WJAp . f ;p jt '. V .v ::. JK . PRINTS THE NBW8 WHILE IT IS NKWS h rv vsMMMMsti Ninth Vrrti" 'm. tf.fHll KWtttttg Iterato KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPBlJ .. a GERMAN TROOPS MORE ACTIVE ALLIES ADVANCE , I'M Ml MOVEMENT IOMAIIH mcnli.v IH O.V FIVE ACCUSED KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914 MEN ARRA GNEO Wilson'slMesiage to Congress Asks Passage of the Bills forll VTI f fYPfPTLn Federal Shinning nJ. c D LULL LAI LU I CU and Military Drill for Volunteers Mil I.IIMn MI.i. huh: M itui. hi tun. n in NOI.lMi Idem M'IIwiii msoiuiikihU In iiU iihimwiri: I mii.i ii,i:s i:-i i:ui:ii NIMH AMI IM'Mroitli So I' IIV I ba i.liiiiitii... ... il.. t . . . ...... ....... " " "!"" in o uin-iit.. irnue ciomsi to r,urti ot we . II... .I.l.n.lnu .'..,,, ,Mr"' rr,,urt"' M',l' '""I rciciililoi; wlf.Koren.mrnt In ll.c l'I.ill,..lne; .go if .WHETHER VETERINARIAN OET8 I'l'I'IK ..III lllliri.kte.1 lit IIu'UI,m .. ......... ........... ... ,i... .... ... . . .. ' m-oati-ili. ....-I,. , ' " "'" nimmmmn coui; rnorti equipment ror urn nrmlsl ... Z,t,T.'T,"y Trn,m-"1 I"wImw through n syslMnallc reorganization of flnntUI affairs; c.n.,1 .... ....;.... '. '""",n "' "' "iio voluntarily tako uji this work; .leelopmT.t of tho national SIMS-CHANDLER . HERE TOMORROW: TRIAL BEGINS IN THE COURT Hlon for the milliner training or rlllen. vvl.o voluntarily Uko ..,. tl.U ork; .!. I. mm M...il,...nl f ,rt.t ,,ltlc In rM,.oc to army n,l Mr, Increase. I .Itllllrr) Duel Am It. PrKiv. All l'nr of Hip mm indlued ,r iiitt 'grand jury wrmajtalKiml l.t'fun (lr ,I.mk ll" l.l.tr -41rron.s Mn If... cull Jude Ilem.ii. (Mo morning. Al .11.1. Onlrr III,, flu,., -, llM.k.,'l,,,,"m',!f",0'W,ll,,",r irirti nv whiihim ui,. .......... .. ...... ' , . .... .. '. ' ' "" """. uf " inline., uy Mm president M pro- .1.1.1 (Mmi.bf-- ll..U. IH.wl. 'r of 4 horse anil A. I. Punt. grlv.. nnd beneficial lib stated .......... ,.tt.lhl....f ort..l, I.. l:"?;.!n.,!!e',,".,A " '-"'""'-' ' U XM loo ,arl'y ,., . ,, - ' i"1' '"") Jwii" on a rimre.i of 11 1. itnf.t. il,n iir.M.. in U. I.i. ,p,,i,,B h ',,ffi' 't "M'l.m d.u.fl) Mrlkw w tio." n.) Nono of Km ra haw. pt t,(n "'" l.rwl.lcnt. " l.wjk nliout lor irlal. fimreo Nulanj will ,). H'.-i cIokIiik .laH or a cr which haw ' Ciillr.t I'icm Itvr.lfn f""J 8,m. "I'1 ! uitirl fiptioldted .'" fovoror mcmornble In the hl. I'AIIIU, !). llr ctiiiolMit liehl.' " ,' ..r ou.n...i -w ... ...n ..r..., is ..mi wo jacu 1 tat tne tho I'nurlioiulBvl.? mail, ti. I'rrafli loi' ucrnilK lo I ho xtull. f Vl'fr !" nearly rplrii Koullnr lu a fliiiKHiB iniirnnvni lo ri.vrri McMln I nlicU I'rua 8rrlc ...hIAm,,,N0T0N' ".' C" UC' S, Col,M,,. ln iol"t iewlon todar, again heard 1'reildcnt Wllwn read por-ii-ii) nu maiuKo. I'opular Intcrct In the document wa Intcn.c. and admUslon card were at a premium. The. nmllmio a mo.tly comfioiod of f .millet, of loKlator. Tint IfBUIalloii of (h) lonit aeailon JIKItK OH XOT, IIOQ CMOI.KHA LECZVlim WILL HE HELD AS 1'KU SCHEDULE I-1VK ATTOKNEYS ENOAOIW IX THEOA8S I vunaiiuaii8, ti.ared viith a kinl.:'1" ". h.. Ikhh faclnu thorn uiorj" tjltn... .titer a idea on' "" "I w'MI, mtut fan- them In' llrtlMk I1am. (...- t.l. .! .. . 1.1... i....t.t.u ... ........ ... ... ...--..in ... ...(tfr. 10(11 flr.n ' " """" I" . Villi IBU' l..f.Ill W.l ,iif,.inr. hiio wa lndltlwd hIiIi I'rr.l "' P'lMlsai. fellnn llko men who! Ilallcy rlmre-l wild btirclHrliliiK tl. '' lrtUn 'W.rlhliiK but a com- 'Tolir Ixr lUtuilllttnl una i-Ivm. ...,lll Mll.ll. dlilv. nin Dm fnrt ll.nl . Will, lb .itlllrrr kUtiporilHi lb. ,rmrtuw ,0 ,Mll (. Merrymni"l'r--n(ah of a Krcat vretAe. ' Itrnth Kmdualiy ndvniKfd Ibrlr wnt Mt0inlr,t ., .,., ,,.. ul.ot ihouthi u .,.. nt ... ..... r 1. ....til l.U ku .. ... I. ---...- n. n. . . y. "-.-. .r.f..V.r. Iicra lllllll inn; ..Bm .'IflriliailJ tlfstcd Hot rallnwd, I'rwl llollpy. Imllrird lll, SlMd..r!w,l0( Aim-rlcn oM to hrmelf nnd lo' oil Hip lamn fl.artfn l nl III, ...... ....'nil Hiailkllld 111 Wlicll clrCUIIHlailKI a Thr IliKUh rtiituril l'rhi-iiriftl !,,) Hi lll tw arralttt.l Ut.-r '"1"l,,, u,," tt,llf,, w" ,ook on lh road briiw.nHouib V.,.t and ).filk vuiim. b u I..-M for",ml '" HuulU-r rrj.rr.nlliiK .nolb.tr wd- ll4l, w,mr 0j All,n (. j,t,i , M'ar ha InK-rnittU-d not only tho, xnt il... Iaiipr' humoM.d nrar Midland, !m,n" of ,ra,h'' ,,nt nUo ,ho rtc Th rnmy lAim morn ntihe ,j nl,r nU j, jamlftrr in, r producilon In Kuropo ll la de fter tho Vr, lint ib Prci nfill- uii,, i tlirrrfom b h.dd after ,,rolnK """ n", rto..rct holfal try rridlrd will, BIK- to ( ft!. , . .,.... rrar, .,, .., ind nvm n Kale unprrcrdrntud nnd Urlirl. M' 1 1 lam Utkt 0wrftliiti alone ib AUn and hMir ..t.l.H.l.ittfllM m h ... fa t. . t.b. .atll Itrj dur, id.. IVnrl. calnliie imc' (round ntar Ar..niir Raw. bin tr.Jt natnn al 1 I'nlicl l' (ferric I'imiOdltAD, IW Tbonmclal Mttrtnrtit admlU lltp tjcrmatt wer IIp 10 mako Ibflr vlorotu elgtK da aiutk by arrival of U Army rurjw 6d n ravnlrr ilUUIdn. I'art of lhr l lit l9lrd. fan.n from Iho wcHrni baltjo field, and lb otbM efo new formation, toblrlf, IhruuKti lack of collision, o heavily in iho nKliilne. A iaiomnt that "a dwlro lo n- lllli lxli ttoulil tirnv.i liirni.tniitf.i 111 maur Imiwrtanl reirrU" U ?!'""' January tplp.l n. omflrmliu (iPtmaii' rnrl I l?a'"1 l'1'1" HM' "' Ihk ollbp rti'a rapture, , Hank. January ll. - Ilrnnor ft. .HHilli.ll, J a mill r 13, l'nlip.1 1'reu Hnrvlc. Clark M'ANHINflTON, t. V, IVc .--. uary H. Thi (Jrrman embaMa" her., maki HnndtMitiHrc ItoborU. Jan TRIAL DOCKET AS SET TODAY Hlrtlp .SI 111. DfVililIxT I? Umio ruiiifuril. January 0 ltob.-r 4 WhUnmrw . Olhi-r, 'January ". Hchallork A l)nicplt n 8(plit-ii- appalllnr Thrro l reawtn to fcarf that tl.p Him. In nar. If It b not nl- n-ady nt band, when nexernl of the rnuntrlM of Huropo will find It dlf- Ilrllll In do fur tlu.lr ononln ulml llw.v !... I1I1I1.TI0 Ih'cii nlwa) ially able ' '"Cktl ."'' 1 HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHQN . fjPjiiiiiiihf.'iLjiiiiiiiiiWBmiB v'iv' "UliililliiiiiiiiiiiB 1 z.t?rN According to Information received 'by County Agriculturist II. Roland jGlateyor, there U a poa3iblllty that iM'lth the decpet earneiitne I urKj8tato Veterinarian Lytic may bo here It.elr prompt passage. .tomorrow night to conduct the hog1 "In ihcm both we turn our back 'cholera demonstrations and lecture. j upon hesitation and makeshift, and! Whether bo reaches here or not, t formulntc a genuine policy of use and jtho lectures will go ahead aa sched-' , conservation In the best sense of ulcd, for there havo been about 3,000 ' linos words. Iiogs Infected In Oregon, and It Is felt I "We owe tho one measure not only to bo high time to be preparing the to tho Kople of that great Western (local farmer to combat this malady, country for whose free and systematlclGlalsyer and Drs. Mitchell and Pren- deudopmont, us It seems to me, our jtlis are carrying on the demonstra- Ieglslatlon has dono so little, but alsojtlons and letcurca. to the nation as a whole, and wo also, a demonstration . hM f ..,- Tl.reo of Tlteae Are CoMtaCttaf Mat Suto's Caar, and N'oUad mm! Viikm Ara lu Charaui of the Tl.re Mcaiher of tke Jwrjr AM I cured TtiU Afteraeea, ws4 1 I housed by the Coait. Mirt S t owe them the ulflllmcnt or our re peatrd promises that the water power of the country should In fact as well as In name be put at the disposal of great Industries which can make eco nomical and profitable use of It, the rights of tho public being adequately gunurded the while, and monopolly In the uie prevented. T N". Case farm today, and a lecture will be given at the lit. Lakl church tonight. The other lectures sched uled follew: Trial of Love Chandler, WUttaa Sims aad Ivan Ernst, on charge of the larceny of a steer two years for was started ln the circuit court tkto afternoon. Prosecuting Attorney Join Irwin, C. St. OneUI and H. M. nlng are appearing for the tlon. while thn counsel fnr tk 1 Tomorrow, demonstration in iler- '" coraPl ol Jnd . rill In the afternoon, illustrated lee- Jndge Drak- turo In Merrill opera houao at night. Jurors accepted today were A. M. Thursday evening, lecture at Malln. Jamison, J. W. Tyrrell aad B. O. Ttf- .. , . Tiaay aucrnoon, aemonstratlon at,'' "fu" "", nuusn uwna, Speaking of more kclf gocrnmentn. H. Robert's farm, lecture In Lowerlw- B- Crlfflth, Oeorge J. Waltom, . r the I'hlllpplues. Wllbon said: ,ioe ValIoy school house at night. ,rem. Lvl D- "Ward aad H. J. Lttft- Saturday afternoon, demonstration I001 wero Mam,n " "T at Bonama. lecture In evening. 1 lhe court' ond Frmnk 0r - IKi.seu u me buiiv. How better. In this tlmo of anx lous .juestlonlng and perplexed pol icy, could wo show our conQdcncce in tho principles of liberty as the source um of tli ores and forests and watei powers of our nation domain In the'aa wo" a the expression of life; how rich state of the West, when H.H"!lt could o demonstrate our own should hao acted, and they a'ro still ,Eclt Possession nnd steadfastness ln essential and funda The key Is still turned upon them, tho door shut fast nt , 'which thousands of vigorous men, full JI0 1I0 ninny Ml in 1.1 1 thine. At nnv ml.. )i- ullt ,nr..d ..r help and our manifold ser-of, 1lln,le. knofk Amorously for lr.K as they bare ncu-r needed hem!',ImlU',nc" betore, and we should bo ready." "The water power of our niixlgable 1 The necessity of suppl)lng South. streams, outside tho national domain i America and ether places formerly JnlM, e en In the Eastern states, where buying from Europe wat. emphasised. 'e hate worked nnd planned for gen "It Is a very practical matter, ..'.'rations, U still not used as tt might mailer of ways and means," conttn- be. becauso we will and we won't; tied th president "We have the re-jI'auFC tho laws we havo made do sources, but nro wo fully ready to, not Intelligently balance encourage uso them? And, If we can make jment against restraint. We withhold, ready what .i bne, have wo the I by regulation meant at band to distribute It? "In the senate, two great measures "To speak plainly, we havo grossly finely eoncelved. the ono to unlock M the statement Hint "Cncland has or-UMO 15, drM from tho Manchester Iteiwatlns 1 Hmllh Adorns, Jauunry IT erred In the way in which we have Ward Obenclmln. Jan- uih.hi ami iiimiereu tne leeiop- iiieiit of our merchant marine. And now, when we need ships, w.i hao not got them with proper safeguards, tho resonrcc-i of the nntlonnl domain, the other to encourage thn use of the navigable waters outside that domain for tho generation of power, have already "M'o lime ear after ) ear debated, I pawed the house of representatives Arms company 30,000 riot guns and Portland Asu of Credit Merchant jttllhm'1 'n'1 or conclusion, the best and are ready for Immedlato consld- 56 000,000 rounds of turkhot cart-Ws l."erett. Jatiuar) l. rblitej TIpi cartridge., contain nln, Klamntl. Iron Works lt)le. Jnn. bullHa eaclt, nnd their ins U hitherto nary 1'.'. iinkiiuwii In rltlllied wnrfore." Iloili.n a NUhnlns. Janunr) 20 M'lsl.nrd . llrndley, January 31. MVlli nIpj- College, tt femalrt lustl- tuilon, has put the ban on fudge, claiming that Inlerferfa wllhl Hip iralntiiK of the ur nililHIr. policy to pursue with regard to thejeratlou and action by the senate. tho courses of Justice and disinterest edness than by thus going calmlly forward to fulfill our promise to a dependant people?" "Tho case," be said, speaking of our lack of shipping facilities, "Is not unlike that which confronted us when our own continent was to b opened up to settlement and Indus try, and wo needed long lines of rail way, extended means ot transporta tion prepared before baud In which development was not to lag Intolor- ably and wait Interminably. We lav ishly subsidized the building of trans continental railroads. Wo look back upon that with regret now, beccause wo know that the railroads had to be built, and if wo had to do over again; we should, of course, build them, but lu another way. "The government miut open these gates ot trade, and open them wide; open them before it Is altogether I .Monday evening, lecture in Pine Grove school house. ' Tuesday evening. lecture in Wor Palriarcl.lal Degree Tonight. Members of Ewauna Encampment No. C, I. O. O. F.. will have work In the Patriarchal Degree tonight, and. members are urged to come out and assist In the ceremony. Visiting i-u.riarcn coruiany invited. SCHOOL CENSUS SHOWS INCREASE H. E. Momyer, clerk of Behest Dfcv trict No. l, today TirHfe1 . the am -. sua of the school children ! thla'dhv , trict, which Includes the city., of 1 Are All Colnir South. .Mr, and Mrs. Louis J. Kllnger orl?th Fa"s Duf ur, Ore,, came In Sunday nlKht to I A totaI 1.069 children ot i visit the former's sister, Mrs. E. B.ia8e uave been enumerated. Thto llat Ramsby. Thursday morning thewm naT0 l0 De r-hecked by tke Kllngcrs and Mrs. Ramsby will leave lcountr 3Chol superintendeat, to aee for a visit In Cloverdale, Calif. Mrs. ,r there are ? ' tw number whs ElUa Sawtoll, mother of Mrs. Arthur I beIonB ,u othcr districts la the coa Lewis, who has not seen the Kllngers"5'. but arc hero for tho wlater. since sho was a girl, delayed her de-. The census this year shows a slight parture for Chlco until Thursday, and gain over that or last, as at that Usee they will hold a reunion on the wayithere was a total of'1,003 la the die to California. trict. - ' (Continued from Page 2) In I'nuii nl.'.ie, i J M Tipton, a well known OlencJ rniKlirr, is nrre i.u i Miisnie-i i. Mulli.omnl. u.iiuty will erect t. , llDsebing will build n iiiiinlcliml I'lMpllhl to hold 200 pfttlelils, fu'd bam Riley Is Named on Board Oregon Sportsmen Want Shorter Deer Season ASSESSMENT FOR STREETjS FIXED I HIRD .STItKKT PEOPLE MAKE AX OIUKCTION TO THE AMENDED ASSESSMENT O.V THEIK IM PROVEME.NT MORE, ! MAKE YOl'R WINDOW "IURK" VOK YU Thero nro still a fow places whero shopkeepers employ men to stand out lu the street, "bark ing" in other words, describing the goods to be found within tho shop, and urging possible patrons to cuter. lliimnn "barkers" nro ex- trnmely ofllclent In certain places and cases, but 'probably you, Mr. Retailor, would not consider i hiring ono. ee (Heinl.l Hh(InI Hervlc.i) I'ORTI.ANI), Dee, 8,Tho Oregon Kinrisiiieii'B Lenguo Into yestordity nf Icriioon went on record ns lieutlly iiilorslng Dm proposed law to open lb deer senium Bopteinbor 1 nnd cloao 'i tirioiier ;u, hiNtenil of openhiK u "iiuitli earlier, um nt pivsviit, The iiHHUclulloii also rt'coinmends "l no chniiKo bo inndo In Iho gntno '"nil law, or nny luw rolntlvo lo ml. fitory blrda until tho roiiHlllutloiml. "J" of tho fd.lernl migratory lilt. I low I ducldod upon by tho nuprmno court. Tho longim gotm on record aa iihI '"K tho Oregon leglslntuiu to eonfor w'Hi Cnllfornla'a nsscuihly tin the milo ' proUicto.i gnuio birds mid nnlmnlH. Thoy ulao usk.nl to confer with Onl '"fiilu on tho unirormlty of gnmo llfensi'M to porinlt rosltlonta of ono s.inu to hunt la another, President yn Dmor was ugaln elected to bend tho league W N. Mntlork of Pendleton, nnd Dr. GUI win. elected U'0 proaldeiilH, nnd S. C llnrtroiu wnn chosen secreiury trens- ,urer. Chin len Rile) of Klniuuth KiiIIh wiih 'ehoseii moinber of llui oxecutUo tomniltleo finin Dlslrlct No. 7. Thu hitmiuet given last night to tho Hpoitainnn was woii.U'iful niiccesi, iliilto the hlggoat thing ' H '''"d .nor hold In Porlliind, Moto tbnn 3011 guentH pnitook of (lie .luck hup per pr.ipinod. Dm lug Iho ovenlng On mo Wnidon Wllllnm I., l'lnloy showpd moving iih I in oh of blid llfo lu tho Ulnmnth country tultuii liut tiprlng nnd auui- mer, 'Jhoso nttntciou inucii uuu..- Hon nnd iiiiiiluUHP. and will no doubt bu tho cntiHO of mitny Portland sports- inuit going thorn to hunt ducks nnd geeso next fall. Objection to tho method of assess- intiut the council decided upon for nsnesslng tho Third street Improve ment cost nfter tho former objection vwis inndo nt Inst night's council meet In.:. Thuy si.v Hint ns yet tho relief expected lu the enlarged district la not tealUcd, They ask thut tho nssossutcnt be 36 per cent on tho abutting lot, 31 por rent on thu hucoihI lot back, 12 per cent on the third unit 4 per cent on the oilier hunch loU bnck. Thu council, though, did uot miiKc the chnngo nsked by tho property (iwiumh, but passed the usseHsmetit ns they ..mended II, to fto per cent for the abutting lot, H per cent for tho second lot back, 8 per cent for tho tblid lot, mill I per cent for the other sovon lots. fncanitv Mav Rfl Hie. Plaa EDDIE COLLINS " mj "i. w "I - HOES TO " SOX "i Williams' Treatment Causes a Flurry it lie Cat PREMIER KEYSTONE BACKER QV THE ATHLETICS IS SOLD TO CHICAGO NATIONAL LEAGUE TEAM Machine patented by it Chicago limn to dig graves havo been ordered by tho Allies, On days when thoro la "no contact" the burrlers will bo used in digging trenches. Portland Flouring Mills will erect a warehouse ut Albany. You can luno a Bilent "bark- er" that Is Just aa efficient aa a "pullor-ln," without unpleasant drawbacks. This silent "bark- er" Is your w ludow. Make a study ot what you put Into It. Remember the articles the public already knows about are half sold. Without a doubt you havo In your shop articles that aro advertised ln Tho Her- alii. If you put them In your window you will nnd that they exert a strong "pulllng-ln" In- lluiiunco for you. Tho manufacturers, through us, have dono additional "bark- 4 Ing" for you, Ily displaying those, nationally known articles lu your window you can "cash lu" on the advertising dono for your bo nc fit, Rack up tho window advertla- 4 4 ing with a regular Bpace In Tho 4 Herald you'll havo to do it 4 somo time. 4 It wy to shop la The Herald 4 4 before you shop la the stores 01 4 per cent of the circulation ot this paper goes direct lato the hones, United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Conilskey announced today that Collins would iiMuuigo the Whlto Bov next year. Ho said Collins airrced to aim a llve-vcar eoi.tr.ut, and will receive u "satisfac tory" bonus. United Press Service PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 8. That there Is to bo practically a now team lu the Athletic uniforms next year was again evidenced today, when Connio Mack announced the salo ot Eddlo T. Collins, for eight years sec ond biibomau In tho 1100,000 lutleld." Mack would not discuss his reasons for selling Collins. Ho Intimated that other changes aro pending. Chlof Render, tho Mackmen's vot- erau Indian pitcher, has signed a con tract with tho Baltimore Federals, and "Eddlo Plank, "tho oldest of them all," is nlso signed with tho Federals, Miss Cnthei'luo Dolan has been sworn lu as k member ot the bar la Massachusetts, being the fourth of, her family, to become a lawyer. That a defense ot Insanity Is to be resorted to In an effort to save Frank Williams, or Hedgepath, from lite im prisonment for tho murder of Allen C. McLeod Ia&t August was Indicated in the circuit court this morning, the time bet for arraignment, when W. H. A. Rentier asked further time ln which to plead. "Tho prisoner will learn for the tlrbt time that his mother, whom ho has thought dead, has been an in mate ot an insane asylum since 1SS9," said Renner. "He will also learn that his father 'was killed by outlaws In Washington." From this, Renner turned to a complaint against tho treatment ac corded Williams, charging that Low kept him In solitary confinement, and denied him many ot tho liberties ac corded otbor Inmates of tho Jail. Williams was brought to the court room handcuffed, and Reuner pro tested against this. At ono point Sheriff Low aroeo to spenU, but Judge Denson restrained him, Renner also chargod that for threo months Williams has not been allowed to see bis wife. Judge Ben son ordered that tho prisoner be al lowed to see Mrs. Williams, but ad journed court without making fur ther recommendation In connection with the alleged treatment of the ac cused. "Williams is given the same feed muu nwvub tut. jwa nimuvs mm mm other prisoners ln the rouaty Jail, ac cept the freedom of the corrMer." said Sheriff Low today. "lasts! it being ln the corridor with the ether prisoners, he Is locked la the caa. " "One reason we keep him there?, is because a man in such de straits as Williams Is. Bight some aid from outside sources. ho allowed the full liberty ot the JaJI. "Another reason we keep hlat ea lined thero Is to prevent trouMa la tho Jail. Williams seems to ha'aC a quarrelsome, overbearlna dlsDoaltlaa. and there is nearly alwava a Uiut .among the prisoners, caused hf Wil liams, wero no free to mingle wKh the others, there Is reason tot believe that he might attempt physical rW lenco on some one ln his luVof tem per. 4 t "We havo taken no chances eahle getting a chance to escane. That u why ha has been denied vUltor ,.aV UI Ih.l r...nn , .-. a. - ... J. ...iL 15,. . in ....... vvu no pan u. iu aaaesua asm o s-v- , w oeforo we took him lata MaaaV,&! room. That he will bear m'WwfmmV Ing la apparent to'VU Vmhw&Wk', nected with the jatl li any iam, - - ; It has been but a aherttlsM Simla if W am. aa..J "U..,..IJ. . ' and placed It la a tear sek'W Ia4:i oound around a weM .em kit teuing some of the ether mai ne mieaeea t "er- with this wheaerer aa aat 'MMk 7mm:. , ,. n -s'l nt. .&! n i t V? M . vf -i. '.? jj& f 'C ,J jtftlV T. . H