'H9- i fe- "! PKINTS THE NEWS WIIH.K IT IS NEWS h a5,,e -tmmM aw awWu iT' -Ttr- siac. r; utfttttuj iterato KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -i . .!"... 5ria- Vr-i-S" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1914 Price, Frfa BLOODY FIGHT IQUARANTINE CONTINUES IS CRUISER in tAitnutu; "EMDEN" YPRES REGION I'AHIH. Nov 10. Utti1i1.llr tb (kllD t 'ttU 'wfnW'l ,ir (,, ben tho bloodiest of tlm ,,r, lioil. I'm l hevllr, tU llrfmii foniHtu thwlr mam lt. Th" ,lr,,,,, ,',,,,"' r" '"l0" ,4 ,tttip"ltn H" ' Mt Hank. rtitalllr "' "''I'1 ""' ('t?n," jiutk In U' ltlnlty f Hi Vprra, fc, ih ar unite n) the enemy U lrl8i irrtinfiiJotu prrtuuru tlmro In , latu""' vtt0'i '" ""'"'' Vjirr li burtitn Xk !.iusu w . COIItlllUolUl) iln( (-lr ortlllrry from a rover m the nifsmry I'- fitu4r ivaullMl III tl" Tbc llt (ltmtUHltUn ) 11'f Cf(min rr ip(uIh In the vicinity ( Dlulmio And Arrontlrr. ThU ur t violet fighting unahol. .4. toih rmln endeavoring to rosin, uia (to olTrimlm. Al ftlhrr point along thn from It'tt l tin ttsnK apparent. rnrii ,Mmi:T.Ti: ,si .v,it v.xssuv m t'.irii.i: tih: roor ami mouth out. KAhi: AHATIM ,'jjGerman Ship Destroyed After Causing Heavy Marine Losses BURNED mm m : GERMANS HAVE MANY BATTLES I'nwr pho-ioghapii of tiif. "timoioii or tih: iMciric" ami tiik mkmiii:us of her cukw l'ull4 I onaHenliw j WASHINGTON, l V, Nov 10 - rli lpnrliiteui of Apiculture haa (rii.,l () nitnrfliilliin Cnn.Kla. Itn,d lalaiid New Jfr)', Kenturky mill DoUwhto In lu mirk or tilcitliiij lltrt rxit anil mmilli tlUctmi', Hlilp. omnia of taitli, Itilo Hut United Hlnli-n U UlUa JlfeU'llUd A (imIi oulLiri'ak. una iIiciihi il ii' Wlluilucfoii, Delaware Today hut 'tuck)1 tin Utriitlutl ndvr tlUrtu .1 r' 11 f liifwllon In llullii uiiinl. Ttif attinii or Itutajr iiial.. a mini 'iH rouitwu itnt- iitul-r ur trllUnrf jli)' (ht Moral tulli(irlilrn CITY VALUATION GAINS A MILLION WITH TIIIH I.VaiiaHfcUl VAI.UA. IMS TIIKHi: IM NOT MUCH IIAX. UKH OI' AN IM.HKAHKII TAX LKVV MIN, I'nlU'J l'ic HTlc J CHICA(H), Nor, ID - A irolulcjRU of ilrrMctt Uf ntrUnl Utt nlxlil jflUin MfliiM Gil) l,i-al tutrkef a ,er(4 t tint ptttct uaIiiIiuiU ar- on tln wax bet U ipIIoit' lh tliotJaeo U'h(ioMtvr llctt) BID' rAln In pflfr lli Uiitm TlirrM) Hie rrull tulr in ' ictn4 ar iiiirarran(iil OPPOSE GOMPERS CONVENTION AttorJIii in rutin ulmtliu4 lu Up rlijr uf KUmmh KH Ur lit rottblf uAclal, Ilia ur4 valukllnu ft ptvprtit wllliln tlio elly U now 1,U3,J03 Thin la it. Incnsiiv or fcttf a million dollar over I tie tnlua lion for li jour. Tbli Uroujlit ii at Ut iilclil' twtlDi: or ilia council wt.n th UUr. Han of ilm urn ux lovy wan rt4i It 3 HiliUrtI out that Hip lovr would b lower limit Ui year, tWnplto tlm (t thai rnr a urt or thn comluc jrrar ltr ll lo no naloiitt lltru? f piW Imo iho city' Irraiury. ,ii.vi:iis ami cAitri:.NTt:iiM i.ian J i.v ,movih:nt fok a ieki: ItAlUOAI. MI.TIIOII OF CON. ! IH'tTINO FKMKllATION TO RODEO OR NOT 10 RODEO THIS Is A gtllMTIO.V WMOHK NO. MTION li:i'K.VUH WIHIN Till! ATTlTt'lli: IF TIIK MIOAI IIUHL N'WI MK.V ANKENY DITCH i MATTER NEXT i - - . Ill ,! I - I I JM,,- 0 l,i- 1 w I H.XJWI TlK.t...lrll, &S&V. ' uXv, CdI.i.J Prew Serrtci I'ETnOGriAD, Jfor. 10. Th wmr ol!)co sir tho German hare bMn driven out of "'all Ituanlan Urrltory, and tho HuEslans aro la Pwiea and Kant Pruiila. ilavr tnowa njo falling in the north, but tho RuasUna are imIb- ! their motor (ledges and rnakUc cood Jtlmo. Cossacks are reported to aar Jnk-rceJ the (lerraan left flank at fKonin. I It Is officially announced that 800,- jOOO Ruaalan Infantry, caralry light artillery are continuing thtb ad- jrauce ncalntt the Turks. Nor. (United I'roaa Service ' BERLIN, (via Anuterdaaa), 1 10. Official announcement la , that the Russian troops endearoriac tto crots the border south of Wllsalloa were repelled acroas the frontier with heavy lots. Ulillrd I'rom Sorvlco linilmi, Nov. 10. linUy nnnouurrd Ilia I the Ocniuun nutMn- Itimlrn, tltt "Tcmtr of IIip ! rlllr, haa lncw tnMr))nl. , Tlir ItrliUti rlili H)ilii-r ilroto, llii- (imttau aliorr on Cicm laland In Ilip Inillati Orran. Tint v-rl iMiiulwnkil lii-ntll), nntl nflcr lrlklnx' I he rtKk liurniM it iIk iialmi nlgr. Ultoniclal mlilrm My Hint CupiAln tmi Mullt-r mill llir iimJoHly of the KLAMATH HIGH LOSES AGAIN MKDFORD AND ASHLANB SCHOOL TRIUMPH OVHK RRmiRON WARI0R8 FMOM LOCAL ixsnTcnox ! I'lllLADCI.I'HIA. Nov 10-For Ilm rlrl itmu tu )isr, tlm rut of Hamup) flumiwra lu llu Auiorlran IVdtralloii ol lbor l aorlounlyj, ,PM- r ,- llimlrn nrm tuiitnl IlirralcnO. Tim .iviegaifa Of mo iiiilio ,. p.,1,,,,,,! , ,U ,.m. Orr- t..lpK. ...lunlnr. .fill iiltmr lltillnH , ., . .... i .. iliimi nrlilli imiMtl n low Inrlliird lit raillrnlliin, oibiiI)- aamirt! ll,l il... ,,,,,l ,-ni.trt.l .,f tlm IVI.T- ."l lo ll' nllllll Milrr. fttlon U loo ronaorvnthe. .! tin llKir lor Urn ili-lnirlln unit It U t'iiti-l, lmorr, Umt lm.lriiilrf r vpmi'U, noil dnm mil In-i Inri will lx lilf in retain hit orr dtute ilu imi nimw Iim of lmlt n it ,ivnll r II ttKnii(ini in Hit" For i:ai. .. , , , . , ,iu Mcrtin into luirlMira uf Ulaiitl i to-. I on. had rtiiuplclely tlfslmjctl uuirl. HriiUli itort of l'ciuiug, in tho Straits t fti fur l kiiouii, lu'ul).fiiur I ' I MJtlwnii til iw mira mh imniMni toe unlet iraur. oviiii:iitt.-iii iiictv itie r.uiuvu i i forta. Oiu of llie moat rcct-at foata of tlio tucked mid tuik a French torpedo 'HOLDING Ilouilmy rteently reported that tlie Kmtleii nan to iIUbuUo herself uitli u boat iIetro)cr uuil the llusalan trarf fourth ainokeatark, Meant into tticliii Jemucliunj;. . BUILDING PERMIT IS TURNED DOWN ih-Ih unv cllher auuk or driien anhore' hy lint L'liidcii. HeaidrM lu aetirilliiil H,Uilmy nsxnlly reported tltat the Imi lite IiIkIi m'u, (lie Kniden waa wout prraenre of Uie Kmdea la eaateni wa Cit!XCII, MAV AI.IMI I'l'T O.V TIIIJI IIAI.I.or OTHKII tilAltTKIl ami:nii.mi:xth whk.v tiik sfi:.. CIAI. ni.KCTIO.V IS IIIM.H 0. W lloticrtaon la tho now nrol lont of tho Hmtro Amuaoliirlil Aaao. elation, who w havo chargo of tho 116 aliow ir u ahoulit ho decided lo Mill oiio on nitu year. Whi-ihtr or not there will ho n llo. 'o In imr. la Mill vory douhirul, "'any or ihoaii who Imndlo.l tho luillc "I llir work lh mat thre yiitrn aro ,l0t t nil I'lithunlnallu over tho o. I'"rtunliy or hnvhiK to nonled their I'Mvaip huaiiiean In order lo mako tho w a aiicceaa. Tlm now onlrora 'ftvo ilwidcd to iiinco I ho nuttier ho "ro Ilm IniNliieaa moil of Ilm city, and 'I lll ho up thm ,0 totcle whetli r thty Mnni nm,t,4,r )mw twl yenr or "t. I'nliiaa the mral iimrclmnU "' llllln,. ,,rovldo enlortiilnmoul "" Iho lHltora In tho mornliiK mill "iiIiik. uu.ro will ho no hIiow. Tho ii n mi n ihoolhiK pf iho naaocla. "on waa ,ui Monday night, und tho nllowliig oltlrora wore olected: O. . Iliihorlaoii president; J. R. Ilodgn ,'ro l,r,,llont, II. M. Aokloy accro yy, 0. II. Dnggott treasurer; 0. II. Mwwootl, V. (J. Dallon, K. 1. iroiia, h, o, Hlaemoro nud J. M. Ilol ""iii directors, i . i In addition lo opening iu on I at reel Improvumenta, tho council, ml ilia mealing Thursday nlghl lll con. J alder Iho olecllon soon to ho held, 'when Iho nueatloii of cinpoworliiK tho council lo outer Inio nn ngreomeni with (ho government for the trauafur or abatement or tho AnUny canal will be auhmttlcd to Iho people In tho rorm of u bn)lot amendment. At this same meeting Iho council will also consider aomo ehanges In Iho clmrlor.. Theso ore n few of tho pro vlalona which would ho more bono flclnl or practical lu nnolhcr form, and nny nllorntlona aiiKKoaled nro the ro aiilt or two er' operation under the charter. FOOT AND MOUTH: ATTACKS HUMANS OHIO (illtl. IS FOUNII TO UK HUF FllltlXll WITH ALL TIIK SV.MI'. It J.MS tlF HAl'IOLV KIltK.IIING MAiailV r to F. R. vray farm near Hllrer o has juat completed a silo 10 feet ' dlamoter and a 4 feet high, and It ' I'old U oto or feed. WANT U.S. TO HUN TIIK MINKS United 1'rea flervlco PIIILAOKLIMIIA, Nov. lu.Tlio inluorH delegates nnnounced today Unit tlioy Intend to prcsa tho resolu tion demnndliig thnt tho government opiuato tho Colorado mines. They take for tholr procedont tho govern ment rnllroad lu Alaska. Moat of tho dolvgates npprovo of tho resolution, and It Is oxpected thut favorable ac tlon will be taken. L'nlti'd I'reaa Stirvlce AKHON, Ohio, Nor. 10. The firat Hiiapecletl caao of root and mouth dla 1'iitl among Iiuiuuur was dlarovered today nt tho llowou achool lu this city. Thn city inedlial examiner, In hU lOKUlnr liinpectlou, UiU morning dla ioeieU n girl 10 )oaru old who la Hiirferlug with nil or ihu Hymptoma illapla)ed hy imlimiU uirilcled with this mntiidy, Tho cauan of tho caao cannot bo lournod. Oiio thiniry la thnt tho girl has been Infected through eating the meat of u dlaeaacd nuliunl. It Is moto poaalblo that In this caao tho wholo family would bo dlaenaed, and thoy havo been laolatod und will be carefully watchod. Tho Btnuley.Smlth Lumber compa ny has twenty-five men at work In Its now mill at Oreen Point, Hood River county. TIIK MAN OF THK HOUSK Sometimes "the mau of tho houao" Is a woman. And n lucky thing It Is for tho huabanu, the provider, tho lu romo getter. It his wife Is, to apeak figuratively and In tho boat aenae, "Iho man of tho house." lu tho partnership of husband and wlfo tho man is usually tho ono who makes tho money; tbo woman tho ono who spends It. That Is, tho woman Is the one who Is responsible for"tho week in, week-out necessaries for tho up-koep of tho home. To thcao "men oftho houao" we tamest!) recommend the ad vertising columns of Tho Herald. Thoy offer unlimited sugges tions for Improving tho welfare of tho homo In overy department from the kitchen to the drawing room. No conscientious manager of a household should neglect the advertisements. They are tho Kiitdepost8 to education, econ omy, efficiency and happiness. It pays to shop In The Her ald before you shop In the stores; 91 per cent of the circu lation of this paper goes direct Into the homes. Deal with the merchants who aro advertising upon the Mutual Qtrl Page. : BARBER SHOPS FIGHT TO DEATH CLOSE EARLIER. ACROSS MOJAVE NKW CLOSING HOURS AUK AGRKKD UPON BY ALL SHOPS, AND THK TONSORIAL ARTISTS Alti: AG.UN HAPPV PASSt:.tii:ilS SPEEDING ACROSS SOUTH KRN llKSSKHT IS SCKXKf 1 OF IUSPKItATU IIUKL UE TWF.KN PULLMAN IIMPLOVKS tiiilttetj. Instead of "shaves at all hours," as I United Press Service I. m u tt.tna tl . Ma.A l. 1. r. nnul I. rt .. . V (.1. nll VT.. .A k .In.. imn urvi .iiv vv !'"., " , U.WivDl V M , V.UIU., .tut. iw 4V uw t Klamath Falls barber shops nro all to desperate duel was fought In a dimly, close at the sarao time. Atter No voni-1 lighted Pullman coach swinging' ber 16th, all of tho shops will be open 'across tho Mojave dosert early this. Irom S a, m to 7:30 p. ni except, morning when Pullman Conductor J. .1 Saturday nights, when they will close n. KIncher shot and killed Samuel at 11 o'clock. Wilson, n dining car porter. Wilson i Thero has been aomo war among was armed with a meat cleaver, tho barber shops lor tho past twot According to Fincher, who surren. yearn, aud as a result the shops have dored to tho police at Mojavo, he and , been kept open all hours of the night, Wilson qunrrolod over n tip given to greatly Inconvenleuclng tho hair-1 Wilson. Tho latter rushed to tho din, outteis. - ling galley aud returned with a meat Icleaver, attacking FIncher. Hero for Visit. i ' Mrs. Herbert McLougbltn Is from Sacramento, the guest of Joseph S. Kent. here Mrs. Tho voteis at the recent election had one purpose to kill any and all laws which tend to retard the growth and; development -of builnei. enter- rls !? Mn&tcn'g u Daddy. "Why ull this Joytuluess on tho part ot Dill Masten, repairer of watches nml purveyor of Jewels?" some ono aula. Tho "why" arrived this morn ing In the form ot n ten-pound son. Hood River Is evaporating plant. erecting an apple The Klamath County High football team return toatgkt tbclr Rogue River Valley tour wKa a percentage ot .000. Following tlM 71 to 0 defeat at Ashlaad Satmraajr the team Monday lost to MeaTer High 53 to 0. say that the team in AsakuU Hi" was a far bigger and a faster oaa than played here recently. The loeala were badty outweighed, and had aa. uphill tight all the time. THAT CORRVGATMa IRON WAREHOUSE IS NOT A FIREPROOF STRUCTURE, COUN CIL REJECTS AN APPLICATION C1 Tho council last night rejected aa 'application from L. Jacobs to erect a corrugated iron warehouse. wIOj a I wood frame, in the rear of the Ash land Fruit Store. Tho council held that under the charter this could aot be called a fireproof structure. The matter was up at the naeetlag (November 2d, and una investigated I during the week by the street eoai. GIVE LECTURES IN THE CHURCH , PASTOR OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH IS A HANGING FOR THK INHTAL. LATIOX OF A STEREOPTIOOX FOR ILLUSTRATING TALKS A bcrles of lectures oa religion, 4 ... .... -j ... .-1 ...' js ucationai, economical aa seaeegpea vfl matters is to oe gives uuriag ta wia ' . i i ter at the Christian church br Hlaarf 'f t,-'.l ., ... .. .- -.:. .,f'fp a, u. tiarias sou oiaers. xaeee wiu , .. - be Illustrated by stereoptleoa .,, ? Zty maer Harian naa orasrea a prim 'fa -, Ing lantern to throw thee ftetana aa.t -; g the screen, aad he wHI alat; mmmt-'f:. to receive sets of JHertyaMaag f tW;, ..i.. i.tfU. . y.a'y ! & H W -J.S., V. .? A j v " r v v'ittC