" ra-'v M1! -.v w- J h PRINTS THE NKWS WHILE IT IS NEWS .,-.TT S'CiOTKWHWWraM Ninth Vmr N. Euenftu Iterato KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEIt- FRENCH 6UNS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN "BERT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1914 Priest Vim Befewn &cfiere Trying to Keep Warm in Blankets 'GERMANS MOVING HAS 111:1.1 r.vi; new uush .tin: ('EIVEO J) III.'. t'unn.iiiaitliiK IrrtlM Ait I'm or Inn Allln, In Xrarly Errrj IMri I'l.litlli. llrcny Again TIlHiUKll ,. Mir, niut lU H'tw Mtfll I Im ,r. gtmiip Tmictr -Turk HrKirt n VtHi.r) 0rr IIHlUli, t'ulUd lHMUilUrMr I'Altlrt, I 7 Th- French mill Iftj U outranging lltt f'erwan gun. ml ! pro trig ror- nffrrtlrA rmy tirp alone ili. llur, Tlt lnt-( i.tAl tarnt" rrtantlnc (ItU tan tit'dmr- ibi tinw k'iik tmttt nrrltnl, ami sr biting their rffwl. TIip IIU are Ml lh iltVtuli'r at liKKt the full If lltt It "I llm III)', llrAu nrluR I irHirtHl Hi hid Eli AI4C Tim llpfUldll Irrlltlixl irr it Amount forrst nr helng hrlM it) tlio (HUIIIt)', flll't tli lllf fr' l.ii nilorktMtf llirtr. Uf Mltllns op .fllll ts( Hk..in inlin alotli? thr Vft-r br iin itili yrntMday r- tiflne lill luiud Pri- Hervlta rONSTANTINOI'l.i:, IW, 7 An i.CcUl auifinvnl a a llriilh Und- ltl frtrto llpe !ip Tlr Mid rtu Jul. hlrb attempted 10 lAtif ltt TufLUh iH( nri ttivtv. rojiuUfd lih liravy ., The Turks rapture) tmrhtitf guns a ml fonMrfttil ammunition tt avA t , - Ji fir r iG -t La ttiHSBPLYII fe VJ JSB nununBnaPi,Wflspl1 4 - $BsssBB i '' jS-aaauBUBBm w 'VSH' aKayflsaB!LS .. i-IQnnBanfKV$$ ? .0!; "J&v 1 lxSi JF u RKHHaHMaaEA FAST THRU POLAND United I'ms Servlca I.OSDO.V, Dec. 7. Taking Ixxlz nnl mlrniicInK tMeatf.flre mIIh oa liolli fliiiikd, the flenrmn troops operatinK In I'nUml are gaialac iotrl ( Iho main rnllrondu leading to Wnniaii-, nml tl.mttrnlng the Ri tiiiinirntlou on tin: Mttuliem rout. If the ucce of tlie Teutonic forces lontlnue, tlio Ruaaiaa I olTetiM nKalnt Censtocliowo mul In- abandoned. ThU mnj- also necclute the withdrawal of all RnMlaa troop Unw limy lie in the rlcinlty of Crncow. , United Press Serrlca HKUMX (nlrelon via Seville. .V. J.), Dec. 7. Today'a oMetal merit wiys the Germans took Lodz jreitertlnjr, the RassJajM iilliallM luireririK henry Iose. The (lennan troojis arv reported retreating aloag the Tstr. i ib .miirr w..i.n poor.. ninoraiM iiopeii would tend to pill an end to the ereal ar, nun come to the men In the field In Ktiruiw. TUU iilioto l.mj.1. , t..w ,.,-u it at Vii. in jti. nurtti of Krnce. The Ilelitiani nhown uro holdlus their luavy hlanUcU closely about them to kwp from ttft-iiHe in ibr bii.ee tinl Ttt men eii obinit all day wltlH-tbeMi blanket pulled about their ororcoats, betausc they would freeze It they had M Mh trilwi.i V m ilm tiou I deep tin Ir uttrlnie will he much ore. TWO CASES ARE OUT OF COURT; UKerciiU by American manufae- ! turor would bo n vlulntlnn of iirniralli) A ri result. Charlei Hfhxvnli lll not curry out the Would VIiiIaI.' Srulinlllj I nlitd lrM Sorviro WAitlllNtlTO.V. IJ C . Dec 7 Arcordlne to an fltmouncrmptit by I tin Mntn il.'iitiriimot. I'rcsl (lent WlUon lm decided tlint tlir imlliline C nutimarliKMi (or bcl QUIET WEDDING SATURDAY NIGHT IMI'dllTI.'lt OF Mil. AMI MUM. W'll.l. T. I.KK IIKCOMr TIIK MvMiMiAiJt fiiLt"ri:i iv rut! , Inlentioii to build tihit)nrlncx. lit IWCOt'tJIt C.HK AMI IN TIIK i U1HW K MAII1IX AMI.W J I IX mtiiii: nr .u:x shivk, niom- NT MKVU, MAX TICKET SALE IS SATTERLEt IS STARTED TODAY WED IN DENVER CIIAXCK FOK SOMK YOUXCJ UIVIUUIK OK WELL KXOWX IXVEST- Unlted Press Servlca VIHXXA (via Ilerlln), Uec. 7 The following Is the osfctal Jutt Issued: The rciialts of the battles In Poland continue la oar faor, sal I prlitonerN are being taken. In tlio southern theater oar trooaa arc winning, wlillc continual sncceses areported from the west aad loata at Arandjclowatz and In the vicinity oGoral. At Jmllandwatz the enemy has been reinforced and the battla for Invc&tmeiii continues. COMMITTEE TO MANY VACANT SWATjPOVERTY SEATS TODAY OROAXIZ.4T10X UEIXa FORMED , SJULLKST ATTEXDANCB IX TOUM BV LOCAL WO.MEX TO DISTUUM AT OPEX1XG OP 'CO i LTE FOOD AXD FCEL IF PEO-i- I'RESIUEXTS MESSAGE t'LE XEED THE5I I TOMORROW ntlTWOOII AXII WIFE l'lm motion of DUtrlct Atlorncy IrwCi, Circuit JuUt llenunn tmlnr lUmliird tho Indictment nsnlmt Fred '.umcmiRh, who nltackcd hid lfe Kith n butclmrknUo In a mad ramp nrar Kurt Klamnlli cmr a year bro. I'lmrnllftl.Hlty of wltaenno wan the teuton KlVen. An ncttou by Alex Martin nitaliut II 0. Clillwood and wU wn nUn dU riImpiI This was done at tho In Msnci. of J. 0. Hutonlc, pUlnlllf attorney . t . A wcihlliic thai comes as a surprUo I to ttu-lr many friends was solemnized Wo. .Saturday oNcnlug at tho homo of Mr. I f. to .Mrvt. Tim rciiUr imi'tlnK of the man (MirMlau lemperanco Union , Mr. Will T. I.ee, when Mla Pearl xvlll hv held Tuwdity altornnon nl ,' "'l Alex Sltlvo wero united by i 30 at the home of Mr. II. S. Clrlu. ' S. Htubblcflclil. Captain J. P. by. at Klwvcntli nnl Hush strwU.ll.wi ami MIm Agnes U wcro present Meliibeni and frli-mU Bre cordially In-J I" mldltlon to the Immediate relatives vlld to attend. i,,f "" M'Sv- . i Sunday afternoon a dlnucr party 'vim kIvcu In honur of llio nowlywads (by Mr. and Mra. Leo. This was at- rtomo farmurs In tlrrmiuiy ue -.-... ..... In. l.ntf-liliiL' ee rtiiil nilslnif chlX Thoy tak, ieHcr cam of ,ha '" "' r. and Mr- J-Frank Ad- clilrku limit tho hn !. vett IlKlitlii hnwlu to protect them. Sims One 'John Dee' limn, .Mr. ana .Mr, cnaries uorton, Mr. and Mm, Charles Martin, Mr. and mVh Fred II. Mills, Mrs. Fred Mel- huso, Mrs. A. F. SaMckey, Miss Hazel Harm's, Miss Akiich I.cc and Thnd (1. Mcllattim. Tho couplo will rt-itldo hero, where tlio Kroom In Interested In tho Hhlvo Krocery. Ho I a boh of Mr. and Mrs. .1 n. C9 1 I . . nliin... ..al.l..td Jlf , I, nunc, 1'iuntoi . vIUv... w. iKlnmuth county, and, llko his brldo, limn a wide circle of friends. TO (JO TO THE FAIR AXD RE TL'ltX FREE OF CHARGE ACTS HKIIEAIlSIXn HARD OR IX KLAMATH REALT1" IS A TALEXTED V10LIXLST LIVE IX LOXG nE.CH WILL Today at noon tho sale of tlckeU. Tho following aunouuecemeut of for tbt vaudevlllo performance to bo .tho marrlago of J. P. Satterlee ap- glvcn by local talent for the Chamber , pears in tho Long Beach Telegram, of Commerce was started. It !s ex-, Mr. Salterlee U well known iu Klam pected that tlio sales will bo brisk, as.ath Falls, as he has mado yearly vls a round trip to San Francisco Is to(its hero for some tlmo, and is hsavlly be tho prize offered tho girl making. Interested In both city and county tho biggest salo of tickets. .preperty: This contest Is open to all young Miss Charlotte KIngoro aud John Indies In tho county. Tho prize lajiaul Satterleo were piarrled Iu Uen wcll worth Btrlvlng for. and tho Inter-Iyer Colo., at tho home of the bride's est being manifested In tho perform-(father. M, H. Klngore. 11S2 St. Paul anco Christmas night and tho night street, on Saturday, November 21st, following shows that thero will be a good market for tho admission paste- goards. A now number for tho program Is a skit takon from Sheridan's great com edy, "Tho Rivals." Tlhla will bo staged by Miss Pearl Bolvln, Miss Dorothy Weeks, II. Roland fllnlsyer and floor go C. Dlower. Merrill Man Charged With Theft of Indian Horse Tnnrr PITI7CUQ ARE MADE TODAY Ln ...,m...i,ui lanilMin Mnushlas , iiirpn v.-n-.." "-.- i ,.,.... ...,-w.v- iiiuL-uu uliell, ill" youth hold for tho inrccnyitJi.i. .viiiimi.i"'.' ... TIhi Iilcutlty of one of tlm "John uillted July 10, by entering lumomeut loe" ImJIcled by tho grand Jury In of tlio I. P. Tabor bur. ( I nown. This la William Hints of Mcr-' iuIiIim Hipw, there wcro two more III, who Is Indicted for tho larceny '"John Hoes," nnd two not trim bills. ( "i maro, Tlio Indictment clinrgc that Hlm in Heptombor, 1013, look innro bo IoiikIiik to llarrlioii tlrown, n Klitm ''Hi Indian. nHirs Indlclod by tho grand Jury tire; Wlllliiiu Joima llapo. Allotted to liM'o been commlttad Hoptflinbnr IR, ' ItuiU UmmoB. M Cnirlngton l'orjury. AlloKcd ti Imvu been committed March 11. 1('H. In trial of Uoobo vt. Iloyt, ,(llty milt boforo q. F. Htono n leferce. A. (, i,oyd, alios PuturordUltur. ji'K ii forged check. Alleged to have '" committed June 80, 1814. Clmrlos Meatier and Fred Bailey 1,lrKlury. Alleged to have been com- of n lioroe, nml John Ollmoro, In Jnll fur l-urglttry. A nuiilber of tho Indicted will be nrriilmu.il nt 'J o'clock tomorrow I motntiiK. , ' Tho flrnt lllul it this term of tlm cllk'tilt court will bo tho Blms-Krmt (Muiiiulvr moorinrcQiijr r-", "'j . - ...'.. ( iOi n fir ti U'ltll tlircn young " "". '""'-:. " ), , ,, Ualll, ,. ...tnrallza llJ " - --' -.. .-- ARE IH8UED IX CIRCUIT COURT TO EXUL18HMEN' AXD A DUTCH WOMAX John Fallon and John Houry An on. nr no lonuor Eiiillihmen. To- TRAVEL SCRIP IS ISSUED HERE K. K. K. HTORE AXD REGAL SHOE STORE ARE XOW PREPARED TO GIVE A "MILE OF TRAVEL FOR A DOL1.AH IX TRADE" ..i....hni. n Bir.nr from J. M. Johnson, iftsc, ii ."''..... rniiio u citizen today, forever fore- .....a,, it.... ainv.iiiiiiiiii.iiin. ......... .. --. milllll llllllllll -iw.v.w, , " " " "..'"". ' -.I'awnnrliiir Mleslanco to This nflornooti tlio court rTiuvM ...-....- i... ..l..l ,i...li.la nml n IlUIUIIOr Ol . IIWI''- llll II 1111 liwvnv." . ... ..- ...am.. u..i .Imvn cases ronuy ror irmi i --" tttna for their trial to bo announced later. Queou WU- Oregon has sovou candy factories aud 887 bakerloe. Hereafter, for every dollar spent with tho K. K. K. Store, the Regal 8hoo Storo and the Hotel Hall, Its cigar storo or grill, a mtlo In travel will bo given. Thoso concerns have algnod up with tho American Scrip company, and today began their scrip Issuances. This scrip Is acceptable for (ares on any first class railroad or steam ship line. It can alio be used when over tho holder wishes. by tho Rev. Frost Crapt. Miss KIngoro has but recently com pleted a trip around tho world with the Jotham Blxby Jr.'a. whom sho left In Boston aud journeyed on to Den ver with small Margaret Blxxby In charge, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Blxby In Bostou planning a tour of tho East- era cities boforo tholr return to Long i Bench. In Dsnvor Miss KIngoro was jmet by Mr. Sattcrlee, and the wedding i followed. Mr. Sattorlee Is in tho city today, coming hero to prepnro his homo on West Ninth street for his bride, and also to dlno with his family in Los Angeles on Thanksgiving Day, Mrs. Satterleo remaining in Denver with her small chargo until tho Blxbys shall como on and again take her un der tholr parontal wing. As Miss Klngore, tho brldo was known throughout the state for her musical talent, tho violin being her 'chosen Instrument. Sho was a mem I her of tho Dominant Club, an exclu sive musical organization of Los An geles, and other clubs. Sho has charm, beauty, a certain dash In stylo and al together a striking porsoualtty. Mr. Satterleo Is a civil engineer; has con tracted sovernl Inrge Eastern engin eering projects and is a Cornell grad uate. Mr. and Mrs. Satterleo will make tholr home in this city, and It Is ex pected that the bride will be here for the holidays, which they will spend In their own home In thl city, The Dalles postofflce building la to cost 178,000. Marshfleld will establish a coffee club and free employment bureau. Having in mind the poor people, local women are organizing to carry on relief work this winter. They will especially work to seo that deserving pcoplo are supplied with food and fuel, although they will also dlstrlb- uto clothing. j(ers. Tomorrow" President Contributions toward this work can will read his message. , ' be left at the Klamath Chamber of The leaders In the two house tar United Ptesa Service WASHINGTON, D, C. Dec. 7. When the Sixty-fourth coagreaa eo-o vencd at noon today, there were Bore vncant scats than on any opeaiag day In many years. Today was devoted to routine UU- ' Wllao. - Commerce. END COLORADO MINE STRIKES cleared the tracks aa muck aa aeaaltle in order to rush through before tfca holidays such appropriations aa are usually unopposed. Secretary McAdoo submitted the treasury estimates for the aorerm meat's expenses for the flseal year to ginning July l, 1915. Thar total te't 11,090,775.134, which' la . mi ller tho expenses ot the present jear. COXFEHEXCE DECIDES UPOX, Tho Medtord poatoflca Is te be built of Jackson county ll-UMtoaa or THIS AFTER A HKSSIUA l. lU.- sandstone. VER MEX RETURN TO WORK I'XDER WILSOX'S PLAX John McLcannan of District No. IS, at noon announced that a resoluttaa i would bo offered at a special eo&Taa. Jtion of miners here for taking sueh action. Ot' The resolution will set forth that United Press Service DENVER, Dec. 7, The strike tho Colorado miners will be declared j the Colorado strikers are wilting to off tomorrow morning. troturn to work under the terau 9t After a couferenco of the Interna-'the three year peace plan outlined ly tional executive officers. President (President Wilson. Club Will Help Poor f a Local Relief Work Taken Up by the Library 0-b In order to ussUt needy persons in tho city, and to have an organization through which the rellot work can bo carried on to tho best advantage, the Woman's Library Club has Just add ed u philanthropic department to their other club work. The committee in charge ot thla work is composed of Mrs. Charles Graves (chairman), Mrs. A. Balnter, Mrs. Robert E. Wattenburg, Mra. E. v. rjafcarra-d tf 'V , .- H. DuFault. Mrs. C. Mrs. H. R. Harrison. ll is me inienuo oi taw aafaa-13 ,j ,sj meat to collect clothing, ate., ttet r'srT;;J poople feel free to contribute. TImM , ' Jr will thon be distributed taf gfc Up vviJy soclety to persons whoye'laiasidl -; sJjffi." Donations of this kind ea-'l ;& at the Library Clui tHtUdtai, r flMi J "w,; Miss Hawkins. ThHit,Uw s4if ji ;','Ki"'" m .. ik. d.it - atH k i-. i '.: U f.tlV HVpillMKIV, NH "" ". ""Ir trlbuted to allevlat closer bone than .v !- W" 'X. .-- '- 1 J' 3.