F fexunmm Mttalh PRINTS THK KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' NgWS WHIMS IT IS NEWS WlBf. !.- - ff- .frc?..!-! - rr. B rwriy.rTVVT-vr.,..l-.wMM Slwlli Veitr Ni SLfMM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1914 rrtett Flra Si m fort 6, iiu Am. c FIGHTING IS MORE . -l uiiTumiT firm &eii&ammm w ' ACTIVE NEAR THE r mh ""r . .. rr'nn - . l rr ' m i i mm i i w m iiw ' i mm mm rvvvm nw iiTi:umi n:.wvro hum is tut: work Hlir. t'"i "mti Urliewl Hlllnmii jltj Thai lit' '"t''Hllim lliii.il ') ("' lit "W He llrlgi ,tf ! lMrl I') UMilrrt I'wUrtl xintr H m UL IihImiimII) for lkruw. Ik of Wr t'tut. I 1 I'slltJ l'.i lllfa WAHIIINtlTON, l. ., Not. 17 Cuhtul (Initial Joint It iUlllliwii bail lrr4 lite ii" Mitro(jil that Car-J rMt h x"i to Blmliia(t hluttolf j Iroa Dip Mctlran prmldmf) titular rtila ftmdlllou. J Ottitf! (jmlerre, plwrlrd tr I tlMl tfvl4cttl by til" Agun l MM toiUciilluu, tin agrm-d m ni-. r(, bc rindltlu Tn 4lt'irh l bcd upon Infor; milln HlllliHitn slrliM from Mnt. Ma noktimix-r. Th rnititlllon are tot uir' j jUllifU.l Idol af In ho lurliu.l Tb tut Hi this thick ll enc luoM..oeMU.ht.f..wr!",, M ,,Uo e,rB' y'u "r"n . if ton at IrOligwy near ilm Cerman n.r, ii aMininiciiaiiun i nvw wn tr4riuK the bcl mean of Killing tho reptjttlc in tho totorailmi of prM?r to-dlliim. " ' affl1 ! t?.1t1rar i 3? jl . Qav. TiKv'kAUQBS!HSBB 1 B2BVuS9KlBBBHBEfl(R!aB9CvlHMH0(AMEBR ' i LjfcJLi'MTff Tf- felX LAT-S M Bf BSjSssMMSjjjKrsEr fen- "M'-V ' riniilHR39ilHKHHHI9H P m---Ll "-SBBIIllfiSMSy8fcaPSESSBpWEEjISW Lr0BEESSSE)BiESSSBSiBSBSwCvJr j BEIl v IS SSvJBJfH ?' AISNE; NO GAINS ! Flooded Gnditions in the North Stop Progress There Russians Claim a Big Victory i to- L. Vk "1 frtwj.. .. ' ;'-" .!.- - "-v-jf . . i ruin" rVftf.-j ? 2 v- "SW.TtT United i'reta Sntc I'AHIH, Not. 17 The Ucraaaa attack upoa KhJema waa ilar. Stiolla are romrtaatljr falltac I" the toww, ! Maaf being destroyed. Abjt esteaded oiocmct of troop or sium la Flaadera are lu ntaajr plami the Britlab and Freacb troop are ataadlaa; water drcp, lioUttnK their BoaOUoaa ta the fare of a terrlMe Are from the Crnwap. a'rtillerjr. The action of the liearjr artlUerr in more proaomaced ta FUadera. 1 Vvpite repeated repukea, the Germaas roatlntte their attack aear Tate i and south of IUxachoote. j Fighting at Xleaport, through HU Made toward Yprra jeaterday waa ; nlinott eatlrely roaflaed to caaaoaadiaa;. Ttic GTjnan and allied troop "" 'h1 Abne and ia the Argoaae reglea I'rlnri" Kri-li-rick, and mm the cconl illil not Itut loaf. authorities knew what ther looked are more actire. .i $ llrMit that Cmatil i lulln4 lu ktdio nt hU ifumt Ik lf tiiltt Udfilrr, luiv 1I10 cijonmm (mwrr ut tho tlrrmati J Cinch cun Tim fori wk lukrn hy lh army umlrr Crown . ti... .htrti TNrMi.ii fiirfrM.tft.il in ittir. YI.. iiittvttii i.a-. & iM tiiiii... nA k..n i.mu.aa. -MK. !.' UerBtaaa atteatMeal to croaa tlie .mlaae aear awer rjeacn cumli to tin tlertnan gun. After Ural cr taken? of the Interior of great Oertnan gun, properly placed, , hlw up treaehes aad arereated taJa., '; t - -,, . jfi' th th'rmsnK htl taken I.H'ge and lAjngwy. Tbe'erench have guarded 'cracked the teel encaement'o It wai J, ' T ' A Namur with the aid of thl gun ther their great frontier fortretses to care- Irnpoulble for the French gunners j ., inoxtil on iu Maubiuge. and that city, fully that noane except the war,conrealed within to bold their place.' Unlttd Press Sanrke lr fur lllf ,Vrth. Mr anil Mr, W H llvlirmaii. hn sr dlnrrdited It U Blrd Hut jrttriilly irilred from the hoiel lml fntiia win within fortnight lve t,ow j,fcT gone to MrMlnntllle. They lot 8tnnh for a Ungthy ttny Urre comiailHl by their grand.oti. It I. not bolloved that the I'nlird Wardcll Ttimiikliu, alwi the cmmlrwii itmirt will ask Mc.lco to my u lnrjf Mr and Mrs. . It, Toiniklnt, whi Itfltnlty for thertnie of the Ameffwiit atlctid rChool In the Yamhill lra X(Uatl(m of Vera Urut, .rounty cat T 1-iri.rh .cWttlUU rlalm that J""" '"r W",,rr' h fttM dlt (n.P. tho whltpj Mf J ' Cami. and daughter Carol Hood rofj.iiKlw, vihlcli play an Im-itetnrned Monila) nlglil from nil xtni pari In ih fight agalni ill-xMemln! UU Uh relatUm In Bmith- bacteria rrn California Dl niilCD IC DlPlf DCCCDUC DiUVO UCUl lOOtCPUCHT 1 FROM BI6 SHOW UP 10 SCRATCH- ON THIRD STREET !v SrX.'ltKTAItV til' CIIAMIIKH tlKiSKfltrrTAUV IcA1KM) CiaSSK.SllNSTKAIi OK SIXTV-FIVK tt)M.Mi:i'i: hl'iaKS 1II(JHI,V OP THK K1IIST DAY OK Ol'KIUTIOX; CKXT, AHL'TTING I'KOl'EHTA 18 - I'KTItOGRAD, Xox IT Detail of the Ctoldaa Mghtiac. Jaat lageiwd. indirate tluit the Raaaiaaa ceasafately aarpriaed the I After eight day of Ngbtiaa; ahout Bacatoraewo, the . rturlml a poltat two jbWesTJpym Goidap before the "Grrmaas learaed of U, and a aaak attack hy dracaoas aad light artillery carried the MB, which f'WM theon llraa t wlina aa iaaaargaaMe posltloa. Violent awuults are beiag made against Cracow defease by the Baa kiaua. The Illusion fom adranrlng from the east haa reached Taraow, i Hr3l "xl I morlag rapidly. A tortioa of Cracow Is bruniag. Tho inhabitant are seeing la a paaic. TIU-TMi:XT ACfOltllKI) Till. AS "WO.VWKHFUl." MORE KK- CHAHGFJ) KOK FIFTY PER KiaMATIIITrM t KiriHXT THAX KXFKCTKU ?K.NT OF IJII'HOVKMKXT Big Meeting Tonight Klamath Falls Men Much Interested in Campaign Harely Imui lhe uvt of Klamnth 1'allt dun a Interested In a coming "tt-rit a they are lu tonight' liieitliiK t the (iporn htiune. when tho work of lining tip Klamath Fall for tho nun. Men ( ( duration boltig carried on 1 the Orogon Boiial Hygiene Hoclety "l he ouillnrd. Itealltlui tho peril ' tbu futuro generation from the Mwuoil Ignarunro regarding ox wiierji mid the ravages of dl.en.e litKoly hrouglit about by this Ignor ce, ihey nre ready to nisUt In nv- ,r' u i ho aprcadliig of I ho (lospel "' Truth, mid n big ntleudnncc In nn- llfll'ttllMl. An liivltutluu Is extended to eu-ry '"i In tlni city (o attend this meet '"K Hochii nud moral hygleno will ''" !" luplrs dlscustd, mill J. II, Mn wti lll net iu cliulrmnn. Tho pn-Bi-nm nrrniiKi'd follews: Tlu I'rtivnlKiicy mid (lunorul rN muiivss" 0f Vemiroul Dlsenae "lid Their Kffuct Upon tho luill vlilunl mitt ihollomo" Ur. K. I), .lohimon 1 fet.i Conditions Among (llrls mid hoys" m. I). Coal "flm Pour Hex I.Ioh and Olhor Cimihm, RumolM",.J. K. Hnyder "Wlint dm Wo Do for Klamnth Pnllaf w. A. Doltell J K. Unydor Is a moinbur of Hut exeriitlvo board of tho Oregon Boclal "jkIohii 8octy, Tills U a mooting which Is worthy f tho support of vcry clllien, be 09 " the topic U ot such unlvorsal li lid deep humnti Interest (lint no l''iil idhUlou will prewnt the roiiiinuu Ity1 "gvitliiK together" on tbu "iliig lu proportion to population, rondl- l.i. .. . . I I I.. ..i.M .i...l .llulrli.1- nous nre w'i in n iii '""'" rti iii i In iom'iu and rllleit. necurdliiK tu lornl ih)lrlnu lu connection with the wirK or ine .soilety Here, nn exinim niioniiiB me work bring dune through the slnte of Oregon In Installed In the Miami room In I w fell the stores of the J I' l gulre company niul K. Hugnrinnu This I. h, ..!!,.,. I ...lil.-iillillllll IllHlllllllllll. 1 1 ,iiiii.i ritm.ii" ...-..- .-.- ... jnml present perllneiit fnrt under the 'ciMUlonH, "The Kiiemy" mid "Aide to the l.'nomy," to show the dire results l onerenl dlsonsc upon the lctlin 'unit iiiioii posterity. 1 Tim "men's spoeliillsls" nud other 'iiunrk doclois nml rnmedlfs nru fully iix.iosed, lth pvraounl epoilpnef of tunny of their vlrtlinn, who, though ptufectly heullby. ere leil to holinvo Ihey went dlsfAsud, nud wem "hlod" I for exhorhlinnl fee, lnrl J. Cum- 'mlngs, in rnnrge or uie exuiini, " .n tkn Interest by nXDlillillUK Hie '" 'diiloiis tho society hns discovered nud j helped iirndlrnlo. , llcslde lbl", Hiu f of ,l, l"u;' lely U fxplnliiftl l n number of ex- I. .. .. . .iii ..i...i........li if iiiiiilltiirtl lllbllH, Willi pilolliHIHM" " '"v "" held In othor plnre, M ' l,u," phloU for bo)B, glrU, men nml nion,nia oilier nhls to rlonnor llf mid hfnltbler offspiluK. Tho exhibit uilll rnmnln OIlun III! ItftOrilOOn Ullll vvetiliiK. nd nil ro InVlted in nltonU. 'A' I Hi a gold medal and cash prist for lhe tct marled producU display, sppetnl awards for the best onions nnd cheese, and high mention on the ((Utility of potatoes entered, Secretary (U-orco C lllowur ot the Klnnmth Chnmber of Coininerce canto In last night front attendance nt the I'orl Innd Manufacturer nnd I.and Pro ductn Dhow In addition to his nt trnrtlto booth nnd tho capturing of the prltcs. Illowor Incidentally boost rd Klamath further by several renma of booster liitcnlen In the Portland paiKr. 1 The onion were from the Nlt srhnlm tract lu Mills addition, and tho cluono from I.oosley & Sons nt I Fori Klamnth. Those, nnd tho other products did much to disprove tlto stories clrculittfd of killing frosts, etc., here. Mr, Ulower U loud In hU prnlso of the treatment accorded him by C. C, Chapman of the Oregon Development League nnd Portland Commercial Club, nud of nil of tho land show offl- olnls, who extended ovcry possible courtesy to Ulower nnd to County Agriculturist Olnlsyer, who was also nt tho land show. United Press Senlco 1 WASHINGTON, t). C. Nov. 17. i Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo said that tho first day's operations ot the Federal Reserve banks was won- jderful. He said that tl would roqulro at least a week to determine what neces sary changes In routine would be j made. He also said that the Indica tions wero that the system would bo far moro efflclont than anticipated. Couple Are Wedded. Justice of the Peace K. W, flowen Inst night performed tho ceremony pinking Mln I" Combs Mrs. John I,, Potter. The groom Is it well known l.ostjtlvor rnnchor, nnd tho brldo Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Combs, old Klmunth county residents. Camp Meet Tonight. i:MUtnn Kucmiipmenl No. 4U, I, O. iO. F, moots tonight In regular session )ln Odd Follows Temple. Visiting i Patriarchs cordially Invited, Home Till livening. Mrs. Louis 11. Hnth U expected this oeiiliiK from n visit with relatives In frillnns, Calif. A now bridge across Thorn Hollow, Umatilla county, li to cost 916,000. I ( : i : i: !! i! w : WIIKX A MAX'S MMtlUKi) When n man's married a great mnny things may happen to him, but one of tho best things that can fall to his lot Is to have a home wherein The Herald ta the family newspaper the guide, philosopher and friend of the household. Tho Herald will be nil qf that If given the opportunity. Through Its advertising col umns It will put pure food and drink on his tablo; It will place correctly fashioned garments upon his back, a well-shaped bat upon his bead, good shoes upon his feet; It will tell him how to furnish and paint It; It tells hi in how to save money and how to Invest his savings; it points tho way In a hundred lines of avcry-duy activity; and, If ho will let it, it will be trio best nil round friend ho ltns, next to his wife. Tho best way to be friends with Tho Herald and Its adver tising columns is to tako It home ovory day and accept tho help It offers you. It pays to shop lu The Herald before you shop In the stores; 01 por cent of the clrculntlou of this paper goes direct Into tho hornet, The new proportion of levylug the nksessmenUt for the cost of Third j street Improvement was brought up' In last night's meeting ot the council. December "th is the date set for ob jections to be heard. . Under this assessment the abutting! property Is assessed 50 per cent. In ' the former assessment, which was ob- i Jected to, this was 65 per cent, ' The second lot back Is assessed lit per cent, the third at S per cent, and . the fourth and fifth lots and all the second block lots are each assessed ' 4 per cent of the cost. I'nlted Press Sanrlca LOXDOX, Nov. 17. OAcial advice from Christiana are that the Ger. liinn cruiser Berlin was Interned today at Thread. The commander re Irortetl submarine off the Lofodea Islands. It U believed the Teeeel convoyed a flotilla of submarine, plaaatag to raid the British warship in those water. Tho nally Mail's Dunkirk lorrespondent estimate the Germaa in the last four days of lighting la Flnader at 100.000. Fkjbttac tiiiuc, despite the blisard. Premier Anqulth today announced tho entire Xortu Sea ia now a I Itary area. This means that vessels entering do so at their owa risk,- re gardiag mine, and are subject to the orders of the adlmralty. Citlted Press Service CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 17. OOlclaU say the Turk attacked defeated British Indian troops at Fao on the Persian coast. The Hiadoo losses uere l.OOO. COLLISION HURTS HORSE AND AUTO United Prebs Service LOXDOX, Xov. 17. An omclal statement says the Austrian made a sneeplug defeat of the Servians at Kalnbara. Six thousand prisoner aad much nrtlllery equipment uere captured. i United Press Service HKItLIX, Xov. 17. It is oMctarV denied that (Jeraniny refused Aater AMMAL K11ACTUIIK8 A LKO. AXli , cwi aW ( lulgillllK lBttead, Oermanj is pleated by the oer of aJUb. CAR IS BADLY TORN UP BY THK TOXGUK OF THK WAGOX. rilAVKFKWt IS UNHURT Tho nutomobllo of W, J. Joues, who bus leased tho Ankeuy ranch, is minus u windshield and front scat, with the back sent und gasoline tank torn open, and is otherwise permanently disabled; u big draft horse belonging to tho O. K. Transfer company is dead after suffering n fractured leg. Both Injuries came as tho result of a col lision on Sixth street last night. Tito team, which was driven by Charles Talbot, was stopped near Sixth und Main streets, while the driver was In a store. During his ab sence the team started to run away, and collided with Mr, Jones' auto, which was coming up Sixth street, Mr. Jones, strange to say, was not Injured, although the tongue ot the wagon missed htm a very little bit.. School Levy 2 Mills Tax Is Due to Cost of Free Text Books and Misic A. two mill levy for school pur poses was decided upon by the board of directors of School District No, 1, Last year no levy was made for tho maintenance of the local schools Members of the board ot directors say that wero It not for extra expenses It would not be necessary to levy the tax this year, The money la needed, though, to pay for the free text books taxpayers of .receutly voted by the the district. Another item of expense added, la the course in music, which the tax payers recently petitioned the boar of directors to re-establtsb. This is to be started again about Deceajber 1, The regular school election, will he , - ;, held November 87th. at .the Central & school. At tfa'at time, a 'awwaar jttft K the board of dlreetors will be eawvL 1 3! K A? r t,t N-' Jrr ' -T J- N . j. , 4,'S IV Pift4l bfrkf & U