"Ui lEimttttg Hralli PRINTS THK NKVVS WHILEITISNIJWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -yiimi' wit w .w-q'ga I' Ninth Vmr Si U.JWI mwwBBCjaaintjji KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914 Price, Ftr GERMAN RETREAT PRISONERS HAVE ACCORDING TO A LOTS OE CLOTHES .-.I Henry Morgenthau, Turkish Minister, in the Limelight SPILIOS' TRIAL FREEZING CAUSES IS IN ABEYANBE ARTILLERY MOVES Man Who Directs the Fight Upon Foot and Mouth h PETR06RAD WIRE iiMtMAN itOMIl IHinri'l'D i'Iihi: I,, i rf, rtLNHt'LATtf I.N WAIL hV, tlltlAKI.NO WIMMIW. umima.ns IlKTHKAT tvi:ntv. rnr mil ix nuiM t.on,. t'ltlM l'iHprlf VnHI.N'UToX, l. '.. Xm. a I. . ,tli tilth 11 ilUMtlt lit I tin tnl. lie. iwitturnl " i iJetMinil ltllli iln'p. IM l-.iitli In WnfwiH, mIiIi-Ii lnrk 4 li. I r,ilnt III frmtl 'f lite I'lillrtl Mud MMKiiUlfv It tirttle I In' ul. In 1 1'" ""I Cf mii, Willi kllhll Mint lt,)iir.t wtrml III Um' MrrH, Imirj riM Bervlc (CTIIOUItAll, SY, 9r.--Tli im U uuiuent at KniAti lir Its ir-r-w txtrni (lorn Um trout lirtwn th Wttrttm mt VimU ilrrfu, where the llt un hatn rtrrt?d." Ollirr report ay Hint he (trriumu ttu hat) r rat licit litli ar now at HaJrt. iruiy-nto mil wt ( there Itrcardlug tbn bombardment nf l.. tan. Hi bulletin mm: The (trriitmut iuilu a tpcrlnl tsf (ft t tbe iutte una th root open (wttiun ut Hip ioil A great num ber ut tf-areablp Inhabitants, the ttu jjotllr "I Iboitl bvllIB 0itvli umi fhlldivri, ft vlftlm nf ttiflnan twr tailim ' ' A t.rujpft I. t-liie vHMtuH.r.t b IN.inrmi Trltior CuKciir intitK. lac tlm toiiHruttlou of a locelnc rllf.vail up Ut Crek from tbu Nst- tU etltiulou Ihrnucb l)rltr llllti b Uly of llmbr, romirllng approt- ImsiH fc i bird of four tottimhliui. i Mhilf way, with thi? survey fob tbo nnr completed. MlrblRan mid WI. tonln tlmbWr owner who rcntly purrhsM-d tratl nf tlmbor In IliU tlrlbliy, ro said to Ih bclilml' Um And doctor sucrnoded In kllllitK mure ami ale of aUrgn jkkiI of lm. the root of two cancers under tbo bur ! contemplated. iTbo promoter ll arm and In front of the ahoul laie tbnl the mad will be ronlriicted ,,r' and under a rib on (be left side UnniiMiUtely. A depot for the Muiiclpal rllrnit I Mne bii Hi ni (Irani I'sm. Thirfv Hpafl il IfVHU w lug plan for cliwlng tt least a part 'of ThaukuKlvlng, lu order to give I heir employe tin opportunity to en 0 n I ! rs i 1 rnil f P0)' T,,,'',iKlvlnB dinner and attend Nlftm v4lAAIlsM IIU Vank fllltciflnnfl.nliion .oIa tbo football game. The confectionery t mud I're.s Hervlco HAN I'itANOIBCO, Nov, 84, r'rom Tho scene wits Pitiful u relative mid lemy m Uilrty person lut their friend Ideniineil the victims. '" In the wreck of the steam1 (.'oiiitiiiiiuler Alger of Um McCul rboiiner lliiiialeo, which went 011 lurh :U "Thero were Hfty-lKht Diubury reef, oiltsldo of tloldcu Onto pernoun on board tbo llnualel, Includ lite yesterday, acconllng to lulephoiui ,Iiik the pAsiuuigprii mid members of ndMce recelvrd here nt R o'clock thlsjthe crew, when tlm veel struck. Tbu nnrulug from tho Marconi ntntlnn nt iiiiitnbitr deml U merely ti mutter of I'olliin, Calif. fonjerture." "l to that hour iweuly pnrsou Mr. V. (lolilllnger of Smi Frniicl bad reached tho shore on piece of co, one of the. survivors, wild; wrecktiin from tho schooner. Ono liyj "When tbe bout broke up I cllmbod nn (bey struggled through tho turf .011 top of Hie pilot house with n mini 'Hid were taken hi chargn liy membsr her of oilier person. This was upset "f Ibo llfo saving rrew, by tbo buttering waves, ami 1 never M dawn tho terrific pounding of wtw n slnglo ono of Iheso persouo nf be wnvea broke up tho llnualel. At tor Hint, I do not know what htip "" Hmo tho tihlp went to pieces II I peiieil lo tliom A big log floated by. I'ellnvwl ihni ul least thirty of tlm mid I clung to Hint until picked up by ""y-elght person composing the 'the McCulloch. Tlm utlempls of my ew mid passenger list perished, "eoiiipiiulons lo cling t "10 nllppery pilot bouse, with tho wnves buttering 'lilted i'resa Horvlco 1I11 their fiu-en wiih most pitiful." " r'HANOIHCO, Nov 2. 2 p. ni. Th rovenuo culler McCulloch nrnvid with flfleon bodied of Ilnnnlol vlctliiin mill thirteen survivors nboard. I'nloss tho list of lavad rnntiea a'sttuiu to n pleco of wreckage. Ho also Krenter number thnit this tho Indlca- lloiiH am tlmt ahoiit forty lives were '"I In tho dlinstvr, 1 no survivor, suffering from tho 'bock and exposuiti, wero rushed to n '"HPllol. wiill It not known Just "'w ninny worn lost, It Is known (lint "ro than twenty are dad. A'lr the survivor had been re "vod tho crowd wm allowed to I III. I IIWINK MIHIII n .oi , M Awi'tri'it, inmate hi i in: nirvnu wi. tin: i hit. ii:it i iiMU'iuiN llmt a mirthy nipul in i)n n. i. r KUml) Fall ! never in inn. Liu flKSllI lltii'll iloilil)Mrslnl j( ,,K, I In- Herald, hinl tlit morning the S'oiUte(trii lolil of Um iiii.ii nuked eoitdltlmi i( id.. rUMi-r in tin (mill) Jul), nil lull) fin finmiiin llun by II).. Kmiit Jnr. unit Uim Hiefe li4 b,-i n (IihkI lit rloililiiK pouring Hti tile shrill!' iiltliti Un imul lii.intll) I linnl. the new. pp-t !r ihelr work lit calling mir lllldllil III lilt' .illilillmi li( I he (,. pie ainl Hit. Milii fur lu Kriirriiuo Ipii, h IliU pw-n." a .t t t llit p(lOIitf Hula)' HERALD AD GETS CURE EOR CANCER iiuti:i: nci:i;.h uitowixu liotit hit kllleil oft tlic IntMt Jliifo. M.tH. JOHN ,,ATX,:V AUK KIM. M Jearncd ,hal )e Tur. r.ll IIY lilt. t-'IIA.MI.IIVS MimiUMplol '"I"1 a ' entrance to Smyrna 'harbor bail flnil on a launch from the u TIIIUTMK.NT (. jj 8 Truueiuip, bound for the torl of Hmyyrnn on ortlclal butfne, lor- II r mill Mr. John Mnlnny, hui ttv " ti,r" "" ,r,,m rrHI. bav ',""J from Kn FranclM-o, licro Mr MAitici unuerwoiii treatment uj Dr t'lininlvi' (nr roner, SIib suffi-rcJ from tbtw riifrr. unit nil pr f"rpJ- Mr Mntni-y w not butbernl by the mxr until about rho wek ago heeing or. rnaniiwy mivriuement m tbr HemUWevkly Herald, the Mat ""J Wrn " ,,,n fl, ,wo "e-1 ". Tbe V M Knglnecrs tinu. calld for 3U0 laborer on Coo Il4y Jetty ,ml (Vlllo canal in Wrprk MA f I M VVI1 .ho.tnl the McCulloch to view tbe dead Hydney Aston, stewiud of tho linn- nlulH, proved hlinsolf to bu 11 real hero. Ho stropped tbo Ki'inonllis-old child of Mrs. Vnl I-'rnn onto IiIh back mul ninimgod lo got Mrs. Krmu onto the wreokngo. Ho fought for four hours Mo save the mother and child, A hugo comber llutlly Hwopt tbo chtlii nway, but Aston iniwmged lo keep I ho wo iimu uilont until picked up by tho Mc Culloch, Tho Idlest returns say tlmt twenty eight nro dead, dtid Hint thlrty-throo Imvo houu picked up, Hii' Inl-1 Amcrlcnn to bu braucbt into tbu HmrllKtit thiouitli tlu Kuro- iiwh war U llvnry Moritnitliau. Uuli- nl ittm AmbaMadnr to Turkry, llwlii)t. rt-iwrt n iht Tenneij lncl Kiuthau ordered lb Teuncwe t.i1rol.r administration of the cltVs leave Turklnh water, pending an In- .r iwn.iinr nn in. rlti:nilou. Tbe matter was left upl tu Morgenthau, and he secured a I highly plausltil explanation, that the shut was fired over tbe buw of the launch to stop It, as the harbor was mlneil, and entrance was dangerous. STORES WILL ninnr IT 111! III llnl A I If 'IN OUDKK TO tSIVi: CI.KHKS AXI HtOl'ltlKTOHK A CHAXCK Iroolroad. i:.T TL'IIKKV, fl.OHI.tl HOL'HI AtiltKKD flHIX ( All local hunlue houses are mak store, restaurants and grills will, of course, bo kept open. I The dry goods, clothing and shoe stores will close at noon, tlroeery store plan to remalu closed nil day 'Thursday, n will the hardware stores, Imukn and court house. The barber shops of tho city have agreed to close their doors nl 11 a.m. Tbo pnstottlco will be open from 8to ! In the morning, and from C to 6 In the ofternoon. All of tho first class mall will be distributed on Thanksgiv ing the same as on every other holi day. Tho drug stores will bo closed from noon until 0 p, m. Xo Hum Appendix. After Junior Daggett reached San Francisco to Imvo his appendix re moved, ho was told by the surgeon thero Hint the troublesome organ is nil right. Ho Is now bore, visiting relatives, before leaving with Mrs. Daggett for Kugene, Kxporlonccd with forest fire 011 the national forests this year shows that automobiles, whrro they can bo used, furnish tho quickest and cheapest transportation for crows of flro fight ers, Motor rates aro higher than those for teams for the actual time employed, but tho total coat per dis til 11 co travelod and In wages paid to men In getting to fires Is much less. Tho time-saving Is self-evident; trips which ordinarily require two days time hare been nada by automobile In a few hours, CITY TAX LEVY ! 1 IS SET BY THE I CITY COUNCIL: i i:k;ht ami fivim:k;htii mim.s IS TIIH I'ltOlllltTIO.V S4irnl Hot L'olx)iilt- iHrurn-il !!-fori- I lit- Malr V'n Stlllnl tijr Um MrtiilK'1-k of the Counrll jit Mglil, llw VumtUiM of mllliiK IVitui In IVrtaln lrtarltttiiiU Itclnic lttof of t'untrBlloii. I A levy of 8 H mllU U to lie taxed In Kliimntb KalU for municipal pur-, iic, TliW wan decided at lam itljclit'i iiiuncll mcctlnc. the a;itor tlonmcnU fur tbu dlffi-rcnt funda be Inn a folloun; ( (ii ncrul fund .... .3 mills .SiriH-i fund hi mill , Intercut alnklnc fund . .. 2 mill llond redemption fund . . i mill l.lKbi and water fund ... IK mills Kirr Department fund .... M mill Tin motion for tbe adoption of this levy wan paused by Hamilton, Owen and (.ockwood, with Matthews and tiogcrii opposing. Itoger held for a .lower luvy, and he wa supported by Aiauiicwtj. a motion ny ine men to hae the levy placed at 8 mll was lost, following the reading of a wrlt len protest from Mayor Nicholas, holdliiK that tbe rata was too low for I. - ..' nrTafrs. Ta lu HUly-Thre." TbU may sound like the starting of u Civil War anecdote, but Is isn't. We're speaking of the luncaaott serv ed at tho Whito Pelican hotel to the t local business men Monday. The at tendance was 03. t'lenileuiiiag Oust Dairy. C. II. Clendennlng today purchased j p inXreH of nl" tortner. Claude H.( DavU, In the Straw dairy. Twenty.two blocks are being of , fercd for free factory sites at Flavet, TOJthe terminals of tbe Hill system of WOMAN'S EMANCIPATION Woman's work is never done, so It Is said. Hut ono baa only to look about to observo to what a great ex tout woman's work hat been re duced by later-day methods of housekeeping. Tor up-and-dolng women, drudgery has been, turned into ' pleasant occupation by the magic hand of progress. Take, for example, the kitch en, that department of every home which Is conceded to fur nish the lion's share of dls- ' agreeable work for woman. Com- pare the kitchen pt today with 4 that of yesterday. Think of tbo many, many improvements de- vised to lessen and make more interesting woman a work. Likewise In every other de- partment of tbe house, progress is simplifying and making the woman's work less burdensome. And yet many women are so absorbed In their tasks that they pay little attention to the per- slstent and onllghtenlng voice of newspaper advertising. The Herald is faithful and true friend to all who wish to proflt. Manufacturers and re- tollers nro constantly telling how to ollmlnato drudgery from housekeeping. It pays to shop la The Herald before you shop la tho stores; 81 per cemi of the drcutaUo of this paper goes direct tato the homes. Tbo women of this city will find they can get nil their waste supplied by watching the Mu- tual Qlrl Pag In this paper every Tuesday and Friday. 0 PNt7'v ISSSSSHS. "' idl SSSSSSSSSSSKSSL IisssswbbssssT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBailBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBl ssbbbBv S f bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbM sI(bbbss1si9SIbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHiibL. ALf v '-3isF isWHBB..w iTVK VR&fff.H IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV. Br'f SSBBBBBBBBBBBsl I In tbe fight tbe government I wag lug against tbo spread of tbe foot and mouth disease, the "man behind" Is Dr. A. D. Melvln, who Is tho head of the Ilureau or Animal Husbandry of thi United States Department of Ag riculture. As a result of his work, tho disease Is now believed to be en tirely under control. As soon as the outbreak was dis covered In the Middle West, Melvln at once recommended be quarantine of a . !r ' Blalcs- ",u wu a0M' a number or states. 'ano w t as cases were discovered 1 shipments of cattle from the state jwfre stopped, until fifteen states were plared under quarantine. STATE TAX IS NOT INCREASED I.N'STKID, HY KAISIXG OV THK VALUATION PEHCKXTAGK, THE STATK IMIOPORTIO.V IS UI)E I.OWKIt Much speculation exists as to whether or not tho taxpayers aro ben efitted by tho raising of the valuation percentage in Klamath county. Some contend that this increases the state taxes here, thus Inflicting a burden on tho people, but this is not tho case. Some time ago the state tax com mission asked several local real es tate men to glvo valuations on certain pieces of Klamath county property, not letting them know that this was for the tax commission. Tbe valua tions given by theso men weru com pared with tbe assessed valuations of tlio assessor's oillcc, and tbo commis sion decided that tbe property in Klamath county was assessed at 59 per cent of Its truo cash value. The assessor's otllce mndo the total value of assessable property in Klam ath county (exclusive of public serv ice corporations) Slu,5.9,S71. Ac cording to the percentage sot by tbe tax commission, this would make the true value of property 126,373,622. Deputy Assessor Haydeu presented fncts .and figures to the tux commis sion to show that they placed the local rat lug too low and tho valuo of Klam ath county property too high. As a result, the commission changed the rating to 74 per cent, nn Increase of in per cent, which- makes the total valuation $21,025,161, or $5,347,161 lower than tho commission's former II g 11 res would placo it at. This percentage has been adopted as tho ratio applicable to Klamath county In the apportionment mndo by the commission on railroads nnd oth er public service corporations, and as tho basis for equalization of the county's valuation in tho apportion ment of state taxes to be paid for the ensuing year. The Spautding Logging Compauy at Salem is considering putting iu a paper and pulp mill, itirrit attokni:vh iti:in:sT vm. Tiu:it ti.mi: ui:rotti: itttixoi.vd, iioiiiinitv vask iinrortK jl's awk or tiii: i'kaci: oovi:.v The tlinu of tho preliminary bear I11K for Gus SplpllfH, tbe Italian ar rested at Weed on chargu of robbing Miller OeorKc, a Klamath Indian, whoc room he shared recently, has not been set. It will' probably bu held tho last of the week. TIki hearing Is being bold In abey ance by Justice of the t'eace (lowen upon request of tho prosecuting attor ney and Y. 11. A. Renner. attorney for the defendant. Both asked for a continuance. LETTER CONTEST TIME EXTENDED l.'STKAD OF CI.03I.VG DKCKMJSKIt I KlltST, CO.NTKST FOR I'l'llUC SCHOOL CHILDUKX U'lIiL UU.V UXTIli DKCKMHKK 15TH. Owing to a number of unforseen Intiirruptiocs, It bag been decided to extend the Klamath county pupils letter writing contest a little longer. Thereforelnstead of closing Decem ber Ut, It will close December 15th. Letters must reach tbe Chamber of Commerce by that date to be consid ered for the $5 cash prizes. The con test is open to all school children of Klamath county, who are to write let ters, telling of Klamath county, Its advantages and resources. Five dol lars will be paid for the best letter from a grade school and from a high school pupil. FIREMEN'S BALL TOMORROW NIGHT KI.OOK IS 1IK1NG SANDED, AND WILL HE JN TIP-TOP SHAPE lOlt THE DIG SEMI-ANNUAL DANCE OF DEPARTMENT lu prepparatlou for tbe semi-annuul Thanksgiving Eve ball of Uie Klam ath Fulls Volunteer Fire Department, the floor of Houston's opera house U being sanded. This will place it in the best possible shape for tomorrow nlght's hop. Tbo firemen have secured Tlndall's orchestra to render music. Archie Wlshard. Lester L, Terwilliger and Chief Kd Waketleld are the committee, on arrangements, and with the entire department acting as floor managers, tbo dance will provo to be a grand success. Restored Land Is Dry Project Manager Issues (lly J. G. CAMP, lu a recent issue of your paper I hud a uotico that tho withdrawn lauds around this project would soon be thrown open for settlement and entry. I wish to suy ory emphatically that this Is u "dry farming" proposition; that uuyouo filing ou these lauds must not expect any Irrigation from govern ment aid. Owlug to tho reduction of pay ments for tho present project from 1 0 per cent per annum to 2 per cent per atinum, there will be but little I money available for new work, and TO BE SWIFTER (iKIOIA.VS AUK Hl'HIIl.N'O Kltl.'Fl'S AXIJ MK.V I.NTO HKUJIf.M, HUH- l'Wi:i)I.V TO JIAKI-: A XKW i P.ltKAK KOH THK COAST ARE ACTIVi: ALO.NCJ THK AI.H.VK 1 United Press Service ; I'AUIS, Nov. 24. Tbo nuddea cold , weather, freezing water, has facilitat ed tbo movement of the artillery of both side. The cold wcajher has resulted' In the lifting of the fog and the ceastBg bf snow and rain. This enables the allied warships to aid the troops more'' regularly. 1 The Oermans are vigorously attack Mng the allies along the Alsne, and la tho Argonne region. r Besides this, tbey are rushing heavy reinforcements toward the BI glau coast. Tho equipment includes a number of heavy Krupp siege guas. This move Indicates another des perate attempt to break through to the coast. Where it will strike Is not known. The armies between Nleuport aad a DIx Mud are now practically caught under a thin maajlo of ice. Quan tities of German supplies, abasdoMd I when that section was Inundated, are 'now frozen In. MEDFORD KIDS . AT THE STAR ,IN ADDITION TO FOOTBAIilj TEAJs VAL'DEVILLIANS WILL BE HERE WILL PUT OX FOUR SPECIAL ACTS I In addition to an Invasion by the Medford High School football team Thursday, Klamath Falls Is also to he , taken In by tho Medford High School vaudeville performers. They will sp jpear at the Star Theater Thursday 1 night. . O Tbo students have four acts. Includ ing Glen Laldley, a clever cartoonist; 'Hilly Williams, who Is classed as "some monologulst"; Brandon and J'hlpps, in a musical novelty called "Two Ilojs and a Piano," and Leland Noo fr Co., In "A. King for a Night." a good comedy sketch. The boys have J received splendid notices wherever tbey have appeared. 1 He Rambletl Some. A local record for motorcycle pere- o grlnlatiou has been set by Esrl U. Veghte, whose trip to Etna Mills aad return In a day is the talk of the , motorcycle enthusiasts. Veghte left .hero, at 7:10 In the morning, traveled !217 miles, including 18 miles of and, stopped three hours in Etna Mills. innd returned at 7:30. Notice as to .Character Project Manager) tho extensions of this project wiu.b the taking lu of tho Tule Jak bed lunds as they are uncovered These lands are not open for flilw nt present. The lands which are of fered for settlement are not a part pt the plans (or the enlargement tof the project, if ibvy were, they would not imvu ueeu unureu $or seuwsscnr, WWSH .,; out the entry mon making arc, wasH Jr mont with tbe reclassatloB serriee, j. n ,' No one should let anyone petvrsm!' K' him that tharti Uia iktu thaat'isu ',y''i government .wilt nt wsOAlttbaBt lands. ' ' 1 ' 7-T' K a?-:i i