""nWss-l PRINTS THE NEWSWIIII-EITISNKWS Eh 3E imting literal KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jCh 5;,i, irar-'." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914 MM. ? HANKS LEADING WORDEN IN THE COUNTY; TIGHT RACE NOW FOR SHERIFF De Lap, Hayden Are Far in the Lead Willi iW " r'"" K,",Blh 30. '.Ink l"l '3 " ' . , Kf nut yH rtntilM. and (rlwi Prubtbiumi 10 . t . n- lliU (' 'f U" ,i,,,,r l'11"- ''.,,. I, rlUtll. -III. It "' 1-liB'll V,.ll. r..l Klamath -"'iti I'fl-f OwitHts- C'Por 33. i:ai. dR Hunt "r r"",,, ,,",e,, ,n S--H",",,t 2I' H,,l' ,,u""' ,,( jtl) uufa., by n K"d I"1 mstr- rimmlwrMn 16. Ilnly itmemur ur Kitfi KItMli nd : Klmnmli Htnllu 15. Wlihywwti 33 8n.r"" I'itU rr the only I'l-fllKlt I" Jrp HrH l. Bwiwil 3, !, wr4rn wr '" "' mlmlit ""'I " lMuy " J I M. lb MrtrlU l"'"' (" tl'Hl l ""'" ,c. ") 3 AUnni- it Llri.t.t I..-1 ii- iaiM huma "' '"- 3. J"K"," 3I- '" Lr.irB n(r mid III-rUIH l m-- HillH.l Hurl.m C. ll.urrlilll II iii a ltHUMmiii. Porw 1 1. 81111111 :s 0 ii we up n j i.,.,LJa:. . ; tun. t. w........ MH'ortork crrM nerly rry '",. ,. ,.. . , 3C , ,rr t.mlMMr OrKo A. lUraon a ' Ji .t.Mi rllrd rounty invmurer ------- Tb t"ll tor janUlii l lie fuaul) i h lniA Jlt iii Hon lii Ur n Jarc- wip, Tb" lii r'-u tur lK4l oitin ta Ibal lor utirrllT, lirltvn Hlmrltl p c u una J W. H4wlturi. Hi" tfrmwralli- faniliamp. U ( lirnlmblm 1U1 it imH !ll ml " aRnlin KiiM until tli mml romtl, nml nil lit (far UUUlild irut OlD l ltii lnlt CtimlilPle ! Ontit Mini um ( Hi til'n MrM-lnri l ltlti Cottl () llrtiil' I.IH3. Wir ilm :l KlHB llAMiliutM , Ui I.M3 ClrfV IV Ut t,, i:i'fU 393 t'qmmlulunir. Ktrr Ui. .Mr l'dttick 5l, I'fiihllilllon Vtt 4H5, nit, &5? ,Uiui ("iigfMiimif-Cli'irnr I, Kfmi I Hlhoou J: llovpritiir Hmlili T Wlihmmlif si. nmirrmo JimIkh tun 33. llrnMiu 3K. Crnwfor.l 13. (Ullflnny !i. Ilaril IS, Mrllttili lI. pfrUrr j mmiF) 1 Aiinrnrjr iirnnrm nruvii H, UBf 1 6. ikhmil suiK'fltiH'tiil rol llnrlofi n, Otiiirrhlll 30. IU-lt-irniailr. t'orbm 1 1, Hmllli 31, nPn trr 4, ll)inlitiaii It. Cmitur Jh'Ikp Taut I, llAntm Id, Wofilmi 54, SlitT IS liny 3. IUwhurl 13, Iim' 26 ClrrV IV Ut 31, YUrfvU 7, Znk 3 CommlMliiuitr Krur X, McCunmck New Governor IIMhMMCKAlX SMI I of Acu; Korilf 1, P9Q9j HOLD THE FLOORS OF BOTH HOUSES i ci.i:j(ii.hm.v.n'o. ik itirruit.v. i:d ntOM m.i.i.s'oik Chamberlain Wins Easily in Oregon Itrimlillinil ICull l'' Many II'k Vlr. liri- In HUIi Kliilloiii Tl.rtMiulf mil llw Caiwlrjr JoIiikhmi Vln It)' Muriii In CnllfiirnU liair !! iiililliii VMnrtt liiix-rl l"k lor ii HMO Vlflory. Clmrlf K.oU'lilliiifln ii'a lnf Snrvlco SI W VOIIK N'uv I'ructlcally . un,.ut ftt;uri BlYi furim-r Ultirlci iu-rtivy Charli-n S Whitman n plu .ilj of Ho.ooO for jwiTWir. W'tult woriii miinlilirn rmaial for Min onif ha plurnllty "f 00,000 CARRANZA GETS ANOTHER SLAP UnlitJ lrM 8rtlco WAKIIIX(JTIX, l. .. Shv. t, llmuli llicmhnlnUlrulloii iiiliorlllc Bilmll llial I li n-iiulillrnn UtwUllilv in uTili- rlrtllono jreMrntny Man it "mla- rl)ni," llipy ilwUrp llit Hie ir"l- ilt-iii nlll to rr-1il In IttlM. I'uuniry vrWo rclurnn Imllaito Uiat l In- rriutillcna will not be sirniiK ciioukIi In control rlllirr hoiuo In Ciiiri,. Ttiei dcniwrnllc tuajorll) In l ho Iioum U rrtturrl. hut Hie cnnlr U kllll wifrly (trniorrnllr. Sfcf.'I7 j i" WKH 5SWt. Scimliir C,cirK' II. Cliamherlnln Who In n-fli-cf-d by a lianiHomr vote '.illKM-.IIUll Vlck J. Stimuli Vhurt rliH-tloii In ri-ttnltl h) h!8 J4a riiAt i: etvi'iimiN'fi: m:fiiir.J hhI is t:XIIV 1 VK.WV. IX MIIXIW M) VII.U'S AHMV IH OHDKIt- Kit ,(i.IXST HIM l'nltiM I'reia Rorrlco NKW YORK, Nov. 4. Tbo Utit avallablt. returns from tbo country -jat larKO Koncrally Indlcatu that the a'mocral rHnln control of contLte, ami calnod nl Ifant ono nonalor. Thii houn majority ha awlnUU-a, but tin iturourrat will probably have a mn Jorty of twenty. The republicans will not ronci'di) thin. SEEKS TO SET ASIDE TRANSFER l.KKSlli: COMI'AXV AI.I.W5KS THAT I JUS JOXKS OISI'OSKI OP, I'ltOrKllTY TO HAII.HOAO AI Dill XOT SKTTI.K ilOltTAOK WET AND DRY A CLOSE ISSUE IN OREGON AND WITHYCOMBE IS NAMED Henry L. Benson Is Running Strong I. nlted ITe.. dcrrK ". ho will Ciirrr Multnomah bjr 8.000 I'OIITI.ANO, Nov. t -Incornploli-'anU will rucetvn an euual plurality rturim from Multnomah unty andTrom tho rent of tho auto. H car the state- at large IndlcatP thi election rIeJ probably two-tblrda of tho couu of Vr. Wlthycombe as governor of tls of tho state. On-Ron. tJauglnB Wlthycombo'a plu-' ratlty In tho county by the returns aN. United "few Sferrlce ready ncclved the republican candl-J PORTLAND, Nov. 4. With nco date will carry Multnomah county by ph-te returns from aeventcea couaUe about 1C.00U votes. Kcporta from 'outside of Multnomah Indication are 290 complete and Incomplete pre- l favor of the prohibition aMM clncU ahow the .tandlnu of tho three ment. The voto in tbeae leading candidate, as follews: Smith In no caw. complete, ahowa ,W l T.Sol, l"lt.n I.S00, Wlthy.ombe 11,- favor of the prohibition c and C.770 against. Inasmuch aa Ula 'iVelurna from the state ouUWe.W-fJiiltl Multnomah county are still Incon- total J"J -J? h" . .... . i ,! throuehout. would brine tne Hiajorny pletr. The unfinished county In 334 ,", .., ... -0 00 ottUW stato precincts showed the leading Q MuUnomah countr " Multnomah county's vote oa til amendment as shown In 100 pracUcta 'out of 1C9. complete, and 36 laeoaa plete Is 9.836 for prohibition, Ja 11,;36 against. This gives the oppo nents of prohibition In the county a "majority of 1.780. Assuming that tBl 'ratio will prevail, the county'a major lily against prohibition will ba about 'C$00. Mrl'nrnarlt 30. HprclHl t t r. 1 1 l Him 3; to. 31 lllhlrlimml rtiRipiiin rU-iMi-r 31. Hliiiiutt 35 rii'tiator Chamberlain 39 llnnloy ruuj'')'","fc'"'" " m '.Ink 5 l'Mihlbl- IT, i:nu lloolti 3. Uuwrnnr: . ... .- - - - - .--.-- !.!. 1V0Hf0UU0000?m0V0 WW. WW. W... . (Conllnued on J'ago 4) - - -1 viri'iTi ' I lllti I'reim Sorvlcr I. 1'ABO. T . Nov. 4 Tlu AKiins CnlU'iiles convciillim dplres Cnrran in ihi oiiomy of poaco In Mexico, ami In rebellion Walnut provisional pre Ident (lullrr". nrconllnB to dls pntches. Tho ,onVi'UtIoii formally ordered Villa to move with hi army aciiluHt Inrrniwa. Villa has announced that he Intend to uh throtiRh to Mexlcn City and ltitnll tli" no"' lrelilent "The Mutual Girland Her Auntie" QQWEN TIES THE On November the 6th, The Herald Will Publish the Mutual Girl and Business Guide. It Will Be Featured Every Tuerday and Friday. Patronize the Regular, Steady Advertiser. Watch Their Change of Copy. n WEDDING RECORD The count from the West I coming In ery slow, and It Is not llkaly that the result will be known before to night. The socialists claim the election of Victor llerger and W. It. tlaylord from Wisconsin, and Meyer of Lon don, In tho Twelfth New York district. The republicans gained one seat In Ithodu Island, three In MasiutchuiwtU, Ino In Connecticut. Tho general per- centaKii of republican gains held throughout tho country. New Jersey, It Is generally conced ed, has returned to the republican col umn. "Uncle Joe" Canuoti and Wm. Mc ICInley were elected In Illinois anil Nicholas Longworth In Ohio. The best estimates for tho next hoiiho of representatives gtvo tho fol lowing aa tho figures: Democrats 7. republicans 19S, progressives i, socialists 3. Suit to set aside tho sale of a tract of land near Merrill to tho Modoc Northern, and later by them to the Central Pacific, has been started In I u Lakeside! 1 mm 'yCH l lHFWaV-'BBBBiaS H rA lafcV-JSaaaaaaLaWHaaaaaaaai aaam J JBLbBUbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbH bHbIbbIm .'I sjLWLIbLIbLIbLILIbIbIbIbIb! BbHbV '' mlaBBliBBBBl mSSk. J-r:., ..aaaaH ' bIbMbT v9r2alBaBlBlBl ; BaaSiaklaBBaBaBaBaBaBV l BnaaBMaBaBaaBaaBaVgr I IHH.BaBBjaBBJBBBBBBBBBBH3 T&f&JjmmmF&h I J ... nam v...... uur ir ,...-. United Press Serrlc PORTLAND. Nov. 4. laateaUeaa are that the following state- oaaeara are elected: State Treaaarer Kay. 'republican; Justice aupraa court, Pean, republican, Benaoa, repuhlleaa. Harris, republican. McBrlda, rapaa- llcan. Attorney General Browa. ra- imbiiean. School Buperiatadt, Churchlll. republican. StsU eaglaaer Uifb. Commissioner labor. He, re- I publican. Kallroad comalaaioaeT, , loiter Private advice recatvaa from Portland are tht Henry iaaa- ihu lriill Nltirt lit company aga.nst 0. M J-- -candIdales ,3 folto.S. at noou. Smith J - TiS. the railroads. Kuykendall & Fergu- ,.- 1Wtbycombo U.1C7. (!?.!".' l.r, d u eleetad son reprcent the realty company. . indications are that L. .V f.iaw highest vote received by aay ti, enmnuint alleces that the de-McVrthur Is elected to congress trout fcudant gave the plaintiff a mortgage .third J o the property as security on note, I -- er.ck Hol- ' - Without satisfying this It U allege., ,w Uemocra, d , the second JSl he trausrerreu me ianu w. t..e - uutrict ainnot. r -"---- he,d tomorrow- at the home of Mr. Northern, which Inter transferred Majority over sam u.-uu ... Worten. ,0 tho Central Pacific. ' Chamberlain was re-elected to the Albert oraen- The suit asks that tbeaa transfer senate. "-"; " ": sCS Appeauix. be set aside, the mortgage lorac.-. ; a. rep----. , "-' , Mrs. CUarle8 McWll.lama. w.o wa. ..l ! rlVfkB V" Gltlll 111 I II lllS lll3L 1 U .L U U , - w - r "'" "" " ! M.lttltl.Kii; OP TWO HKIIS YIIS. TiiitnAY i:xahi.i:i'justh:i: xt Till HIS l..T VII.H'S HKCOItn IIAHI.V IX THII tIA.Mi: bidder. poor third. ',x,,rniu,i nnnii bv Dr. Merrymaa at 1 Itoturns from 305 precincts ln'the Blackburn hospital for appaadl- .riti3. is recovertna ntwuj. " t '", , . 'Multnomah, of which 35 are com-' tuitilleaiis Is probably elected, and at . . , . .,i, mm nthr least ten republican congressmen. j' ',M ltl the gtato give Chamber-, Machinery for a new subttatloa for Tho taxation, suffrage anil prouioi-. 234SC( Uoot 19,783. and Han- the Kugene municipal ugm piaai aa in amendments are overwhelmed. J T s'g6 ' chamberlain's lead ts'arrlved. I'nlted Press Service SAN KIIANCISCO. Nov. 4.Johnon'a plurality Is estimated at 70,000. The senatorial light Is close, with Phelnn slightly In tho lead. Honey Is given third position. Tho prohibition nnd eight hour amendments were over whelmed, V II MWwv if i.tuit... if tlm Peace II. W. llowen does nut I'nrry off tho palm as the champion "knot Iyer' of Miuimtn 1,.ih- fur tiltt. It will not be because his number of marriages has iniien below his record for 1913. Already ),.. inm ncrforiiiud twenty-four mar- jrlagtw this enr, tho number that ho kDlemiiUfd for nil 01 i;u.i. Tii.. ivlnc of tho record was made possible by the ninrrlngu Tuesday of Oownii (loilowu una Aiinio SKi'imgg. fioni tho resorvntlon. United 1'ress Servlco S1IATTL1I, Nov. 4. Tho returns so far nro very meagre. It Is probable Hint Jones, republican, Is re-elected to tho senate. Four out of tho nvo representatives elected are probably republicans. Tho eight hour, alien land laws nro apparently defeated, whllo tho prohibition amendment pi olmbly carried. - .- I3.6S9. United Prtss Servlc 1 Sena0r Chamberlalu has maintain-1 Three thousand aiiara nav. ot-s. , v. v.l. ,-. . ,. ,i. i-. t..n,.-.i,nitt tlm tsubscrlbed toward a proposed new caa turns" Indicate the election of the en-jCOUiitry, If the jiresent mtto contln-,ncry ntOrenco. Urn reti nil can stnio uckci, uk inihlteaii senator, eight republican , and three democratic congressmen,1 with two districts doubtful. New Vorkuta will establish 11 10,- iiOO-ncro dairy farm lit Tennessee. It Is estimated thnt tho annum ditch of ilobsters In H10 world Is 1811,000,000. h,! Unit hIio may bo near her llance. u doctor In tho British army, Miss Kthol Harrison of MtholbiirK. ms., has sailed for ICiiBland, where she nrlH n n H'tl tJroas nurse. iiii,vttiintH of tho United Slates gvo 110,380.000 to foreign missions In 1913. Untied Press Servlco DKNVKK. Nov. 4.A republican land slide elected tloorgo Carlson ns gov ernor and nearly every cnudldato on the, ronuuHrnn state tlckot. Tho tight of tho wets nnd drya la close, and will probably require an official count. United Press Servlco COLUMBUS. O.. Nov. 4. Ohio ex- perlonced ft republican landslide, and Prank Wllla tho republican guberna torial canilldnto la olected over Jamea Cox, democrat, by a plurality of from 8,000 to 1B.000. Harding, republican, was elected aa senator by probably 7C.000. , Tho entire state ticket of tha re- GERMANS STILL IN A RETREAT IN BELGIUM United Press Servlco ST. PAUL. Mlntl., Hammond, dem ocrat. oorhelmlngly elected ns gov-, ernor. I United Press Service 1 11K8 MOIN1IS. Iowa.. Nov. 4. A . clean sweep for tho republicans. Cum- j tr tiling re-elected senator, Clarke hi a ptllTrri:ilty OfteilSlVe 111 governor, and tho state ticket from 1 CUIUHO ri a .-, 25.000 to 40,000. Hleven republican j - . r CL.A congrtsmen elected. Tho progres- HaSt riXlSoia riglll slves made a poor snowing. United Press Sorvlco OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 4Moorehead. democrat, re-elected governor ny G,000. Siiffrago probably adopted. United Press Sorvlco ST. PAUL. Minn.. Nov. 4. Returns from both tho Dukotas ludlcate that suffraKo was defeated lu both states. United Press Service PARIS. Nov. 4. Headuuarters re ports The Hermans steadily retreating along tha French right wlug from the North Sea In Belgium, toward the River Alsno. Tho retreat U nlong tho Yser, and .1... .... la mnrlail hB uleflS Of &l- illC luuig ,a .,,M.v 'if .-. -- -- most staggering loss of life. United Press Service MtiAVAUKKK. Nov. 4 Berger and n...,i.,i cmlnlli eoiiKresslonal can- V1UJIU.U, -.-.... .-.- iinm-inAAAAAnrirri-r - - (Contlnuad oa pag 4) United Press Service LONDON. Nov. 4. A nows agaaey dispatch from Sophia aaya th Trk lull fleet sunk the Russian aatltaaaip Slnop In the Black Saa. ' Uultod Press Service TOKld. Nov. 4. Tho Jupaneso siiancad Fort litis at Klao Chau and jsunk' the steamer Kalsurln Elizabeth, United Pre Same petroqRAD. Nov. 4.- JMfwrta from the front say tho Qerauaa reorganUed behind their eatraaea ments In East Prusala, and aav sumed the offensive. " Another general battl M 4Vlf lug aa a ruU, iklmW, . ready la progr, ' vV -V C5 W ...! :jv M v!4;: WW,