,rl. PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT IS NP.W8 viaih Ymr "" REPORTED KAISER IS ON THE LINE OF HOT ACTION llHOIVN M.tWtlMI nkah 1.11,1.1; 14H.V Itcllrird MlfM'lli l Hiiiik Tl.tuiiKll l 'Mt Violent jallt ad l' Atlnffc Miallw! ' iy N Now ' Willi lite Cmtimii ! Ar4llli Hieltlim ,n .tlllr ! MrrMtli.lilllM. Cltllr.l l'l tUrU lo,i o lif lirwe ii." "' ,l""' U,l!rllll afllllrir I III l rH" KiitiJifl i'l I""' M" rfr" r"lH,M' l In cilitn ntor Viim. l'l 'lv littr Urfi "I' tM", ,,,M,, li',,' It I. frH"!""1 ''' vUit Wlllii-lm I, ,Tf,iualiy In (.iil'iPiii" romminia' Iktrc. II rnlmiUr liriU Ui tjfiii llnw l iin'lwr rr, PMur JllBt. l)lralflltiK, rnJoHltlK nl !, f rllJevifMrlMt III llllHll U ibb lu illl iiwl'r tiirr. The Unni iPMrw n It'ii CUUlbuinl irjirnr)' Hi m!illi'r ! utk. To4 wwmunl'jup mi Hie 0t estc. Uat wln msi 01 iiPtn,icri u 4 ucflllolt (.runle wil.llrr chil II Till iliuiagrnili, hornet cr, tjliti na .l) lUrk n ! AIm. .4rliie Ui l-H drciM r lil 1 proof Hint thr. V,alr 1ch4 not hvl' 'jth iiwii u'4Hlpl f Vjirv, Hip rMt Hie liou tr, lilfh U lhr inti. in tcltti ihi cutcivU honor (o the llrilUft lino at Nloii Uhaillr tPlwii ltlehl mrV if (irrtiuu taltti Hior- Irnm nmuug hU .ubjrHn. The photo lb U H rnU n4 Arni. aiiUJr Imcuinc from lleilln of tin? rii.'Kni'h iak at Orum-uuM rail Iltiil th llrltUh Mlt(ji aUiUK Hip IrrrltiK nl ll. Iron on KmeraU road lallmi, jiut outnlilc llrrlln. OU. Tt hfitw ! tfliulHl anJ litrri ami klne of llm Herman ,hir tlirri' U tnnt for conralm- n romruiinlqiic nay lh IIIp ii,. H'I "y ! ia-hM tln,'r,ni. hf tmli hoMloic ihlr own vcf)- . fcr but ato aiivancltiK at om! Ilrrnun iruow iiiamIu at I. II It ln aifilL att atlrmpt III lfietralo tit" alllr4 lino tit tho fot nouth of lit!1 If llili uincuvcr aitccooila It will ! lit Urea allM form and ut Ihvtn off (mm communlcallafta with r-i llrltaln. but It l know that ttiU I sltnoit ltnHHbp, lxutf lhr nllM fc alrraily rclufurrril at IhU iolnt Inimm U I'lnnl. Chrr.l tklth practicing latldnrmy ultbiiut a 1 1 r-110, Waltor Dounrl wan bstrd brforn Jiutlro of tho Vr! (Jofn Krldaj, nftrr complaint had trcn ntailn hy tlauio Warden Henry Sioui, tIip minimum fino u tin lioml Itonart eipUln4 that ho had will to Kilom for a llcenso, hut It had not arrltad. I'ortUnd Catholic nr planntnit a hotoe fur ArrhhUhop ChrUHii and lhir buildings for IPI6, total lm luottmntts lo cost I3&0.000. Like bva Rutenic Believes Route With a splendid skull and n pair of li'rii of 11 gigantic "bighorn" to ahotv 'or trophleii, Cnplnltt J. U. Iluifiilo friurni-,1 last night from tho Modoc 'iivn lleds, where, hit has liven doing ""no Investigating with I'etor Helton Hiln, Chief Ycllowhaininer mid Henry "miIkoii, threo old Modoc warilom, hn wero enllntrd In u hunt for the ter kitpiily tif tho Modoca during Hie turly '70's, when tlmy were aland '" df thu irimps, Tlio captain any ,,' 'uiiil n cavo whoro it llttlo work W'H iiuiko water available. toiplnln llulenlo anya thai whlln ' Ihu .uvti Hod ho found trace or "' routo followed thoru by County Hurveyor Qreon of Modoo cottuly, 'ooklng towtrd a road lo Klamath '" via (h6 Lav Ueds, llujeiilo '" Captain 0. 0. Applegsto both en iMt the route In general an set uut " Mr, areii, which would make c Ip j r i4 Wounded German PrivaU Showing Thr rnilral figur JONAS IS BOUND TO GRANO JURY jVtl'TII IS IIKI.ll H Jl'HTICi:, V ' rii.wiei: .maiii: AOAI.VHT him HV A VOt'.Mi Ulltl, I.IVI.VO AT H.llltV A ptidlinlnar) hearing was held thU morning for Wtltlo Jonas, tho yming man nrrsated Friday, charged with coiitmlttliiK statutory crime Ho uftn bound uw-r to the grand jury hy Justice of the I'enco Ouweii. Mla lliuli l.emmou of Dairy I the complaliiliiK witness, i, IBsT sa asBaJasVaj.'. sSBBc'tasBSsai hU saw saaM assHeJpfejjpr J8asuB?asBSBal aiSf IK sv TsW8,$Mf'BmaBBBBBBBBBB 5S !I aflSv v ' l ii .7-wB if . fv& .. r ' .JlhH at A J2TM M V 4liiMdJ.v LVirr ElEL!"!!"; IB I I h ...;.. Mi- U . felSHl Beds Road Feasible via Stronghold ichnlblii tho scenic and hUtorlc points In tho lavn hods, Mr. Ureon vtrlleaiiH follows regnnU lug thu reute: "I hnvu Just relumed from a (rip to tho Utvit lluds, In which I inmlo a pielliulnnry oxamlimtlon of tho coun try with tho Idea of getting ft road In from 1I1U bIiIo. I hnvu not yot had time to elaborate my data, hut found llhiil It would hn a very easy matter to COIIHimet H gOOU roan as ir im no.- HtroiiRliold, or, If found more deslra hie, hy way of llwir Foot Cavo, to n rotinttctlon with tho existing road In tho vicinity of Mr, Floener'a plnco, though I wont no further than tho Stronghold. I am especially pleaaeil wlih tho Interest the move has arous ed, and fool confident that wo will be able to make a substantial showing In the matter. "I will write 1011 again soon, and hope we may be able lo arrange for concerted action, which will reault In getting the matter under way soon." lEu iming ...x.jiru-.Kr.ju a!3!0BaLKBsx:j KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, His Iron Cross WANTS WIFE TO i SAY SHE SHOT i.irrmt ai.i.ixu:i to havk J iiki:.v whitth.n iiv wii.mams ( ix iiis win: tki.i. uxit now 1X1 TISTH'V Letters alleged to bate been writ 'ten hy Frank Williams, confessed murderer of A. C. Mcl.ood, and sua peeled of causing tho death of Jack Medlll, ask thu wife to testify on the Willie stand that she killed Mcl.cod. Theite letters, now lu the possession of the sheriff, ask her to say Mcleod auullcd her, and that as ho was (coming toward her with a shotgun she killed him! I Another asks her to hntu a letter Milton by 11 not her addressed to "Dear Friend Tom," and nlgued "Ma dlll," In which It is stated that tho mlimluK man in In Harney county, herding sheep under a dlffoient tiatne. These letters nro alleged to havu been utlttcu hy Williams, and given to l'at O'C'ouiiell for delivery ttiieu the latter left the Jul). Ho went to Alturas without doing this, and the sheriff's olllco wrote for them. Sue 011 Account. Arkley Ilrothers have brought suit against Kurlcnw brother for $282, alleged due on ti lumber bill. Kuy keudull A Ferguson am the lumber concern's attorneys. To Hry Iwike. Mis. U. i:. Plol, who came hero on Thursday night from Ashland for n visit with relatives, left thla morning with her Bitter, Mrs, Wwley O, Smith, to visit (heir parents. Captain I. I). Applegate and wife, at Dry likc. Tho $7ri,000 rock crushing of tho Cahcndo Construction company at Marlon has begun oporntion with a payroll of 100 men at $0,000 per month. It la oxpected to distribute COO.OQO yards of crushed rock on the Roulhem Pacific tracks In Oregon. Thu now Pendleton Hotel costing $130,000 has been opened to the nubile, i III tlil llllll rdUtltulou that unlv rl.l,wrnl. ,. GERMAN SHIPS TO BE CHASED FROM PACIFIC r.ti.i. ok THisti T.r uin.it.vns JAI'w In .ililll(in in .lntaiirM SIiIh., rl(. Mi IWl Will Htrk to l-lro) i:. IT) JCIIIU4U III riliic Wolcn., (Uo liiK i lti'MrlMl IVudlriu .U llliy of (.Vi-iiimi Href Xiiir Klrl t'linal. llrllMi I'tiH U HhrllMl. JCiilud 1'n.nSenlco I.UNIMJN, Nor. T 'f ln ullled flita jot Juiuii, Svw Zealaiul, .untralla aim iiiv nriuiii fsorin ruuiic nii win uuh' Mirah tlio I'm Hie In un effort to I'ninilri' or dink iiti Ccrnuni war Mi lu that oowua. Tln capture of Tiling Tan )?Ut- jila) ri'llmii. the J(iaiu-c fltei at a mokt upli'ittuiir tlmv. ltM-aue of In illclntitl actltltx of the (Jertuan flii-t utiU' tho Kiel canal, with ti-am up unit npiiatcutly read)- for a mote, tho mtmlrzilt)' docs not want to dutach 111110 unrahlps from tbu home baa. An uncoil drmed rpport from Toklo .i (litj JapanoM I'adllc fleet hnn uiptiind tho Uerniun criiUcm Scbani hort aud Calewrnau. Tho report aajri that the tiKKli wro cauchl coaling, hut IhU rrai Incredible, as they routed and supplied at Valparlato ilouiln)-. I'ulted I'rekx Service ATIIhN"i?, Not. 7. A 8mrna dis patch sa the Turka confiscated all llrltlnh, French and P.usnlan blps there. 4t I'nlled I'reiis Hervlce IIKRI.IN, (via The Hague). Nov. 7. Tho admiralty officially announce (hat on Novcmbar 3, three German milner shelled forts at Yarmouth, Kngland. "BOIL MILK" IS WARNING GIVEN CIIICACO MKIHCAI. SOCIKTY lltCJIUS CAtTlOV OWIXO T4 THK Sl'ltlUI) OK F4XT AXI IOl!TH DWKAHK I'ulted I'rcsa Service CHICAGO, Nov. 7. The Chicago Medical Society warns all milk users In the ten quarantined states to boll nil milk, owing to the unprecedented spread of the foot and mouth disease. "Doll all milk, even though tho food value is lost thoreby, until tho disease Is stamped out," Bays the board. Thu La (Irande $00,000 Klks lodge will be erected by the l'almer-Klllson company of Portland. It will have Otis elevators and finished In Seattle terra cotta. aAAAAAAAAsVWMMiA A FKW HI'.U'KM liKKT IF YOU.WINIi TO UK IOKXTIFIK1) UPON THK Ml'TUAI. Ulltl. AND HKH Alf.VNh PAOK ItKMKMIIKIt, IT If) THK STKADV AltVKHTItHCRM THAT WIN THK PATItONAUK OK THK UUYIXG PUUI.IC W I!1? VVAFWVW IteraUi NOVEMBER 7, 1914 Louis of Battenberg Forced From Office HiKlliraHBBl M"'-;-4iaBl aBBBBak iBBBBBBBBBBBBBfSaBV LaBBBBBBBBBBBBB'laBalVaWjl VPraBBBMIBBBSI I'rlncu Iuls of llattenberg. IohkI10"1 by 376 votcs fir-ht tea lord of tho llrltUh admiralty, has been forced to rcslgu bccauiie of the outcry against hint in Ureal llrlt aln. Lord Fisher has been named in ills place. Prince Louis U loo closely! rln(ef If, (lie (2rnijtn l;ntiu.r In utll the Hrlllshers. He sent to Winston Sticucer Churchill the following let-. ter. j . ... . . . i "1 hate lately been driten to the j .,-..-, m..u..Uu ... . lu uw- ture, my birth and parentage havo the effect of impairing In some respects ray usefulness on tho board of admir alty, in those circumstances I feel it to be my duty as a loyal subjact of his majesty to resign the olllce of first sea lord, hoping thereby to facilitate the task of administration in tlin crent service to which 1 detotod My life and i ...i .1.,. i.r.i..n ii ., ..t, ... llv'. mlnl.t.r." ... . ,..,-.. I Prince Louis is the head of the houo of Bat euberg and ttas born on May 24 1854, at Gratx. Austria H. married the Princess Ictorla of, iiesse, biuuuuuu&mer 01 vueeu t ic II.... ., ...-. . ... .... torla. He -is doubly connected with tho British royal family, since his brother. Prince Henry of Battenberg, married Queen Victoria's youngest daughter, the Princess Beatrice. H was natun.llie.1 n.,.1 enteral th British naty in 1S6S. in 18S7 naDonccr 7. Fred Hyndmaa 988. commanded tho Dreadnought, became L, uVumf JUUB0: "en raus " a captain in 1891 and a rear admiral f"'"a Hank, 1'771' w' S Word'n lu 1902. His record In the navy has, '' , hen dtatlneulahed. Hit erxe.l In ih St,erlff: C' A' Ba" I29- J- V'' Egyptian war in 18S2, and won lhe''hurst 1.399. C. C. Low 1.691. m.tni ,,.t .h,. K-,.iu r., ua ,. County Clerk: C. R. De Lap 2.344. gatiUed tho system of formation uow tli tlMii In tlio nnvv nml InvnntAit nn. i paratus which became of standard use, two of his Inventions, a ship's in- dlcator, which accurately informs nav-1 Igators when their vessels are out of course, and n roller ruler, which en able seamen to calculate tho ship's run and the time necessary for one ship to overtake another, hating been particularly useful. GROCERS READY FORM.J.B. WEEK si'i'.ci.vi. n.utu.ux wr.r.K is in augurated HY COKI'KB .MAX UKACTVItKH, AXI) LOCAL STORES WILL PARTICIPATE Tho opening gun in it big "M. J. B. Week" is fired today with an adver tisement in Tho Herald, announcing tho big reduction bale of tho coffee all uoxt week. For Introductory pur poses, and to cut tho high cost of liv ing for those already swearing by tho braud so closely Identllled with A. A. Mitchell, a special price will be made Nearly overy grocery atoro In town carries this coffee because it gives general satisfaction, nnd because there is a demand for It. Grocers al ways like to help a good thing along, and already "M.J.B. Windows" are to be seen along Main street. RESULT OF CANVASS IS GIVEN IN FULL County rirrk C, It. l)u Lap, U puty Hi rl: t . atlwt He lp and Jugtict of the 1 1 at 1 i:. W. Gowen and (Uorgo W () let thy udlcjiil MiivnsuInK hoard, toil,, completed the otllclal innvasH of tho election, unil ad Joiininl. , ' Thvlr cjuivaii show th'it Hanks led Wordett by 23fot, and that th ktnl of Sheriff Losr ovr J W-lliiw-xhlirjit was 'J2 ote. Edward Kroner wan 123 votes behind V. II. McCornack, who wag elected commls nlojier, and II. W. Cowtn retained his office of justice of the peace hy 3-17 tote. I That hogs u III not mu at large In Klamath touniy Is certain. The -no" tote Miowed under the "ayesu" Another county tneanuru to b de feated u the proposed half mill levy for ;lvertislriK tho county. Thla i. Tho vote on prohibition In the county wat 343 greater than the vote ngalnst It, The Ashland Normal re ceived a majority of SOGG, and a sim ilar big vote was piled up for the Weston normal Tho results for all officers and t !moa"r' fol,ow: I c. State OfliccrH Senator! Booth 930, Chamberlain 1,573. Hanley 415, Cengressman: Slnnott 1.31S, Ev- ans ,(03r,iCIcaTer T30 Oovernor; m Wltbycombe 1.576, Smith 1,204. Glil 131, U'Hen Sd. Treaauier: Kay 1,744, Pailgett 92. Sloop 55. Justice Supreme Ceurt: IJtau 1.291. Henson 2.034, Bright 38S, Crawford 697, Galloway 913. Harris J1'03' "otehklaa-SOO. McBrlde 1.042, Otten 1C4, Itantsey 67.f. Robinson '1S9 Slr 95 Attorney General: Brown 1,534, ? jffrey 937 Lor d Supcrlntenaenl PnbUc In,trocU0B. Churchm 1880 Burloa 664. ,. bW rmmii...... ir m. ; ..... wV...H..4.wUU. . ..WM W.WW MacDonald 334. Nikola 259. Hallway Commissiener: Miller 2,34 2, Puorala 309. County OtUces Legislature; Vernon A. Forbes . .... .w- 1 if.t.. r rt lit. k ww 1'"' ". i.u. 1 J. H. Everett 716, Maud Zlnk 1'SJ. Commissiener: Edward Fiouerjno 2,121 ,J'142;f - " McCornack' 1'365-"' J n z RussRoIlerMng' 4K Entire Russian Array Advancing Toward Berli. I'ulted Pieiut Sertlco PETROGRAU, Nov. 7. Russians! today are, madly celebrating the' "greatest vlctoty of tho war," follow ing the routing of tho Germans from the left bank of tho Vistula, and tho driving of the Austrian forces out of Gallclu. Otllclal accounts agree that thu ad 'viuico toward Berlin has been re sumed by the czar's troops. Tho en itlru uyny is in this march, aud U b coning eterythlug beforo It. General lleuuenkampf, command- lug the right wing of tho advancing legions, is reported ns making con siderable gains across tho East Prus sian frontier. His objective point la Konlgsberg. Tlio central division of the urmy continue their advance, defeating tho rctieatlug Germans with heavy losses, nnd nrovpntlnir them from ninklnir re- Organization euough for a determined I stand. J 'i no war omce says me uermans are fleeing precipitately from East KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, fir Treasurer Geo. A. iiiiydon 2,6111, tJ. W. Tyroll 339. County Surveyer: H. B, 'Henry ' 2.377. Coroner- Cart Whltlock 2,501. Circuit Court Clerk' Geo, Chas 'tain 2.B57. District Office Llnkviite Dhitrict: Justice of tb Pence: C. A. Edler 116. IX W. Oowen 955, O. E. Wllley 608. Contabtr John Schallock 1,215. Wood itlvcr: Justice or the Peaca: D. II. Wlmer 104. Constable. Joe 'Vono 32. L. A. Brannon 3, Grow Neil 12. Odell" Justice of the Peace: J M. Cieavw 45. Constable! C. O. Bow en 62. Klamath Lake.: Justice of the Peace: B. St. Geo. Bishop 12, H. W, s Poole 5, F. A. Brown S. CenUbi: iC. H. Randolph 23, M. K. Gray 7. ' Plevna: Justice of the Peace: II. iSuowgooso 69, H. O. Vincent 28. Con stable; Leon Anderson 7, PreaUaa Puckett 5, Ben Gray 2G, Cbaa. Gor- ,don 10. Tute Lake. Justice of the Pestea: G. W. Offleld 221. Censtable: T. M. ! Durham 212. Malln: Juatico of the Peace: . 'J. La Hoda. Constable; f. J. Kaa arad. I Poe Valley: Justice of the Peace: Glen Van Meter 7. A. W. Slover 4. Constable: Tom Lamb. , Dairy: Justice of the Peace: B. )M. Hall 44, C. W. Sherman Sr. 22. ! Censtable: C. Sporap 2, A. L. Mick 'ael 27. I Hildebrand: Justice of the Peace: jw. F. Wilkerson 48. Censtable: 3. IP Callahan. 1 Lost River: Justice of the Peaee: f J. O. Hamaker 17. John Bradley 17. , Censtable: L. D. Burke 90. Sprague River: Justice of the Peace; Dan Driscoll. Coasfahier ,Tom Garrett. County Mestaarei Hogs Running at Large! Yea tit, 'no 2.G08. ' Special Tax: Yea 843. no 1,21. Ameadmemta Citizenship: Yea 1.908, no 629. Lieutenant Governer: Yes 866. 1 ,no 1,474. Consolidation; Yes 689, so 898. Reads: Yes 900, no 1,038. Equal Taxatien: Yea 613, ao 1,070 j Tax Classificatien: Yea 660, ao tl.198. Ashland Nermal: Yes 1443, ao 887 Merging Cities: Western Normal; Legislators' Pay: Yea 9G7. ae 708. Yes 1,264, ao 778 Yea 726. ao 1800 Eight Hour Amendment; Yea 770, (Continued on Page 4) Prussia, with the Russian advance harrnsslng them. The cold weather pparently demoralizing the Teu tons, for many of them surrender without n shot being tired. Tho Austrlaus are also in full re treat, west from Gallcla, and practic ally all of that state la controlled by Russia. In its ofllciul statutuent covering war developments, the war office says the Germans attempted to autke t stand on the left bank of the Vis tula utter being driven from Waraaw, They wero repulsed. Tho statement concludes a fol fel fol eows: "Developing over a period of thirty days, our success along a battle froat " of 333 miles resulted In the breahlac ' . down of the general resistance of the enemy everywhere. '- ' The German armies la the nwrtku,'- ana tne Auitnans m taa seam ai .,,.. now in full retreat. Our aaala amMa are in a position to carry their .tehtJk'V to a completloa,' Bpletloa," ' ' ?;. sill m&M ? m . j 1 ,r v A. 3&i .j jt