'V,vV sk. i PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS h . ,cir','wwTOFgTT",f'K'y: Mntli Vrar -.Vo. 11.140 4 iEwmttg, Mtmlb KLAMATH BALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1914 Pritrtr Turks Drive mm storm i, . FORT AI CRACOW innsnans to Seek I Nl l.nri(, Mini mi i is hi;, i'oiiii n i citiMnii hh m;.vu w i ii. it .-iiixdi itM.w oi'i'i:v. h I, Mill K Mi! ItlLMSITII Mayor Riggins, of Waco, Texas, in His Cotton Suit klHlClV IMrillOUIlAH. jm I Tb Hu I wW n troH. nr reported lo lie aturt,) lue tim outpr ilf.'ii of ('rautw ! "" H lni'il tlmt ilit f'mr's Aglui-i.' Imlil Welllrs,a aii ettriiloptnr. "- , " I I" t'rnrr ntr them. I'""4,!',I '1 ,. I. . v fhrlUniwn mieinpi in loiii Mr WAHIHNinON. II. C.. Dee. I.-A ,,. b,mV , ,,, ,.Wnim or .Urmliw iwiur . ,-hU ,,,,,, lo ,,, wnr ,... ,. ,h.I4 ""jr Mreitl.u. ,.,,. r,Mer rwM I'tdml Hiatr ambassador iii nirVf). i-i loJ.r by Hie .! depaltmellt. Ill , , j ,., g. M tMru H U .ui.d Utfl Christian, at- ni:itt.?.. tr I An official b,.n.. cine u. tl, r..t nom ik Interior ,,,, ,,.,,, ,(l()if . ,,. mI1(iv ,0 MVr ib.tr llrt. TM im-91 ( ,,fl!lff . llMUll ,,,. (0 , Ulr. affording lo Mt.rgenlhau, L the , rr, ,,,, ., ny(1 H(U nmri.r)i (if, ihuU ul il.o holy war .tucUmail.iii Mlr,, ,,,,.,., ,,,, ,,,,.,,, ,., ,, lnurd by Shirk UMslaiu. ;, Urfti, I'uIIiivIiik UiU cry tar the uphold- - - UK i-l Ihr Mw'ni.i faith, Ttllk rf in ATI AT WAWC Uimllcal, and ItaVn bclt Jr. i V I 1 1 y IN U I I I I ..)lus m.lwi of the Christian (J0 III OIlUL iuiom mo nvi ui mn.ir "" Bil.ioitarlr In remote parts ul Tut Uf ste In great danger. )iorrniliu' ami cablegram (tout Cutuiitlntii. Uhdr a later dxif hr rattl4 (ram ItUrliarr! In ihU Iip itil lltal ihruugh I ho iU Un tulnlOrr to lluuiuaitla bo Irarncii j that Oir holjr war wa alml aeiln.l .HrnU ami livr allttx In UiU war rimU, atrotJItif in 4ortHltiu. (illf4 TurkoyV pitKlamailun lili ffluillalim u( all Urallr vtlili ilm' Otiuman ntlr. Mrrniiaw ueciarr umi n.r0.(fK j)t, , am.Hh Talla 1 .Ciik Ih.ii tium1r4 KrnU cliln iiaolia ..,., , .,, Ti.u.i. u i.i i. .,. -.. .. .. . -,,,, . ., w .,- . , PLAY TONIGHT i HIM till Mil's UCIHHM; Wll.l. Ill I'ltnnrciiii in i.ii.i.iitti.w f)MIMN r Mil: rilltlsTIAN cm urn Wlii). tin umtrlui:" Ikvin.' (or lUv ix-ranloii ti Ikii ImiiimI by (.njnl- hrd at tlm Clittatlnn CllUrcb tiililKlil. KMill". Irtim flv to i-ltn cri of atli. nn to i r Oil in.- thU tlinor tlltlfl U', uiiilcr t!ii' illr-tlnii of .Mlm 81 to liorlul, Trrlnuaml, ami iittirr poiM from lh Interior lotna i( Tnr ktr. In truly lo MoritciitliauV raldv KHtut. Hfftotary n( Hlalo Itrjnn ani .Mattlmw. ofj that IIir Uollwl HlalMt eorr- ,0V( co.ltiim' nml new ouki arct tartil latia rrad)' to ilo Wliat-VT lju t. unfit A n "rlpiltjlp tlycr" leJ bKMry for llit nllf olrprti, tu ttit clilM hcIIIiik tlio imwt llrlits. it U tirclli tn ny tli.T will Ik a Me liuunr. Willi Ml llva llattVa at the piano. IB yPAvJHHHHBlPBwPapapipj- i BOTH ARIES READY FOR A CLIMAX IN THE BATTLE IN THE WEST MMMVWMAMAMMMAMAWWMVWVWVMMM Tlr Hume tin- Coin C. A. Cotter left (hi mornInK for' Aahland, with the money received ' from the ale of hie houi here toj Hay Totlow. Tho deal was randc throURh I hi- It. K. Smith Hcalty Co BREAK OFF ALL NEGOTIATIONS hTiUKK IN RAHTERN OHIO COAL MKMH W1IJ. CONTINUE OWINO TO KA1LUIU3 OP OI'EHATOIUS ANI UNION TO AfiltKK Mayor J W KIkkIiii. uf Wc. Tx Mil thu Hint iuhllc olilcfal in tho 1,'tillcil Htatf.i lo coma forth lu a itilt mnili" w holly of cotton lilt wiu made of wlilt,. duck Shortly afterward Governor Colquitt of Texas got a gull, and then United BUtea Senator Morrl Slieppard got one. The sen olor said ho would wear hit In Tcau dnrliiK December. FAKE LOCATOR IT TO "PEN" S 'tho followlnc noiicii Milt ho rendered1 Whnt I lit ram of Von." Nellie, lllllott. When Voti and I Were! Young. Mattele." r.llii Krey; "I Can-J 'not Hlne the Old. Old .Souk." IVarl l AT LAST! IT'S LEAKING OUT! ritooiiAM or stunts ion Tin: n..Miti:ii or uoMMKiicr. v.iu- IlKVII.I.i: IS IIKOINNINO TO AS-SI'MUTANOIIII.USIIAri: A. Hiiydon. Lawrence Mehaffey, liarotd Klnuear and II. Roland tJlalayor. Karco Skltlet "ThU Whole World a Joke" Dr. George A. Catuey, ICIbf rtus II. Hull and Kapable Horn- tiaiiy of Klcver Komedlana. J, II. .McAllister and Company In tho one-art comedy aucceaa, "Betay Uakcr." Mr. McAllister, MUs Mar jory Weeks, Mlsa W'alTe Jacob I and Vernon T. Mouchenbacher. COIITiaNII FKDKrUI. UIMTItU.T JI'IKJK NKNTKNCM IIHANTNKIt TO Mr N MIX'S ISLAM) Htlt MIS. I'SINO MAIM Hulled Crosa Brvlco I'OIITI.AND. Dih;. 4 Idea of guilty to a charge of tiling the mails for fraudulent purpose In locating peraona on the OrvgoifCalll fornln Und grant, Fred tlrauliicr wa today keuleiiriHl in llilrleeh mouth at MrNitilt'a Inland In the federal conn. Hrnnlner waa a memher of the ring which operated, o wlonalvoly In that Held, noma of whom are already aerv Ing penitentiary aentcnces, I In vol untarily returned from llrltlah Co lumlila and surrendered hlnmelf to tlto auihorltleg. Ilohln. 'Slher Threads Among thoj Hold," Ororgit Condrey; "I Love lo, l.tro In Miteland," Krank IV) Ion. ( t),ic llloni n, nawapapera scoro In Tho meinlicr of thn cast follow jmelr work for tho protection of tho llrlde. Cva Miller, Oroom. Itussoll f ll0)I,.-tt Interest. The luteal achlovo Whlto; heal man, Jack Klllolt; Irlil-H ,cllt ntik: this lino la an expoao of maids. I.urlll.i Araiil. Klltalieth iMKv)mt )Ui- mako up tho program ot ham. ushers. Dean lleckley, Howard lt1) cir8(mns nuUovllle, to he given "(Itatiam. aunties of the groom, lermHl umiou's operu huuao on tho nluht 'llauk. Harriet Lawrence, cousins of;()f 1)tfCombor 2!5 anil 2C. '.i... i.. 1. 1.. lll.... IVI.I. V.illl.. rillnl ... 1""' " ' , ' It wixk the Intention of tlio actors roi owing n.Tiora iiowuoiu. House, his father Midget, Albert llradley: Moth er Midget. Knthlreii Mnlloy. Pat her Tliumli. Kmiiill North; Mother Thumb. Kathrlne lleach; (Iraudfather Midget, Kllwln I'rey: tlmndinother Mlditel. Joy Miller, tlraudfnlher , Cork slabs, cotnpreaaed from a 'thlcknos of fourteen Inches to halt an Inch, are being tried out for floor I lug In railroad ear. French scientists have found that a cactus growing prollflcally in Al geria cuu bo uiado to yield about 14 per cent sugar and from 4C to CO per cent alcohol. ,hi minbter. Charles u Mr , lfe. 1 helma Drown; 1 . lutU l0 nIght of , ither Tl.umii, reari menu; nam. ,MiroJ , fnclf ml ,oy wM1 uo ir friends, Korre.it Miller, James w()i nUwt! Ulu UVl.rllK0 Orpheum pro inning, Homer (larlch. Leslie ley; m H0 ,llro.K ,, tenlatlvo program, it, Charles Conroy. plant!. -x,i tlJoc-t to vIiiiuko without notice, nielin, Mutton Is Scarce in Northwestern States Cton I K I United l'ros Sarvlco I'OIITI.AND, Dec. 4. Tho Norlh wcHlern Coaat state aro aufferlnK a "union famlno. Till U duo to tho heavy buying donu on the Coaat hy Kuatorn nud Middle Western purchaaer u ahort Hiuo ago. At that lime, mutton wan cheaper tier than in the Bait, , The demand waa so great nt that (lino thut practically all or thu alioop performance, fearful lest there bo nu nwful rush for eggs, which would ul timately affect tho prices paid by ev ery householder. After much per suasion, though, tho amateur hnms ,. ..r iirmii'lii to renllzo that Ihulr Thumb, (leorg.i Condrey; (Hand- umu w, m)l ,lo ,mf IH ,,,, aa Innll). mother Thumb, Pearl lllehn; hach- h)ro; n fftcl( Umt 10. wlll uo elor Man Ion Kva Hank, rejected lover, lr',,ll,ll,(w,IB t0 (ftnt hearlodnesn. strikes. jarrcHta or elepements: 'Curtain Italsor "Kvorybody on Their Keel" Lawrence Mehaffey und Company. Teutonic comedy skit "Tho l'rluco of Llmburgor, or Why la a I'rot- xolV' Huhburd unit sinnott. Novelty musical net "A Hull Horned .Musical Comedy" (n) Seesaw, (Ii) Japanese stunt, lei t'opuiar I .. .... i.u.. l.ntt.nl.-f tna tsongs nun .""v. ..- - IVIeda Stelger. MIbs Dorothy Weeks, Mlsa Marjorlo Weeks, MUs KlHln Htolnmnn, Miss I'earl llolvln, Miss l'oarl Wheeler, Miss Wnlvo Jacobs, ntnl other girls; Lawreuco Molmffoy. Harold Klnnonr, Dr. Wheeler, II. Holand Olalsyor, John Hubharil, Charles Hutchinson, C-oo. A. Hnyilon, Dr. Cathoy. J. U. Mc Alllstor and Clifford Sovlts. Direct ed by Mrs. llort Carl Thomas. Dramatic Heading Dr, 0. K. Wheeler Musical number Charles Hutchln- lusou nud Mlsa Klalo atelnman, Solectloua Harmony Pour George avallahlo for hulchurlng purposes lu Hit) Northwest wore marketed. A famlno lu mutton all along tho Coast In tho result. Thoro Is every reason to helliive that tho supply la exhausted, Although prices tiro advancing rap idly In the local market, no aheop nro forthcoming to All tho demand, 'even at elevated prices. ThU Is n sure In dication that there Is nono to bo of fered at this lime. THE IIKiHKST DEGREE EXCELLENCE OP What a wondorful revolution there has been In the last decade tu the marketing or the scores of different foods and household supply products! In tho short space ot ten years housekeeping has seen marvel lous changes, Innovations and Improvements that have greatly Increased tho bodily health, comfort, and well being or the public. Production on n large and scl entlllc scale Is constantly Im proving our food stuffs, and honest ndvortUIng la tenchlug us how to recognize tho host. Llkowlso In every other de partment of household activity somothlng bettor Is constantly holng put on the market. Do you road about these things lu Tho Herald each day In tho advertising columns? It Is astonishing what a wealth of Interesting Information these advert Isomenta contain. Headers, watch tho Mutual Olrl Page every Tuesday and Friday. It M)-s to shop la Trie Herald before you shop la the stores; St per cent of the circitUUe of this paper goes illrect brio the home. t'nlted Press Serrlc CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. 4. The strike In the Eastern Ohio coal fields. where 41,000 men are out, wlll con tinue. This was made certain when the representatives of the miners and op erators broke off negotiations here at an adjourned Joint meeting, after two ilayi' session. Thousands of men, women and children In Ilelmont county are on the verge of starvation as a result of the strike. Allies and Teutons Now About of Even Force, Generals Report I nlted Press Servlca PAULS, Dec.'-!. The allies are win tielievcri to he practically with the German army in the matter or numerical strength ia Fimsw Ilelgluni. This It revealed lu the reKrti or General Joffre and Marshal French. Hitherto, French explained, the allien, being outnumbered, were aa abk- to maintain an offensive movement when they started It. The allies are now developing an ofTeietlve campaign, however. It la iiImj exix-cttil that they will be otlll further strengthened hefore lease ssssl that directly after thit tlic offensive inurement wlll reach the ettsssMt. Ei-rt. predict tlwt this struggle, soon to be fought, wlH rassstMsXs the final deeialve struggle for the control of the French coast. - - -v1- The Germans are trying to resume l. & METHODIST FAIR DRAWING CROWDS sULK OF FANCYWORK AND DOLUS HAS UKEN BtUSK AUi DAY. DINNER TO HE SERVED TO NIGHT THERE About the busiest place in Klam ath Fulls today, outside ot the busi ness house ot Herald advertisers, U the store room between the Magulre and Sugarman stores, where the Ladles Aid Society ot Grace M. E. church is giving Its annual bazaar. Faucywork, kitchen helps, dolls, caudles and many other articles are on Bale lu attractive booths, and there la a rush ot women shoppers eager to securo these baud worked articles tor Christmas presents. A Japanese tea booth is another attraction. While tho women folks aro busily engaged In bartering over fancywork and other articles on sale, the men oiks pass through the crowds toward the kitchen, laden with odd shaped bundles that they carry with great care, right sldo up. Tbeso are choice viands for the cafeteria dinner, which is to be given this afternoon and even ing, from S to 8. The headltner of this attraction Is chicken pie, pre pared in truo Methodist style, and the menu Includes overy conceivable form ot gastronomic delicacies. .fm nffnnblra I.i nn.lhirael.ra IIaI. ' r .. - . , l .. ..w ...... .,,. .u v,..u..v-.v.u .- a 0 ClOCK ui mgui ouriBi UM WSBJSB- Blum. The allien, however, are meet-. mentfesMayor Napoleon JUsstilsisT Ing them with vigorous counter at-morning Instructed Officer Katett ts tacks. enforce the curfew ordinance. Tkv Iloth armies show evidence of ordinance was passed on N'ovesaasr I. heavy reinforcing. Indicating that tho18S3, and has been on the statata ; campaign Is on the ero ot a titanic, books of the ityc for about thIrty-M nud perhaps decisive battle. years. Roseburg Review. Tho UrltUh troons arc now holdlne . .. ....:.. - iuui iarL ui iuv uiues iruui aiung iuo , i Yser River, where It Is expected that the Germans intend to center their main assault In their next nttempt to reach tho coast. Heavy cannonading has been in I progress In the north for twenty-four- hours. ' Indications are that the allies are. developing a strong offensive maneu- SOCIALIST CONSIDER TAKING AC ver in the vicinity of Arras. Late today tho war office announced jtbat the allies are developing an ot-' tensive movo against tho German! troops northeast of Ypres. Uetwecn Ypres and Arras, It Is added, heavy cannonading 1$ ,nter.;LTultod Press Service mlttently in progress. I BERLIN, Dec 4. Tha socislisU . of the emjlre are planning to expel Canadians in Egypt 'Llobknecht from the party oa nev United Press Service ccunt of tne 8tand takea b Mm ta" .,,.. ... .,.., . , the question of the billion and a qaar- I1ERL1N. Uec. 4, Athens reports , ... . n .. . . , .. Tn!,e ' w-ar credit. say Great Britain has lander 34 000. u,bknwht ,, tho only Beg,Mw Canadian volunteers in Egypt This v statement was made today by the war .. , ,. . ' . . ., . , oR)co It Is thought that if he is expeUei from the socialist party he will at tempt to form a new anti-war party. Curfew Law , Tue only conciugjon to De ,)nva lleltevliig that boys and girls under ; from tho vote on the war credit aiOTe the ago ot 10 should be restrained Is that Germany Is unanimously la from loitering about the streets after 'favor of continuing the struggle. 'WOULD EXPEL H. LIEBKNECHT TION AGAIXST.MAX WHO CAT DISSENTING VOTE IN RHKsl STAG AGAINST APPROPRIATION At the campground at Sterling Junction, Mass., this summer, the Rev. H. Osborne formed a canary chorus, all preseut bolng requested to whlstlo the chorus of somo of the familiar hymns. Oregon City, Ore., Is built on two levels, an abrupt cliff separating tho business and residential sections. A municipal elevator was erected re cently to connect the two stories ot the town. Chicago has over 3,300 women merchants. Memorial Plate to the Memory of V. Noland (Herald Special Service) EUGENE, Dec. 4. A hronxe tablet will be placed In the new admlnlstra tlon building on the east campus In memory of Virgil Noland, ex-'X5, who died hero while attending college lu 1911. Thu memorial will be tendered by tho present Senior class, ot which he was a member. Noland bad earned a place at guard on the football team in his Freshman year, and was highly respected by the students. His end was tragic, due to the use of an electric bathrobe, which 8. I ho wrapped about himself teUawiac 'football nrurtlPA nnA itlaraAAa k Vl...l. .... .. ... t., J At " -1 uiimiv ujj a tuiu. ins aeatn waa 5fc s8 llinutirf tn hnvit lixAn ABiinBii ku sks L ' !( ,-v .- ,.-. tuTO 7 mw mr 4fU creasod blood How due to over! aclou. , -.it Vtrell Noland was the only sea sf, ' Klamath Falls. Judge Nehtad tn4-'' uated from th Unlrantltv la ltea.lfc,' 5 with tho degrees of B. A.. U.t A.'-usl ,'. h P'Sl M, S. He ia to succeed Clrealt iH4e '; T uenson of Klamath Falta ' saaw .; s aew. Klamath-Lake dletrtet NiakA'A 'Vvr4- vi LlS. a '- "! "e 'fai": .'Uir ;! .: -. -.".