ft 1'J r Cfi" f 'd 1'T PRINTS Tl IK HEWS WHILE IT IS NISWK mh nn T "X "' ; j4, , in wi naw ictwwfm t Eitimmg IferaUi .f" KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 51 S. ' ii.nt V'' ' u'nmi 'ai3eg.Twnr j-gr j am. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19H Price. Mte GERMAN KETREAT INVILLA ENTERS MEXICO CITY RUMOR SAYS FRENCH EAST IS SWIFT tjalM 'f Horvlee I'l'HVOtMAIL .Not, ml, . lhilflt-ftl nf (i.n.nii . Hlwl.'ti'iiim'.i ,..i l Id" l''lM"lni n nun. hmiimIImk In nihlif, fM u. MiiI1'U'i1Im lMlllefriii. t I'lltrw ill (timl rtH ntilt III ufium, 41I !.( U ctin,ct,, uilllkil) III Idrlr !' "I ili'Mi'iinllirl nmiltllii Iln lj. M (In- it (isil ttlll ! llii. ti..i (WHplrli' ' lllnllM ' "WWII). 'Hw i .!'! nf fll till lit. rp HlF lltllll) 'f li"l I tUlMHNl. (ulnii lUliil ntfr kmi ill. . iHiln" fiir liuhilnil mil.) (Mill !.! I'MIU l l'lWi. II U lrM,n that U llmlLrtiMl priM.li. . vt r. Mi.ni invr rtiinlnm, (KtUI.il mllilU ! Itf UrtniniHi liml bHi) p4irnl 11,1. I1.iviI.iii Imr, Mlmi IImU Hum mi .itrriUfllMlim ltw, Info III.- trout. DiU piikh. M lli JUlnlrltHK' Htm 1'aik PTI)lniii Im MliHilnlrl) l.iilnlllitt III.. mtt4iif ''M. Utlr.l J'tlJrvh UI'NSA (tU Ib'lllli), Nli, "!!,-" l.-n. ii.linii Ull.lllHI piUtoi. rf, III HMrhlim glttt Ull'l Kti'nl iil mllllr. i. lliri-miiia him aIiiiiiiiiiIHom," m)hii nlMrUI Imllrllu, TItillS U till III iium III ltnl'iii I'liUin) " Invaders Quell Looting and Rioting RETAKE DIXMUDE lOltMW. I NTI1 of Till: I'ltOVI. HON II. PltCMHKST IS him- nut til NHW IX'CUMTIOS III"! 111: m v.h ma in: i.tsr sioiit in 'iiic roi.Miwwts or .apa. TA, WKMIMV orn.AU rilllll', viwa cii.wniiM'.ii vi .i in;, ixt. Tin: 1'iiKr to i:ti u 'ihi: MltAICA.N 1 .l' I.. United Press Service (mill' MN AND GUN E CAS DEATHS TURKS DEFEAT N I INDIA RflO i'mul l'rwiHiknki 1 hi. "i. :. "" ta y.as Jo hi eral l'iin(itii Villa, cfluiiimusli . In rlilef of i lie ami)- of (In- n n ,nu lu Winlto. tnti'tui MvxWu in ill HUl'IIIOOII, Tli t'lilnflfftii ;rtMi. iIihaii. I united Ml nut lii'lne iiu mi to 1 tm-r ami uliKii liifnriniil Inm iiIkIU lt.nl Hi iut nl llmlto 'i.nn rni) Im.l 1 u- 1 it rl Mill Ukrn i(hh 1I011 f iliu niu II.MI'illtUIII.V .MU - IIIT'liltr h ST -IHItoM.II lll.lll.l r,",,jllr- ,J I'l"1"') "-ItaKrlncil MdH) irilr( Hint I In- mlloii of Zn- niAM'iMM.s, rui.Miuisi; ,u uh iun ii.is u iteru.i: . . ., , ... iii(i vclll run n brriKb limine 11 tin m.MI'Sr .T T.VItl.l.i:. MHMi. Him Ml MIII- ll HISAIII.ISi; iwu Usitlom. ili. oUut mnlumlu ni.i.r tsu oriimis r u. i ocks S,'hm "'",'i vi "' " nn IM ftlluU MIDllllliK 'if a l-iciinnl tin. """" " "" ilul lii liilftrnrc nllli tin lii'tnl nf t tluJ l'ii rivMlcn rl'4 lt rko 'n-wci' iifKiiimionii .SUII oilir. miih i AN ritANVIHCO. Nmv. 34 . V. J ih:mij.v .vm a .ti. tmu. Hill. 1-ilrf.t .,, qutnii,, hm. mimimi h4 1 ,rtu,l i oin-BrUtof, WM ,(lkv ,,', , row ,u. (U(il, fl SlillirK utlli it Me Cull rlU hnrv I .,lcr Md ktllr4 Mi,. I. rt .nM A .. f Mm1 .,,. ," "f """'."" --r hU Jl.oc .. -,... ...., ,,.. ..,. ....,, (J() WOW,r ,mt ,.. J,- ,,p (rl Ri Jamil. II 1 1 (K Html, din) Ilirli wi. Xh" InilUn nwtti rm Uin Hup caunl linii biii i)eft(Ht. Tb Turk siru frrmnln llial tla Sotitln.ni ri?bil chlrf ISlttml jillkliln tf MllMltie nut lll ,, ia'hftiirlns KliU uay Uatmrliii Hutu Uib flwt lo ciiior ili ialtal ih Hill. ,...lilr,i viulrut IhMNliy m h, Uart,w,0,,Iro) u)PC0Il,Ifuctl,n;i,M Mk... VirimtuniiinirrmifMKiilnb !un,i. f lfl ,.,, ,.., ,, .. liUUI arcuiiimit nl Iho liioakfit Ullo, In whlrli (lnt him ide ttctlm xlitoil ln.iilf li llrlilli fttrlilt " IKS BUT IN; BRYAN IS RILED M't'ltl.T.UIV Of STATi: OltlH.'llH ri'l.li ISVIXTIUATION III' Till.' MIAIUli: THAT TIIHIJs AIIC TAMI'IIIHMI WITH nHlK THAODEUS 1ES DIAMOND FACTORY t nlttit Vrv Srviri ' WASIIINO'IO.S. J). C. Nv Sfl ' 1TI10 Amctli-uu toimul 11 1 l!ormonlllo In IntfMfKAiiiic n'l'orlH llmi T V. Cnr- rnun) (if Mi'iuiliU, nil Aiitcrlcan cll- Msi'ii. Unlmiit 10 Ihm'Si-cuumI Uhti I tilled I'rojtH Stirlt BBBBBBHfiuBlBB'flBBBBBBHBBVMBHBlBBBBSBE.BBBBBBU .dMBflVAVAVIiJBflH v-wir j J8iV:,jifci4tS'f? .' iIto?mB IX).SI)OV, ,S'or. 0. Tl.o .Mall's Dunkirk corrcsiioixlcnt, from Hiirlhj- iwiurcCK, ri'ixirl.i tlint the allien liatci rccnpturcil Dix Mode. Tin-Ccnnnm, ncrortllnK t tlili ri'Cort. Mfre livlce tlrlTCB from thclr iiilrti iliim-nli, hut tliey rprluirRril nml triook llin illtcfi. The (hint tlm I i-dirli nmrliiov ilrote tli fiVrncinx out iinil ll.rj- nrc Mill liolilltiK the (own In Ihr fon nfn lir.-ny flri'. I'AHI.s, S'fiv. till. Tl. ilctcloiniu'i.i nf 11 new Trench oflr-nlte hvl-or-rji.. N i'l'ttnl trtnn .North if Wriliin li lonlh r Mctz. The (.'rriiwii Hwr 'M-ncli In ihIu' froiu the French ilelrnC4 at Ver Inn to T011I. Tin t .-.Ide of the nlKf xilnl ni-ur Chauronrourtnad We. .llil. I. II I t"jfct;l lhal l"'li arinle uill'MHtn lie forteil ti BbiI name vtJ ot U nlJtiK the trrnche, to wne Iliu min frtmi iliitlli hy expoourr. T)4ay' roiiiiiiiinlijiie ay; TIk' (.ernmin. umllniie u Ikohui botnlwrtlmrnt nt Arnw. Otlif !, jratloiiH thud far art? of ni hiifortnfc. "Ilonj- mnnennilliii: U hcnrtl UiroiiRli Flandcw. Iwwhcrc there It a )iiii7itlro rnlm. "A Ueuy fall of .nmr I rrjwrto'l hi the Voj; atut at otlier polta." SPORTSMEN PLAN NIGHTIE CLAD A BIGJEETING GIRLS SAVED l I.V VM) ItUT f.VSTI.Sfl. MtlTION hTOXr.WAl.Ii ACItSC:: INHTITVTK 1 kti'iiks nv oiti:;os ia?iK itcnxs vi' .tMrifKn thrbat- ASI UA.sgt'KT AUK ON THH KXKI Til.VMMSKK FIREMKV I'UCt.ltAM CEXCH VIl'.firXIA 1ILAZ 1 WASIIINHTON, l. C. Nov. 26.- ji:vi:i.n siom;iH today iimsn, , I ArconlliiR lu UlHaiclii'ii nciit by Cott- MOVI.H I ItOM mi: ShOl'tSII Li (im.rnl John It. Hllllnmu. (lomral lU'll.lilSO 'IO i:'.SS lini.UIS'trlUnii"'. nnninaiiJfr of tlio Carnwua .rhlltiK hltlo by ultlo at tlio ItoaU of the TamnpotH' near T.imilco. wIhto cr.xi:itAi, itiasct:sco villa Who litis Juki I .il a Kccoml Victorious Ami) Into the Oplni!-of Mrko AriUtHHTIIKsriilJIvT' KnrrlMiii at Mralcu City, umcuitlwl .-""' "l"'' 1 ..... "lty lu time. 1 1 inn my n'tucniiiy, h-iuhik uniy mo did not reach tlio IIrIiI Is being waged. thin l a toiiiptthnt uin tttiuun tiny Icoult for Tlitid fl. .Mrllailnii, for tlio popti.J lar Xt'inlor of prlcoh'M ki' nd ro- ,pm.- ... maniiain ..ruvr ... .... .npy tt, ,w mndo Sunjay Al that mo I)0 failed I'ttmiHrnlcn WAHHINdTO.V. I). O.. N'nv. 26.- H.rr..ary of Hinlo llrjnn haa riliwl',",nr "f tt"c,",. f,ur,1' ",'0. '" i'-'lllK IliMMlcalloii of tli. fluiiW"""'.' ''" illilil'l lo I- taK. H'ai 'lurKt-y U liitorfarln with tlio'"'! ' ,t,,Hk n,"r,,' "' um "'"" flXlt' IIK'UMIf..H i.f Al.iiK...l..r VlnrJIIll! .HIOIIHll llHlldlll 10 (III- I.'MlllH Ki'iilliaii, mhlrtiwpil 10 llio Aiii.-rlr.mt,,,,,,,lll"?'nni1 wnl l,,",nM""r,,'rHV1"'! rovrtiHtu.ir tho II U H111UI1 Hvnliy compaii). J tl tlio clmntm tiro round In ln Inm Tliad 'XifcU o bo opiu In Ills 'K(irniiN ii-piomiiliiiliiiiK lll bo iiuuto now iiiiuiIvih by tliollmt of tlio montlil itoni.i nl ffady foi tlio Clirlntmii nmh IIU forimil entry Into tlio capital I'nltcil I'res Sonlro W.VSUIX'fSTOV n f Vm- rt ullltakocliarRe of affairs for tlio civil .,.. .,, ,,,, ' .... ,, , KOVemiMcut. xUo(1 ,hnt Zn,n,Ul who enU,red Mexico II wan planned by tlio Icadurn that Koporta of flglillnB aro comltiK city last night, Is ruling tho city In a Ccnoral Villa and l'rollonal I'rMl-' from all section. ,0!t orderly manner. Itlotlng and ilnt tlutlcrrt'c atiuutd enter tliu city 1 Hoth armlo ililm a Iory at looting worn qulckl quelled. JAIL M WILL BE SOME SPREAD t'd by tlio Jail Inmates to K. II, Hams- Miy. Slierlff Low, Chcult Court Clerk it'luutaln and tlio otliur-i who helped make their dinner a ntnecuH. With It went a hopo that the Thankaglvlng 'dinner In 191. will bo oaten In a PROGRAM RENDERED AT CENTRAL SCHOOL place of their oun ehooaing. H. 'I UK IIAMN OP A Ct'LIXAItY . i:m'i:iit, viaxik will 111:! TltAXSroit.MKH IN'IXi ItlHL nAXgni.T i MORE TROUBLE IN THE SOUTH FIREMEN'S BALL PLEASESDANCERS I'l'WAItDS or SLT COL'l'LKS DAXCLH L'XTIL A.N KAIILY .MOIN XIXC! HOt'K Sl'LCSDll) TIMi: rjvjovr.o nv all. (Hft-uh! Hitlal Senl.e) t ultud lres Senlce 1 0" INU. No. 2r..-Thoanmul ABIKUUON. Va.. Nov. 25. I'M nieeMtE of tho Oregon Sportsxon'i only In their night robe, over a hu Leaguo -k III bo hold In I'orUand, Do- dred Klrl were rescued from a bun-com- r C and 7. On tho former date. K dormitory building connected -witr Pectmbtr C. the Portland Gun Club the Stoucwalt Jackson Institute at mm and tho Multnomah Angler's Club early hour this morning. Ii tu polned In arranging a state' Hut for the fact that the wlad shoot and tl and halt castlug con- shifted tho Martha WatilagtoR Col tests Sultablu urizea have been of- lege dormitory building would ho fercd for the arIous events have been burned. The girls In that Monda, December ", tho delegate building were given time to drew aad will sathor in the contention hall ot ere then marched out. tho Portland Commercial Club to con- The tiro department from Bristol. 4it!ei the needs and desires of the Ttnn.. aided the Abingdon depart fportsmeu of the larlous sections of mint In fighting tho flames, the state A concerted line of action l In liiattera of tlsh and game leglsla- Dir la Uuslac Hon will be determined upon. This' "Tho Crystal" la the name of a aew convention, coming as it does. Just ( cleaning and dye works just odhmP prior to the session of the state leglsat 1027 Main street. E. Dolr Is the Mature, Is of great importance to all proprietor, and ho Is using with sue tho sportsmen of tho state. -cess the "thoro benxoil" method. In- j All clubs, whether already mem- cldentally, bis Is the only plant la the hers of the league or not. are urged state using this method of cleaalag ito send delegates. Tho meeting will clothes. jconcludo with a duck dinner given at 'tho Commercial Club. Now motion Uouie Economic Mfting. pictures taken by Etato Oame Warden Coming the day after a night et at- Flnley will bo shown. , ministering to "tummy aches' of the J youngsters who ate "not -wisely, hut Ikilduin Hurt Ilnul. 'too well" of tho Thanksgiving; -viaads. J Judge Ocorgo T. Italdnin is suffer-, the topic "Balanced Meals" to be giv ing from a badly bruised cranium, ascu at tomorrow afternoon's meeting (therebult of r, chair slipping out from ot the Home Economics departmeat Hinder him. In his fall, the Judge's jof the Library Club Is extremely tlnie 'bead struck on a desk, with damaging':-. The meeting will be held at the ,results to the head. 'liowo of Mrs. S. B. Evans, on Math istrcet, and Miss Clara Emer, home economics teacher at the schools, will be thy leader. grade ' Elect. IcSkj light. I To some, it may sound like a Hash of lightning, but according to Archie uenlliio. who has Just Installed one In . As proof that Klamath County peo 'tho Cottago Studio, it Is the last wordiple hao a taste for high art you in f.iuiubi.ii.iij, nun uu friijs win. imsjoiigui to seo toe answers coming la to luenlion he can take perfect pictures tho question, What store Is ,Ta. at any hour of tho day or night. IIomo of Sensible Christmas Gifts"? 'I! following program, roiiilurml t Hi" Central Helmut Ammmlily Wed. nuMliiy afturiuKiii hy tho primary Hindis, wim groatly npproclntod by tho Mrtiiiu umi frluiuls of tho pupils: H""K "Over tho lllver and Tlno' tho Woods," School. "HnrvMii Kosllvals In Oihur LniidH-- Third arndo. "A Tliiiukuglvliig Fi-Bllvnr--Hocoml nml Kourth (IrmloH, "TlinnksglvlitK Hliyniu" - Kouilli tirade. """""Anther, Wo Thank Tlioo' Third Grade. Ilccllulloii "ThiuiksKlvliii:" Her- butt Wllnon. "llniv.'Ht Hi HI" Thlnl (IrniUi. Hong -"('hllilnm nf Hollauil" -rimt (Iradu. ltccltulloii OIuuIoh J0I1118011. "lluitliliiK Bong" Fourth (It ado. Hong "ThniikHghhiK Joys"--Second 0 ratio, Hocltatlon - "Tliniilc Von" Flint (Irado, "TliaiiltSKlvliiB on tho Faun" Fotuth (Irado, "Huinmor and Winter I'lay" Third fl ratio. Closing Song- "No Land LIKo (ro- gon," If an) one thlukH tho pi honors In tlio county Jail aio going to sutler fmui hunger tmlii), let thorn think iitliorwlHe. for tho following Is the nii'iiii, prepiirml b) Chnrlw Me.idor, chef: . SOUl' Turkey (llhlol with Hli-o UICI.IHH Young Celery KOASTS Young Turkey with Oyster Dressing and Cranberry Banco VEflKTAIlLES Mimlu'il Potatoes flipou I'eax DICBHEIIT Mlnro l'lo Rice Pudding I1UVKUA0K8 ColToo Milk Water A rising vot.a of thanks was tonder- HA.N DOMIXOO 18 TIIIIRTEXED WITH A HCVOI.UTIOX, SO TAXS1H)IIT OF MAIUNKS HUHHKS 'IX) THE SCENE United Press Hervicc. WA8HINQTON, Nov. 26. Tho Hansport Hancock, with 000 marines aboard, cleared fiom tho Ouautauamo marliio base for San Domingo last night. According to Secretary Daniels, a now rovolutlon Is threatening the lives and property of foreigners In San Domingo, and the marines go to protect tho foreign population. Another proof of thoir romarkable .ability to entertain tho dancing pub lic was gleu last night by tho volun teer llremnti. when they held their Beml-onuiml dance. Upwards of sUtj couples wore lu attendance, and with tho llro laddies acting aa floor man. ngers, all danced to thoir heart's con tent. Excellent music was furnished by Tiuilnll's orchostra. Tho floor, which was sanded especially for this dance, was In oicellent Shane, and danolnc ....o nui'v ui mini un ouny nour mis , morning, Owing to this being a holiday, to night's meeting ot Klamath Falls Lodge No 1247, B. P. O. Elks, Is post-ponod. PELICAN GRILL AND BAR TO CLOSE SOON lu order to cut down expensos dur ing tho dull winter season, and to en- able tho making of thorough repairs to tbeh ostelry in anticipation of a busy 191C season, tho White Pelican Is to close Us dining room und bar Decerobor 1. In addition. It will also closo Its doors to transient trade, but the 6uinll army ot regular lodgers will bo Hopt through tho closed season, Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Hall have Just signed a ne year lease on the $300, 000 hotel. They look for the biggest K2- c-j Kt n,ll ..... I- 1.1.. ....- J.2ll $1 wMi nvHovu iu Miatvi ma BvauMPvi ji anu in preparation tor it they wMIa, -! overhaul the hotel, maklag.a auarteV;,A -1 of repairs to the Southera Onsmmv I marvel. It is tho inteatloa of the VYtn... .n l.Mn. It... .L.t .. . 1. . ''' ' cvi iuo BUiei up im HSJ BWS). o 1, dard as a social ceater thli"wii-, and the Klatawa daaeea aad etaer k ' functloas wilt be hsld as aea at tka H Pelican, where there are tae ! 1 ' convenleaceg for ssaluac.a'Meeasa c the atfalr, whatever H Ct, t rv)r y1