PRINTS THE NEWS WIIH-E IT IS NKWS m ""'' "rtypt 10GnV&NiW&M&Vi$'M T ff -. Math Ver '' unmg fteraU. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,.--' X-. JA. 1- l-lTrr -y ,T .n , j. HEAVY VOTE IS BEING POLLED Quiet and Order Prevail in Town-Length of Ballot Will Make Returns Come in Very Slowly Willi fti,'l WfwIlH-r nlid InlHi 111" luii)' pUrm the polling plat wrr lrr tt Hi rmu loeiir nn) chii 'imrrMI) iiUrii-ii iilp trior the p?'pli', election !) ' " I. . hy ioi nut at .11 mi l7"'"'""tf1 "' """,U IN tltr .rl(r, Out ot limn ad- """1 '"" " fr, l.o tell t til tw. I ,Hll'At!0. Nuv. 3 Early Indira- UUf llr. Dip poll Vnrd tl,, l' a" - ' ''' " k. L Lrlik. m a otiMI. ",E "' "r" -t wimr m ,,. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914 Rrlee, Ffr Holes in Roof of Notre Dame Cathedral Made by Bombs :zzm3&&am U.lltl ti fj, atirr urh n bitter rampaljcu It) jUlo Mid lOUUly jxHUm, Many mu voted thU forenoon, then upturn d home In dti their Ittiukentir. liui lttrr itajrd t liOllia Ulllll till jtllrf tiuon, apparently calling III (llfrati mil ivmc lit llh their himband. ,ll uvrr town iitilptbve pU'VaiU. tlUlo iMIflfll A lira) varly villi wan re I'tolll L.U.' ( lllll, I ' I' lf rloMlcn CLEVELAND. Nov, 3. U r. pf tl that i tin li'l-l roto 111 Ohio liUiiir) u (x'lue i"st today. I'ruhitii ut there u norm lit lli drnnlienne I'mii nrni dm -'iial niinrm;n amend 6.t Will-nni illnturlMttttxi lliat hn iifnt uteMbaduw ateryihlug. Tim (biurlcrUdt ItlwU In U19 past.' bey feallo-r lirr retarded the early Thr BDiiini and men totet rub ot-itote. but UMlieri in Ui iai- bo i the poll while nnlilitg for' great portion or itn ut rant Ihrir Mlot. iiJ all Ik perfect order .thU motnine. HUN& .; .Tii. ssssss vr i i -K Ji Afjjrafcj a HmK3AHh . i 01 JIT JF tin jPjimIB QjHp ti numUir or I'oriUuJ tmvrN, lot hImwh h liplnit Honi In HjJb)- Whitman rtli I) (flrmU, nml ulten a rlifttic. lu Vtltnl, ,H4 t'trio !lrnll Ibr .!ut Uckrt, A trtul leh J vw viuik Vnv. a ih. tvittC k-i at tun IKlIU, ll'rlalt) ll - i,t,,0-j.i a,i viilcra Tint lpt. . . . . .t ..d U,y r.clli. la ihM .11 ", uT i h WUI mSlI .vnr.' "" ' '""" f 0,e M'mt ! Mty ," ehUrc1'' wh,cl' fr Wan)' , 0t ifilfUUr rln .r J ! V, r - P.m'r l"rm"n ttvU,nr,i (o ,J,0W "" on- of ,aM b" ""t,,, n,) of U' i,ChU f oi( to .!,. ' ilkp mu( btAuilf.l bulldlnic In lboiarll' m m verr HUle damage ... . . . . . wni( jont,, Several iilor- woro knock- 0.i I Ik bwijr l Mnic . , An, world -tin, .Nolr,, i.m CMhHlr.t at from fl ,t(,narrl (,l6 CVM am, a Si! II.X Itrr ! S' '.'.m'J'.lW '. H-Ml ,,,arW: 8lro' ,lm4- ,W,,,, "" bw,, '' torn In U.o lead coverln. of mift. will torn in Yory mw. IK lll ,iu,u.a...i 'rliprd In th,. ell, and llu. caW the roof. Tito bulldta. fiowsver, wa r mure miin afHi irk tmuy ir' ..,-.... (.,..v n , -.....v... Ulitfu the roilltdiplp KMI II U utll I".'. W4r, (lit- nuitrui!! rau mid a blc uu la t.l.rliit Klftrpli rtiiinlllullotml i nliu.luitu'tiu nrr miljmlitvd to tin totnre (Mda)'. Ilralrl In California HUlm) Uiilltd I'rcat MrTk KAN KIIANCIHCO, Nuy, 3,.lndlca.' Wm, l,.r.. and frnm mP.M,. M-rhlu.-. I'm tnu IhrtniKhiuil the lt0 am that tlm' Unllrd l'tM Herrlo krarlmt ot In lltv hlnlnry of Ca. MII.WAfKIM:. Nov 3 -A lioavy Ifprnl b ,r. up, n U jn.ji.t I fvri4 all -r Wlncmuln iJlrlwl that tlm (ulal riiitil vrlll takfl Tlirr w a hie nt In tlif noclallnl 'fitjr lioum. IdUtrlct ttila forenoon Tho auprvino OwIhb to iho largn aim of thu lmlirtiurl ralmnnl to .ruil tliw uo of thn! I jrinjijiMxrkrriwVMi,iir--' ---..i (Conllnusd on pas 4) Cutting of Dikes Is Routing the Germans uwiiie to iho lar aim uf thu haUn I! and ihv iiiiiuIht of amendment' en ll, llu. whIuk u ypry alo, in' "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie No Matter What Your Needs May Be. You Will Find Them Enumerated Upon the Mutual Girl and Her Auntie Page. Deal With the Advertisers They WM1 Have Something New to Offer Every Tuesday and Friday. 99 W i "ji.' k'i hi? v The Herald WUI Start Publication Friday Evening November 6th., 1914. Cm. id 1'reu SerUcn ItltiK Oh dykes and flooding them, I'AKI.S, Nov. 3. TliU ivcnliiK with tho Ilrllltth and French artillery rommiiiiliiii.i unya th Ccrman have'''""! wem a tney "intKwa in me tiilliil. IMi.ii iti n mi' ... ...... in ...... --r-r.7"L .CSCC".V : :.-r -r- i f 'dpilnltoly nhandoiitd thtdr jioiiltlon on wator, tlm left tmiik of tlm Yr, and hnvu rellri'd from nil of tholr entrench nientu them n the rcmiU of Inunda lioii from thu cutting of tho dykes. Thu nlHet no hold nil of tuce poal- )llon, enpi'drtlly thoso bolow Ulx Mil do. i The Herman nro hard iiroed at timtiy ixiliita nloiiK tho hnttlo front, Miindred.i weru slnuglitored and tunny drowned, the result beliiK the hrenklnK of tho urray'a morale. ImtiUHllately tho ntllea assumed the offensive und repelled tho enemy at mnny polnta. United Proaa Service IIAVRK, Nov. 3. In behalf ot tho and iaik'iU declare their orfenHlve j llolKlau nrmy, nn ofnclal statement ha foi. Tli. allien nro mlviincluKtla Issued saying tho OcrmniiB aro re ever) where. . trcitlHR to the east, abandoning their The nitemiu of tho (lermans to ad-(dead and wounded, vatiro nloiur tho Honcoiiat U called This says tho ndvnnco of the Hel- ilie eoHtlliHt defeat of tho war. Their Klans ttnuird tho t.ur I llndliiK i- I lorniiM were enormouii when they were denees of precipitate- retreat from jllnnlly rrnshod by the UvlKlnna cut-jthnt Hection by tho Clormaim. TAXPAYERS WANT ANOTHER REVOLT STIRS MEXICANS MUSIC IN SCHOOL I'KTITIO.V IK PHKSKXTKI1 TO THU llllAltlt OK IHItlX'l'OIIH, AHKI.VO tiii: iti:-KSTAiii.isiii:T ok THIS COUItSK lloldliiK that tho Ions of tho bene- lliH from touching nniale In the grndo m'hoolH U utrongly felt, u poiltlon was lueaonted to tho board of direct- oih of tho hcIiooI dUtrlct laut night, iibklng for tho 10-cRtabllnhmenl of thin courao In the gnimmar ucIuioIh, Up to Ihla yunr, music wna u part of tho courto of utudy. Tho petition imkn that It bo rosumud at once, tMTHOI.ICS, STIItHKU BY RKlORT OK AM.K(1KI 1'KRHKCUTIONS OK 1IIIKSTS, IIATTMXO WITH Till: TltOOI'KHN MORE TROUBLES iTIIRIfFY FOR CARRANZA! l UIUYL AID OF i;.vm:i htatix islamic iii.Mi t'fm ii:iav i.v kvacuation or VKHA t'llt"., ANI l'IMl IfilO.VAI.' l'lti:.KII)i:.T A.MKI WANTS POWERS I'nltcd I'rcM Service WASIIINOTON, O. V., Nov. 3 In a nhiirp note addreMCd to Car-, ranra ih Kovernmcnt place the rv xpoiiiflblllty for tho delay In evacuat-, Iiik Vera Cruz upon him. Tlilu de clares that (ho United State could not evacuate until Carranza had guar anteed protection to the American there and the customs question! were natUfaclorlly suttlud. Neutral Nations Are Urged to Intercede With Allies-Russo-Turk Engagement Rumored-Moslems Ordered Out United I'reM Sertlce HOMK, Nov. a. It U rt.iK)it.-l uitro 1l,,et- Turk were arrested. Tho natlvm United t'reM Service Kl I'ASO, Tex., Nov." 3. General fiultorrez, governor of th itato ot Han Lulu I'otosl, wa today elected provlxlonnl president of Mexico by the pea co delegates, according to a report recelred here. the Turklxlt ami IliiMtfan troop ar eiigjiKril In battle near Trlljnd. ' Keort Egypt's faraskm Arronllnir in n.e Miurce of till. in. United I'rew Servlc. formation. Itu-ia. untlclmttlair Turk-! BERMN. Nov. 3. The Lokal Am- Mi lionllllty, iiiaM-I un army ner zreger the bonier. sar& that 15,000 Turkblh troops have already Invaded Egypt. LAST MONTH WAS CLOUDIER COLDER THK MKTKOKOUXilCAL ItKCORDS SHOW THAT OCTOIIKIt, IU14. HAD OVKlt TWO IXCHKS OF TO ITS CHKDIT A comparUon of the weather re port for October, 1913, aud the Octo ber jutt pal shows that tho 1914 October was somewhat cooler and more damp than a year ago. The pre cipitation last month waa 3.02 Inched, according to the meteorological rec ords ot the reclamation service, while In October, 19-13, the total rainfall was .32 of an Inch. , The warmest day In October, 19 H, was October 13, when the mercury reached 76. Thu warmest day In Oc tober, 1913, saw the temperature reach S7. Thore were twelve clear days In Oc tober, 1913, and twelve a year later. The record for last" month, as pre pared by Observer Moster, follews: Temporaturo Mean maximum, Gl.G: mean minimum, 30.2; maxi mum, 70, on October 13; minimum, 20, on October C. Precipitation Total, 2.02 Inches; greatest In 24 hours. .77 on October t 19th. Number of days clear, 12; partly cloudy, 14; cloudy, 5; with .01 Inch or more precipitation, 8. Turk Port Shellitl United Press Service LO.VIKJX, Xov. 3. The admiralty I 'ixlny announced that ,tlie llcitUh trul-er Minerva ha destroyed the lurkUh ion rt of Alcasla, Arabia, on' the iiait nl(!c ot tho Gulf Akaha. The y Mim-iTu khetletl tlte port anil the troop Mere forrett to evacuate. I Seek PowetV Aald MINISTERS KEEP SAME OFFICERS MKKTIXU VHSTKRDAY, OLI OFKICKRS AUK RE-ELECTED AND I'ifcl.XS MADR FOR UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE t United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 3. Turkey Is en-! d.-avorlng -to get the neutral powers ! Tne 'rlng officers wer. ire-Uct-to accept thcapology tendered. Thls!ei1 tor another year by the Klanath will undoubtedly fall, as the allies lFa Ministerial Association at Mob demanded a specific complaint with (day's meeting: thetr original ultimatum. ' President, Rer. 3. S. Stubblefleld, ... . . , .. . .. , (pastor Presbyterian church; vie It is not believed that the Turks' ,, , ,, , , ' m vim.i ,, m.., T.T,..t. ,i.!,resIden. ev- E- c- Rctard. paator , .. . .. .. ...." . .. . ... . 'Grace M. E. church; cretary trM izo that If tho allies win It will end European Turkey. urer. Elder S. I). Harlan, paator Chrte- ,tian church. At this meeting plans were made for the annual Thanksgiving u&loa church service. This will be held at tbethe Christian church this year, aad Rev. Simmons, pastor or the Baptist United Pr.ftts Service PETROGRAD, Nov. 3. -A mani festo was Issued today signed by thet czar and welcoming war with Turkey.! This announced that an Imperial church- wl" dMver lhe 8Crmon- decree would bo Issued within a week f " " exMIUng all Turks from Russia vr!th-GI"i.yer Hetiinw. In a week. n. Roland M. Glalsyer, county agrl- jculturisr, returned last night from Urltioh Ship I.ot United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 3. The foreign of- Dee confirms the report that the Brit ish steamer Fredrlcka was burned and scuttled when Turkish warships bombarded Novorossysk. I Portland, where he has been at th. Jl.and Show, with tha Klamath county -(exhibit. Ho is greatly elated over th prospects of Klamath county wlaslac some ribbons, especially tor potato. ' EASTERN STOCK YARDS SHUT UP DRASTIC ACTION TAKK.V IIV THE GOVERNMENT, AFTER DISCO V ERV OF FOOT-AND-MOUTH DIS EASE THERE Uulted Preaa derno EI, PASO, Tx Nov. 5. Catholic residents ot Toluca revolted against tho Carrnuta govornmeut because ot alleged persecutions of tho clergy of tholr church. Fighting botween the religious forces and tho Carranxlstaa under General Francisco Murgla has been In progress for threo days, Fifteou women aro neektug soats In tho Washington legislature. United t'reks Service CHICAGO, Nov. 3. The huroau ot animal Industry ot tho Departmoat ot Agriculture ordered all stockyards In Chicago and In Ohio, ludlana, Illi nois and Michigan closed at 10 o'clock last night. This followed the discovery of new cases ot the foot-and-mouth disease. As a result the price ot hogs jump ed 2 G cents per hundred pounds fol lowing tho order. Uulted Press Sarvlc CHICAGO. Nov. 3, -Packers say that the quarautlno will only slightly affect tho business nt tho stockyards. Most of the stockyards supplies como from tho West. Thousands ot men are at work fumigating the yards. In the battle at La Basse the Indian troops made their first appearasc la , battle. The Germans bad worsted the Martial Law in Cairo a,Uea when the ,ndlans W0J.e Mnt to United Presa Service the rescue. They charged with feroc- CAIRO, Egypt, Nov. 3. Martial Ity, und routed the Germans, after in law was proclaimed to'day. Many dieting terrible loss with the bayonet. Horses Save the Soldiers Splendid Animals Give Blood to Fight Diseases United Press Service DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 3. Quar tered on some of tho tluest pasture land in Michigan, at Rochester, near Detroit, aud maintained in a lite ot luxury and ease, a drove ot magnifi cent horses aro dally giving their blood to save tho lives ot soldiers lighting on the battlefields ot Eu rope. These animals have no other purpose In life they merely give tholr blood that the soldiera may live. Tho horsea aro the property of Parke, Davis & Co. of Detroit, the largest drug manufacturing concern In tho world. They nro used to pro duce antl-tosotantq serum, which la administered to prevent and euro the dread disease, tetauus. Tho entire output ot the antl-tcsotanlc serum manufactured by the Parke Davis company from tho blood of their horses la now shipped to Europe for injection luto the soldiers suffering or threatened with tetanus. During the month ot October the 4 Parke Davis company shipped to the battlefields ot Europe more tbaa tea times as much ot tho serum as Is nor mally exported. Tho method ot manufacturing tha eorum Is complicated, and the' process takes more than nine months from start to finish. Briefly, the method Is this: letanus germs, which are merely vegetable plants, are propogated on a largo scale In the Parko Davla labor atories. These germs are tbea placed In a largo receptacle about forty feet square, which Is filled with beef soup, or boulHom manufactured from beef and This mixture Is. .then covered with sterile oil to preTOBt air from getting at the germs, Md permitted to stand for three weeks, during which period the tetaatis germs multiply Into the kIIIIom. These germs excrete polsoa, , The next step la the process Is Mw nitration ot tha mixture iiwin'.u WMWIMWllimMMMMMMWM)iaMM iwifiltI(- (CoaUaued 'a.fMtJ),,?"'. "''fyw- V "V 0 m r,wm tl MwruuufyXjUWiJKfiiflj-lfifVifWrirfi'i'imi -.m. I f -.X '7W, , ??' -i - ;?.', "J- ..O