.-! '&' lEwttmg UteraU PRINTS TUB KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jjgWSWIIILKITISNKWS tv jMuwmiHo-m tf x r i.ii .'. "" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1914 Mr, Iff e h GERMANS TAKE OFFENSIVE 1111: A FIGHT IN EAST (timHNs Altl! IHilM HUM. IS HM'K llr.i Hign. ' Hu-lu llrtlMt ,,t, W HI. il- l,ii- Mmli-Ji) Hie ,UH. I ' '"'" " lii M Hrn lift Hli.U Will CnilleM ( Ulllt NV hipping AluliU lti tiukr) n "'H a Wm MMr. I'sIImI rrHMk PCTKOONA. Nv. '' T" "" ,i,6 J Urrinan for- nro i)l(t. let etcutc lttl In I'uUlid. It U JmiiM "' ' ""' 'riiii .ooilttulitic th uBmIv. Tin. Uir troop nfo Jurlf: kft U Vl'l'ila mid Wur lh Hlver. An norwu Uim army U ein Id lb-M Tlt malt Urrmrni tmitj" U betrti li. Humuh. tid the Thorn lnt'rc tfc'if flM l boiwwn llm Vlitula tti Ibo Wsrth. j4naenf Towers to DefW Constantinople aaKBMaaaHiiaaam.. ' ''-sLJfciA ,; - w HHIHKWMi&-nb MflLi sssaaaRaaaaBav3gaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej aWaBBaBggHBlBanrWH KzHBfevJJvSMAa Jr "ti sr2A j ''.jgVaWX lHiWfcB r- r 'QMPlum'lHlllL''', 'itflom I I 11 fS!S58gSg33EHi ! z?-. .- iir.fumrBiiHi . rsh'tv,. tJt -xrzr.-H-vBaLt.:J ! fc4fc ..- - .i jwj ! m - w1 ..-aaa"" - jv y -t.a .I'K.FiAvi JuriUMi j - W . r ! " f CTwT 2, i. v A WVP WWl!)M&MAMiBHH ' v. : . - -w ' ' t ll ' Krcu&&3S93HB '"3S -? 'v ' -- .-. "g t'ftSA T3"i? ISMSKwiflBB i ' m rv . vJjKiaw2aWB MS KW nr.", ,, ,V-" : 'SraasswiCT i. i -st " o js. ,jt"uut .-.r . in i r "fPiBWK.';:.. mj .,- -K' . " , Tl nr-' Jiis 2 . .' . 11 WI1 I TURKS FIRE AT LIFTING OF F06 A U. S. LAUNCH AND STORM SEES FIERCE FIGHTS in Tiii:Mi:.TiMi;Tii.v.tvvii:- IMKTMK.NT is MAItKIVC TIMI ' I'lIXDI.Nf! I'L'ltTIIKIt AUVICKH :i:(,H .s to ti:.vmm.si:k AI-'KAIK ZOUAVKH IX CHAltOK A WILD iMTTyiimriiir Hl. IB Lvassssa, jl Ll w- i7.Jffi'.C.i-5 h. g-, r?.". ..f" liillnl I'rr SvrrUif ' WASHINOTON, I. C. Nov. 1S- (.aptntn Dicker, commanding tho t'. ' H. K, TroneMC, cabled Navy Sccre-f ,tarr Ujnlelfi (bat while proceeding . from Vurla to Smyrna to make official jcnIW for the government, a launch , from the Tennessee wa fired at by I (lie Turkish forts at the harbor en-I trance. The launch carried the Stars, and Stripes at the time. j The only thins definite that the de- i United Vtes Service partment knows Is that a shot was! PARIS, Nov. 18. Now that the .Now That Weather ! ClearlMff aad Drying Annie Take Up th flattie With Itenewed Ferocity BriUafc Wrhlr HUH Aldla O AHtod Ijiml Knrrea, m& Report Wreck inx of (JerataM Armored Trai. ,"W rWsfteW , rj-s&s "-&ij;--' & - UitaS'jt m .lt.4. ,,,", , , i mi.,, m t'niifd rt rltf coi'i:miao)v, niv. i ti ori tiiM ol ilUatlfarim by lllf ,l.ti wish tin um lli? UrliUh And l'.wh ip tdjlns n lb wur t t jnrird onldtml'ttl l'ltoial. II l rt-fl"l (hM nmluirlllr. a Jritle (bo ffl Utat OlP lllllflll Utv lntdol Ualklii ami lt I'rMn Ik, lb lll i not obln to UUt lb. tlrimnh out of Pranre. Tbrtr rp rumor that a a rrult of U dUlUfactlon, Ituaata nun In l.aJj to Iftok out for liff,lf. Uu'U U fhe ilralred a iraH)ll that roub' WWH ni"-n all winter, aitd It U ttff' dlilrJ ibt l' pill now alUrk Au trlt i4 Turkey to wrt thrlr hold ten from inrm, kntine ntHr and ()tni in nchl It out a Ix-st thr-no. i l. r.. t - ,. .... ... .... . . . .... ., ""' " '"" '"""' ""' i t u truB rnoiiKli to K-eii llm nlllc.l forces from Coiutantlnople. The tower on tho left is knovin ns KinauiHiii ii sou uifti on int. hkiu ., kn..i, n Jioiinmmvd I Thoy am wry old. and probably would not last long bctoro modern military. st built of niamtiry iii.ltn.l of conctgie. nd thi- modern concrrie forts In Krnnco and llelgluru failed In withstand the Ocrman j:uns. The) MIT DEPARTMENT WILL ORGANIZE Ni:.TIMl Or' Al.l. WOMKX' IXTI.'H- iti:u iv tiiw m:v wouk or tiik i.iiuuitv ri.nt tii MKirr iiiiimv aiti:umkn' Send Cotton to the Hospitals ii; wii.i.iam (.-. Micrniuti) irNA, Oil 17 (II) moll In Nr Votk) Till U an aiMU lo fi) nirtlidii In rirr) liimm i'n In llic l'nlle Slid'. If Clili.liiuin iiiiAlt nii)(lilnK In )u. Iirif U no iimii lunll) lo your lx-lle( In umm ttlll lounnl iiii'it. It tin. midline lo il" ullli Mnrln lla riiirivl rti.i Inn It hn n mIiiiI lot In tin ttllli liuiiunll) l(inrl j our frllmv men. It l i nttilml n Iii. mill tt nnlrral a )iiimUi). I "r llittt iiwU llm lnxpllnU lirn luito liecu ttliliom iiiiimii i Hit itlilili in iln'M tin MouniU of iljliiK MilillriK. tkror unit iiiu-w linto iMt-n rttiu h lint in iiunorl .mall uiinii of rlnlti, rut from Iim( nlul liniidkrrtlllrt., Ihr lioii llutiuU llm . i ill til Ih-Iiii: riint lulu ntnll l".iu of Uiiii'o and thru Klrllll'nl. Tlioiini! iti'lliiili ixmiiiiN iininl lx itn-wl illlli lliU limine, i ouch, It-ii-Oi nintrrliil. iurrlnili In llir iimin nf liuiiiniill) iiiikIu lo wild tolliin to ulil.i A wi iiiniilll) of nliMiilM'iit ml tun tniiM tut M-iil Ii) p.nvrl mm( If AlnriUnni ould hut il.. iimiii ibi'iux-lirn ilii' luiili Ink, of liuyliiitn rnbill i)iinii(lt) of It nml "nillni: Il In Vli'iiun l mirrl tot rule. The mikH" l"uhl be aitiliviil lo tho lied ' mIi-), Vli'iiun, unit iimil.(-l "fur die Wrw midet to" (eolloii for ttouiided). Il will iraili Ihe ln'llil llhlu lllte' ivk from I lie lllne It U Hwrd In Alifiiin, i' a i a.S.hi. NEW LAW MAKES IT'S TO BE DUCKS MANY INELIGIBLE FOR R. E. CLANTON i i ASA l(i:srir OK TIIK I'ltOVIHIOXH, KLAMATH COUXTV SPOKTSMKX'S (fired at the vessel. Nothing will be jdont) until further advices regarding tho affair arc received. The Tennessee sent the launch to ward Smyrna to Investigate the report that American Interests there were endangered. It Is said that the Amer ican consul general there, Ocorgo Iorton, is apprebenslvo for the safety , of the American consulate. J Following the report of the shot nt the launch, Henry Morgenthau, Unit 'ml Staten ambassador to Turkey, or 'dcred tho Tennessee to leave Vurla. The cruiser Is now anchored in the harbor of Chios. ol' Till: XKW CITIZKXSHIf HIM, CA.VT VOTK UXI-KSS A FULL UTI7.KX ! ASSOCIATION WILL UOXOK THK ( M'ltl'OSK OF ROCIAIi OFFICIAL A.VO OLU ANNUAL .MKKT AT TIIK SAME TIMK jweatber has moderated, both itawi are active In attempts to carry the fight Into the enemy's country. Ter rible hand to hand encounters uv i progress everywhere along th Um from Dlx Mude toward Tprea (or tho possession of patches of wood, state ly held by the Germans. The communique report that tho French Zouaves, In a boyoset charge, drove the Germans from a strip of woods which has been dlspat4 (or three days. The Germans had good positions la this place, aad tho charto of the Zouaves Is reported aa oao of the most brilliant feata of tho war. Fighting between Isolated lafaatry lore everywhere la proRreaa. Tho bombardment of Rhleaia coa- iinues. With the lifting of tho fog th British warships are aaala active la supporting tho allies la "rlaadora. Tho allied warsblpa shelled a Oorawa HVGiKN'Eitroo tra' ftuBlag relaforceaiaata north, and wrecked It. Under tremendous proanro froat AND MOTIIKRS OX (the German lafaatry aad artlHory. the British troops la tho vlclaltr of i Arras are holding. At oae ooiat thoy SNYDER TO TALK TO LOCAL WOMEN .1 MJCIKTV WILL BE EXPLAINED TO WIVES THl'HSDAV AFTEnXOOX One of the new bills that survived Au anuunl meeting of the Klamath l lie on-Iaufiht of the "no" voterx at Sportsmen's Association was hold last' the r-ceiit election was tho bill known iDKn at tho Chamber of Commerce.. Interested as are the men in the social (the recent election was tho bill known THR mM THK land moral hygiene work Just started. tit. ills- rlf Irs.-iMliIti 1ni Aai rn-iiilt ... It u.....-k ik. -i- oni.i tr. I"" " - ""' "" 7 " meeting will be held some tlmo next ue "u '" uf"su" "' "' Klamath Falls women, who are as Interested as are the men in the social repelled the Germaaa 500 yards. alien cannot otc until they nave ot-, . . .,.,.,,, -...i... . .'cIcjio Society, are to bo addressed br 'mined full naturalliatlnn papers. . whlto Pelican hotel J E Snder of Portland, a member of the executive board of the society, at the Christian church tomorrow after- is i iiiiiti in l (iiii in iiiinii iiiii t'l mi i been otlnc on their declaration pa- . i..i .. iv... .. noon. ... ii T1!. 1m AB4J. dA t,ll4BA,tf t $JI ,. 4.. ...... ...UUMUu. ...-1 MagUr Plgh warden it. E. Clantou elcners residing In Oregon, who have , , , frnm Pnr,,n, ,hu lun. M, i:. Aid MnlliiK. The LftdleV AM Soelet) of Grnro M i:. rhurch villi hold n special mcetliiK, NEUTRA NATIONS AftflViitx.ii Art C,lub. (tomorrow afternoon at th homo of nchl of enilraviir of, .Mm W J. Slelnmeu. Sli Lincoln Ttin Friday "if o( die braitchea llit trt-niil)-teorganlted Women' I.I- street The meellns will Mart at a fcr.ry Club, will hold Its flmt niaeiliig, o'cloek. mid at lliU llino matters of I Ui llbiary ImlldtnK Prldsy nfler- ImiHirtance to tho miccm. of the nn noon. ThetieMkih will IkIii nt 3'3u nual baranr lll be taken up for ills nil ailjoiirii at r. o'clock. Mission Hr. It. i:. Wnttenhurg Is In chaitn! - , t l lliU ileinriinil. At thu meotliiRi Work on the umt Monnoit (umplo r'rbUy three ncidlowork lensous will on llrlllsh soil Is now itmlor way Inj w llen, lit MiibroldoVy, rhroclinUInK Cnrdnlon. Alberta, tho Mormon center i"! tatting. All women lntif-tM fur Cnuailn Thu utruqture will bo of "e Invllt-d to ntiend, L HURT BY FIGHTS pern, will not be allowed to vote nny Jmore until they secure full citizen ship. 1 As an Inltlutha bill become effec- tle as soon as passed by tho people, this means that there arc on th reg UtiHtloii bonks nmiiy who arc not ell glblo to vote. Therefore, before an other election enn be' held, It will bo necessary for a now registration to bo made the fourth In about four 5 ears. 38, lealng as soon as possible fori l-akoview on odlclal mntters a.-t he returns the banquet held. This meeting will start at 3:30. , KLAMATH FALLS MAX. JUST UK rtt.'i:i) FKOM SWEDEN', SAYS i UNITED STATES IS FAU TIIE BUST OFF That microbes are not essential to life has been shown by nn experiment Hli KUliien pigs In France, ifmnlin from tin llocky inounialtis of !ltrllUh Columbia. ' tlnints IMm U federal bulMlnir ninbltlnus for bP cngin 17 C eer wraes 01 Road Through Lava Beds Thq following loltor, written to tho A" I'lrtlndeuler by County flur 'lfor A- M, (Jroen of Modoc county, "lowing IiIh preliminary work In tho ' va Hods, win bo of grent Interest to "'M Peoplo who nro Intoreslud In tho ktnblutinH.,t of u road to upon that Wat scenic nml historic region to tho leitrlst: In n recent Issue of your 'paper eiitlon was ninilo of tlm fuet that tin. ncoiilo uf Lookout and vicinity wero iiKltntlni- Uio Hiibjoct of tho constnic tlou of'u road from Unit I'litc' '" or rllt nml Klnmntli FnlU ' wuy of tho Modoo Liivu Hp'Ih. As thu roads iiro ill.prosimt tho reator part of the Uul-ifnrnls-Orok'Oii travol passea thtougli lUVX imiii. r- " -x-wr r. C'nrUoii. a woll known mill 'wrlglit, returned last night with his "'family from their former home, Swed- ,i-n, wluro they spent about a year U- "'(tluK friends and relatives. They own In Hue homo In Wont Klamath Falls. , "Although tho Scandinavian eoun- I tries nro successful In keeping out of I ho war, condition thero lire In very bad shape," said Mr. Carlson today. Tho milieu that nro scattered through jlho North Son nro utopplng all ship poliig. and tho factories art shut down In many places. "I"i om what I rend In Tho Herald, which I recolved all tho tlmo I was gone, I ran nay thnt conditions In tho United Stales nro much hotter In fact, tho United Slates may bo said to ho bonelHtliig by tho war. And from my own observations In tho East be fore returning, I can nny that Klam ath county Is bettor off Ibnn Eastern districts," ivwvy (CoutlMied on p 3) Tho European war way revive tho llax Industry lu the Northwest. A a annn .,. w 'Wives and mothers nre urged to at wlll bo.. , jtend. At this time a messaKo of Imnort- Klamath county being ujporuman .ance to evcry wUe and molher w be paradise, the dinner to be seryed atjgtvch( whchi ,f properIy heclcdi w, tho White l'elican will bo no no.dn groat Ueai towarU eliminating lion. Committees hao been named', ,, ,, ,-.. in,n,in, ,h IIIIU SirV.U Vl.l, IV.HIM ,M..,W.MC MV to take charge of arrangements, and one committee will see to it that there arc at least 200 ducks brought In for the feed. At the meeting officers will be olected for tho onsulng year. ENGLISH RUSH TO SUBSCRIBE LOAN LONO LIXE WAITS AT UAXK OF ENGLAND, AND IT IS NOW DE LI EVED THAT THE AMOXUT WILL HE BEACHED SOON . ipruui Committees named last night fol-1 paijs health of future generations, and toward eliminating devastated and childless homes and the wont form of marital unhapplness. Tho age of prudery is about gone, and Klamath United Proes Service LONDON, Nov. IS. Indications to day aro that tho billion aud three quai lorn million war loan will be ovor subscribed. Long before tho Hank of Kugland opened this morning u great lino bad been formed by people unxious to subscribe. o thu loan. Thu Issue Is redeemable March 1, 1928, low- Supper, Speakers and Program Fred Houston, Jim Drlscoll and J. J. Parker. tbo Interests of any movement that will in any way bring an Improvement to the Individual or the community. SHELLING BELGRADE United Press Service THE HAGUE, Nor. 18. Belgrade U now being bombarded by tho Aua trlans, accordlag to messages treat Budapest. These say the bombard ment began Sunday. PARENTS' MEET THURSDAY NIGHT ItKPRKSENTATIVES OK BOCUI. HVGIEXE SOCIETY AND LOCAL WORKERS WILL OUTLINE CAM PAIGN XO PARENTS . will attend tho meetini- in lartro num.- Ducks Fred English, J. E. Bodge, borg Henry Stout. J. J. Furber, Hay Tel- In order ,0 g,Te the women of the ford. Leslie Hogers and John Foster. cUj. an opportunltr to 8eo the Social Tickets, and New Members-Jim yslene Society's exhibit .in tho room Drlscoll, W. O. Smith. O. W. Robert- ll0lwcen thc Magulre and Sugarmen son. H. D. Stout. J. B. Chambers. F. l8toreflt t nM b arranged that from is. uius ana i. w. fnenegor. '? , - ..... nf,Pnnnn , tnmormw' In order to make parents thorough ly acquainted with tho work hotag carried on throughout tho state by the Oregon Social Hygiene Society, a meeting for parents will be hoM to morrow ntgbt at the Christian chareh. This wilt be addressed by Meeting la Poloned, On account of tho fathers aud mothers meeting ou Thursday night, tho ladles of the Presbyterian Mission ary Society hnvo postponed .their thank offering mooting until Friday ut 7; 30 p, m, nt thn church. Every one la urged to bo present Friday. A short program will bo rendered and refreshmsnts served. MORE FIGHTING IN TRANSVAAL LOYALISTS ARE REPORTED TO HE ROUTING REDELS IN A, HUN XING FIGHT WEST OF RELLE FOXTAIN 'afternoon tho exhibit room will be in jseutatlves of the society and the looal fchargo of women. This ts an exhibit i workers, and matters every eareat .that should bo seen by every man, should know for tho beaent of their woman, youth and maiden In the city,! children will be dlacassed. United Press Ssrvlce CAPETOWN, Nov. 18. General Beyers and 1,500 Boor rebels are,ro portod lu full flight from an army of loyalists undor command of Colonel Colliers. It Is reported that In a runulug fight west of Bellefoutatn, four rebels wero killed, twenty wounded and a hundred captured. More Klamath Timber Will Be Sold by U. S. ,-P Tho forest .service will probably offer for sale within a short Ume a tract of 382,000,000 feet or timber on the Crater National Forest. .Tho timber b located on two units, one containing .85,000,000 feet or tho west side of Klamath Lake, aad the other containing 297,000,000 feat just east of the Crater Lake NatieaeJ Park. n V! s i.' .,' ..&, 's.I JV ! if 1Ji Tho stand oabothaalMritKae-A, l tlcally pure yellow etae.1 .rf" "."" t J3'i Interested parties who awy wjosj'e',;i examine this tinber while- weaohar'f ro;I condlUoaa are, fa vera We,, eaa .eMafsYv ".'" dttalled leeaUea aad ether, aHwssft , d uos iroas tao ewriet fotees-a- ae www r3 lead i ttr f i-irr, .M .i.i:.n JrW .