aril umttg Herald I";-! PRINTS TIIK NKWS WHILE IT IS NISWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KTVT1ttr'rWM1ILi'ft ' Muili Ywir N. ,nio . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1914 Prtoev Mr RECALL TALK IS nniru n i"i . n T.YTinni run rn Territory in Danger Through Turkey's Entrance Into lUKtVtT bALLo ALL AlUdLtina IU ARMS IN HOLY WAR; LITTLE NEW ALLBYWOROENS BOARD BY THE War WATER USERS ON THE FRANCO-BELGIAN FIELDS' AD NM FOR MAIN ADVISORS IlilljrtMJKWIlKJOUN.VIION IH i:.. Ills (Hull It h I VtVIMiiUHJ pixtkd J4.VK111 l Kluimtll MriiiMnr t'rlitl r,l nur HrgnnllwH TclrpliL ((i.r l Ht I'nlrii- IhiIi. Like on ,illrniii Im Hilr Pp rilll Mm niwntlmt TlimimtMuil KUm. lli I'minl) U Help Vnlri, I 'ntn.w Walei l''t Wrt ,tl 0Ma Huiim nml Mrlnl I III If l'irlil,-ul an Mail III ltr mi ll..,inl k lfliMiiiluii II,. I'mU CiiiI.i ilm lilaiunlli I'niji-il. IIiiiiiiiiiii( ;milni-.r I Vl Mrmttei. CT - w jyj in rv -v : ttfrS ,. ) y r zirz BLACK S E A fumrary to print! rvimit, all Ui In errtirdin with tli t'rovulon jslutlmi lor recall of Count) Jtule "' reinitiation riMilon fi, the Wordm tii( ( tmVn It M)ur In'vaK-r u'i .f u, Kianietili prujett Jg.ln Wordrli itlul M yillplhllr. "let tndnjf HI li. opera Iiomw ntltl At lr fn '" lfi"t them lift dm, AM Ad, pnMldent jf the 111 no milk m fr of mi)1 recall, aJlmtli U'nior t'T Aklnilun n Iho mii isenrrnlly hav fjir-l mi-tntn f iii wt board, which U lb opinion that Judgo Wnidn rt. i dHrmm ami rjtorUou Hie ulnlr HI ttav Hm dewtrjr nml ittt j co-u under tint various utili of the rninuh t rlgii whit ! propor Klawmh irJwt Ilm ir, mul lltut rwienlii Itiu J0I111 T VliUHr. tti iiitliivir wlm lilt( of the iHwiplf in r,tii tlim-, Mimlf ilir if'lliiilnar)f uipya lirn km "tsfUr rr K. I a awomJ iiirmtu'r Aiiriitlr ffw lol'l" r not ' 'rl l-olne naim-il U) tli rr--utWdnl HU tli tifiMK-i of wht mailti coininlloti. A tilrl twi" una lli fr.umtltm of ntirmut lai.l- ''. li" I" I"' m-wmiilanl wlllj r,r riimlltlumi, nml mi nealn . I naml by Wrurr lnc of Hu lfwilit to Mir up mrlfrt ftmuiis li 'ltt-lr lr.(rim-ft lin of KUmMIt rtniniy Ur -lrv Th nWtlon of Mr. Aly n br a UllM fth.l iiublUlilnR tklotia fttt.l Mnnlifiu vol.. of Uu- niflalloii AUSTRIA it 1sr(Ar .V.ifc'Yr,,- &!i o SfUSSA eernNjp I.. v-iW,j ia j r" ---'rw av - . v w j - IM... mt fL-3B' ""mmW"mimim wiii m - - r,i t,0i,.mimmmmmmmmm In ) t'ult'il I'reai Hervlco , Bclglnn report thu tiermana bar r- ', I'AIUH, Nov. . OffieUla al boaU-jllIHon,J,I ra8 b041" ftt BrufW. quarter, nr tbo iltuation now re- nd ll U MC?? lat they ,U " . 'tempt to cros the deeper water to. Mmfalu coo,lltlon at tho tlmo when Je north wth thera Artery hM tbo Oermana began their re-treat from m,iun(rf t0 ,ruUrate thU, iluruc. Thu lulitt communique conimeut4,'n(,,j ret!f Service upon the preonco of trcxjpa uKItl.IN f.vla The HagUe), Nor. 6. in the reinforcement tho Oerman 0BMltl d6aM u mado of u,. ,. ,aro bringing up. ThU wya that their d woundlnf of tho crown prtBC0 m4 ; presence mlcht InJIcato an attempt at olher memba of u royal faaniy. It a new German offemlre. but that It L decIarcd ,bat all , ,B MUwit ,! more than likely that they are be- K h am, ,ha, ,ho own prfB4W (ng eent to palliate tbo bloody re- contInuar at or Dear thc flrt,r, lm9t .puleca which hayo been Inlllcted of liiua tar ,,,,. !latfr- f The German advance towar tke 1 These are the troops that Dutch j French and Belgian coaat la report ifcourret yesterday reported en route jas satisfactory. Aatis, for Itoumaola, liulgarla, Ore to France and Flauder via Liege and1 and Moutcuccto will ue every effort iAlx la Chappelle. United I'ros Service ugalnt, their herldlury enemy; Uiai Th communlaue kivs the French. . .....r. ,. ,..! i. ....v .i,m ,h.v .11 h..i rimvA from.. . . . ' . .-,' . ...... AiD, uv. -vuniu w. ..-y -.. .Dy a MneM oj uayonei cnargea, nave the Kuropean contlntut In the late 4. the German advances In the Ilulkan war. ThU map show the weitern coant ip"" E' Y f advices say the Turkish army la part ly demoralized as n result of the - of the Ulack Sea. where the Turks wilt probably amall Russian towns. region of Argonnes. and have pressed dcnneM of tbe RuiSan attack, which the Germans still further back. 1, .,.., th. r,t.n. nr th. .p m. The general situation In the north u is reported that shell are fro I not changed. The most violent thn fnrt onnk thn warahln boaber-- It also shows the Aegean, where they fiKhtlng continues between Dlx Mude,ilng the Dardanelles fortlflcatloBi. may attack Greece. Tho port of Av-' , and lh Somnl, , othpP advIe from ConaUntiaoeUi Ions, on thc east coast of tho Adriatic, ! German efforts to pierce tbo line to-, are that a holy war has beea aro- Now that Turkey, through her re-ihim become Involved carranza oiven quarantine is sell wool under. Wants U. S. to Run Hotel T0 1 0TH TO QUIT EXTENDED EAST SEALED BID PLAN tH(fc r.iunt. In ftiM ,n-t ll.Ml ll... Itinmbrr. I ... L'iivai,... - maiiI. fnllnwl .,i ,-,-- kv,. ,,., ... "- ttvnt liosllln adlvltl.M nl OJcui an. "-" """ "" --- ''i llwbrr tropin ato ln(frrM lit am) HlmlMr lwrU aro to i namra on 'war are speculating as to the effect Had Italy taken this actlou before thc r pUnnlng a rrrall vry prujevt. and tbry H mnk. n ,,t,r "'"l toward Asia a"" ',hu.wi j,aVe upon Southern Kurope.lwar she might havo preclpluted a Tl. publl.hP.1 rcHft Ibtit J K tlnalll study of .-rry rM-mllturf m Ilm !. and through the declara- t will probably tnkin a fresh out- crisis that might have brought on the " Ktiatill, tfKMl rrprrriitlUr of (hw litr" r beginning of th projt-ct ilon of war against her by Kugland.hrcak of Ogbting all through tho Hal- (great conflict much sooner, tvryrfliiuurr ronipan)', had rri-HHlt' '"rn uii ii' iam m if-i-nmi' a trlrgrsm from hU rompuny brlng " rnii.ifiirllon i-harern in b ., ..t, ih ipuU of llt county Jud ton- Jef 1 to Mfb unit j Ml, U iUoliiltly f( nmt Klibiiiit j I he tlghtrt foundation II l mith 1)10 tatt 10 proton lu tlghtk. ami In Inc more nor lr than a ipbaraln'lM vl tin? tlmt?r owner lmo bwii ll-. hrn pubtlrlty for Ihe ! pur- forced to fpnri to tho niurt to Vwi t ami inlotil of landing iti' money of w !.p-)tr, of which M tlm county to Iwllnvn that ilif w an nnv, from brine (juandrrd SVptliaurr company J ailmptliig Utor) Individual ami bunlnen ron- lo. and ha a (Mf Rc couuti! ol fern I Jusllfhtl lit pruieclliig tblr mi:V local tHilltlrs, in.rt'l from n utrktly buliie, "I havo rrcohmt no hipmako or'nlatidpolnt. and oMrl to contlnupi romiaunlratlon from my company fnr,li do o whrUnr Judgo Wordnn I In 1 the pt miHik." ald Mr Kimball ortki. or mt thU morning, "and any report to tbo - did not oti for Judg Wordcn,1 omtrary I ab-olutnly falM. Our com- and I consider thai It l my pi'monnl pany never has In Iho past, nor are prlvllgn as n cltln and taxpayer to, they at till limn Intrrmtcd In thr ol for whhit I wish ll I np-jl'micd I'reM Service llshimt degrto a to who ar rloctpd parrnt from Ilm rult of tho recriit . .)( jiASo, T-x., Nov. 6 The Agua r no.,i mcr h, county Our Hertlan that u,.. 1. a vast major , CMt.Mv, conwutlon company, a wv a rvrry othor ta- ol thp voter to KUmath county who frr In iko Munly. ha tho law. of laro of U... aainr opinions myMdf." jtarraiua until .Noxe.nbor 10 ill iiim resignniiuu uncomiiiiunnii), commanding thoatralts between ItaIyiwnrH ,hl poaR, -.,,. fiEh, Mint claimed against Russia. Eaalaad aasl the Orcat nnd the main land, a part of Albania ,' ,ogscs afo D(Jted bul , genjra, Pnnt9m Egsad 8nlklll Mua m owlac the.has been occupied by the Italians. I nrthor llnM ,r ,, -h,,. ..tnimmt that It Is th dutr of erenr Tho Germans are attempting to re-j .Moslem to fight the enemies of Tar- new tin- battle along tho Yser. The key. Will G. Steel Also Wants Park Lines ExUaM I'lUIVihlO.VAI. lHK.)lli:T,l)KIMKTMK.T OK AUltlCUIvri'lttZJOItlXiO.V WOOL GltOU'KILS ASHO- Itl Hi: I.VAI'(Jl!ltATKII TODAY. IV CASC lXltlt.XZ. STAYH, VILLA WILL GO AKTKIt IIIM K.1YK THAT THK DIHKAHK IS. NOW WKLI, L'.VDKU aTllOI AND IIKKF WIIX NOT SO A It TAKE UP A NKW, OF DISPOSING OP CIATION MhTHOD TIIKIIt CLII'S HKRKAFTEK United Press Servlc WASHINGTON. D. Klamath counties; thence soutk to That the government should ac-iot a point on the south llae of Dens- Iqulre the hotels and other private Im-.lns county and between Jacksea as. 'proments In Crater Lake Park la tUo striking recommendation of Su perintendent Will 0. Steel in his an jnual report to the secretary of the in jtcrlor, which has Just been made 1 ... C, Nov. C 1 nltt'd Press Service PKNDLKTON, Ore., Nov. 6. With Public. Kill vtv Scrctary Houston of the Department ,h. ..sinhlUhment of n wnrehouso at I "The frequei . . ..of Aericulture todav ordered a cattle! ..... . .... .. . ...... . ,.,'tratlon la this government .together (Hen: niosono . . . . ' ... . rornanu wirere uu wooi .u ra boiu ,, L ..., , r .., f ,k fnrlu niiiirnnl no in Iowa ana .Msssacnu- wun ino unsausiaciorr couuuioa m; " Fl.w. . ..-,, - .... ... .!.. ..... ...... .. ... v...... ( - ' said point, then following the line Be tween Jackson and Klamath couatlee south to tho place of beginning on tke south line of the Crater Lake KaUflSAl i Park, extended west. "The freouent chances of admints-1 Mr. Steel 3aya ot nls recoBBaaeaaa- "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie" Many Pointers for the Careful Trader Will Be Given Twice Each Week. Upon the Mutual Girl and Her Auntie Page. You Cannot Forget the Concerns Upon That Page of the Herald, Because They Are Regular Advertisers. 'iind accept the pnnUlnnal presidency ...v-- lf General Gutierrez, In rase ho jfallj ti, .lo HiU liv Tllnailnw Vllln'a le.itlro army will be ordered to attack " "'" Michigan, and that the and dcpoMi Carraum. ' Villa and hi staff arrived .Ioda,v t ',trrVViVAXiJVUVXAnAAAAf - - m mm aMWmr wHl mwlflf llin Anloii till! Ittflli fid fllA nrtll.i .... f -l --. .kAl.-. ,ltl. kw Betts. "" ...v-v.- -.- , .-. jWhicn th0 uatlonal park service isjsay mere arv uu wnuw. -..- The department announced that the!c"wl 8ubJm to bo ac,ca nwn- U,' X congress, are so unwilling to new boundaries. Oa the weat there to livestock dUcase U under control in annual convention of tho Oregon 'advance funds oa park concessions In narrow strip or hiamaia C0H-I7 , extension Is merely precautionary. I "The effect of the dlaeaso so far Is f ! lr..ti ti III lit lnNiitftlri.1. t ed ... president at Aguns Callonlea to- saj. tho detriment "If the day. disease Is stamped nut aoon tho prices liif meat will aot be affected, but If BOWLING LEAGUE TO BE ORGANIZED j(lD PHLLOWS AltK NOW ORGAN IZIXG. AMI M(M)Si: AND KI.KS AltK GrnTIMJ RP.ADY f'Olt A WI.NTKH HKHIKS conditions become chronic, prices will uffer. ' "Tho dlseaso Is frightfully conta gious. Tho only way to stamp It out M to kill tho affected cattle." Wool Growers Association convened (amounts adequate to their needs."tbt should bo eliminated and tke here today for a two day session. .writes Mr. Steel. "In conbequence of ll'ark wade to coniona wttn me com- The convention will probably adopt 'which rapid development Is seriously r l'ne- 0n tue 3t tnero ' a resolution asking tho gov eminent! Impaired, and the Impression is gain- (narrow strip between uio par lug ground among men of -large ",0 Klamatn Indian reservation nu means that such Investments aro extra (should be eliminated and the park to put a bounty qn wild animals which aro rapidly increasing lu num bers In the federal forest reserves, to 'hazardous. thc great mennco of tlocks. With tho bowling fans beginning lo spill the pins at their old gaits, talk of tournaments Is to bo constantly heard nround tho alleys. Already tlicro Is talk of at least ouo league, to hold tournaments during the winter. Thu tlrst orguiiUittlou to take stepr. toward tills U tho local I. O. O. P. lodgit. It Umpln devotees are being given tliu "onco ovor" by Percy Scholl and Dick Gulhrldgo to soloct a (earn. The l.Mks aro also snld to bo getting uiuly for tho fray, and tbo Moose may also 'bo roprcHcnlod. Ilcaldes these, hoiiio business houses may bo lu tho league with fast teams, lli'ie on llualiieNN. J, N, Johnson, a Grants Pass attor ney, Is hero lu the Interests of thn Lexington Realty company, JONAS CHARGED WITH A FELONY DAIRY1TK 1H AKRKHTKD UPON TIIK COMPLAINT OF GIRI., WHO ALI.KGK8 STATUTORY OFKKNHK WAS COMM1TTKD IIY HIM FRIEDMANN HAS NO PLAGUE CURE SKUV1CK FINDS THAT HIS THKATMKNT IS HL'CCKSS. FUL IN HLI.I. PKHCKNTAGK OF CASKS Charged with a statutory crime, Wllllum Jonas of Dairy was arrested In this city this morning. He I now In tho county Jail awaiting a bearing before Justice of tho Peaco Gowen. Thu chargo Is made by a young girl nt Dairy. Jonas' hearing will be held after tho official canvass of the county volo Is completed, , Work Tonight at I. O. O. h At tonight's meeting of Klamath Lodge No. 137, I. O. O. K work In the Initiatory degree will be put on. All members are requested to bo pre, ent. Visiting brothers welcome. 'boundary made to conform with tke T.ll uaAMiatlAn "l ttl VtAVk t-l I "Under such conditions, it seems to '""" '"" --. -- "Vi;7 " mo imperative that the general gov-,,0:at nn "IT.m SLS" erniuent acquire passion of all ho-islo.n lh 8 wh,,y "a ?, tela and other permanent Improve-1""1 T1, '"J" n ? rT vJT intents of a private nature within tho l the, "1 lr. and that they then bo leased to5Par,k ,n t,m t0, extend,to ,, .,, ' , ,, isjstom now under construction. It la 'dislrablo parties for a reasonable' ' . .,.... ,.. -. consideration. This would be au Im- " . "'T ', -..-.-.- .,., ti. .t mining, unu inero IB uu yiw wlf-Buitalnln.. which they should be. w,' th tenn h"MI With the road system completed, this t"'?'', n h thr "? ""Z i,h, ,,.. , .1,..U vrlll meet the approval of a vt f., BV.,nmnhii, ..i.i m.i, ... nic'orlty of the people of the Crttler Lake Park self-sustaining from the start, providing a compre- ItOltslin hlnn nf mmiaviimaiil wtxm .In. , , , . . , .... tain range, and Mount Tkellee, a velopcd to meet now conditions. Con-i . , . ., . A &uur jwutk niiiiiuiu utvr v,v A- ove sea level and coBaaaoniy Known Vithin tho proposed extenalem 1 lo rated Diamond Lake, one of tke meet--beautiful and attractive In tke mom- United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C- Nov. G. Thn health service, after nu exhaust ive luvvstlgutluu, has nuuouuced that Pretdmann has no claims to tho dis covery of a specific euro for tubercu losis. Investigations showed that "one fourth of all cases treated developed ruitntng sores, abscesses at tho point where Injections were made. Tho report further adds that "some, patients were buoyed up after tho Injections, while others progressed to speedy death." istructlon ot private Improvements utj Critter Lake Is yet In Its Infancy, for,n " Hark Prom Waahlngtou. Mr. aud Mrs. Qnrnett Perkins havo returned from Walla Walla, and will reside here. Mrs. Perkins was for merly Miss Uoatrlco Clondennlng, Mnh ., i .... . ...,'.,.. .a tho Ltghtnlng Rod ot the - "- .-.-i- maw. . , ,. K-llll JU-1' the experiment be tried here, where I,,.. , . ;,, , , , mi....i, ...... ,, . lightning nbout Its pinnacle In stormy tho Initial outlay would be compara- ,fc lively light." i.w,. a... -V , . c , . .. More roads are also needed In tke Superintendent Steel further rec- .. jnl. .. .., ,- ,......iu .. i,. ......i. ... Prk- 8n" no uperlntedemt. te boundaries changed to meet now und permanent conditions. Hq suggests that tflo changes bo made as follews: Extending tho south Hue ot the park westward on a direct lino to a point on tho boundary between Jack son and Klamath counties and east ward to a polut on the west boundary ,-tI bring about Its development a well m the removal of inflammable material along such roads to prevail fereet fires. He recommend an atBroyria- tlnn nf 150 000 for fat t-t arna. N If successful In getting f4''Mrf -4: Steel states he will establish a ewae" -'''' , J HA. 4 " !fN ajnioiu uuu ic(B,au oaoifia. not , a poiut on me west oounoary l, ,. m ,ii-v. . ---.--' of the Klamath Indian reservation. ',' "" ," r17Mr Vw!r irX' Vrnn h ln-r -ln no..l. !- ,. "" "- """ " " west lino of the Klamath Indian res ervation, extended to a point on the line between townships 28 and 27; thence along Bald Uno between said townships west to a point due north plenty of power avallaMe far atlng not only light, but Pwesrlfr,, the operation of light, mufclwetr. i -. Deploring tke ilMttbtor C hm' V f" ww0AAaatmgf?W0a090pi0tmii0i00i0ia led n (Ceattal ) ,. r, n U