' lr t 2 '11 lf lEunlnn Itera PRINTS T1IK KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER HEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS JKIslh Vrm No. ji.miH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1914. Price, Fhra GHIGAN SAM FILES ON TWO CLAIMS TODAY Latest Photo of King Albert at New Belgian Capital BUDG MUM aH.wn or l'.tllll.OI'Hi (, 'rin-lir ll'liw Itellr'n IL tin lolril tin' IVlri MIiik He tarn- f'rin Han IVmmIm, llir-t, M Amu) V Madr VH tMr mm. That Hriil Omi Hrvwi IWiMlltlr. , It i;iiuMh county to b t ! mvl -, of a nld rush? U (tip much fabled "l.t ivaro ' B,e UH 'HiKst-M? Again r tlir uup-(Ioii ri(o III KUntb t-IU. or Haw ItfrUt, r "HUhltnii Haw," oa Iiq old rotxl' m t railed by ll many frimris. li jstt itlutuwl rum Han Krnrli vita a-loundliiR May, tusdn byi Att-ou A llk oil' Hun Fran- lUv hot kltttl MMayUl. 1uJ) In ftnmAtlq lth a lief ,t itjuritUtlur, "Mlcblean Ham' pntut-d an awaycr' nfrilricat, Mh mlur hU -uaru rw"imru at it.ni it tbe ion. Thu i f l.iss:: imculilana fioo 19 In ullver. llc.lJrn Did m)', a milling lest tit tu.Mli. by Abbot. Out ft I It jwgbJ nt tltll, tilt) nMwUt w-d a liar nf put gold vIbIiIub Ml aunt, TW U valued at 12: it punrf, an It U - rum any atloy KttlfTrr. Tbf location o lliu dUcini-ry U on lU north )k nf DUmutid Peak war Diamond lhr. north t Crater Uc, ami Hear I ho KotlHta CflUMy ite. ! TvJsy the old pnpctor Wod nv ilalnu, preparatory in bfcinnlnc d?-, wluftunit week In llio apring. One et ibnc rlalms U fur tmru mine,, moihtr U n lnrr UkaiIoii. a Itilnl ' l n 'rroirlallon of 1,000 mlimr,' Urbm of A(rr btom (tin Hlfi Intrt, hit!) .Halt into OJrll l,nkn pnihr li (or a mill te, ami Iho HiiaI nni lor KiuilttK K)lnt for tbrl. lUtil ba lirtn lrnmilnK Conlral in! Houthern Orosou ftir fent In ""l Jl : 1 raw 9vk.ik " i i i ' n' wir."-. r ET JUST PREPARED BY m 'COURT mi. (Ji:.vi:i(,u, n;i km'kvnks Honors Showered on German Leader RENEWED .Vltl! K7..,O(0 l'in Nloii K MjiiIi. for I-miI)- for I'KiMKiitliiK Altornv)' mill UrUitUt h-rl( fur TlMt Ofllir .Vim Cuiirt IIimim- A'ruirliilluii Is KK.,. '0(l, U- i:iiiic( Wllliili Itlrxk Ti'ii of llm HirlnK Adillllon. -t Thl ibt.ioKrnib of KIiik Altwrl of rc.orJ 'H hurried to lUvro us thu Iklnlnnub flntt of Win lmi llio be i.i-iman. lwopt from Antsoni mer Kinnlne ( lb war. t taken m the n-nborn HoIrIuiii Tho photoBraih . . .... i ... ... -t it.. tflMi l.i twi lii tirtmn litiVfl im ranllal 01 llrlKluin. nnvrr, in i" "'"n - -- rrmicn When lb llolelnn Kovern iii romlltlun- Ho ba gnlneil In 4-t o( a mln. .Sow tlmt It look u. ,imnt minwa from AWfn l w,l-'l !,ml "',l"'l' "'co l,u' W!,r Ibottih bo bM nurrvodeti, bin many, Hurt no pUc on IU own torrt- bCu ll U oxMent thnt bl8 nctly friftnU rrjolrn nt bin rwiril for I.I lor). nm bml o nrcepl the bonpltnl- HI"- "' l, '1,,1,, h"Vu ""I'roveil bin .IfetU. 9 Illy of the rrvncli All Kowrnmi'itl npiu-arnnee. Settle Conger Estate 'letnele niul Iho cloalns of llio etato wni iirilerml. Thu entnto U now' worth nboul $ir..00, mostly In canh. St Ims In rtrsno.1 from HO.000 wbllo In tbo Imnd of tbo executors. Following llm publication of n notice of flnnl nc- ciiilU. It U oxpoclml that llio ustnto 'will bo cloned up without further losa of tlmu. 1 liii (ichuol tlUtrlcV'a hharo of the enlHto Ib llio lucomo from si hg por tion of tbo ealiito. Tbli him coino to aii .. ... --.... ..... u ......i-nillm known u the Joseph ConKcr on- --. I'VIMR HI nil UIIHVIIIVir IHIVjlH HH " hmii. .-.. -,,--1 la After Several Years' Effort, Will Soon Be Closed' With P.brmiry, 1908. Ibo Conner esUilo l ,", ,",co1"" il ' ta.t , ,)0 mtUi Ul, Th, county J,;, liS .1... II. at ., . I ... .. rt t -. tunw num iuiih. mu i nu " mcc ti18 ,,,h of JOlW,h Conger -.raiierwi, mo " """',,,-,. .,. ,,UtrUt U endowed. er) nimcuii ihhiii. mnliuul unsettled, the i 'Two IWiik o uroiiRiii ouv lulu J. Hlouten nml HtroiiBiy "' "". . " wrt IhU morning determined Hint cimrlea IJ. Wllnon. bolnc unable lo (lioesbeck. whoso ofioitH uro lurgeij llntre urn forty.four roltlva of Cob Unit nil of theo relnlUeii. Kr who ii ru untitled to leunrleii of. ti... ui .....hIoh of thu l.'itlaluuire. W rncli. nml thu uitnte. It U hellev.!. ..,., ..Kl.,l ., unv fur llio nettle !1,,uru t',m :..:" i "' - - - . . , tii..i nf inw nifttit of Involved entntoH oi tiim kiiio, In prevldlnt: or nu oijully proco . n'l I. il.lo in mo roiimjr ...r.. Z'''" ' !'l,,v,,,un,(, order to mvu audi Innc litU'ri-miHl imi tic mii llo couiplnlnt, ''' nml brliiK tbo Pooi.lo rlnlmliiK l ! Mn u,wiunl enllllod lo buiiolltH hoforo tbo eouit. to determine whoso cliilmu worn vnlld.i a,u, s,io, ,,.,, (ivriuuny .,:ror":!K-.o!,!::t!::,::ir":.:;i a .uan... or .d ...- .. ... en in mo W...I.V. ""-' ".," iJormnny luw renulteil In n Kovom iKMini, tnrouKi. niu- . ,e Mtori!l , turn rortliU ol iiroeu ci. -aim bo i-ettlvl In Jnntinry, Cohkit wn for yonru a roiblcul of Hie Kliiuinlli country, nml bo owned Kopurly nu ul0 nVenuo tbftt beiirn l immo. On Dili trnct bo laid mi """.rd, mid prnctlcnlly Wit ontlro iiimniirii worn dovotcd lo drlvliiK ) tbo Bcbool children, who with iTiumory lntvutlotiH wero wont to In lo Uio orchard. 'TlitipH Canicor bnlloved belter oil J"tlon would tnmn out tbU trnlt, ' l 1000, two ywint boforo IiIh '-lii lio inudo IiU will, In which bo Wjiuonthmi iho bulk of hi enlttlo lo Wool DUtrlct No, l, Lntor on, ow. n to llm (tenth of n iiUlor who win "ned an n bonoficlnry, Connor mnoe "llc tlmt nftor corlnln other IfK- In Ibo will wero taken rnro of, ItKtCV Of I9R luau an .. ...nil .if " klllHIIIOII Wllliili ili rmiftli .Iflirv.i.i. " remtionihlp, tblg dogreo took lu oven grnud t( ttl" nohw and aecond cou n hloihUiIo for tbo llunl settlement Ono is, that beside 'law 'a delays,' bo n Krenler delay from Auotbor Is the necessity eedlns lf(" "mk,"B moru lluclllc tno ,or"18 of il Will, eSPOClllll) IIS IU m-iiuum iu I 'I be county court this mornliiB com I pit ted thu budKet of cxpentea for the lliiiIiik cnr. At Ibis limit tbo court i-t December H, at lo o'clock, as the lline (or dlicusHliii: nud betirltiK ob Ijcciiinu to the vurlous Items, prepnr- nu.r) to imhrIhk tbo levy or the en- nultiK year. a mini or mr. nun u ..i nui.i.. in jibit court bouso fund, uccordluK to the , I inlCcl. Thin specifics Hi. it thu mouey is to bo ll fed lu block lu of Hot 'hpilliKs addition, evldeutly n precau 'tluu lest Hanks, It be U'couu-s Judge, IiIilIiIo to tear down Ibo court bousu 1 1. ml mine It somewhere clee. Thu ottlco expenses of tbo prosecut ing nltomey arc estimated at 11,700. Included In ibo Items are n deputy prosecutor at 173 n month, and $S00 for detective senices. Tbo r.eneral fund expenditures are r estimated as follews: i ) Sheriff' office, IG.300; board of prlfoners, etc., 11,000; jisscument nud collection of taxes, J2,5'J0; coun ty treasurer, $2,200; county assosor, JJ.000; county clerk's office, $5,940; county school superintendent's office, fl.975; county court and commis sioners, $2,000; exporting of books. i 1,000; county surveyor's ofllce, $1,750; county coroner's ofllco, .$770; county physician. $500; county health oPicer, $2G0; county vctcrlnnry and htock Inspector, $250; county fruit lujipector, $100; circuit court, $12, 200; Justice courts, $3,300; current expenses (books, stationery, postage, lolephonei, etc., alt offices), $C000; widows' pensions, $5,000; county poor, $6,320; court house expense, $2,500; registrations nml elections, $C00; scalp bounty, $1,400; refund lii(T taxes, $1,200; advertising. $1,000; miscellaneous, $500; Juvenile c.turt, $260; Insane. $250; proaocut Inc uttornoy'H oftlcc, $ 1,700; soalor of welKhta and measures), $1,200; road fund, $1,000. Tbo total general fund expense for tln coming ear Is estimated at $75,- $$5. Tbo estimated receipts In the general fund aro estimated nt $7,050. Kstlmntes of expenditures from special funds follew: Cnrneglo Li brary maintenance, $3,300; county school tax, $GC,110; high school, $31,000 (Including 1914 deficit and tuition of Merrill and llonanxa; school library, $105; Stato Agricultural Col lego extension work, $2,000; special road fund tax, now road construction, $35,900; maintenance, $10,00; work now- completed, $20,000, total, $05, 900; new court house construction, $85,000; redemption of outstanding wnrrnnts with Interest, $50,000. I rtoa-yKaaMHliilMiEjT'!l TW t i VnLaPKjpKJKJKjBuSA jH&P km .''flmUUU''ii ? i "'r'iliiiiHil I BY FIGHTING NCE, BELGIUM BOTH ARMIES 1 nlted Press Service IMHIS, .Dec. i: Today's communquo Indicate tlmt a rlgorMM of f. iii-he iitoteinent lias hcen ntnrtctl by (lie nlllen alontt the mala highway lliMtii tlx; Alsne and J..tto nirers, vlJcli IcmU to thefortr-M of Tiftnw. v lift ii llio (ionium occupy. TIib conntit.iilo.iie imys: "At Craoime, a Ocnnaii buttery van ilc-itroyril, find there wa a lively hoinlMirtliiiittt In thu region of Veudroi.' m!ri 1 live mlli uet of Crjmne nud three ruilea north of law Jfne. (ieniun artillery K liauimerliiK lint ulllei iH-tivcen Ypres aad AnM. It K leixiilcil that the reinforcing of the enemy continued, aad lOO.fl moii me cxirteil to nrrlre In a ftnr .'ayi. HKItl.I.V. Dec. 2. IH-sIdcs being raised to the rank of Hold marshal by, Kajser VVilhelm, (lencral von Ulnden bcig, who InHctcd disastrous defeat! on the Itusslan troops In Kast I'rusala bun been bcrnored by tbo University of Koenlgsbcrg with a quadruple doc tor's degree, all four faculties of law, divinity, medicine and philosophy h-ivlng uulted to do him honor. His dlplomu bears the following In scriptien: To tbo supremo leader of tbo Klgbth German army, who completely overthrew and destroyed Russian hordes, und lu this way defended bbi i native p'ovince and and German cul-j tore from barbarian enejnlei, to the! Immortal ornament of the Fathar-l land." i i i l nlted Press Service , lONDO.V, Dec. a. The Austrian occupied llelgrade today, accortVac lo n telcgrnui trum Ainsterdnm. ' llic opular cry here Is for a dc-lsire victory, either la the treat, the c-iM or on tlio h-a beore Christmas. I 'tilled Press Service ISKUr.IV, Dec. Ii. It Ls udnillteii that the Itusslaas searly In (neloiIng n larso German force nt Lodz. Ttie Germnas foaght way ont, tliousl". repulsing the enemy and enpliirlng 12,000 mem. A Vienna dtpntch says the .lutitro-Gerniau garrisons at Piaeaayl liaie repuUetl the atLick upon the uorthern posltioiM by i fi-om the fortre. llio Carpnthlau fighting continue!). t' nlted Prtiss Service l'lmtonttAI), Dee. -:. The llus.i.iu. r. ihiIm-iI lite Uenaaaa r Vistula and now hold I'lock. It ti admitted tfint in I.nU, the tleiiuans under 1owic atKceedea cutting away Hie enveloping forces. I'rlilny, it I reported, waa the lot day of the campaign. TO STANDARDIZE "YELLUW HIM" SCHOOL ATHLETICS BLAMES GERMANY 4 M'l'mtl.VTI.NDI-.XT fllUUCHlI.li WltlTI-S TO LOCAL SCHOOL FOK ITS ItKGUIwlTIOXS AS TO .MLM IIKItS OF TI.A.MS French foreign office place ta re sponsibility fully upon Austria, aad t.crmany, and relates that Great Brit- laiu, Russia nnd France were ready to adopt means of settlement, but tkaf tho Teutonic allies would not coaaaat. Germany's ultimatum to Ruaabt la said to bare precipitated the rupture. France, according to tho book, ex-FL'IILTCA- bansted overy possible avenue of coa-' cllliatlon before she decided to draw the sword to defend her very life. ALL lU-'FOKTS OF THK ALLU25 : ... v- o,,,,,,!:,,,, Thu mllk of a slnl0 Roquefort r iiiu.tM atiwui out tiawtii ' FKANCI.'h OFFICIAL i TlOX SAYS OHUMANY llAIUtKD (lioeslieClC. Au 11 lit cli'-i nitlvllles, u totnl of 1S5 claims from iiilnllvi'M wero piesonted, Huso coniliiK IhioiiKh I). I., I.lllott, mid tho Kruilur part of Ihom from losldeiitH of Vliici'iines, Imi. 'lluiso iliiposltlnns wero examined title mot nine by tho county couit, by JiiiIku Ilrnlto iih ntloiimy for Iho " editors, by Mr. lliouabock for tho Hrbool botiid, nml i:. I.. l-ll'-'H for tho cliilmnntH, At tlmt time. It won itolormlneil tlmt' ZoHy-zour or tno clulumuW worn cntltlod to tho $25 lejfiiclos, and tbo tllslrlbutlon of tbo miml older to music stores over thu Mippllca thuy havo for usu lu pianos mill other musical Instruments, minding lo Dr. K, K, Johustono of tbin I'rnnelsfo, tin olllcer lu tho United atiitos iiH'dlcul resorvo corps, who bus Just lolurned to London from 1U1 clum. Dr. Johnstono snyu that tbo order win u secret ono, but It has caused deepest dejection among muslo Instru ment dealers, who forseo Immediate ruin. Thorn Is nlso a shortage of Huosthotics In (lermuny, Dr. Johti atone said. KIDDIES WANTED FOR REHEARSALS Word luw been rocclved from Miss I'OfcS Matthews, who Is to Btugo "The Wedding of Tom Thumb" nt tho Christian church Friday night, that she will bu burn tonight from Ktua Mills. Tho llrst rohearsnl will bo held tomorrow night. Tho cast calls for a largo number of children. A call has therefore boon Issiiod to nil children between 5 mid 12 years of ago, to assemble at thu Christian church tomorrow after noon, to bo assigned parts In tbo production. sheep will in one year provide froa thirty to forty pounds of cheeae. la PARIS, Dec. 2. Tho French for-;0no district of France there ebout lu an effort to bring about a cian-iol&" offlco has -lvea out a "Yellow js.000 sheep devoted to the cheeae la dardUatlou In high school athletics. PooK'- which recites tbo French view-dustry. Superintendent of Public Instruction 'P"'11 ot luo ovcuts whIh l- "P t0' iMiiirciiin hn writitxi iim U'hmnth 'tho present war. This book reviews o .... .. ... .. County High School for u copy ot,a mngui mo uipiomaiic excnango3 the school's regulations what students aro eligible to repre sent the school lu any athletic team or event. It U believed hero that the local regulations will be lu a largo measure ndoptod nil over tbo state, as these An apple tree owned by S. W. --!, .. . ... . . . i. . . uiiui ui 1.IM jiuKmrn. t...i.. us hm:i"a ivirnriiini i ocioro uiu ueciaraiion oi war. An : , , . ' : , n. gamins, i . . nr lntertl hrnueh h aft th In abstract given out oy tno foreign ot- " Mr . iuti nisi jcur, iw iiua llc la-3 emphasla upon the responsl-,'"" ""l c"'' "" "" """ l"" e"" bllltlesof Austria as primal cause ofh' w"bVUl" "uc " ""- "-' tho conflict, and says that Germany i "r persistently avoided every opportun-, " " - Ity to adopt measures of coucIUIntlou Stlvertou Interurbau Telepboae prevent any team from playing a man j , ..,... .t ....... t. . . . . , , . , ., I In Its presentation ot tho case tbo Increase Its rates. w;0 is not a regular student lu tho Institution, Moreover, postgraduates are pi evented from playing on any team. That athletics are secoudary to scholastic ability lu Klamath County High Is shown by tbo strict regula tion providing thnt no student can be a meiubor of u team unless ho is up to a good average lu his studies. In- stcad ot neglecting studies for ath- lotlcn, therefore, tho student who de- slius to mnko a school team must also brush up In school or bo ruled out. MattC hosen on Jury Tho American commission for ro ller lu Uolglum has received a check on tho Dank of Knfiland for $3,000,- 000, which was eontrlbutod by Bel gians Interested In tho relief of tholr countrymen. M'eyorhuusor Interests that own tweuty billion feet or Umber in tho Clearwater district aro looking for a mill situ on tho Snake river. Former Jury Indicts Williams; Sessions Cootiwc F. R. Matt, a local morchant, was .beou set as yet by Circuit Judge H. L. this morning drawn from tho Jury iDenson. The Indictment accuse WU panol to become ti member of the ! llama ot shooting McLeod In the bead grand Jury now lu session. Matt &nd striking him with some blua. la tool: the Place of John Matney, who;atrument, with malice, with preBMd. was. obliged to ask for an exemption, Ration and lu cold blood. owing to Illness lu Uls family. With Mr. Matt aa a raoabar of tae Pofore Matney left last night, the lumilsitorla) body, the graad Jury tal gtmul jury made a return In thqi forenoon resumed Its Ibt tlajaUaa Finnic Williams case, Indicting the Into criminal matters la a Warrenton will speud $150,000 on water supply from Lewis and Clark i Ivor former prlxe lighter for tho murder .county of Allen C. Jhoutestoader. .. .V j ;- 4," r- County, city nud school taxing bodies all over tbo state are whittling down levies. ltoumnnla has refused the request of Russia that the czar'a troops be permitted to cross Roumaulu. McLeod. tho Midland. A number of the wltaaasaa ka -P '..... i .... .. . . .,,... . were callod tor the stato la the) bf ft who wa3 killed last August, and upon whose claim Wit- llama movod his family utod resided until neighbors, becoming suspicious, started an Investigation, which re sulted lu tho arrest of Williams and the finding of tho body of McLeod burled a few yards from tbo cabin. The time of arraignment has not tv lit rrn lin VAaii 1 .j In AIka. la. sLetAasaa aaaA -r1 of William Sims, Love Qaaad'aM' Ifarry JSrnst, on charge. of lsrtasjyait' -a stoer, are la KUatb. WtMi fa Mr Vi' . . " . ..... -r.v, ...' . a . .". " r. as. swer to grana -uryaaif sasjss ? fcTstru. mora iadietiaeaU bWa th lieS if In tha Merrll? eoaMfy HjpHkJi , - , 4 f -, v 'I st .,' "iiY Jr "jjr'(!i