFENED SCHOOL CLASSES ATTEND CHANDLER SIMS-ERNST CASE 1 1 Kaiser Reported as No Better l nlted I'rcu Servlco ' I'AltlS, I)t. ll. A aenernl tirfcnliiK of tlio Allied line from Gravity of German Monarch's Illness Is Not Being Belittled COLD STORAGE TRUST GETS IT ,1111,1, iti:;iJiaTi.n,Tiu: stouaok Ol-' KMI I'ltOllirCTN, TO cut i OfT TIIK NI'KCUMTiHI, IK UI' IOTIIKCOMMiTTKK Uic Xortli Ken iim.t nil nloni; the front to .lmc U procwdlng. TliU Is fore liiK tin (Scrni.iii. Imik i-lcmly. The outer ilefenw . of Uic uIIIcm are Kinit extruded. TliU U in antlcl pillion of it Knsll,le (ternmn counter ulfeiulre. llverj- lien jillle.l position la lelni doubly lreiitlitiKl. It i evident liom tlil. (luil Cruernl JofTro lias ord, ,, t)int nil ground gained be held at miy ot. Cnlni luiinlled In lUdiclum and in itw Arm ppclnn ro.i.iit- im.nl. iiii; to the couiiiiiinlque. I Xir Qu.'.noy and Andetliy, wheic there is I most hand to hand light- j illU. ill. ulll.l lllllllll frofll t2(H IO flOo rurft. Tl.f,v lfW.L- immhA tt iIia li-i'iirheH. nml both .Idi-s lost heavllr ilu-w. I C1MI- (iOVUfl.VMKNT HTUDEXTS HKAJt TRIAL In Cros KxnmlnaliOB, K. M. OakMB, SlulV. Wltacw, la Aaked WImMmt or .Not He Jlado Kcpeated X tlous With Two of the De for Getting To ether to Km ! Ui.puted Cattle. IJUVIjON. lire. Id. TI10 n.lmlratt) h cnrllictnpl with ilitmandt lor ad ditlofiAl detail, of tlin HAtal tklor) Ifcrfo i rotiOilnicn hr that hn aitii; lirrman til's baVf Imjii fmr taVn and doatroyrd. ,Mii;rr i.. l(. ll..iNrtin of aw i-ouikiii), tin. I It n. found thai lf the failure iioiil.t rouiicri iilih ihd lornl .ttldlilNiard., and Ihu. hat., (lie .4iiMilrrphtin prhllrce. asiralilenu of Klaiiinlh Call, nl n wry .mall )r.nl) .ullrhlnu tr. Vltn fnitiir, (rlrplioii.1 Hi... . not mi iNrli.ii'ul, It I. ii lrle.1 and pro. rn .ii, .. ni,. ,,),,. In. inl,, I, il,p fnrincr and hi. family lln.l that thry .iiiiiM.I Kri ftl.uu nlllioiil lit.' Irlrpliono. Uy ll lip ran aM-rrlnln iimrLi'l miiiiiii 1,,'f.ir.' iii.iUIi.u ii limit trip (o imin, .olirll ami recclre order. fur HHluif, In full, he rnu iii.il.. Ilir riillie roiinly hi. tnimnllnln urlgh. t.-.j,... tnrl limn (lint, fur he dor. not l.ntr (o Mrp out of I lie hnus ( iiiii.iiiilralr ttlth him. . llip will ttm ! the llr.1 fnriiK'1 teleplione II. in. ronnertinK "till I (In' Itlaiiislli 1'nll. .tillrhlHHinl. 1 here ntv nlrrody llnrs eMendlng lo I ttau, t pnr Smhii liUe Valley, t'lotrr KpHuK, Wucii. and Wmt Wile , point., i:m.'rprli. iml trinity, nml lo innrhc In (he rlrlulty of lite CrUIrr A Mill, trurl. t'nlled lroB Bervlco VA8II1N(1T0K, D. C. Dec. 10. 1'm.f.aKe. of the McKellar bill, prorid Inr for the regulation of tho cold jitnraRu or food producU, was urged at n public hearing beforo the house Imtertitato commcrco commtttco today. Itcprejcntatlve Cullop of Indiana, i chairman of the sub-committee which j'ml the bill In charge, was confident .tniln) that It would be favorably ro ' ported by tho full committee, and en- nrted Into law at this tension of Con-gres. Conferences Opened KIDDIES WRITING TO SANTA CLAUS EPWORTH LEAGUE TO HOLD A RALLY KXIHWITIOV OK TIIK MOTIVKS. MrmiOIW AM) ACCOMPLISH. MK.NTrt OK TIIK YOUNG I'KOPLK AltKTO UK SHOWN Reorganization of State Administration Up Today ;sl" Kticli lntnnce tli8e tnommelidatluns am rommonly orlr of thg l.'K'll.t lute's cnrdl.il and rmathetlr p.in ilrtltiK "I am sl'I that the mnioiienlth CKiCNi:, Ore, Pel". JO. Tho . rUI nlon of tho Huto Common t-allli Confetencn that was beuun nl lb I iiUrnilty of Oregon at Kukiio this innrntng lmk up tho piohlcm of ttKftnliatln of tho stain wdmlnl Confereiiro of Otegi u Ima been dnlttg tralion at lu rlritt aesalou. Oovorttor- rmenrrh work In rniinecilon with a fli-ft Wlthyrombo opened IhU tslon number of the atato'a problem, and and l.reslded. that ll !.;.. t.mched a point whern It Tin. sneond day will bo dovotcd lojran roent It coiicIuhIoiih upnii three bariuotiUIng vlowa on Oregon'a titi of Ihem prohleius In the form of rec 'niploytnpnt problem, an that the ommendntlona." rnferenrn may make unanimous , Aiiioiir the piomnuiil Individuals letuniiiieiiilnUuua to tho January .Irmtt oulsldo linu louuiy who arc ex- . . .... . .. ... 17. ...u'T. pocteil to lilirnu are nun.) neinuoi . 1,. IVrKlnw, Mi ill noun. Ii county. Slato Henntnr I. N' ln'. Multnomnh rnun ly. Htnlo Souaioi Huiiiuel M. (lailaiid. Icelslature, Tiio cnncltiilliiK ilnv. Hal '"'lay. will be spent on dotnlls of a l'olblo law for fnrinlnK hydro liclrlc districts. Tim conferenco sessions will not ho ! Mini i-ottnty; H. A. ICotor, dcput sec I'eavlly nltendod, although everyone rclnry of suite: .1 A. Churchill. Mute '"' wishes to pnrtlclpnto In mould-, minorliiU'iidont of schoeU: ('. V (!! '! any reromtiindiitlon Hint may ho lotvny. rhalrmnn of Iho state lax ''adit Is wolcnmo to romo, u Koimrnl JcniiiinlKHltm; O. V. lloff, fltaie labor ii.Vllutli.n linvlnu i,..... u.,i..i 'rntiiiiil,i4lnner: Josenh Mavnor of N'ew A few uii.mbora of the legislature., Vnrk city, olllrlnl of tlm North Ai IM AUK ItKCKlV. A.MI1KK OK COM- MKItCK THI-SK Wll.l, UK (JIV i:' TO CIIAHITAIII.K I'KOl'I.K AbrldRliiK tho far-famed typewrit ing exercise, "Now Is the time for all good kids to urltu for tho aid of dear San tu " Tho malls nro again seoliiK letters nddressed to St. Nich olas, Santa Claus, S. Clans, Mr. 8. Kluwri, etc., for ns long as tho child ish faith In tho good old Saint re mains to mnko mora beautiful and en joyable tho Yuletlde season, so long ulll tho youngster hoihI his letter tell ing how good bo lutH been, and Riving a rntnlngufl of what he nud hla broth ers nml sUterN expect, it list so big that not even u houso would hold them much less a stocking. Tho postoillco Is sending these let ters to the Klumalh Chamber of Com merce. It tins been arranged that l hoy will bo given to tho Philanthro pe neitartment of the Library Club ""'r" inul dm oilier committed that lit car- it low stale oinclals. nersons Interest- Unn Civic I.engti for ImmlKn.uts: A.. ,. f u .. ,.... '! along ench of tho threw legislative Ml (Irout. labor commlHslonei of -.,,,, w, VostlRato and If the I'rnbh-ms to ho taken tip, nnd a num. nttln; Chnrleii Jniues of l,,','',',l,lo ottor writer aro of families In straitened circumstances, tho women will strlvo to provent any weo llttlo heiut-hi'oak ChrbdmaH morn. In the ciiso of lottvrs from children whose parentM nro of comfortnhlo .......im 1 1. nan will Im HiMied over to hauy; Clmrlea i:. Warner of I'orlland, ' . ... ,, 8b , can conmilllnK eiiRlneer. J. I- White, AI- ,)o )orgimi,od , irnK (,0 presents l.nny, innnnporwii'Kou i-owei ...... r..- 11()S, (,Mlrod, nyj H, II. Iliiaion or roriinnu, u-i'iu- Bonlntlvo from Mullnomali county! J. Ii, ThompBon of I'm timid, lepi'isent Iiik llio I'oillund Coinuiorclnl Club; W, 1). II, Dod'on of Porllnntl. ropro hciiIIiik Portland Chamber of Com- "IT Of nor. MM. InlnrA.lml llirnni'li """fn good cltlxentlilp, will comprlso Calif, social service worker. II. M. .Miller. Portlnnd. rlmlrmnn hydio- electiln I'liiniiilssloii. John McCourt I .. l ... I ...I Ulnl.oi .1 lat rl.'l nt I or-' Hhi titteiniiinco. invitriinr-itleei u'ln.v.nnii.n unvn. former ruled .stntes i 'I ".miction to tho confoTiMico pro-lnoy for Oiogou; A C Schmllt, vlco """in In tho following nlntemenl: Iprenldent l'lisl Natloiml Itnnk of AI- ('ii" of tho groateat iioetls In nil litis Is mnro cnrofully considered '"Klaliitloii. Tho iirlticlual crltlrUin "f Present day legislatures, In fact, In "t In forty or alxty duyti thoy ennnot I'liKslbiy nit Wlth Judgment upon tho "iimlrctlH and hundredn of inoiiMUies I'fi'-ontcd. "Itcsonrch work hy nn lniinrtlvl KI,KH T PANOK TO.NIOIIT Lf,'ly iixtondlng ovnr many inontliH merco; W. II Crawford, Portland en- ""'H It posalblo for such n body to Rlneerj A. II llurliiof l'm-tlnml, for- ""t Into tho hands of Inwninkora mn- mer oilllor of Labor Prins, ,1,rll Hint n loglslatlvo commllteo Any rocommoiulntlons nt which tlio r'nuot possibly gather. Bomollino conforonco nmy arrive ns ft unit will fh it body can add rocomnionda- ho prosentod to tho propor loslslRtlvo """is based upon that material, and In commltloo hy way of siikkpiH"". (Ireal preparations hnvo been made by the entertainment committee of Klamath Falls Lodjfo 1347. 11. P. O. Klks, for tholr monthly "Ladles' ulKht," to he held this evening at tho Kllm Club. Dnnelng will bo the chief featuro of tho program, and refreshments will be served. A program of more than usual In terest will bo given at draco M. K. chruch Sunday ovenlng, when the Kp worth League, composed of tho young men nud women of the church, give their annual "Itally BorTlee." The program arranged for this follews: Chas. L. Roberts Leader Subject How Much We Lovo Christ 8ong Number 7S Script nro Heading John 21:15-21 Talk by Leader ' Quartette "How the League Shows Its Lovo for Chrisl" E. M. Chllcote, Pres. "The Lovo of Christ Among Business Men" J. O. Camp Song Number 247 'What the Lovo of Christ Doen for tho Student" Miss Mllamu Tho Lovo of Christ tu Social Work" Miss Wattenburg Solo Miss Loulso Benson "The Leaguo nnd the Pastor" Hov. B. C. Richards Song Number 105 Ronedlctlon Ill-ought In Home Hog, W. II, Itrotherton was in town to day with a load of hogs, from his much In tho North Poe Valleu coun try. Hill Is a great belloTor In the great American hog as n sourco of revenue, and will turn mora atten tion to tho "mortgngo lifter" tn the future. tllhcitinto for tho Winter. Mr nnd Mrs. Q. n. Tompkins left this morning for tholr ranch on Lost Rlvor, near Uonama, whore they will spend tho winter. Their daughter, MIhh Ruth Tompkins, will remain hero to attend high school. Dinner Wows. Secretary George C, Blower of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce will leave In tho morning to attend tho mooting of tho Southern Oregon Pan- ama-Paclflo International Exposition Asoclatlon, which Is to be held In Ashland. Another prolonged cross lion Is the program of the Mcoma af ternoon of the trial of Sims. CkaAdUr The Trench artillery maintain, lit, mlvanLnge lu the vicinity of Alsue, land Ernst on charge of butckariue a nnd nl aininpagne. (COtt- bolonglng to J. N. (014 Ik). I Johnson, who lives below Merrill. IIKAVV lltK.VCH MKS iThlg Umo R M osborn, on o U uiiicu l'rcss service (state's principal witnesses. Is the i lli;ill,l., iht. in. H la annoiinre.l that titu Irencli attack on Itolcroi lunder nro. mid In the eastern district yesterday ueru broken under a heavy Are from OVinian nia.kctl bntlerle-i. The French lot heavily. I.AISKK IS NO IIKTTI.'lt TODAY United Press Service LONDON", Pec. 10. According to Anntterdam advice., the latest ofU i Inl reHirta from llerlin say Kaiser Wllhelm Is no better. It I t-ciMirtetl that he had a seven- roughing siell this morning. This nan relieved only after tho court pht,fcl.-in and the kal.crine lmd admin-l-tereil to the .lck man for nearly an hour. It Is now accepted here that Ihc rendition of Wllhelm Ls real serious. lhc strictest censorship regarding his whereabout U maintained. Tho malady nioM nffefling him I- de-ribed variously us pneumonia, bronchitis and nervous prtwtrntlnn. I Auenaauco at me trial toaay rum .been Increased by the civil goversv ment classes of the Eighth gro4. This morning one class atteadesl, ud ' this afternoon another one was srss TKl'TOXS CLAIM APVAXTAGK IX TIIK 1UST t'nlted Press Service VIENNA (via llerlin), Dec 10. The unr ortlie ay: "In western Gallria our attacks rontlnue.. A calm exists hi Southern Poland. ''The eneiny lias rcneweil IiU attacks in the vicinity of Pietrokow, hut lias failed to gnln any advantage." -- -" - ---. --. -,., "Berlin rtorfs say Russian avln(or dropiicd Imjii.Iis ut Krleburg nnd llailen yesterilay. They Inflicted no damage, nnd trere driven olf." ent. In charge of the teachers. TkJa , Is to give tho youngsters a llttto irst hand knowledge of court proesslar. j Following re-direct examination sy j the state this morning, the costplsla- Mng witness, Johnson, was sxeMse4. Ho was followed by Osborn, who tes-" 'tlfled that Sims and ChaaeUsr total him they had burled the hide of the missing cow In a deep hole. This afternoon Attorney NokuU far the derenso called up some awtusftt t discrepancies between Osborm's tsstl- fmony at this trial and at the preUso- Icar" examination a year age. It seemed evident to the audience tint I the defense was working to ley the 'foundation for a charge of perjary. i from the manner of questioning. Noland also asked the witness It he WILL AUCTION OEFA MEMOIR HAXD-WOltKKD IIAXUKERCHIKK SK.NT TO All) SOCIETY BY THK 1.ATK MRS. WOODROW WILSON TO UK SOLI) TOMORROW ., , ., , . .. . .. . (had not made a proposition to ', u "" "r V a u , " u,Bu,anil Chandler, while they were help his incapacity the taxes of the county! Ing blm pl0w t0 round up batX havo been Increased. gome Qf lhe BfM -TMtag , Under tho recall law ho has Ave the proceeds among themselves. ThU idnys In which to resign, and then, If ' Osborn denied. flu- fails, tho secretary of state mustj Ho was then asked if he hod not order a recall election. imade a proposition In June of mi. ' Ccrsoni was appointed by Governor at the Sims ranch, to 81ms and Chan- i West. Because of the prosecutor's al-idler to kill and butcher a cow with a (leged Incompetency tho governor (deputed ownership. Osbora's answer asked him to resign, according to his it" this was In the negative, as were prlvato secretary, and so did the ' ss-vMi-,it jgrand jury, but Cersonl refused. ' (Continued on page 4) In addition to u sale of a large vttrl- clty of fancywork, etc., a splendid tlsh and chicken dinner and other features, an auction Is to bo held at ( tho Presbyterian ladles' bazanr to morrow In tho White building. This auction Is to be held at 0 o'clock. At that tlnio there will be offered to tho highest bidder, a hand worked handkerchief, donated to the Ladles' Aid Society by the lato Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, This handsome plcco of work was sent at Easter time by tho First Lady of tho Land, but as there was no bazaar at that time, It was held until tho present. Much interest is being manifested In thts bazaar, and thoro ls a groat variety of work to ho sold there tomorrow. Klamath $317,000 Lane Asks Appropriations. No New WorkLtcily An appropriation of 1317,000 forittead of receiving a f 3 per acre pay uork ou the Klamath project during mtnt annually from the water users the fiscal ear ending July 1, 191C, lsl01 tno Klamath project, ls reeelvtec .,. n i... a-.. r,... . h,A(rom 36 to 42 cents an acre, and the uii it w w j..t jt,.i j suuu as ai9 i report to Congress. Other Oregon nprpoprlattons requested are $366, 000 for Umatilla project and S4G0, 000 for tho Central Oregon co-operative work. PROSECUTOR IS ASKEHO QUIT ALLKlU.NG TilVT PROSECUTING ATTOIlXKs IS IXCOMPETEXP, TILIiAMOOli PEOPLE THRRVT KX TO RECALL HIM SALEM, Dec. 10, Charging incom petency, approximately S00 citizens of Tillamook county havo nled a petition with Secretary of State Olcott, asking for the recall of M. J. Gorsonl, dis trict attorney of that county. They allege that lu addition to be ing Incompetent, he has ubsented him- s&me Is tho case elsewhere, thus de pleting the lucomo of the commission. Klamath county's reduction Is Ma terial, hut as this project has one Of tho lowest prices per acre, the differ tuco elsewhere ls more noticeable. la The appropriation requested tor the i tho majority of cases, the reclasM- Klamath project does not provide foritlon cost ls C5 pr acre. Instead, .ef. tiny now construction work, as none '30, as Is the case here. This smsju is eouieiupiaiuu uunug iuo cuimus tlscal year. Instead of making addi tions to tho acreago irrigated by the project, It ls tho lnteutlou during the yuar to get tho local systom Into shape to comply with tho extension net in overy particular, such as meas uring of water, etc. Of the 317,000 appropriated for the Klamath project, It is estimated that close to 170,000 ls to bo used lu construction of drains and othor drainage operations. Otherwise, the money will bo largely used for oper ation and maintenance of the project already ertabllnhed. Throughout the West there has been a cutting down In the appropri ations asked tor in comparison with other years, This ls due to the fact that since the passage of tho exten sion act the reclamation service, In- thai Instead of receiving 6 per sere, the government ls receiving front 10 to 20 per cent of that amount, ac cording to how far the work is along on tho particular project. It ls for this reason that little pro. vision lu being made for new wstk ou auy projoct, construction appr- prlatlons being mainly for the eetv ' plotlon of work already started 'thet-' must bo completed, .s,,. Under the terms of the recUnMtav . '- "Pi " A ;tW. ,' ators and representatives to hnrrnl1 Itif. funds aI aM. Sa state. It therefore bshseves-j Kktt'i;' ath project people, both I. OrvjNCM- that the money needed .forthJe' fsjfcfj', .' Joct Is not reapportioned sf'eeasvtsV. '?' nlC slonsl delegation to wert ....; ' in Oregon a&d CtiUforttldV. :"r - ' vnv, tv , , ff't VJT j .vw "'$ v . .- iVJ Y.