(.. ll . ix-V. y-.5i t,l A. W11 V iEu-mina; IteraU. .y PRINTS THK NEWS WHIM'. IT IS N12WS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER cs Mnlli Vrttn .V"iU.fliW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1914 RUSSIANS RUSH A LARGE FORCE 10 CRUSH FOES BENSON RAN 2ND W Cvm W,, CJ A W.JNFUI PRFSinFNT SHIT FIIFIY TO ... ..r -,.,..'j wiiiiauv fioa iuiicu iu iimi"-" ". IN WHULt olfllt - ". ... ... ' APPIIINTS HFIP8 Kill HnNTRART TO CHAPMAN CO. mi: i hmaxk .iu; MI'I'll r... MM W. I WIUIM'li: I IMHHI.'HM 'IIHilHVMl IIIMIIMi HV, AMI mm: iimm-mmi hi:,i or ji Niiri: Miiiitiui; v Crown Prince, in Interview With United Press Correspondent Says Teutons Are United in Fight, and Are Bound to Triumph Over Their Enemies Ut'ii l'liHlrr Am Ttwt ilic Irllldtl I'lMIt M "tt l(n IWlllM I,i 1,1m; tnl ltM."-nif Wlll.rlui tv ' t I'" 1'm'iiI, Ac twillnt; Itrjmtt 4Jriirtn.l m Mlndi-lliM-lK U lUlwil ! Krtlwr. lVd I .en tfettlr ikthooiiad, .s'v. 3m, ffl r tirt'itr f"l ( lb rtior row lemruKtwifBi uvjii ruhcd in 1't.Und TbU flirCfl 1 t(ti lili unh tit- 0rmi iflknli Mtutti of I'Imi Near U ilit urrouudd u. nth ir making lutrlrtr r-ffori. in ml Ihnr mat mil, "l Hunan muff Ihrre I nut ft flllilU "llmi iim tniKi ertmlvo uqvi Got tmt Wi-si rn ch h niftii U lit ilii)ii U limn tiy thv twHVitUi re turn fur ih Miptumo cout I Jtitlet- 'hl At lit IIihc Hviiwm delnrsl l mtuM btimk itu iuMli-r ifMy In leldltiK bolder Im r McVnrr a oMUM lo ibt. fuurUi mpublhWi mini- 'limtlun, Uotomur W'wi isiim out 8ltiH llrHMiri lit ?ierl lHiif uf Mtnix'talWH fttnl ubune, tt. a iomiR of v 1,1ft., UdiHiM, ttiliti lliil.bed link ninl l(iiUti,' "' ',' '"Mr"' I'' 111 tin prlmarlt. vm nwoiiii ijieii in ihi ct;hirl rlr llf'H TIih ctuwpkie ksi0 vMn for lli II lot raUiUitatm fi1lort llr I2jk,5"4 llciKiiii 1 33, 1 tlC Mclllltln 113. ITS HarrU 113,171 lalli.Hn ;,3oh I'nIM Vtv BitMlrn lltHI.IS N a.-t-Th. mt M . ljm!6(ru:ptil II ( llio .rctiiuilciit of Urn iral '!t llimlxntmre in tlm rnh c( (i"4 mrtirtl ml (ttr In ft lh( Kal. r tltHm it imw n Up ffiini U f.aic4 nnirli (tuti)lr itiihtilAkiu IhP nr Ktflrf rllm mi lr(ur In InlatiJ I'lii vad ihf nct.ilne lint" 1 ttrtrtt A tlfotie UumIhii Mtark Umii for Iii'miIoiik rati uf l)r)ihiiwn li lit -ImI) lallptl The ilrtnntt look !0 itn, ami toulti u( tlio VUluki thry A(iiurril Sou titiinr Ami In ran Mill )6arriil) DAMAGES ASKED FOR BUM CHECK in ititi.i. Hiitun .vi,i.i:ut iiit I IIM'K lhH i:ii TO IIIM I'OK A iieiim: (M.mi: hack nioM thi: iiamc. tti:i'riii.ii:ii ' I - .'Mir lWj f v- tt f?flBaSBIaiftwKiiBuSBKM MBflHErS BflHfeBSf & vSflSVBflBflBflBflBflBflrjHBsPI;iL'9l?Ei BsCsflBsMflBflBflBa BsBvBflBfllSBBBHBsJBflBXvli BflBflBaBaBaBSBflr WBflSHBaBaBaBflBaBaRflBaRiBi BapBapBapBBapB; A 9K9BSBBHB9BHBHC'!IdtfH O.M. OF ZAI'ATA'H LIKUTE.VANTH IH I.I)K GOVKItXOU OF STATE OF SI.NOLA ANOTHEtt AIIMy MAX IH IttTLEIt OF GUEIlltEKO' WOULD ItEHTltAIN ANY UNDER IT WORK United Viet Service I'l. lA0 T,.n. Vnv 30 fll.. .. , . , . -. ( paichca received hero convey the In-, forraatlon that General OertrudU San-, chez hnc been appointed as com mnndor of the itatc of CJuorrero, the slronjthold of General Zapata, while General Juau Banderas, Zapatas prln-, clpal lieutenant and right hand man' ha been made commandant of the slate of Slnaloa. , II. X. Dajr, Through Hfai local AffMrt, Allexett Ttiat the Contract la la Di rect Violation of Law, a There la Lcm Tlma CHK) la the Conrt Ma Fund, ami the Coaaty'a suit to bara declared Illegal tke contract whereby Conaty Judga Wor den and County CommUnloaar Merrill would give the Chapman CoHtructlm ,company 10 per cent of the coat of the completion of the court aoaae far 'superintending the work, waa fllad to- day. IU N. Day, through hta atter. MISS EVELYX AITLEGATE, WHO1"' Kuykendall & Fergucbs. la Ua i plaintiff, and the defendant are Wor- is KSPECIALLY QUALIFIED FOR ... , w 7 den. Merrill and the Cbapotaa Cos- MUSIC COURSE STARTS TODAY THE PLACE THIS WORK I IS IX CHARGE OF structlon company. ! This action also seeka a reatralaiag 'order to enjoin the defeadaata frosa 'carrying out or attempting to carry out the provisions and thiage earn tracted to be 'done in the contract, or alleged contract. It Is held In the complaint fled to day that at the time the contract waa executed, there waa la the sow court IKftnua fund nf Vl.a.lk MUltf fttfllll For this position MIsa Applegate, coa tt la naM. Uas fitted herself by long and careful .... . Vm ..t ..a ,...h ci,-. ... .....k. I....- .. .. oltempts to create aa obligatloa aa4 i Tbo study of music was re-eatab-ilithed aa a part of the public school course today by the local school board. Miss Evelyn Applegate, a daughter of L. D. Applegate, Is in charge of the department. t I'ulttd I'i. m rvlce PAWS Nov 3i.Th ttimmunM.4l In Oi circuit court by lltim-l trroil no though In ih balllc Ilim'W Hhotl tBlut Paul llrunivll. In In IMciuin and rrnr.. It U ,p-Jttt. ICujkrii.lalt U Fi.reun dr.. th' tUM it,fl Herman, nr nearly rvrry- ibIhIW urn htrt tt tht iltifon.lvt, it I. nllcsnl by Hbort ihnt bo mill i Tbo allud llnr nra being ailvanciM u linrno to llriinrolt (ur I ISO For) lOvth uf Vpnc It It IMrl Hint lbl aliitiulil Unintrll Kn fiboil a tUul tl.'fiitnii wlthitrawal I pl chwh on an Unkland bnk, which rfiiil, ihn 1'ioncli and UnslUh nd-tnMli rbrck bnck ilUhonorpd. For1 uotltiB and orrniitlng binilourlM. ifmtt.lo. ntul fur thn i-xponm-n of' Jof Crown Prlucv Fnderlck William Hull Hi r.'covi-r I3srt ha ! n tari-(.u (ln PruMlnn bnttlt from. Juki i biu I. of him Is shown til fmorlto fthllo liir', which lu uukmI when !hu hd tiiu (ioriunn urm In InkliiK l.omcy. In Fntiic. Thin Ih ihi ilrnt iliot"i:rnilt taken ( Ihu crown prince was transferred to tha vn.tcrn Held after giving the Itmnlo" published below, Thn crown prlnro lias been blamed by no m i Germans for tbo retreat of Gvnorat von lllndcnberg and the ery htiuy losses of both Germans and In fact, the story was sent out that the Austrians bad refused further to co-operate with the Germans because thu crown prince, who was holding the center in the battle line of which the Austrians were the right wing, bad retreated and left them at the study. She has taught music In Ore- igou and California schools for aeven or eight years, being at one time an Instructor at the Ashland Normal school. I Miss Annlceate is a sxaduate of the music department of the University of the Pacific. She also took a special teacher's course in the San Francisco Ai'Ktriau in the flRhtlng last week, merry of the Russians, By KARL von WIEGAND (CopkIkIiI, 1911, b United Proas Association. Cop) right In Great Ilrltalu. All rights resened.) Training School for Public School Mu- t,on M tnc cowi1 eouTt ot KUaata isle Teachers, graduating last May. Be- Jeounty. , sides the above, she alBO took several i summer courses in the summer (Greek Is Fined. schools ot California University. lli:Al)QUAUTKIt.S, AHMY OF Till; ninny opened the first Interview he I'tinmn trench. A London dUpiiteh wy King ii-ofR lm loll liiulon fur llu trout Tim tmmr ttiutlntie thn ilrfnti'j lr In Hrlglum," ) tin commit flltif Wo bold nil nur iultlnii.,) md ib nim) nut ii mi ilro I. slack ttiol 'Atlafk upon Uncntrllrt nntl In thu Attoniic ri'clnti lm been repeated, Mid Holt.niu hn Imh'H subJeCltnl lo n lft) urtlllfry flr by tbo rnomy " ' (tlltrntli)n Short nk 1300 dtmase'cnoWN I'ltlNCC IN PUANCK, Nov.;has oxer ghen a foreign newspaper Ui addition in the hn of the horo.2(, Uy ewlrllt t, .vamUr, Alx la(ninn. These words also prefaced tho carefully and steadily welding about Sclimlu-Landy. us A wedding that comes as a sur- The fact that wo foresaw and, as Prhse to their many local friends was Chaiipolle. Thu llaguo to London. la f.nt statement made to the press far as possible, forestalled tho attempt! solemnized Sunday afternoon at the LUMBER CONCERN SUED FOR MONEY cabin to Nw York) "Without doubt lhl Ik tbo moil iitupld, tho most l.uiyolcwk, the mont nnncrciMnry war 'of modern iluim. i "II Is a war ihnt was not wanted by OiriiKuiy. 1 tnn nssuro ou, but ltilllu vvi.k forcod on n. and now the fact jilsbtliiK for ovr oxlstance by uiiy member or the German Royal family klnce tho outbreak of tho war. "I'm sorry, tbereforo, that I Cannot dlM'iini. politics," he added. 1 "Wo Germans, from the lowest to hlRhmt, all know that we are Since we HllallHk Mrt) h,. HcllMllnl. CominMo John (I. Hchnllock. who I ' -ry III nl tho Mollinm homo wih! i.itoiti:it i.NJriiiiM i.v naxT i.v JJVK ALLEGES THAT HE Is Hint we were so effectually prepared lrned that tho present war waa to lo dnfend ourwhet is beliiK used as forced on us. It has become our to convince tht worUiniKnest uuiy to anticipate me struggle nn iireuuu'iii 'litt'y nntl llrlglit'a ilUcnsi. may bo 'ii to i:iij,.ii In it fw days, It I f'orid HU ilntigur, Mr. Junior 'rit.'tt rmhUtl tlmrr, I ' ! At nrv tiititutl t. nntl tmatalKlsa nrk sV vivi iivi.pm.; huh awwaMtu j ,- , imrntloii for the defeuso of the Path I'lJH.MAMI.NTLYt'lUPPI.ED, A.VU Unit wo desired u conflict." j with tin- ntiovo wonts. irnnorani agatust tho Iron ring which Prince Frudurlrk Wllhelm of tlur- the eueuiles of yesterday have been ANKH Idlt Utiio.ixm, t to ciush us within this ring, together w Ith the fact that we are prepared to defend ourselves is now being used as an argument In an attempt to con vince the world that we not only wanted this terrible conflict, but are tesponslblo for It. "No power on earth will ever be ablo to convince our people that this war was not engineered wholly and solely with a view to crushing the German people, their government in stitutions and all they hold dear. As a result, you will And the Oerraan people one- grand unit. Imbued with a magnificent spirit ot self-sacrifice." Th CnliriMiilit. ' i Alleging ih.il im n it-null of uire- Ml.rt Kllitibetl, MUJurdy leac In It """ n!"1 of t,ln ,ll,f""1' l"t tiinrnliiK for nnrrniiivtiln. n Item. "' uniplo ho Is permanently In -" Ul itiil n month. tiurul. Mcllo rioUlnnil Ims commeiic-i ,(.l Mtilt ngnlttsl tho l.unc Ul Lm. ''tbii'i.Kuii ,w, Jbii lompiiny for 20,000 iIhuuik, flruiit Court dork tlenrisu Uhn. Frolllnud nH ho uns etnplojed nn "In cnnin In toilay from lloiiiiiun, tin off-b.-nrer In the mill, ntul that ( w'ifru Ids fnlhur. J. A. Glmstnln. Is! I.Ik Iok wiu fliictuied. It Id nlk'ROil "ry Iimv t" belter Ho -ays thu slclc man Is Hint this leg In cniiNldenibb shorler (linn tho other, Racing for Tampico FAIR WILL BE AN OREGONIAN ONE r OIILGOX IIUILDING. OREGON I'LAGPOLE, RATTMSHIl K. tit)X TIIICMK, AND OTHER IIKA. l.lt STATE AFFAIRS IX FRONT of Cnptnln Clark, through tho canal to Sun Francisco, will be, all In all, , tho most spectacular and interesting I exhibit of uny state In tho Union; so there Is sufficient cause for enthusi asm on "the part of every cltlxen ot .OrcRon, and I am happy to note that , tbo good peoplo ot Klamath Falls hnvo awakened to a realisation ot this." Seaport Is Goal oi Rival Mexican Army Leaders l'lti.l l-iaia Borvko VAHIIINOTON, 1). 0,. Nov. SO. T'1 minli-s ot Carrtyiia ami Vlllu uio iiiilnu for Tnmplco, whoro General t"tllro Is la charge Unbnllnro bus tpuaimoa Cnrmnia. " Orui is qulut. Tho mumberH . or tho udmluUtrutlun do not regnnl ivrloitsly tbo unolllclul ropoUH Hint Cnrrniuu b" ileinnudwl tho with (I i u wul of tho Ameilcim wiimIiUw from Voni Cru Imrbor, General lluhtlnK l oxpected to bo the uoxl thing In order throunhuut Mexico, Tim following IntoiestlnK oxtrnot Is fiiim n lutter In t.'npttiln O C Apple gnlti fiom (leoigo 11. Mjlnnd of the Oregon exposition commissien: "I urn coinpllniuntod with jour up pronation of my etlottB wlillo lit your city, nnd wish to repent ut this tlmo Hint tho Oregon exhibit In Its en tlioty, Including tho Oirgon building mid (onteuts, tho llsh and gumo puvll lon, tho material for which nimo from your Chamber nf Commoreo nnd ntlreus, tho Oregon flag polo ami tho old battleship Oregon, coming from the onstorn shores of our country, beniitiR tho prosldout and his cabinet, ninnueil by Its old crew under churge libilm Full. Man II civ. Tho latest man to look around Ulnmiith Falls tor n possible business oponlug Is Charles Mason, who Is hero from Idaho Fulls, Idaho. Mr, Mason Is u mnnufnetmer ot hollow concreto blocks, and Is an export at nil kinds of cement work. HcNci'to Hank Rate Fixed Not more than 6 and not leas than 5 per cent waa fixed as the rate ot In tel est to bo charged by federal re set vo banks for redlscountlng com mercial pnpor. rtuyers mo negotiating la Chicago (or tho purchase of 40,000 pairs ot red trousers ot four different shades. Thu buyers are also negotiating foa 300,000 wlro markers for the French Boldtom, M. E. parsonage, when Rev. E. C, Richards performed tho ceremony) uniting Frank J. Schmitx and Carrie V. Lundy in the bonds ot matrimony. Tho pair have resided here for sev eral years, the bride of late being em ployed in the McHattan Jewelry es tablishment, while Mr. Schmitx has for years been connected with tho nig Basin Lumber company as an ex pert wood worker. The couple will reside In Mills addition. Antone Kalos, a Greek, employed at the Long Lake Lumber company.' was arrested Sunday by Game War dens Stout and Furber, for hasting without a license. He pleaded galtty,. and was fined f 25 and eoata. Kalea Is not a citizen ot the United State. and under the game lawa a hunting license would coat him 925. Factor to Wrl( Ada Rev S, R. Hawkins, pastor'ot the Central Christian church ot Portland. has resigned to enter the adverUalng Held in St. Loula. Mr. Hawkins haa Indented a patent advertising scheme which he proposes to-exploit. f Work for 1 91 S Fair iiAiiinf nuiiA 'aas ssw w w - - IHIKt HUTS S T 0 C K I Blower Named Representative CashCampaigii I ON IS NOW UEIXG PACKED, PREPAR ATORY TO UEIXG SHIPPED IN. IS EXPECTED HERE NEXT WEEK J. F. Magulro returned Sunday from 81s8on, where he purchased the entire stock ot Kleaver & Qlckel, men's and women's wear and dry goods. O. M. Hector is now at Slsson, at tending to the packing and shipping ot the stock, whtch will arrive here next week. The stock Invoiced 16,500, According to a statement made In tho house ot common by Premier Asquith, the total British casualties up to October 1 amounted to 57,000 men ot all rank. Competent Pari observers aay that England haa 300,- 0C0 men on tha battla line. Now that Klamath county, at a minimum outlay, carried away so mo high honors at the Manufacturers and l.nj)d Products Show in Portland, woiK toward a similar clean-up at the Panama-Pacltle international exposi tion Is under way, George C. Blower, who conducted tho Portland exhtblt at such a low cost, has boon chosen Klamath comity representative at the fair, his appolutment being ratified by tho directors ot the Klamath Chamber ot Commerce, tho Panama Puclnc International exposition com mittee, and all members ot the Klam ath county court. The county court ha agreed to do nate from ?500 to $1,000 for partici pation. Ot this amount, about 1500 has been expended In the collection ot an agricultural exhibit by Cale Oliver, and the furnishing of two oar loads of pole land slab for ha C3 CS voluntary Indebtedneat, while tn county U already far la ToUatary tiebt beyond the $5,000 Halt are scribed by law. The complaint further alleges that at the time the contract was made, the members ot the court were acting. Individually, and not la regular aea- Southern Oregou building at the fair grounds. Therefore, a camsalga la to bo started to raise funds to mala tain the exhibit, to provide literature, to properly prepare and proeatn ex hibits, etc. A pamphlet ot facts concerning county Is now In course of prepara tion, and will be ready for taa prats lu two weeks. This will eoatala twenty pages of solid, reliable later' - . . . n 'Pf matlon. TV. tA la & lha ft in jaW tn nimaita Trar .v .u.w uo " ii i i "!. !. n carry on a bis: camDalam at taa aaasB' i-.v.- ' alllnn oil on.t. nf uku 'aIM 4M-( Vl carried out. One ot thtsW,1.lstVl;, soliciting of KUmath couatr 0 ? -. ' for small sum toward thla piffMi, -; : , s' Another method to k adopMwpli ' -- - ntrleal stuats. The art as tf tJbHV will he a "TodVYma'' aaar.-lt staged la bot a a J jA are lnUr-Ud are aakad t Utfm ; -. CkiaW'ot CeauarMtMl & - A I LiM , L I J.5..- " vt o l 3 ,fll vJ M "V 1 . r ST t f i f