",4,: -'X i'.- lO !. i vi i rii?H- V PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS - .. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAMTJT ''!S -, h .rsi SWS Xlnlli Vrar No. U.flll "--si- -: , ,. , , SUNK THREE GERMAN CRUISERS ARE BY IHE BRITISH FLEET IN FIGHT IN SOUTH ATLANTIC Lotted ' Hoi Ice M.VIMV, Ifcf. t, ' Ul-ltlMIt Mill.. It, htllltUl. lil'IM-lttll liml Ulul Ii.n iHtt mi. ) Hi" llilll.li hontli ULiniJ. ..iii.in.lr.Mi. ii...,rl-k- rtlllMMIIIHMI'Ill llliilln Hlllltilil ll) flit, fiitlnlinll). tlir twll Nriltrt )i.Hftrt) i.rr . nlkLitiil UUmU. In ll.. .ulli .ttlitnllr Occrtli, ' 't the hliwll nf Mngi-llnn. I ii ftiitit (iiriiuui iinilMiti (in. uichjI nllli Hn IlilfUU lili. In ilil. dtnl. M' - iMSSttwl fin Hi., Iwtltrr Im-Iiu; I In. Ili.-..li,, Xmnr. !.. KflniMllirl, Jwlrn mill l.lnlg. T, (0 nmillomil I'niUi-,. ,. ml,) nllrr I lie ullirr I III re tWinnn m,. iinL, Two ItVniiHM iollli hh at r(.iiu,il, rlio UrrtiMli MUHitiuii ulilili iin ilrlmlr.l u,i. uiiii-..ti 'iann, ,,( llir lil llil iwnillj Milk llir- llilll.li iniUrr I,imI IIojn. nil Mini. IihimiIi ,lt Ihn iimC nf l.liHI. KLAMATH KALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1914 America Is Wholly Unprepared for War, Say Eminent Military Men ARTILLERY SENT COWBOYS' TRIAL TOWARD BORDER' STARTED BEFORE THE JURY TODAY (irininli. (In Nut ii t lillrd l'l" Hnrlt ,MKlX, Ik".-, U, Wr U UiM-nlnint limn . n"Mli. (n.iii Mladrtii nm iiiIihim Inu nlnii l... tuilinl inuard Vnt-w.n (.nitklrot,. Ilirlr ltnr pMrud I" l'rtl). iKcnlJ inllm In llm t-dl, ((hrre Hie) 4IP lion rlutftglua III MiimUii. tin- l,tl inriiU.iiinl ilrr L lf) tnllr lit I t'rwM(. l'MIl l'rr Kwvlre VIENNA (lU llrtlln), lire, U, I'UliUnii III H'.xl.-rii UnlkLi U .till (rrj llit)lMni, V w allnrkrtt, lull l-nl IwrL I lie rtiriii) friiin t mi.iIiiii I , IkilwijiM, ' L"bltit l'r rlervlce I'Altlh, Ik. U,TIm lll- iv Mltmirlttc aIhiik llir l.t IUm mi.il, J rulrAliin III Bttln MilKi ill llin IiiIhiMiiI lilgliMa) (mm llimlln (n I, lite, Ircin Mint ,mt. ll l lrlHrl llwl lilt1 Itritimn trllJMIit In llinl rrllini l llrnliiilliy liji tntnn Hi llw liii (illlntm(l "I ihh -iil In ilu. tiili-tn fniul, f i ilUllltnilr,! ni i.llirr mlnl wlimiC Uif irlrrn llm. I HERRICK GETS A 1916 WOMAN BOOMER IN .UUtlTIO.V Tt HIU.tlllATHIV HV nt.writ. nmn:u .mm.ma. IMIlt IS JII.T UV I'lUNKUH A Nl lUMiHTini niii i'itiwim:T 'S RELIEF CORPS OFFICERS avmwi. i:i.i:anux is iu:i,i nv MH'liriV JOINT IX.sTAI.ia- tio.v to in: iii.i.d tiii: reni: iMHTiir ri:imt?Aitv l( f? ' :MLkiH mfK''JJJl BiE!-----i" tH Hi 'iSS' spi$HBPIJl ii,VS(HI V-jiiff-L , Mnnp i- fJKTikcTi39f Bi BPt i' iH Hr "''"'' fafc' -'"-'--------. v ''" v' 'H ! l' Pltt.!?'? 't;aH Ki j, Ctt B KB i'j' . jimmbmi '-,? r'.?y?PW WBt,.v,'M-L: fi?ti- T-ERf ? r Jv (KnHV HK i - -f;TW Vfy i -.......Pr y' hiP Ip3l iilH DBk ------------------ifl- w0r vSifii-!B!si---i iKiiBBKrCi HK'iiiWtiu9itnL'1 HMOikiMBK 9,-jK( lPi yj wS HIm7'VzL. C7HUuLvjijir!liiUHi rs BrMMK l V iaBflK' 99KCtslSlY'l VHr t-iHM3HSETnw I r , tP1 "w HBBri$- B MHHMv9-4i l - r . " i yi .wrs w cr 'KKC'k!&! JL -aK. ' ' I fJS&SW$3j&&ii' x- nav-v-TT.'7iiir) v rab- . VC'I,:B e" . HT r'V'rA7XV Y ' B " Wr.''. "WAitf.VVVv H h ir . '' . jy'Ar j.x:3-s . .. ... 7rA'jr rr--. z ---- -.(V fj'lLUy UVM.3-i ntut - ' Qj sicnuAifi I :Tiiiii:k iiArrKitms of tub hixth AUK HBXT TO XACO F0f FOKT I I1MSS STIM. . WAITIXH" i I'nlti'il l'ea Service ! KI. I'ASO, Texag. Dec. 9, In re jpone to order from tile war depart jtnciit. llatltrloi A, 11 nnd C of tbo Blxlli tlulted Siatea FJeJd Artlllcrr Nr,, l...u. nli- .t-,.. - - ivii run iiiisn ints uiiirnin iur uur- der duty at Naco, Ariz, "VATCHFrr.'COMl'hAIXlNa WITXFJWKH lWK ' CAIiMCD J. S. Jolmvm. Mio Say Him, Chaft dlcr and Knvtt Stole Cow -mI HntcliiTciJ It, TclU of FlaiUg Fr tlortK or Hide and the Head Bftlil In RlmV Place U Sabect to Htromr Crow KxRiiatioii hjr 1 WASIIIXOTO.V, V. C. Llec, . IThc Whllo Uoato today denied that! the movement of artillery toward) Xaco Indicates a chanee In ihe! After iwenty-nlne H wero j ."watebful waiting" policy. President ,1-cd na to tbelr qualillcatloBJ, Jary Wilson iald this aa merely precau-'tvaa todar selected la tfa trial' of ,Uonary- iWd. Slm, Lore Chandler aad It-- II hM been tbougbt wlae to.ErMt0Il c , -acow(u-" Htrenethen the Unttod SfntM fnrrn nfl - Naco because of the reckleas care-.lho tak,nf of eotw lessnesa of the two contingent factors lll,a -fternooo. acrois tbo border In falling to con-i Members of the Jury are: A. If. trol tbo direction of their fire." said a Jamison, J, W. TyreUB. Q. Terry. C. rtMemcnt luued today by the White E- Sp,den Wm, wcbf w h q, "wuic. j cuufsu ui. ugsreaaive at Uon there Is contemplated." majers: SENEGAL (rVlLLlXM W. kVaTHCf?3rOOW, 3HOtA0f Major General LEONARD WaOQ Thai tin' Fulled Slati'H U wholly tliii liiil, nud W. V. Wotherspoon, position of General Wotherapoon U' lilllirrliarixt fot War. and. In fnt'l. Iiun'nr. n.int rhlnf nf llm cnnnrnl Mtiiff. f!in.' ronfalned In lilu annual rpnnrt. Up! iiiMi morn thmt ono-tcnth iho num-'cral Wood nays a forclRii enemy could goes considerable farther than did! . .' , ', litir of noldlum nvwlod for the regular ! land troops in the United States some- Hepresentatlve Gardner of Massacbu-j aj m ' " . . .. . ' . ... ... .. .,. " iiviua iwii army in cane tr war. i ui rotiifniion wiierc between itosion ami tne unesa-(.cus in nis recent, speecn in ice nouse. . . of Major tionornl lonard A. Wood.'pcakn Hay, If tbo navy could not hold Tbo chief of staff says the United) , 'us. former chief of tbo Rt'tmral staff, and I them off. H. L. Velt, D. D. Campbell, J. H. Oar- irett, Iloy jVppIegate, Oscar Sbrra at Arllo Worrell. Following the opening stateweiU. I the complaining wltaeee, 3. H. Jete . son of Merrill, was placed oa. tk s i stand by the state. Ha teetiM ttet the covr, which had a crooked kens. was missed by him la DiomW e 1912, and that searc tor ker aTaOe 'nothing, until a year later, k keeasae UIIAW.V OUT LABOR'ausplcIous, and. with hie bratkerJ- WAlt IX COLOKA1JO COAL ms.,Iaw. mde a eearch of thetkea ' tima mnnn amra raaa ib ,.o .-UU, x.U .WUUU W VT.a part of the hide ottaa esv karlai. The state's coatestloa ia that tke i three men killed the aalaul aad aetd It -as beef. COLORADO STRIKE ENDS TOMORROW jTHB LONG DKICT EXWS OFnCIAMA THAT T11K DENVER, Colo.. Dec. a. It a said strike' In Colorado's I In cross examination; Jadge Drake put the complainant throagh a I ftrkot flalflx mIII ntnHA . .m.ait . - !- . -.. - - - t . . iiviua nui IVUJUi eUM CUU UiULlUllT r . a . --.i-t cuursn r Rnrnnri nnr)H itr eaiaaei nlnflo nnn. nf 1. l.tAK.a r . w " '" - ..., WUv w u- uiuciosi tlonlnff- Inrtlmfaul thei rha . ' 1 frnt"Wfrc hzkfXtrAin Inhnr nml Annllnt - Uenoral Wood"a statement States has only 40.9CS men and 2.T3S' . " """ addition to protlng that the . ... - . .. . ....... , l JA.C11I. CUIa. ... ...... . - r.u now rotninamler of tbo department of uni made In an Interview, while the oiucers nt for ngnung. ,,. , . , men am not Dutener the cow a Jokav foiled I'm tiervlrp M nn'c-tlng of F 11. Hprnciie NBW V011K, Due. !. Former Am. Chnplir. Wntimn's Relief Corn, held UMhitor Myron T. Ilerrlck and Mm. l thn Library Club bulltlliiK. the fol- Ilwlck arrived on tbo liner ibam.jloinK offlrcru wrm rlecint fnr Hie Uau this mornliie. Iltiitilrmls braved .Miuln: U-rnr Ihc chilly, uliuliy day to wilroinn tbo ivnulilont Mr. O. W. Itobrrlmm. ouilo ( ihnlr imtlvn laiil. HoiilnrVIco Frt'slilmil Mr. Obnr- II) lrtlr France coufrri'il iho loiiu HntiorUon. Ilratui (,'rom nf iho Jeloii of llnnnr Jumur Vlrn I'nmiilmil Mrs. 0. A. "Pirn Mr. Merrick, mid Ctiiniimiiderienrim. MMpom of Hi Roclmmbeau di-rorMiM. (.h!U,,t, Mr, .lin, Bargmtl. Horr.ru .bo ,bl shlon yreienUy. , towwr , ZoI1)) c. Kbnll. . .lifMil in (I'llllll Tl H llirui "in" lanrd n boftin for llnrrlck n tbo re publican i-nmlldnln for thn ir'lil'ii ill nomlnnllon In I Old, Treamtier Mr. Carey M. Rnitmb)'. Conductor Mrs. ll. K. Wllbrnw. fiimr.l- Mr.i llunrlolln llronlilluld. Kaiser Wilhelm Is Sick MOVING SAWMILL HERALD STORY TO THIS COUNTY UNITES CHUMS TL'. .U. iltil- -i . ! . c uuiuu uuu.un uvcure mai oniy . ,. 1!M i, -.i v Mass., manages a mouse farm, which! Is over 1,000. The union Is prepared". , rats t to care for these until they get work. , .' .. on BM, .,.,. mMA rhe operators say that they have n mh , ,-,m-. salo for her little animals from medi- no places for tho striking men nt the : fenced D s, . h ti,do nl il Itinlltiillntio ifIia,. IIiav nf. iiiiaI nusnn. Itmn ... .ll, M ., ... . BIW VU SW ..4...UMUU4, i..VtV MV " MA.U I'IKVUI V..LIC, UU1 M ItCUIJJlUJ (UCUl for research work. las vacancies occur. harbors over 11.000 mice, 500 and 100 rabbits. She tlnds a steady (Continued oa ) .MILL MACIIIXF.KV l.KIT MO.V- TA(il'i: THIS MORXIXO, AND 1' i:.i'i:rri:i here tomorrow. i fJOIXU 111' AT Ol.EXK A THIRD RKUXIOX IS HELD IX KI.AMATH FALLS BY DUFUR .MAX WHO IS HERE VISITING SISTF.R, .MRS. E. H. RAMSRV Patriotism Prevented Panic German Ruler Contracts Pneumonia Whileat Front United 1'iess Service HiniLiN, Doc. u. It la muled e ) Hint he I In i very serious rondl- to. Illlll. '" that Kaiser Wilhelm Is nrforli.R n u ,,ol11 " " w ,1 . I h b , l(iii)H'ror will bo In n condition nlcn "'M a Hovero nlliick of pneumonia. ;w wnrrA1 ,,h removal to Iho nip. '"rlliT In thu day It mn lenrned thul (a, H'u kalHer's condllloii was snllsfiio- IIohIiIom the pneuiuonlii which ho lory lo IiIh phyutclaiirt, hut his comll-llmH coiilrflcted, llm Itnlmr's lieiillh In "n Ib kiicIi ihut ho will bo uiinlilo loJnUii coiishlernbly linpalfeil as tho ro '"turn to llerllu for some time. Hiijt of llm nMnmio exorllon of ro- Klinr wnii.,1,,, i.u i....... m iim. malnliu: almost loiiHtniitiy in ino moih front almom roiitliiuaiw lnr.. tho bo- with lil troops Mlnro Iho war stinted , -"-.-.- .-. r.... . kIuiiIiik of tho war. either In tho onst "in or westurn tboator, mill his III' Hs H attributed to exposure, hIiioh traveled almost entirely by uulo, Tim Mtnff phynlclans have iirrompiinlod him I'Verywhcro. Huffem fruni IlidiiUrlitw I'lilloil j'ross Service AMSTERDAM, Doc. 8. Tills nor noon's niossnie from Berlin, rourd K llm condition of Kaiser Wlllieliu, rlio strain of attempting to dlnot tho troops bolh in tho oast ami went bus worn tho kaiser terribly. Practically over since the war Klnrt- ed Kaiser Wilhelm bus been almost a 'coiiKtiint sufferer with vory severe .headnches. brought on through lieu- rnlKln. Ilerlln mesMiiges sny that this Iron. ! hlo has rendered tho kulser very Irrit able. Of Into, bo has repenteuiy, oo como oxtremoly violent toward his counsellors and others around him, Uulted l'ress Service I WASHINGTON, Dec. y, Optimism In pieparatlon for commencement! in nddlllon to a reunion with bis of construction of n sawmill im early .sister, Mrs. E. It. Ramsby, Louis J. ns possible next spring, 11. II. Ed- Kllnger of Dufur, Ore., has enjoyed mouds and associates will tomorrow 'two other pleasant reuulous since morning receive thrco carloads of saw icomlng to Klamath Falls on his way mill nmi'hlnory. This will bo trans-. to Cloverdale, Calif, potted to their mill site near Olene as) Learning that Mr. nnd Mrs. Kllnger soou tin thu roads are In good shape were leaving tomorrow for California, , for heavy hauling. (Mrs. Eliza Snwtoll, who Is an old ' pervades tho business world. The The mill machinery coming In is .childhood friend of tho brother and1 country can look with confidence to the complete equipment of tho old sister, delayed hor departure fortt,0 future of Its trade, commerce and IMmonds, Hull & Horn Lumber com- Chlco until tomorrow, so tho old industry. Such, lu belief, is the op pany. It Is sulllelent machinery for friends will meet attho station nndlmUtlc outlook or Secretary of tho tho milling of from 40,000 to r.0,000 pleasantly spend the hours of their Treasury McAdoo. as given, in his an feel of lumber a day. Journey In swapping romlnlsconces. u,a report made public today. II. II. Edmonds came in last night I u waa ,l10 Intention of H. Q. Bus- n0 udmlttod that the couutry might froni Montague, whero bo suporlu- 8cy ft woU kn0W11 resldont of Langell easily buvo been Involved In u "panto vanoy, in reuiru nome lasi nigui. t,r cataclysmic proportions" In ttio When ho rend In Tho Herald yester- ,tark days after tho outbreak of Eur day that Mr. and Mrs. Kllngor wcro'0po's war. hero from Dufur, ho Immediately do-1 n(1t ho held that tho ship of elded to remain ovor today, nnd as a tlnanco steered clear through troubled result, thoro was another reunion, for Jw-utors bocauso of the basic economic Kllnger and Russoy were boon com-, strength of tho country and tbo pallons In tho days when thoy woro, "patriotism of Its people In ovory i kids nud Oregon waa somewhat of a (..BS3 (Uid walk of life." youngster, too. Thoy spent a most i,ulse, too, for tho co-oporatlou of pleasant evening last night, telling of, -uIk i,8liies8" In the porlious days their hunting experiences over In tho; was given In unstinted measure. Valley. i "Confldeuco has boou restored nnd specie payments have been maintain- Optimism Pervades Business World, Says McAdoo . tended tho loading of tho equipment. Tbo tlireo cars loft Montague this morning, Edmonds and his associates havo purchased practically 15,000,000 foot of timber In tho Olene country. They plan lo run n full season next year, nud toward that end, will start con htructtou of tho saw mill Just as early next spring as tho weather permits, Alii Society Meeting. The Ladles' Aid Society of tho Christian church will meet tomorrow afternoon nt tho home of Mrs. James llllioii on High strcot near Eleventh. Tho meeting will start at 2130. Mrs. Kutherluo Nichols of Cincin nati has Invontod anil pntenled u tolephono device consisting of double receiving tube, which compels tho user to speak dlroctly Into the transmitter. So eager for higher education are tho young women of Mntno that one cn-educntlonni Institution was so ovor crowded that It wns obliged to fix a limit to tho number of womon admit ted any one year to fifty. in Java, when a man. marries, ho goes to his wife's house, where the women sit In council upon all mat tors of Importance and dictate the affairs of the home, ed lu tho face of tho world," said McAdoo. "Tho general revival of business throughout tho country Is tho host ovIdeiiCQ that confidence has returned." That tbo treasury department per formed it gigantic task lu aiding a distorted and daugeroua financial situation was ovldenced from Mc Adoo's review of department action In the crisis. Issue of emergency cur rency, amendment of the federal re- .liiiPilMi ag4BBaW aPm lliilf "! "KsFv I? aVaP. I'M E3bg& K&iiaawH &9fc& SxawsjawKaBB eWBBfcBwBaMsaBBaiS"a"- Secretary McAdoo servo act, cotton nnd grain confer ences, International exchange adjust ments, creation of a semi-public cot ton pool these and other undertak- tugs, proptly managed, orereasae dif ficulties of an enormous site. Of the new federal reserve beak lug system, McAdoo' predicts great things. Would Extend War Ta McAdoo coutonded tbat to preserve . tho sound condition of the treasury, i It would bo well to extend the opera tion of tho war tox. "I venturo to suggest that thla Hab itation to December 31, 1915, should bo removed and the act amended aaA i as to provldo that it shall romala ta force until peaco Is restored la Kur ;ope, that fact to be determined hy a proclamation of the presldeat," Me Adoo said lu this connection. ., "This is all the more necessary he-, cause oven with tho retura f'aaafe ' It win be a long time, la all prefcakM lty, before tho belligerent MUaaa.wM . be able to restore their' aieiilMiH.'. power and foreign coaweee.'-''sjsd oven then the proceea ' ataat'k; gradual." v ' "it ' WarKlak Turning to the new aatlvttjr treasury department la kaadUsur 1 risk insurance, McAdoo said tkat (fee bureau Is co-ODerstlBC .saaaMBfesK with the customs dlrUioa.Tafc IMthf ' li Is nroviaa a xeaatHaai:asja 'f- for the proteeUea aad aMrilfp iff J Aaaerlcaa 'coaiaweeel:: AsMMl !wiiwywwiyswi)sgHpJSja .'! ft" I "W J: I Sl 1 n,?i, T?'rlJitt&to jm.:'m l-T.Z' 'kl'l. W?Mi iW, (Caatiaaat aa aaap r & ,'- t