The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 31, 1914, Image 1

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n l w f'V '
Cutting IfaraU-.
" .Mniii rti V". a.nn
-'ii . lainf T -..j-.,--. ,- - -r-f-
Frk Ftta
Afr-Cooled lewis Gun, Which UlERE'S HOW THE Vote for No. 30 AHjpg flj,jm'a fsW
" """ "J "" ' ." irmy
new ' ""'
n Mil - M'HIM'J
Iho III!) ll.i'Kwinl IMtitl lkiMI'l'
,.l Wlilt I li l'niiMii) lliirlntt llii
1'i.t.i "I It""1 Woolen Ailiiilie
.iril..ii ! It Amj Ihm lur It
,, U) m MrllSil' Slllll Will-
,!.. I !. Mr Vulrr?
Tfc A' I-"' "lit IAOOh1 Dttit
(Ml l iuartlall pinOlcl dMllilt;
Jddir VteiUrli ll'l U'UIII) jMlKi
Kitull lil) do paid lt lly.ill 4
Co. ol ! Aii't ituilns Wiifilfti" oil
Wlui'lf'"" A li'li) wf lil.WI
liitM) '"ur warrant, ran I uk In
iW ('"" I lu 3 III I4,34 W, KPfo
lhtd in fir ut ihl Unit
jtvaiw .f ih- ttriii ci. Ill It ik
ed I Id ti i txtal ('uh-t( I'tuillo
fi4in ami lu the H'ctirll)' Vault ft
il.iul tturi (nil all lit I tip buttim
dn ili(iglt llal . Cm, An
tijtilbiiiim of ilto rrvoriln dlclo
U Ud Ifcal John H. Ilsll U ttc(.
dtl 4 tt-tl of all threw content.
Iblt lil.SJI o i Hip rti nl u.
frrti ftwd inttdillivff. rtUtU trucks.
ir., ami ittx- not lurlutlp ilm motm)
l b Juiiee VofJr JOr lifMcw
WtlPtlii lit III" rttntlruriloi) of ihrt
fl if.n brldgr In On cvutity.
till la A Uttn alltlltlnl lit hlOtln)-
fur fululf official lu tid ll'i una
.lHHHKaaaaaasaaaasaaaaaaaaa t5PBBj
'I'fiMl il fmr ftlilt ttltft rt I Li
lidllol as reiHililluiu caticJIdatu for
juntlco of (lie niijr;mi) court, inont of
iwljom have ntn'c ui'I' rih n.
'and far frum ibo IcsU knotro rf l "
( lit Ihr Tliiw Tlml It, V Hit) Mt-.
mi I In Willi Stiinn Injiiiidloii l'n.
t iittliiK. tlic KiK-nililnii-H (!
Ijiiut I'jttlt Viir, Hut .irit-r Hit'
'Ii.ij.I.IkI.I" llii Tlinii, Tli.y
KIiiiiimi OH l'iililfralil)'.
(! t mj.14 t o gui' , jji (! iul i on mull) Kn-nrli acru
l'lni. H f feii a u. Lr' niri ira it, . Tito jM-culur lmiv of
(lie Iraisci unkri t . IUib fur d.i u: u Rxi oduiu ilinu mutl raltt ltr
Kill j. t.lxrli litji . huRMj t hat lliu . unrml ! lcilll tiavtl. Tim cult
he linn i!trj tin (vrtipuiuii t. !io- i in tin- ilaiui;niii. II l nUo
(bbrrrii an 'I ii U ho Kioto than uwl, '""I ii (niit'ir cla-l oulKinl.ilca
Htllri buiullir I It At iiq 4trAl ...
4-iU .holla ! fultr lnnlxfti4. .... .,.,! 1" . ,,.. " ,.-".
Tin arutiU rp nmone lliou LlUMLUviUlAVI'Ll r mr im,.
kM I...O lHt4 -SUtl !.y It. K rHll Ifil l 1 1 If I H I llL I l. i:vt.niniiitilribbnnlliiMrol.
ir. ih iitnlmr turner. IU Mr
l'r frotm Mm.rlr nn nioinj- nt the
JiH)fs. ss fhsrsra by WonJpn. ?.-?.-
")lllhllie Iho rtltcuijlltirn Oj UiU
Sti unt nf inoup; Whvii lln
irulb U Villi 11 , brJloV (tint ltn
ItpIi. of KUmmli rmintjr will ilnuk
Mr li)r fr riAHulnR lit jtroli'ci
Itrlr Inlotnla
iu mail) all of thu canttln, nil J tln
follow tlioo, ltltllllK
'lira iolc nit'ilftt to car-
tut to wlirro Miiutei.
1 . iii,fi (ion coultl bo muilct with ili
Iiiiki of lliu l'iirlitc Ti'leiilioiiu
ltt; I.WIUION 1 (iMMIslil I'CII. rgiauli toint.jiii)- rllhor lu Klam-
inn Kails or Merrill, a mintll chnrco
Mils I'm: 01 mii in: I' lBillr ma,,u ()). lu cimwny ftir
i,oc.i. I'lUUHcr
r iiiiiini: kcrvlriui In a ciiho like tlu
iiiiii-tl Ilium whurv tho furmiTu of
itlm lino hullil mitl mnlntnlii tlivlr ou
t'hiNur .SprliiKu, l'iHr Swnn IjiIio
U'll snot T 1HUV .KK?
If iho timiipr luroim ! In Hint.
Wlb ti Km tatr. It PPm only tmtur
l ll)l thor hniitil wt.h 1,1 Li.nw wli
Uromr, of their iiimipy. TIip ttnuhlo Vtnti of the raUt)lUhiiiitl uf.ti-l UiIroII Valh'y hftVo lino of thl
IU. mot iai.yr U jhnt Umy m) lntimr tl'thoiio lltion tlitiiuhout U,UI-
ti Hirlr laitni wlih n riir.B utnl itntnr il.n lilaiiiiith iirolfCl 11 m iiiAito lirJKht-
A Uck ttro what Iwroiitnit of th.i'rr li- thu rullliK of Hw iltiiil
woni.y or lion- ( nm. tiit, or ukitUtrvio1. KmntliiK iho Aoiillratlon ut
" "iiiirti in ioIhk in rp( h, it,,r iv, Iho Water rir AdwkIuiIuii fo. tint
Jilt fur Uv iiioim)', to tiiv ihn lUnliimalloii nmU''
"The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie
w .vi-i'CAi.hi vo,i: riiii vemi: mtaiiiiii: MOM'.r
Kmii mIIIi ri'tnril to mnlurn of ni'etillttr iroiml imrti to
luiiiiiKir, thu man pn-foni ihtil nhtcotiiluci tlu iIiwiIIuk- UUau
inifrtiiiR itlhimi.r)' thnl wonirii tliroiis Urn inwu'w fiirnlHhlni!
ti'l'ttrlmeiita of iho Itiu niorrw, thai Ihi-y r linpiiriant imlroim
"f Iho hnlioriliiiiliorlcii,
Home tnt'ii jirofiir to miiiiil)' tholr own muuiUm, anil limy
'hi Ki'iicrally In rPKnnt lo rlnlliliiE, ImU mnl lioi Uul l
nliiuwt nvury (ithrr tmrilt'iilnr, wuimm iln tho hnylni;
'Viirtlnly, thru, It in iho wonmn, rather than Ilto man. iho
i utiicr iiinl thu mhcrilnvr U iiuml ilonlrmm of ronplilnir. nmi l
'ilo II lii of iho Kroiilrnl liniorliiiiio thai oimi all know
!"' in hny anil wliotu lo liny They mo livtlor aliOHior thnii
'"'ii M011 (in n rulo nrn In n hniry, liitllmionvtl 10 Ii.ii'kiiIiiIiik,
Int'llnoil to huy what llioy iln not want mul lo my mirn ihmi
in'V inn nrforil for what thu nmy nooil.
Woimm, iu a rnlo, urn Jfi-oii, iruiliul, tcouomlonl. Tlmy
"' "'nt iln. innko h dollar ko to lu full ImirIIi. Mi'" "1k''' "
'""IoIIkIiIimI that thny lian llm womi'ii lo Hliiml hi-lm'ii llmm
''I until of iimnuy mul ho ilnio It tiikn lu aluiiiliit;.
Miml iitoii, 1 holliivo, nro Krnlofnl Hint tlmlr liitoiwls nro ho
l"')nlly Kiiunloil. Tliww .mnii, iioiiu.ill) Iho way.
'ro mini who mvo niiuiiiilM with Iho miyIiiIsh IiiuiIih, who hullil
homi'M, who MtitTtiil In worlilly iilfahn ami who nro happy mul
hU-HMfii win, comfoilH, U hIuiwh mi oiiiilliihln innl wlm tltvl
"I'm mul riilliUnri In iloiium-liL rolnlloimlilp.
Mr, IIikIiiph Mnn( ilim't forKiit Hint thu womnn nu o'IiJIiib
'rim llnrnlit it U (ho home impor.
iu:ii.ii.n is iu:i:ii,n..T ok maxv
urn en I'l'iioi.iMMi imii:u
AMI I'llMH'iMMMI Till: I'ltKS-
i;st ror.vrv juinii:
.S'o tnuor forecast of tho fact that
iho pooplo will on Tiii'Hilay votoo n
iilroiik' prolcut iiu.-iliist thu vxtroxa
K'Hho of tho pnwoul county court cim
ho Ktvu than that laxpujcrK In nil
' imrls of Dm county .iro rlsliiir iu tho
xupporl of The llcralil lu I la flKht.
mul to comluum Ihu court for lis
i:ory mall lirliiKx lottcrn from
pioinliu'iit pcoplo, coiumuuilliie tho
llurahl ami lirlugluit out aililltlonal
rcniioiu why thu prcaont lulmlnUtni-
t ton uliouht 1h curhoil. Home of theso
lotli'ra hnvo pilutod, hut It Ia
liiiponsllilo to print all of thorn, owIiik
lo lack of Hpacc. Othors will appear
Follow ItiK art" the wioountii of inon--Y
M-tit by Judice Wonl.'ii Uurtiic liU
four )i-an In orflc. An thu annual
nporlii nro iimilo lu October, Iho -
IH'tiJIturiM nrr1 Khen for the flcnl
ji-nr from Octobi-r to (Jclobor.
, Tor ItoaUn ami IHIiIki- 1311.
U3.Cli3.50, lillS. irp,45C 7: 1913,
JS3.H2.S2; 1S14. 7fi,53C.Sl. Total
NVw Court Hoiini til 1. 124,
r,H 20. 13. isa tire "& ;i
I3t.0l23. Tolal, J112.CH 69.
(icm-rnl Kuntl 1911. I,&2C.ST,
1912." I2i).0SC77. I1M3, 1108,.
13190, I9H. o,S6i.50 Total,
HOI. 313 01.
Thin Jo,' not Include tho money
npiiroiirlatcil for M;hooU end paid for
alain tux.
You will nolle the enormous lu
cruato from yar to year until 19H,
wlmii ihi-r. wan a bljr, rrductlon. If
the general running expeniivii of thu
county nhould only be 180.000 In
1111. why itbnuli! It cost $120,000 to
run the county Koternmenl In 191 IT
Tho only explanation we can find is
that tho prople of 'Klamath county
had a frUjnd In 1&13 and 19J I, In the
pernon oC one H. N. Day, who called a
halt lo Ihu oxtravacauce of Judgo
Wonlcn. Can )ou nollco that tho
bimlneiw of tho county has In any
ay ben noglitcd by this Ravine to
itm lAxpajrprn of HO, 000?
When Mr Day began an InveMlKa
Hon Ju.Iko Worden bocanin Bcarod.
and wa moro rarcfnl about apendiuK
tho eople'i moni'V In nurh a recklen
AUIioukIi an luoitlc.itlon of war
rant began lu 1913. you will notico
that ll wa only thn gonoral fund ox
penes that boneflttcd. Jlond war-
rnnta, bolnp a special fund, could not
bo attacked, no Mr WorUon Increased
his for this work from
1150,000 In 1912 to $203,000 In
SnppoKlnc Wonlen had been ulven
a "froe rc-ln," an ho la uow asking;
tho people to do. whnt do you think
would have happened, comnnrlns hU
otpondltures from year lit year?
Don't you think that It was a good
tlilnc that sonieono called a halt?
Worden would keep you busy
thlnklnc about roads. He entirely
iKno-e any explanation of what bo-
en mo of nil the money spent out of
the ecnernl fund. Why was It neces
sary to spend $120,000 In 1912 and
$108,000 In 1913. when $80,000 will
pay for nil neeessary oxponsea of tho
county lu 1911?
If you rIyo Judge Worden a ma
jority volo at the coming election, ho
would bo Justified In concluding that
It Is your dwlro that he continue In
IiIr wasteful expenditure, of monnv. nn
ho started out to do In 1912 and 1913,
and continued to do until stopped by
Mr. Day.
Victory in the North
i the Klamath county candidate,
Hon, Henry U. Ilrnson, at present
jiidpn of tho circuit court, and for
many )ea' one of the must respected
rmldcnu of Southern OreKon. A vote
for Ilcnson I a vote for a man emi
nently fitted for tho office ho eokn.
Ov.;ug to ovine far from the moro
populous portions of the state. Judge
Ilcnson was unable to make, the cam
paign for offlco that other candidates
did prior to the primaries. However,
ho won out for nomination oer one
candidate who U uow on the supreme
Only ono vote divided Betiaon and
jMc.Vury. and although the matter was
kept In an unsettled state from April
until September, Ilcnson ever stayed
In the lead. To the voters, this ap
parent see-saw lug was part of a plot
to Iowor Ilcnson In tho eyes of the
oters, but although br this uncer
tainty, Benson was not nble to give
as much attention to his campaign as
other candidates, the apparent un
fairness of the vltuperous attacks
madn upon him by fJovcrnor West
land others of that Uk has won many
(moro friends for "our Judge."
Tho record of Judgo Heuson on the
Kls.malh-I.nke circuit bench hag been
nn cnvlablo one, and tits decisions are
but raroly altered by tho supreme
cViurt. A vote for Hcnson Is a vole
for a man with the necessary know
ledge aud Insight so vital to being on
the bench of tho state's highest tri
bunal. Vote for Judgo Benson.
1'aifcd I'res rfrTtc
IMlll.s, Oct. :il. .Military lniuliunrtei ilniiiiM Chut the UcrniaM
lime lie-it flnnlly defeated In Hie north, nml Hint they are now flgliHa ties-pn-nlely
to rorer the wlllnlrtraat of their forriw from Hie roam and) evt
of 0tPinl ,-iml tit,; Mile mul Arrtii Urn.
ll l lotcl that mot of the (terrtuiii r-siluiice lia materially wek
nifil U'ltteen Vleiiptrt mul Dlv Inilr. iiinl Hint mot of lite gan, except
llnt TtKUiiilril nn .niiliw, hare gone to the rrur.. Tito (iertnaa low( pro-
i rf for.Mlely, nn nihl lo Im- ftrraler than in any previous battle,
lit unlcr to ilitert atleiilion from H.tlr frtint In Hie north, it Is stated ll.e fiennniis ore ultcinpliiiK nnv unVtislrv Inctlcn on Hir Itelght of
Hie .Mnese.
I ioiii ic-nii-U lii.llriii,; thai t no important point ore the terma re
K'i:.f tho urfenhe. The ulllc Imre mini)- meryirliere ocruuipcsl Ihr
'i cm lies Hie Ccriimnt held n week ago.
Their eiioriiion. Iom- nml failure to adrunie ilKheartraed (lie etaeaaj,
.mil Ihe iiiiiwIki- of trUoiicni are lnci-mfcim-. OlHcUU do not believe aajr
alfeiupt Mill Itc made to reinforce llie r,'i limn line.
'I he kaiM-r'k trump cartl wa m-niliii iiU crnck Itavarlaai troop lafo
l.'u- iiorlliern h.iltie. TliU tailed tilth enormdiw Ids ti the UavarUsu,
uhen tho ik-lgUiw cut tlie ilykes, HiwhIIih; the trenche.
'I lie Uitf.t iiitiiiiiuiifiiue tells of u nurccsslon of galas and I times by
the nlllen. This emphaKizes the Itenvy Hernuiii losses.
The Krench Iil wmwuluil houIIi of Vpres and Kaiactl ewt of tber.
(ieriiiati u.muiIU uon l-n Ilaase nml touard Arras were repulsed.
Tiio I'renrli arc galulni; Kiihstantlally in the region of ttie rhaaltw.
the AKue itlver, Soons, Couan jml In the Woerre dlatrlct. They t
llreil In the region of Vailly.
United Tresis Strvic
Uni'U.Y (U The Hague), Oct. ai. "Tho campaign U iintuilif
Mtu-iiactoriiy. We ure galalng slowly but siibftaatially ha the
wett theater,' aj- liendquarten today.
United I'ress Service
lOMK), Oct. at. The war office believes the general aHaatlea ia
I'miicc ami Itclglum I Improred. The Germans have not ga tarsi af
wliere. ,
It Is belhned that tlie cneiujr Is preparing to withdraw to eaUreSKsed
pf.ltin trejtarel by Hio rear forces.
is oitni:iti:i to myio.v fkom
i:iii:n i.v his ilxk ix the
of a division in the Constltutionallat
army were ordered In a resolution
adopted by the Aguas Callentasrcos
ventlon or delegates from the rival
' In his stead the convention Inteada
i to name a provisional president and
cabinet. Tho convention ordered
both Carrauza and Villa to take or
ders from the new secretary of war.
Villa aud Carranza have not yet an
nounced to the convention whether
they will abide by these decisions.
Mrs. Prank Bamtord will leave la
the morning for her home In Port
'land, after spending the summer with
.her irother, Mrs. Alex Stewart. -la
Langell Valley. For several daya
I'nticd l'tejs Servtte
KL IASO, Tex.. Oct. 31. The re
Ignatlon of President Carranza and ,!r3. naiaford has been visiting with
his demotion to the rank of general ifrltnds in this city.
' It may bo till right to sting tho
Hmbor btiroii, but ovory time ho guts
Utung fur oun dollar wo got stung for
j four ilolliira, for tho timber tnon
'only pay onu-llflh or tho (axon, mid wo
!'ti foul-fifths. And they can dig up
(hell ono dollar n good deal longer
mi.l eftftlor thuu wo run dig up our
'four dblliirrt.
Mih l.ovl MuDniinld Is visiting rel
atives, preparatory to Installing tho
MoDonuld family In their Klamath
I'nlU hmnu for tho winter,
United Press Sorvlce.
l'lllI.ADEhTHIA, Oct. 31.
Connie Mack today announced
Him ho has .naked for wnlvors
on Eddlo IMmtk. "Chief" lleuder
mid Jack Coombs, hla veteran
twirlei-H, unit threo mon who
worn groat factors In tho former
mighty Athlntlo machluo. s
I'lntik has been pitching for
tho Athletics for thliteon ydani.
llondor has been with the, Mack-
men eleven year, and Combs
has beou on the team slnco
1900, when ho won fame by
winning n 34-lnnlug gamo from
Packages of books weighing 4.S00
pouuds, containing approximately
5,000 books, hao benm received at
tho county school superintendent's
otllco. These uro to bo sont to the
artous hdiooU of the county for
their libraries.
Tho books, are tfi bo distributed ac
cording to tho attendance. Each dis
trict will be furnished with a dollar's
worth or books for uach pupil unrolled.
Veteran Journalist Submits More Facts to Voters
Judgo Wordou Is lair. Ho as he
has spent $280,000 on roads for the
farmer, now ho wnuta to spend $2S0,
000 on a mouumeut for himself In
tho ehii'io of a court house. Sine
that's fulr. Halt aud half Is a guod
division of tho money ono halt for
tho people and one-half fur the balnry
Oil for a Visit.
Mm. I.outs 11. Bath loft this morn
ing for Salinas, Calif., for a visit.
Humor says there will bo a Hallow-
u'lii suiprlho party ut Saint Cloud to-
night, Tho Commodore, says he has
not boeti enlightened on the subject,
but ho avers he will bo ready to re
ceive all comers lu SopliUtoplilInn
Dr, C. E. Wheeler and Miss Pearl
Wheeler will entertalu'at their home
ou Muln street this evening with n
Hallowe'en party. Ghost stories, etc.,
are Included In the program for a de
cidedly spooky sort of au evening.
DAIRY, Ore., Oct. 30. Editor The
Herald, Klamath Falls Dear Sir;
Allow mo to cougratuUtu you upon
tho now attitude of The Herald ro
specttug tho county Judgeship, aud
to say that It nieaus far more than!
appears on tho face of things. To be
gin with, It menus that tho people
will heucofotth have au advocate at
tho couuly seat, and Unit things will
no longer bo douu lu a corner by tho
boss mid his satraps wuuoui UW
bcrutlny of n freo press.
Worden was nt D.ilry last ulght,
trying to beguilo tho "easy marks"
with pictures. Ills plea Is both a
confession and avoidance. Ho does
uot meet tho Issue that is bofore the
people forced thoro by his caudl.
dacy. Nobody disputes tho fnct that
ho hiu built roads, with something
like, halt a million of tho people's
money, but he don't pretend to toll
how much per yard for dirt moving
his extravagant methods cost the tax
payer. Ho seemingly avoids that,
for tho reason that It would bo fatal
to his cause. Ho makes no ullustca
to tho numoroua high-priced satraps
he had bossing the road hulldlug
costing the county $200 to $250 per
mouth, and numerous time-keepers,
doing little, at $100 per mouth. Hi
keeps those things very shady. Be
sides tho work of those gentlemen,
however, they were very useful whea
It came to the recall election, aa well
as for the coming election. And, be
sides these things, ho Is building a
court houue; According to report It
Is about oue-thlrd finished. Does
anybody know how much money has
already been expended on the struc
ture? or whether its cost will be
less than half a million dollars when
completed and furnished? In the be
ginning it was to cost $170,000.
Is there no other Issue before the
people than road building? How
about Worden's reckless extrava
gauco? How long can the people of
tho county afford the luxury of keep
ing up such an expensive county
It Is my private opinion that were
it not for the Infinite amount of gall
which sustains him, Judge Wordea
would have resigned years ago, That
poor farm purchase and extravagtat
management ulone condemns hiss, aa
utterly unworthy of the oce he
holds, and It will be the greatest,
blessing this county ever eajefed,
when she gets rid of his oflcUl sals-
management, uot to say aolKleat de
pravity. Respectfully yowsV
O. W, BHERfcUN. gV. V( o-"
' "