'' 7i t. a . l &1 wtratg Herald PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "-li" lnili Ywr N. SJ.ftll'J OT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1914 Vrtt Vtn "Vv h PETR06RAD SAYS GERMANS CHASED NTO BIG SWAMP ,MrH.MA CI.AI.M WiMIJ VH. TOM I UMIn IK.palili I 'nnt IViroitrrtil hn) 1lil itir llii"l.ii Ar Hi III Inrtl. i Ink IImi) Uw mm llii (Jerin.i.. VI lie J'li'iu Vlriiim JM) 'nilliii In I'oloiiit At Not I'lianaed, nml Tmtmo Ai Winning, berman Cruiser Scharnhorst, Which Led in Battle Off Chili t'tlifil I'im tWvto I'KTItOtlllAU, Nor. JSt-TimU)'. iUlrmr.lt from the war office ) "CuUIIHUmI Ucowi f.Oflcn (tulti ear frmii "Hu.iUit irtXttlry. atiarklnc n it trr4nK itifAtiiry corps hmr Mi, Jtoi. thm ltt a nwatiip, liicilt-iine ). ! unit rapiurrd n ntiinlwr of tutu "Attempts ti ( tin enemy to runl-r f Sfe rtrr)llrn tnptllarHl." ..: '. . HM' . '--fite. .? 4Mb - BtMt&yvY-f-t T.rT.- " ' ft! I Hktw ' .Tif.i irr i ipiFlf. BPafefe .. - r.: ' .miimCI3iaft totL . .at-. 'J-.'J.ft.OT', " .""'rtur .-LZ-, --. flT'.r'.J-JI'" rang' lJj'"J'rMi"""iy"" w . 'ii.F7..,ia AIJJES USING SHIPS TO SAVE THE COAST went In a body to the to!lt station arnl were worn in a di'puty ii.llco, i nnil wore nrmeiJ. . t'nll"l l'ron Kervk u j W'AHIMNOTO.V, I), C. .r. 25. ' j.Miich alarm In (Wt In omtlhl circles! jover tho altiiatfon In Mcxlaj City, and faiprciiniilon Is eronlne utronser. Oindal communication l complftely ifmverMi, tuiU the ntfttc deiiartmcnt'a ' offorta to trarmmlt querle to ri-prc-1 'ni!itiveH lmv m far allwl. United I'reM Service ' ( KI. I'AKO, TwxnH, Nov 25. Con-' ntctliiK rrportK come from (Suailala-f Jara. Olio I to iho effect that thoj - Cnrrnnzlstas ar evacuating thp town! and fleelnK toward Manzlnalla. An-! I'nlted I'rc Snle IMKIS. Xov. US. Tlio nlllitl fl NAVY STORMS TO KEEP LONDON IN SAFER CONDITION other report Is thrt tho battle still (continues. Wire communlcatlonB In terrupted. t'oltrl l'i Hcrk ( Tho i.fcrmau cmut-r Kcliarliort. of iiiaitiUHivd thu ratuse. ut tho anu of the head sea made tiring difficult. VJi'S'NV (rrlcM (rum tlnrllnl -- " - niiii, nmr uriiuiiiK "in iifiiM if,uHi ii imriicuinii- lor ine main ucck suns Nor IS It U omrlalh nitnouiiri ""' "f',"u" "' lh" ni,Vttl ,mul" lil time tho un wnini..tliiK Itimimll of the (Jood Hope and Monmouth. lbs! ( lttttlon In I'oUiid l un- "" ""' VM"n """' Vo,"'w -ly h"hlnd us from tl iiemy's po- Tho cm-my, rtrinit salvos, got tho rtB.i Th onlcUl butlolln im j'"n "'" "r",,h """'f '" II"!"' sltliin. Mild hlle It va abovo Iho hor- rnnite quickly, its third salvo caused -lloih ildr, tttnllnti flitnl lie rlr"'1 M,""m,M,h '',,, ,u,,k T1,u u ',, ""' " 'lvaiilr. In lleht, tiro to break out In the foro part of )nlr )'" ni Hm ri-poit madn by ritnln but the raiiKn was too ereat. AtC'55'tlio (Jood llop and the Monmouth, iuri tit ihn rulsr UlasKiin it thf tin sun l, mid th visibility condl- and both ships were constantly on "Thu Au.tiUti. hMp rnpitiml trt. 'jlrllUh atliuimlly (rum Itlu df JsnHro tiiitu vr ltrvd. Our ship .r Au: At 7:50 an Imraenso explosion ll lltllUhl iHMItllinS ni'ar U'fll ' y hpr ilia trurl l hlnir r..liillr.l lll.r,r...ll..,l .rsln.l Ili. irir,r.rl.u- t.f ,Mrr,..l tl.. n.,,1 !!., .1 .n 'Thf rncnil. HllO had turnrd uiulh. llm nun., nnil lh.. fnlllnif llvtil innilo'ulitii tli.. flamM riarhlnr "fin ru.i lO,QQ0 KtlMlan prl VI a lltl 111 ulliclo Una alixml. anil llin ioikIiiv itlnlrl.ll In n. Al T.3fl ll. hlrh. Tho fntnl ilnalriirllnn nf llu. riu. it!' ""L n ,l,,lw,', ,n Au,r,s- nliml Itrrhn mllmi dl.utit. Tho i-npiiiy oH-iinl tiro at .12,u0u )ards. el followed. It was now qulto dark TMijiumbr lnflud- n HitniMtnl offl. ,tchmbiiit and lnclrnaii -r In followed In quick mcrriwloii by the and both sides continued Urine at llm had At tf.lS tho speed won or- Good Hope, the Munmouth and the.rlnghf of tho-opjHslnc suns. Tho ilrfod up tit I , knot and llio Itnohlp (UaNKow The two squadron wito.. Monmouth was badly down by the lenalrt to the Coitopus. 'Am Koine to unw ronverKlne. each ship i-itKnuInc bow and turnH) away to get her stern nltnck thp iiemy now " Tim enemy thn opposite iiuintr In tho line. The to the sea, slicimlllnK the Glasgow to Mas now 15,000 )rd away, andiKronlue darknens and the hazy sprnyjlhal effect." Wem, "A lotat uf PUPILS TELL OF P4L6RIMJ)AOOfES will EXHIBIT CHAUTAUQUA TO SCHOOL WORK. BE INCORPORATED PRISONERS WILL FED ON TURKEY MIKItlKK AMI J.IMTOK Cllll TO JIAKK TIIK DAY AS I'LKAS AXT AS lOSSIISI.K FOIt JAII. IX-MATKS Tiit iu thi: ruiHT thank. IIU ISO In TIIKMi: OP I'lUMlltAM IV AM, or TIIK MIIIMIUK THIS AITi:it(NX W'OOO AMI ItlttOi: WllltK Ol Tilt: t OM.MITTCr. is a.mi:i ItV ClUllt MA.M'Ali TIIAIXI.NCi .IMtl'AHT- MAN TO ATTKXII Tt THIS II.. Mi:.vr wii.i. mshiiowx attiii: m'sthatkii i.KirrmtK axi IIAI.OVVI.V II.UtllWAIti: STOIti: i MOVIES O.V I'lUMlltAM And Mary was therewith her Mr In n bralfl. Likewise, nmoa ko. irru wero Jennie, her hair In fl, Kitddle, hl hair really romlnul, -. ' IVlf HHh.h,,r ,,a.lr ,M rlMH,"rt",,1 lu ieM.o.M to .... Invitation from. At a imxIliiR of thu Chautnuqua ii ni ihr. other primary and liiliirme.1 tlJato pupils of tho local schools ,1'" ""l,,wlu Hrlwnto comp.my, the stockholders last night. It was de l'frrh al.o were their proud jmrcnu'.HlKh School has drrhliM to hold nni'l'M " the orgnlxntlon should bo Thn occa.lon for nil of this slkk exhibit of the work of tho miiuh'nwnrnll. Klder S. I). Harlan ' up. application of simp mid ., ln.lnli.it dcpnrlm.mt lu the H.il.t In , w ; '"''", ,f orgnnlm. '. Ie.l sulta ,i AnmuJ, etc.. (windows. The lime uf this U not " " w S,,UK, BH rrtry. lie TiunksBlvhiB nhtrrvn 'i D... Silas)!. ' III nililltloii to Cliaiitniiqun talks, f"".ls today. In Iho smaller grades. The exhibit will Im-lude n n.imber'MlM I,,",sl Applegate gave a lecture BARNES SECURES EXPO. LOG ORDER SKCOXIl IXCUKAHK IK MAOK IX TIIK SI.K OK TIIK SHIPMKXT OF i'ixi: i.win koh thk om:io. STATi: ItL'II.OIMi. If thuy can find no reasou to bsl thankful over the way fate Is treating ' them at present, prisoners in tho' county jail awaiting hearing Wor--' the grand Jury are at least thankful" that C. C. lw Is sheriff and that E. it. Itamshy Is Janitor of the court house. Through these two men the prisoners are to have turkey dinner tomorrow, and, as one prisoner, Chas. Mender, Is n cook par excellence, it will be n turkey served right. The prisoners have been anxious to pile wood whenever possible, as It' gavo them some exercise and fresh f air. This, of course, has helped "Dad" Ramaby, and to show his apprecla ( ImtUrinc atvny at the Gerasaa lino tr) 'UK to reitcli the ISclgtnn coast. The nctiTltien of tlio vrarshJas) I rnt. that they nre determined to curb tiio German plan to establish a 1 on the Xorth .Sen for n raid on London. Ah a rt'oiilt uf the tiring Ix:tvcen the hlp anil llio Gcrtnaa artillery the town of Zechrage h neriouoiy damaged. II N reirtel that sic German submarine there are either destroyed or liaillj rripplcl, hut tills io not ronllnucd. It lh known that the British Cet off tho const vigorously bombarded Zccbrugts jeterday, at the potat wlsete the vesl were supposedly located. It Ih announced that the Kat IndJun troops today retook the traschea they lost to the Germans yesterday. lit retaking Ihc entrenchmeuts. it Is- mU1, the Hindoo captarvd thre IX ' Geiinnn odlcers, 100 men, three machine gunx and one mortar. In sfiieml, the condition U unchanged along the front. Tlio latest communique states that on the French right, and la Use ifgloit or I'oiitamotucson, the artillery txtinbarded Arnavllle, viHhlsi less miles or -Melz. This U the neitrest the French have been to Mets slace Mm war broke out. " Hoary Wses were inflicted to the Gernutus in the vlclalty of Xlewfart, where ti.ey ere caught between the fire of the Ilrltish troof aad Ms guns of the allies' vrarshlps. furultiiri. ...ado by the!"" IH uri. and a reel of Strand "" nj especially the rase, and In ot nlrco of I'm of studies, the nflernoon wn do. hluh school bovs for Iho Oregon stiitlwnr ,l,m tM to exrclr-i npproprlato In, building ni tho fair Thero will also "'"""'r management. TliankaKivliiK, In pome of tho grudes.ihe oiiimplf of forgo worj;, and thu "mriiiu foniiiioiiiiirnllvp o tho I'll- nkhlhlt ill ii hole will ho one In open J"' m ,,ll' r glveii-, mid wero hlgh-'lho ejes of tho iupn)ers to what tlin( Vrnjoxed by puplU nuil parnts .high school Minimi am learning. I was shown by tin. Orpheus M. E. Ladies Aid Will Give Bazaar the 4th EWAUNA CAMP ELECTS OFFICERS Tho tinmen Lumber company, through II. 11. Kdmonds, was today designated to furnish the logs and saplings needed for tho Interior finish of tho Oregon building at tho l'nnnma 1'acltlc International exposition grounds. The order will be rushed south as soon as possible. Hy telephone, Mr. Ilylnnd ot tho exposition commission this mornlug , lorn used the situ of tho o(der for I bark covered plno logs and polet Tho order to bo tilled by tho Barnes Lum- hor company calls for 19,000 feet of logs is leei in lengin ana is to - Inches In diameter, and 1,000'llnear feet of polss nnd small logs. Sportsmen's Meeting Is a Great Success The Importance and Influence of it ho business meeting was prealdad tho Klamath Sportsmen's Association over by E. B. Hall, the Eastern Ore- being 'Evans, AV. A. Dclzell, George J. Wal ton and Oliver P. Morton. hCAIIKIIS CHOSKX AT TUESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING TO GUIDE I IICSTINIEK OF THE OIIHEH H)tt THE COMING TEHM MEXICO CITY IS A TURMOI I i i 'win!'" m"ro "lnborn ,,,i " "I In. ih,, niuiiini bazaar given by Uillra Aid Hoclely of (Irani M. E. mirrli tiU year, This uffalr Is til ho '"i at the llrlatol hullilltiR, hot ween ""'"'iK.iri.mi, ni,d Mngulro Hiores, on 1 rl"V. Di-comhor nh, wJi!" In'",, hnvo ,,wm ,"",u' "t rk preparing for tli hiisnnr for ." weeks, Mini im ,, rUt( ,u,y ' nnvn on biiU, i, W,0 nHsorlment of ...ii . .tt"rl(' ",'ro11" unA h"r articles mat f,,r ChrWnm glfls. Ilcsl.los 1110 SnllMlf fnnnv .. 1. Will I . nwin, uiu,, n muuer At tho legular meeting of EwAiina i:iicnmpment No. 4U. O. O, 1 held ,Tuisdtiy night, thu following olllcers wero elected for tho coming term: Illgli I'rlest Fred llueulng. Senior Wardou Mi It. IVoly. Junior Warden Fred lliidiu.in. Treasurer Nutu Ottorbeln. Hcrllie O, 11. llreuueiunn. Served ill.rln. i.. ... TI,., . ,, ovmiiiia. i ' ' mo indies In chnrio of tho vnrloiiH II. Harp mhn "l I Mrs. ('hi Chlni. booth--.Mrs, Henry I., Hon sou, Mrs. Klniu'i.r. Tun booth- -Mrs. (tenrgo J. Wi.lton, Mth. ('. V. KMher. , Apiou booth Mis, V. J. .Slolnmet Mrs. Klmer .Mills. Kiincyworlc booth Mrs. J. H. Elll-i oil. Mrs. J. (1. Cnmp. Mrs. Carey M, llnnmhy mid Mrs. V. A. I.eoimi.1. ('jiuily booth--. Mrs. 0, V. Fisher. ' j;, t. Shepherd leturned Inst oven (Inih booth -Mrs. I.oy llllyiinl. jlng front a trip in California, where Doll liooth Mrs. T. rlkllllngtnn, Im sold a Helming l'lnyer for eish Mrs II 8 Wood. .near Maeiiinuuio nmt an cxpciiHivo HTOHES AHE IXK)TEJ, AND AHMS AMI AHMS AND AMMUNITION AlTnOI'IHATF.n CIVILIAN'S AT U'OltK HEMTOniN'G OltDEIt Dinner rommltton Mih. William us, Mrs. Ernest C. Rlchords. hnrles Mnrtln, Coiuord htylo nt Hlvemldo. lu hU nlueiico soveral plnnns wero disposed of nt the local store. uoii, oe announced that he would buy ....... tuv .,r.v.n i. th ....t nn.i ,,.icon momber of tho execuUve board of ii turkey. Sheriff Low Insisted on nay- , ,cin nM...rini- m ti, nnn..,.i (the Orecon Snortsmen'a Loasrue. Ing half the cost of the bird. So "turk me..tl.,i? nr thH ..ssneHtlr... hAirt int f rn.,nn- i,i vr a U'o,-. a-u- nnd tllxln's" will bo the menu to- i ..... ,.-..,... i.t,. . . ' .. .v . ."-, .. .t. v.vi.iiici ai vuu iv iiiiu i t:i..iu iiut. ultra iuu uuureas 01 nuivuuio uj lae norrow Ench year t)le attendance and enthu-' visiting guests, and h was followed in addition to the turkey, cranber- sl.8M increases, as tho peopto realize by short -talks by W. O. Smith, Sam .. u u)sll.rs ,or uressing were tho importance ot the work furnished by the newspaper men cov- doiu, by lhls organzatlon. t-....K i..o court nouse ueat. and Clr- ...r,,, , . , ....: n.,. ,,.., m ..,. .,.,,, tntlvo body ot buMuess men It has. for tho coming year; W. A. Dels ell, been my pleasure to see," said II. E. president; J, E. Bodge, vice presl Clanton, master tish warden, In his dent; J. E. Swauseu, secretary, and J. talk to tho members. "1 liavo met j J. Parker, treasurer. Directors out wit h many sportsmen's organizations side of Klamath Falls were elected as' lu every part ot tho state, aud I can follews: W. C. Dalton, Malln; John hay that lu tho usual gathering of Martin, Merrill; h. C. Slsemore, Fort this kind tho business and tho man, Klamath; J. O. Haraaker. Bonanza; who is respouslblo for the develoii- D. F. Drlscoll, Bly; Sam Pagett. ment ot the country Is usually ab- Keuo; F. M. Cleaves, Crescent; B. St. sent." (Ceo. Bishop, Odessa; It. C. Klepper, Ono hundred and twenty-live cn-!Cnl,0l",n-thuslastlc listeners followed every) Tho bylaws were amended to pro word of Mr. Clauton lu his outline ofvldo for an executive committee with TITLE OF A SKIT TO HE GIVEN .the plans he proposed to rocotnraend 'authority to transact business for the to tho stato fish rind irumo cmnmts. .association, to consist of th nroal. OKI HI'.US TONIGHT ol. nr u-n.t- ... l. ....1AH.n1.n l .- iH.nt vIiia iifABldan. BAMAnHU .-... propogatton and distribution ot trout rer and three additional members In Klamath county next year, to bo elected. Fred L. Houston, O. Hobertson and Bert E. Wlthrow were oloctcd on this board. Jan. u. Drlscoll was chosen aa a Moro egg4 woro taken from this sta-. delogato to represent the association tlou tho past year than from any qth-'nt tho annual meeting of the Oregon cult Court Clerk George ChaBtaln helped tho good cause along further wit a pair of nice mince pies. AMATEURS WILL PRODUCE COMEDY "AXOTIIEK MAX'S WIFE" IS THE TITLE OF AT THE AND TOMOHIIOW XIGHT i,.. Mr, Clauton statod that tho Spencer, Creek hatchery was tho best trout Inblnff .tn.lnn I.. . .1 m n.n.M rt .-.Hmvn.. .uni.lb (....HUM it! hilU O.U.U Ul Vl (,'(jUU. i United Press Service VEIIA CRUZ, Nov. 25. Neports Colonel Serlmnee have reached here that mobs nro over-'Hector Scrimago. .It According to those who claim to ktiow, Klamath Falls people will have occasion to bo thankful that In this day and ago It Is possible for clover comedies to bo produced nftor wlt-icr- notwithstanding the delay In tho -sportsmen's I.eaguo, to be held la ncsslng tho production of "Anothoriork caued by trouble oarly In thejrortland on December 7th. Man's Wlfo" nt tho Orphous tonight jsoaSQ- According to Mr. Clanton a Ono of the Important actions of.tka and tomorrow night. This Is hailed llDora amount of money is to bo spent , gathering of sportsmen waa the adop ts a laugh producer of tho first water. ion S5Pu!r i-rooK next year. A urancu itiou by unanimous vote of a reaoli Tho play Is to bo produced by local ('""cuory is niso to uo estauilshod on Thesplnns, the cast being ns follews: tno nortn fork ot tho Spraguo Rlvor, Mrs. scrlmngo... Mrs. S. W. Gnrrott.""r " riinutiig Mexico city, looting stores nnil pawnshops. Home of the moh are appropriating arms and ammunition, and murder and arson Is feared.. I A lato report states that civilians mustered out of the federal army are endeavoring to restore order. They T. O. ltathbone Motschenbacher Jessie Wharton . Mrs. J.L.Cunnlngham Tldlngtou Locke Stanley Smith Mrs. Delanoy . , . Mrs. O. D, Matthews After two years Oregon Municipal built. of litigation the elevator Is to he Mr. Clauton paid a tribute to Chas. F. Stono and cougratulatod Klamath county on being represented by him on tho state commission. He also landed tho excellent work dono by District Qaino Warden Henry Stout, who, he said, was one ot the most offlcieut wardens In tho state. I Tho social session which preceded .Is tlon approving the present orgaaiW tlon of the Stato Fish and Qame Com- . mission, and their recent action la re instating R. 3. Clanton as matter warden and William U Flnley aa state, garao warden Here for Visit. MrB, Dallnger-came Im laat lht,?- from Blleasburg, Wash., U TtoM mJ' nn Pmlmul 'W r A. "-'' -'-' - t -VH, vw,...wv, ,, . , J. ani, family, " . 7it . Sir .tj W 'V '1 J 3 T? r' r-l ". I) o