C,-t r j , jsw . " i", s?i $ (Ehe lEuntnn Mtvalb f IMUNTSTIIIC KLAMATH FALLS' ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER- NKWS WHILE IT IS NKWS Mnilt ' '' u'nrt: KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1914 Price. Fire Courthouse H.r-U-WWH 11 " "'' . ROM THE COAST IS LATEST RUMOR .mi'miii uvv ' '"a.Mn:itH t'lUMT j nlHrii "l' l'rllrt llU'rht I di r) .Ulle, M1 f llto Arlloii M I'm tout Itcliitf III ll' I'ntUll Mild 'iii1ii CMilJMlBM llMlal 1 uu Urrnidii Mw fSmtler'llimt ItMj llltlUBtll, ! I n.irj i'ifMtf ihMWS. Nov. SaVA ltottrrfAHt d;n.- to Hi" lalr Mall mm b ike 'Mini art? 'nitliJrftx'iiK Iwu tfce UclgMU (nal HU4 tONt-U'tllMK It. J 'OtVM At Anlwi'. lUs lUlhE A llirl l ebrUKStt Iiii3 ami It ' thought to li fc ueiiuitimriti of 'tie nllUM wnmliit'. rrt.;h .mt llritUh aufoplAni " itiiRK mrr r'nndifly, the fW rn c 'i.Ulir apparently bHng Kit kti '" ltfi llifttii iwitirf Nor, 5. A ivtrogrsd di jjirb (11 the Mtlt Ajrt 1 liflfiKil tin ihv Iilcttp( an t'.r ihttt the (Jrntmu lit- ttr . -.---cjjr Kioto than one corpi In ti'.rti ' li tlttti lir-Tll CApturix! All t.trtrr . irp lift bt"Otl routed, tul itrrf ror it to no prAftlfally nwr-i-amtnl in tlipHiryKow region. ''' lAilor fortr ar- tibjeled a ii nro and (vniiionaitlni;. Two an ore deprAlely attacking In tiw o eln the.tr rlr, but It U ln)l titnt only an ln"lultnlmiil HllRiiritf r MfUlti ulu. I'Hll. IN (wlrtflni. vtn HaIIIoI. Nov 2 "Our triHw t-ncoutiiiTPil llio riiciny nt !wlc, ninl ftehtlnK -till nieritlne." until tin otHclnl lalriiiriit "in Kadi I'riiMln only unimportant Urmulirn imvn orctirrHt, UukhIbm AllA'-kj In tbo tiflKlioorliooil or Now nimlniiuli t(,y0 oPn rnimlHil mul liuro id n,i clmiiso In ()) llulloii In Koutlurn I'olnrul. in Hip (t, itm I'rcncli nilvnnre Ktmriln imvo bwii ilrlrcm hint In lli Arcniiun for'U nml outhit f Ar.M(iMl. In llio Voikva iokIoii, llio rtu'iny, ilisnio lu rniiiinnnillne, lol II lrpr,. tuiiibrr Dlwiuirriiimt'.' Tin. Hocuiut trlut of IniMi I.Ukny on Iih-Kh of iimtnuU iiud Imttory "n bold in Junilio (Inwan' courl todny. Tb JiiO 1 el I rod nt I 'J: in, mid ni tbn timn "' boIiik lo lire hnd not nrrhwl nl n t"nlM U Tbn llrM trlnl of tlto mno lu roaultod In u dUmiroQiuoni S P Tav Mix J. - GERMANS GOING i County Brings Suit to Make School Board Refund' Tin oiiHlt Htiiuii & (lulu, uttoi nn) h, oil wan mold loduy by Kluumth o'Mily UEiilimt 8thoo DlBlr'.ct No. 1, lo lorovcf tho hoik of $4i7fil.7U l liiluri.Ht from July 1, 1013. This suit In llm nut ho mo of nil uiror iimdo In collecting duos from tho Hniitiitiru Pnclllc company on thu 1012 roll, Tho amount ot Inxos charged iiKulntit (ho rallroud company on cor ilu properly In Klnmnth county wa m.mm..m ..-... m m. .,., - . J.,-,-irr - n -,,- ,-j- ij-rLiTJ H'lO. IS M IIIMtl. Vltlt M. Itl 1'iunn i; m i'i.. in j 111. MlMINU HI.NK 4llMj .MATCH. I M. IN HfiHMII, Kiiw ibtt KlsiimUi Coumy HIkIi Hiliwil' footthill ctmmiluitlli iuiilrn iloti hitvo It-rti Istil Ui ril. il) iii l-u r iMrtiliic OMr aiiotiiiuii tu UMkrtlMll. Ihv iHlilwliitcr uihlciu Mlt In tbl. tkif tnj'-rt to make fl -WHrli botlttt nhoSrlBC tlrnn VT lio- , f IW. 1 Ttp im-IiooI Uil yr coutnim nmu) ,ft etwUtiiliira (or )Iiit on tlio li Coitall imm. Wba the Itggin IMht !'l!)' t IihhiUhI. wme ff! KauiM hi iMTtrf$, HJi tb wura fnvnrliiK KlAIIMtb, Tl. ithiine nub li hr'ii ouic1 fr irar(i-i' nl for jilnjItiK ThU In ur d nni(K-r nt ciiiM in Klmunili f-a.lt POLICE KILL DOGS TO I IMi IIOl or WOMA.N WHO HAD iii:i: man m:huai. ivh iiiot'uiir in 111: worn; or IIIICVIN - . t'tiilf! 1'rw Qr Irp VAHINTON, U. I'.. Nov. 2H.--(iUHiiliHt br b-r tbr' U)K. wlileb lunl to U hm ln'foro llio)' would pormll ,Hi0 Hllct to ouicr, th boil)' of Mr. Mary Klly wa fonml lu lu-r homr 1I1U moruliik Tim body of tin woman wni badly !ruuiKM''l. nml Ibo MiuIIuhI iIora 'bad torn llm rttli fiom llio body In 'm')rl iIai. An utojy xvlll prob. 'nbty iKTwir in flfiiTlaln tlio ?w (if lilt! lltWlll. , Tbo illi' 'iil-irlln tin' lln'ory Hint tin. woman i Klllod by lliloc. wlw wro ilrlvt'ii by I bo iIok beforo tbety ciiuld mnko ' 'Hb nnyUiliiK of vntio'. j Kllllntf U IiimiskIiik 1 Ki-willly tbo lurris lu lb" number of clillilini klllotl by Hiroi't Iniillo In 'lb oll of Now York kin ""td Jauunry I iumiuiobllo. ninvr cam ntnl wnuoiin hmo cbilluod tint liven of l'S2 boy mid r.lrl undor tbo in?" of Ifi In ibo wttno porlod of lnl yonr Clio uninbor wiih 227 Should tlio nillo hold K"'l during tbo immtli of NoM'Mbor mid Docoinbor tin1 t for tbl y'!", "'""I'1 ,' 2Sl' n '",,, inriil with 20l for lt13 Is in Court -' lilt I fi I. Through an ei i or in pun.- I. . .. ... il... .itv 1'iilimlll this liiK inn iikiiio i " "- ';.- ninoimt was mado to iippenr $l.,iri. Willi llio olliur luxe eollecUnl this iiuKiunl wuh twilled to llio several county imiii". '" ',l ,,l"m, BlnB (0 School Dbjlilct N'. WIIH .7R1.7U. Tho county wirt has refunded tho ovor-piild Iiixoh tu tho railroad, and Is now Hooking to recover tho portion , which hud been tiodllod nnd uboiI by llho school district, BASKETBALL NX ON PROGRAM ENTRANCE COUNTY COURT SIGNS CONTRACT TO GIVE CHAPMAN COMPANY TEN PER CENT OF COST Hagelstein Makes a Strong Protest In Addition to Contract Just Made, Gunty Signed Contract to Give Architect Six Per Cent of Total Cost for Plans and Supervision Over Construction of Building Wl.ll.i ibo city of Klnmnth KnIU I I'iiyltii: 14 por cont of Ibo tntnl con ttuctlun rtt for plnim and nupvrln irnillliF. of tlio bulldluc of tbo uvtv flly ball. Klnmnlb county, from noti on will pay IC per cent, or prnctlc nll) oiiOMiUth ot tbo coiiRtruclIgn cont of tbo ctiurt houw for upvrlnlondlui; tbo bulldlub'. ThU ntnrlllpt; f.u-t ihs btt'li broujjht (o public UOIIfo b) tbu npprarAUCo Of a iDiiIt.tct, mado bi'tuoon County JiidK" Worth n. ('umnitotdonor Mer rill and llio I'bnpuiau Couxtructlnn toiupnuy, uliori-by Ibo Intlor roncrii Ik to iHito rliarKo of the completion of ibt rourt Imuiio, now about ono-tblrd IiiiUIhmI Knr tbo AUporlntondcnrr, Ibo rompaii) U lo bo paid 10 per cont of all mottu) expended l)oldcs this, for fttipcrlutciidtni: Ihv uo of no torial atrcidy bought, tho company will bo Kit en a i"i per cent foo. Tho contract wnH Nlgnrd by Worden and Merrill, but Commbtslonor John HaKolntoIu mado an omphntlc protest OKaluM fiirli t'XirnvaKnnco. Ho also tiubmltted a written protest, tvblch Is publlithod bolotv. On May II, 1012. n contract tvait imidu botwoiin Klamath County Court and Ileiijnmlu 0 McDoiiKall for nrcli lioclurnl and KuporlntondlUK work for tho new court houo. ArcordlnR ti) thin, McDoucall w-nii to receive 0 por cont of tho total cost of bulldlnR, plim hi travollne expenses to and fiom San KrancUco. Tboro lit no roc nrtl of tblx contract IioIiik abrognled. AceordluR to tho contract with Mt DoiiKall, the HorvlctM to bo rondort'd by Ibo latter woro tho furnlMhlui; of tint ptium and itpeclilcatloni for tho InilUlliiK. mid tho general direction nml Nuporvltilou of tho work, "inch nuporvllon to Incluldo mich Inspec tion by tho party of tbo econd part (McDoukiiII) or bin competent dep uty, of work lu stuilloa or shops or n IhiIIiIIhk or other work In process of erection ns may bo reasonably noces unry to dotermluo thiU It Is beliiR ox ecuted lu full conformity with bis ICHILD UBOR NfJ LECTURE Till: XKW NI.AVI.UY" IS TITLI. or sr.coxD coimsr. at tih. ciihistiax rmmcii stuii. HLKI'lULDTOHI'iaK Tho second of tho Borles of lec tin es being given on bocIuI service tluoMttona ut tho Ohrlstlau Church will Bossing Costs Dearly drnwIiiKn. Bpeclllcallons and direc tion." Jum where tho contract betuecn two members oftho court and the Chapman Construction company bos been for two weeks Is not known AlthuuKb It was mado November 13, ll wan not brought to tho county clerk's otOce until lAte Friday After noon, just before closing time. Tim contract In full Is as follews: Tbl agreement, made and entered Into (hit 13th day of November, A. U. 1'jll, by and between tho County of Klamnth, Stato of Oregon, by Its fount) Court, party of tho first part, and tho Chapman Construction com pany, n corporation, party of tho sec ond part. Wltnosseth That ald second par ty agrees with tho said first party to HU)erintetid to completion, as tbo funds become available, the Klamath county court, house for said county, and the grounds thereof, and to that end tu hao said work douo In a good and workmaullko manner, according to tbo plans and specifications for said building, now adopted or as tbo same may bo changed or extended by the ll rat patty. That tho said second party also ngrccs to look to tho employment of all labor nnd tbo purchasing of all material and mnko proper recom mendations to tho county court, ob taining tho lowest and best prices theiefor, necessary for tho said carry ing on nnd maintaining ot said works, nnd shall havo complete control there of so far as tho law may permit. The llrst paity ngrees with said sec ond party to pay for said superintend ence of said work, and tho perform ance of said contract an tbo part ot snld hccoud party, 10 iter cent ot all moneys expended on the part of tho llrst party upon said works, said mon ejH to bo paid at tho end ot each month during tho construction, as evi denced by tho warrants drawn upon tho court houso fupd for the preced ing month, be given Monday night, when Rov. J. S. Stubbletleld of tho Presbyterian church will speak on "Women nnd Children In Toll,"or "Tho Now Slav ery." lu this lecture, which Is Illustrated, tho work Imposed upon children nud women lu cotton mills, tho mines, glass factories, sweatshops, etc., will bo exposed, together with needed re form, methods for bettering condi tions, etc. These lectures are free. Mah'cii .Mnkw Move. Wm. A, Masten, the Jeweler, will tomorrow and Monday move from his present location to the Slough build ing, whero he will divide a storeroom with tho Whitman Drug company. 1 Tho second party agrees with tho tlrst party that all invoice shall be made ot the material heretofore pur- rhftSAil An.l HAl tiAPAtnfnrn itttA.t In frhn I " " """ "-" "r "" (construction of said works, and the icvuuu 1'uiij buuii, tur sum superin tendence, receivo 5 per ceut of tho value thereof. That said secoud party also agrees to superintend the completion of the County Library, vtliuoul cost to the .said llrst party, according to the plans j and specifications or as tbo name may ibo altered or changed hereafter by the first pnrty. i In witness whorcof, the said parties I have hereunto set their hands and seals In duplicate, tho said corpora tion by its president by authority ot Its board of directors, and tho said County by Its county Judge and Its commissioners by virtue of an order of said court.' Wm. S. Wordeu, County Judge, X. S. Merrill, Commissioner, Chapman Construction Company, Dy X. J. Chapman, Presldeut. The written protest, Died by Coin mUslouer John Hagelstein, follews: I Pmf.wit I, John Hagelstein, one of the coun ty commissioners ot Klamath county, Oregon, hereby enter my protest against tho execution ot the above contract by Klamath county, and ngalnst the order of the County Court authorizing tho same. In my opinion the contract is not it proper and satisfactory contract for tho best interests of the county, and tho present Is no proper tituo for the execution ot such or any contract for tho completion of said building or Its superintendence. I mako this protest, nnd have the sanio entered Hero for the purpose ot advising tho public and the contract ors In said contract that I havo not and do not npprovo of It, aud for tho purpose ot loaving myself clear to act as I deem best with refereneo to said contract In tbo future. John Uagelstoln. Will Reopen Hall Grill. With the closing ot tho dining room nt the Whlto Pelican hotel, tho Hotel Hall grill Is to be opened. 11. E. Day, the efficient steward ot tho Whlto Pel ican, Is tho lessee ot tho grill, nnd he has u crow ot several carpenters nt work making Improvements nud alter ations In tho basement locution. Hollers Hero on Visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Roller arrived In Klamath Falls Friday night ou a visit. The Rollers expect to remain hero for a while, before returning to Crescent City, Platinum has advanced In price so rapidly In recent years that gold Is being used to alloy It. SOME SEMBLANCE OF GOVERNMENT THAT IS WHAT TUB rBIWLV.VK.NT i CO.MJHTTKK HOl'KS TO ISTAIt- I.IHH VOV. MEXICO CO.VItE8S! ! Hf24SIO.V TO UE CALLED j United Press Service WASHINGTON. I), C, Xov. 28. Itcports from Mexico City Indicate tbet the permanent committee formed at tho convention held In Aguas Call entas intends calling a meeting of tho Mexican congress soon. Kvery congressional delegatu of the Madcro regime will bo eligible to a seat. It Is understood that Villa and hfc lieutenants heartily endorse the pro gram to establish some semblance ot permanent Immediately. Provisional President Outtercz will then seek rec ognition from the United States and tho "A B C" powers. NEW MEN WILL GUIDE 1. 0. 0. F. MK3IIti:uS OK LOCA. HH.VXCH i OK OUUKK CHOOSI-r leadcrs 1 l'Olt KXSUIXtt TBU-M WILL IX- I ' STALL IX JAUXAKY j Klamath Lodge Xo. 137, I. O. O. F., ot tho regular meeting Friday night, elected' tho following officers to lead ithe local branch of the order for tho ,next term: Noblo Grand M. R. Doty. Vice Grand Carl Adams. ! Secretary George Humphrey, j Treasurer P. L. Fountain, i At tho first meeting in January 'these olllcers will be Installed, and the appointive officers chosen for the term. Following the election of officers, the Degree of Truth was conferred on C. II. lirowue and Ralph Dalle, and they woro received Into full member ship. After tho meeting closed the members ussemblcd in the banquet room, whero nn hour or more was speut in enjoying tho good things of llfo aud an Interchange of wisdom aud wit brought to end one ot tbo most pleasant evening enjoyed by the lodgo In several moons. . Philadelphia provides freo eye glasses for nearly 2,500 school chil dren every year. Grand Jury Subpoenas Being Served In preparation for the session ot tho grand Jury lu connection with the opeulug ot tho December terra of the circuit court Monday uiorulng, nt tnches of tho sheriff's office are today serving subpoenas upou persons whoso testimony lu wanted In cases to bo heard. It Is stated that the grand Jury tin punnelod In Juno Is to bo In session tor a week before being discharged. Members of this nro B. It. C, Wil liams, A. W. Plel, Will Houston, U. C, I Y, MERCHANTS MAY VISIT THE KLAMATH BASIN AUK COMIXO OCT TO THE t15 0 K.XPOHITIO.V Wonl Is Herchcd That Medford Com inert-hit Club AVIII I to Glad to Co. Operate, m the Work of Polltec to Oet Hio Ueprc'wn'ntkm to VWt f t TbK City nud Crater Lake I to Qo Alicud. , 0 It plans now being considered by tho Klamath Chamber of Commerce are full carried out, 500 Eastern merchants, who are coming to 'the Panama-Pacific exposition next sum mer, will visit the Klamath country. The matter has been buzzing with the Chamber of Commerco for two week. The excursion Is being made up by the Merchant's Trade Journal of New York. Tho trip Includes ono fro San Francisco to Portland, and It U planned to havo the excursion come to Klamath Falls, where the basixes men will bo entertained. From here they win b taken to Crater Lke, Js is planned, and from there to Jled ford, where they will join their train. Superintendent Will G. Steel took the matter up with W. A. Dolxell a couple ot weeks ago, and he referred It to the Chamber ot Commerce. To day, in answer to Inquiries, the Med ford Commercial Club sent word that it would bo glad to co-operate In this project, so an Invitation will be sent East at once. ItelK-kah Teuui Meet. Members of Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will meet Monday night at I. O. O. F. Temple to practice for Initia tion, There will be work at the meet ting of tho lodgo December 3, and all members are urgently requested to re 1 member the meeting on Monday night. Mill Shooting in Limits. J. A. Hoffman was arrested today by Game Wardens Stout and Furber for shooting ducks on Link Hlver within tho city limits. .Makes Proof on Homestead. I Ray W. Drooks todny made; proof before County Clerk Do Lap on ate j homestead, which is located near Hll debrand. c. in Monday on Witnesses to Be Called Cowley, James L. WorlQW, Fred Mc- IKendreo and John Mntnoy. There nro eight prisoners is the icounty Jail awaiting hearings before'' tho errand jury., Frank WillkMMitU hold for tho murder ot Allen O. Me. ? i.eou, near miuianu, anu, uufi m , A. L. Pomford, charged wllafaW'iSi Jonu Qilmoro and cusriea JMMfr,, .y( chargod with robbery, Isadora Maiat-Vr sholl, chargod wjth lareeayV WlWa ffi t.. ..oai nl iiibilsn atai '. tiuuua. Hbbuavu w tm wmwmwM -. Ill , 'V . and Qua SplU'oa, charged wltli ImjrrjY.' In addition to tbwe iMWaf.,tMHf. are a number ot otttra-tAa"' Willi 1i probed Into by the Isqttlsttctt'rt't,',-? . , . ,,. -JWsw. i l O ,, V K