:m-sn ri5-Mi ' - i.'-'fr.'M ri4- X- M l&uimtng Herald PRINTS THE jLL&im& hjl. SW HEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' " OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. 'M v '.?' CP jMCTtn " Ty1W'W1Wg fc. -iit' J KT 'Jh Vest " tfft41 '-i -- jry KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1914 Court Repudiates Paper Issued by County Court for Debts h "ss"NAst sa . annan. ammmyj -- ans. f"" , -uuuwyvwwuuwi ff j? BrafeA 5 Bfoi (p fa in Moufi of 7fame. l TFRM IS y 1 I ll I I IN . - i-u Wiplfe? FIRST lr lllai J A-aatat- NI-aaaaaasjaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaUaaaU ' '-"'flSTK -aaaaaanrBarSraaaw -liBSj'srSB&iiiiiiCiiiKiiiiiiH , --" ' u - -v HELGOLAND RIVER wi it KLAMATH COUNTY WARRANTS ARE PERMANENTLY ENJOINED BY JUD6E HENRY L BENSON THIS AFTERNOON Tlii (bo ufiuo tout l nr)u4ikil tt Imi'OfUiit truvUluu of the U, itJ tinix l)i It iUcttMt In the Clftou rf, wliojcltl k ' liM Uml ti'umr Jwl IkI1 m( Hib mic aUr Utlvn tti ltt I U tvrlctnl lor a it ar irm. U llt oiuIpixI'iii til tU JUWltl nUuruey u( Mlittliotiult wtttitx n wtNr lpillriK lw)if lbft'ul'i'ul Dip ta(, k II lircUUlU lIlB kU(iliiUln fOtlfl BCtllX nil lltn lllr thai nil roi tltiullnual tilMiiJtiiuJt uiMoil fw ju. look. rHwi ImmnlUii'ljr. Nh It It JlioAffr.t Hint lhrr U a ftU itm In the l wlilfli lal llul nurli tnrBtlmrnU tlu nut nkn eftrct until attrr Ihn ballot fp canvl U1 ft, rnult profUlmfrtl tic (tin sov TIjU tHfflim I ha l JihUn Wtudrlt' term ciiuul)' JuJep will etilr n Jittunrx I, ISI&, ii') tlml lfl"ti lltnkt lll (Urn Uk nRtro mi tountr J4-. In at)ti)inrp with llil vn tknmr WV.t Iib nuii(tunr Utal & Jtturr I, I0I&, bo will api'"li"i trogniy jitdK In nil rountlo In tli WP whftn an rlKtlon (or ChU ttOlro ii not Mil, Th" tnU lor IhU vl-w that It Ui .amriiJnietii rhnniliii thti Irrnn ytd.vn.to of JmUr In ibw atntn illd not it Jfct until llilrty lay or to nf trt tti ritul: vlfttlon nt which llm Judtr. HMO rlrclcrtl. It rouli not lx Mrnactho, nail touM In no way ( (( thn IctiRth of ttrm of Ihn oltlrrm Ikich) prior tit ihtt limn It tfent Into rBi. A tlUfalrli from Hair in my I'focordlnn on ltir throry that th 10 conntltutlonal omcinlmpiit, n ti,j tho trrtm of nil countr Juttim rl Ml X'arii, id ta bomt U ntH att tho official tanVM anil Ih.i 1mii nr at the nrocUmatlon, (Jorornnr Vt tin nBBonnci thai Un wouhl ud(4 vacant on January I, nml n lolnt iicctor to Ihom, p(rit brro now Judge wr ilwtpl, Tlil mean that tint aovcrnor will 'Vimalilor the olBcr nf nll county Judjr who wpr not llot nt the ro wat tlertlan, or Ihi llf oleeilim. va cant, nod that ho wilt pmtaavur to All tbun by annolntnu-m. KelyliiK an a rcf nt aunrrntt court diH-Ulon, County JutUa Clinton waa not a camlhlntK nt Ihc ri-ri'tit oliKtloii, nd Ihn novoriuu will attKiniH to appoint a atiCd-tuor to Mm. How many of tho county JuiIkoh roll... on ihU doclalon ami did not noK ro-oli Hon In not known. County Jud( Ulttolon waa oloclod 'In l!i 10, nnd tlin itiprcmo court hold (that tint ntuondtnnnt uvrnmn n law n I'lxm nit tho pnlli clool, and hnvlua t Uncii niMod almullniiKoiialy with iudKo Clcolon'a election, tho hilti't hld ofllco for alt ycara. DUtrlct Attorney Kvana of, Multno mah county, In examining tho roimtl tutlnn In connection with tho recent amoudinvnt abolishing capital liii Ulinmnt, dlnrovnrod a provUlon, ny Iiik tlmt n conatltutlonal ninondutout iliould not become offoctlvo until nf- tcr tho cnnvaia of tho voto nnd n irt.clnmatlou taaued by tho sovornor. Thin jirovUlon tho governor feelH con thli'iit tho court overlooked In render Init Ita tlwlalon In Cleoton'a caio, nnd hu bcllovta that tho 1010 amendment, siting tho terma of Judge, did not bocoino n law until aovcral wonka uf t'T tho poll cloned. Tho amendment emild not bo retroactive In Ita opera Hen, ho doclaroa, and therefore could not apply to Judge Oleeton'a torm of onico, nor to any other county Judge elected at the 1B10 election. All Iholr termi oiplre the flrat of tho year 06, he declare. By appointing auc riwora:t the, the governor will put the queatiOR up to the aupreme court "r doclalon, If Hi" Itottlfluii n( Hip ."IrltUh l-cii-' in that n (Jrfinati mitimarliic blow up (lip halllrhl Itillunik lirmcn ror fi.1. It tho moat darlllK "Xptolt of Ihn war For the hlp a tupixitcd to ta- afc In a llrltUh harbor, outy Ihlriy-llvo mllr bolow London. The mouth otitic Timlin la nald to have hrni llllniit nt Ilia brdlltllllK of tlir nf, and Ihv chniilit'ln It'll witc itald In Up tiitonu only to tho ml ml rally. A aiibmarlno would have fouml ll nrCT'iiiwry to trnvi'l only tuo mllra from her lm nt HrlUolatid or Cux liatru 10 ImMi.taachi'd tho mouth of (ho Thame. Home of them have been found In the KnKlUh channel, which l turtlirr off. Then I ho tlukluK of I ho Auilnrloiu nt thu north of Irolnml piotcd how far thiy could ro from their bate. Tho (Icrnmiu tmvo been more and morr iliirliiK In hnndlliiK of kuhmnrlm a tin' wnr han grown, Caplnlu WmldlKeii. who auuk tho HoRiii', Creimy ami Abouklr, hud to travel 200 mile from hi baM which iii to thut lime wn romtldvrvd nn lm pOMlblo foul for n mibmnrluo. Since no llrliUh harbor U moro afly mined limn that nt Hid mouth of the Thame, In order to protect Iondon, THAMES TO LONDON 35 MILES LIGHTHOUSE' SSSia&av tx I , r jy M g, O SHEKNE5& Jl& , sf t- &UENBOROUCrK y ' Default Decrees Are Issued in Four of the Actions Filed Against the ' County Court by R. N. Day The ltnt local ilwUiou to be made iu the noJ(x broagfat to ffjoial Ite lu)iiiciit of n hutiiIm.t of irarranu tMiiei! by the county coart wtm wadr Kxlnj, Hlicn Circuit Judge Henry I- lttion i-wueil derrc pnmta tly enjoining the iwymeiit of tvurmnu aKgrcKatinjc 97,276.89. i: The ilecns ticrc Issued by JudtSi- llenton alter default ! ii mndf, duo l the fiict Hint the ofllciuN of the Klamath romty i bud innilo no apiiearnuco ulialever in any of the cae. Tim uttrriuili. enjoined Here tlio-io twined by the March, Aprfl, JWki; l tolwr and Xoremltcr term of the court, which were attached by B. S. I.iy us brlitit IKoeil for voluntary indebtedness. &' .inoiinls of viirmiilt of oncli term reiullatel follew: .M.lItCH TBU31 , 2,7S.e4 AIMUIi TEIUI 9eiLf7 JL'XK TK1WI M9.7S OCTOnnn-XOVEMBEK TEltMS ...,, ..30I.S7 Tiio warrantM fierniaoeatlx enjoined are mainly Issaed for MMir r.irm supplier and labor. A number or warrant leraed far scalp bounty ure also Included. The rxK-nes of ProMKBtlag Attorney leuln'a ogtee are kaeay the kuit. Tlio lUt of repudiated warrant iaclude thoae lmrd -i. .MannuiK for tervlcei for the prosecuting- attorney, Tbeae l'rt d Morler for helpuig IriTln uphold the rrituisal law of IIiom- Usuctl to W. M. Duncan as salao" na deputy proaecMtec - Oilirr-MarrunU enjoined In the order are those. for antoa.tMMat bf ..tkexdnv trlrt nttorney in criminal inTeatlgntloas In the county. . .. One of the worst lilt by the decree of llensoa la County Surveyor K. Henry. Xot only arc his salary irarrant declared rnlninnrt baa ha Miniu l true in regard to Ida warrants for the expense of hiring ajeMe In Ids work. " " 4 hfttba i i STAIt SHOWS WHKUti THE UUhWAKIC WAS SUNK. the proof thut n Ccrmnu submarine iinnk tho llulwnrk wilt prove rt great xliock to the people of England. Tho ndmlnilty Insisted that tho explosion wn In tho inaKutluo of tho ship, but tint tllltdlr atltinftrtnil fhnl n Onrmnn Tl.n ll.iltt.nl- ..no n.n rt tl.A nMn. HUbmarlue had reached across from battleships of the navy, but was pow Cuxhnveu or Heligoland nnd sent alerful enouch to have met any vessel torpedo Into tho vessel In th'e British of tho Oermnn tleet had she been glv- Jolnetl harbor. Tlio monej- DUtrlct Attorney Jolin Irwin secured thronaa thai Khn. State and Having bank to advance to Fred -Money when the latHe ' ejt . to Iibiho for EoRtiic Saxton U also lost, tlmt U, so far as a refund ftana thsi eoiinty in concerned. The warrant for this was today repudiated. The widow's (tension warrants Issued to Mrs. Attn Ti ti iiliilnni, Straw Ailillo Gmliatu ami .Mrs. VioLi Cos are enjoined. CJ Wnrrunts Issued to Sheriff Low for expense in going to fnHfornln fee " ci ideueo nKiiinst J. tirannis, and to look for the (vurtles cracking a aafa fa j a Merrill saloon are declared worthless, as are warrants Issued Archie 1 ' line for picture of persons .wanted. The Thiol detective service Is also out about SdwOi for Ita r work here, their wntnints to Hint amount belnK declared lUegatl. Van Kiper Uros" worraaU for supplies to the poor farm. knocked out. Tho same fata met the salary bills of Wat. ea I intendent of the furm, of those who funilslied any supplies, and of uployed there in any capacity. County l'hyslclon George II. Merrj man's warrants for salary wet esv .V warrant issued Dr. F. M. White for assisting Merrynua la aa - i en u chanco. Russians Claim the Victory Before Lodz jWust of Alhklrch. Tho sltuntlou In 'tho Mnturlun I.nko region Is favor-1 ublo. Wo hnvo tnkon about 1,200 1 prlsonera In tho last twelve hours." ! ' Tho report that Germany had apol-' ogUed to Portugal for any incident United Ties Service LONDON", ollc. R According to ad viced from Potrogrnd 10,000 Austrian nnd Herman prisoners reached Kloff Wcdneadny. It U said that 130,000 Uermsn holillers and a.fiOO oltlcera havo passed Into Kleff sluco tho war utarted. Tho fortress Is packed with prisoners. While Hie olllclnl llusalan stato iiieiit doos not claim a complete vic tory, It Indicates that tho Hermans havo been sent back twenty miles at ouo Important point In tho mnln lino making advance toward wnraaw. Doanorato fighting Is In progress on tho mil In road between l.ods and I.owlcs, United 1'ieni Service, I.I8HON, Dec. C The entire ror- tugal cabinet reslgued today, It la Impossible to obtain auy in formation regarding the action of the cabinet, but It Is hinted that this ac tion wuh brought about by pressuro from England. United 1'ross Service CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec.e 4 The following olllchl statement has boon given eut: "In tho neighborhood of the Itlvcr Tschooruk tho Turkish forces are advanclug successfully northward. Our forcca have reached East Datum, and aTo proceeding east ward in the neighborhood of Ardo gen, whero tho Russians arc lu full retreat." United Preaa Service IIEIIMN, Dec. C The following Is an official atatement: "The attacks of the French In Klaudors, south of Lya have been re pulsed, and our force have advanced about La U raise, Argonne, and south- which may havo occurred at Angola. Is declared unfounded. An official1 statotnout says that "apology Is out of tho question." It Is generally belloved hero, that tho fighting In Poland has reached tho critical stage, but reports do not Indicate that any decisive advantage hns been gained by either. BOYS OF 6. A. I ELECT f FICERS E. D. ItAMSUV IS AGAIX CHOSEN AS POST GOMMAXDKU. SHEIt. MAX IS DELEGATE TO THE NEXT EXCAMVS1EXT , opcnitlon at the poor farm was also enjoined, as were warrant Issued Bfm. Johnson nnd Cut hey for services for tho coroner. lor legal services lu the county' behalf when tho warrant tajBarUtta suits were tiled In the federal court nt Portland, Judge Lionel R. Webster received a warrant for $300. This li also among tho enjoined. v ItiillliH, tlin iellltiir tt ft tli.M.k...f l.t....n,lnM t u .....k.." -.a't'L- - " -" -"t 4"..v. .ujumMwii iu Htsmrr wi another activity in the Ihiy-Couuty eourt battle waa the tiling of sUH I er hijuuetiou suit by Kuykeudoll A Ferguson, attorneys for Day. la tab) some of the warrants Issued thus far iu the December tern are qaestleasaj and an injunction U asked. m ' United Press Servlco PAHIS, Dec. B. Today's commu uIquo says: "Sensible progress nasi been made north of Lys, tho Infantry taklug two linos of trenches In nn at tack nt daylight. Positions botweeu Dlx Mude and Ypres, disputed for a month, havo been taken and held, des pite tho onomy'd artillery Rhclms has been sovoroly bombarded, and tho fighting In tho Argonne region Is ex tremely hot. Tho French took sev eral trenches, aud have maintained tho points already won." Over 6,000 womeu are engaged In Industry In Italy. Over 6,000 women la New York are employed as taltoresaei. Tho following ofllcers were elected yesterday by tho members of F. U. Spraguo Post, No, 10, Department of Oregon, Grand Army of tho Republlc: Commander, E. B, Ramsby; Senior vlco Commander, A, Korschnor; Jun ior vlco 'Commander, C, K. Sleti; Adjutant, O, A. Stearns; Quarter mnstor, E, F. Penney; Surgeon, M. L. Poland; Chaplain, Larkln Stuckor; Officer of tho day, W. H. Robertson; Patriotic Instructor, O. W, Sherman; Officer of tho Guard, Moses Frailer; Sergeant Major, 0. M, Hunt; quarter master Sergeant, Jno. Corbell; Dele gate to G. A. R, Encampment, C. W. Sherman, Sr. Installation will be held the fore part of January. Steam Shovel Comes s M1 flvfir the Fsira Urn JsT . - j .-.. . ..-- '? ,.J 2uL-i-lJ Whtlo wo cannot always believe in signs, there are some things going on at tho present time that can hardly bo overlooked. Among others It might be mentioned that a steam shovel came In over tho Southern Pa cific last night. According to Its crew, this shovel Is to be put to work now at widening out all of the cuts between here and Kirk, tho present northern terminus of this end of the Klamath-Natron cutoff, This may mean something. Another noticeable thing is that the section foremen on this division m and on the mala line are said ( aaW"' received orders to hire att'taa" ft. -W '! '..; they may deem ruiiamjrXmim sides this, the California bsmw 'bits il of hundreds of men being Mtbae.tiK&Vf work lu the shout at Baa' rianstsii'r 3'' Sacramento and DiwmtiaTUP' In view of tha fact thai tha bad!' ',. .www., . weather Is here, and. thai; were laid oK when taa' i good, and the cleartM f riflK ways, etc., could bav Mm 4mm more cheaply, this, to .; Mm looks as -task;;'aaM)': aM omethtof mVte'WWf.Ut: . -ft-'"f IMM aaaaaaft! ' ' 7 ' L 7 . . - t Hhb v.. aasiv '' " "1 .. w. : 41 "$ s-'rA j , ?aiiiai -i iit l.i '-,: ' 0, !!. T, .v