The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 23, 1914, Image 1

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    ' - -fl
Ewtttttg IteraU.
MnK1.J " Vi. it MO
British Superdreadnought Audacious,
Which Was Recently Blown Up by Mine
jMcf ") SUl" "'",' ,t4,M ,M '"'
ku It 4'rM
Month w Niltlua
Ph. i -mmmL ammmmmmmm. -- ' - ?-5fi !
(U.K hi lite I'liMnl WhImm.
pti.-n t.j Ann) and ! ' '
.r ' N l-i"r, Am,,'
JlllrrM Million ( IMIar.
VfcltA I'lU'Z. N. 53-Tlit Ui
.iBittlfiU iMM'tr b tell IliW cll
(4 Ike rmrudllim "1 Mri b the
I'tllrd Huir Itiiil fun-- U rotlr
Wllb (bx ulT Kaunas leading", htf
irlM t'-d "" "' ' ("'""'
H 6in, rfWlil tin rhrrf of ll.ou'
li ..,1. . 1 . . . 1 ....... . . . .
1b I tl" '" ''fr' lPT" "'"'r """ ' '" oiuciniK iiu-j would nni a a word about tbe u. ca.inunU In tho superstructure. Abouklr. llogtie aniL Crey. cruU
Uf lii" April. Ttip wfujxulfm I') fl"d Hrnr or itin UrllUh Br rtaUT twelve or which werif forward nud era, sunk by submarine In .North Sea
tt .rmj rot 6,Uo,tiuy, ipnnl iRW. it I. no known that the The AiiiUrloua n GS)t; feet mcr four aft Sho liud -tho 21 inch tor- Sept, 22; 1,400 lives lost.
r.,,., ... , ,, .., .i .Mr.- u , , Auil8rt ( utu, iif ;;;;;; rrCr r;;:l"l);i,::,,m,'rK,,, ,n ,", ,,crn jr. oV'ffi mts
,l ;8cr Kun.tun t,W .III. Mm lb- ,''" W ' ",M ""' ' - . . f 22.4 ..u .. . ibi of ruu .r .... sTK r tpCd0 "u"bo, 'unK by
eiitllmi Tho lw utr l b t'r,,', "n ,,p '''' " IrrUtnl. " ,r " '"", "nkl lth the ltuo the mitbrvak of tho ar. xea ,
Ilormea, llglit cruiser, sunk by sub
marlnn Nor. 1; 40 lost.
I)-u, submarlno, sunk by mini.-: 12
I'nllilliTider, Kht cruliwr, sunk by "f "' "' f 16 't.
,iiilaclou, suiKrdreadnouglit, nunk
mliMi or submarine Oct. 37.
....-.i ,.H,,r.,llv n ti. flu. On 2? ii.r -r. . r...i t.v A'- f iiiurliwi. and Kltiu (iiurRi V Ainiililon, IIkIu crulxr. mink by
Ht4lH O.urlbuilonW h ..r .! , Whltn i.r l.n.r (l,m,..r. .lch TZZ IT' "!"' ". "." "T A c',31,'hM lMt-
',lK.rnl ... . ilnrh ,M,t '"'hlt. in-rliiK to I Kindly, toriM-do Riinboat, sunk by
P,"ra,n' rrl"l a Uren number of niurnti-n it.. .1 1.,.- 1 .,,.. ........ D... .
V, C,M.. .Inc. U.P cu,.om I. 1w Wr.UM..ol1f.lor 8to rril irn ii tarh ... to Ti.r.-:
IVltTu uZZnZ: m w X'B" T" ',m, ,",Ur,, ",ry H"r" "" """a ,n ,m,r '" '"" "'"" -"murine ,,.. C: :C0 dead. oUnd. .
uL" W Vrtta oTciSm" '" '" '""r ""J '" """''"' "" crwlrg ""- "'r"' "lc" "."'''""'ng.
I'liiinl !'( tWrrIc
i:i. I'AHO, Nov, 33,-lrf An
iK IUi 11,000 men ml le: nr
IIIMr I'l'fr., U iiitllo OudU
Jit. Villa ItKlrttciuil him lo rilur
lb rltjr. rtrn If liM-eMUr? to loVi'l ll
to da a,
Tarbir lliliuanil 4rrnltUta.
(Owmndl by llcnrml t)lua, ant
itttnMue tin? town.
Business Men at Luncheon
Learn New Boosting Schemes
The State Tax Commission has
Just raised tho luatlon in
Klamath county from -C& per
cent to 74 per cent. This Is tho
biggest Increaso made In any
county In the state by the com-
mission, and much credit Is glv--
on Deputy Assessor Austin Hay-
den for his efforts before the 4
What the Klamath Chamber of Commerce Has Done, t
What It Hopes to Do, and What It Should
Do Are Discussed
II II n'i 0 riiri'Utathi titliMiuiii boom tuuutliiK, uhero no moutfon wouldn't bo here
Tb Chamber of U li.lrli.K of Klam.lh KftlU builiir.. nu-utof ulwcrlllii. etc, a made. 'my ery bwt to
cil.i of n letter from Iho Mmlfonl tt tho While IVIIcan today 1111011, ll Fifty men, ri.resutliiB nearly ov
Cotnmrrrlal Club, Inclotlng n nuery ' Ixniuo ihero no undortaker'ery profeMlon, Kulhoruil nrouml the
u lo borne for'nAlr, do. Thf In- jprmeiit. And with siirh a bunch, far ( table, and during tho process of man
qulry U from Wellton, Arliona, ami jlrom drud, he Iim fell n llltl tUatlng one of Mine Host Hall's cole
lh rllr nl.o .lenlre someone to.oul of plate To the Klamath Chum- hrutetl luncheons, they kept up 11
rtprrvnl him locally. 'her of Cmiiiiiorcc Roe another honor, 'fiwllado of chatter. Tho meal hail not
Pull Information en b si-eured! that of amblluK a real booMlng'tadied the third course before this
'rota tlm Chamber of Commerce, bunch f tnilnes men In a hnrnmiil
Klamath County Still
the Furthest in Debt
hud brought around a splendid iiplrlt
of renew til lordlallty, and brought In-
,illlduals to a butter uuderstiimlluK of
their neighbor' character.
I'rixldent (lis)rgo J. Walton of the
jClmnilior of Commerce, In cnlllng tho
meeting lo order, stated that tho pur
pose was to acquaint all with tho
1 am going to do
boost In a truthful
manner, and when I don't, kick mo'
out," said lllotter. "If ou hear somo.COtntTS
people Bay wo do nothlug, tell them
to drop a dollar 1 11 tho machine and
hear tho music."
Judgu Wordeu expressed a pleasure
at there being a paid ttecrotary, and
he paid a pretty tribute to Secretary
Mower. He told of the work of the
firm Chamber of Commerce lu bring
ing tho rallioad here, nud expressed a
tonlldeuce of a town of 30,000 people
here, railroads, etc., as soon as tho
Kuropoan war U properly settled, If
Dm people will keop up their efforts
Teiuy.on rotititU of Oregon
honed a surplus at tho end of the
'liwrier eliding September 30, UMI,
a"'l llilrleen stiowcd detlcltM, nccord
'I'K to the report of tlm accounting de
partment of luiurnnce CommUsloner
fergiuuii. The fund utirpltineH ranged
irnm in
The following are tho surpliiMes re re
eorted: Maker, r.2,2(iri,13; llenton,
19.llto.10; Douglas, fl7P.TSI.lM;
Hood Hlver. 134.i52r..74; liko, :il).
work of the organliatlon, and to re-' to make this tho sc.-oud city In Ore
o'ho auggostlous. gon.
I Secretary Oeorgo C, lllower classed He also referred to his road work
tho meeting as a "Iho wlro nieellnBnH 0no that will eventually be of us
of the '18' men." imucj, benotitas railroads. Nluety-tho
In four weeks there hae been oor,lor Cl,nl r ,, tourgt trntlle this year
11.10 Inquiries sent here for lnformn-llftUU, iu nu,08j no bula llo Ilindo a
tlon, according to Mower, from forty-Jj,ca for r0!Ui deelopmcnt, rogaidless
three Mates, showing that this conn- r WuU t)i0 future earrles for us.
try Is watched closely. He told of tho
Interest tho Klamath exhibit attract-
177,3(1 In Mullliomiili. mill I lie dellclta
'''!' 11 3,877.411 In Coos to IR90,.
23r'.S'l In Jackson. Tliono UoficlU nro
mmio up of niiutundltif warrants and
j'Kxncy fund liability, county bonded
ndebtodnewi not being Included.
Klamath has tho Inrtest ninount of
wi'rrantK outstunillnif, the lolal being
Only two counties, Klamath and
Wallowa, rcportcU funds overdrawn,
" apeclal road bond of Klamath bo-
overdrawn 8,1I.B3, and the
hiKh school fund of Wallowa being
"vrdrawn M 81,
l . . - 1 . I.lnn,; Maineur.,"" ' -".
Marlon 333,US5l.tlUJ iino lime eum i me vuiiiiniuiuj , unu
Mullnoinah, of tlio writeups 111 rortmnu news-
11, .Ri. 177 .:iil! I'olk. 120.408.27: Hher- lleru
..VII.UII ... V..n.,-.T""- I
Morrow, fS4.7A3.3h;
l.eorgo llaldwlu stated that next to
load work, warehouse facilities nro
In order to make the strenuous ex
erclse of basketball mure general by
tho pupils of tho grammar grades,
tho school board has Just placed add!
tlonal basketball courts, so that at
all the schools there are soparnte
(courts for the tos aud the girls.
Heretofore, tho bojs lmvo been
wont to pre-empt tho girls' courts, aud
they havo mostly takeu their enjoy'
ment outlet tho pastime fiom the
standpoint of spectators.
Football Is also lu great faxor
with the bojs or tho public schools,
ami t lie 10 has been some talk of Inter
school games.
Messrs, Clemuions mid Msliop of
hadl) needed heio, to store farmerH' ,Moutlsauo, Washington, are looking
.... ..... ..... Mill...... ....IS .'fll-
III II II, 3R,i3M.". llllllliliM.n, T-.-
44r.,.1l; Umatilla. fS,l4l.32; Union,
fOB, 474. 18; Wallowa, f30.371.B4;
Wnsco, f5S.77ri.G0; Washington,
f 134,773.10; Ynmhlll, ftiri.73u.R3.
The following- counties how a
dellclt: Clackamas, f38.21tl.70; Clat
sop. firifl,303.72; Columbia. f08,
0(18.01; Coos, fl2.887.4!t; Crook,
f4il.H0.rifl; Curry, f3B,7M,92; Hiir
itoy, fSfl, 810. fill, Jackson, f600,
SSft.Ol; Josephine, f 231, 838.73;
Klamath, f448,200.r.O; I-nno. f3,
946.10; Lincoln. f3,90IS.49j Wheel
er, fl8,S94,CI.
Ho also stated that as 11 result, :i
plant employing hMj- men, ntinthei
tweiity-tlvo men, and other concerns
nro considering coming here, Tho
Hiirpilso of peopja at what Is mined
hero by fnrmors was spoken of.
lu this connection, ho cited tho Tact
gialu aud ha. This, ho said, might
be taken up by tho Chauiher of Com
menu. "Ilulld up tho country; us It grows
tho town will prosper. Wo have tho
best dairy country in tho Northwest
here. A country that would support
thousands of dairy cattle.
"I have every confidence In Klam-
that although tho woik Is to Interest mh county. All I Have Is Invested
more farmers, there nto very few-hero towuid Its growth. Let mo sny
fanner memborH of the organisation.
Tho many pamphlets, etc., tliero for
distribution wcro.spokon or, ami with
n conviction that tho farmors nro soon
to help out In this work.
"I believe In Klamath county, or I
for (lod'ti sake, hurry It up."
Judge H. 8. (lulo second ed tho
llnldwln suggestion, showing-that un
der present conditions, tho farmer
must let Ioobo of his crop at a sacri
fice, and he urged that such an lustl-
over timber holdings east of Suthor
lln for tho purpose of perfecting
plans for logging railroads lu the
timber and for building two largo
sawmills, the first of which will bo
about two miles oast of town.
Russians Rout German
Army on Warthe; Lon
don Fearful of a Raid
I'nlUil i'rvis Service
I'lntOOItAD, .Not. 23. Siiei-pliig HiuwUn aliccCMts In Kat lriMal
1110 1 lalmf (I. (iuiuhlnen liiw fallen lalu ltuldn Imndi after Hre itojre of hot
IlKlnlntr, nuirketl by continued awuulu upon the Oennjia treacbe.
It li KiKirtod that a Cowiack. rtmrjto finally route! tlm GernMan, who
nro relrmllim Kmnrtl IiiiHtIhtjj.
H U "iily 11 question of how tntajr Oratnnft rcmf alive, ariririthif to
ic-it fnim die front n'KarUIng neu ami Imprtaat Raasiaa vietory in
ll.c luiltlt- gtounil lietircen the Warthe and VUtaU rivers.
It I aeiiil that the Oerniaa aoVaace lum been completely
mill Hie t.VmiHH losv are innnnoun. Twelve lhoaaad were iniV
oiici-k at Kuiilo, near lxurU.
OfllrlMl uiinouiicnniiit l ilu.. ilj. iKnlllon of Ike KaMlaa ureofa la
noti moot oatUfactory. Contlnueil iucreei an- reported oa the Itae rraai
(m(o lo C'emUKlK.ii.
I iiilimliKdly I'olanil Hill In- the oi or one of the BMt Importaat 1
ittelolre ktrugides of the war.
In Kat I'ruMln rouilltioiui ore muih more favorable to the
now than in tin? lirtt whirlwind campaign. According to itateaaeate fcy aaV
cr tlic nuii)H anil niarmhe uhlcli hampered the first lavasJoa are
fiuen over.
L'uited Press Service
I.OVIW.V, Nor. 2& Tliero Is uimiHiuciM liere over the extreaae Gcr
iiuit mtlilty nloug the Belgian const, and tbe reporta that wanalaa are
lircparing to iuoto from Kmden la coast moremeaU are very aajaterloaai.
KIrt.i think the activity ! a part of a pi jib to eatabUah baaea for raM
on London or a forerunner of a movement to engage tbe allied sect off the
fulled Press Serrlca
PAK1S, Nor. it. Today' communique nay that a rioleat
iKiiiibnriliiicnt is directed agalast Vpree, Soiaoas aad Rblema. Veaterday
mlheilrnl and niAiiy hoaxes at Vprea were baraed.
Fierce lighting Is reported around Argoaae, aat tbe powltloaa hare
iliatigeil to any extent.
United Press Service
ItKllLIN (wireless via SayvUIe, -V. X), Nov. S8. Oflcial advlcea
Con-tiintlnople nay the Turkish troops arrived at tbe Saea fnaal.
FlKiintm after a bloody battle, iraring which the EagUab fed.
lirari and nounded.
Cnlted Press Service
KOTTEItDAM. Xov. S3. Eighty thousand Gerniaas aad SMB gaaa,
tiiotly llMnchers, parted Capelle on the way to the front darlag the
week end. Krupp attaches are la charge of tbe gvas. la addMoa the
party (outnlned fifty auto load of eBglaeers.
Iniiortaut Meeting Tomorrow.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of Grace
M. K. church meets tomorrow after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. V. Fish
er, In a special session, which begins
at 2'30. This Is tho last meeting be
fore the annual bazaar of the society,
to be held December 4, and a full at
tendance of members Is desired. In or
der to complete final arrangements.
Dines Ahead
It was a cheerful bunch of "We"
that assembled at the Chrlattakv
church yesterday, for tbe checitbxg up
of the score In tbe Sunday school eaa
test showed that the "rods" axe still
in second place.
II, L. Macleay will erect a cheese
factory at Gold Beach.
Albany Is trying to rats a 7,I00
bonus to assume the resumBtios of
work In the Union Furniture Com
pany's plant.
Sportsmen's Banquet
Will Be One Hummer
.Tunnel la progreslng on the Moss
Pass mine in Lake County.
tutlon bo started befoio next harvest.
Other Inspiring talks were made by
a number of others presont, and tho
assemblage dispersed with u much
kindlier feeline for the Chamber of
Comniorco and tho great work It can
do, providing It gets proper support.
From the present indications the
annual banquet and olectton of offi
cers of the Sportsmen's Association,
to bo held tomorrow night at the
White Pelican hotel, will he tho great
est gathering lu tho nistory of the or
ganization. Eight o'clock is the time
set for tho mooting.
With tho return of C. F. Stone as n
inomber of tho state fish and game
commission, and the action of that
body In reinstating William L. Finley
and It. E. Clnnton to their old posi
tion? as heads of tho game and fish
departments, the sportsmen of the en
tiro state have reason to be jubilant,
as it moans a renewal of the good
work started last year to make the
stnto of Oregon one of the greatest
sportsmen's paradise lu tho whole
Thoro was considerable disappoint
ment shown by the local sportsmen on
uccount of the apathy displayed by
the uow heads of the state flab, and
game department during the sumntr
ijust passed. Out now. with tbe
om anu expenencea men dock lb of
fice, a different feeling Is evident, aad
tho nionibers of the local association
feel that their efforts toward the
stocking of tbe country and straaas
of tho county and the proper proiec-
'tiou of the ganio and fish, will be ap
preciated, and will be met with hearty
support from the state commission.
Already 125 tickets for Ua ban
quet tomorrow nlgbt have been aoM,
aud some members of the commit-
tee have not yet reported. If My.
one has been overlooked by the cam.
mlttee they are requested to aotlfy
O, W. Robertson not later tbas Tues
day forenoon, and aceommodatloas
will be made for them. ' y
Among the speakers at the hah"
uuet will be R. E. Clastoa. matter teh;i
warden of the atate. lie wtH fal m-A
ably tell of some el the VlaM far Mt '?"
year with refereaae (,
Creek hatoeerr aad tho
. . , v, ,v ,i't
iiuui im nnaaii svsaraff
.,- ' .
1 .. A
.j it
,?i A