Wh jEuromg IteraUi I'KINTS TI1IC KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NKV8 WHILE IT IS NEWS ji IVmIIi vt-rti s. a,ftiM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1914 lrlea, Ftr RUSSIANS IN VATERLAND British Dispatch Riders Hiding Behind an Abandoned Gun i;i ll(Mill.l, .V", U, 'Ilir-IIiiIii iiiIimiiik U u.t. ilinu IuiikmI .. ( , urplllog I'rrtl. TwU) ' ultltlil i.hiii .lim, ., 1 1 niltniiie uatitnt Hf Wnttlirf Hhrrmiil Iwlilliu. I'IIm h, Ini mil.-. Inip it..- (i.i. hum (tnnli"' Fiwn. Hi ndimiii '( ltMfl itPlitlPllk.ililpf' mm) In Ittial l'iil..l lm ml lint Hllll lri lillle Itulil" of tleruiali) . 'Hi" lrriiiit lump tm rrn drlirii Ik"" Hip imllur) iif Wllltwilni Itmnrtl l.)ik limdal IPtfmil ll Hllltl n( I'Miim ill Mll.llll. tlip llll.Ul. MP ailtiUlf lllK tHHUl) m ix Until In mill .K.iullini.lrtll I'.ilmnl im1 It I lulnl llwl Hip tiihohin (.limit ln M'.ii lied Hip rlii'i Utf$ AiulrUlta iiprntHlMC Mitilti Ml IV4'in) iiimI nli'iiK llin Smi 1 1 1 ttr ImUlrit TliU In u photOKIuph of u Hcvun on Km- bnlltufli lit lu northern France, ilmii tu Ilrltlih blcycln dispatch 1 1 Idem suddenly nlghli'd (JerillUII nol- .Hero n short distance off They hud no inter uiiill they alighted mar a hruVeii tttid nbmidoucd tanuoii mid rtiuriud behind li, expecting wiry iiioiiipiii to l,o discovered and llrod iiion liu.muih as these rider carry mi rlll'- nur havy wpapou., they liad ikiIIiIiik for ili-f"iio mropt their pl toU, Hhirh would nut have proved f- irih liiltrd l'p" Hnh Illllll.Ot ( Ain.lrnUlii). Vim, U, It U ulllilull) uiliulllnl llml llir (.crown m4iHI fun' lime rrHrnl Ix-lillut IIip Waillip llhrr. (iniilnl ,ir nul mnrrniPil orr Hn ocnHnunl ltnl,ili ..tUmim. II I rrpoitnl iil many ( Hip gr'.il pMti ii.hiI I'ihch Imir Ihth tlriM-tlnl TttP U'litrr wH.p,i rp nil flcrlug In llir inlrrlir nf llir Plllplrr tl U t-rtinn lll( VtrMlto U MivitPHllAl I'tillpil mrt ll.i. lllllali ill'. lutii. lull III" Urrtnnw Wr IWri' tlrr larv llml llm li-iiunn aihI .ulrinn .twin. m InUH, hil H-lrrlluil K,U.kI nil) . nml llnifftn, In imm miUr ttw IllMlkiH Im lltp rl l il-ll-it mil unicmllj iIuiiikimI, aIiIiiiiikIi llir lirrnwm i' nmilf mmiih bIii In lli" nimini, nglii. I ttlll l' Hf t9 j)MI,V, .Nur. U, N llml Hit iwr" linlii rin) li nllAlnnl lull tinniiriilum. Il !( IKirlM-il liato trllrt liillllm) 'Tt nil nirr llm lit. limiUI. ilrtlmr ltuU U rinlln nwnj liuilorlrhrit .litlRr. In Hip Inml TtiU Mill rnalilP llw wtllllrr)' lo mn 'ldl I" Hip wlnlpr. Ad.ltll.ml rrtHiil lurrr' Hip ilrmlU ( Itii-Uu Wilni!., Mli ,, H.iirr iIwm r tjrJ Kllilimrr nmt I- ihlrr lit-d. ILrrr I "MP ir.l iImI nllrr iIip 'rr.rnl r,.ntjlii I.) Hip HumUik r.U. ltn.U Hill lr Hip Urr IIIpII.p ip " Urmwn) mnl Hip Hii .Inn ulll murk Twrkr) unit ,nliU, it. r, Kl . ,1 .! :.- BVWwV Ml Eniimi lii-riiiiui rino l)r nBKSvriMk (i PAVKiV ttySHlHBBBSBBBHM"'BHBK9k v fiatfeSs' t ''liMWJaMiaBMrjMbJBafaMMMMrfwlfc" ' .!. .. m i iwi i m !! MORE FIGHT NEARYPRES tnlti-d I'rcis S.rlc ' I'AISIS, .Vin". I. Tlic Opnrwiw lme rfMimil the offule today nioiiml lilt .Mmlu and Yprcn, aflpr a uliort lnckrnlng of I1r rwlenUy. Thto lirlt-r nlril input came alter u tvrclc of conilnnt nrtllleiTr nail InfMtr? Hiiulti, mill iiuij fuivo been ordered to allow a compli-to clinnKe of troop alonu ll llrliitf I Inc. Tlio rurniiiunliiutf jyis that Hie alllc lima cicrywbero rctbHed liiUy, ll '", Hio renewed ultuiU. In lludr rcpcntwl InfmUir clrg tk fiiTinali nro Iln(t ronililfrnliltf men. Tim .oniiiiiinlUr ndiN llml lipny fog between IH MuIe and ty U Inlc-rfcrlntr Hlli llio urtlllfrj' anil nrlnllon actlvlllM. AfUT linn! llitlitliijt fora Meek, Hie Gomian nlnckcnlng yealcrday at prt was tnU-n u n tlicck by Hie alllr. It k nitwitted that both armlea tip,t hem My In tbo HkIiIIiik there. It U ppt(t.d tliat tlw ficnnitn nrv plannlnK to niako a grmad UMlM nl .itjii mxhi. Three tiolent aHault linvu been mtde there, Imt tb Wt Uli trtH) lime held their Kr"nil, WOL'IJ) I.VVOLVK CIII.V.I. UV'ltl IV lil Thn llnirue. mIonictal ) . Stt. . It t llml Japan, throiiKli vloUtlon of Chlau'i nentraUtr procUautlos, ' di'utnilni; to proLe Clilna Into a declaration of war. " ki av TIMETABLE FOR HUNTERS GIVEN uniBM ( in utioot l.pppn itniHil and uiirlp. Tor tlip suliUnro or thop iitimui III ICaateni OreKUti, tbo fol ,luwlhc Uble tin (p-ii fiirnllid by Jtbi. omm of tbp mher burpaii nt illaVpr. Sunrtsn 8uncl NEW FOUNDRY FOR PAST MATRONS, RAILROAD SUED KLAMATH IS NEXT PATRONS GUESTS; FOR COW LOSSES ITALY IS CAUTIONS. KOMI:, Xov. V. Ilnly-N taklntc precautJons to prevest aertoua Mi iilirWiiK In Trljxill. ItelnrorcpmenU luve been dltpatehed to trie trierr. Sixnillc attack by lledoulrut anil AraU on IuIUb army t iirl-l in Im; due to TurkUh aKt-iit. XAVAL ACTIVITIES. ATHENS, Xor. 0. It Is reported t,ui "ic .inglo-Freach waraWfa ara bombordlnR and rapidly reduclnc the TnrkUh forta at DardUMBe. If tbeM; foru fall It U bellevwl the allies nil! land marine oa the Trojaa I plain. 1 It l rumored that tlio Turkish lleet lia left the Boaphoraa. Tkm IK "r' lun ship have left Sebautapol, and it I belleTed their wl Iwi at 10 atSff) tl:p iHitnlmnlinent of Black Sen ports by the Turka. ,Nopititor """ " (Nmrmbpr IS limns or M'.vmrr axi Hi,NiuHi:"So,mlr s Itoember O IN i:,HTi:u,V tlltWJO.V "OH"t),mbor IS iut or hi:am) aim: com- I'li.i.n run tim: sioutsmi:.v Dftciulur : January 3 January lu January I" C:3!i 1:6S 7:7 7:16 7:31 7:: 7:29 7:30 7:JS ",:Z9 4:22 4:1C 1:12 4:10 :10 4:13 4:lfi 4:32 4:29 4 1 rci.iditn a .son i:grii'ir..vr i-xm tiu: !) IIIUrM AND ALUMINUM; I'.UTS WILL MMIN IIK KrlVJ NHTALLINtJ AN KASTKHN hTAIt WILL IIOLU HVK- CtHTINH t:iAI. KrX'KITIo tumuiuwu L. l WILLITS "IIUXCHKS" SKV- K14.IL I40VIXK FATALITIES AT- RODEO MEMBERS OFFICERS GET TO HOLD A MEET: CERTIFICATES NU5HT IN HONOR OF THE FOR- , TRIBUTE!) TO SOUTUERN orFICCRS WILL RK ELEt7TEI TO. N FA-i MKR 1.01KIE HEADS C1FIC, AND SUES TO RECOVER; I Tlio firm of Telford & Son. boal Matrou and' Uecauso u SoutUeru PaclUc train) with Aloha 'ran Into and killed several cattle near t NIGHT. AND PLANS FOR THE COMING YEARS WILL UU DIS CL'SSEIl TONIGHT j COUNTY CLERK ISSUES CERfIFI . CATES OF ELECTION TO ALL OF THE SCCCES8FUX. CAXW. ' i DATES t Tomorrow U "Pant .hulldrr.. ha. Jiut Increanod lu plant, Pat Patron. . ' ,: "" " ,," BMtlnn County Clerk De Lap laU Satur jby Hio addition of a foundry for the Chapter. Order or me unara r. "'-""In";, n neiTo,, to re- Tbo annUnI ee"n! l lD " . Iday Issued certificates of electloa to rantlni: of braw anil nlnnilnum parti roiiowing tue regular nmioc . i - """-""--"- " .uowers ot me uoaeo rausemeui. I .,.,. n. m l....lnDM the order, a reception will be held for the .cover 1500. Tho papers have been , oclatJott wl be heid lhl8 evening With tlti! TIip fcdpinl law for lb ptolectlmii of mUraiury blrdu provldi thai It I llrald want ada brim reaulls. Local Display Is Pictured in Journal dr.. h foun d IU.U hand.cap.ied ...'matron, and patrons, and an Invlta-! filed In tho circuit court by E U El.l-1, IS O 1 delay In hav!nB to ..on has been extended to all vl.U.ne'ott L. R WIIIIU Is the pU.nt.fir .' ... - ' .. t. ni m...,.imr nf tl.a order. Ho seeks to recover ISO. tho cost of .. , ,.,...! cw Iosl at luo "me. Besides U,P Tho local chapter was Instituted lu ... .. ..,.. . n rM.var .75 - MM, and at that time Mr. E R. ; & u adBtaB i' HenmeH as chosen Worthy Matronly fop & and he,fer ,Mt tonsld.reu. .co'und C. II. WUhrow worthy patron. A JemanU , , ... -nt ,tl. Itti... limn Iiava li.-n! ' ' jJli i iviii vj. A lurttu p.ioluRrnph of Hip attract n.nplr l h.M I. produced on Hioh,, live Klamath ruiinly o.hlblt i llio " r..rl..:-dry -n4 Irrleatod tracu. . , ,i which in nil mm. nuoui iw,iw Him- Lend away for bras. part, for noais and einlne.. and decided to oijulp In iilnni mi that those parts could be made In Klamath Fall. iiii...itl of t'oke. n. iiunolltio furiuic ha. been InMallod. This 1U insui.. rne o.ncers ... ( .. "". aUo made tor ,100 aorlU!V feos. much iiulcker work, and parts for) j,j0j nuJ jauo, Jun.e Ueames aud bonis, automobile., endues and inn-.,,.ralk joutitut;s. 1903, Lurn WUUts chlnery can bo turned out In short (( Kny Taylor; 1904, Susie Benson II order Special muiildl.iK .and ban' u, (JoorKO r. 'Ilaldvvln; 1905, Susie, UtiM. situ red, mid work already turn-1 iiwnso.i and Marry V. Clalameaux; rd out shows n elear. smooth lltiUli. 190C, Uiurn Wllllts and EuKene II., lu addition lbs ilrm plans on turning ncnry. 1907, Christine Murdoch and out special order, for fancy ,"'1 I Charles C. Chltwood; 1908, Josle pieces llnldwtu nud J. M. Plnkertou; 1909, Florence LcavlU and Frank Aukeny; At this time directors for the ensuing rear will be chosen. An Important matter to be discuss all of the successful candidate In tha recent election. Among these was & certlfloat tor Marlon Hanks, who received the hlsk- ' .nvKnv. aI vnAa tFm mtnW llllsTaa ' ed Is tho plan for the coming year.-"1 "ul""" " "" v " O I'lirtj. mi oaviirnl nilrnnrprl nnil nil """ " Goose HuBllBjf. I H. Roland Olalsyer and Dr. Wheel er made a succesaful goose hunt bo- NEAR BEEF" IS IN THE MAJORITY Don Stevenson, a former Klamath. 'w Merrill Saturday, .Falls resident. Is hero from Eugene! on a business trip. lu 1900 there were alxty-two beef cattte In the United States for ach , -More thau 4.000,000 tous of ore ajioo persons of population; now thar .jear nro expected to be exported from Jare thirty-seven cattle to each 100 ot Im. mlnua It ltcrrtrlu liv Pronfh rfl.n jltallsts who havo obtalued concea 'slous after more than ten years of I effort. 11.. ..i-.. 1 .... . . . . . 1 . i.iiiaiui .Maiiuincuirem tutu iiiiu . ., in,inrii . ivmini inn'. " " - I riHlucl. Show Is aliiiwu lu Hnlurdny's',1,,,. A.j ,M,duii, us Is witnessed by Journal, with (ha follow Iiik story tho fact that Klamath county captur- "Tlinis nro Brown In Kliiumlh couii.Jed first prln on whiol, oats, barley, t)' many HiIuk. bealdes It famous f.T'i,it'lnblo and foniK" iIntn at Hie "tenle var.i-t.e.,' chief of which hNal.onii. IrrlKittloti CoiiKresi nt Sncra-. Crater l.nko. n uinitninceiil body of 'mmilo n few ywtnt K. water sci In nit old volcano, 7,000 fi-ot "Anil for tho mini who Is lookl.iK hI'ovo tim sen, nud one of tho cnm-jfnr a rural homo, the host ttiltiK fr niitiidliiK hIkIiIh of the world. ,,!m to liunw about Klmnnth county Is KLAMATH HIGH HIGHLY PRAISED 1U10, Mlunlo Ward and William Mar- otp. GKADI. OF STUFF SUNT TO .tin; 19U, Cora Saudersou and Frank, ArmstrouK; 1912. Mao Ankeny nud ( .Lyslo Mills; 1913, Minute Henry and, 'J. W. Illllheuse: 1914. Maud Baldwin; land William Deltell. A street In Lyons, Franc-. the Ituu POIITLANR UNION STOCKYARDS j Republic la laved with Klass. The blocks are eight Inches square. LAST WEEK LIGHT SHIPMENT 'nmi o slosely titled that water can- .... .,,,., ,v,i C....I.... ot pass between tho Interstices. l" IIUOil ..' illicit "Hrminry In nil rldit; It I KWH Muff! Men hnv travcli'd hnlf nroiiuil Hio world to aim ihn licatitltxi of tho Hilrlri. nnd IJ. II, llnrrlmiiu, thn "rail mud wltnrd," rluisn n npol In Klnm. "Hi for hi. summer IihIko In pmfor-i tho furl that thero Is morn than C00, (100 nncs of tillable laud lu tho conn ly, which Is Mli and 220,000 niTce. of It hi owned by thn Kovernuiont and opnii to entry, Tho 'liiud'H miifneos vary from A Wild Goose auue. (loorKo J, Walton, Lawrence Kin near, Earl Clmndlor, D. C. Morris and Oscar llrenuci.inu spent Sunday In TLTF. SAYS THIS IS tE OF THE tho Merrill country, hunting Reese. Thu party biiKKed two honkera. STATE'S FINEST STATE OFFICIAL WHO ATIEND CO HEOEXT TEACHERS' INSTL huh to iiy other plnen oil tho con-.ovel nnil rolling to mountnlnouH. In SALEM, Nov. 9. According to Here. 011 lltialneMi, Johunlo Welch, the University ..-..: z;;:;;,::, ';:::.; irLriivS,.!,,.! (llernlil Sieclal Serttre) 1'OKTLA.NU. Nov 9. Receipts weio so light last week that there has been no real test In prices. Most ot tho offerings are best characterized liv t In, livrin "ll:lr llt'tlf." wh.lo thoro jhns not been auy quality stuff offered. No doubt well tlulslied steers would 'brim: 10.75 to $7.00. ' Tho hog run was about 50 per population. It has been estimated that 4,701, 000,000 wood screws are used In the United States each year. Tha population ot Frauce baa in creased only 10 per cent In forty years. Parliament to Take Up Rigid Censorship .icli scenery Is. Klnmnth folk go oil decoinnosiid isranlts nud lava forum Hio theory that, after all, potntoes nro. Huns, nud Is exceptionally rich. Tho "tii HntlHfylug in the Inner mini, nud inniHli Inml soil l mndo up liugely of "cncry can bo much hotter npprocl-1 volcanic tufa, heavily cluirged with "l"i with miMicy lu tho purSK, and 'vuguliililo mntorlnl. Thirty thousaiul thiit Is the rciiHon for (ho prosonco of Incres of I11.ul t nndcr Irrlint.on nl "lier Hicnory tho mati-mitdo klnilieiiily. In the Irrigated district it client farms, fruit farms, big limber fiuiu of from forty to eighty acres Is mnustsies, stock mid dairy ranches, siilllclcnt, while for dry farmers, niuo Intendent of public Instruction, who from Weed for Klnmnth Falls on tho ,. iiv- returned from Central Ore-Uth and 5th of July. Is hero today In 1:011. tho county high school at Kliiin. tho Interests of the Welch Dental ' roum, nth Falls Is niui of tho best In tho dopot. statu. (.out less than It should have been. I Prices were well mnlutalued durliiK United Press Service tho week, bulk of offering going ' 1 rwnON Xov 9. Ti 'I'iiii timr'irar iitujintd tlfH((ll 1 - HIV OMIOVV IIU1MMVW 'strong at $7.10 to $7.15 for best Relatives of members ot both the -On next Wed-!lrm' a"a iutvy aru kePt ln Itnoragc Ia tlml. tianntn nn1 4 Vi A Alalnn 11 WUl nosday parlla.neut will convene nnd "'"--; '; --- IUI lit tiwii iiiu au-JCVHav n juunl.ty porkers. "Thiuoiiio f5 bo) sand 110 girls In j Tho municipal hoard of Manila has . A light week was experienced hi thu high school," ho said. "Thl,.(p,lHMed nn ordinance providing that all tho sheep section, nil linos malutalu school has an excellent equipment and .buildings constructed In tho city here-, lug good, strong prices. Lambs qf nu unusually oll.clent teaching force. 'after must bo rat proof. This meas-.good quality bring $G.25. Ewes are "At th.. m,.,.u 1 1.. ,,.1 m-iidenco Is won on ranches ranging imidca giving tho usual literary work Into Is for safe guarding tho public soiling well nt 4.50 for tops, wethers n..i. ..... ...... ..... 'Hvnnil RtrmiK Industrial courses nrolhealth against bubonic plague. The 'remaining ut too i&.su marK nun, i i.iiiiitiii fiiiit,y inn ----- exiilhlt which gives n fair Idea of "Lands lu Klnmnth county nro not l-t thoy ro dolnr down thero In IiIkIi. Tho average vnluo of fiirm io .out horn x(ronjhy of Oregon. Hy .lands ior ncro was about 20, accord I'lctnren and oxhtblti ihero nre shown lug to the last govornineul census, offered, Over forty boys are tuklng work lu innuunl training, and 11s uiuuy girls the work lu domestic eel-euce," ordinance was drafted by the director! of health and tho city engineer, Hoi tow walls and partition! are forbid den, Swltzorluud upends more on relief of the poor than doea any other country. one of the most Interesting sessions lu years Is expected. The attitude of tho opposition to ward the admiralty Is one of tho prin cipal features ot interest, aud much anxtety Is expressed by members as to tho stops that will be demanded In tho onllghteulng ot tho nation as to the exact status or tho kingdom In tho war, und for direct Information as to the moves of the army and navy. thnn tho actual knowledge ot disaster would bo. It Is nlso stated that the compara tive slight responso to the nuaerotM uppeals for recruits is due to the strict censorship of the war news, and , nil news, In fact, calculated to arwtM patriotism. It Is also feared tht censorship Is aggravatUMT the Mai,, mon people to stMtV'M astaa ', patriotism Is at a' Tryw hhT "'V1' "- y'v, fi- ; -.. S"'v tl , "' ' ' i'" , CSV ",? Jh