4 v &h? Sufttmn Iterato t PRINTS THK KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWSWHIMSITISNKWS tShft. "MT : ,t " r?- -'Ti a Mntli KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THUrSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1914 irtc, rt o HUES ASSUME Kaiser's Minister of Foreign Affairs OFFENSIVE; WEI WEATHER FATAL II; i..IJrMiirtM ( It'JHiM. ((.. Il" I .iriitlrl Wllo -AlllV $vkM n " I'l""'" Ann) Oft M. Al I'tnlmlng bll. I'UI l'i Hnrtce IMltlH, Nor IthmimallMii and rtwcnl ' Mllin mtrp lMIr ,, fiM.ul tuu i bultrt, rrurttliie i ih uui am1" ff 'fr'"' trt. Tfr Milr think thai every dr it, imaM l-t'l tn lit" l'1' l KtU u a eiM lr Urn nlll tit l!lt ' Bl" l"f",l"J irtliili i((ttur (-Hmurr ' Uml lb Mf lnhti'J IUisan ii"H lb ! JKtel, Yt alli t liAiiuncriite ii j 4(rmlnrJ rfiotl i cut Unj U-f fut north ur Au Uuw ihrlr mm U9nlfiln iliHUb troop an Wat- ttl tie twit J tbU Utk, eiide.ivvr- M ? ssssmasmssmmsmmsT a ' iii'T' ' ; -i' j 'sHB' ' 'fsssssssssssssl HEALTH OFFICER lRnkc" I oiJ f ft RPCt AUSTRO-GERMANS CALLS ATTENTION DUU5 LdIU lU 1VCM ANO RUSSIANS IN TO SAN I A I ONlTknnnJc UnonvnrnA m ,1 rn Pav iHnmarTA A HARD oTRUbbLt Thousands Uncovered in Drizzle to Pay Homage iMinv rw.ii, .not thi: ovi.v mkxaci: Hi Trin.x Sn) Tlu-m Are Tlirvti Com' of T)iIhjIiI In flif City, nml Ur ,m irllx'n .Mind if I lie lllanw In liu.il-iiinlr- Smit-rngr, I'stllim- l ("on-iii-rf Willi S"irr Ak People lo Itnll) in hiiM,rt of llir Cumuli. HKMAI.NS OP FAMOUS ItltlTIrill MII.IMCK. WHO l)IKI Ol I'NKf. MOMA WIIK.V LOOKIXC UTKIl thi: wixfari: op troops ox thi: cox'rixr.xT, ihi:iih to- HAVATST. PAUL'S I Tht following l from Ur I.. L. Truax. licnltli oinci-r: llelalho In an flllorlal aiiMarlni; In TIih I (cm M mi .S'ovi'inti.r 17lh, I tlmlri- lo KtHto that while Oiu Ankeny I'lilU-J I'll SrUc . ' I.ONUON'.Vor. l'J Throreb a cold" tlrUzle of ralti, lliounandii of people J utooJ loilaj wliU Ir'imIh uncovorcu a Ibf fiiniT.il foriB-' boru tti- rt-maln ' of tho late Karl I'rodrrlck ItoborU, Held mniihttl. from CliarliiK Crow sta llion to St, I'aurn, whore (ho nnialni: . i nr. to Uk. lu-nKli of tho city. th.-r',rJ interna win, tnoM! oi ureal r oilier fnclor equally dan)or'llrltan oihor vcncralcd war heroes, our The en n cltfd undoubtedly ban' Thoiiaand of Helglniu wro la th tin oflRlu hoiiidwIictc, hut nt prent jrrsiicctful linen, Ukto nr Ibreo coim4 of typbold In j T(ju ami u-aa wrapped In the ilii. ray nt wdily different I6calltlM,LlI0 Jncji nm WB, carried on a gun oni'Of which l tracoablo toacaooc-c.K,ritKO j.-jVe fled niamhali, ae ciirrliiB In thi Mmc family about ,,,1(.rnls and two admirals were the! r nn nttlalfl ...... , . 1-1 n-.... n.r, lt,i-' ijiail ovarvra. niuh jwi6v, iv - Thr kniter itiiii'!r f f"rvi,i ,c ra -n iagnit Hi man who had a much li du b tirmi;iE lirleium ai i iiKimul into war aitMtiM (iiTinmiy k ia iikliie I ho nlllod Hmo fjlwr'l . .t,.i fiJU,lr Ih.r luiliiiiann HollXfL'. s.i IhhIi rhao of M nhotORraplu T i4 tvtrv Ibp iUrwiw Hb. ,, , j)f,i iMvtti i.nu for wbtoli lie lian wrl ttitit bat coim- tint of (ior- Thti i an unconfirmed rtimttr mfi) Jrf ib a hrsan U(kr!rfWtba'P'"t'd I.HIo ; : . lt4 ifcc llrlll'l" bai x:rU(io4 It. Aof4li.e tu tb immultHv lutr ll'tnmn iKibmntitmrnt aii l8iit aeinli alonit lb norlbrrit lftt Ui bm lomporarlll)' bn J4, tllbnucb at Kltirr iHittill lb ttlHir dueU ii frffxltiu. Off tta tutru tbut far l rrab Trwr? Url Val br fatM, BOX FACTORY IS SUED FOR A HURT ADVISES AGAINST BELGIAN COLONY I'tllcd 1'irt Hrttro ; IICHI.IN Ola Th llui), Nov. f.'.' -It U omclally aniHiuncH llmt Ibej cj.rtnJui liAtn Kalnml wct of tfl Cofciln and lloyr. Flood haulier. tflloft in tbn north, unit Ihn hI Uceiat Vprr and inward Arm bar, lift nctbrnrdt ItMIM.OM. WHO I.OfT VUO TIN OIJIIS lT MA Pll.lte AiniO.N io iu:co'i:u roii i.ost ip IIMIt AMI lAMAOt& Auniiiisiioi ihi:iaxii says tup im(i;m:,st comiitioxh ix i:r- HOI'i: Wll.l, 'OT I'Klt.MIT CX. IMJ Ah A COI.OVV Tb Klamalh MaiiufacturlnK com pany U naiurd dufuiidant m a dam- Johaxiit ML Out. I'tillnl I'll Senlcu HT. PAUL, Nov. IT -That It would oif now me ien ijun lis luiii,. .,,-,.,,,, i... rirfU i ct,url to.,. , ,' .. ......... .,.,.. ffjf.l ill- rrm.1 ,""' . . . .i "0, "'Vir nam innm io tinman- mM thP front, ,(Ij. Wr c,rmn 10 iMnun. Uq 3000000 nM of nnUMll ,,, ot ' 'uml bU ndoin) n Onelll & Man .vnrllu'rn .llnmota, In the ataivmctit "Int. toduy of ArchbUliop John trolnnd. TIik romplnlnl ntntf timi Aia ..-. 0 4,.rt3 thai iro.ont conaillon rmlt their irilnnl' nfWMrf IhotoromfRor r vrrnl yoApt, lift .. ,.. ..hv i.m h riutiir...nM.iMM.iMW .i.a. rr. ni i,Mmirt Mhl,n,r,M tobUlinriner. HI. ( M UUlf ,hrlnK'(1(.f(.,U00f Iholr own country. C. Vr and V?rlt ,To, nwM. ro!'''' '" " tt- U,c" ""', fwW'M ArchbhUo,. Ireland thlnytlvo ear u m(o,.d, i h,i.Ihv !,,,, ,,,,r,, a,", tm'r,U ,1",:,'r,, f,t!",, T brouKla n colony of Uollau to urn to ,i, ,,u f. . fJ)if ,n ,, wUIl 10 wmit)t rt,,r poonBl C0Iltact " jttlilrlltiK w. ! with thiim In hl lita to their klnic, Hik I'mmii lliulnr. Trlu Tb llnlitUT demand I3.ni an unif ftIU, (no90 nr uw cr. influential res imn' ,' ,7n""";'whll,'Codrmawltholb.rn1enwaaen. , 1Iolglltlll wouW n0, cr iliri-c yearn ago. where an ouUldc toilet wan UM-d at the time and la Milt l-lnK UM-d. and tbroiiKh no fault of the owner of the placo, as he U not 'urre&slblo to the wcr. Another caaa eamo under my ob servation on Conger nranue. The family It mine what It supposed to lo a prlnr. but It If a veritable cess, pool, Therefore there nrr iscvcral famllleM which arc retporulblo for Its development. I-icV of teweroKe. wa ter and milk with the aid or files, arc the most probable causes of the devel opment of n preventable disease like jtyphold, and when the public akcJ j up and kIvca both moral and financial mipport to the city council, put In ; proper sewers everywhere, tearing Mown monuments of a bygone past, look well to the water supply, allow only dairies to furnish milk which conform to a standard of sanitary In- 'iPctlnn, and clean up and keep clean then wo shall reach that stago whero typhoid Is not known. Wo also have a means for Its pre enlIon In the form of aati-typbold acclnatlon, which I would recom 'mend to all member of families where, n case occurs. It Is harmless, and Insure against the disease. Any perenn caring for tho sick or In any way might becomo exposed, should be subjected Io this form of preven tative treatment. jd ftf'V? TUHggggggK "ie ' IB r-i V9ggAh( ggCLxiHggggggggV c ggHgiHiiigggKrX. sHHgtiK tM y & iVPHSgVK'S sgggsVhgggBsgggggaLV sg9P7Bi&ggVsggggggHHgH .KLHMA.NS CU1IM OAIX, BKKLI.V SAVS XO VALUK Ho Inn War Omen Announces a Heuvy lmulon of I'nUnil by (lie li-riiiaii TrixirM Sent Out Frosn Tlioni DeM-mte KlghUag by Ibilh Slile. nml the Lmmi Are Henry lliinlan Cavalry Cp(wd. and later was In command of the forces In Ireland. HU history Is practically a hlatorj of Engllah military operations In In. !dla. Hu participated in the siege of, United Pre Service I'KTHOOftAIl, Nov. 1. A general battle for the possession of East Pru hiu Is raging from Oumblnnen to An gerburg. The war office asserts that, the German entrenchments la the Mazurian Lake region are captured. It also clalmi that the Oertsan ad ance between the Vistula and the Wartho rivers has been drives to. the Btura River. The German advance Into Poland from Thorn Is heavy. It U expected that the enemy's greatest strength Is concentrated on this line, which is forcing the Russians back. Desperate Oghtlng H continual, with heavy 1 discs on both sides. ih cabinet and representatives of President Poncalre of France, the Mikado of Japan, Czar Nicholas of Huwila mid King Albert of Belgium attended. Field Marshal Roberts, who wasi colonel In chief of the Indian troops. Dclh, aa wos wounded (here, and yfenna statement "coverlii had gone to Franco to give them hls WM a agure In the re- ; ,i f" '' ?! greetings. Soon uftor his arrival be"jjcf of LucknoWt becamu seriously 111. He suffered He ,ag rommaaiier In chief In Af fiom n chill and pneumonia rapidiy'rlcil la xg20 ani jgoo, in which cam developed. Ills great age. S2, mill- )aIfi;n no rciteved Klmbcrly and cap Kated against his recovery, thu crisis. tuml General Cronie. For this he In the dUease coming quickly. og thanked bv both bouses ot par- Horn ut Cawupore. India, Sepleni-;lamerit, I.am IA 1 Cf O f riil lrkfiArf lifts ttAAIl IfAnnisu Iidva fulAVI liAfinAfl CtTi hint. In military l7fe since ho was a yoting'.nd ho has nearly all the letters oftIons. and the Russian advaac. th man, rising successively through thejthe alphabet tacked after his name. 3 ln3 C ca"'- arIous ranks from lieutenant to Held 'But to the soldiers he Is "Bobs," and marshal, lie wns commander ot the 'it was by this diminutive that- bis forces in India from 1SS5 until 1S93, name will ltve in military annals. United Press Service BERLIN. Nov. 19. The osteal operations In Gallcla and Poland, says that the Russian cavalry was defeated near Cracow and 3,000 captured. Tho statement says: "Conditions are improving; rapidly as the result ot the co-operation ot the Austrian and German troops. In the Carpathian!!, we occupy stress so- lofl and IS.fiiy dmnagi 0urgo tlrlulu nt tl.,. Kliunaili Mar- Me Work has Just returned from a iflplaCnllfnriiln, where lie iurriintl :. I Morrison U biilhlliii: ft waro- tlo, of marblii for lit lilsllimue for i-plomo tbrco mllf fr' workrooms .rinrhiKllt'ld. Idents of nhent, Minn. The vlllago la. In fnci, i llolKlan colony, with Belgian CIIKtOtllH I' Lamm Lumber Co. to Build Before June i, , ArrmtKciuKitiH for tho inlu of 20, "0,000 feet of national forest tint- by I In. forest service tn Ibo l.mnm butubor roiiipuny ,uvc huen fully romplnleii Tho tlmhor, which bi situated on r Klnninth l.ukp, on (ho drainage " of ()(U-n Creek, eonnlsls of 84, O00'oon board foot ot Western yellow I'tou nmi Hiigiir pine, 8,000,000 liimrd , "f "'MigluH nr, and 060,000 bonnl r of whit,, nr nv lrahBp The prim fr ti, timber Ih I.1.S0 f Uinumimi f0r y0ow plno mid fr ,' nd BO cents per thousand or D0UUI flr Mi wM tft U(wa on log sci0 B (n, Wfto4g j0 bQ pa(a BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR THE FARMERS tOP.VrV AOUIOIH.TllltlHT II K. Ci:iVi:S HKI.1TUI, VOLUMKS FROM KTATH I.IIIIIAKY, WHICH Wll.l. UK I'SPII I.OCAM.V In liiitinllnumts of mil loss Hum jri.oou n.irll III ldfttU'li Of rlltllllKi Tl... Hiilos iiKreoiiitUit with tho for est sin vice iiIIowh Ihu (ompimy until 'jiin 1. mi'', for Urn cimsiruiilon of tho miwinlll, IobrIiik loads nml other llirt'llmlimry liupro(mionts, nml four yoarrt fio mllmt ilnlo for llm oiiltliig ami rumovfil of Iho llmhor. It furlbor .provldos for tho co-opertillon In tiro provtinlioii uml tormonnbly I'loso uill Untlon of the tlmhor. I Of Iho total sum of ftiR.aSii that this will bring Into (hu I'nltod tt"i trensury, 2r. pir rout will bo oxjiomi oil on local romls nml mcIiooIh, nml an ndiHIIotinl 10 lor cent on tho Im provement of roads within tho tuition ill forests. In oider to help fai uiorn desiring to Improve, their mothodn ot fanning 'through Hi inlying textbooks and other wiiikK by nnthorlllcH, County Agricul turist II. Holniul illnlayur has recolved twoiily-aovon books on iiKrlcultnio from tho stnto library. Those books will bo kupo hero two months, nnd with books owned by Mr, Ola layer will loaned to tlioao uinkltiR nipttcatlon for them. Tho hooka can be kept for two wt'.iku, with u renewal privilege at the end or that lime. After two months the books will bo roturuod to Salem, nml .mother shipment of agricultural hooka received for local use. DAY AGAIN IS - VOTE WILL BE ' THE PLAINTIFF' ON THE LEVY NO FIGHT WITH TURKEY-WILSON PIG IRON RATE JUST REDUCED AOTIVITV OF TIIK KLAMATH CHA.MHKIt OF COMMKRCIC IIRIXOH THIS AHOUT KXHIIUT COST A VKKV L1TTLK I Tl.flHKHMAX Pllil-S AX i:JOIXIG A XUMHKR OF THK WAUHAXTS ISSUKI) AT THF. OC-j TOUKK TKRM j ACTIOS JTAXPAYKHS WlUi CAST THKIlt! HALLOTS XOYKSIUBK aTTII OS THK AMOUNT TO K ASSESSKU, XOT FOR OFFICIAL HI-SIDKXT HKLIKVES THAT THK PORTK WILL COXDEMX ACTIOS OF SMYRNA GUNNERS IX FUU IXG AT LAUNCH Local Iron workers are rejoicing over the reduction ot 10 a ton on shipments of plglrou from tho Kast, Jiul made by tho Southern Pacific. This was secured through the activ ities ot the Klnninth Chamber of Commerce, , ( Another mutter brought out at last night's mooting la tho fact that tho Klamath county exhibit, which at tincted ho much attention nt the Port blind Lund Products Show, cost the Chamber ot Commerce only $08.25. Secretary Blower was complimented upon bin lino showing, and letters ot thanka wore seut to the land show ofilclnla for tholr courtesies. Captain J. W. Sloraeni and W, A. Deltcll wore mimed on a committee to work for nn appropriation' of 120,000 to be used in clearing dirt, brush and other dobria from the road between the rim of Crater Lake nnd the Fort Klamath road. Hume Front Uie City, Mrs, Elbert I), Hall returned lat.t night from a sojourn In Ban Francisco. United Press Service , WASHINGTON, D. I C. Nov. 1. . State and Nary Department oHclals are waiting for further word from Alleging that l,102.26 worth of, The Herald erred Tuesday in stat-rAtnhasllor enrv Moreonthau and warrants issued by th'e county court ling that tho school election to bo held Cantain nocker of the U. S. S. Ten- at Its October term wero for debts at the Ceutral school November 27th teS3ee. explaining the firing at a contracted coutrary to law. R.N. Oay, ia for the purpose of electing a now launch fr0 mtne Tennessee by a through Kuykcndall & Fergusoa to-(member of the board or directors, in- Smyrna fort. day fllod a suit agalust the county stead, this electiou will be to get the. pendlnir reeelnt of this, it Is an- court officers to enjoin tho paying of ( opinion of tho taxpayers regarding (Il0uncC(i jn behalf of President WU- these warrants. '"" ' ' ueuo uu UJ lu8on that Rmerlca will not permit her- A number of the3 warrnma are fortscnol board. gej( t0 become Involved In war tho expense connected with tho search ' through a clash with Turkey. It Is of McLeod and Medlll, alleged to have , A thirty mile road Is to be bunt expected that even though the Smyrna been killed by Frank Williams. The warrants Issued J. A. Thompson, Phil Stilts. J. W. Bailo and tho liunham from Prairie City to Long Creek. authorities were bellgcrent, the Turk Pendletou retailers will Auto company for rholr part In tho I products ot Pendleton manufacture, Bcnrcht's for the bodies aro Involved, as is tho warrant to tho Cottage Stu dio for taking pictures of Williams. , Six or seven warranU Issued to Dr.( J. G. Patterson for medical services 'tendered county poor are enjoined, i The list also IncludoB warrants Issued ; to A. Kallna, u Mntln merchant, for) supplies furnished county poor, j Tho suit seeks to have declared In-. valid tho warrants for )1G0 issued I Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Duncan as September and October salaries. A! warrant to Mrs. Mary A, Jackson fori $3.10 for rabbit scalp bounty and all ! ish Porte will not uphold them, while boost, Germany dominating Turkey, Is ex tremely frlondly with America. Indians Have a Big Chiloquin Time at warrants for supplies to the poor form. on the Klamath Indian reservation ore invotvou. .Was tho program at Chiloquin Wed nesday, when Professor W, T. Powers' A. L. Hill of Neodesha, Kansas, has bought out tho Wood Lumber company of Medfard, Tho lutorurbau Telephone Bystem of Bllverton has been authorised to raise Its rates by the state railroad commission, One of the biggest times ever hold. events ot the day. The sessles start ed in tho morning-, and lasted until latu In the afternoon. Attorney Baker, who is prebaUsf i the aatntea of dMMiiil ladtasa .'aatd f- of tho agronomy department of tUotM cnBlrmwit In gddltiea io thi talk V Agricultural College addressed the lu dlaus lu farm matters. Ovor 250 Reds were present, and all expressed themselves as much benefitted by tbo talks. A barbecue was one of the big by Professor Powers, County Agrleal turlst H. Roland QlaUyer, ta Isdtas. Service farmer, and seYsral IMtsM' made' addresses along the Uaaa.sf. n farming, stock raisins; and tha nsMti -t-'Wi,., 'nt i i - 1 vr: