"". -'. ttttftmuj HHraUi i im PRINTS THE i KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS 3T -.isrsarTaainaKrrrT-r "?f' " i '"'TT "T-F KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FklDYV, NOVEMBER 20, 1914 Prlc, ! " Wa i eTRMANS FIFTY MILES WITHIN Wounded French Soldiers in Berlin Hospital INDIAN ONCI I TO BE ELECTED RUSSIAN LINE l Thou iMiiiihii: lulu . a ?n?lgBgferSt ... W'VfWUM.Y Mtiia3 I'jrritoiiiiM' s'rt ...i. .if friiin r n.uit i'ii"i. utiniiiK ' (,.( of iH'tvful ton IUiirinlr. ll l nilinlHTd (lMt Um UftniiMI III" j ltu.uti ue m-IiwiIIiik ordtlr.j ii&iuti itm- Iw0,ri' flKhilne furl furj fo "' etotind. je tuiau ltnc ( Urania ! fUuUn in l'J"l l'ftiJ Hr I tu .ttnnrd four mile lmylnH AfNr j OCrUI dtiM ttto ilwl only minor I tfflllf)M runilnm In Id" Uuru ltlrtl J,iirU HCJtl.lN S'iv. J0.-Oitert nn! Illddchtwll! I (Hiking for Wftltnw J n ilMiwn lb l H dorUlvel )l, lillt runMfH forbt lo ' Cminr - OREGON TEAM IS ' CRIPPLED TODAY mm: iim.i:. iti.'iu'Mit ci:vi Kit. It IM.W'At'irATI.'H HV AX Ai. I ' " ""T.Jw5-, Kia.MATH I.NDIANK .lltr: SOON' TO ciiooHi; 'i iuiji:.smi:.v who wim. ,un' ronTii:.M with tiik gov-i:umi:xt FALLING SNOW IMPEDES WORK OF THE TROOPS L'nlltJ I'rcsa Service PARIS, N'ov. 20, Snow ti falling fin the Yicr region, atcordinf to the communique, and tho Inundation of tho country around Dlx Mad continued. The 16C mllllra&ter mortar lost by the German have been recovered from the water. The Ocrmaas !oet man hear? suns a n result of the Hood, Heavy cannonading continue south of Yprcx. Tho Uermaa fol lowed up their advantage at Chauvaa court by occupying the village. Tee snow prevents Infantry movement. Oertnan cavalry attack along Ar eonne wero repulsed. There are bo noteworthy engagement In the cen ter of tho line. Tho Oermanaaro exerting tretaea- :dous prcHiure from Ypre toward La Basse. Ilombardraents have partially de- Ono Judce and two clerk will to'ilrOTA Armentleres, and mort of the nnnolntod br the nutierintendeut for town ' 'n flames. It ' expected that -- - - t. jcach polling place. (Ilt-mlil .H-iial Kcrtlce) KLAMATH AOK.S'CV, Sov. 20Anl election to choone twlve members of the Tribal Council will be held on Saturday, Uefember 3, 1914. Thee couucllrneri act for the Indian In dnalliigi with the government, and 'also make local regulation, and co- i (operate with the agent. There will be two polling places. on at the Agency, and one at the Yaljiax ub-Acncy. The polfcj nlll 'be ofit-u from 10 a. in. to 5 p. m. All allotted hiillans of legal age L'flonKiDK to the tribe will be al lowed to vote. Kach voter will vote for six councllmen, to represent hi or ner district in lue tripal council. t IFARMERS' WEEK i IS SET LATER . tho Qermans will level the town in u effort to find a weak spot In the allle Iln. ' i . ':: k -snu. rin t -tiui d Una phoio in l Iftkeii to UUprov.' statoment in me rrencn anu iiriusn pre uiai wounaeu enemies uo uui T.U'K III' MI'MIH IJXIl OIT lt gtH ln , art, ,trJ ,,ff) fa ,nlo U(p Sltlj, ftf the (it-tman Here are many rrenrhinan cared for In a first clfn hospital lth every convenience. I )im tii (tormaii aro taxed to the (mol to provide for their own wounded, i'it(nT 1 !REV. HARLAN TO SPEAK T0HI6HT ()! W ihrl iOjiUlt fi I (XI m Units bur il iivj! fnhortliy of Qreeon iJCrttf when wpnlton of lomor n't e4iii uih l he football ImW of t, Orrcuti AKrleulltiral CoIUck, in W jiUjhl at CorvnllU, On lh lt. Wlliule, Otriiu hn sUlfvrpd tllO U ' - of to tood men, und will have in put ; la iobiillMlr ftSBln.l the KtrmM;"ro,",,,:,,At,0-N" lum that lias vrr rrprcnlod Hi"! aim. ; Uit ItUlpy, arronlliiu to n Inlp- j tf Jmt rrrHtml, I out of tho CHliin ( a ttrount of intinips. Ml lon will fc Iwaly fell, bcuiie lm via a to or f mmih at ttiitltr. In addition to Illilny. tlm Irani lop Cornwall, end, from Mi twins iirotmird by SUIT IS SETTLED OUT OF COURT Statistics -tin: is titi.i: or ll,l,UrTlt.Tlkli SOCIAL Miiivici: i.i:cri:in: at tiii: nilllNTIA.N CIMMtCIl ICAIIK'OW IIIM'OVr.ltS THAT UK WAS OHAIIfSKH WITH I.UMIIKIt hi: hah imiiichaskii von oth. lilt I'AHTIKS Regarding Forests of the State Jr.-Titxiaii;.NT madk hv offi I CIA I.S X ACCOUNT OF TJIK EX lait(iKl) CHAHACTKH OF PKOCIIAH AHHAXOKD Tho (lrt of a corlcn of ltluntrnt.it , The mailer of the law suit of Ack- Karlcow . nf irjin, iui' v.riini, rim, . ., ,. , tb,. Km tomorrow, owlne lo ' lecture on .wM rnlnquMtlnn t j Icy llrolher aKBut L. I.. 1 lns iirotr.trd by O. A. C b.. Klvin at the Christian church will and Uwan Karlcow, which w In uti llillnr. Illrotn II tluberl, a l'o Valley farmrrr l Kslli visitor (Hriuld SpccUl Service) Ser approximately 13,500,000 acres I'OHTIJVNI), Nov. 20. Tho district! " Kastorn Oregon there Is little or forester at 1'orfland, Ore., announces"" timber except In tho national for that during the fiscal year 19H. over jw. "i"1 tho farmers and sottlcra de 12,000.000 feet board measuro of I1 "I'on them for tholr wood aup tlmbor In Oregon wero given awayW. Ovr " Pr ccnt of the frc0 under freo use iermlt. This free dls-! wood takoa out was dead or down as filed', r,buUol, u ,ited to 20 worth per!t''-. wiose removal is a great da ago. Kar ()tr settjer or about 80 cords. benefit to tho forest, as it lessens the uanger irom nre. woll known a Klamath I.- ......... ,....!. I., ..... IM.I-, U 11 lll t0 rillllU iwuu pu...v ut eiiuii iiiik(,i. nniii ,,,'i ,., .' ........ ' " , i .. r.iii.. u..iti..i iiv i,,i,n tviiri. . ... x .j.. ..i i. .1... ...i., (...,.. "" """ """ " " ' "" Kio national lore.i in uregon cov-, ..... ... w ,.. r,..-.. ,. (QW m. ln ad,jUlou to umber given away, ration I tho tlilo. and In addition to t wm ml n, m tlmo tllB lum. 'ri2i sales were mado from Oregon mi ItilorMilitc talk, koino limlnuthi'',,. purchased from Ackley Aforets. This represents 21,093,000 ...... i . picture will bo httii mi t. screen. Urotlu-rs It as uol all intended tor Ouiil.it? of It iid.1 fur fn.roitonts. .No admlMlon chartw ' made. Oth- him. but the parties securing the lum-i tUtk locimt find It principal ullllta-1 fr Icclutc Mi similar subjects will ber bad tho whole amount charged to Hon In Insulator pin mid brackol for be inndo from time In lm hy local r Karlcow. TKI.LIXd A XATIO.V WHAT'S WHAT lliraih and telephone line. speaker. In a Pitiable Condition Mr. Karlcow has always borne a " good reputation for honesty in this ommiiulty, and bus settled tho suit, 'even though be felt ho was Imposod upon BRESNAHAN WILL i In Eastern Oregon on one forest alone 1CI sales wero made. Tho rev- enue from sales amounted to $159,- 3G2; 35 per ccnt of this amount is , turned over to the state for road and . school purposes. New Kngland speaks It mes sage of mills and factories to tho Oreat West. Tho West tells the Kiut and the South of Ita grain, Its fruits. Its msata and Its food , Tho grating business, too. Is heavy stuffs. Tho Kast and South re- 'on the national forests. Iist year neat In turn tho stories of tho tho grating privilege was granted In products they mako for tho good 'Oregon tor 109,151 cuttle and horses and up-keep of manklud. .and 872, 8C2 sheep. This represents Baby Is Born to a Typhoid Stricken Household, j CUBS': '! O"0 of tho moat pltnhlo cae over birth to n ehlld, performing all of ' ST ,ul!is IIAOKSTOI' IS riiuiinu III I Mr pllv tii.llinrlllna ImHillii. HlirtlSSlirV IIIKICH 111 Him wv-- duties In this con J'il coinu lo light on Concur nveniio'iloii a best alio could. Jie family being rinl.lents of the old Knterlnit tho house, tho women Conger home. unio stnrtlod to oo the mother sit-, To ( roar of tho houe, umJ on lilting up In bed. partly dressed, mid lower level, I u Hiirlnir. nnrilv ti IhibkIiik cloo 10 hor tho slcl child rat-d In comrelo, hut mi altunted that Mind tho now.honi bnho, a yot mi- "H 'f tho seepagq wntor for Hint nee, bathed Thero wfl no stovo or ,jroil(llI(tl(1 .t..Bll SoiIr iiiivvM iitin it nmi ftniii(iiiiinfiu lit iiui rnuiu. iu mu iv" " TO HAVK CMAIKJK OF TIIK CHI CAtiO XATIOXAL LKAflUK TKAM TllltKK YKAHS Dally tho advertising columns 2.204 permits. of Tho Hcrnld, and othor good In order to administer and protect newspapers throughout tho land, theso national forests, tho forest Ser toli a nation what Is going on J vice has, up to date, constructed in what Is being done to mako Hv- Oregon 127 miles of road, 2.2C3 miles log worth while. of trail, 2,428 miles of telephone lino Newspaper advertising In real- land 79 bridges. Not only does UiU i flow into it nnd coiiliimliiato In tho room. On tho ' Kprlng, CINCINNATI, Nov. 20. llogor . . .. I... .. w..ii..1 nntfitnn.i. tlio miy mo iiim. inn m irine wnn it kiiiiu hi iiiiihtvivm r -t - .. ... ... ' l.r niled w.,h n m,d N.M dinner tho ,...! wW .-Paring. ' resna an .me ;- iiu fmnlly, It dovelopoa, ha hooir Tho woinOn nl onw lioiimii '"'"'.,,,,..' n b- was today ehos ""'K this spring n. n . co of wn- Wright of tho torrlhlo condition In for tho UUuigot bs.w ' ' "l'l'ly. Ah n re.ull, tho oldoH which tho family was discovered, and, ii io nmi i.fc. rh,W. IIIMo girl of three years or ho nl onro Invcitlgalml. n.l fouml . M' ' "'M, lm. been ulrlcken with typhoid, 'tho llttlo girl lo bo suffering with ' """' "no ha heou without medical nt Iwillon. riiii house en to iimnngo tho Chicago Natlonnl Tho contract Is for Tho directors, at a meetlug with I aomnwhal Isolatnd 'mil tho Mm tho neighbor knew of he family' condition was when tho Mmhnmt SlUlku tn aonin wnmnti nf lit '"o'h condition. Tboo womon, whon they reached the home, found 't (he wife had, uuaulitud, given , "' l sli '. rter to 1 h s.l.leclded to offer tho position to llres- siivo her life hy glvlnif her tho proper ua-ll.lBdBn iiinoiiut of I'll re, Tho doctor U nlao working to lm provo tho condition of the ' mot hot' mid tho now-horn child. (lermnny, yields an minimi profit of JS.2C per aero, or a total not profit of nearly 07,500. Ity builds cities, put now lire in localities and flees tho Individual to greater nud hotter offort iu his btrldo of progress. To some this may seem a bit boastful. Hut no reador of Tho Herald who considers his uows- paper advertising seriously can fall to realize tho tremendous power It exerts throughout tho community. Newspaper advertising la a na- tlonnl distributor of facts and Information which none should neglect. As a most vital force In tho nation, It Is recognliod allko by manufacturer, producer, dls- trihutor, tho merchant nnd tho public. It hi)'h to shop Iu Tito Herald Itcforu you nIioi In the store; 111 per cent of (lie circulation of till panel' goee direct lato the home. eminent spends mutually in tho local Ity for labor and supplies. This amounts to a nivverage of $".S,4U for tho state. 'Improvement work aid In the admln- 1st rat Ion of forests, but it opens them up for tho uso of the public, j Thero Is another benefit which the state receives as a result of national .forest activities, and that Is In tho money which this branch of the gov- Klectrlc l'lant Is Inspected. William Shepherd, technical engln oer of tho General Electric company, Thursday made a technical Inspection of the local plant of tho California Orcgou Power company. At Its con clusion ho stated that tho now plant nt Fall Creek U tho only one that I In better shape, Uo also stated that tho lightning arresters at the local plant, from the standpoint of effi ciency, are the second best In the en tire system. , HKAVY LOftSKS I felled I'ress Service LONDON, Nov. 20. Copenhagen dlapitcEcs say that Berlin military circles estimate the German lotaea so far at 1.250,000. This Is exclusive of half a million lck. Germany places the losses to ootk armies between Bixachoote and Dlx JMudo at 20,000. They ear 1,608 THU j British soldiers were drowned la the Yser canal. LISKEY CHARGED WITH AN ASSAULT UKSTKH, FOLLOWING " COM. PLAINT THAT HE GAVE EM PLOYE A LICKING, NOT MONEY (Herald Special Service) COIIVALLIS. Nov. 20. Formers and other citizens of Oregon who are planning to attend Farmer's Week st fhe Agricultural College are hereby', notiUed that tho dato has been post poned to February 1 to 6, 191C. The changed and enlarged character of'sWAX LAKKE RESIDENT IS AR- the exercises have made this change necessary. Many comentloiis of leaders of the various agricultural Interests of the state will bo held nt that time In ad dition to the special technical Instruc-J tlon and demonstration commonly Riven. Charged with committing assault Leaders of national reputation from and battery upon the person of Max various parts of the country and from ojs, Dave Liskey was arrested la the United States Department of Ag-.Swau Lake. Today his attorney, J. C. rlculture will be present to address 'Itutenlc, demanded a jury trial, and theixi conventions. tho case will come up at 10 o'clock .tomorrow lu tho justice court. May Ideate Here. Heps alleges that he has bee G. C. Ulrlch, who recently experted working for the Liskeys, and when tho county books, has returned to act he asked for his money they only as special agent for tho Mutual Life 'gave him $5 In cash. He said he Insurance company. He may decide complained of this, and Liskey as- to locate here. isaulted htm. To Demonstrate Serum Expert to Lecture Farmers on Hog Cholera Cares What hog cholcru is; what hog cholera does to n farmer's swineherd; how hog cholera spreads; symptoms of hog cholera nnd treatment of hog cholera theso will be tho subjects especially dwelt upon by Dr. V. W. Kuowlcs, who will bo hero tho foro part of December for tho Department of Agriculture, to lecjure to tho farm ers of this vicinity. A series of meetings will bo held ln tho county. At these, Dr. Knowles will demonstrate on live hogs tho method of Inoculating porkers with the new hog cholera serum which the government has Just patented, so as to mako it avqltablo to all. Ho will also give Illustrated lectures on hog culture County Agriculturist 11. Koland Qlalsyer has arranged tho following Itinerary of meeting to be held while Dr. Knowlea U here; Decomber 7 Klamath Falls, 1:10 p. m., demonstration of administer-. Ing serum at Altamont ranch. Lec ture at high school, 8 p. m. December 8 Mt. Lakl, 3 p. a.. demonstration at T. N. Caso farm: lecture at 8 p. m. at Mt. Lakl church. December 9 Merrill, 2:30 p. a., demonstration at George A. Thoava creamery; lecture at 8 p. m, at the opera house. Dccembor 10 Malln. lecture at hall at 8 p. m. December 11 Lower Poe Vallsjr, 2:30 p. m., demonstration at Mr Ttobert's farm; lecture at 8 p. a. at school house, December 12 Bonaasa, i;S0 p. a.v y demonstration; lecture at. 8 p. a, at ' Bonanxa hall, " g. December II Pine Orove, jeetsrs at 8 p, m. at school house. r ' x December 15 We4a, Isstwii at 8 p. m. at whoel hsais. " . "'?., :H if J3 r,' ,? .tf .'S- 3h e