." , r fy ..?s, I" J ri PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Eh MntJi Year -No. a,f!7 iainfmj literal? KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER --jcr-TrifftUBSfc- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1914. Price, FtvO FIERCE FIGHTING IN POLAND; BOTH SAY "WE ARE WINNING" s Walk for Defense of Constantinople GERMANS MASSING FORCES TO BLOCK ALLIB OFFENSIVE ttio undent idled Pi Hef vlca UI.MMlV, kr, I, IIiimUii mill littmiin .l.il.niMil". ngui.llnu tint HsMlntf Im ' ' Iw1lfl Hiil Hie U tnmii tin,-, u 'i.tn m. Intuit, unit ' ititii tr wppoalitM nnl rt iriulii,j t.ur Mm.inli,. limn. 1 I'Mil Marvhal tun lllMiliilirr. tin- (.Vniuiii t itiiinitl.f , Im lirni iv. I Intuited, , I'.tprH W t'Mrtlntl thai llici llii..liui Ik, Id Hit mhoiilnut' In llil i iciinpalati. It i irallml that llin ilirl.Ur Uut l m( ).l nutr. I Tim irniittl f KImt WIHkIim tn I It.. limit I. Iillr.t ! Indicate. ! II1 .MptVMW rffolt Jo planned li) llle t.rtiimn. in ilrhc tlif iimIii j tk m Wan, j I tilted l' Service I'lMlUXJItAD, lire. I, llto Ilt.l llnr tiifnmii liix,i. urn now opposing ,t HrliH of ll KmmUh Mftiljr In Piilntid. 'I tn-r- MKiiUr trH aw en. i,itngjftg Hd strrngtlirrtlnit Hie inilli nf Hie nin unit llilril llnr tt, llliu ftiMgltt In Um roily lAtt tif dm battle. l I admitted lltNl lir Utriiuttt. iv ItuhtliiK il-.NtiHr I) hi ImI, ' ,c iwr th-mn T' tirat), r rr,,(, nt lfu Iiimiji (might their Mny i.i I i,f Hie l the ltullt. nhlghl llitlil III mmiIIi uf lt, 'till im itM liirlltlittf llulii Mint mu Hie itini- Mini: iimih In ll.- Urn of n IrrrlnV hwrlilltf fill li mid illlr- llir. The lirM'lH-r tnkmi rrt ntfirliitt trirllil) fhim mid Hint liiniU''r. nr Mltl Irfl IimUv fur llir IhmiI In I'ntniiil, "f tlio 1 1 U Ikiph nmCciortar h,to tliu inn- rnior front of Conmiiiiiiioil, wlifcti I -rJnl u'tl, lint itlnco motlorn t- (li Tuthu in.,,.. U.HI i.,.i.i i incut of II fly feoi tlilckntxH hn liricn -...n ...,,.v - hihi tiifiiii nt7 - .i.... .i. . ,. IWwwn to WU liyltliunrtlllery twcdTn nfliu.i mi' uiinvK III uaii'im ir ,. , , , llilif wnr tliu olft nail mny not tut 1 .loiiK ntnlnt IhoJ ItunHlau. Iirltluli ... The wi.ll ),n. bfii built for mnujrj rrc:ifh flce(;( lhLuI(1 ollhor paM l0 T5 I iiiilri yw Hluuvt In tlmlr UB-jlloniioru or Oiojinrilanelfcii. mmmm.imsm i tilt4 ltt rlt lll.'ltM.V, Ikr. I. "QaJn rrtill In Kt Pni-lj ,nnl Souili I'ol.iml" .. llir ulNrUi Mulrinnit. "tnr IhkjI; In .Nnrtli IViUml n liirivi hi llv )rtil uf )rt-r.U)' ii-'..i-.. Ii lid' Tn(tllti f .".IHKI mm, lit urn I, I, li., llfl nut lillin Vlx nimI iiilinr.,li iiiiiiiiiiiillliMi mil." Tltr Utrat r4rt (fin I'litmnl tuililit Imllfnl.' Hint dm I.'.iumii' lime rtitfCi tixullotl ( llii'lr 4au l rnii'llink llu ltiiUn rl&lil. funlni; It liU I') HiUMtrr ntlaiV ninl li) ltil mmc " i llnlr nmt,fi(lnii uitli U'nr. ., Tito tNliillmnil of llil pin". ttilli Imvchi hIHi llu ltiiluu ill fiiil til l.lii Mini I1wkt wit ltr lilmtrmt li) tin Htrhnl if lliilnu n liifurr1. MK-ttiK, HHit llw !lrrMMn "'ri (or llir tlnit iIiukiii iui lli itolin.hc. ,Stiw, ollrr rrpuUlwc WHMir'li II1., llii Jinnii iM-rtr hi lo nilt.iiirliiu tuiinnt lAilri. Will SALVAGE TO BOOK TOURS L THHITANIC THROUGH CITY SELLING ASSURED INeJMSH tlWMJIlAI'HIIlt Tl rilAMIIKIt III' niMMIIIICK Is L Ul flllL l Oil ll stuiiv xckni: or thi: disas. uoukino k viiiiavuka ir.ii' tKIt WITH A VIIWTO llAIMMl MtlIM .H wi.uu. -,' ' " Ml .rO.M.M tML'.NTV DIW.IXIA- i im: hi'iiMMKiicKii vi:hhi:i. .m ntATi:it i.ki: ,iov t v.vm.mol'si.v kxixiusks M IBKiHVXB r ir i mw-my rvm - -'jmrnZ l Jti&wSSSn ' V f "I II - TTli' ! -lT I .i... .-xhjs rgtZTzW ..i.il L5JS8fii k i . jnm rwviigu viMHaiJAFjrr;rf3T;rui'T. "vomiiuBNHVtk-u. ri'.. m tf. ii.--,f BB .. mwl'rjfc iitfrWfpB WTr'fMffi'ySlW'' fMT i""""" si 5'iHihrf'aBftTftijr K- ' ' cmMm -m 'wrLLvw -"";,C3afc:ri rP!TjaHMiwE.? t rr yfxTOii. . , tmckjw'.s hrr: ssHHAKjn In r a a ( )w jl-l. ai .AiMHHHirWk1inr.HWJiH&i''tWiiHPv v m v -:V-, ',-Avinfw .IBRVFK!vflCiHPA kL, !MdCKJMKS3KnEX9aHVnBBHU! ggv - - ..- ilir l fVt- "lA tiZ'S SP e A--:-i,.M,?B .v '.v ; i tmu. 'ssa.aiB ;cr3 xs AJii JKJ 4i Cvf si . -s Jfc&SaSH ig) Stty jAiyWTKA?'. v. iQ-, IOHIrliil lmc, Jontjih WlUon of CorvallU, a legal i-xn miner In the employ of tho recla- imatlon M'rlc, loft out this morning nlior a bualms sojourn hero. To Join IIu.IuiiiiJ Mm. H. N. Woods has gone to Ouklnnd to Join her hutband, manuBur of tho local tub and pall factory . I'llll.ADKI.I'IIIA, Dm?, I firm In tin' brllrf that the llnor TlUnlc ni link Ijf nn Icrbprc which ! It"lf arround on tho Htimmtt of n mtlniieri; nl moutilnln, uinl tlmt h inn be to ruled and ralmut, ChI'IbIu J- Ittr HtnckhouMi, I.'iiKlUlimaii, tisiduriT nml KiOKratdiur, who l now her, will win Inn the ri'ii of tho ilUimU'i-. Tln InvmilKntlon U t. t' part of tln kcIihIuIo of tin IntoriiAtlounl .HtimiiKruplilc lupi'illtlon, wlilih "HI fit out from lniiitou next May. Im iui,' an Itn hl.f nil tli ildrtnlto local Iiik of Hdtiui 3,00U roimiUM unthnriiMl ilntiKi-m of I ho ilfpp. , i-tmriaxi) .Mi:itciiA.T oth. Kit iu:t.i:oATi:s r.ivnii him Ihro I'nmt Kat. J ' 1'iovldiuK nil nrranKwHioni ran boj iiatufi-riortlj worli-xl out. n no plan to illvrri tourixt irinol ihroiiRh tho It.nmath tuiintr) will bn uttil at the I,nnam.-rartni' lntnnuimal cxpol- lllllll. TBI lll III- 11 IIUUMIIR v'.. ,. ... V-. .... .. ii..- .i... fnruHir iirldeni of the ornate, seouis iinirum wnni- uicj aw hhiiui vj ... . , , ... '!lr. nn.1 furnUhlm; ilinn llh U,o ' r "' V" " ' ItlckcU to carry thorn hi-ro from WVod . William Albright, who ilnKK In dlffurout part of has holdj Klamath rounty, la hvro from Cincinnati for at short nojourn. j PRISONER'S WORK PLACED ON SALE IX OKDKIl TO DKFK.NU SKIA' IX COUHT AX1) IX) UK1A1K ARTI K1CTAL I.1MI1, lMtlSUXKR I'l.lKS HUSV XKKDLK (lli-rnlil Sinfltil STlrc) 1'OUTI.ANU. Doc. 1. Hun Selling. Hi' 1 1, hi lllliiiiiulo William M. Illnck lift IhU mnrnliiK fcr (milium, Cull for nhi, folleulm: hlH iibihiI habit of i-)iiiiullhi: llu ulnlor in. iitlm in Moiiton,')- rnimiry jltii:iii.ii- i""" - """ .---.- 'nml out via Crot-T !.; lo .Mi'.lford , If rmr atraiiijcim'Hii can bo. m.iiii. H U I ho plttti to haw tlui tlek-j 'i In mirh form Hmt after tho tnuiUt I, nn4 tho tmlli t WmhI. lo will not' ,i to apfliiil miiiu.y foi anjJhlng, Im- nioaU nml prlvalo rxponinti. Tin- jbooKliiK. U l iilntiwMl, will trthi- nirc, jor bin hotel iixH'iiu, unto faro. itc ThU nlan l '" "t with thi local hotoU and aotnuiobii com--.juiIm, thtii l-'K-r wlib '"' "-.il'ioail futiiimny Must Suiiiinon Jury V WP - -. , a T I JSAi V Member of Grand Jury Excused Owing to Illness id ii Siiiiim A hull Iiun omiriod In tho oira-ito muloim ah-km' rU(ilnK hU iro. '' ,f " '""'" '"' r,,l,C,,n;,Vo,'dT.'o IUI lU I.I..CO, It l j.j, which coiivoikmi iui ,""",,' v,uMnvy to mimimm nil tho member. I. coiiHlilurmnttvrM criminal In tl.Ur the Juno circuit court, Juty imhol, lotimy boforu Iho oiiunliiK f tho Do-iiuul ilinw a now Junior' namo. ThU ujtnbor torm of tko circuit couit Mini- I to bo ilono tomoirow mm mi h uy. Thin U duo to llluoa In lu 'nmlly of oiio Juror, CnuHlilmliiK tlm met Hint ho has Jtim rDCulvcil thoHummonees, tho tiul. bofoio Hherllt Low, who must Bum- In lino of leprouintalUft at the next leulflntiire, At a ciuicuh of the Mult nomah county delegation today Scll- HiiK wns uiiunliuouMly endowed.' ItcslilcH thu Multnomah delogatlou, t huUmnii nml Clatsop aro lined up with Soiling, as nrii mo!.t of tho roore BontatlvoH fiom Kimtorn and Southein Oregon, John Mittnoy trftlay unkotl to bo ox mon tho Juiom lo bo In tomorrow, In. ciiuwl from further ttenanco, owing J to my tho least, utrenuoua. An effort will bo mado to rovlvo BQinn of tho bills In tho loglslaturo 'that wore defeated at tho polls, rilHTV TOWNS IX TKX DAYS A prominent manufacturer, producing a now and superior article for homo use, recently created In ten days n, otroug, active demand for hta product by menus of newspaper advertis ing. Having manufactured an ar ticle, of unusual merit, nnd wish ing to develop a large output In older to liiHiue economical pro duction, he decided to devote, a glum Mini lo newspaper adver tising for ono month In a well populated section of the coiin tiy, Tho section embraced about forty cities and towns. 'Iho representative homo pa per In each town was used dally with ropy that was plain nnd straightforward. Itetall de.ileis weie Invited to co-operate by featuring this nrtlcle In their windows, A quick nnd gratifying de mand resulted, nnd, with tho ad oi Using campaign only ono thlid Mulshed, tho manufacturer found his product a housohold word and retailors eager to bo his agents. Tho snmo thing applies to any retail dealer In this city who has goods to sell. Get on the Mutual (llrl Pngo. It iwiya to .hop In Tlic Hentld before you tthop In the store; 01 per cent of tho circulation of this por Roct direct Into the home. Much favorable comment Is being Kurd regarding tho splendidly em broidered pillow top In the window of tho K. K. K. Store. This Is he work of Charles C. Mender, a prisoner in the county Jail, and Is to be raffled off, the proceeds to be used by Meador tow aid his defense In court and for replacing worn out parts of his nrtl- ificlal leg, which have worn out dur- jlnt; his Iho mouths' watt In Jail for a iRriuid Jury hearing. J Tho pillow Just finished by Meador l a Moose emblem. It contains 1,340 'vim!, or nearly a mtlo of silk floss. In leeu different shades. Tho actual 4 Cost of the material was $9.30, and It toel: fifteen d.iys of work to flulsh dt. , Mender learned needlowork while rcnllned for nearly two years In a , Northern Paclflo hospital, resulting 'from tho loss of his log nnd other bo- vere Injuries received In a train wreck three years ago. At that tlmo, Meador wna employed as a cook In the railroad's dining ear system. Meador today started work on an KIIv'h emblem pillow top ordered 'from Portland. Dcslden this, ho la deslrou; of earning what nioro ho can j IIIMiop Paddock Coming ' Right Reverend Robert li, Paddock, by embroidering pillow tops to order nnd by embroidering initials and de signs on handkerchiefs, shirts, neck ties, etc. Orders for these can be left at tho sheriff's office. Kplscopol DUhop of Eastern Oregon, wjll arrive bore Thursday for a short Visit, according to word Just received, Announcement as to church services will bo made later. United Pre Service 1'AKIH, Dec. 1. Kvery able-bodied (.'ernuiu in DcigiiUB, who reM ltlbly be detached from garrUoa or utpot daty, hoe bee )( te the fighting line running toward the A'crlli 8c from Yprra. - It U reported that during the recent loll in the cosuUct Ml FIMVbjsv tin- lielgian town garrisons were denuded ' moat of the Oerswal forces. Am reeult, 100,000 OermaBs are mAed for an ssessdt nllfcd lino from Vprcti toward Ly. , This null of reinforcements to the north, it ia beWeved, Hit- l-'rcacli-HritUli offmslre plan. - King George of England spent only one day at the front. It k In IP-ted tliat hU departure foreshadowed an early offensive by the alllW- North of Arras, the Germans were siott active yesterday. ; Heavy cannonading costianed la Delglow, bat sm nere attempted. Elsewhere conditions were unchanged Cnlted Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Dec 1. Brltisli and Japanese warihips are refottsd cloning in on the German squadron operating la South Anseri A big naval battle is expected. Traffic is practlcallly at the South Atlantic. , ) J I'nlted Press Service NEW VORK, Dec. 1. Mali from London brought the ISritUh super-dreadnaugbt Audacious, reported lost, is nowlsii at lielfa.t, Ireland, undergoing repairs. The admiralty expects sn afclp to be in conunUilon in three months. - United Press Service THK HAGUE, Dec. 1. Two Brit bit aviators recently Sew over iMiiuliinit the military reservation. Seven Germans were United Press Service r I1KRLIN, Dec. 1. An official statement from Comstsatinople ssya the Turks are siv milea from Batum. , nuubt 15 nunc ; FROM OUR CODE! SECOND rSPFF kVlflrli iaH-V1 T ON FILE COMPLETE RETURNS, JUST COM-'aLGOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT H PILED, SHOW THAT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT WAS AIlOLISHEDf HV 1ST VOTES liROUGHT INTO THE TAX PAY MENT MUDDLE, AND KLAMATC COCXTY IS THE PLAINTIFF United Press Service SALEM, Dec. 1. One hundred aul fifty-seven more people were In favor of the abolishment of the death pen alty than opposed to It, according to complete official canvass of the vote. Just completed this morning at the office of Secretary of State Olcott. Mayor Vincent nnd a committee are working for n municipal water plant at St. Johns. The second recovery actio to "brought as the result of a aulawiT decimal in the 1913 tax roll; whin; caused the Southern Pacific to Buy 100 times what la should In taxsn or certain property, baa heen llti la this. School DIstrlctNo. 43, at Al goma. is the defendant, and stltaath county is defendant, i- The complaint allege toatta dis trict received 1135.53 Ottilia ,-,- i The suit, filed by Stone A Onto, Is to recover this amount. Grand Entry Is Han Villa Headquarters in Suburb While Wikkf United Press Service Kit PASO, Texas, IK-c. 1. A delay ed oillrliil dUpatch just received an iiouncetl Hie nrrivul of Villa and his tioops in Melco City Into yesteidny evcnliig. His llrst ollklul nit wan to cull the foriigu dlplonuits together, and usMire tliciu ho would preserve order and protect foreign lives nml property. United Press Service EL PASO, Texas, Dec. 1. General Villa has moved his headquarters to Tlalupula, a suburb of Mexico City. He has delayed his entry' Into tho cap ital until President Guttorrez arrives to accompany him, and arrangements for the entry are completed. It is reported at Villa's headquar ters that a thousand VllllsU repub, llcans from Pacbuca, after a short light yesterday, captured ten military f I .ip I U f 4 trains, a hundred autos, severarcoa-, inon nnd quantities of Munitions. v" Other VlllUtos are reported to have captured Sahrlpa, in the stat!e of , nora Colonel Ayoda, the Carraasa commander, was killed 'during. this Cght, , Vera Cruz dispatches unaouaee Ubat Carranta has Issued a dear or- dgrlng the formulatlonof'laws graat-t jing divorces and providing for tho tlonal operation of mines, Oil, and timber resources' and thedtetrlliu-.vi am ...:,.- .il. 4 .'1 ,.x ,'$', i-n.tr . ' tion or mexicaa ,ianas. ..-, , ',,' L'ulted Press torvW ' WASHINGTON? D. C OK. President Wilson let' li' be known that Information received1 by tU;)rtat V na-.M,... iMjll.A -' - - -- l, lOITCI fl,Vl, WBv sltuatloa is working ojst ; and said tkat tae TMOK, porta ma to have, San1 Aatoalo n BI.Pmh.T ' .ffif'iV.;'. 4V 3 t t Bfi 0 rfi i 1 f- A . Ai j . 'i . a ?m T'a m 'F i j?1 Ul ?& 1 SiH 1 ttj. .V fi f ,' J'-