nfiaNiaiAVi wivkmiikh w, im THIS EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AMK TUMI FOOTBALL GAME AT Captain Talbot Discussing Tactics MODOC PARK, 3 P.M. If )u at" iml l MmliMi Paili in 3 nun i iiM.. iii r.ti, n ,, ilM eVlwa nm"",H" 'flornooii, ou mil l'rl. "in i.)Eu.. inw-r Uuii'i. ,n t L iiiii.' iin Mr lit.. game. ioiliuu. '" .. i.i..,(. ,,!,. .i...,.,f(., I. mm.. U "" '' "W.tloblows toi.M.rro M '' ""ta ",m u( U4, IlknlliU 1-uflba. b. Mrfwiiib4...,. ford tliftli and Kiaiimt" Cdiiniy Midi ffiii half, oroiu r ItreiL. ..t uif f u li i.imuU)r et tlirtt liuut Mown. iusrir. Hill. motor tdl rtfiiliiB lit" Mrdford (uml. Hib-, tan Kimnl, I'ai;,. or Ki,.,l ,Uh tie J'ii'lt'iMU roi.r. lll nii irl Mihaii, right mrt o ,!. fur Hu ft-, 'or " " '"1 McMillan, right will, Captain No (,j tlm Ik-I tndytil. A big Hilly mi Tim Uoy hate lit-mi prsrtlclng hard lb rii 'I'1 viiln " t'rd t-r alnro rMurnlni; from tlm Hokuv b itTfplK'll ' U,n Hlv Vll Tli nlit Iti I tii bmi A fr ihIKIii liuVn bwil lllhdn III puMllili, Iik..'. niil n alau ulriilicer the Uikoi' ' ' Klnmnlli Cmiwr mi atmuM i.r i.ihk unl.- inf.n u Hljl, r,ii Hllll AllllMllgll lll bl;n Mt prlini-l, . It,i.tit.r(1l,1, Ima !,-, i, iwlnB ms"i' ii nerKHii llmi urn- tlm Kr.m iiniilai ini n.. i., ,rttti thW frilly MllnW III tbo Md - lapm-ii nml mil l .' wu, llirl at 'Hit " hl If III") ! "I'li l firln ! il lnt i..u A UTILE SPORTING GOSSIP By Hut Shcridnn l'nU4 Pre" Honlr SIIW OHK. SttV. SS.PtmliWi llrdltnllUll i;i(t)0, lllllf III" llruilkhli .s'tllonti bUIiiu ,m "',, imn im Dm I UliHi tutt tn- uliil lut l. aliikol i Hi til nml Win, fl. nnJ F. 8 , fendanU. To Ww, 8. and V. it. KUh, co-partner, J and Wm. 3. and P. S. FUJi, Oo- fondanti; In ttia Naino of the Htuto of Oregen: You, and each of you, am hereby rciuulrvd to appear and anawor the nracnddd comulalnt llled against you ilii the abovo critlt'.cil action ou or bo i fore Afondur, tbo 4th day of January, JI916, that being the last day of tho 'lime proscnoca in mo orucr tor pui- llcutlon of tbl summons, and, If you 'fall o to amwer, for want thereof the j'plalntlff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In tald amended (complaint, to wit: for a Judgment agalntt you In the utn of $70.95, and 'for Its coet.i and dlaburietnenU here in, all an In Ha Id amended complaint moro fully set out. 1 Thl summons I served by publica tion thereof In Tho Urening Herald, a dally newspaper of general circula tion, published In Klamath county, Oregon, by order of the Honorable E. W. (Ioen, Justice of tho I'caco for the District of I.lnkvlllo, said county, and state, made, dated and filed In suld action on the 21st day of Novem ber, 1011; which said order requires that summons In said action be pub lished once a week for sis consecu tive weeks. Tbo date of the first pub lication of this summons is .Vovcm ibcr 21, 19H. HAY & MEKHYMA, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 21-28-5-12-13-26-2 b Fish, De-'ment against Chas, W. Sheraaa for i ui, iilioinKmiii) ohnwn CniiUlii Talboroi the Ynln football team resting and iIIscussIub tactics on the field Hi. biiHottt. Tinker louid uir-n qunriers U tin kuiiik wan Harvard Haturday, Since the period of rest Is no short under the present rules, UHAIU and drclltlHl ll tl.ll ... . i , , .r n larlln. In llin i1r..lni- rixwiin Th, Vol., 1n4.11 wriilltw.! I llpm.H(d 111 blutlkcbt tt rlln It 1a -JtriiuliifK In llin liiMiit r I fill .. . i .. .1... . ... ..,. '1 .. 1 1 . . .. ... . . . , t. . .-..... ... 1... . 1 a, .1 tiriiliiiinn.l tfttuiia Kiuehln' ---- m, u.'-n u 11. n m mi ! niium 1 iM-n nil' conqneN nau a laiK wuu me captain auuui inu racuium iu u "" "' -' lianil ruriirf -'H tu Ibn ud seal im tl npjuMalnlii' U ! JlUKklidld. ,lu jHIIII,., u, u,rt ',-,i.fa uKUo l. rr U" l",,rj Mcd I" lloll Ue lt. And tlm (nil of ChjcaKu' km tUtl of pllf) Jl"'li Prdr.n.rN'Nh Hulo Imlil tho "Tinker lar " HL.r -ml 1 1 6.U00. "Ul "'P M,1,lr,t ' 0f ,ur iiibi jiwopii mil inn ini.ii iiiiu ins run ii-p.I in tin. laiii-r part of the Knm Judging from results, thi-e talks did not accomplish much. .(Idriltre I'tr.Mi'lit KI.Im'U. nml the lal At l ll known 10 riUllr-l Hi tl.l rnl ol U. illlli-l mid flllnllClal bl-'vr halidisl !io Mfi rhrtk milioul of of llir IVili-tnl 1-EU.', ISbtM't li!lfillllliiJ I ha I Jonilm did lint rnri Koucht Tinker fur ht u iw from liar- ! l ' of tlraveyardu r, ll.rm.nn uX b Cluclnimll Itr.u. " '" "' " ' "' " (- ., , . ... I)n' UalltMiiier I calling for the It. . m.. trifle.' tliinieht Wf.s10M, tfm ,.,. a, ,., Wal. Uli . be liAiided ilm Hhluxlainl urf..Vitorla In tliU rlty n t'fclff A rrltlllod tllrrlk for tllP IPlcaai' till lln 0 that he'll be paid III of tl.r thntllMi. "I fail Kel II back full -SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN AR Theater Guide j Siiitiiiion for ruhllratlon ,(Hlully No. C40. Keg. i. Page 256) ,1k thu Circuit Court Court of the Stato of Oregon, in and for Klamath County. (Louis 1,. Knlghten, Plaintiff, I vs., 'Herlha Knlghten, Defendant. To Uertha Knlghten, Defendant: In the name of the stale of Oregon, II': S (.ll.MMUTUi:ir.S ItlH'll'K TO uitiMi hack coi.uit an sit i.irs- till: TO IIAIU (iltl br IioMIiis; H plrlilll Tinker J At thai ou mmiot blame Kbkets A Fair Warning Our Tlnl Mimilit IU llmlnl U) KUin. alii t'ftll ltt.l..i. Vou tan turn gray, faded hair huutlfully dark and lustrous almost juw-r nlgbt If )0U'U get a 60-ccnt bot tle of "V)elh's Sage and Sulphur Hair llcuicdy" at any drug ator. llllllutu of bottles of this old, famous Ui?H, H.ii:o Ta reclpo are sold annually. ilvllllr.l utlimrddiHl all oer the vrnrld Head the folleulug: Jaiiu livrlaci'. I'uutth Vreka. t'alit,, m. Time after lime wl)i a well kuon druggist hero, be- I he had liimbaKO and barkarho n rauio It darkens the hair so naturally IkiUI) ilmt I uni I it arairrl) do mi)- nml eiculy that uo one cau tell It has IhliiF I ued liiany remedies, but hceli nppllcd. iiiuio r-iiuil in do iiiu au) eoml He- Thone whoau hair Is lurnlug gray, foil- I had nnUlifl one bo of Iioau's iit'coiulug faded, dry, scraggly and' Houston's Metropolitan AmuseBents HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE Sem!-Annual Firemen's Ball WEDNESDAY NIGHT November 25th as tho "I'ilOI'OSED ASSKSSMKNT K01X" for said Improvement. NOTICi: IS HEUKUY OIVKN. that uild Common council did by resolu tion Jlx Monday, the 7th day of De-''uu ar herey required to appear (.ember, 10H, said dato being n date upon which a regular meeting of said council will be held, as the time for and answer the complaint filed by the plpalntiff in this suit, against you, on or before the 0th day of January, hearlne and .lelnrmlnlnc all oblee-'1S13. that U',nS the date act ln Ions to such assessment asd having,order ot lioa- Wm- s- Worien. Judge heard and determined such obJec-lf tuo Count' Court. raado la the Itions, If any there be. said Common abov entitle1 matter' lor "ou lo aP ICouncll will on said date proceed t0'Pr and answer in the above entitled .assess the proportionate share and u,t' anJ K 'ou ,al1 t0 M aPPear and part of the cost of such Improvement !ansWt'r- P"W will apply to the In accordance with tho beneflt accrued court ,or the r,jlIef dmanded In said upon each lot, part of lot', block or 'acreage property. Each and every owner of property liable for tho cost of such Improvement is hereby re If erred to hucIi assessment roll on (lie 'In the ofllce of the 1'ollcc Judge for J l'rriurlill) the flmt sleil of kdlie double l a slight arlmor pain In the Kldne I'HU the hackarhe and other thin, bam a surprlso awaiting them. Iltmule liau iclt ui'vauio aiier ouo or iwo aypiicauooa Price 50c. at all dealer. Dou't the gray hair vanishes and your locks simply a.k for a kidney r.mrdgct Ibecoiuo luxuriantly dark and beautl- l loaii' Kidney Pills- tlm name that fl- dandruff goes, scalp Itching '" Mr lnelAie had. l"oU'r-Mlllmrn ' mume ir siops. I Prop , lliirtalo, .V. V. (Paid Aihrrtlnolilctit) STAR THEATER detailed information. Tho boundaries within which the property lies that Is benefitted and liable for the cost of such Improve-J lolM Nrelrri of thU warnlnK mokr. the y vy for more pjiuu Ifiiulnr dropny, graiel, might's !! je Tin ir to py attention to the nru cii Weak kidney, gem-rail) io hrakcr and delay is often dan riu llraldrnU Of this Irtfallt) tdsrr tellanrn In DoAitV Kidney Pills. Thl rtrd remedy lifta been Hand lit kidney trouble over 60 years U rcs semi: tii:oiuiK. tiii aisSjSssM You Will Enjoy Thanksgiving Day By Taking Rett From Your Household Labor and DINE AT The Rex Cafe Home people become famous jkniiwledge. sotnn by skill. 0liii by ( wealth, but most people become great by abllllr. Ho I. n mail, "(leorge Howell day.'' who ntnrtod life n lor boy. niidj . . ...... .... I ...I..... I... j !..... I IIIIOIIKH niillll mm iim'ni n vw,.,v jorld-famd ni nil artlid, nVd U now i the oHlflal artlat to KiirIIhIi royalty, whoso commission allows him only to Iptiliil the pictures of th ro)l family of that In ml Ills mnnterplero nluno gained him .this chiiiihUsIoii, ami you nro Imvlng 'it rluitife lo got nn exaol rcpioductlon 'or this mnaterpleiv III color photogra phy, wlilioiit cost. j Here Is how ' To gel thin work ot I art all )ou nm requested to do Is to answer this iiusllii!i rerrrclly: What stiilo la "The Home of Sensible Christ. InmsdlflHT" ' Put your answer im postcard, with your iinmo mid nddross, and .mull It to Poslolllco llox 331. by Wireles," C.'llii Twu Part Military Drama Power to rorjlve," Vltagrapb Drama This Is the ago of youth. Gray- .siiioMniim loiumw," haired. uuattractUe folks aren't Kusanay Comedy nanted around, so get busy with .W'V 8KAT, IOc Wjeth's Sage and Sulphur tonight, ami you'll be delighted with your Coming dark, handsome hair and your youth- ,.T1. M:KMUl IKI, SCHOOI, tiy till appearance within a lew uays. (Paid advertising.) VAlllKVIl.l.K FOCIl" complaint, to wit.: For the dUsolu tlon of the marrlagu bonds heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and ('.efendant, and for the care, cus tody and control of the minor child, Louis Knlghten, and for plaintiff's IrOftn nnil tHshurfinmpntst herein. This summons Is published In The Eveulng Herald, a newspaper of gen eral ciix'ulutlOD, printed and published l.'lnmnth T?nlte Pnntitl' nf Ivlnmnlh ment, which said boundaries are asi , . , , -. . , . . '. ,, . ,. land State of Oregon, under and by follows, to wit: , . , , ., , virtue of an order of the Hon. Wo, S. Ileglnnlug at the intersection of .ordeI1( Jlldge ot the CoQnt. Court Third street and Main street In saldot KIaraalh county. Oregon, made on city, thence In an easterly direction, 10 2m day of .November. 1914; 'nlong tho boundary line of Main finst ,,ubucatlon to be on the 23d day street to the Intersection of the boun-of November. 1U14. and the last pub- dary line between lots 2 and 3 ln,Ucatl0lx to bo ou the 4th day ot Jan block IS of tho original town otiHary m5t belng tor 8lx consecutIve (Mnkvllle. now city of Klamath Falls.1and succes3Ve weeks. I Oregon, running thenco In a norther-j g, l ELLIOTT, Uy direction between lots 2 and 3 andjAUornej. ror ii3intff. 211-14 Wtlllta lots C and 7, In said block IS, and nii,iin. v-iimniii wii nroirnn uloug the line between lots 2 and 3 23-30-7-14-21-2S-4 h ninl f? ninl ? Iti K1ixl T rf fha nflrflnnl ' sW . S& ' MMMM M m mBsrjjofirm& aud C and 7 lu block 7 of the original WkIiIi fur Our Thaaknglv Ibj- l'rogrnm town ot Llukvllle, now city ot Klam i '.Mntlner rteiy Saturday anil SuutUj nt S:80 "A.SOTIIKII MAX'S WIKK" Kami Coined) Produced by Six Local ' People 'TEMPLE THEATEP "'I lie lit (ihoM Dnmv," liiillnu Kenturo In Three llwls ' "AinilleV Iji-I Allenipt," PATIIK IIAIIA" W.U XKWS Comedy t,mU). ()1j. A,l...ll..n 'J.V-. ClilMrrn I.V. ,, A .. Kssaualy Two Heel Special , Notice for Publication nth KVllla Oropnti ti IliA lnl.rtoottnn 1 Vnl fnnl Tnnils 1 of High street; theuce In an easterly j Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, September 11, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Henry A. Grimes, whoso postofflce address Is Klamath Falls. Oregon, did, on the 11th day of May, 19U. file In thU office Sworn Statement and Applica tion No. 07333, to purchase the EH CoiiiIiik Nundiiy nml Momhiy Till: Cl.OISTKIt .IMiTIIK HKAHTH Masterful Production of Chas. Head's". Hook "SU.Koot llomanre," Lublu Comedy Their Little Dandy,'' Hlograph Drama Coupons for silverware given Mou-1 day, Tuesday and Thursday. tii.urnmo Unit wn. Hhi Clillrote. .MATIMCi: KVHUY SATUHIUV AXllJ ADMISSION ALWAYS 10 CENTS MATINKK DAILY AT 111 80 A Mi MCKNSKD PICTURES UU.I Mil In lnit. I'nws IG-tf. SUNDAY AT UtSO VWWWWWWWMWVWV Herald want ads brine results. AMATKUIt I'UltKUIliUNCK OX WKDXICSDAY NIOHT TAKE NOTICE! There will be oq display and for tale Saturday, November 28th and Saturday December 5th, 12th and 19th at the Sugar Bowl an Elegant Line of Hand Embroidery The Prices Will Be the Feature of Thii Sale We Invite Your Inspection SPLITTING MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill, Or. MOTION' I'lCTUBES TUKHDAVg AXD SATURDAYS ' SICK HEADACHE Legal Notices direction along the center lino ot High street to the Intersection ot Fifth street; thenco northerly along the ceuter lino of Fifth street to the Intersection ot Mltchcl street; thence southwesterly nlong tho center lino of Mttchel street to the Intersection ot Mt. Whitney street; thenco westerly ' along tho center lino of Mt. Whitney ( gv U , section 3. Township 39 S street to the center Hue of California uange 10 E, Willamette Meridian, avenue; thonco southwesterly along and lne timber thereon, under tho the center lino of California streot to 'provisions of tho act of June 3, 1S7S, tho Intersection of Teddy street; land acts amendatory, known as the thonco along tho center line of Teddy). 'Timber and Stone Law," at Buch htreot to tho Intersection of Second value as might be tlxed by appralso strcot; thence southeasterly along thel,uent and that, pursuant to such ap center lino of Second street to the in-cation, tho land and Umber there teraectlon of McKlnley street; thence l0n have been appraised at a total of iWWW Dr. JamM Headache Powdwi re- liave at one 10 oentc a package. Street improvement Notice Nolliv of Klllog of Iho rroHkcd As NCtiMlitonl Role The common council of the city of Kin inn tli Falls, Oregon, having ascer tained and determined tho propor tionate slutro for which each lot, part You iske a Dr. James1 Headache 11 ... -n.l Im In fsaur tnAmnnlst your head clear, and all neuralgia and of lot, block uml ucrcago property distress vanishes. It's the quickest ' shall be liable for Iho improvement uud surest relief for headache, whsther of r,rii street from Malu street to SpiHllOg south to ceuter line of First streot; thenco southeasterly along center line of First street to tho Intersection ot High street; thenco northeasterly along the center lino of High street to a point opposite tho lino between lots G and 7 and lots 2 and 3, In block 6 of the original town of Llnkvlllo, now city of Klamath Falls, Oregon; thonco southeasterly along tho lino botween lots C aud 7 and 2 nnd 3 In said block 0, and continuing along the sumo line to Main street, nnd thence northeast erly to place of beginning. Witness my hand aud tho seal ot said city this 21st day ot November, 19 U. A'h. LBAVITT, Police Judge of Snld City. 11-21 12-7 li .lull, throbhlur. sDlittlnir or nerve racking. Senif lomeoue to the drug tore and get dime package now, quit suffering His so needless. eBe sure you get Dr. Janes' IlMdaob Puwdsrt then iosre wHI bo uo dip poluiaMli Ciilirornlu avenue, aud havlug ou tho 10th day 6t November, 1914, tiled lu tho offlco ot the. Police Judge ot said city n statement thereof, which Mid Huuuiioiis for Publication In the Justice Cuurt for the District of I.lukvvltle, County of Klamath, Stato ot Oregon. 11 lg Ilaslu Lumber Company, n cor poration. Plaintiff; v. statement ia known and designated (Wni, S. aud F. S. Fish, co-partners, $257.50, the timber estimated 355,- 000 board feet at $.50 per M, 600 juniper posts at 5c, and the laud $50.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his applica tion and sworn statement on the 8th day of December, 1914, before C. R. DcLap, county clerk of Klamath county, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or lulttnto contest at any time before patent Issues, by tiling a corroborated affidavit iu this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. JAS. F. BURGESS. Register, 10-2; 12-4 h Notice of Slierllf'B Sale lly virtue of an execution on fore closure duly Issued by tho clerk ot tho circuit court of tho county of Klamath, state ot Oregon, dated the 14th day ot November, 1914, lu a cer tnlu suit lu the circuit court for said county aud state, wherein Fairbanks, Morse & Company, a prlvato cor poration, as plaintiff, recovered Judg- ! tho sum of thrco thousand nine hua- drod nnd forty-threo and 88-100 dot jlars, with Interest thoreon froea No- vernber 7, 1914, nt tho rate ot t pr 'cent per annum, together with the sura of three hundred and titty dol lars attorney's fees, and costs And disbursements for tho sum ot ten dol lars and sixty cents, which said Judg ment was enrolled nnd docketed In tho clerk's olllco of snld court in Mid county, on tbo 7th day of November, 1911, Notice I hereby given that 1. will on the 14th day of December, 1914, at the front door of tho court house, in Klamath Falls, in said county, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon ot said day, sell nt public auction, to tbo highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real property, to-wlt.: Tho east half of the southwest quarter; the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter, and lot numbered 4, 5, C and 7, all In Sec tion C, Township 39 south. Rang 11, cast of tho Willamette Meridian; Taken and levied upon as the proper ty ot the said Chas. W, Sherman, or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of the said Fairbanks, Morse it. Com pany, a private corporation, together with all costs and disbursement that have or may accrue, and to further satisfy a certain judgment obtained by the Dank of Bonanza, an Oregon corporation, in an action ln said conn against the said defendant, Chaa. W. Sherman, In the sum ot one hundred twenty-seven and 27-100 dollars, to gether with its costs and disburse ments Incurred herein, which said judgment Is, by said decree and ex ecution made a subsequent charged upon the proceeds of said sale to the judgment ot said plaintiff, Fairbanks, Morse & Company, a private corpora tion. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon. November 14th, 1914. " C. C. LOW. Sheriff. Dy GEO. A. UAYDON. Deputy. Hay & Merry man and Cake & Cake, Attorneys ror Plaintiff. 1 1-21-28-5-12-19 h Notice of Final Acconat la the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County ot Kfaun ath. Iu the Matter - of the Estate ot Juniette Jackson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Jno. S. Horn, administrator of the estate) of Juniette Jackson, deceased, having died in the above entitled court his final account of his administration of said estate, the hearing ot the same has been fixed by the court at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., on the 5th day of. December, 1914. in the office, of the County Court for Klamath county, In the court house at Klamath Falls. Oregon, and all persons Inter ested In the said estate are notified ttr tben and there appear and file their oblectlous, If any they have, to said account and the settlement thereof. Dated November 12. 1914. JNO. S. HORN, 12-19-26-3 h Administrator. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. t. C. Stltser, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. S. Fish uud b S. Fish, Co-Partners, Defendants. To Wm. S. Fish and F. S. Fish, the above named Defendants: r in the name ot the state ot Oregon, you and each at you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled action, on or before Saturday, the 19th day ot December, 1914,. that being the last day of the time pre scribed lu the order for publication ot thus summons, uud If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof1 the plaintiff will tako judgment against you for the sum ot 1399.17, and tor tho costs and disbursements ot this action, and for an order of this court that the following described lauds, taken under an attachment-! this cause, to-wlt: The northwest quarter (NWK) ot Soctlou seven (7), In Township torty-ono (41) south, range eight (S) east ot Willamette Meridian. and situated ln Klamath county Oregon, bo sold as by law required and Ike proceeds thereof applied in the pay ment of such judgment. This summons Is served ou the de- fund suit and eacli ot them herein, by publication thereof ln the Dally Her-' nld, a newspaper ot general circula tion, printed and published at Klam ath Falls, Oregon, not less than oaee u week for six consecutive weeks, by order ot Honorable Henry h, Benson, Judge ot the above entitled court.- Made, dated and filed in said actio, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the, 7th " day ot November, 1914, the deie'ef thu tlrst publication thereof beJag' Saturday, tho 7th day of .November, 1914. ROLLO CUROaMBsKJIC, -Attar ney for Fmlattf . 7-i4-ai-a.6-i8. to "Sjfcj A Ui (if I 1: PTl wvwwwwwyivwvww'iiwyii'v'ly P WiSi i