KT " ar. vj lEujmmg Iteralft PRINTS Tl IK KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER MKWS WHIM? IT IS NISWK -f .;r -3ge. "-r -""." JU$2SZ? Mi.U. car ii, Jt,ftill KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1914 Price, Five Ossrte eh uhle Acnvny in FRANCE; GERMANS ATTACK BRIDGES I'ulM l'p Hrl I'ulUd i'ii'Krtiu I'AltlH. Nov, J7,Hev mimou- HKKI.IN, Nm. S7. 'In the imstnrii adlti kixl litlitmllHlil IntaiilO ! -". Uif battle nr. Indecisive." .. ,...1,..,.. mIi.h !. ) m IhI lnlltiriil. "Ill the ,.,. runlluu vefyl or along Ihe iw in Hi Vu.gr, legion ifmlMi ,,.,.,, r odar luve lrTn suspended, nolliK ' the "iviirli attack lii ilm vlrlnlly of fUUn Hit' MlIlM rr( PlllUril. TUv tiiuiu i verr iih at li" uwthcrn tid of On-ltUl" IIiip. Tlio) 1'iillr.J iHrlrp (.H.iuflliiK " " '" l.NIN. ?' '" "'"' "", ., null) Iih.i the iiui of Hi it destruc- Awu m .m I,. i.u...'ii. ;" ' "''' ;'""''" '"'"" ' .r,r Mr,IUal. position., Ull ' , "" --- " , M ... munition ea.t supplies . 7"M" '-''7" '" J'" '7 J T ' ' . . ... .,.., . of nil arrldtnL u ulr causal by d- WB .)"f1 l ' ',,,.,ui., ammunition., but IhI. I Tl, rtimmunltlM today nkrl lit th Ilelil of"!r.iuci,l .l flio i-u.m' nrllllFry We tr.- n,,,,,,,,, f p or ubtiifln ! flr4 rrr)li today, Two Infant!) ,.IC tP,hl,.R,t,, re In circulation . ... ...... Mi lik iLm fir, Mil a tit Ilk Transfer of Passengers From the Van Dyck, Captured Off Brazil ullttrk wrfi matin by lh Germans l tln lli bridge sirrtJ Ihn si-r. umlh tit IMx. Millie l"UI Hlr r. t. iIm-I I'nllnl I'foM hrU' I.OS'IM).S'. Nov 27 l.tui-tl (i-jorei i-f!ii.liie r l'"' Ihii" l roiiiwurm, -.. i iiiiIm rirUiitin lii thrt Al.nr. .Iri-r 1 l.ml il. lltiiitirlal lirrAkilowii an nr In li tMilii'itlin ilUUll Tli"'iin rnult uf llii? r n folo lituthc. Icm Uiffv lr Itt lh" ' l'r llio iiKHiiPiil. wr ran iifllhcr AKornie ff!lM JIP KMnKt-n Hular buy ntir rll. Iliiiuch Hie lui! vorlil U) IhfAllU. ' U manor Aliiprlrn nM u ' KMmi.-) . Dllili'lttl)' liomuafilpil Wil 5.MOO.O0O.flO0. Iml Ullilfr llio while llir r trfiK)ril,iili' ' " ifntt rltciimtiiri o raimut lo tml munulrt vllirl ll rll)' " .imlnr. - fn Aw-w' fraF7 .-" ,. fr w 7i?ri-iA-!!, ! n',.aHBniii 5irl-!IT! f ft." ST' t 7.KI.VkCHLLLLLLLLLLL -.,; VTpJWKHH l 2 SSKJ "- X p.BVIILiHIIILJaliTTV IIIIIIBB GERMAN RELIEF IS DEFEATED AS WELL, PETROGRAD SAYS JTfcJSi. liiltfil lrB Sen Ico I'KTKOKKAD, Nov. 27. It Is d f!an.'d that ilentructlon or urrri(ler were the curtain fate confronting th Germans whoaiirrenileretl In th jiru iiii camputKn- Tralni ntlll continue to enter War saw with wounded and prisoners. It Is estimated thai there are now 50. 00U German prisoners there. IlUMlan are clamoring for an offi cial confirmation and full account of the Steti Tleiory the Runafan gilned oier ibi" German forces la I'oland. Kach detail nn sli out Increase Hie extent of the victory. It l declared that not only was the oneniv movement of von Hlnden- brrR'B army crushed and hU force di vided, hut tho relief array aent out by Germany under General von MaKen iien wa aUo defeated. United I'resl Sorvlce VIENNA, (via Berlin and L-ondo). Nov, 27. According to Austrlas oil clal Information, the fighting la Rus sian Poland has assumed the propor tions of a continuous battle. In Western Gallcla the Austraus were repulsed, by the Russians, who have made progress In the Carpathi ans near Colubra. The Russian's strong point Is near Lazarevltch, and the Austrian attacking force took 1,300 prisoners, three guns and four ammunition wagons. it 'w wV njs . . "' .ssiLM. S?V ' 'tif a- fJwHr . -r g sT. ' y"! I i mau-i r LOCAL MAN MAY LOCAL STORES BE BADLY HURT SHUT AT 6 P.M. CARRANZA SETS UP HIS CAPITAL iiti mi i.vrtut v;im I'm, ,.m rUO tH'MMU-n. I'HAITICWI.I.V Till: niMIM.t-rTK mkxhmv iv. rovTiiiH. im: 'out 'la it nilililllittl'. not Kai-a(a, enlernt and umiV. M0lco City from Carrnnsa , a frmilt. Villa hn plon,d hl rniry Into Ihp clly, hi th Iioih of -f-frilns a nwlltiK lth V-apala, tlir l ran piilpf oR-lh!r. I'asm-niters of the Mrltlsh laincr . r'n offlcers. and wir taken to Sao(tnards of the Van Dyck refused to Van Ujrk, whUh raptured SOO'i'aulo. There they ere transferred nerve food, but the German guards at mllrs off tin. mnulh of the Amatoititu a IJraslllan steamer and sent to the point of the baonct threatened I ilUi-r l(y the German cruiser Kr.rl- Ne York. The officers of the cruiser them, ltcr a plot to seize the es-, rube, which with the cruiser Cmden hoarded the Van Ujck and announced, tels from the guards was hatched, but . . v. . . . i. ti.. ..u... tii rArmnnu niitrlrlr mlilrhed It. lias lncn one oi t lie Herman terrors 01 hiie wmiiu nuan ue suuk. i ue iwwu- " - - 11, . reached the United States. Ker were given twenty-four hours to The passengers said the German offl lth stories of danger and mutiny, pack, whereupon they were removed er and crew treated them with four More than 100 of them wero trans- In lifeboats to the other vessels, which troy and really protected them against firred at -n from th Van Dyck to had been hold for the purpose by the tho Uritlsh stewards of the an Dyck the steamer Asuncion by the cruU-(truUer. On the way to Sao taulo theon the trip to Sao I aulo. i: OW i:.S, -WHO WAS SHOT iNAGItKKMKVT IS PI.VAUiV RBAOaf IMX'L'I.IAK ilAN.VER IX XKVAUA lli:UKKU TO HAVE RKSIDEU IX KI.IMATU HI) by thi: cttvrmso, wax GOODS AXD CHOE MEN TO TBAT EFFECT I llltnl I'rrMHvnirn VKltA CHUZ, Nov. 37 Carinnia Imlay fortually otUblUhptl his gov eminent here, At least, CArrauw's llmim rnlrrcil the clly this morning, ami Dm eunbnnts tlrnvn mid arsgosa ate In ilia hnrhor, hn lints rontniU Ihn riutoms. Iilmialchm utAto I Iml the rapture of Tniiiilrti by tho VlllUtn trtMips U lm- mint-ill. It U said tint raslstniun Ihem ll prtibshly hn slight. Tim Vllllsla already control the I'Mllirn oil fields near Tnlliplni, Unllml Hlales Consul Ginernl John II Hllllnmli renclifd hero today. Utn Mnxlru Clly advices say .apa- sIciiii ii li t'tuilmrrK. The IslMt addition to our niotorlua clnu U John Hleuieiu Jr. canhlor of tin. rlrl Ktate and HoIiik bank. Ho listened heiThumda), overland from The iMlte. with the liml 1!M& Matter HU Model I'halmeta l ho sold III I'urtlaiid He u acrompanliHl from I'ortlaiul by Ms brother. Holly sllem rut of Henltlo, who will visit hi parents MEOFORD WINS GAME, 32 TO 6 In the coal mine explosions lal spring In West Virginia, when 1H0, Hi... orn snuffed out III a moment, ' "live li)s were among the lot. The (law of that slate allows H-)oar-ld! lm)s lo work In mine enu u.-mnium L proof of age, "exit-pt III casi of . ..... .... -iii.ii.li nil.. Uillllil, wlieil a pniriu ....i..ii... . all reiulremeiils. The Usklmo pays Ills doctor his fee a soon as lie arrive. If tho pitlent tenner It I kept, If not It I returned MAKING A TOmilHiWX IN" IIXAI TV HIGH llti:VK.TS COMPLETE WHITEWAhll (but received a wlro lu return, saying; ill would be lmpossinie 10 uo uus, anu that ho had better remain here. The remains were Interred at 8t. Ipuls, the former homo of Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Richardson, prior to her Ill ness, was active In local social circles. and wn. esteemed by nil who know her for her many admirable traits. TH,. lUslde her husband, she leaves a son, Harry mcuarusou, wnu is ui.-uu HALF, KI.IMATII CODX-Jlng Northwestern University In Illi nois. Mexican Indians derived from their ancestors, the Attecs, the method of l ... .1... .!... nf Tnlvnfl-lil It In illiaKIHK ll"W 1.. ..." .. ., . .i . !..... n.ij a.vn.nn iim ani.tin ilnit- the .constlt uonts of nr ill,, iiiii iiitiu .,,. i.v-.'.... ." ... Diiuiiv -....o football team of Klamath Couuty High School scored Thrusday, when Tim S. E. Owens meutioued lu a Alter two yeare of wraagUag.i -...-... ... ,1 .. -,A1. ... .1.. enMt.r.,..r.tt MltAFIIAdd fill, lATftl elOlhlBS. flfY liueiltaiur uiai'jiwu iu uiu januiuBuiv m...., - .. . I'nlon is believed to be. S. K. Owens ! goods and shoe stores have decMe to wl.u conducted the Owens Floral com- 'closu their establishment at 6 o'clock -ipuny. and had tho greenhouse across',, m. daring the week, except Sfttnr tbo raliroau iracs:. rnenus ot itie unj. m m.u " &&& -Owons- 83V thev stioke several tlmw the clerks,- and as yet there baa besMV or a elalm near Indian Peak. heard no wall of disapproval turn . hlle holding out his hand to point tho llubltc- .... out a mine lo his wife, S. E. Owens, a The new closing hours go Into eect . ....., ......... ... . i ..., .Tuesday. According to tho agree- 7 and badly wounded whin a stone tell l " store8 ttre to c,08 l 6:) 3 ,lBVm VVI) ooCNTY OFFI.' discharged hi, hanliaerleu eT uttemoon except Satur VTTOUNKXS AM) tOt.NT OH I- d3y three da ,, JuIy FourUl, OIAUS IIOXOP. LOCAL MAX WHO ;,haMered that his hand was only pre- 'a"'1 a we, beforf Christmas. " of Guy Ludwlck for medical treat- BENSON IS EETED BY LAKE CO. BAR ment. Ucfore starting first aid relief j An old piano has been used at, the suu ui ini"i., .v 'mem. iicioro siaruns umi am ioiici - . . the .constituents ot Circuit Judge II. L. Renson and; ut hu MeC(IlllB lo doath Was'15al11 Me- high school for rfor. known. The .peculiar, Court heporter Richardson are home ,at,m,nIst(jrca brtols wlro. , forty years. It Is said that jlson Is to destroy tho from Lakovlow. whoro they held a bos- Emma tames was a school girl Stamp Documents i iev made a touchdown from the Med i- "-,--- - . ford High School team. The score, body. though, wnt ;ut about live tlmtf as1 rrrrz much for Medford. ' " AAAAsk Though the score Is lopsided, tho " game was one of Interest to all who watched It. Every Inch inado liy ..... o. either team was opposed bitterly by ..- I .....ul.l...l,.w llw. W II l IIU. n' .mwvm ... .-.- which are not ..fr..oi nf tin. imlson Is to destroy tun iruui "". ...., ..-.-- .. ... .. -..i ii.'cln.. nr rnnrl This wns the last trill' mind, wiuie oniy siiguuy nuetuiifi io - . , . m IIIO JUUge lUUKes u ir:i.: us vn- whesv Emma Eames was a school Kir! ake 'walked all over Its keyboard because Several of the girls who are Uklng" stio did not like Its tone. domestic science there have made this 1 rnlt Itidrp. ... i,..nn. i ii, ..! inriii ivhn'mock mincemeat since school has Out ot 2,500 barristers In the Parla Is soon to grace the supremo bench, been In progress, and havo success-, law courts, 2,000 have been Bsobll tho Lake County liar Association and fully fooled their parents with It. ,Ied. tho otllclals of Lake county tendered - -r . , local iieople bollevo the high school players put up a brilliant light More ot the War Tax Hits Home to the Citizens County Clerk Do Lap lias received tho following communication from Milton A. Miller, (olloctor of Internal Hvi'inie for Oregon, regarding rove nun stamp on decuiiiiinls: Your ultentloii I horehy called to nt of loiigritui dnloil October i!2, I I'll, eiilltlod An Act to liicteitrto tho Inleriwil Ittivenu" nml for Other I'ur-l-oses, unit In order Hint you "y "' opprlsod or the provisions thereof. Iimofur us II relates lo tho NltuupliiK ot illicit mollis, etc., I onoloso here with u copy of Rchmltilo A referred to In suld not, which explain Itself, For. your further luforumlloif, llio following Ih mi ijctriu-t from treiiNiiry duclslou No, U0I2, nr Orlobui' HI, lOUl "All dei'ds or documents delivered In the grantee subsequent to Decem ber I, I AM, should bo stamped lioforn lHTry, Amy iuoh document deliv ered to any iitlu'r party tlniu tho graiileo prior lo December 1, llHi and which doe not roach tho hands . I t . H.lll tlJtt 1 of tho grnutco prior io iw.u". . .,. ., ..in ..I.., i, iinilviirv after that IVll, nil., .., .....--. dale, reuiilre in hear Ilm documentary istiinip." Section I a of tho act nhiivu referred ... ....... ik.JI. tilj.Q III IIISII l ...' ,.' u uimii nut ho lawful (o re- conl or register any Instrument, pa- . I-.I !.. I.IU 11 per or docuinetu reijiuri'n t " bo stamped upless a stamp or stamps of Ihu proper lunouiit slmll liavo boon nlllxed and cancelled In tho milliner piescrlbed by law." Ilonds. deh.'iituns or cerllllcate 'f Iniliihli-diiesH of nny association, com pany or coipoiatlon, on each 1 100 or face value or fraction lli'ruf, B cent. On each original Uo ot cvtlfl rules of slock, vvliothor on orgonlxa tlon or reorganisation, on each fioo 1 astunrsTM Hi r r ' mmmm z z;.zi. .;,.. -..-- " " - '" ' '"t "'.'"k" '.r:;i: :. ,;; .-1. u i n laud. It stands for tlm Soctoty for the Prevention of Useleea Giv ing. It prospers because there Is a souud, common sense. Idea bo hlnd It. If a gift Is worth making at all, It deserves to have some thought used lu lu Its selection, Hotter no gift at all than one that Is chosen carelessly, with (Continued on pg i) LOCAL WOMAN CALLED BEYOND ! hlni n banouet Thursday night. At this County Judge Daly presided, and eulogistic speeches were made by many. Stone Its Business MOCAL COUPLE . - - - WED THURSDAY Conimissioner Says Board Gels BackiWit,lia Wll I'. OV COUHT IIEliutTi'.ii IIICIIAIIDSON PASSES AWAY IX ILLINOIS AITEH A VKHV LOXtlt ILLNESS ! no chance of plenslng tho re- cniiit lloiiorter It. M. Ulchaidson hus received tho sad Intelllgonco that i,u ivifn died Monday night nt Evan- ston, llllnolH, following u prolonged Illness. It wns In tho liopo oi curing the malady that the lllcliurdsona left hero nbout n year ago. Specialist after specialist wns coiisulU'd, hut nil In vain. At tho time ho received tho sad tid ings, Mr, Ulchurdson was In Lake viw. He telegraphed at once to de lay the funeral, indlug hit arrival, rlplont. Tho advertising columns oi THE HERALD nre now full of suggestions. Study them. Uo through them cnrefully,nnd very : tlioughtfully. , Then our gifts will carry with them tho true spirit or Christmas. And don't forget do SHOP EARLY. Select your gifts from soma I of tho AilvortlRprs on tho Mutual Girl p.ige, which appears every Tuesday und Friday. It iaya to shop In The Herald A lur,iM vaii hI.oii In this to real 111 per tVat of the circulation of this paper goee direct uito tlte homes. i MARRIAGE PERFORMED THANKS GIVING IIY REV. RICHARDS, WHEX .MISS XIXA .NOEL RE- COMES MRS. AXGL1N Wo had to do It to get back under. "Wo feel that wo are now back ua .i... .... " i.i Qi,,,n ploVi nml Game ilflr' tho letter of the law. If thM lliu ia, oi.. w....v - .... --.-. - Icommlssloucr Chuiies P. Stone, dls- olilces sire necessary, w suggeat that 0 . it ii ii, ..mlLiHhn n1pnt tin wlfrH rtittt fssvaTassW cubslng tiiQ lecont niccuus n iu uv uio wui w M h - .--commUstoiu Stona returned last'luture, that body to also mak pro- , virion tor salaried. iifrii frntn Pnrtlnnd. lltt asw w -.., . . ; "Our w ork was largely undoing the "Politics has no place In this," coa- work dono by tho board at Its Feb-1 eluded Stone "Wo didn't 'take tale; step excopt to comply wun mm gae In the presence of only u few rela tives, Rev. Ernest C. Richards last night united In matrimony Miss Nina Noel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noel, nud Harry Anglln. Tho ceremony was performed nt tho home of the brldo's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Aubroy R. Campbell, Tho couple will reside here, vvhero the groom has been superintendent ot construction work nt tho court house and county library. The bride was a member of tho class of 1914 ot the Klamath County High School, and Is well and favorably known here. ruarv lueotlng. following tho reslgna ttons of several of us," ho continued, . . . . A . wt- T Y7II.. In.. i.(An Inl.'nn "At lliai (imp. ii.u.riuioj m ! -"j". .-. from ihn uositlon ot uamo warden and (attempt to get even with aayoa. .. w... . . .- .... . . ,..x. .. nindo sunerlntondont of biological aro uomg our outy. t- survov and educational work, and P.. ' In the light of the flmf r. cianton was inado superintendent Stone administered to tvtY " .- ... . law us It stands. We are not eere, . nt anyDoay, nor wero we buisi mmj si we - ii V fcSl IttNe of hatcheries. Wo loplacod theso men ns gnmo and Halt warden, abolishing their formor olliccs, as wo also did the otllco of cloak ot tho board. "Under tho formor roglmo, these meu all conducted sepnrnto ofllcea at n consldorablo expenso. This, wo be- llevo, Is needless, and by cutting down In this way wo are saving 112.000 a 'year ot the sportsmen's money, boom that was started here .towaM , makluB him a candidate for aeeefat mAiit na circuit ludee 'to Hlllst '" , judge Uonson. the atory, taJheJoafi, nal Thursday, whereja:lt' w HHfai that Stone helped -pruae Ja, MM commission's salary treeMMMiat I waa peeved at Wert' far. Mt agfaNsV Ins him Instead of. Jeege NetaM. M nmualnv In ITUsiuillt ! Vklia. , ' '- '