V Sir &WM u 1 vtmn9 Herald PRINTS THE KLAMATH PALLS' , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER o NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS t "J. P-3M!lffi" v- ip. -.w v aMf ,sae Mulll Vmi '. U'W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1914 Price, Str Eh ASOUITH ASKS " OTHER CREDIT FOR WAR COST foltrd Vto Hrvlr. LONDON, N'1. " I'romlor A., uuiiti ih lit" i'ou" of "" ','r .xtl Ui Wttlite f addition " llnl ujIU a WHU'M " MUr. tf. Tll It'1 boU ICfrt to tin. AiaulUi itod " Hatunlay IbV ,ul ol tho r four mid half l , million dall wr iiorinM jBiIIUf. fulled !( lWvr HKItLIN. N". 16. -Am mrU tuufoHit frma tlenefa nut that Dhwou nl Ktiit dWabUd (ho rrnU. ,r Kslcmi off HfnnlUn, U U aim rt til4 thai nowal hundred French io4 HflllnU trlon?r have Ikm uk Irs IUIkIuui, I lelltd lit bVrvr LONDON, Nov. 1(5, According t Ite thttfin nelPrr Muk printed t ilrutU, a llr Itish aviator rrM-d lourlri, IIoIkIuiii, nml bontnetl Hip tntt, Mlllng Oficen. SPORTSMEN WILL HOLD AN ANNUAL liw.TMit vitAiu.v ii:m,tt n hi: mxti Tmioimmv Monr. i 1,1 t nrrici:im iaTi:it tiv Tomorrow tiltlil U llw lima lor ifce annual turHlntS i llm KUiilnltt ititttnn' A(ifUtloii. Tito mct lot lit tw held at Dm Oiiutrr ot Ciiminrtri, lirait)imrtrri. It U lrlltitPt that nt ttimorrow rtlitit' nnx'tliiK only rmitltio matter lll tw Btirtuin,! (v, nml that srratiKt" mtnti 1 lw nisdo for tin prt mn i a later dt, at which iliiic1 oaifrtii will Ik, named. Mrrl4Kf l.lrrnw lurt. A linrilaer. ctni was lur-t to Jr Ki I. I). Hontwkk find Ktfrthi? Ctawfiird Tin priMipvi'tivit itroom U i'sri owner tif tt Itxal Imrbor hui, lit Ntiw J..rpy and Marylntid rhlt Htm u )cnn of hKo ntid undor, as writ oliior, toll all day in thu berry MA, lit the coUnit flflilH of thn South cttlldrcti ft, i and 10 yr of Ke (iv 69 hour dwk, nvrragliig worn limn in hour day. Mexican Peace Near Carranza Makes Proposal I'nlnd 'f(., Horvlco XhlllNflTON, I). C, Nov, 10. WIhUht or not thu Mexican factious lll pmroMily ;ijre will probably u Ici-hldl In Hid dnyB, ninii( depurt 'mit'. Millets Iiiiliiiitu that tho coif fnenrcH Ih'Ihcuu itiprest'titiiilveii iif 'llrnif unit I'mri.timi tiro uenrlug a clonu lliiltftl ritiiiiw (,'oiimiI llmiornl Joint ' MIIIiii.iii, Mini U will; Crrtna, Ims nitillU'tl 8.(ietiuy ii-ynn thai un ngrt"1 "I'm Is uenr. "lilted Press Horvlro i:ii I'AHO, Tpx,, Nov. lfl.(tiiornl tnitlerroi lias wired Enrique Ltorim I". IiIh dlplnmntlo tigunt horn, that lie "'H prmoiinliy tmbinltted to Vllln the ''ffer of Cnrraiuu to transfer hU nit Uiorlty to (lutlorrox and oxiiitrluU "Imsolf if villa will roslRit from tltn "my and lettvo Mexico. Villa, it it mm, BBa agreed to do Avon g( Wnv ..-J iL L-""' """"'" "Ie Piac" Jefl AUSTI ,.,.: Wi r? ii b BKHMCSr. OW BULG.R CkiUVvV "HrA v5?l r4 "-v V&zQl.. tSv3ivj'w -J L 'V k. s v r jsr t-H-- ,-.x rsnrjiamiNr., . i3?crmrtmi fl... u, l.-, .. . - ,x , inn ! ii.i mmni uiAtrr mo uri-.ntiu with Hit. a.hfiit t TttrVy. and Utile Mrr IIUS.U HB,i Tu.kny , ' rK V T , . ' At thU ilW" U'C CruU"r8 GH!bon i . mi-.! mi TurKny nrJ( Wfora,nK ,0 ,tUMifll forelsn and llrolu, said to have been sold lmi Ivm fAiighi m lit. Im.dr .f mr. 0,c In Aruirala. thu RUMlan.lto the Turks by the German govern- IVtl. whlrli ! tuit u, long dUtahc'logwI lt- Turks at the vlllaKe of m-nt. are In tho Black Sea. Alreadj from iudU Tno Itii.iitina cfOMfM the (ontaln shortly after the t'iuita.ut muontal Turk, bar. ii. Imiub.nlmi.1 uf Turk, lHrC.n IW ImmlMnimri,! f l(ut4lM rltl.-4 .l. ili lllack Hoa mart, EXCAVATOR ON . "DIXON" DRAIN itr,Titv NoitTiiwiNT or tiii: MI.VON ItAM'll TO UK MtAINKIl. OI'IA'IJHT T Hi: lll'H.T OX TIIK .vMIIII.IKtIIMIlt IIIIAIV Tim furlnniatlon trxlro nxrax-alor .No I IimIrj' started Miork on the Dlx inn drain, which U to drain thu coun jtry noriliwrdt of thtt Dlsou rnitch. Tlilii vt III drain llio ioU and Kithtilo ,lti (tint Kfiltin, tmt will not dUttirb lt mi knoHti a "Dltou's ponil," whlrli Is n favorltD duck poiul. Tim lntlT i,irt of tltU 'k tint 'rvrtantalloti stvIc lll Htnrt work nit n rtinrr'i' culvert, wlu-ro tho Hmlth'llorni'r drain rronnt thu dlvcr iliiit rltnniu) Thlrwlll rIvo t'tpplo)' .mi'iil to nlHiitl trinity iitrtt. That Suits Everybody thin, sttyltiK Unit "' ' "IIIIiik to sue jrlllfo ovorytliliig for par In tho re public, (lilllorros ntid the ontlrt' Agutis Cul- I Unites convention tiro prepared to go to Mexico 'lty nml llimlly ittrniiK" for thu irmmftir of authority. il'nltt'd I'U'sa Service W'AHIIINUTON, 0. C. Nov. 10. fitiito ili'imrtiueiit dliipatcitea cniinrm thu United Press dispatches from Kl Piiho Hint Cttrrniua Ih itgreeil to ro tiro tttitl louvo Mexico. Hccretary lliynn says this iiu'iiiih tho rostnrutlon of Ponce. (Iiitlttrrex hint Bout u poHltlvo Knur- 'iintco to PreHldout Wilson that the j lives mid ptoperty of foreigner will bo nioloctoil. liu wiya that dlctntnr- Vlilps tiro eittlud forovor In Mexico, nml that the military taction reaiuo iiuit only n government tho people thtmi ttolve commission can roorganlsq und Htnhlllxu the govornineitt, v ft ! I v ., . Li' j ;) TVZZ-wBKav -- :-"v.' ;'' cx t V" l S vTViswTP" . m. ". Alif 'J4-sfrV . Site?'01-0" - f Ab 1A."'"Vv,.A 'OL ,, 5 I I - J B Vk. -Md h. - -J I .'--w-vt- x s r . j .. x. - .." 4JMriurzf. ,i " i 9ktw wfiywM Srtyor- " Jv. " 5 cdw G.LACK SEA JteTi h"" r . . ImL TtjmC -i'-' 1 4 -- . .!5.-y a &. & rW&lSsmm.J?a" " - ----- I - ; - '" ' . """"" " ' " """' ,ummmm """'"""""'"'"""'""''MHHHIHanMM ltlllit a . . . . faw day had Invndtd T . A",1' A Hwn rorc attackwt Ariiti-nm, a 'Ui' lx,' ro,,M w1 of Krg Af,or jOd'ta and Theodosta have been at- 1 1'"'' nKllt ,hc,r ,0ok K,,oraM" andjtacked. The strength of the Russian V. . . '" u.ey kh,k uira-. llh ,,. ,irUonpril aa Mrm. munition of war. After tbat they en-j KILLS HORSE AS WELL AS CHICKEN I OUT KI.MATH KAItMKIt'S .II'I'K. ' TITK COR MUX tOHTS 200.- I mri.i.irr tii-wctx ,.vi :ai'si:s j IUS.HTi:il (Herald Hecll Service) KORT KLAMATH, Nov. 1C L. W Ciipvland, who oporutes an uxcellenl clour ntid tltuothy ra ncli i ot this luuii, hud th misfortune of killing Him of til tine ork homed, vuluvd at (2UQ. Tito accident iigulu proves Unit firearms tiro always dangerous, and that llm "liuiuceut hystandor" Is about ns safo (1) ns he over was. In an t'ffort to get iho porquislto for ii chlrki'it dinner, Mr. Copoland had Irt'd a couple of unsuccessful shots .vltli a .32 rifle at n hen when ho dis covered that ho was out of nhelU for this rifle. Copcliuid l lun took his .S0-.30, aud nfior llrlng n tofi-iiosHl bullet ho found thin he hud siirciH'dod, not only In killing Hit' chicken, but also n hot ho. Thi' bullet, glancing from a hIiciI hiilldliig, iiassed through tho stnhlt', and hlttltig the horse, tore a fdl'liiK wound throiiKh Its Iiiiiki. l.ltcti.ij MeetitiK I'onIIMiihhI. In order to give nil ot tho men an nppot Utility to attend tho meeting to bo held tomorrow night by the Oregon .Social llyglt'iio Society, tho regular mi'i'iluK of tho Klamath Literary Club litis been postponed until Friday ulKht The meeting will bo held at tlii homo of Mr. und Mrs. C. P. Stew nrt, on Washington street, and the illsPiitblon topic will ho "Modern riillo'ioplty." with Rev. K. O. Rlch ii tls as louder, The llrst European parliament to enforce teototnllsm was that of Ice land, whoro n law was passed two years ago prohibiting the Importation or stilo of Intoxicating liquors. Ono effect of this measure wns to deprive tho foreign consuls nt Rlekjnvlk of their drink, so thoy protested to the governor, pointing out that such n deprivation constituted an Infringe ment of the right ot diplomacy, Hllverton has voted bond for a new high school, DI-L C 7 rW'iA,l tercd llayasid, the capital of one of th.t provinces. macK v nt t. not known. Should, forts wero able to withstand any dr,vo 0(U ,he TurkiJ R w( begInaval BltackS( but tho gtatemenl ,, bombardment of fortifications at Con-j doubted. INSTALLING NEW HEATING PLANT I.MI'ltOVKMKXT IH I1KIXG Lll)K I , AT THK lit. ACKIIUHX HOHIMTAL. Mi:ilCi:itV I'RIXSSURK TVI'K IS IIKI.NO PUT IX In order to Improve the heating facilities at the Blackburn Hospital, J. K. Morau of the J. Looney company of San FraucUco this morning started tho liHlallltiK of a uew heating sys tem. John Shannon Is assisting Mr. Moras. Tho system being installed Is a Honeywell mercury pressure system, one of the latest to be devlsod. This Is tho first of tho kind for Klamath Falls, and Manager A. J. Lyle ot tho hospital expects to bnvo tho best heat ed building In town this wlntor. BURGLAR TRIES TO ENTER STORE ATTEMPT IS MADE TO CUT THROUGH TIMIIER RARRING THE REAR DOOR OF K, SUGAR .MAN'S STORE EARLY SUNDAY Another mean of taking advantage) of u uiori'liiiiullso sale wns tried nt K. SiiKnrmuu'a btore early Sunday morn ing, when n would-bo burglar worked to get Into the store und rob the safe nml till. An unsuccessful nttemnt wns mudo to gnlu entranco through a trap door, and then attention was cfv- en to the rear door. After forcing tho kay from the lock the burglar found his way sarred bv it heavy timber bar on the Inside. It uin evidently his Intention to snw through this, for he had whittled n bllt lu tho door panol opposite the tlm- I'd'. Tho Intruder, It Is believed, wus frlghteiied away. Amity Is planning to build water-works. I i flnfl inHsm .slnntinople. In fact, so conP.dent hare the Russians become that they have rcnnmcl tbat Brcat Tsargrad. At the Dardanelles a nritlah-French tU-t Is bombarding the fortllicatlons. It is not known how stronc thev are and how long they will hold out. The Turks have given it out that these PHOENIX SWEPT BY BIG BLAZE FHIK STARTING IX RESTAURANT SPREAD THROUGH IICSINESS DISTRICT, DESTROYING SEVER AL DUILDINGS United Press Service PHOENIX Arlr.. Nov. 16. One ,ot tho most disastrous tires In the history of Phoenix was controlled , shortly beforo noon today, after sweeping a portion ot tho business , district. Half a dozen buildings were destroyed early this morning. The damage will run close to a million. . Tho Are started In a restaurant 'kitchen. CATTLE, SHEEP RECEIPTS LIGHT jlKMJS LKE A RETTER SHOWING, , RUT RARELY ENOUGH CATTLE I , RECEIVED TO MAKE AN AP j PEAHANCE PRICES GtM)D I I (Herald Special Service) PORTLAND. Nov. 16. -Receipts Jot cattle continued light till last week, barely enough coming forward to make a showing. Some good steers wore sold first ot week nt $7.25, During tlio week from $T to $7.15 was the general price for tops. The market wns steady to strong for nil classes, Hogs again made a much bettor showing. Tho market opened. at $7.15 and closed at 17.20 for tops. Monday's run ot 4,000 did uot cause n flutter In the market, all go ing at steady to strong prices. Good nverago receipts 'and quality all week. Sheep receipts continued light, and tho demand Is still excellent, Top lambs sold at f6.35, all other line strong to higher. For killing sheep trade baa been good, feeders' being lu good demand. DESPITE RAIN, SLEET,SNOW AND FLOODS, TROOPS FIGHT; REPORT REGIMENT DROWNED liiltd l'reat dornc ' UEUMN. Not. 1C It I offlclallr 'announced tbat evcrywhero In the west tlio Oermans hold tbelr poal- tlo:i Sunday, anil rcputsod ttio at- tacks of the allies south of Dlz Mudo. Official nay that the figbttng along 'the coast la less violent, at it Id mow ing and nlfrctlne, with an Intermittent (cold wind. United Prc Senrice LONDON, Nor. 16. As a result of tbo galea and storms the fa to ot th ,allled left in Uciglum is concerning the war oOlce. It Is realized tbat 'there Is acute danger of an epidemic. The troojs are suffering Intensely, tax it la practically Impossible for then! to keep dry. Heavy clothing and winter supplies ore being rushed to the front. The German situation Is said to be jeven more serious. The roads are fm ' passible as a result of the flooding. I Guns and wagons are virtually ma frooned in many places. United PreKS Service 1 I'ARIS. Nov. 16. According to to J day's communique, an entire German , regiment was destroyed by water ? ELKS PREPARE ' FOR MEMORIAL (SKllVICK WlMi UK HELD DECKM - l HER TH NEWLY' ELECTED) JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME j COURT TO DELIVER ADDRESS i Sunday, December 6th, will bo ob served by the Benevolent and Protec tive Order of Elks all over tho United 'States as Memorial Sunday, when ob ' servances will be neld lr nonor ot the . members gono beyond. Plans for the I local observance are already under t way. Hon. Lawrence Tt Harris of Eu gene, ono of the newly elected justices jot the supreme court, will deliver tho address here. The service will prob ably bo held in Houston's opera t house, and the public is Invited. Reserve Banks Open System Outlined to Correct Future Financial Evils i United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 16. iTho biggest bank tho world has over i seen, tne t-euerai iteserve uanK, cap .Ital stock $20,000,000,000, designed jto prevent panics and give elasticity , to our currency, opened Its doors for business today. in twelve cities the regional bauks formally began their work. In every city and most every town ot the coun try, banks formnlly became member of tho Federal Reserve Bnuk system. Tho twelve regional banks with their capital based on 6 per cent of tho total capital stock and surplus ot tho member banks, follow; No. 1 IJoston , 9,S21,513 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 Now York 20.627,606 3 Philadelphia . . . 12.C00.738 1 Cleveland 12,100,38-1 5 Richmond . . . . 0 Atlanta 7 Chicago 8 St. Louis 9 Minneapolis . , 6.542,713 . 4,702,558 . 12,967,701 . 6,367,006 . 4,702658 , 5,600;77 . 5,053,924 . 8,116,494, the Federal No. 10 Kansas City . , No. 1 1 Dallas , No. 12 San Francisco . Tho Inauguartton of Reservo bank today mark a com plete revolution in Uncle Sam's cur rency system, Ita builder claim it north of Ulxfcchoote, whan the allies , again flooded tho district where there ,has been bitter fighting tor a line to I thu coast. This evening's dispatch said five miles had been added to tho flooded area, caused by cutting tho dykes aid tho swollen sEreamt from tho rain. It (extends from Dfx Mudo" to three mllea ifromHIxschoote and the Forest Hou 'thulst. It was the recession of water last week that permitted the Germans to attack Dlx Made. Tho trenches of both armies are full of water. Rain and heavy gal nre sweeping the coast. j Heavy artillery has been active fo?" the past twenty-four hours, as it la is possible for Infantry to more tuider tho present conditions. The Germans are endeavoring to regain a iwmom uiuug wie ir. ii is stated tbat they were drives to the right bank ot the canal with heavy loss. Reports are that the Qeraaa aeex Dlx Made are reinforcing. Towbs are (being wrecked. Fighting is swinging away from .Vpres, the heaviest actios belHg six miles from there. CHURCH BUYS A STEREOPTICON t !SKKIES OF SIX LKCTUKES OX 80- r CIAL SERVICE TOPICS TO BE GIVEN AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH PRETTY SOON . Tho Christian church board Sunday decided to purchase tor the church the stereopticon lantern recently' or Jdered by Pastor S. D. Harlan. The lantern will be used la connection with a series of social service lec tures to be given at tho church. Tho illustrations for these lectures ; are now being used with success ia Idaho, and as soon as possible tbey ,wlli bo brought here. There are six I lecture sets, embracing some vital questions. The talks will be made by local speakers. will keep too much money from ttow ' lug Into Wall street, to the detriment ui i un re-si ui mo cuuuiry, caauie one section ot" tho country to better aid the business of another section In time of need, strengthen credit In times of stress, and thus, by keeping the money supply evenly distributed, and mora easily available, euro the country ot the panic disease which has been recurring about every twen ty years for the past century. Tho way It Is going to affect the nverago person Is something like this: It John Smith, in Kansas, hat s wheat crop that he wishes to move, and if Kansas is short of money, then the Federal Reservo board will aid the Kansas City regional bank la get ting money at any or all ot the other eleven realonal banks. It mair? that Atlanta hasn't the moaeV'to spare, or that New York may ,b financing foreign shlpswato, or that Hoston- needs her mosey fr AMyjf$ rallla, but JSan Franclseo awur haVt Vf plenty of cash, to spare. f "' - V$ It so, then tbo Sas Frasolaeo aseaey V will bo used to store H, wh A"ari" 'Ml in Kansas, the-entlre syeteat ot wdtt'fO being so co-ordinated tmtMfiutif ether sa to have bask aetaa.s j':;;, . WWOWOOWWXMMWMVWMWMMWXMWWMWWWWW -l.f, ' (Cmu m put nmwjs -2? "ri' ' " Q 1 ul "TL - , ja'' (t;' k& J-JrK ljv.'j ..R iV ui 'tfi11