The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 05, 1914, Image 1

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jr -mwuwwmiw
Mallt Vrm N". a'nfl
Price, Mr
England Declares War Against Turkish Empire Today
ALLIES ARE ALL West to Appoint Nolandj
tXltlltl) 1U DU Former Circuit Judge WiD Be Nml to Bench :
it:i'Hi:?i:.sTATio.v at
will m: like tiii
Russian Troops Are Advancing in
Turkey; Turkish Warships
Are Active
Uitrd I'lrs Ktvlin
louiumria hit itrUlulliti Of tr
lu tau iiud t4flllt-l Turkey fet
jpiii- i) ilin ltrii!i ItUi'leti
Ur rll- l rtttlply ltli the u
rmv4mi( (h nlllri, alter Jlio TurMoh
bbetb-rtimrnl nf lllnrk.fcn potf. ami
TatiUl. rthlti In lUri't nr lli
Muic-s jUrli
Nil iui ftieUiid ha "tuVrii tb
lrp, !l It rt-fte, fll Fmhrf, Ui'
l. MittiltiiPEro ami Hnl Vt til (ill
) fcir i-tampta Immediately.
K It fumoft.j, Uiouiiti 'inn ton.
enstd um Egyptian tmtlw uoopi
i in ai our, intirvti nRnlui ill
UMtil I'ln. Hcr-in-
raiHHJIUt), Nov. 511 U mi
ftouftff.) hrr,. ih-l Hit- HumIau -tiutli-"0
srmr u Invading TnrkUli irrrl
lor. Till. Inrfo - reportf-d t tm
iliur-ti Mitrtl wll nday, oc
1)Im --'-ftl HlkU'i-.
Il U iwir.urt-d that TurVlsh ami
l!MJj,H rjU ftlt) Utllltlii; ID ":1
IllacV tfft, hot lilt, U HOI rOllflrHir.1
i'wir-l JJgj " '-
MIVliAUKftT. Nov S.-HtkU'i
war hlp unk lo Hu1aii poffu-
fc-r alcM-Mrr aftT foiling Uil M
cttxr mt -H' In mk'M to 1oai
ll, Jlllll,l lit l.tlllll.-.
Xh" hum i -co mimic of Urn Wo
HHir Club Hill litrwl m I lie I'Mlillr
l.ltimit iip-I Saturday (tcrti00li a
3 3i Mr. Tttonm- "'till fciur
ilMiioliMrfllliiii. Alt iiii'iiilKrit nf
Hrenl to lo irwnl
Mnrr ihk In Im-tit U Ii1mcl li'1,
Iti.i uuiKuittl)' ttr-i- miming o( ill-
MTvlZJ. 2Tr-trci'aMiliiiiiiHFiiHnV VHnc'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiaiiiiHftSBV-lWlliiBlVt
IH-tnorrnU 227.
Kepubllcan 19S.
I'roKrwulvca 'J.
KocIallnU 1.
nSmixrnU 55.
Itopulilloaiis 10.
I'ni?r-ilvt- 1.
Ktiu)Ilc3t4 ealn lit llou-. "; .
Dctiiiicrnt cut" In 1 1".- Sniule, 2.
lroocrnt maJorlt reduced J2C.
Chamberlain Will Have a 25,000 Lead;
Withycombe 20,000 Ahead
of Smith
Micrilt Lou Will ll'ilil Otlltc Ak'-iiti.
TliK ItcliiK Ikfliloil by a Very Clo-
W(t -lb- U, Hit dt'ii nuil liir
muk A iv All A.iiiI r irii-rtlon.
('iiuoii Itr-KliHUHl tit Jlisllie of llie
IViin- f This DUlrlfl.
I nl to J I'reis Servko yond qiitloa. These are problblltoa
I'ORTLAN'U, Nov. Z. Complete and the cHtzvnablp reiulreBts for
returns from 30T prclnct In Mult-' alien voter,
noniali county and fairly tnmplf(e re- T lie re Is, however, a strong posal-
iorts from ihlrty-ttiree others Indl-, ulllty that the zneaaure provldlns tor
cat that Cbambt-rlnln s plurality, the abolition of capital punishment
over tt. A. llooth will be 26.000 or vlll atsp carry.
ion morc when the count U completed. Heavy majorities were registered
" Pf6 a reports "thTd 75? 'rctHflaandr?gEariraralt 'orhe tax aUiendawmr
cations arc that Chamberlain car- well an the one providing for a unl-
riid all but tuo or three counties. -ersal eight, hour law.
' The iot e now tuiids as follews: The dentistry bill was evidently de-
Chamberlalu S0.3C1, llooth 03,171,, feated by a fenr thousand. Thmes
Hauley 11.919. ur providing for primary delegates
Dr. Jauirs Wllhycombi-. repub-) as swamped by a tt ve-to-one vote.
Ilcau, won a decisive victory In the, Multnomah county rolled up a ma
gubernatorial contest. HH plurality ' Jorlty of nearly 20,00 Oln favor of the
may exceed 20,000 oer Ur. C. J. measure providing for city and coub
Smltb. The total state vote now re- ty consolidation. Thin may be auffl
parted Is Withycombe fiS,773, Smlthiclcut to offset the negative vote of
3,2i;r. !tho state, and carry the measure.
In the Aote for the supreme Judge- The- measure for the consolidation
llmi. (itNire .Volant!
"J-JJ-J-- - .. ........
-1"1" i-.. . - - .-- ..... ....-.
"The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie"
Last Call
Tomorrow Evening,
Friday, November
the Sixth,
the Mutual Girl
And Her Auntie Page
Will Appear in
The Herald, and
Tuesday and
Friday Thereafter.
Call at the Of f ice .
of the Herald
or Phone 88
rn.. 7 "WWWWWM(wy.yMyMyMwWMWWwWWWWI www.
Culled I'rcM Srrvlco
SAliKM, Nov G (Smernor Went
H.1I11) announced that ho would up-
point OorK" Nolnnd of Klamath
Kul! hm clrculi JuiIko of the Thlr-
lleeiilli Judicial DUlrlct. to nucrved
'JuiIkp Henry 1.. Ileimoii, who t idect-
'ed to I lie KUpremo lioncli.
I l.timl allorne)H luiMt been expect
iluic I lie abovo iinnouncenient, and It In
,no surprise to them. Xolaml has nl
!is been promlnuut In democrat
political circles here, nud ho la cou-
tsldert'd llio bent titled JhcUsoiiIuii for
tho ollh-e In the dUtrlct.
Thin "HI b the second time that
JudKe Nolnnd ns appointed to th-s
circuit court bench for Klamath and
Ijike counties, lie was appointed In
1008 by former Ooornor (leorpo K.
Clinmborlaln, and sered for two
ships, ISean. Uenson, Harris and Mc
Wbat later returns have bieu re-'ride, the republlcau-proKressIves,
ceied hae not changed the standing outstripped all opponents In Mult
of tho candidates, as announced Injnomah county, and in all outside
Wednesday's Herald. Hanks still J counties so far as heard from. Each
leads Worden, his lead being close to; of these candidates has in excess of
300. 33.U0O votes, Hoan belug the highest,
A list of tho successful candidates wltu 30u7
Tuesday foilofts; Avullablo returns show that In 307
s-n-tnr- ri.H.rc !!. oiiauibnrlalii. !' Multnomah county and
Germans Rushing
Men To Flanders
funlled 1-reis Sorlto Klnk has been received, but Is witn-
TUIJ HAOUi:, Nov. 5.- Word hua out contirmation.
leached heio of (iiornuuiB Herman: It Is claimed that the Ilelgians
iMlnfinoi'iui'iil en routu to Franco hao dellulloly dofeated tho llavurinn
and West Klnndem. II Is bolluU'd to army thnt was nttemptlng to forco
bo tlm plan of tho Hermans not only its way to Dunkirk. Prom Havre
to leach tho coast, but iiIm to mid comes tt wire to tho effect that tho
tho llrlllHli coast, using llniges as u jUermttna Imvo retired to vntrench
unvul liao. I lunula to the westward, oxlondlug In
nud just south of Ostond.
Dulled I'uss Sirlc United Tress Sorvlca
I'AltlH, Nov. fl, -increasing optl-i CAIUS, Nov. C .Todays counnu
mlstlu leporls from tho buttlu front Inhnio nays that tho allies nro ndvauc
eonlluuo to iwich hoadquiirtors. It ls'nB or hoIdiiiK Ih chock tho Oermaus,
Congri-bsmen: Willis C. Hnwley,
,C. N. MeArthur and N. J. Slnnott.
1 fioxerner: Jame Withycombe,
1 Statu Treasurer: Thomas 11. Kay.
j Justices of tho Supreme Court;
Henry 1.. Uenson, Henry J. Hean,
Lawrence T. Harris and Thomas Mc-
Attorney General: (eo. M. llrown.
Superlntondeut of 1'ubllc Instruc Instruc
teon: J. A. Churchill.
Statu Kuglneer: John II. l.tuvls.
Labor Commissioner, Factory In In
speceor: O, P. Hoff.
Railroad Commissiener: Prank J.
Water Superintendent (District No,
1): J. T, Chlnuock.
ltepresentntlves: Veruon A. Forbes,
Wesley O. Smith.
County Judge; .Marlon Hanks.
County Clerk: C. H. Do Lap.
Commissiener: Frank II. McCor
nack. Treasurer: Ueorgu A. llaydon.
County Surveyer: E. H. Henry.
Corener: Karl Whltlock.
Cltcult Court Clerk: Ooorgo Chns
tuln. .lustlcu of tho Pence, I.lukvtlle Dis
trict: E. W. tlowen.
Constable John O. Schallock.
partial returns from twelvo other
counties, only two of the twenty-nlno
measures on the ballot nro passed be-
of the Insurance and corporation de
partments was defeated by a vote of
from two or three to one.
Heay otes were also registered
against tho proposition of the abol
ishment of the senate, proportional
ropresontatlon and the lleuteaaat
governor bill.
The bill proWding for a uon-par-tUan
Judiciary has a majority of orr
a hundred in Multnomah couaty.
There is a strong vote against It In
the state, however.
Progressives Die in N. Y.
Socialists Poll More Votes. Nation Settles Down
claimed that the (lurmima weio do
elHlvely beaten by tho llelglums be
tween Ostund and tho border, being
driven linck from the eastern fron
tier. Most of tho llrltlsh territorials
mo now on tho tiling lino or on the
report of tho killing of (lenernl von
In splto of desporato assaults. It
also says that tho allies tiro advancing
east of Nlouport, between. Dlx Mudo,
and Lys. Tho Germans havo renewed
their attacks betweou La Unsso and
Souime, using artillery evorywhoro.
leseivo lino In tho north. Another I Tho general, situation Is called excel
lent from the standpoint of the allies.
To 111k Old Kentucky Home.
William M. Duncan left this morn
ing for Hussollvllle. Ky., to icmnlu
until about Ghrtstmuii time.
Southern Nigeria womeu . wear
brass uuklets, which "make walking
very difficult.
United Press Service
NKW YOniC. Nov. 5. Lato com
plete returns from tho East enipha
fciro tho republican victories. The
principal feature of tho campaign
Just ended is tho annihilation of tho
Tho prohibitionist and socialist
parties both polled more otua In the
statu than did tho progressives.
ties show Sherman's plurality for
senator to be approximately 15,000
oxer l'oger Sullivan, democrat nom
inee. Thu republican state ticket la elect
ed by pluralities of from 10,00 to
United Press Snrvlcn
Now that tho election Is over, tho ad
ministration will renow ItsjUtention
to the Mexican situation and tho Col
orado strike.
United Press Service
Ll.NC.OLN, Neb., Nov. 5. Suffrage
is u very close Issue In Nebraska. It
will probably ho uncertain for sev
eral days,
United Press Service
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 6. The
results of tho seuatorshlp Is doubtful,
and It Is possible that an official can
vass will be required to decide It. At
present Ilustlne Is loading McQorera
by J,000 votes.
United Press Service
CHICAGO, Nov. C. Complete un
official returns from 98 of 100 couu-
Unlted Press Service
HUTTE, Mont,, Nov. 5.- Keturas
from half the counties of the state
do not bear out the claim of JeBtte
Ruukln, leader of the suffrage 'a
pntgn, that suffrage carried.' Tyt,
show that tlm amendment ran hll h.1
by small pluralities everywhere MrlivM!v''
ctpt lu Missoula county,, wlur K'v'V :
carried by 1,000.
. - v $
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