;t 4 tittfnn iteratf! PKINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NICW8 .-' K JN' : 3W i" W lh War -N". ." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER lll91f ntf, rtf al RUSSIANS ARE CLOSE CRACOW Eh TO NO CHANGES IN TIDE OF BATTLE PARI. Not. II, TttU rittliiu'. hhiiiiihiiIi .) lie lluhlliili Ml ku'l and l"anl !,) riiMtlttMr lllltl llir ItlliMMl lnlrii.lt), with liltiiil tmirvf for '"Hll aniline, The itriWMM lll l"ll IIU Millie, Tbr ulllra bate Ittki-u l.iiiiilhiri I) lie Ih'llmllnti. rr Ibat lhr (irruiati Im fi-lufnm-il nl Viie. I he llulil laf llirfr nmllMliea Hllll Ihr .lolrtirn lli.il lm i hum trrtnl tin- inllii tmrk, Atllllef) I cotiMrtHlly III at thin mi tmtli "Mi , vildi n'nii-,1 iiitnnlr) ftMttUll. Tlirtr pr,tr- l' If lltllr ilwuite (it llin ltiinlliiii llmuiuhmii l'miii' l Itrlsiutil, awl llw IIHtWtt tagr Ml ll nil of ihn tor) lltnl lid I.e. it Imtwi (uallinimu for n forlwlaht, A frM( l tuirrnl tlml lltr Urmia it tnlltliinuil In tin Woevin union Um hrrn ltnfrivrl li Urtirral n Url. ami Ciown Pliitr Prnlrthk VI. M lu (" I" ' IVttaaU, Itt lake minitiailil tC lite knlx! dim-, ftfhllas. the Invading rrtoeta u( lite rr. nwr Pasta, War Minister of Turkey UNITED PRESS MAN JS NAMED HIU.I.OI I'HII.I.IP HIMH IMlKlCl. .VATKIi AH AMERICAN" OHIHE MtlNHKXT TO VIHIT TIIK HAT- ti.i: i,im i piiaxci: SCHOOLS CAN HAVE HEALTH OFFICERS Jm: Mimion is audited i.v tiii: work or uirrriM. hi.t- TIIll MlMTAHV CONDITIONS IV .I.I..TIII!lsTltl(l affe-Jiw lw5&inl' ittfcf wan !&$& .yHiTtHresSi s. HiBjuJal M I GERMAN LOSSES HALF A MILLION Is in Charge 0 Russian Advance oi'rici.ti A.vxorx(.K.Mi:.T hays lif.tm.SSY MKKK .NO (JCM.IUI, ursHi.t.v i.vv.ihio.v i.(.i:u ,r TIIIKTIMi: I itllH l'rv K'rlco roi'KMlAOKN, Nov 11, Now illliitr)n- from (ipniiany ilctlnro Hhj liiiCKl llt .if iiimmltlc iul)lthi'J In ll'Tltti rIim ilir nntncit of J09.000 tifictni itnU iiiti Klllfd, uotnicli'd (in fl ihIk Iiik. Tin' lUt imorii Aiiriim, Siilfinlr mill it part at October. I nlii-il I'nvii Sorvlc IIKIII.IN. Nov. Ill It I ofllclnlly aliiioiiurtil llinl flglitltiK contlnurK In tln ufii ultliaul nil)' UccUlvn results for ol(lnr army. Th Ar;otiiiii Miltu allnn l roirlrd n faiornblr. Tln nniimmronicnt mati"! that iln.T- tmn liothlnc otciirr-nl to fnill c.tli) tliut a ItiiHslsn K?iirrat IiimihIod In Imiiilnciit. Cruiser Locked Up in Small River relict I'ip.ji it.nvko I'AIUH, Nov 1 1 - Tli lltnl Kfuu. b( (on leu r i-iririMniliiti( otTHI illf mme.l ti tttn I'iriicli Eovninn-nt to tl.lt Kit- txttilWiatil and (li AiibIo fttntU Urf mnn IIhm 1iu l)n nu ni,untH, William I'l.tlllu rtlnm. Unit A l'rM rorrrtmnilrni hro, lm Iiwii ilnldiiitrt n Allirrkft'n rrttl!A lltr. fhr r olt1r tlrclitnl Iti Im?iiiiII bo trr-i(iiilMii frjim each of ii oiuiral cniititrl" to inokt? irlpt to Urn bftlilv from, iimt Uiey may unln mor nrl Imnil Information. TIiMh rorrKiiult'iitit will Ih ! foitrJ ly n iltitarluiifnl of Fmuh Hun ni utarr orritor. PRIZE CATTLE NOWJFECTED tin: 1'OOT ,XI moiitii ihhkahi: IHIIMKH OI'T AT NATIOXAIi MIIJV 8MOW IN CllirAOO AM. AUK VAI.I'AHI.H AXIMAI.N Within n luiri tluiK iiiik uill In iv--r) bcIiooI In tlm riiunty will ( rr Ins a iii'il tiailco ft authority rouJInc "Srhtwil llf-alili Ottlwr" And to thin itltilt "III (hi anoleiifil lli. tlutltm of rlltK that tlio nchool U lit ai Hani tary a romlltliai a pnwilliK1 County Hrlmol Hucrlnl-nil'nt lU&X l'rti'iTon ha aont to Halom for ntty hatter. tilth arn to l illttrltnmnl Ittroucli ll0 county, Tim nlaii wax (irlslimttil li) thn tato tlarimtut of liintriirtliiu, AuitiiiK t'i" iuatlr to ho lookul lulu li) llio ncliool Ixvtltli OtllltT Mlf iroHT llnlitlnc, MMitllalloii. tomll" Hon of hulltllng, wntor mipily tolU-tit tmnlin ami KMiuntla. Uy U Intor ittlUK tliO rhonl clillilrrli, It ll t'X pwlctl that inurh more nanllary con illtlon will privall, INivit I'd li a l thu joiiiik war mlu .littT of Ttirkfy, who U rrtMllU'd with iIoIiik much an any ono to bring 'Turkey Imo tlu nar on tlu- ulilu of iiuumuy anil Autrla. Ilo haa had tlm mm) tralni'd hy Herman noldlcm, unit rliould In nil opcratloua begin the lrotii Mill bf Ird hy illlclont otflror I In- I jiir haa muit to tho Turk. I'nliotl I'rcuHScnlco LONDON. Now 11. Tin. admiralty Matt- that the IlrllUli cruUor Chath am haa blockaded tlio (lorinau cruiser KoenlKber In nhoaf-vator six mllea up the ItuflJI Ittver. oppoalto Maxla Inland. In Rerman Iust Africa. This wan done by (Inking a collier across jUie only na liable channel In the river. This In tleuoral i;ennenVampf, com mander of tho Kuvslnn army opernt Iiir fn KaL I'rusisla and I'oseu, n hose wonderful advance within the last few dnyH has surprlod even tho Russian war oilice. Hennenkampr is said tot havo said that when the Russian troops enter Berlin, ho will ride at ,tho boat! of the army with Cxar Nicholas. MUSCOVITE MEN TAKE GERMANS l nlted I'rets Service I'lrritOOUAD. Nov. II. It I ri'Mirtl that Hm- ItaMUax have cap luritl ,'t'iirr.il ion .Mukence, toiuntandliiK tin' Seventeenth OernuMi cerya, unit hU fttatr. Oenetcil von I.lelert, Gennnti rommaBder of the Lod rmf, Ix n!o n'-xirftil n irljier. . Tin .-tiitlwrllle wy th lnk of beatluK Turkey will In no way cmm nl.irkt iiIiik of tlii iirtitire Ituisln la etertlns aloiut the Eat Fnuahui xoa lier. Krerynherc In Knt 1'ruv.la ami l'oen, tlw Muacarltea am 4vaK Ihk. It i" I wile vol that the Unnlani will rrmh all German reaMaao-S by he r welRht of numbem. lteKrt tmiii the front Indicate that Ivnlvr Wilhelm 1 utrrntthflM liU forces in the eat hy drawing troop from Ilflglafn. Men who coaa niamliit trtxip hi Flanders n week atio have been raptured la East PTTafaaVl. The Kii-.hI.iii ailrnncf on Craeon hn reachel Nikon. The f'ermuu r(ht H.ink un ilefcitttil near l.yck, it la oMcially an IIOUHllll. The unr ulllce iMyt the ltuoUnx arc relnforclnit; around Then aad IVkm n. The IntcMinetil of Cmrou In mum tlian probable. It la nnVlalljr ' niiniuiiirftl that the Uuinn.H liare renrhed Mlechlowr, twenty adlcn ' Crnrmt, hiiiI the main advance U proceeding there by train tram It ll U reported here that tho Gentian crown prince baa been aaaee an prv me romm.iiider of the German force in the Eaat. .Mm. KlUabeth C. Vincent of Con cluniitl In her will bequeathed $410 lo her friend, Oliver V. Norton, to be expended by him In buylnb the best clear he can procure. To lllc Game. Ralph Hunt leaves in tho inornluu 'for Scattio to witness toe Unh entity of Oregon-University of Washington football Ramo Saturday. WOULD PAY FOR- LOSS OF EMOEN STATE BOOSTER1 CUTS: THE RISK. Haku. (.iuci.ni.i. now has a popula tion of 217.SS3, of whom 93.0 S2 are females. GOVKH.N'OItS IX IIIG MEETING JINSURAXCK ItATES XOW UOWKB.' vOULl IIAVK I'AIU PUBLiaTvi CAPTAIN IS RESCUED, aKHP AGCNTS FOR TIIK STATES AXd MOST OF THE CREW PERHH. Stupendous Palace of Horticulture, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Tin: CITIES UURIKD WITH HONORS I I'nltfil 'riM Hcrvlco MI('0(I0, Nov. II -Tho lateal , illireftl of U f00l nml mouth dU ""a wn ilUcovcred today nt thn Na tional Dairy Hhow, Imlnir hlrt at tho ""tKyniii. Tho tuitrk-H for thin ahow '"luili. tin. l(,i ,Bry rowa In tho nn-Hon, Hll)-llvn caaea hnvit htieii dlHfover- "i tiuire. Tlilriy-llu eaaoa hiiiiiiik iMIiiir pcillKieoii herila vviiro repurled '"Tiuoforti, ll"lnfiipu uf llin alorkyurda will h completci innlHht. Tho yards will "t reopen until Monday, however. 1l"t Is thu ,fti wt (0r ,l0 cxpli.ttlon r tlio iiuaraiitino. MRS. CLIFT IS ALSO CALLED ek.mihi: or roitMKit locaii wo- ...... i.n.itifj j MAX OH I' UN ivv" " I TElt Till? IlKATH Ol' UWt HCS- ....... ...... a. Jftftl.'f.4Vlk ll,IMI lilll'l' '' "''"' Henry Blout lino iwohed word from OaklAinl of Hit death of hla hU i.. Mr Minnie. Cllfl. Death occur- J red Tuesday, and was dim to heart failure. , Her liuidinml, Tied C'lltt. died theru ..i. in lun wiM.liH niro. Mr, and Mi. Cllfl formerly lived In Klamnlli Full, mid lind many fi limda lipro, '"Iik 10 MIu-vImv, JdKti (iry i, u,m.,m nj com I 'porl.t R, M. UleUrdjou loavo Bun "y fr Ukevlow, to nttwtd' to court '"tiers. liUoii Klhei'TiNi. Tho lresbyeilii l-ntlltM Aid Hon city will Klvo u silver lea nt Out homo nf Me. and Mm." IlurBo Mason on Crcnoont nvontio tomorrow nlilit. ThU will coiiiiimnco nt 7'.3, nnd nil nio Invited. iiiiaiiianrni I " "11111 I I II T I nT3? .-trggnaWnlntgMny :"JSnffiTTT "' '" - '"" fe BpPiiiaPs5 ' taHaatVaWaRS '. -E19BaWrVPnTri rTWWaHH.nV!l99nUnB9nH l'- CiiaMaai a"naaIaMMn)nAare" "ffgK"gl"HI I nP'aaRvIlwInniHBK.n. 1 Mm iTPll riir InnBinanananffnnnnaananal itS '"BnManOlnMlnKnT?." HnnnnKa3nnt ffStTT O1 .C e V JntnlBnll I ntnAMaaaaBnT'lf ,US1 nlHnir 2 'nHnnnaaatrnlMnnnVflaWKinHn - i " ' ' ft-- I'nltud Press Service MADISON, Wis., Nov. 11. Ap pointment of paid official press agents for btntes and cities will be recom mended to the governors conference which Is belug hold here. T. S. Adams will make a plea for better publicity .experts who know how- to prepare readable stories for nowspapers that will Instruct readers In the operations of governmental af fairs. Adams will recount tho successes thai have attoudetl the experiment In soveral Instances. United Press Service LONDON. Nor. 11. Iaaurs&M rates on cargoes consigned for Pa cific and Indian Ocean porta har been reduced SO per cent as taeratak 'of the destruction of tbe Oeraaaa t cruiser Emdcn by a British warship yesterday. The admiralty announced that Cap tain von Mutter, commanding the Tea sel, was rescued unwounded, aad I a 'prisoner of war. Two hundred of the Emden'a crew j were killed and thirty wounded. Th ' prisoners were permitted to bury their comrades with full honors. MAY SOON HEAR SOLICITS WRONG . n a-i . i K . KA..ai OF LABOR PARTY! KIND OF PAPERS A 1,1. SORTS or UKSOliUTIOXS AUK i POURING INTO THE AMERICAN rl:i)i:nATiox of IjAHor cox- VEX1IOV OUTH IS ARRESTED BY THK PC MOT. FOR SOLICITING FOR PA PERS WHICH HAVE NOT NAMED HIM AS AGENT Oit'ion and WashliiKlon ports sent out 38,830,000 feel of lumber the first half of October, illlC Palace of Ilortlculture of tlio Panaiua.PacJtlc international Kxposllluu Is the most Htrlklim uuliluMural triumph ever created for any Exposition. Whether the sweep of the Exposition's tlM acie is evt,i from ... . ! i. hi.. .. .it.. m ii..aM vlaw. tlila entiininnitliiiF Atllften HttinetH enrle ultelltlilll mill tid'i fttitliui rw1 triumph ever crviueo. ior imj nivimi. """' -! ...v ..-,,......,., ,, ..s., .. Bl .... ... m,a.h .Ll. iwiHiiHdnilliin aI,1.. dlllnnl. ..t.lk. .1 1 1 ..I) 1 1. 1 II tllnl ...V.t tli,lii.. tllO lIlHtlllll Hill Or imjU a UOaror TlOW, mi wuiiuiiiimiih miit.v niiimia ) """"" "" " aai .1.,..,.. ,u ti... i,ir.r.l liomtiinliitrteal fliinn doina In thn world. It Ih 1S.' feet lllL'll mill fill i- II lllllineterof I lie Kiviii "viiiw ."""-"-"""- . - . .... ...... irr' feet It It crowned by a mammoth basket. Surrounding this dome are the spires Out KlM the Htrineule in fliiuce 'and these are of a marble whiteness and surrounded by beautiful sculptured tltfueH of jurnn vvomcu 1 lu a gsueral way the palace follows the ideas lueorKrsted In the mosijuo of Sultau AIiuuhI 1' The ilevoru tlims and Itch omait'ientatlon have th French renslssaiioe feeling. The numerous smaller dome- t'tW iiirioumU "tha buUiant have latllcwl work, where rare Tinea aad flowers will bloom to give added beam n tut ui'diiw up! cat of palStl sad flowers Tbe extreme length l Ihe palsce U 1)00 feet aud tho width 3W fva United Press Service PHI1.ADKI.PHIA. Nov. 11. Tho lAmericnu Federation of Labor con 'veutlou Is consldorlng resolutions cov- oriiiB overy concelvnhlo proposition nftectlnK labor. Tho old agltutlou for a. political labor party will also come before tho convention. In nil probability. It is conceded that such a resolution would, have little chance of winning at this sesslou, but many predict that such u party is sure to bo formed soon. Tho Hill lino will run through t rat us from Chicago to Astoria next spring, to connect with steamers to Ban Francisco. ' , Charged with soliciting subscrip tions without authority, Gerald Sar gent, 17 jeara old, was arrested by i r thu police. Sargent Is from Sacra mento, in the employ of authorised agents for a well known publiMttea. During his canvassing he took SHaV scrlptlons for a number of other thaf ' azluea ho Is not authorised to rears.. sent. Tho receipt given for the nwn ey rocelved did not ladlaate thai, tbe mnrftitniift unra nrdri. "- - mils that he had no authority iliMn aiitiaortntlnna " .'"'' Alvadore In eaa vaaf , baa' baantTlV' houses, a 18.000 scheal, and a cannery. ' IT Gs cs Oa Ui I Mt ' t j A! .VfM A'- "1 1 . i i '-'' IV . A. ' vl- 0 r