PRINTS TIIK -if i K(f; NEWS Wllll-K IT IS NEWS lj lEuttm Mvmlb KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER p. v. .-- ff.' Ninth rllw-..i, a.ft'-J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914 t'rlre. Fir ANOTHER RAILROAD KEY IS CAPTURED BY GIVEN PRESIDENT CZAR'S TROOPS BY LABOR LEADER IlLKl-M N'1 l,N,':,,4V, ,,,:. M' 'tN",ll; -I'Toll III mi In oiuiutivi ! m:i:ii:i til I'hr liiilf lit Of UrtlMHM Cam. lliliixlin Imu "MuiIm'i JuihV Iti I ! alaii " IdaM-l"! AlOMillltg I" CiiiimiHini nl Irflmr IIhmim Hrt) "Him Li'dlli-r Wink, (ill .lrll. Hut Hi'lliU liliiillirli !rtllll Mlut'r- lii ruliilililiiSn) Inn Mli "Mliili la.. Iliiiulil." Crew of German Submarine U9, Which Sank Four British Ships OARRANZA MAN WORST FIGHTING ll,r IVlM'isre'l W'nr Oltlrr liiB ,.,rnl Vn.lllrtll 1'urll-" I I" Mr, mmiiiitl J mimi Ttilr rl't- In n ' Vn M.iik I-). ! VfclUJ 'i. i' jl'llltr.l Pt Hl.ltl pktiiouiiah Nov. U- All n Philadelphia. no u tu I uul'sii amlr in itit Itrnimn iwni.fl!""" dliurbam of tt.n pal er mUh adaitum, s"1 "' -lwrilo niiuliie itmirjcu cam.. Will, uo occupation if Julianm-. ! their WWiir; at the ftuiventtoii of I,,,, Uv llu-ln ItRVo rUl-iI Oicjlbf AiMPfUan IVdemHtm t Ubnr to lr lo ilu isll l"ii l tonlrr day h.u Pn-.idrnt tfntnuel noinpna (turn KIUim.)pi lliriiueh l Lyc-, liHii.lun-d MiUlirf Join," the ik1 ,;n, jui,aoiilurB lli aimil.trr Human lm h toil tho mHbirs, i -ic ii4nrc Upon HtrtUll pllrtwd, " ltiKrktfrli I Wurts (Mf Jmw, tint i fltnnn Tln i'f t ami tvtr i$r .nnd khihii'Ii agaliiti Urn mlnr Jritir- li. frftdioiJ KnIUl. flili they UI" ld Oomprra. "If tbr lluian am n intircllfU j Prldpiil Wilton ' a ntmt. h ihrr nJe f I'r-om-yl. Th iuill(ulit eltr lUthffnllrr Jut flo day IttlWWl point "f till adVh l Il0ln ll'h lt rtli lb" pr--llt ill- it ih tills of Turku ,M-mcm." ' Colorado Lot Urn flnntl Ulntt la tu Uio nation." roitilnunl thp n-aliT, "lint t!:f !! -at il l) tin- IiIkIi rlAM ImfCiat ttlm nro rutitilnr iIiai llnli' "Vuit t. ill nevrr knn Hip atrncttlei Hint tin" ln-nn mmricnl In Colorado bj" JlufVi-fulIrr aiiJ lil bmOcIhIi' uu m itnoiliT Vltior Huso romp to tportrny Children ir bunifU or HMI Till: TIIIHIl THIS Vir.tlt .i-.l lo .ImIIi, nml Uiun Hip man- , ., JrIpiI Itrart of ihMo rhllilron and IMmm UATK Mt!l ItH. AMI lhf,(r irf.rhc psrrnl I bulldcd tbit IA. ItTIIIIUTi: Till: UAH IliKUMIrr furlun" r, l & m. l 'S HOPEFUL FOR A NOW TOWARD SEA PEACEFUL END: FROM DIX MUDE CWtlCWZA U'A.NTS VU.KA TO HE AI.I.IIX SAV POIlCi: OK ATTACK IM 1 nxiM.i i ai'KNT s TliL ft I In' Iitrvt l'n)xrwil Snl tolSctnul Cl' IUmr l.'iiKi(Vineat till- OmvmLloii by the l'reent Pr"x-' An llclii;; I'onglif, Hie Infantry of lili-iif. mill Ailtlcc From the 1'cncc Hrlraul (nillriilc Tlmt Tliey Will .Vol firnnl Tlilx llrj-un l.uok for So ()ullir-alk. Kotli Annie. Ik'iiiK Aillro L'ndfr Hie Cover AiTorrleri hj Hip AHUIerjr. Allien Line Hold Dcnplle Stronc IVesMirr AIonK Front. 13.- Unltetl Press Servlco LONDON. Nor. 13.- -Indication upon are that the Herman attempt to rotcb LOOK WHO IS WITH US NOW. I'liPM! bra Hie IutoIc im-n of tbo inrman nubnisirlco V'J, which tnk tli! IlrHlsU cruisers September 22 and li-dr nl bi llawko to the bottom Tim ibolo(.-raili waa Hikeu after the return from tho daah Into the North rf.-i much (laitled Creal llrllnin, anil bi-foin the mibnurlnu nauk tho llawke. tit tho center of the photograph U t ui'talit I.Ututi'iiani Olio WVildUi'ii n mmnndT of the alup, who It no.v ihr hero of Cermany On their re turn thn member of the rrew wem fiMed m tlcrmany, and Hie populace went or mad over them as I posslbl fur mnild CrrmaiiK to do POWERS TO SPEAK REMOVE PORTION TO THE INDIANS OF "DEAD" BONE MAN AL TRAINING MIGHT BE ADDED M MICKS in:ilt,T TO THIN Ti..l i Hie Hllrlplllh and r'rlda)'. lw T.. it, r tlilrd limp Hit' rombl nallAii iian innip iiiKPibor lhl )ir. iiltb mar ir ma)" noi hat om tblt to il ullh Hin Knroi-'nti nr khit Ibr Uffrtlln-; of nil aport doj'o. , At Iran. llnHHiU poplo will tifil bavp anjr srriH rttU0 lo lejolffi on ' Ihli it inrrpt lo about "I told on to" In IV 13 there a only iiiiu Krldayj lti tblrttulh. Next )pnr thor' will' t onlr nno micb hoodoo dattn SEATTLE IS HIT BY HARD GALE l'IITVMll.i; WISH .-.nnKi thi: CITI ll Tin: .smwii, KNOCKS imiw.v Ti:i.i:nitArH vnuv .su HAIhl ItOtH'h nti:; Atiincri.TifitAi. on.. I.l.lii: .MA.V 1m ALSO ON HIS WAV . TO LAKKVIHW TO I'LKAIl KOK A COCNTV AOIHCri.TL'lHST ! IIWCIS IN HONKS OK HLACK .SMITH'S I.LIi ALSO IIUAINKI). CAl'SKH lltOM AN OLD COM I'or.VII riiACTL'UK COUNTV IIOAJII) AUTHOIUZI-S L'nlti-d I'ress fk-rvlce WASHINGTON', I). C, Nor. Secretary Bryan today called President WlUon. and Informed hlrafthf. North Sea coat bas rcttchfld the tnat alarm over tho prentnt iic.tlcan ' ,, . . , , , ., ., . ,, .. . climax. The allies, advancing alone situation i needles. Bryan say bo feels that the factions are eirnestly ithe coast rora NIP-t toward Lorn- working out a solution of the prob-'bartzyde, continue the offensive tac- Ifm. tlw. , rtefugees Just arriving from Rottor- ,,.,,, . dam say they saw the allies entering L tilted Press Service . ', . ., , . - , ,03tend, but this Is not confirmed. EL PASO, Ter.. Nov. 13. Flying, Some reporlg are tbat tho 0efman ahead of General Villa's troops. who;casuaUIeg ,n the nortb are 90(000 are marching for Queretaro, Provl-. slonnl President Outlorrei went to Untled PreS3 service Ijiros from Ajnias Callentes oday. and! ,..,.. ,, . . . ,u - , i i.k r- t t ii i PARIS. Nov. 13. The force of the conferred with General Pablo Gon-' ... .. . . , , ,,,, ,, - . .German assault In an attempt to zales. Carranxa's mllltarr chief. The). , , v . i-..-- !, i ,i, - ,i . break through the allies lines and latter embraced the convention a . . , , , , . , , , cause, no there Is still hope of avert rCa'h I"---Irk and Calais In appar Ing faoitllltles. The latest proposal ent,3r,,alH;nh ,T,oda3r 8 ,7"'" wnt to the convention by Carranla,J-s that the violence of the flgh lag Is that ho Is -amine to relgn If Villa ffom t coast toward the River Ly.. be forced to leave the country. The ,hrou J Dls Mude antl Yprc l dI delepftte have sent a reply rejecting m ' nB' . ,hls Attempts of the Germans to ctom J the Yscr last night and today wre M'iHHAWKC.CTS frustrated The allies are still hold CALL TO CULOKS Ing' and the Posltlons about W m (not changed. There Is much desperate flgfctlagat Dr. J. L. Sparhawk, who his been (engaged In veterinary work at Merrill TIIK KSTAHLISHMENT OK THIS for a little over a year. Is again to COCHSi: IN HIGH SCHOOL IK IT IS FOUND BEST enter the government service. He Is .In receipt of urgent telegrams from 'close quarters. Infantry attacks un der the cover of artillery Are marks the fighting from the coast to Tprea. Despite the pressure being brought against them, the allies bold their line on hi. ay to Lakovlow to ork A(tr BUffBrlllg lorH 0n tlmo from,' fur tho appointment of a count) hk- a chronic condition of tho bones of. rlrulltirUl, Protestor W. I.. Powers thu leg, supposedly caused by u com- i. Hi,) inirmnnt nf npflrnHtiro naVtni !. lha fn.m ft t n r 4it& mwtmtl 4fn& him to take up government work . , ., , " ' ;afialnst the spread of the foot and Mj--"; -" - uwn and Ypre. L....v. iioo. i i.r-. nd tho Apex at Dlx Slude, In addition to teaching stenotypy.'130111-1 disease In Montana. j commercial arithmetic, shorthand. i-"awK as who u.e uepan; typewriting, bookkeeping, etc.. tho men- for e'Eut -"ears as a veterlnar- (.eriTiail WaitlllDS . iu. .ui ,M ... icn. his work carrrlni: him to all nartB : j BtUJjIV Ul U1U UlbV OVUUUI iV - - I ... 1 I....1 of tho Orison Agricultural College. I'ouuu irnciuro reroneu jrars aBu. -. Pnlln,.. ,,1-f, ?rhnm mnv of the United States. Since retiring. il' M. Hold, a lloniiuia Ulncksmltli. on " " - ' . , ' h. h.a ,,vo,wI moaf of hu nttAntlnn will rraclt here this ctnlug A niovi' inoiil was n'i)ntly ntnrted In Lake Thursday under wont nu operation at be enlarged by thu addition of a the Illarklniru hospital. to thu breeding operations on the at Valpariso Now Snow Hampers the Troops in Vosges I'nllrd Pir Horvlro I'AlllH, Nov, 13. Krctich troop hM iicciiplml Tracy l.val. On at oiiui uf navy anow In thu Vosges (en, iipiiratluna aru imrloiMly In lrffTit with. I'llKK WAIt WITH thii'li: i:nti:ntk UliltiHl PrvaaSertlrn tlKATTLH. Nov. 13 -A a rfatili of tln M'nii,a Initial aiorin, Sealtbi I partly lnolntrd today A nfo-mllf Kaln frIUd n uumbor f Udcplione, ti'li-empli and other pole, knocked doun alKtia, smimhi'd :nm and did iitluir ilaitingM. Ill Him ri'ildi'lico dlntrlct, tho home of A C. Slopcr waa blown down, and Mra. liiuir crlllcally hurl. Tho ronfn ui-ro llftml from othor houses. tfctrorol people wero Injured by fallliiK Klaus and sIbiih. Partial com iitiinlrntltiii has bocu ro-iHlnblbihi'd. . . . rmirtn In manual tralnlnir. The coun " ' SV high school board Thursday author-' Merrill ranch. '(zed the Inauguration of such a course If there Is sufficient demand for It. Slll'fc " " Xo,c 1 ti.i..nln.t it r i-ahh!.' t iiiA Vlrv. A lts-.flntr-- t ri tr nml (ntornor rtn r Iniati wnmrilrn Mtn 1 a -. I. . I I.. ..II ......, Stw. . IHI-VII'Ml 1 liUbUI Ul IIIU illhil ve,twei uu Yww ..-r. v.. -.... .. t., ,.. . .. U....U ... ... ,... .. , Ul0 rttInovai or n portion oi tno whoo, ,s anxloUs t0 boeIn aucIl a note U due him since December, 1912. iDresden. entered the harbor todar to county, tu could be dim through thn nuu( ttlllcl) haU bocowo dead, thel ,lrfi(v .-,., fillfflt.l.n. in(0rMt.,t Kent Ballard has started a suit to re-secure supplies. There are numerous surgeons drained tin abscess that was ,,orgong nro roatl. t0 lako u,, the COVer the face value and $23 attor- reports as to the location of the Jap found lu the leg bonca. 'work. Those contemplating such a.ney foes from Mr. and Mrs. l W. anese fleet, which Is scekln thae county fur a dumoimtrntlou farm, and !rcportodas doing nicely. Power holds this to be Inadvisable, ft,,, operatlou was performed by as the one farm cannot demonstrate, ur. Truia and Hunt, and lu addition United Press Service VALPAP.ISO, Nov. 13. Two Oer- Lclpstc and the activity of n county agriculturist On tila rnlurn from Lakovlow, Pro. fenaor Power will Hpeak at Chllo iiilu. addresHliiK tho ludlaus ou farm,' topics EIGHTH STREET BONDS ARE SOLD;: HAHKNKSS AMHTIIUHAM. Nov. 13. .A Con. .Motor Ciiiiiiwny 1 Surd. I lanilniipi,, dUpntch, via llorlnn, wiyn' llonry lltibbea Is plaintiff In a suit H'at Turkey hoa doclarwl war nKnliislJfllml iigiilnal tho Corey Motor company, ll of thn Triple KnlciiU. powtrn. 'for tho recovery of 1300. i HAititirrr's hid is iikttkk than THAT OK CHICAGO FIKM, MONROE DOCTRINE UP Germans Feel They Have Right to Ship Contraband '"IM Pr HervkA VAHIMNOTON, I). 0 Nov. 13. 1 1 lull dlplomnlM ay tlmt u nnw rim "tnitiinii or tin, Monron Doctrlm-, this '""" ' tlurnmii point of view, mny ho 1'iit up to tho Mntu ilepiulmi'iit mid IriHldeiit Wilson, Thin will ho lu ,,uo tint IJnltwl HtuUs uttompts In Hid lUlilctHt dugreo to Intorfuro with I ho ill'iiu-iits of coal and otlmr contrn """I of war from South Amerlcnn wiiutrlM lu Osrman ystwels. In JiiHllllcntlon of this, It Is pointed out tlmt. tho Hulled Blntex does not tiL loinpl in prevent liny uhliunonlH of iitiiiH, inuiiltloiiH mid irimpa from Cnn I -iila to Kngliiiul, If thu llultod Htutes has tho power, unilnr tho provlaloiiH of tho Monron illolrliut to provpttt alilpinontH of con (riibnnil of war from Kcqttnilor nml Colomblii, alio Iihh tuiunl power to provonl tho ulilpiiit'iil of contiabnnil from Conndn, U tho contention of Jerumiiy. . . .. ....... WHICH ASKi: KOIl .Vrlll.-NK1 4 ki:i:s KHOM CITY Two bids weio rocolvod by the council Inst night for tho $25,021,15 bonds to pay for tho Klght street Im provomont. Tho bid of J. II. (larrott, who nuido tho linprovninent, wns ac cepted. Onrrolt bid pur value mid accrued Interest. Tho llanckott Hond com pany of Chicago bid pur, nud nskixl :. .. ... i i llto City to ny l,l" tor icgni Her-- vlcurt In tho company's Investlgutlout Into (ho lognllty of tho bond Issue, 1 , liiilnir in .Merrill Itov, Wilt J Ono delluttleu: "A blind Kthl oilau chiiHlug n black cat lu u dark cellar at midnight." That U "bonio darkness," to lnpno Into tho vernacular. And yet thcru ure some read ers of The Herald, no doubt, who nro going It almost as blludlly. They read tho news of the day, the favorlto special fea tures, and nil tho other good things that go to mnko up tho editorial end of this newspaper, and thou thoy drop tho newspa per, neglecting matters of last ing henoflt- tho advertisements. Not to keep oneself Informed dally of tho ofTorlugs of The Her ald's iidvci Users Is, In n manner of Hpcnklng, living In a darkness akin to that described nbove. A few mlnntos each day lu thoughtful consideration of ud ortlslug Is not only Interesting, but educating. A man who never rend n news paper advertisement would have a hard time picking out tho best places in town to do his shop ping, wouldn't ho? It mi)'m to shop In The Horn hi McMillan, S, J., pastor or tho Church of tho Sue rod Heart, will . Iiefo-v you chop lu Uio stoiro; 1)1 go to Merrill tomorrow, nnd ou Sun- ; per cent of the circulation of this day will minister to tho spiritual needs of his parish lu tho alfalfa city, As n cousuqueuco of his absence there will he no sot vices lu the church here on next Lord's Day. mukt goes direct Into the homes, 1 1 iiy from .Mutual Girl Page Advertiser. course, therefore, are asked to confer Ritchie, with Mr. Pnught as soon ns possible - as to the course thoy want, etc., and make it possible for the work to be started as soon as possible. , Two-hour sessions of tho night school nro hold three times n week. . J, S. Kent Is his attorney, .vessels. SOCIAL HYGIENE TALK BIRDS STAMPEDE AND KILL WOMAN Conference on Important Subject Tuesday Nigkt Klamath Kalis is at lust to receive ,t!ou of state funds was made io the tho benefits of tho Oregon Social Hy-(society, to curry on Its work, through HKIGN OK TKRKOH IN ARIZONA 'Bleuo Society. Karl J. Cummins, ajtlu stato. Its members Include the .representative oi uiu organization, is,oest Known puysicians anu educators here from Portland, and ho has nr-,ln the state. ' ranged for the holding of a meeting, luo main campaign Is carried on nt tho opern house Tuesday night. from the Portland office, and from At that meeting J. K, Snyder of 'that place speakers are sent to all Portland, tv member of the oiccutlvo parts of the state to organize local committee of tho society, will discuss 'work, which Is then turned over to with the in on of Klamath Palls mat- local people. The committee named tcrs of vital Importance along tho bore to carry on the work in Klamath linos of the society's work. Local' Fall, consists of J. D. Mason, Super men will also speak on these sub- Intenilent R. H. Dunbar of the city Jects. Lthools, and Captain J. W- Siemens, The Oregon Social Hygiene Society president of the First State asd Bar ling for Its mission tho replacing of,ings hank. From time to time lee misinformation and misconception (tuvr from other places will be seat with correct, clean knowledge regard- in here to glvo a message of Irutruc ing the facts of life, sex disease nnd a 'tlon. multitude of similar oylls. This Is , A small number of Invitations are FOLLOWING Till: TKIlltOltlZINC OK A HAND OK THKKI. HUN imi:i OSTKICHK.S I'nlted Pi ess Servlco PHOKN1X, Nov. 13 .Threo hun dred full grown ostrlchus stnmpcdod along u country road thla morning, nnd swn rmlng over a carriage driven by Mrs. L. D. liossenu, they Instantly killed lior and her two horses. The news of this spread panic among nil the ranchers nnd their fam ilies. Scores of cowboys wero sent from nil of tho ranches, and nro engaged In rounding up tho huge birds. Awny for the Winter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles N Meyers leave In the morning for Pacific Grove, Calif., where they will spend a couple of months. i being accomplished through this cam- .bclni; Issued, and will be sailed to ralgti of education, carried on In all linen. Hut It Is not necessary to, re ports of tho state, jrolvo an Invitation In order to be wel- The importance in wiucii the work. corned at the meetings, as all tfta ' of the society is held In the state is shown by tho fact that at Jhe last ses sion of the legislature, ou approprla of Klamath Falls are urged to attend, this meeting, which l one of tke ut most Importance, rr ' "J