WILL KLAMATH COUNTY BE AT THE 1915 FAIR? VOTE 78 X 4" PRINTS THK NEWS WIIILIC IT IS NKWS Eh ximli Vn.r-X". mnxtm Mvvulb & V- KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914 Prtea, Mft NORTHERN FIGHT AGAIN IS VIOLENT Ulicl l'f Hrlr LONDON, Oil. 110, DUprtlt lie. liiiin III.- Alntlenlniil 'I ill Ht, if ,. ttrlilnji llrtlnifllitil Hip HuMlliH HI li until. i.t. Nv u nixMinl llli In. ,, rrt.nl tlcut 'Hie lllltlllllU tut Im II H'neitett nil ahum 1 1 in llm., Il l triitlnt llml M.liim lirniiHit iiinlliH'. limn it ti.r, I.hiiuim wr IIp) lllr. Iui.ill,ll lllli Iti'tllM.i. II ttiHIf III. mi' Hunt lliitfliim tillli ,, 1'ti.u iiMl.e ' tllitUl nl(iilH nl-i'iilil, (iiuk m lullio nil heir, 'llin hurx. rti Mil 4mI May Sue Bankers for New Haven Railroad Funds bill J l'l" HeMlC I'tllK M. HH, lhr i..-."i, id,. n. (..rlnluliC. MkMIhk" U .I(ikj;.i ImC III H' etlriltt I. iril.iln lli.U Hie tlllr ileail, tiiititnlnl nii'l lni.iliiiir, In llml lliur. lll fH'li ."VO.OOIl, Il l ir-.!nl llml lite irniiwi m.n.illli.. ttlll In llnrr it liitir lltn llmt, TIiU jIIi'iiiwmiV n.Miiiilllil.iie aiieeplitgl) ilnllti llml ..iiti.l.intltti U.iln. Mr Ikx-m liMilfi lij llr ftllira, lliU iiiimilttrtnitl tittle lll.il lit llrlaitiim u Dtp iljl..-. i.n, hii.I ktr rt'l-l Id" region of llif lrt- V-r. I III. tin f.ilti.r. .) ft. Ml talllii'lMlllllK lllilll llli- tlrltUll rilltriiilililriil., .iM. lite (letiimii. In irlrn.1 Itrll I" I In' IK'tlll. rit.iMr(rr ) llml Hie t'irii ! mlinm Inu nl nil iilber ilnl a lie lutl llr lint. (.viiian uv ivvaih: i:vir. I'nllrd I'ftn Mrth MINDO.V, Ou. flu, A Mi tUM I (m.mi AIIi.ii..). Mm! m-...,i nt.ltlll.li itmeiitiutl..it n Im,i nntitt ,11 lMnmrii. T(r. mi.hUh fmer ur lMl(lir lirtf Item trteilrtl nl Allnii. f,Mi D..MI.KI n. Hmi lr lnlnuili sue Ill-lttj; limlrr ifeitimn ultlirt. rtlul diM'ulty , Inli-mller lit ma I if 1 1 Inl" I'tOI'l. , nrt Mtcriirj tll.wtltii in Ani.l. til.iin Mini ,t I'alni MirMi;i tie lUrr llml ! UnIj- of TurkLli mwilt) I. mtitliic (tiling Hie liitlf tif .Utah, IHtHlirital lif Hie ltl rn. tlli:J KMIII.V Ihi MllV(.. in:?, HIKES A COFFIN, I 1 1 1 n nn r nun ' . , . . !ianri.j r iw lllilll III I I . IIII Iiiii4 ttr. nrrcj n vrriHn -win uc j , THE QUERY IS: "WHERE DID THE TAX MONEY GO?" ueitii: h.vmt..v m: v ".utorT, KM'.VK.V Mll.l.s" Sas Country Must Prepare for War A lAxtk nl I lif lUrli or T llrtilin I- All Tlml l fr..i,r) to III. .rm i' Tlwl H4lfiifil I'imilitii - Mill. l llwu lite liMtl llnrliiK l III. AilminUlralioii. unit ii U .Vim Jmleo Word en In lili niKt-chi'it ha Ltrii klutlilK that the count)' levy hoi Hill- it boil I 11 m!IU,Tho JuiIri- kiinwn ' liftirr thnii thU. ijTIik rouiiiy Ifvlcni it," fomigFrif, --, - - - ""55 TURKISH ACTION IS TO INVOLVE OTHERS I nitfil I'rctn Service I'lrriUXIUAII, tht. .'Ml. Tde aiiiK.iiiirjiiniit llml Turkrjr lm CHUrMt lln- l.'urM-aii inn- It lining up iiilni KimIu i urlioiiiftl herr. (torem Uifiit mill In l fcajr Hint TuxUrj' mttl(lMllun In lliU conflict give n op IHiHiinll)- i fort-trr wlllti llw TurkNIi iiillon. Ktfx Imtc Inrii taken liy llnln l meet tlir xlluatlon. 'flit' llluik Scu lint K unilcr nail ullli onlfm l (Votrwjr lh TMtkMt iiiitilii)ii i.K-ralliiK ikiiIui iIk Criniftiii unit C'AiirnnUn port. Tteefw lire nil rrutl)' to mine. OlUt-ial Hay llmt tilt- tlrtlnrallon if Har luui not come oActally ft. Tlif xiiiiiiiuiiliblliin nltli Conlmillni.ili- U rut off, jibi! hi jet the HmiIw nnilntilor to Turkrjr lia not rtMrtl. ' Tim ItrllUh omluuKjr lirre prcllcu llmt I lie entire fUlkaa (IMrlct wMI Intoiih- Imolviil Uy Turkr)' action, ami ctpecU liowtaanla mxil Bulgaria lo olrikr m tin- tittouuin cmplrr. I liltetl I'rws Hervlr la M At u. meeting ol t.ie executive coot' I'Altl.S. Oct. iWr HIkIi umrUU My ttmt Turkey' po.rtlctMJea iiilinlh-lini of (JcrmaiiyV Inaliitlty to Rain la the ct and treat I It 1 rxK.ttr llmt Hie parfirlpAtlon of Turkey, with tier army of ir .1 fittui 7IKI.IMM1 tu OIHl.tMMI men will force Italy hand. Il U reportctl tliat lite Freacli forclxn oOirer uave goae to for tin- m( four year tnitt lf,.n an1 fnltewn: i I I'-MO ...... ,.. 1 1 mill 1BII ........ S.S.3 mllU 1912 &..2Z mill .1... ., , ... ' .. mum niaii. a ntuu-incui was ItHUvd Iti ui I4iok on Int. bark of vmtr tnx rtw 1I,.r. 1.1 .!, iniii,,,, ,,... tni,. t.. , ... I a ...lliU mid yon 111 -.. It for our,lf. ,. i.. i. ,..... n,. r!... CHICAGO. Oft. SO. Wbeal jumI from xntudtUflo tr llu. 15H levy luu no .t bf.n,IWr of UaMchU. that ih t'alted f crMU ""'l " """ U,'n U,c reprt ,,,, Tue,f U ,,ro,T, ta .Slate 1 wholly unprepared for ar, and should beglu lo get read)' for thu (mItic-o of the .Navy League, of which ami it ( Ix-Hcrei! Hut a monienlou conference 1 In proffreM there. Colonel Hobt. il. Tlioiapnou U chair-j L'nllcd l'rej Service Juiltju vti-r. iln .tot Up) fur the liuntjr I'l'ltlitllll Ml tttutt in ili AtlMt MIVMiMTA.V UIIITIIS l!tli4 I'i Avrtkft MINNUAI'OI.IH, Otl, 3t...Ar ttklo liU ou roitin ami Nrlllng nlup lAmr r,iitt4 to tnlnthn., JOMh Zohacls, bh 72, (hl runrif lot murdrrrd hU Tl.tc.r.titd trlfd ad thru rtiimnltteil ulclilt. Thi'ii' htut hct-n a report In Wall 'trri and iu Dimncl.il circle of Hch 'ton llml couiimI for the New llawn ri-parlne a ult aitttlnitt crry, tlm Providence hsnVer, and OaUelKh Thonio. ihu .SVv Vork hrokiT, to recover 11.33'.,. "il of the Ill.00o.0u0 of tho Now llMtpu rallttwd money which the In- l..mit.- I'onniHTie Conirolitston chid 'I'lrmrtimntly nJoliii-d. llu m: mW m) put ui' H lon hard tlijlit. hut tit the end tho taatiStiiU fell! ha tun Iu hula And killed, il will or than 'Alti;VKI.I, .OTK T ItKia. Now lio tan Jud,o Woiden ay ho U , r(,,,)(rt c0,1(.,,rs ,j,0 road ha further run the county IOO.OOO TIV AMI i:.MM THK I.IVIW Ol' IIHlHCI.l' AM) Ills, MATi: j in a ile, hut )ou need not expect to hear of any lower Irty than lal year. Ke how II him Brown. llaneU on thee lele, tho nheriff mul tiiMnurer of the county hae col- lecitHl from lax payer of the county 'durliiK hU administration tho follow 'li:c ktimn: ' It'll I170.2H' 1912 2S7.US 1912 3I5.00G 1913 389.202 Making a total of ll.I71.S35 col lectcd by Judge Worden't admluU iratlou from the tax payer of the county during hl term of office. ThU due not Include any city toxcn or upeclal nchool levy taxes. In addi tion lo ltil lame turn of cah placed Iu lit - halidii by the tax payer, ho has llnte tf a mllillr lu.itli.) pemoii. A military drill lor Riru u rarrleJ i hi dm Japniiet ptihlle nchoolK .ollts In ave thiu llethr Hie un.;,. lnUM, l)l0 ,Illn ar. hor uitti t-wuilnun tlielr null or not j i , ... ..- .., t fn.li.. tlnritm ia lltflinra v, -. . - VMli Iir,lcft,.H bqushl by tho New litem of the vartatiu. i.nd ho '",Hr .,.,. kuww ,0 U( m.ovcrpJ, " Ir IiI, concern oterpayiiivnt of com- -.lai-il-'-awa---------- , .,, I .... ai. I Iim I m ti lln fl llIM at ( iiii'iin - .' i I lleluim Her l'iillliui. fliu other day the Now Ihneu Ued further In debt than It wan when he MIm Cot II. Nipper, who ha been jmeniWi of tho famou lllllnrd Com- In b,. eiHiloo ol th? I'Rcinc Tele- paiiy io recoxcr H.000,000 In couuec- IhU money m paid to compuiile .lrted In. In other word. the ieo- ple or tnu county havo paid lu ru.sn and note tho um of a million and a half dollar to maintain the govern ment under the m.nnaeemenl of Judge Warden. I.c limn ISufi.uOO went to main tain the state soxerntnrnt, and the Iml.inco represents the cost of our county ndmlnlBlmtlou for the puat four year. Whero did It got Wo i.hitiia and Tele-rnuh couilMii) In thU Hi u with the purchase of the liontou liii tor lht Ut ulxtteti niouili, hai'mid Maine Th lllllard concern Zoin(i.'m arilnut luieiv haiu I.....11L. -i-.,.i i..,r- t.y.dlt ltiti Mtth llml com-, beiiehl llm New Kn-land road and ' ' " " ir.l. .. ,-"- , - . . . ,..,...! Ml Nipper ha not definitely iitr h0,j u t the New Haven forjrow, anuwuig imi u . .-Muueu ior. piHtnlbllllle of it iu the future. Thin U pari of what ho bad to nay; "It reo,ulie three yearn to build a dreadnought and many year to make otticieut naval otHcer and seamen It require several montha to make a, 11-Inch gun and from three to five jvar tu make au efficient' seaman Kunner. It take one year to build a subniarluu and many year to train a submarine crew. "If war should threaten ihe, ten or rtiteen )car from now, now U the time to prepare tor that cr!aU. Chaos and anarchy stilt prevail lu Mexico, and the United Slates army 1 pitiful ly small for a country of 100,000,000 people. National defense not only In cludes the Mouroo Doctrine and the neutrality of the Panama canal, but aUo Include the question of race purity. Tho American policy of re stricting oriental Immigration Is Jus tilled not only ou the economic ground of protecting the American Ktandard of living, but by the law of eugenics that the mixture of dlverso races always results In n degeucrnte, mongrel race. "The Mouroo Doctrine is only af strong as the United States navy, and I'nlted I'reas Servica WASIIIXGTO.V. I). O, Oct. .to. Clm. H. WlUon. chame d'aiTafa nl Hie I'ctrocrad enitmiy, cable Hie tle itcartmeat that Odta waa Ixuiilianlttl lavf nlghl, and that American property waa destroyed. ThU InforttuillDii It basetl upon a report Just letelred fraaa VaH4 Stales Conoul John II. Grout at Odessa. Ttilst doea sot state the asssMMt of property damaged. It l avtiunied that Uie Turkish nlilp were the attacking force. ,..., -,.-.- .'.,-.. -. -- , decided whelhiT li will return lojinrvli more than It cost the home ol her parvul In uratits ll'an or MMiialn In Ulnmath Palis. expect to present the flgure tomor- llle lla). j8 dawnng when race purity will also depend on the United States navy," i m .. .J. .. . ----- - - - - a VM-aVMMWWVrVWMWMNMMVy "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie A.V AI'I'CAI, TO WOMHX WOMK.V Altll llli: lU'VHHf Il has liecnnni qilltli I lilt 1110111 either ftlilil lh" lf ,f "'" iw'liilsllo lime or from a natural dUllfco tor the work for men li llp the lilies of shopping 10 feiulnhm shoulder, and whvth r Ihtiy lk It or mil, they fail ry t' U't ' majority of cae k" win ho well dime. Theio may h any number of Itiimor mi arrow nlmed rtt Ihe IisikuIii hunters, hut usually woman does not purchase uiisatls'factory merchandise, According, lo siati'iitent nuuln I') buyer In Ihe stores, wo mill uie coming lo know tuiiterlaU o thoioiiRhly that they tec iilin ery quickly whether I hey are all wool, cotton, "r oiercerlteil, The nverngo mini goen Into Ihe ntnro to soled a ni'iklle, and If tho color unit hU fancy Im take It mul depeiula Himii the price asked for the qualliy of Ihe mateiiiil, while a iuiaii sefeftlng tho same tie will nib II between her lliiKein, I'lill out u thread or so, mid el It In several . I' ' 'tl 'lt Is siitlMfnrtory she will link the price, and If aim roimldera llm tin is 11 h g(o,j viiliin for Urn money as she can get at tho lre further up the street, aim will make Ihu iuich'ase. Which nil goes lo hIuhv. that tho woman Is Ihe careful, con "lilornto buyer, Unit aim rivna save the family many 11 dollar each "ninth provided she woro to tuinu lutein! llm iiofkellMml. Tho wilier him children grown, ami from hla expeilence lu UiIh mat er, If 1 had let my wife handle tho pocket book and attended lo all llm buying, its the old fellow oneii miiIiIi I would have "dol 'ara lo ddughllllls." ' Wo are iiiuklnKV atrong appeal to the", womenMln thl mat 't'f of advertising, They 11 ra fast becoming a mighty (nctnr In llm commercial world, "DADDY." ..-.i,-W-WW. ---VWrVSWVVV lrV'trSrVM TREE NOTARY TO HELP JHE CAUSE wati:h rsiJits aiii: uugkh nv OliiliAli m SIGN ACCKIT. j AXCi: AT O.N'Ci:, HO THKV WII.lt ; GAIN HV MIUHUHK ' Do )ou want to dig up auolbar mil 'lion and a halt during the next four! years In taxesT Very true I Judge Wordeu's statement that If we let) .him alone nobody knows what he would do. WOMAN POTS OUT INCIPIENT FIRE AIGOMA NOW IN E AMG ACTION i:i.kctihc mox IXU.IM.NG IIKI1 I sivrrx run: IX), X KltlHHOll MltS. SMITH ItltlXGS SUIT TO UK covkh roil TiMiint ui:.movkd AXD JtOAD IIU1I.T OVKH HKK I'llOI'KltTV I lly J. G. CAMI' Project Manager I'mler the legulatloiis Issued by the rechimutlon commlhslon, It Is ' iieresmiry for each land owner who! wishes to secure tho bonollU of the! r'orKeitlng to turn off the current intension act to hIru au acceptance ufu,r ugjug MX olectrio Iron ueurly heforo a notary, have It recorded and faUHli nr loss lu the home of Mr. Illed In this olllce. nnij 1, Frank Miles last Thursday It Is desired that this bo done he-'nftBrnoon. The fact that there was fore November lRth, Kach Innd-'iio bliue Is due to the of foils of a owner him heon mailed u hlauk arccp-J nolghlmr, Mrs, Sam Hill, In extln tmire, 1 wish to urge them to bo'gulshlng he lire before it iouUI prompt lu doing this. spread. If they Will come to our olllce our a closed folding bed, which acta notary will attend to this free ofillH a. shelf, wan where 'Mis, Miles ... ... tun.. ...K&k. .lln t. tl.A niuceu iiiu nun n urn biiu ivii .. charge. Mill Men ItefeinUiils, Suit to recover $190 ullegod duo for wages has been started agaliiBt Wood & I.anx by J, J, Slmonds, through Kuykendall & Pergusnn. A dispatch from (Yttlnjo saya that wolves are attacking both tno liviug mul thu dead ou tho buttlellolds In the eastern theater of war. , That the contest belweeu Halite oy IIKKAKS IXTO HOU8K A Nil KX- SmUU ana ,no Aig0ma Lumber com TIXtiUISHKS ltt,..r: jpany for thu possession of a tract of 'timber laud near Algoma las not been dropped since the circuit court Awarded title to the laud to Mr Smith Is etideuccd by tho tiling of a damage suit In the court today by Mrs. Smith, lu this she asks dam ar.es for thu destruction of the Urn ler and thu building of u logging road across the tract. The compluiut alleges that the turn her company took 900,000 feel ot uierchnutable timber off her laud, and she usks $3,70? tor this. The railroad, she says, damages her prop erty to the extent ot $500, and this amount Is also asked for. house, Uecomliig 100 hot, this took lire, and the mattress was smoulder ing when Mr. Hill, noticing the mnnke, broke Into the house nnd throw out tho burning portions of tho bed. Here front rrt. John llesslg, the Fort Klamath telephone magnate, it here ou a business nnd pleasure trip. United Pres Service LONDON. Oct. M. A new agency dlspatrh tram Petrocrad aya that Ihe ltulan ambassador at Coustaatinople ha been MMtrarted to 1 p.iviortt. ami leave Constantinople Immediately. Simultaneously an order was Isaued reralllnK all Hanalaa fioni Turkey. WIIOSK FltlKMt IS HKV GUARDS AND MOB IN BIG BATTLE If Judee Wordeu Is a friend ot 1 f,ood roads why did he not complete! a court house for $100,000. which j would build a better court house than! any county In Uie state except two, those at Portland and Astoria, and , expend tho other one. two, or three, hundred thousand dollars on the KKVKKAli HOl'SKS BKLOXQINa TO roads, instead ot on marble halls and Imitation stone -pillars? Does it not took as If he were tho friend of the offlco holder and politician, rather than of the farmers who want good roads? GKKMAX CltL'lSKK IS FLYIXG JA1 COLOKS MIXING COMPANY DUOTROYst AND OTHERS THREATEXED. WIKKS ARK CUT OFF United Pres Serrtee FOrtT SMITH. Ark.. Oct. 30. Bight buildings at the Bache-DMasaa I Coat company's mine No. 3, at PraJ- A uews agency. rle Creek, were burned laat mlht. says that the land federal deputy marshals, guard- United Press Service LONDON. Oct. 30. dispatch from Tokio Dritlsh nmbassador has learned thatjlng other property of the coatpaay, the Uermau cruiser Kmdeu. flying a battled all night against the lacea Japatuo Mag, entered the port of 'diaries. As the .wires from there were Penanga. in the Straits Settlement, cut. the outcome of the fight la moti and torpedoed tho Russian cruiser known. Jemtchug and a French destroyer. The union men have been on strike Uoth sank with considerable loss of .since April, when the company aiafty ' life. ed Hie open shop policy. j, yr Warden Convicts 3 V tll ir. & - k Wall ' jC & 4T, r Nf J f- FarrSaysHcProvfAUtbf(tc$Aiailii y jtar ) - WSLiffiS.fiX yzsx j-r U Moving Lumber. 11. H, l'Mmuuds, who some time ago purchased tho 300,000 feet- ot "shop uud bettor" lumber that Is piled on Oak street, near Lake Ewau na, Is having the lumber moved to the railroad for shipment to a Chica go firm. To tho Kdlter: Worden Is asking the people to vote for him, and lu tho same breath says ho dou't care whether he la elect ed or not, as ho Is going to hold the office two years longer anyway. It must be plain to everyone that he Is not sure ot the recent court de cision. Anyhow, what kind of a man Is It thai goes before the people and asks thorn for their vote, It he, as he says, doea not Intend to abide by their de cision. Mr. Kdltor, why need you couple Ihlm up with u eorrupt political ring? Sincerely, Is he not lu about as bad company u Merrill, Oct. 39. possibly he wbea be Is ho could aloneT Did anyone ever before this near of such a proposition being MbMltted to voters ot any county? He certain ly doea not Intend this for honest, la; telllgent voters, but only for the rt voters!, and the few feeble-st hided that he may pick up. - Every one must now be cotee4 that Worden is guilty of all the ,. charges that have ever beea atMto -against bias. L, Have no fear ubout your candldaty for the legislature. The people H)fl l.li. a nff vm, ncil If T dnm't Ml " my guess, they will also, take mm of ' " i Worden and all his fake prnimlHlBi, a w srwaT"aepr"WrSr fjL r 1' . , Ki r si' !l L Al ' Avjvvvvrvv''r1' n. j xi its1) ,rt ie!, " f '