1 W3 55 tlj fu rottta; IteraUt PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWSWIHUUTWNKW8 " Iwlli Voir N. . P a -AUHttUwU -Jtw OJH ,rSV r 7-?f yn-!!' .r-j!-yyiy KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914 ITW, Vtr KLAMATH TAKES ROOF 18 ON THE SEVERAL PRIZES NEW COURTHOUSE FOR VEGETABLES itir.w n-HHKi with iim'i: iiiiiim.m:iih WOIIKMI M.tll t st l.itli AC i minikin oMi'i.ini.it iiiu i:. MI.NI' UOIIK UtltMs lOllN v v milii Antwerp Refugees Tramping About Holland With Possessions . ... . II) HUlklHK a llUlouttirilin U. L.,.1 rt-.. w S lim 'rl. ,(6) ,,,,, ,,, feniI,tor,,, 01 , imu, itrf.iii.li. liriMMiw Tttrrvi Werv .r t-ou... rwtuirucitun ork compliMed ft ii l rii Til ri III rmiirin work on li roof, therubr rinie .nlrM lltimv rt,t,ic u,r rovering of thi- bis new ihH Ih Varied tmMt hutH" III cilio tepllliG Milllltn fe III I'nxlu'r IHilAX rtftiltiH IIm I.'iHI lr lAlM. l r now , poMlblo for b OtilKti unit Cller". STHSS -"WZllMJ r Uf r"i W'JfilCSSIElSRSaSSS IS-iM tHiirkmrit iii work on tee Interior of (tit) bulldlllK III" K'rAtri Ul t'f il" wittier It following telegram tp (tinl b The Herald from doors C ltter c(roinrf of the KUuislh fUmt r uf Cuiutntrt'e, who tin been I tktr u( tbe KUuiAlti count)' p Ublt l H Portland Manufacturer ,tJ Utod I'toduti rdiM, whlrlt l'e tkrle IihU) 'KUwnili (wunl' exhibit rmplur rd t. diploin mill a rti prlle ( UtM pmduie dWptay, mill tflii 4lpotaM rro awarded tilt the itl (Uj f uniuit nmt rle-. Uur Srdrr Urm unit IturbstiU m utoc th.tc.l fnr fim fit" winner oirr we did lint hav If o rtrtnl" uti 4liUy, Ih-)- ph mi' noB.Mrirj fur l iirU," Mr lltoKsr Uxt fur KUliiatlt rIU umwrro MODOCS MAY GO TO MS. F. FAIR II. Ih MIIhI.h im OM'l.ltltlMI Willi Jtrc muni, i: i oiiicih .UOlT Ml II . VKMI'lli: ON tiii: . sir PHKYitf Hk PblM --.; ; -tMRJ JW Xglit&l. -warn rriv. smr.- K.rk-r,v-- vmhb. n .Mf IT bi ? JKH L l1JKSK'J.VHrw,il COLD RAINS ADD TO THE HORROR OF FLEMISH BAT TLEFIELD; PRUSSIANS HELD IIKUI.I.V, Not. II. ll Ih ofllclrtlly uiiiioiiiktiI Umt ilio OcrmaM have ini.il ilic Vm.t cnnal n-l of liUKfinarcii, nnil It in ilrcUrcil tht they I lin. riiiluifi Mlclcy, tlinv mile mmiIIi of Ypre. I . tf t LOV'DU.V, Nov. I J. Tho uar oflkc 1 rvr opliiuLilit' orcr tlie altmtloa in llnmli'iK, and I lie ttilinlttdlljr uiiavolilnblo cmly r.Matlon of llir German iill.uk iimiii thr line iWttiillnit llie cooat. ' OdlilaU ny Hint nrconUng to unofflriul ic;.hi1 the allien Iijt re-occw ilnl Dlx Slmle. , Itnin ami gnlc arc rvpiiiK tin. trt'mlies nlon tlte coHt. A (to imfntornlilc netitlicr l rni(illy Ix-cmninK rw, thU will nadoahledly 1 1 -:i Tier fnliillllcs. J Tlio ntarslij- Kruuml In Itclitlum illtrlrt U Hooded, and In nuwjr il'KKl M"ltli rorii'. i1 t- 0 I'AHIS, .Nov. 14. Tlie-coimiiuul'l"o m) the aide hare deed kllomt'f i-r i-t or lllxMlioole, n one Incident in the eoatiaued vtoleat trB Kle from Vprt". touartl the -a. Tlie Germans continue their mm!u, hut tln. nlliick nrc In the main renJlcd. , , iU-Iiorl mjt the Krrnrh continue tlie ofTensite nortliwet of SoUcoea. The German ore ctrondy entrenched there. Tlie wnr ofTJcc has l.mded the IlrltUh troojw for their repulae of the us.l:in jniard at Vprci. Sereti hundred Gemmu dead found behlad lae fimit llrltUh lrturln after tlie repnle. Indicate the ferocity of (be IwnV fo-lmrid encounter. J' The (eniuiii attncktsl In the ino.! determined manner, aad their ! f wt Hppnlline. Tlie rehtnnption of the furioim drive toivanl tlie eoaat bf tltc Germaas fr. cxpetted. OuInB to the neather. continued nsnaului of any cOB0eqitece lire imolble. Botli armies are suffering from tlie cold aad rata. ., iv liuuiuri-U, j llie) may uoi aguiu easiRe lu tho war. So afany thous-! Rnalnri AAvanrfHL and of nermann Jammed Into Ant-. Funds to Belgium; 6ERMANY TELLS Of NAVY FIGHT on ki.m, Mm:Mi:.vr itti'i:it IIUiWtlll.MJ ('tllttlVCI. Ar'I'AIII. wtin.ii ami: iuiiii:m .iti:ii "Kii;.v A dilute mi til. KIbmaUi ami Mo it iv Indian n.i lti Moiloc War anJ c tolliciloti of Indian curitw from lJil' ThU l jiut ona partr of Autrp,lvi, much lei rI them noemthlnts cn Umt tbero ui nothing for the' Mtioii mr l-v one of tl.o Mtraciloiu tefuitre cauclu liy Hut camera tnftt'ilto cat Herbert Corey, who made an handful of Uclclan troop to do but, al Hit. I'Atmma-l'aciflr Cxponlilun, ir In Holland Tliern wero ItiO.OOQ of7inctleut5on on the roadi leading I to kcatler. Slace the Uelglans who; Ilio plan now twins outlined do not tit it ncatlercd alons lh road from 'from Antwerp, found men. women fled Antwerp hav found the German' ,1'nltcd i'nwis Serrlce mUrrirrr A jrt thousb. tbrre ban Antwerp Into Holland, and they bae and children tramping by the thous- to be well behaved many of them are, LONDON', Nor. 14. b.i. 1.1.1 i.ine tanrtble dune atid-iel all oyer ibe little Dutctrand, Thtii women are accompanied coins back to their home. Tho dam-ialdod Kelgium by n i i. i.iM mimiiT im ja immarcdv Tlu. border ion could by Mm of the tlelglan soldier who age done by the shelU waa not great. lEOu.OO!) to the stricken little mon-. .. .. ......... .,, . -- , , .1 . .... ..... . . . . ...... ...i . i,.i in.i.irv f itin in. not. of courw. caro for a tenth or ran wnen mo ticrmana cni into aiii- u ny snouiu e destroy me city j torch. me crown also -England today I advancing JH,- PLOW UP THE HOPPER E66S I at prment In Hut Kran- them. They could not even And warm . werp. A large part of King Albert's the Germans asked. Illdril- doe War. i ai prment in in fran- ,mV w.m i ....-.-..... - -..-. clKO. taking the matter up with ..dare for ths women and children to "army went oor thc,DjUch border andJGerman city?'; t..Jtlon (iitrlati He U In corri-i" -' ' ; npntidetifo with Captaltl O C Apple sate Itlddlo nnil other about the ad vltabtllty of the move. Mine writer. I tint the Orexun bulldlh at the fair U ttm mott oris Inat of any of tho tato bulldltiKn. and I 111 n clam by llelf It will bo one of the nrt bulldlns to oatch the n)e, he nays Altliouc.lt the Orestm bulldlus U wt back from the others, Xltneit ia "Is It not nowa$4.00o,000 to Servta. German Aviators Fly Over England GIlNKltAL SCOTT TX BE HEAD OF ARMY advanced 1 i STKOY EGGS THAT WOVLD I HATCH UY COMING SPSCfG, S.iYS EXPERT I'ftlltd I'tot Service lll:itl.l. ou The Hague). Nov II Tb (ollowlns rwtardlns tha Coronet battle U given lu the nmclrtl hai lhl ' more than repaid by the iUlttt)tut inct that It ironts on tne tiowcn uaie. Tlie Nurrtpburg sltottced the Good tlfci.. ....i . i. .....,.. i. ,, r. lu, in. n i' I'oalliou. ikuics of righting. Tho Monmuuiti' Curll I' H.t.cr, fur ewrtil years .u .f.el whUtllug a deep Christmas Ship Is Y i W1 W 1 1 United I'rewi Sen Ice 'today announced that General Hugh! majority of our Injurious I f tAV IrllOsy Mlalrlt!! MEHLIN. (wireless Ma SayUII.). ; Sc" ucce Gnfl William W.f h lhe wateJ I II I 1 1 II If A I larll IS Nov- I The war ofllce declares that ' otherspoon as chief of staff of the ' statement Vrll lUI ffttl I IVIUUloerman abators hao flown over United States Army. The change is ,n olX' ' l 8tateraent Slwrness and Harwich. England. utTecUve .Monday, I'lilli-d I'reas riarlce NEW YOUK, Nov flifd, but tl.o 0Nd Hope. ihouKhirontisrled with Hie Ills Hniln t.urabw farewell, tho U S I. . . .. .... . ...Ill ... .,.l allll . ...... ... ,. ...... Tho departure of the Jason recalled j4 with all to mind tho history of one of the most tl ir0(t,(. UmpresalU' movements fostered by lAmorican newsiapers anu eucourageu by American pcopio, Amarican ran- Jusen steamed ' In on Uiuluesa. , A. Mark, a progressive Olene rancher, was In the county seat Sat-, urday, giving attention to business' matters. United I'resa Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 14. j OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- Secretary of War Llndley M. Garrison LEGE. Corvallls, or. 13. Tb 'today announced that General Hugh majority of our Injurious 'Watt ofc IX v recently Wotherspoon was raauo bv A- L- Lovett, insect speclal- lue uregon Agncmiunu v,oi- tege. Those eggs are placed in the raoro compact soli about the borders jot fields. In meadows and pasture land named as chief of staff last March, ,1st at suiceeding General Leonard E. Wood. lege. EASTERN KOOTHALL SCORES tJI; damaged, trpd In ih dark BfM, I'tiltrd I'ri-ns Hervlc CI.KVl:LAND. Ohio, Nov. i The Whlor AtiMlger, a local tlertnan 'lHr. iirse I hut nil rhlldreti born to Hermans or Herman American parent on November 10th be named "Em dtn," in rtimmsiuorate the linking of llit cruiser. i cumimii) nun niremnii, aim ni oul today on Its mission or gisunens roads and the Red Crosa Society. later a mill am' JTd foreman, has )( m,joll ,)r mor, ci,,rtfU whose The first mention of tho project, resigned his position He litis accept. kJUd () Ku two months ago. gripped the hearts of pit n pmce iin hi" iii,,ii. - f4rtitrlnK ctiinpan) at Shlpplngton Mr Seller I a highly capable I tint bermnn YALE , .HINCETOX ...10 ...14 'and In clover and alfalfa fields. They ; occur iu tho surface soil in capsuWa containing from thirty to one hundred t. Sues on n Note. j C, S. aud R. S. Moore have died an action In tlie circuit court against; l,l.n i,Annl AiF,i,'Vvlinrn ltlrtt Mllln' . ,.. ,vw,..v. ..., ...... ...... ,...,... . .... ie in .1.' pouring Into tho newspapers through-,""" ,"' '" ,v ,! '. ' I Moves Ills Ottlce "... .,.! nfr-,i.. ..i r nii'les1' " " note, and 20 aUor-f " "rac-- HARVARD 0 nROWN Q .. In the bold of the collier was tilled joul Uf rollntI.J.( orrerlng aIll of mi the .lrk I.Ul. Andrew J Homer of tb olllco talT with Christinas presents coutriuuiou j.nui- by Amvrlciuis from nil purts of this, Railroads offered (country. free transporta tion of the gifts to New York. Soci eties offered to co-operate with the Red Cross organization In seeing that tho presents for the kiddles were Ecry shin nlung the rler front of the IVIIcau liny Lumber company ftm (l ut upcr hay dlspla)i-d flags I rtiiiflneil la his home with n thrent-1 f ,. l,B.onlltt,lrrlng and neutral until attack of typhoid nm K,xvry concolxablo spot to which carefully packed bunting could be attached was a blase The high point of Interest was l-.i.- All. r lH. f ,olor. The windows of tho big reached when Secretary of the Navy Daniels volunteered to act Here lor a VMl. Mr. Alma HarrU mid Mrs. Prank Mimiifilf ft ttvrtrA I at a I M I at Is mm unburn, Neb.. io visit their dnuetitprs Mm (lllbert of Merrill, who n .Kykcrnpers were crowded with spec Josephus nd tliters. Mrs. Maxwell M. .onB.lwii tMtttiiR Mr and Mrs Robert i . a,orii ,0 KOt n glimpse of the Jnsoii. ,na the nntlunal Santa Claus by offer M Mian Jennie Harris, 'main nil winter. They . . .1 1 !.!.. 1 . ... - will AleKinidsr, liiia rettirneii to tne aii-in',, 0,cn yncClt 0u tho rlter front at Ing the use of the new comer Jason 'City, 'thn Rnttory and the docks wero Jam-!ns a "sea sleigh" to carry the offer- mod with cltltens who waved greet 'Ings of the American people across li,Kt i the ocean. i .,,,,.i.,,,,M . ney fees. Rollo C. Groesbeck Is at torney for the Moores. ileit for n Vlf.lt. Mr. nnd Mrs. C, Uert C. Thomas, who has been us soclated with E, L. Elliott for sev- eggs. Plowing the land where It Is prac tical to do so Is beneficlaK In meadow aud alfalfa fields use a spring-tooth harrow, or, better still, use a reno vator or spudder. This practice is of value to next year's crop, and wilt ral months, has opened law offices 1 uaUr.ur ..... in the Willets building. Prior to l?! aibaa.. ! lnHtlH(t E, Darling came coming to Klamath Falls Mr. Thomas """"" " -"" In last night from Nomo. where Mr was special agent of the general land Henry Conn, who has been attend Darllng operates a hardware store, to olllce at Portland. Ins to bis local property interests. visit their brother. H.J. Darling, and , lcaVcs ln tne n-".'nK for his home la wife of this city. From here they go.AMk Who'. Cominn! (Roaeaurg. to llerkeloy for the winter. Tho vaudeville team of the Medford Rink to Clotto Sunday Xightti. I high school will appear at Ashland, 'Gold Hill, Klamath Palls, Yreka and Tho More Ford Owners. Goorue Hlehn, local Bales agent for Aunotineement Is mndo by the Pa-il.tna Mills before their appearance lu'(the Ford Motor company, reports the llllon rink that the amusement place 'tbls. city. Although a little amateur-ales of cars to H. J. Tickner of Lu- Marsh Owners Elect UHMMMI Prisoner. In One City A Petrograd dispatch to Renter's Wills Million" to City i i i.A, ,,-,. It. llnrinniiii. who died n . ,.. ii-....iiTelegrum company says the number lew i in 8 ago at Uoltlmore, following .... . , . . . ........... ...r. .,... m,v .,r 1 1. ' Austrian prisoners brought Into ."'T.:". ...HM..t. few ner.!K,w 8,nc thft commencoment of tho companies mil inn imiiiii .",.- , - -- . .... l,a r,li,l n Inlnl nt 10ft mill will not bo open Sunday nights. The .tsh. they have thus far made a credit !rlnk will be open Sunday. afternoon, jnblo showing, Medford Sun. Ihowovor, so nil will bo given a chance j- ui r.me gell Valley and Mrs, Merrill this week. L. J. Joseph of Annual Meeting Held in This City Last Evening; snuat betiuesU. Tho money, about 80,000,000, Is to bo used In building; a Irco city hospital. Recently ho Knve ho rlty park ptoporty worth a mil lion, Tliu uiuum meeting of tho Low or Kluiiiiiti, Mnrth Land Owuvts Asso (itlim wits held last night ut tlu '"Ice of A, A, Mohttfftiy, whim tho fol low lug oitlrers wero chosen for tho "lining m... ''futliloiii, c, H, )0 ,,,. vlcn presi "it, Mike MiiUclieiibticlior; socrelnry A- A. Meliurfoy. treasurer, 1., P. WIN i. Alio) Ady wns elected n mom "f of Iho uxocutlvo board, tho oltN lrn comnrlslni tho other inoiubom. 'Iio u number or tho marsh luud owners attended, Inoludluc big del lon from Oklahoma, Cnllf. Pro ulsn 1...1 MMiniuer J 0. Cniiili was presDiit as ii uuiiosmitHilvn of tbo rt-c liiiniitloii Hcrlco 'inimr. tho aist ouilttod. show mi In UwiitliiiuBlillliliitllilHiooinfc imiKiH-s of ifiiiki"-" Ot toher EH)tls Heavy I'welM) iiorts for tho month of Oc- tlui uuvorniuont' proposition to nmrsh luud owners for tho pormn nciit ctoMlttif of tho B.to at tliu mil way winning would bo stibmltloil, but UJs Iiiih not iitilvoil from WiishluK (on, Tim oxiu'iitlo board will moot nuxt Bitturdny to IiivvsHkMo tbo I'rop osltlmi, wlilch will b rocelvod by Hint lime, mid thoy will net it tlmo for a meotlug of nil Hio mombem, when tlio propositi will bo formally submitted. HellKerent lluy Freely ! To ditto It Is stated that foreign orders for clothing, trucks, harness, I tinned meats mul the like In tho Chi cago uuu uoigiiuoring marxcts amount to between 17,000,000 nnd $8,000,000. Purchasing agents of tho British and French governments mo tn tho Held, and the former hat 13,000,000 gold In a local bank to bo The meat Armor Piute Contract Let ' ' Tlio llvthlehem and Mldvnle btetil hao been awarded the contracts for armor plate and steel fori tho now- battleships Idaho, California nnd Mississippi, toiallug S10.7C4.112,; n reduction of $757,342 in armorj plate compared with tho pi ice of two tears ago. Local Doctors Unite Klamath Medical Society Organized Last Night 33.0S2.370, drain I being exported freely, nnd Hie cotton movement Is used ugalnst purchases KnlnloB. Tho exports of brodstuiTs,inc)(ors tire said to have enough Euro lonipnreil with last year, how an j)onn orders on hand to keep thorn enormous Increase. tunning full time for a year. Italy has virtually decided to ac cept the offor of the czar to recelvo unconditionally tho Austtiaus ot Ital ian nationality captured by Russian s'jldlers, Tlieso number 5,000. and belong to the districts ot Trent, i Trieste, Con, Pola and Dalmatia. Russia is ordering, through tho . During the lust week lu October tho Chicago Association ot Commorco.j German casualty list, according to mutorlnl required In metal working Uorllu, amounted to 63,000, a total nnd ship building Wirth 16,000,000. Jof 40,000, i Under the now Urltlsli eyesight test rules, licenses to pilot mall steamers on the Atlantic are grunted only to men who can distinguish white, rod and greeu lights tho site ot it plnhead twelve feet away. At a meeting of Klamath Falls muko the orgaulxatlou one of the Physicians ut tho home of Dr. L. L.isroatest factors In the upbuldg pt I I.! nana It, tTVilla Truax last night, tho Klamath Med- ,,.. ' . . ... ,,. month, at which time social and hy- followlng omcers elected: President, jgjenlc measures of benefit to the i Dr. L. L. Truax,; vice president, Dr, J, L. Harris of Uonanxa; secrotary treasurer. Dr. Floyd M. White. This Is the first medical associa tion to be formed In Southeastern Oregon, and the members plan to munlty will be discussed. with matters pertaining to the itary conditions of town, the etc. n . tr? i i,i2pH V"!. rvni,1tu t,A iwaulutfA 4II ..!V. S-$ Kivuiumu m-j a..M.....j. .. ,.-.(., .i: work to educate the people i jaaft". , guarding against epldsailea, lto&',t iti I V ,ti e.,I