The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 11, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Miners Get
for Important Contab
1II, riH"Utt '' that the Mltifi(lon woulil prulc
llC.S'Vlill. Nu' ' " iiiwillliK ol hlil) bo reriiuiiiKinlod b tin. Unite.)
tllal ilrct lo Uio ',' !'' nJ.,Mliir. Urn full.. I Miners nimmltlee.
miner t'f the country will, b liehjk'iil'il m tome iieie i. Invention.,
U) Hf I'li'l'"" "' xM tkihl whW"y '"' iiiitiberhlp claims of
n. loliti tommll lw ombtf. UiitJtjtl.w iv.t.failui. ami u,re j, ,
Wtitkeii. nun . wpii; r ..
.i,.n ill Mlu
IUl bugll! filial NHIld'l
turn of l,"" for l""fl'"" ' ,'"' A "i" "t 1 1.. I'nuvil Miner.
Wntrfn Federation by th United iiiiiniiit ic-.enil) ..ipre,.v,i ttiu
lth Worker Tho Joint rouimlttee opinion m it vmhi r aborp.
wrl l lltillc ll ini'nttt, t'lil aitjnurii' linn ir iii.l l. a )rnr bfie tlt '
r. lo mod tt rr Hit nilttittw of NuvtinchVoKierii P. deration would (,. iui
f lililll a tut heroin merely n depart-'
W'Mlo't"- llulteronfereiiro Imllrnl- nieiit ot Hie ttiiie.l Milium
I.ITII.1. M VMM Till:
itinoi'dii Tin: CAiiTAi
tarn imiKit homk am:
I'nllrd 't Hprlfo
irl A t-'rrHClt ptlwt wlm lld w
u! (our KtiglUh mldtrr who Kt,rrM ' ih" nr Tim Iwinr follows
o frittt t ttlf lr"t U tn-lnif Itallrd
a .... u, a Hill. IM In VtnUU t.n ?mn. ... ha. i,en
The. lour "Tommies r"cht-i Hip Inn luvmum nf iiPieium mud U nn
tlllsg.1 lute In the aftefliwut. ThJlttlldrl lioin. In which ho a the
(,,)( irjIlllWB hfl It WOUlil mean war l not EolllE a wp eitterlnt The
iu him if ihe tlef matt fnund him liar- jrrli!ir .if dm allll forr u r
inMluK tlirw. tk lh M'tdlwr In amlMranrtlliiary and we are iM-KitmitiK to
M ihrm and provided ttn-m with a I"! ry nerinii n to Uie riuli
t-lwe t lrrp, ' " '" fOerman) liMr ar teirl-
Net tune attur a Uand nf I'liUnajM trrlhl itiat the rni.ror has J
toje lino town. Aoemtilliig tin
ieBipcu't the nftlrrr In chareo de -
In4b4rtt Uiftl Uley tell Wlirl tnp i;n.
lU.hiaett rtn, s they had m them
ttl ill" town Tlip lawitsitMUtlp all
Ur hle tho (our HOldlef Wef,
Nt the til toward their pf lel
la a loud volte, no thai all the
uiuvile would be certain l hear
Ma. Ihe r!rt dUrlattitPil any V,miw.
I. Jib n( ike KtitflUh uldlrra,
"Tcer tnut have gone toward
Tifli.' br ald, and tlm 1'hlait fmle
Amlrrdam A rer tecelnl hete
t'f a twlitpnl from a frleud near the
Judgedjby a Piano
Did run ever iiollco that upon
mlrrlns a house almost the first
thing you notice In h0 plenum
r abt. pre of a piano?
Von lii.tlnrllvelr Judge tho
Ue and rrfliieiueiil of tho family
How U your homo thus rlal
(inl by your friends?
If ton have no Instrument any
"' our pianos would easily gho
the debited refinement to that
Inline, ami ,mr term tan he met
by aliuott anyone.
t'oiulnro yoiiravir by dropping
In soiiio afternoon nr ovetilng lo
" wlmi wo hare,
CI I J M fl
L -Nou iKw.r t INftoWce
Wouldn't you like to have a
for Christmas and New Year?
We have made arrangements with an Eastern
house to get cards with your name printed thereon,
t a very slight additional cost.
With Any Greeting Desired
Orders must be placed early Ask to see samples
Uoraar Mala aad 7U SUval Klamath Kail, Oregon
... .. n iiii.uiuua in iiiniiliilntrn
ntU.ST 1IIAT Alii: roMI.VO IN
ti" mi: whom, now i'kiiiti.vo
tiiiviau hut am. .itr tTtti-'T
(.iittlnr tells boiim liiltMiitii! f.iu
.'" ' . ... . . ' K..
tli yr tlmdrtiiiniis nitard ilm irK
'I Uv mtii a IrltM front a rrr
,' "" "'" """ '", ii'iEuinine in
lori'i'iuen tnir .imfionutm uur Ken.
erU har Iwn wantonly wanleful
"" men. "im nam i,cnu miiHeii
down In thousand
lilln It U impoMlliln lo ay e
artlv what our le are. I should now In prugrra at Omaha Is not wor-
Mllmaie ihrm twtwe-n 350.000 and.rjlng him. The minor league mag-
400,000 If U rontlnue at Ihl rate natm Mr trrlne to console each other
niurh lunger wv shall be ijiilte unable
totneoi Itti.nla with any hope of ucjUH cued. and also M?archlug for the major leagues, and there will be a xc,r't "atu,. w'n they will re
"' ' " subtle words that will generally ease srarrlly of material developed In the .n,aI".",)cn unU1 n "'e'ock.
!lo the big loKcue bowttvi the ouesllon lumbea from er to venr. ' KLAMATH FAI.I IlAHDKItS.
The hlh council of the church of
Kiuland ban itd to cl"' women the
Minrs in the elnctln of rhurch roun-
f"- "'"I bI ""' "K"! t0 " I'".
rhla) rounrlla
A Klamath Falls
Mail Pl'lRC FvidpnrP.l-,'c" ul ""' H)ll,m w!,lcl may he Feds can afford to do this. They can
mdll UlfOd r.fflUCIIuB'ln,(H nlthout spending n cent? ts'slmply apply to the man's salary an
Trllnionj Will liilrimt lliery
Maiitnlli full" Itt'niler
The lln of local eudeilte U ln
dl;iulahle It l the kind of evidence
we accept true because w.t Know
'we ran prove It for ourele. There,
has been plenty of surh evidence In i
the Klamath Falls paper lately, and
ithls utralghtforward titlmony has
ruiablUhed coiitldeiico In the minds'
."of Klamath Fulls People that will not
be easily ahakeil
N. Mnrchand, Worden ae., KIbiij.
nth Falls, say My hack pulned me
Intensely, and I was obliged to gel up
many time-- at night to pass the kid-
ney secretions. Often my back was
o weak I had to quit work Donn'a
Kidney Till restored my kldneya to a
normal condition and remowd the
(pains lu my bark 1 itho Duan'a Kid.
ney nils nil tho credit ror tins cure,"
Price ftOc. nt nil denli'iH, Don't
islmply ask for n kldne) remedy gut
liiuin'a Kidney Pills the snmo that
'Mr. Mnrchnnd had. Fosler-Mllhurn
Co , Props., llufTiilo, N. Y,
(Paid Advertisement)
Rockefeller Relief Ship for Starving Belgians
CSSAr- -
Th. MaKnp..iin.i. th ,oi(l (on of
"'. rlr. barim and iaua. Im. ,.ft
tin. I'liltH Ktan- for Itotlfrdnm. Ilnl-
land, to f,-pd th.. tnrvliiK lleJdai
dm,,, from ,Mr ...n country by ,
Crrtunn troops
Two otlitr ships will
i'it,., .,M Bortlro
NKW VotlK Nov
II f 're.
dent Cllmure of the Feds U running
,.,. ... , , , . , ,, .,
true to form, the baseball meeting
(n,,r ,. datrou year which they
,f wmt ,MV Br Kiltias lo do about It.
lillmorv has said that among the.
few thing that he doe not want are!
the minor league scattered hither,
and you about the country. Why
build up a haeball )tem and have
lo pay for pla)er through draft or
; - JLi iirf 4S9HI HfflB f !
By Hal Sheridan
purchane when Organised Hall willjgood night, minor leagues. And the
the way (illttmre figures.
If (lllmore doesn't want mlnont in-ganlied hall would havo to put up for
his organisation howeer, nnd Or-(hl purchase, and not be spending any
ganlted Hall sacrifices them In the jmoro for the player than some major
coutliiiird tight on the Feds, It will, league team would be putting up.
News ot Our Neighbors
.qiiu-U-. . . -
joali ami I'rogreM of N'aattjy
t'uiiiiiiiuilUea m Ctiromlclest
In tho Fi
'"" -.-". ...
Now I n good time to booat )our
.homo paper. It need a It, and your
patronage will bo reflected lu a sub-
II a I .. ..a it I 4 at.awK4l
jstantial Improvement lu the service It
lean render the public. OUo our boIIc-
(llor your order for the paper, and It
our subscription has expired and ho
auks you to pay up, don t take It as an
ilimult, The amount Is mnall. wo hno
to coueci Hume nine or ku unukruiu
'and the editor cannot leave tlio office
j to do the work personally. Carefully
'prenerve your reeclpt, In order to
future misunderstandings.
Ashland Record,
Making I'rogrrwa
Tho llauucr & Hnuser work lu the
Tenmllo district la getting along fa
mously, and the good weather In Octo
Iher allowed thu graders to proceed
with work they had expected to bo
obliged to abandon. The greatest
trouble now Is lu getting the freight,
which nmounta to twenty-flvo tons
dully, ovur tho country roada from
North Inlet landing. The aceno of
activities U mostly from four to soveu
tulles fiom North Inlet nnd tho heavi
ly loaded wngoim me cutting tho
londH up lmdly, A fow more rnlns, It
Is belloved, will make them ao bad It
will bo Impossible to do murh freight
ing. Mnrshtleld Record.
No Wonder He' ro
Some culprit printed signs with a
lend pencil and posted them on tele
phone pout In tho coat part ot town,
which read "Voto for Saloons," and
wrote the nnmo ot Mayor Johnson be
nonth It. Of course everybody knows
Mayor Johnson knew nothlug about
It, Ho stands solidly for statewide
prohibition, and U a candidate for tbe
liow In a few days.
-. ...v, ...,v ... i-BrKo. u as4iatnat flour roae aud-
l-ni chnrtc-red by the Hockefollcr'dtnly 10 cents a sack nnd r
'f'linkf t IIm all
K,"""1Ilon. president of which Is
"." '.' "''"";' -
....... i, i...i.u..i. .
, N,.w ork" n 7uZ UTJLZ 3 ' '1.
kftiiri alllall Iflf MtM IslJ.I Mih l.rtnu ,
t.,- expedition were purchasing thclr'tant nrlce for fnn,i ...,ft
erc purchasing thclr'tant prlcea for food stuffs.
he a ferlous blow to the game. Iong
hale the big loigtie magnates patted
U"' ,lul'' felo on " houlder and
told them bow they were tho '"back-
, ... , ..
Ixine of the rlne " lllrlit niw Iwiu-.
u.r, the heaviest blows are falling on
the minors, and If these 'backbone"
are to bo nermilted to b.. broken It
will shut off tho supply of players for
The minor do not uxpect to make a'
great deal of money at their gates.
but they do expvet to realize on the
sale of stars ther develop. lfGllmore
In able to step In and grab these stars
by giving them more money than they
rn.ilil ,ai frnm i.rvnltnil linll If la
" ..w... ....,
ninnunt slmllnr to that a club of or-
legislature, on the prohibition ticket.
(The man who did that ahould be sent
to Jail. It Is an attempt at character (
assassination. Mr. Johnson Is Justly1
Incensed, and offers a reward ot 2S
for the apprehension ot the man who
perpetrated tho forgery. Aablund
Tiding. '
.New Kamrair
The water company 'a new reservoir
was put into UbO last week without
. !.
- " .
Get a suiall package of Flainburg
Ttrrast Tea, or as the Oerman folk
call it, "Hamburger llrust Thee," at any
pharmacy. Take a tabUapoonful of the
tra, put a cup of boiling water upon
it, pour through a sieve aad drink a
teacup full at any tune during the
day or before rstirlng. It la tbe moat
eftVtivo way to break a eoVJ and cure
grip, a it opens tho Borea ot tbe akin,
relieving congestion. Alao koisaa tha
bowels, thus breaking np a eold.
Try it the next time you eaffer from
a cold or the grip. It la Inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and harmless.
Sub Soreaaai from jotats sad sauaelM '
with a small trial battlt of
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pain only; not one easo in fifty
require internal treatment, nub sooth
inc. enctrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right
mi the "tender snot," and by the timo
eu say Jack Robinson out comes the
rht-umatla pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is
u harmless rhvumatltin cure which never
dUappobiU and iloi-.ii't burn Uie akin. It
takes pain, soreness ana siianess iroiu
iieliliii. lolnts. muscle and bonest stops
nclatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia.
Umber up I tin a so cent pome
of old-time, honest "St Jacob OH"
from any drug store, and in a moment
jou'll be free from palaa, aehea and
stfffness. Don't sutferl Rub rheuma
tism away,
u.. ia . .. ..
suit of this tho names of tho other
vessels to sail were kept wcrct. The
vessels to sail were kept secret,
m..k. ..
any Interruption to the service, as all
the new pipe and connections to the
new reservoir were In place, ready for
une. It corera nearly two acres, and
will bo nearly twenty-flvo feet deep at
the screen well. It holds when full
about 2,500,000 gallons, which Is
nearly double th requirement of tho!
Stato Railroad Commission. Marsh
field Record.
XoUre to Public
On and after November 1C, 1914,
nli barbershops In Klamath Falls will
M'Ui at a n. m. nnd close at 7:30 p.m.
Nine persons were killed and flfty
slx Injured by bombs dropped In War
saw by tbo German airmen.
Students at the Julia Rlcbman High j
ISchool for Girls In New York city will j
j purchase their food, cook It. and keep
'the books during the present school
If ll'it north liavlng. Its worth In
rltiK. Sh Chllcote.
Subscribe for the Herald. 50 cents
s month
Legal Notices
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
F. l Stltser. Plaintiff.
Wm. S. Fish and F. S. Fish. Co-Part-
uors. Defendants.
To Wm. S. Fish and F. S. Fish, the
abovo named Defendants:
in the name of the state ot Oregon,
jou and each of you are hereby re-
quired to appear and answer the com-1
plaint tiled against you in tho above,
cntltlod action, on or before Saturday, '
tho 19th day ot December, 1914, that'
being the last day ot the time pre-)
scribed In the order for publication ot
thus summons, and it you fall so to1
appear and answer, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will tako judgmeuti
Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol
len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired
iPtnn.l .-. a 1 IaIKHJ IiIIH lAM Btlil
vivwujo wm., ""i vu.v ..x
ness, no more
llmninjr with
pain or drawing
up your face in
agony. "TIZ" i.
magical, acts
right off. "TIZ"
draws out all the
poisonous txuda
a pui
the feet Us
"TIZ" and tor
get your foot misery.
Ahl how 'com
fortable tour feet feel. Get a 2.1 cent
box of "HZ" now at any druggist or
department store. Don't suiter. Have
good feet, glad feet, feet that never
swell, never hurt, never get tired. A
year's foot comfort guaranteed or
money refunded.
I kw aV
'against you for the nura of 1399.17,
and for tha coto und dlsburomonti
of this action, and for an order o( tblsjOctotmr 9th, 1914
conn that tlio ronowing dccritHXl
jland, Ukn under an attnehmont In
itlil rauto, to-wlt:
Tlio northwent quorlor (NW'U)
of Hoctlon seven (7), In Township
fortj-ono (11) outh, rang clftht!
(X) sail ot VIIIaratt Meridian,
and tltuaied In Klntnnth county J
jbo old nt by law required and thafvombor 12, 1914, at the hour Of
I proceeds thorcof applied In the pay. o'clock p. in. of aald day, at tha city
irnent of such Judgement. I hall In the city of Klamath Falls,
This summons Is served on the de -
'fendanl nnd each of them herein, by
(publication thereof In the Dally Her
Inld, a newspaper of gcrx'rnl clrculn-
Hon, printed nnd published at Klam -
iatli Falls, Oregon, not less than onco
ja week for six consecutive weeks, by
order of Honorable Henry I,. Uenson,
Judge of the nbovo entitled court.
Mado, dated and AM In said action
(at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on tho 7th
"day of November, 19H, tho dato of
the first publication thereof being on
Sati.rday, the 7th day of November, United State of America. Said bonds
1914. HOLLO C. GKOESBECK, will be Issued In denominations not
Attorney for PIalntlfr.excCedlug $500 each, and numbered
7-H-2I-2g.C-12-19h (from one to ,... Inclusive. Bald-
Ham moat
I rt. i..i. - n.
. t.- r.u,, u. o;
IIU lllff
Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Klam
i W. Siemens. Plaintiff.
The Unknown Heirs of Charles
Percy Nichols, otherwise known
s C. P. Nichols, deceased; the
Unknown Heirs of Louis Oerz,
deceased; Sophia Schadde, Wil
liam A. Schadde, and Jane Dee
Schadde, his wife; Edward
hebadde, and Rebecca Roe
Schadde, his wife; Henry D.
Schadde. and Mary Dee Schadde,
his wife; Augusta Klsle Hart
man, and John Dee Hartman,
her husband, and Emma Bertha
WItte. and Richard Roc Wltte,
her husband,- also all other per-
sons or parties unknown, claim
ing any right, title, estate. Hen or
interest In the real estate de
scribed In the complaint herein.
To tbe Unknown Heirs of Charles
Percy Nichols, otherwise known
as C P. Nichols, deceased; the
Unknown Heirs of Louis Gen,
deceased; Sophia Schadde. Wil
liam A. Schadde. and Jane Dee
Schadde, his wife; Edward
Schadde. and Rebecca Roe
- Schadde, hla wife; Henry D.
Schadde, and Mary Dee Schadde,
bis wife; Augusta Elsie Hart
man, and John Dee Hartman,
her busband, and Emma Bertha
Wltte. and Richard Roe WItte,
her husband, also all other per
sons or parties unknown, claim
ing any right, title, estate, Hen or
Interest In the real estate de-
! scribed In the complaint herein.
I In the name of the Stato ot Oregon,
J You. and each ot you, are hereby re
tqulred to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you In tbe above
entitled suit on or before Saturday,
the !lst day ot November, 1914, that
being the last day of the time pre
scribed In the order for publication ot
this summons; and. It you fall ao to
answer, for want thereof tbe plaintiff
will apply to tbe court for" the relief
praed for In the said complaint, to
wit; For a Judgment and decree
against yeu:
I.- That you, or any of you, have
or has no estate or Interest whatever
lu or to the lands described In aald
complaint, being the following de
scribed real property, situated In the
j county of Klamath. State of Oregon,
fto - wlt:
All of lot numbered one (1), and
tbe east thirty feet ot lot numbered
two (2), in block numbered sixty
two (C2) In Nichols Addition to the
City of Klamath Falls (formerly
tho Town ot I.Inkvllle), Oregon;
being situated lu the Bouthweat
quarter ot the southeast quarter
(SVJ ofSEU) of Section twenty-
I nine (29). In Township thirty-eight
i (3S), south of Range nine (9),
J east ot the Willamette Meridian. In
i Oaegon;
or any part thereof, and that title of
the plaintiff thereto Is good and valid.
2. That you, and each ot you, be
forever enjoined and debarred from
asserting any right, title, Interest or
claim what07er in or to said premises,
lor any part thereof, adverse to this
' l . a m m . . . i .1 M
ipiatntin; nuu tor aucu oiuer anu iur-
mere Xo7tlght.lllor rellef as l0 th'3 court 8Ua 8tm
im-ei, or us '" citu.ij wuj upic. urn.
This summons Is served by publica
tion thereof In tho Evening Herald, a
dally nowspapor ot general circula
tion, published in Klamath County.
Oregon, by order ot the Honorable
Wm. S. Worden, County Judge of
said county, acting, In the absence of
tho Judge ot the Circuit Court of said
county, by lrtuo ot the authority by
law In him vested In such cases, made,
dated and filed In said suit at Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, on the 8th day of
October, 1914; which said order re
quires that summons In said suit be
published once a week for a period ot
six successive weeks, Tha data at Ik
first publlcatloa of this luatsMM la
AtUnnyi for PUIfttlf.
9-lf,.23-30--lS-30 h
i .Notice Inviting I'ropeMl to 1
City of Klmnath Fall laaaiav.
'"mt Itoada.
Scaled proposals will b raclTa4 by
the undersigned until Thu radar. Na-
, Oregon, (and at such time and place
all proposals received will baopaaed)
for tbo purchase of $21,021,16 city of
Klamath Kntls, Oregon, coupon Im
'Provemcnt bonds, payable tan year
from date of Issue, bearing a rat of
Interest not to exceed six per ceat par
annum, Interest payablo aeai-aaau
ally, principal and Interest payable at
the office of the city treaaurar or at
the fiscal agency of the state of Ore
gon, In New York, principal and la
.tcrist payable In gold coin of the
bonds are authorised by Ordlaaae
.Vo. 341 of the city of Klamath Falls,
(Oregon, for the purpose of provldlag
funds to pay the cost of laproTlag
parts ot the following named (treat.
Eighth street, from Mala street to
High street; High street, from Eigkta
to Ninth street; Ninth street, frea
High to Prospect street; Proapact
street, from Ninth to Upbaa atraet;
Upham street, from Prospect street to
White avenue, and White aveaae,
from Upham street to Delta street.
Including Intersections.
Said bonda will be sold to the sign
est bidder for cash, and for aot lew
than their par value and accrued In
terest. i Each proposal to purchase aald
bonda must be accompanied by a
check for Ave per cent ot tbe aaoaat
of the proposal, certified by aoae re
sponsible bank, payable to the order
of the undersigned. Propoeate aaat
be sealed and endorsed, "Proposals to
Purchase Improvement Bonds."
The Council ot aald city reserves
tbe right to reject any and all Mda
and proposal to purchase sack bomda.
Said bonda will contain a prorlelea
to the effect that tbe city reserves" tbe
right to take up and caaeal sack
bonds upon .payment at any ttaaa ot
the face value with accrued latsrsat to
date ot payment, at any seal-aaaaal
coupon period, at or attar oaa year
from the date ot such bond or beads.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oragea,
October 12, 1914.
Police Judge ot tbe City ot Klaaata
Falls. Oregon. 10-11 11-11 b
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court ot tha State ot
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In the Matter of the Estate of WUllaa
Martin, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that tha un
dersigned has been duly appointed
administrator ot the estate of WlUIaaa
Martin, deceased, by the county court
of Klamath county, Oregon, aad tbat
all persona having claims against aald
estate are required to present saae
to me at the law otSee of Rollo C.
Groesbeck. Klamath Falls, Oragea,
within, six months from the data et
tula notice, properly verified aa by law
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
October 21st, 1914.
Administrator of the Estate of Wil
liam Martin, Deceased.
11-38-4-11-18 b
Notice for Publicatioa
(Not Coal Lands )
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregoa,
September 11, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Henry
A. Grimes, whose postofflce address
la Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, oa tbe
11th day of May, 1914, file la this
office Sworn Statement aad Applica
tion No. 07533, to purchase tba
SWH. section 3. Township IS 8.
Range 10 E. Willamette afertdlaa.
and tbe timber thereon, under tba
provisions of the act ot June S, 1871,
and acts amendatory, known aa tbo
"Timber and Stone Law," at sacb
value as might be Used by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to sucb ap
plication, the land and timber tbere-
on have been appraised at a total of
I2CT.S0, the timber estimated 356,
000 board feet at 1,50 per M, 00
juniper posts at 5c, aad tba land
150.00; that aald applicant will offer
final proof In support of bis applles
tlon and sworn statement oa tba Itb
day of December, 1914, before O. R.
Dol.up, county clerk of Klamath
county, at Klamath Falls, Oregoa.
Any perion Is at liberty to pro
test this purchase before eatry, or
Initiate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit in this omos, allsgfac facia
which would defeat the aatry.
JAB. F, BUROWM, Rsgaitsr. .
10-S; 18-4 b
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