v &. In? lEuimmn 3&raUi -v PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEW1PAPI NgWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Q3 i -rmpvm"m.'' tr t TtaU. ..-'" z -zzaau KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914 M 11 1Mb VtM I1EUT0NS PRESS TOWARD NORTH SEA ! i .". - ,.,.., ,. GERMANS DRIVE ALLIES FROM POSITIONS ALONG THE YSER; BRITISH SHIPS AIDING ALLIES n:iti.iN i '). xt -. h i "inrirtii) mmimmiimi.i linn iWJJt" be tlrttrii lli?tllle ii iltr Vrr nil ttliti iiu llm. 'llu Vf l ,,r" ,l,,""l "' I'rrMtlt nitil llrltUti nilltt-l) In llu- nutlli, Tlir lt.in Inttwnl llir r niiillnur. "'Ul.lliitf Mitilli f Hit liil( in(!irr (iiitullj," m.) i, ,(,., i. -Trim liiwdlnl irl4itrt mill right iim H-f ilitrt-. -('iutili r rtlMil "' '" Inn, mii mm tr-mll) lepnlMil," PAW, '. I a. TIm IJrifiiMM. til lrMMliul nflmkliiif III., nlll... l.lUllrlulll of IM .Millie, mill lirr h.lliilli.HllK llirlr llnr. In Hi,- illMsliiiM ftUiK l .lalnl llut llii' iriiiuili. Iil pitllliii(l) In (lull i.tpniif l l UtAf. Tim hmj lll llirir li mill Int til nilllltu) f-H lli.il tin (rftuMM irliilHitrntil rtl ronrrlilmlrl lluir. tin nrlil, Hiding iUf llt, M' lll(iift llir l.iim.nu ulili sihmI ilt. I'm.n.cUl Hilllir klHli llinl lll (il'llimn ' Iw.UlIni; '!'' "'"I '( UlW. tin lirlilt nrroM llir l-i'lilil ivumI hale Im-vii ijdmiiiI-I, nmt killed liv mUMglriwitl ami Irriirlir tirr Im-Iiik pn-wril The iiKil. in llutUnil trr lrln bilked. fir l rrurlrtl llll III HfWlr. 'Mir nll'r ritlnue In inil llu- hum. PRISONERS DOING JOBLESS MATTER fINE NEEDLEWORK; UP TO FEDERATION Turkish Troops Preparing for War Against the Allies ,PR w4BSKHRHvm kSXH RUSSIAN TROOPS SUCCEEDING ' AGAINST 6ERMANS, AUSTRIANS AND TURKS, SAYS OFFICIALDOM I'hTKOOH.m, .V.n. 1. It U oPUIiillr niiniunc-il bjr the wr otfc lliiil (lie lliloolniiK coiilluue ihHr Hilctfne everjnhf'rc aloBK llio Ct I nw, AiiKtilini mill TuikUli tlno. 'I tie .rni)- of CauciikUi lia-. uccupkil iliu intire Valley of Allaabckart. .llIfinilH ljr llu-TurUMi Intopn to luni the Rnln tUmk barm il-rvitiil. ' MM. Si iv. 11!. Il is odlrially nniiouiunl that Hip Herxlmm roiilc.l fi liullnlloiiH f .utriaii uhu Imil rrtwMil the DBBbe S'liirmlrln. Tito iIikiiviumI men nntl two gun "etc rnptureil In thin eugHgemtmt. , n-iiM.ttil Athens illpn-ch nttJr flint a Turkish Torpedo boat mhteh i".r:iH-il finiin Iiji(Iaiu-llc wan rapturrd ulT Todm hjr o ICumUb cmlaer. Iti:itl.l, (tiinli-Ai i la Srtj-lll A'. J.) -Vor. 12. War oce miwltm mi Unit Amljiiin lolmmiin-lan are nou iiiuhUUiBie fur war agmiaat BkC l.iuil. Tin- .Mo-lcmi art nrtnlnx nt 5lcc rtriil Xodpeil la Cealral Arabia. Till plmttiKfttpli w tlipTurkUli troop lio nri lu tlir fliJ nKnlnit UuIm ami ptrliap the other allies in tlii'lr colonial pm.-J.iiiii, lh Kp-nch In AIkIitk. nntl IIiiKlntnl In l.'cypt. The pnrpoac of Kaiser Wllhelm In Ki'iiliiK TurUi)- Intii tlu wur, arronllni; l dMp.Uchra front lily eneiulcti, U to caiuo n back fire ngainst the allies Hi Uilr iiiloi'lnl tHHCimluft. tlui croitiplllni; lliem to ?nil oino iroop from the Kitropen Kccnc of war to ro I'Ulmt ri'Viiliitlmilnlx niiionr. thr rUIni: Molianimi-ilanH o fthefr equatorlnl lanilii. SENDING GRAIN U. S. WARSHIPS MK,ut:u ami ruMKOHii aiiki.no !:xi:iui. invimiuation TIIIMMI UlT fil'l.f.MUII KCAHK WII.I. III! JIAIH! 11V THK OIU.A.V. UIVI.'IIK, III.MIW TIM AM) WATi'll I'OIIM A R'W way III while tlniu III !U tounlf jail liKu boon put to ui by I fl. l'umtonl ami Al ViJrr. two Bio bo air AxaltltiK hoarlnK bo fpir ih cranil Jury Thin I by Unltie Unrjf norL, aut llu- tut illowork luriv J cut by ihmo irloncr In n ooit lht ilone by miy woman. A numbir of waleh fob havp Ipii, orea by rumfnril for local infii ili iltltir Dm rolon of lhlr lodi pUyml f In IliU way, KapocUlly I this of Kiim, n number of ilium hnvlnc frnty llk purplo ana whllo fobs vrn m onlcr. I'umforrt H tn nt',,,,,, rtlffwnl. Ofk on a lirnllir l.lllnw Inn Ono nf ilif nniiit plc of ork )rl iloim U ti banitllfiil ncillowork Mexican War Dogs Loose BV PARCEL P0S1 MAUTIV mtOTIIKKS ARE! 8H1I IM.VC SKKI OATS IN THIS WAY TO CALIKOK.VIA lOSTAGK Wll.Ii ISB 91U8. ARE NOT HURT I.ATION, AH rONIMTIONS MAV CHAMIf: MHl.V llllnl l're Hertlcn llIIII.Al)i:i.l,IIIA. Nov. IS. Tha Irailrra ut llu KiliT4tlim of Ijibor ilc rlnro that llicri lll Imj no Kctiml In. Vf.iiewllon of ilio iinnnitloynl trob lem by llml orBnnltntlon nt thin l lino. ItcKtlutlon. proMltiK for ttt" Imontl Knlloii limt ben prrparoil, but th UmiltTn nay Hint Ihi plan U lmpoltiU Jnrlne the brief limn Iho roiHi-ullim la In action. It wan thnucbl Uioltii to itppolnl a oiiimIii lo probn Uio uinltor mul report lo llm riiiii-iulou mat ymir, m by Dial lluiu cumllilona miiy bu !.- Convention Declares War Villa and 25,000 Men March Against the . Carranzists at Queretaro Wilson and Bryan Opine There Will Be More "Watchful Waiting" Martin .Brothers Milling conipaay of this city has decided to use the parcel post lu the shipment of seed oats to outside points. Accordingly, they aru now bavins 10.00Q pounds 'taken to the postolllce for shipment through Unci Sam's mall. The grain Is la 50-pound sacks, and Wednesday a quarter of the shipment jwas recelvod at the postofflce. The ,postage of 50 cents per sack, or $108 for the entire shipment '$17,570.7 In 1913. I The ltir of Iho mlllrrnl product Plltowin,. nnui i , ,r"","w"rK of Houth Carolina In 1913 nmountiul X , , ,2 l ':, W k,;m u """ ...Inoml .ro.lu..l li.cl.nlo ,.l,.,.l.l.. later. Tt, Ulll ftltf. MMlYl.t iiV "I ' ItttlMta tflt ..h.!. Miim tlttlit IttHll tfllttattlil ir. itttxi. iiiln.riil m ill it i .ml ii liil l? rill itl. .- r i-sn-jTjs- ; - " "' y Mritrtrn for micclal ploce. "itlfh enn bo nlvnn lo flhorlff liw or DoiirIh roiinly nnl n IiIkIi nchool I'tt dimM- liiloin. I'lilteil l'rc 8erlco WASHINGTON, I. U-. N"V. .2. Oltliliil dlipnlchoH to Iliu Htnto depart ment mnto that (leneral Kroncescn Villa, n Ibo boml ' to army of the new ieisl.no In Mexlio, Ih mnrchliiK nKtilimt Oiirriuun. Villa ban 25,000 men under hi tommiiml. Tito lroon lire wild to bo on their iiv to Ouorelaro. A large forco of Cnrrnntn troops under (leneral tlon- mi In aro reported enlrenclied nenr (hero. British Ship Is Blown Up While People on English Shore Look I'nlleil I'm Service i:i. PASO, Tc Nov. 12. Follow Iiik Iho refusal of VcneKllana Oarran tn lu comply with Iho wluhe of Ihq Muxlcnn pencil convention lu seslon at Aguas Callcules, the dalegateii to th convention today made a formal 'declaration of war agalust the pres ent president of the Republic of Mex ico, and former Jefo Supremo of the Counlltutloutillst nrmy. ! The declaration of war wan made inflar tbo receipt of telegram from (ieueral Ohregon and Ueneral Villa- real, the convention's; emissaries to iCarrauta. In their tolcgrams they stated that Cnrranzu repudiated the conautlou and all of Its actions, In cluding Uio appointment of Cloneral .(lutlerrcx n provisional president to succeed Carrniua. ! The declaration of wnr was by a unanimous vote of Uio convention. J Home of the delegates had f.ivored gtvlug Carrauxa moru tlmo In which ,to consider hi reolguatiou uud the ac jceptanco of General Gutierrez. When ! the telegram from Obrgon uud Vllla ical was read, hoeer, these delegate-! decided that the time had ar t rlvinl for drattlc action. ' fulled l'i ess Service WASHINGTON, I). C Nov. 12. The administration huu timotlrnlli- abandonad hope of Immediate peace lln Mexico. , Another period of "watchful wait lug" will follow tho unotticlul reports t of u declaration of war between the .Hoops under Villa and Carraura. , President Wilson and Secretary Ilrynn aro waiting for detailed nd- lce from tho United States consular olllces in Moxlco. '-'"''I I'lesHHorvIro I'ONDON, Nov. 12 Within a mllu "' Ik. riiiut off Deal and eight miles from )oV(T, Iho HrltUh gunboat nit win lilown ui) I hi mernlna: by " "eriimn Hiibiuarlno. Aftor flrli.K II iy inrpedo, (ho Gormnn craft en- T Nlgor wai la lull vlaw ol Uiin Ur" ui people Mhora, IIM.ll. Il.nv unm Wlllellllll! Iho Ve- sol n ilenso cloud of smoko miililonly nromi, and thu vcssol listen neavnj. ,.,nu,i,i inini- ii iiiMifi'iilnir report roni'heil Iho ears of thoso nshoro, ami hrought thousand of pooplo to tho hooch, Ah ll.o gunboat began to wink, bonlM wero hurriedly nishou out from shore, and Iho majority of Iho crow were rescued, ONE CANDIDATE SPENT NO COIN KAHI. WIHTMM'K'K STATKMK.NT SHOWS THAT HIS tUMI'AKIN ki'.vi:xsi:s winii: .othiv. OTHKItK lil.i: I While HOimi may hae campaigned iih economically, none did so moro vronomlcally than did Kail Whlllock, unopnoHCil for corouer. Hi state- i ment of expenses, tiled today, shows that ho spent nothing. Tho total expenses of W. O. Smith, successful candidate for tho legisla ture, wa $10. This was tho amount rof his contribution to Iho county re publican campaign fund, collected by It. A. Kmmltt. Smith says ho believes bo got hi money's worth of good publicity out of tho campaign as car ried on hero. Other officials' expenses for cam paigning follow County Clerk 0. R, Do Lap, $33. SO; Shoriff C. C, Low, $33. GO; Treasurer George A. Ilaydon, $17.f.O; Circuit Court Clork George Chastnln, $13,60. Once more the fabled "Lost Pedro" mlno has coma to the front. This jtlma Sam Ktctu. known as "Michigan ain," a prospector who has been scouring Central uud Southern Ore- gon for six years. Is the one to men 'tlon It. and ho believes he has dis covered the loug-sought bonanza. ' With his burro aud old roan pony, tho old prospector reached Klamath Falls a few days ago, laden with specimens that lookod good to all who saw thorn. Ho Is now on his way to San Francisco, where ho will have tho specimens assayed. j "If these assays provo that my find Is what I think It Is, I am Independ- Tho latest progressive farmer to bo-lent for life," said Sam. "it is always stow a iinino upon his ranch Is Allan Isomo crazy old fool like myself vtfio STANSDIE HAS NAMED RANCHi Tho $330,000 jetty at the entrance lo SIiisIhw harbor Is about completed. Stausbie, who has 320 acres live miles west of Klamath Falls, where ho has been successfully rnlsiug wheat for three years. "Fairacre Farm" Is tho name so :loctc(l by the Standbies. In addition to sending the uamo to Tho Herald, Mr. Stansblo today registered his farm title with the county cleik. 'has mndo tho big strikes, so porbaps that's In my favor, too. Lord knows, I I've suffered great privations In my j search for gold." The "Lost Pedro" legend tells ot an old Indian who had a hidden claim to Be one of tho swords aa4,f ft somewhere In Central Oregon, to which he would repair at Intervals, and return with a sackful of ore of marvellous richness. Although at tempts wero made by many to locate Cb SKCRKTARV OK THE NAVY CK1VE.S ADVICES KXPLOMNG THK WILD RUMOR OP THK AS SOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON. D. O, Norf 11. The cruiser North Carolina to mate al Beirut, an Asiatic port. This was given out by the secretary of tw navy. According to Daniels, the vessel ha. I not moved from Beirut since Novet iber 2. On that day she put into the .port, foljowing & slight accident at !sea, and is undergoing repairs. The value ot the mineral products of Washington, according to ta- .United States Geological Survey. la Astoria industries are bidding for (creased from $15,347,313 In 1913. to 'Uelglan laborers. "Michigan Sam" Says He Has Discovered the 'lost Pedro" Mine this claim. It Is said, these all failed. and lu the end the old redskin waa killed without making known the lo cation of his Eldorado. Just whero his strike is located, Klein will not tell at this time. He says, though, that it Is a full day's ride from Crescent. Many believe K lis toward Diamond Peak or the Three Sisters. ! Besides his quarts specimens, Klsth had with him a number of stomes Is tho rough, which resemblo ruble. He says he has located a great bed ot these, aud he wilt also have these stones oxamlucd to ascertain whether or not they aro real goms. Another matter about nrkleli the old prospector maintains an air ot mystery Is a light sword, which he says ho found, and which he elsttfe has a history ot more than ' Interest. The sword has a. "three link" engraved on it, and K la taken ' .41 j .? ' ."Canton," or "Pntrierehe MHHe' Alyl ot the I. O, O, T. ' The Wide THat 4fi. I dently subjected to treM fVi, M ;?',. ' nttrt nf (ha fni-hhar-l JlvI- vaM-I Ita1 a tk.'-ukr v '" ..,- evsew.. ,v w-wwwv. "! ri: .? n , i-tr v'.,:j Ir -4, . 0 , '(, J 4 JT i t -s' .,) f Si