' ?". $?)! '. tlb lEunitttt Herald PRINTS TUB KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS uMrz - -;iBKaio Mnlti Vent Su, ,' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1914 Irtc0 Vtv ARTILLERYMEN IN FLANDERS ACTIVE ALL ALONG FRONT ('html ! rttrvlee I'AltIK, .Vu. til, iMemilMciit rtiiiii'iiwillii U In pr..ii-. fiuin Hit Mliuile (it Vir, ' ll ' rep"tel llinl tlin MlllrV glllilietii K.tliinl MM (lit. uKr!Xrt llwl ( ! Hrmwiit lirot tti-.i. The fe,M-r.u (irroien Infantir itlf.ul.- ..em uutile ni lltllittw !,. Tit tt MiilMMr- gftlimt ti the nllr ntlllll-r) prvitlilnl I In- iililli' llua u( irfiirlip lor ltn tJrrii.Bii Intuitu), The big B '' '" ""'iiImh I"MK llti' lUne Ami In (lie- I1inniw4i!iii' tlMrM ltdlnll"l ll'ftl llx 2ttlMlt mean In ill he- Ihe nlllr fmiii III' It termite III 1'Uinlrr. ,Vllliinll lilK barsjfi Ultil iIMMlltlr' ( itllde I'll linle Item lurlml ij llir ll-r' mm. It U iM'llrtnl llll lite) plan nil the Large, ullli nil, ir khi im fltv, Atfl lnMNrll llirui III tlr Vwr trtlml nml In llie liiiinit.iliit wrtlun UlMrc DU MtVe ami llir iimI. 'ic(lilly nil nl lUc nutt tin U artlller; dueling. Ttirre rr Indlratlwfl ! rr"nl arllill) by die ItrllUli fniT- itl An. Australian Cruiser Sydney, Which Sank the Famous Emden Bill'-.. NnV?J'4 - v fefei..'A ,. 1 1 i aL , RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN PROMISES TO BE A VERY BITTER FIGHT f nltod Prea iJrlt I'KTUOtilt.tl), -Vi.v. 21. Thi- iH-ciul )1lcll oron fur Krarral nlnlciiK'iilc wiy: "Tlio fJenimn attnnpt t march to Wanutr by bmikJas wr froat ke tmii KIHcc nml ftailom li tttlr rallcil The German lost hITHy, Ml arr rvtreallag. "Tin- .Xttitro-fJcrntan forcra oieratliiK Ixlnn Czenstociiotir wl Crm miv ivi't u nlmlLnr ilettnl. Flcrre actions rf lit progrcas la the Craw dMtirl, protlnif Hint tlio (icrnian rm'.lre If.U I a atroait diatrlrt, ad wMk IK ioticrful forts It Uicfr Initt rampart un tlil front." Tin !attlrflcll Ixrtwccn tlie Vlnti'lu Anil AVaHhe In folaad la Moo4 soxkiil. Tlit- nr office jr tlic Gerci.-in offciwirc llicre cheeked. J Wlill,, (in, llrllUli imvy, or Unit Kor nuriiu tlniu von Jtullcr wai nil- tn(T officer of tbo German iurt i( it which could bo nimrcJ (rum uilrnliy tin- watch on the North Hi-a, w.t(i,IiIkIi fn fleet. Itrr ho a utatloncd lniittliiK tlio OiTtunii cruUur Kmiltti,.nt llerlln, and servet ou the Immedl lt wn left to tht? Aunlrnllati crulnor nto atari of Admiral on Tlrpllz, ccre- Hyilnox to flitd her anil ImlrO)' lier tnry of tliv navy. t-nliurK. Cerinaur, where Captain von Muller wan bom, bestowed upon him the tltlo of "honorable clUten." On ccrotint of the brilliant work done by the Kniden In dentroylne chips of the! Tho Kroden wan the 'enemy, the kaUcr bestowed the Iron Itoih nrmles lfct heavily. Ituaniaiis t tupped und analhHsted cuvalry ly mining the baaka of the lliuiii.4 lllver od wKbdrawtaf. Orimanii ruslied for the crolng-, and 1 1..; mine were drtoaated aadcrdkeaa uilh nppnlllDK lo. BELGIAN REPORTS THE ATROCITIES English Woman Is Killed as a Spy L'nlted Pre&a Sanrlca IIKRLI.V, or. Hi "So deetslve tlut ha yet been reached hi lllitlnK l TolatMl." wiyn the official atntcment. "In order to jdrtt' rlenranrc of RuMlana froiu Uertnun territory, a line of coa lion linn been nitabllvlied rrblcli will e ruble the German to hold, whatenr ' I ttlll I'fMs Service Aum:iti).M. Nov :i it u r- jt'i'ttnl that au UnslUh vtouutt ha TII.Tit-cl tuntltlt-d of Miie a iy. and 'hut at th UouttrAl liirrActi It li 'alii that hi- war earbH in n rattock OINIIIT.t.XTn WKIIi; KII.I.KI) Tho Kiiulrn hml nuiik twtnly-tn llrat ship over which ho hod full com-, Cross upon the captain and tho other' llrllluli unr and merchant ), and mand, Tho captain's mother and sls-'ofllceni and crew of tho Emden The had doim millions of dollar of dam- tcr are IMnjf. and ho also has a broth- 'r.mden was driven ashore on the Co bb to tho llrltUh causi'. Captain rr who Is a Cerman army officer and. cog islands, In the Indian Ocean, off I.-.! l.. tiuiii.r imp rnrnmaiuUr u "it mft,ili.T rif tlm crucrnl staff. ISumatra. Her crew wan causht cut- toi.krd on as one of th most darlni: PnllowlnB tho Kmden'a exploit In tlnR n Ilrltlsh cable, and the Sydney K"" territory they gate, eveu Warsaw, lilt' a IIB Kliowu. IU IS auotll 11 IIIC iiaruor I cnaus, uco nuw mu .ui'iuvu uiv toiuiv .-- v.,...u ..- .. , 1 yer old. and graduated from the n llusilan srulser and a Japanese tor-Jcbance tq get away. She waa rC " x l navnt school In IK9I pedo boat destroyer, tho city of Wank-, ashore and burned. lOUHll Vr&IMGS UlC IV THIS IT IK t'tt.iiim:i IVi:il IU' TIIOt'KA.Ml SOS- ORE SCHUEL lIVn a tult-'i III" Till: (1:UMA.V TfUXH Utitel I'immi Hcrvlrs WSIK)N, Nov 31. Thi war hu ru h .ulillhid an additional re rrt of thp UrlgUrt committer. In kith lutthrr strixlllps utv rtmrKMl Uslait thp (terman troi iKrciityimc , tAl(t mithini Tkl, silvers that at Iran 2.3Sd ('nine llrm rivin IU-Kn.1. Tho Hrv. It. A. Ilutchliiwui ami Mr, llutclilnnuu atn In ih city from lllfal, Itrlnnd. They iirrs them ,o j Krvatly drllKhldd Mtth th I'tsniHtu fuuiitrf Mini iUr liiiisxralltir. tlimate Mr Hiitrhlnon mwm to up tin' work of (he MrthodUt KiImiji fhitnli at Merrill, and v- prct lu Join thu OreKon conference LAMM LUMBER CO. MT. LAKI SCHOOL DIES IN CALIF: STARTS TO WORK, 6IVES A PROGRAM Blockade Lifting TKt.rt.i.AM it 1:01:1 vi:i nv .sT.ITi: AMI S.lVI.VtJS HANK 5IVi:s N PAIITICl'iaiW A8 T) tiii; hkmimi: FUWTjMACIIIXKHnV i Jt ' I Iri ll'KCHA8KI IX HTOKV OF THE I'lIRIMS IS ACT- FIFTY SIGN FOR MONDAY Olie SAX FltAXCISCO AXU I"OItT LASU l'llKI.IMIXAHY WOHK 1 Wll.l. MKGI.V THIS 'Kn KD OUT IX IXTF.KESTIXG SUX. XKK OTHEIt XEWS XOT1-S FKOM TIUT 8KCTIOX telegram re--lvwl AccordlnB to V. K. Lamm of the (Herald Special Service) MT. IAKI, Nov. 2. Tho Lletrary United l'rrss Service ANCONA, Nov. 21. A terrible storm sweeping the Adriatic has caus-1 , td the allied fleet to lift the blockade) lof Austrian ports. The warehtp were! A. blK, Ket-tofcetber ltMsekaK ftjr icoaspelled to steam out to sea to j Klamath" Palis business and profesV- avoid being driven ashore. j slonal men Is to be held at the White (Pelican Hotel Monday nooa.. At thai , time, plans for a more hearty co-op-'eratlon for the town's succeea, aad other live matters will be discussed. The meeting Is one of the booster I affairs the ChambeTof Commerce had j in mind when three committee were I named home time ago. The Monday affair Is given Jointly by the comralt- tces, headed by W. A. Oelielt and ffpuft More than SSO houses werei "id ami Imriied down, and many orn suit children Hero tiurnot In. tWr homes. MtMr peopla wero shot In 'Ills as they fled In escape. ThirlllCi on lis eteiiliin, fifty miles west Ttijcui, Arlt , I6l list ,.f victims at 'famines tmrlf of Umvllli. Murphy's outilt hns also HOT GAME IS ON SCHEDULE l, .. . . ., .''"'" '" '"'" ' '"" . ArroidliiR to a telegram re-elvwl .1 .. , ,r,p eecuieo ni inminrs.', w, nlltho pulpit of (Jrnce Metho- hv . -.. u,.,- ami KavliiK bank Ijinim Lumber company, that con-, muni and llelglum Luxemburg. ... , ,,.i1 , ,. ri,v. rt.m.im. nirht 'i,i. ,,w, ,.,!.. rmm itm nirnir of nv- crru expects to start preliminary workloi,.. ,1.,. m, 1 iti cehooi held a "At Tkmlnrs Ifto men worv collect , uma otiuty. tJcorgo Schuel, who has toward Its railroad and the establish-1 unaue program rrlday afternoon, d la front of Urn church and shot I been ill tho transfer business here ment of logging camps this year, pre- jwhlch many or the friends and par- dowrt llh uiAchlno KnllS,,, said lln.r""'" " ,,," U"' .pcv.inl )e.irs, died there today Th parutory to logging and milling the' ,nla enJoyed. Tho children drama- it m i. 1 ,i,,t from d snatch give no particular. ju.uuv.uuu iww "" '",titea anu prouueeu me "story 01 wie . UH PIIMI'MJ - - I .....,. I. .. .1...J ,l.. ., .. . .... 'Dunsmulr. her ho expecte.1 to dt; sd.uol has opornled the I'nlon ""r -" ... ., - mgnras. rno nrst. inanKsgmng .. ... .. .... . . . .......... .. I'lifimil from the government. This ...in inm- i.. rnm.imtmr.Ml hv thiol ,01110 work 011 Hie v.aiiinriiin nnio Traiisier company nere mr iour j-eam -- - " - highway Instead, he sul.-oiintraci.il lr more. He has been suffering from ' i'"'1 U01' "PProrcd. ,,ti folks, and the early life of Anier- j ii.n...rkiii.iiiiirs.niidlsiiiiwiiri'iiar.astl.ni. ami Friday morning, after .Mr. uimn 11 just reuirneu iro.u icaa eariy setuors is rnauo ery rem the Iiie to to to ork for the Witfleni fa-Ut-lllUK hi t,uslne,s hero, he loft for San Francisco, where he placed orders. by this manner of studying history. . to benefit his health mr some 01 me macuincry neoucu. v. Manning has leased Ms ranch to (players at Medford a short time ago. I He recently placed orders In Portland , Herb Lester for tho coming year. 'the Valley team is, of course, picked1 Fred Houston. Fifty cents a plate Is tre charge to be made for tbo luncheon, which means much for Klamath Falls fu ture Already over fifty reservations 1 have been made, and any others la- tercsted are asked to call up the .Chamber of Commerce' without delay the Medford high if they wish to attend. THANKSGIVING DAY SCRIMMAGE HERE PROMISES TO RE HARD FOUGHT LOCAL TEAM WILL MAKE SHIFTS After the way school team mauled the local football m jr ! .. . . been offered n contract tor uie nyrn- To ,, Kou-rnmeni hns placed mom ditches In California un ,,,,,,,. nl Kas of lumber, 1 first (.rlilimud becttiiso Hip; '" I'n'Voiit Us exportation; walnut "Mir people ue.ded rerepucle tit! AU forms of Washington public 1 lumber. Including Circassian walnut, "bleb to carry their alms for thVdohi lolal 05,tio0.o00. or 7! per'inurh prltcd by American furniture KKr. .caplln makers. Is speclllciklly mentioned. for additional machinery. If War is as General Sherman Said,WhatThenIsWarTax? Collector Miller Has Iuued a Statement Showing Who Mutt Pay for the Privilege of Staying in Business HARVARD DRUBS THE YALE TEAM CHIMSOX RUNS A ito-TO-O SCORE AGAINST THE SOXS OF KM UK 4 FORK A CROWD OF MORK THAX 70,(MM) PEOPLE I Thursday, she'll know she played, for ' Mrs. Walter Kggerth Is confined to by many to win when the teams play tho local boys are working harder the houso with a toverely sprained (here again Thanksgiving Day. Out It than ever before ro get Into shape. 1 ankle. While riding horseback the may not. Klamath County High's They are twenty pounds to the Ban Jhorso became frightened and threw eleven was then all bruised from play- lighter than Medford, but they are 'her. causing tho painful Injury. ling a game two days before against fighters, and with heavier men back I The Ladles Aid of tho Mt. LakI the husky Ashland aggregation, while 1 of the line and the open style tactlca I church will give a social at tho church when tho gamo Is played here, the .drilled Into them, they hope to offset Friday evening, November 27th. The locals will all be rested, and the Med-'this disadvantage, program will bo appropriate to the oddites a little sore from tho game The gamo will start promptly at S 1 harvest and Thanksgiving season. wlth- Ashland today. o'clock. The admission charge will Everyone will bo welcome. If Medford does beat Klamath ou ; be 3o cents. Mr. and Mrs. Ishelbacker spent sov-j era! davs this week at Mt. Lakl. They expect to spend tho winter In the J j Falls, Mr. Ishel backer having se-1 cured work tncre. Ar" im Itahlo to luxation under the woTliliini, or th0 WBr twH ,,,. " . )o had hotter bo making up. "'"on to Milton A. Miller, Port- nd, "'"''dor of Internal revenue for '""trlrt of Oregon, for thu nppll- ration for special stamps, etc., must nimlo nt uncu i wvo,, pniHim,.m '"""i- tho federal statutes. Following mo the rovontiea on biml ""s houses! "nl(0r'1. fr each $f,000 of capltHl ""Ployed, fi, llrukers. who hiivo not paid bankers', 30, I'nwnhrokurs, B0. Commercial biokom. 20. Custom houso brokers, lo. Commission merchants, who have not paid a einnnioi'cliil. brokers, 120. Proprietors of theaters, museums 11 ml concert halls, seating capacity not over 260, 2'. Mealing capacity over 2H0 and licit over 500, 50; seating capacity over 500 and not over 800, 75; sealing capacity over 800, 1100. Proprietor of circuses, 100. Proprietor or agentB of othor on us hlbliloim or shows for money, 10, 1 Proprietors of howling alleys and billiard rooms, for oach alloy or each table, 5. I Dealers in touacco tinnwnninni'u - luicco, snufT, cigars ana cigareues; exempt when annual receipts rvot fUOO, 14.80. .Manufacturers of cigars, annual hales not over 100,000, 3; nununl sales exceed 100,000 and not exceed 200,000, C; annual sales excood 200,000 and uot exceed 400,000, f 12; aiinual sales exceed 400,000 and not exceed 1,000,000, J0, 1 United Press Service ' NEW HAVEN. Nov. 21. Harvard .completely out-classed tho Yalo elev en In today's football game, winning by .1 36-to-0 score. In all departments of the game the Crimson players had their rivals out 'diluted. Le Core was tho bright and (shinning star for tho Yalo team, and ' h'tt tor his punting out of danger tho scorn might have been worse. A crowd of ovor 70,000 peoplo wit nessed thu game. Heart Troubles Kill a General United Press Service AMSTERDAM, Nov. 21. Accord ing to an official report, General Volgt Srhetz, quartermaster geueral of the German army, Is dead of heart fail ure. Ho succeeded General-von Stein In October, Election Cost f.l.Ol.l.OO. According to the clalraB just audit ed by tho county clerk's ofaco, tho election November a cost Klamath county $1,045.00, This exponso Is mainly salaries of judges and clorks, und the cost of bringing ballot boxes to thu court houso from tho various precincts. Tho amount will be divid ed Into warrants averaging In value f 0 each. On Uuslneas Trip. Cashier John Siemens Jr., of the First Stnto and Savings bank, left this morning for Portland on a short busi ness trip. The Hill System will operate mo tor cars between Portland and Clats-kanlo. The amount paid to public school teachers In Oregon last year was 18,911,110. Foot and Mouth Is Meeting the Show (Herald Special Service) .of tho United States which had a!- PORTLAND. Nov. 21. As the re- rcl,Jy boon enterea- " woul UB' sult of a conference between federal wl30 to ntlnu ' breed nd of the t.ipii0 r ,.,. i,p nr nnimni in-.show. This will In no wise effect the dustry, prominent breeders and offi cers of the Pacific Northwest Live stock exposition, it was decided to call classes In the fat stock division give over to fat cattle, hogs.and sheep. Tho student judging contest, la' off that part of tho show given over which at least six of the agricultural. to the brooding classes In cattle, hogs sw "i me racwc mope are r and sheop, giving this year .1 strictly 1 will be held as usual, fat stock show, covering livestock In-1 Indications at the present tine tended for slaughter. point to the largest showing of fat It was tho consensus of opinion stock ever hold on the west coast, aad that thore was a minimum only of parties of livestock men and other danger In connection with tbo foot and mouth disease, but with such an Investment as would bo represented by the many herds of pure bred live stock from all over the Western part Cto .. fV V .' -n .( Interested in the Industry art helag '''jj&l made up at all the larger cltlea aad1 'tr,'i' ,nK. I. .MLMklallM. . .IUit '" A '? B ivim u wuniarsiHW u, il,iiss j'v ft the week of DeeenlMrll at taaj ; ' . ,J Livestock Show la Perttaad t' A. y i v