The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1914, Image 1

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tje lEunmg Herald
Mlillt ril V'. 'JflMMI
PHca, WUm
Germany's Great Naval Hero,
Who Sank 3 British Cruisers
cMi.ioriMi movi:mi:nt m r.s.
I'ltOll.hlt Vltl I.OlMJl It Willi
'tin- "i mi: ih:i'Wiiii. i nu
r. s. i uni i, is hui:u -id
i. mi: iw Khiiumiiin
while ihe I'"'"" ,,r" '"rll
t'llllod l'(r4 Knrttro )
wahIiinuton it r, on, jii . '
(, uliUn In III Gllrl t'iMIII 'i'li lfll ll'tHllHrl link bn ad-'
k . . tlwd Hint lint llrlllsii at Gibraltar!
, .r IIU..UII '' Jl,.,,. wlii'4 lh i.l. Kail (llftianiil
Im. ntiil ltelw Italia, nrrjtuK (r'ift
,uf Altlrllfoli Cupper
I Four topper lompmilr ami pililjt. '
'pent il tlm ratein-s hattt Illitlflnl the
j department i the tlur, and lm'
'triir-iled that irutnU Im matin. ,
' 'lhr American ruimil nl (ilbtultm j
.... Im ImvII atled In male am luvmtlRrt-'
The PWr -I!d I
Dm KriiiMlt M-k l Tlirlr
frllle I'.ulllltll A "Ulan
( llrr Wrrt id killing'.
t n.. !'( rUrvIre
m-riiniillAl). Ocl. 3U.. -Tho
,i,. iiuuun aimr I- Beaming im " ' "
u.mtt Ifcr AusUodUnnsn troop. ,,r"" Sr "rK
Tlin uirt ailvlr from Hip (rml
Mlrale Miat tho Itui.Uli r(l U rlt
Ul(l!l' Hto AWSlrUlU blc-n CJ-
ll(U ii.t the ltuiln frontlet.
, i h nun tlm the rr' right
I. irtfiine llii German and drltltic
,cia bark UHm their adtalir llliet
01 .Inlrti.r lhl'1 I he Knl l'ruUn ,
Afirr r Vo( nshllns alone the
ItHtr Hall the AtutrUtu hate f'"'VlKti;OI Mill
rnrntrt) i retreat from lh ouiltrrn
I'olwJ I'iom rfcrvtce
I.OMHjN. Ocl. S.-Al UllCOhflr Ill
rJ OtlJ alch Uum ft I'cltdCUii liew'
utmrr t thai a Jrmn officer (
ltt)tl'i!iri l) the lttUlit, declare
that I he three German RrlirfaU tattil '
v,t til in; iir.iti: nils ui:i.k
rent a vihii, nrr nut: itn.n r
i:t (!i:: ,
7d dc ifciini: " io
n-HL-iLnuL, 10
ll'itu llcnilil HiiH ot Si- Fit to
Suinrt Winl'ii, Srlr-Coutltul?(l
j llcuil of fiiilnil t'oiiiinlttfts N Writ'
' Iiik lltfl l l-fint Suiltli, L'sIiik,
i .
j I In- AMitiiirnlH Tlmt Smith, With!
t riltt-d I'rees Srvlc
I.O.MMXV, Oct. -. Aildillniuil arliin hare been nl to chammel
wr1 nlong the tiortlii't (tasl of Franrr, l iipKrt the alllra I aew
nlfnrk, (illicit lui Hjipart-nllj' hern Itlnititfil nKnlnst thn (Jrtn from
IhrM! ;rt.
t'n(loul)lcllj' the (rniaiu Imvo iiuumI thrlr ubinariaM nail ligfal
lirx'iln bonttt In Uic raual letneru IlruKco anil Xets nregm. It I alao it
liortcil that the Cierninu m tuoiluK birve part of their airship HmC to
I Other t'nntllttatrn, I'ut Up.
I'ptlli Mruktiaul Otto oii Wel-
itK'ii ctiiiiiuumlcr ol iliu ubmarltic
., . , . v, li in tint natal hero of (fortiuur HI
ll Ktibjr latnibl I, Ulvr 0( Mu, .. , . , ,,., ... ,
T ' Una lliM lltl-ltlk fttlllll( tt'lllfll rflllllMI
It ItilliolUoil. tlletl at Ku etie ull . ,,.,.,.
In i in iliktrueildii til three lirltMli
,e.' fnr the .lUa.ter trt U.4iiWlajr murnlne. MIm t.aii.Ml rrum n lUo NprlU s.a.,n0 Cry.
Ib k.rr. Iutrr at ABH.torf. were M..I h.r tHMlhar ee Ul. their u.,, ,. Abolkrn ,,.,
iiM br urt martul, f.mmt e.illtrJUMt Mr Itobeftum at Klamath Kali h r M KntUtt4 8,ld nmilc
li4 hu( ailtl the, h. v.prtl"! 1.0 here Ull ,,..,llv In
. ...i 1. .-.i .,.,." "-" " -
The uuj- (tout ltuU U thai tli'
lirifiun prlttmrr ha hcin a copy of
tctietai orOcr (rom KaUer Wllhelm,
i-lpftalhc croat tllttlctialfuh at U19
. ..t iLl...k !...! bli.f.fUi.l ..ti rllliln Ilk
-,,p ..,.,..-. -- "- - "j, ulll ntuiit her lint J
IKII a PJUUirf .u nniiirii in
While ,MI Campbell lia nul bofll
Von Wrtiillncu
U (nil) 33 )tata old. but III tut 111 f
rr llirntiKh (lerinany and Ureal
liillalti'it etiormoiiii navy linn not In
turrrfulrr ot Attcualorf. ami iifilrrlHc Urll tor ome time, her loiijllllon U1 ',, , unr ,, n hero wbonu fame
Ibe rrrapture of the poMllon ntnler!t,oi Iickoiiio neflmm tmtll Hutular j,,,,,,,,, lth that of the Herman.
t)ll i( ttentb.
Iiuoinltig, The fuiieml lll tt at
MardtDeM. the faiull)' home
MIiMkiWI Tertthef III Se.lun
UlleU I'le Hertke jt'lllleil I'lcac Sertlrn
I.OMION. On, S9.- IK.patelie. to KAl.AMO.OO. Mich. Oct. !9
ffrM auixrlallon from Fleetwood jtrlnMitu nil uter the male "etc roeU
)r that another temer ha trueh a HnU). ami the atuJeiiU rlbrlel
ftrrtnaia mine (iff Malln lleail, on thn MI Hi" teacher mil In KalainatiMi
norili roat of Ireland, and Hetii'for tho annual contention of thn
lon l.loyd bate no liiformailon. Mlrlilitait Htato Teacher' Anoclatloii
tut u belletrd tba boat Main mal 1lu chool bolldn) will lal thrnuKh
r"ler lomorrntc
Von W edit ken k 200 mite from
III. liaKe of nupptle. llfttltlK trateUil'
ii,. ml of tbnl dUtaticc itndvr water.
ibeh be nkhted the thret' cruliwr.
lie found them in a triangle, and af
ter uUIhk a lal ii;bt nl them. dote.
Ilu worked bottreen the m. ulthln lens
limn a mile of each. Prom a depth
of about tni'lru feet h loosed a tor
pedo at otio ship, which he later learn
ed wat the Aboublr Shu went down
in a fe minute, and her men weru
In the water. " The. Crc)' and the
Horuo burrUd to the scene, their
rommanderH etldentl)' bellerlne an
accfdeiii bad happened to tbu Abou
Llr. He loosed another torpedo at
the HoKiiu, and bo keeled oter. Too
lute the llrltlHh commanders found
out the caune Another tnrjiedo
raugbt the Crey, and within thirty
mlnuten from tho tlmo of the flrsl
nhot wan ilrcM tb three were wreck
and their men uere titruKKllnc In the
'.i.i.IWI,..m.i,iimiwvnwwiwv,V,....INi'-iN1. WiWWW
.iM'.''Wl" '' ' "W... '
lw. 1 atuumfi000i000fi000 Vi"
"The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie
WOMAN AH MAVNH I'llltt'llAtilVO AOI.'.M'
It In It fait llJUK h' hled retallelrt ami careful
ndtertUer that ttoman I the tMirldV upender Her dlnbiir
menu for family nuppllea nr eiiormmi..
H U not the reat Indumr). merculltllo entiiUIUInnent or
bank that (uita Into clrciiliitlmi the money thai keep thn world
KoIiik. It la tho hoilaoMlfe.
Itditioto lur irnnaiirtlnnt Irom undo opointlmu and hub
nation would result. Tint ladiulrlen, the mercantile liwllUilhm
mid tbu bank own iholr pronperliy n Iter. On tho oilier tnit
Uiey uro her couvenlaticen,
I'erlnips aho Imndl.'H only 11 miihII pint of ! Iiinitnw of U10
try rich, hut tho liicomou of the very rich nio nt unco ilrnwn
from the ronrenu to tthlch alii', either directly or Indirectly,
kIvi-k her pntromiKo, nnd are, ellher illriKlly or ludlioctly, In
teatnil In tho concerns Hint supply her ttnnlM. HI10 IuuhIIih llui
liiiKeat part of tho Income of tlm ttell-to-.lo. Him linndleH pnie
1 Ion y n tu, inconio of the poor.
Thu umn ttorlca mid varim, K"iierully tpeuMiiKi Oio womun
l'eniU. How well aim Kpenila In 11 didermlnliiB factor In tlm
Welfare of the community mid the iinllun.
Ah a mlit, tho man who doe not commit hln ttlfo In lemiid
ii tlm homo iiihmIn, who iloes not tuko lior Into bin conlldonro
loniernltiK H10 hiiHlneaH uffnlr, don't Imto iniich to npend, mid
1 in of tlm opinion Hint ho oiikIiI not Io Imvo iniiclt to upend, for
lie reimoii thai ho don't know how in upend ll Judiciously Ho
I iiMiially "HB,t wiul," mil In not much ncconul lo nuylMidy
"r niiylliliiK,
Of courho, I 11111 HpeitkliiK moro particularly of tho 1:0ml,
Hi'imlbln riusfl of tvometi, 11 ml women tint! tiro fHl comliiK to
Im front In tlm himlncM mattorH toduy.
Muiiy n womun, In thin city mid community will cut out mid
I'tiMo up in her homo Thn Mutiutl (llrl mid llor Aunllo I'mto
Hi thu llornld will soon begin to niiullHh, for fntuio reference.
.MlltStM. I'AI'KH i:ill(KI IN
, Tills lONMH'IIO.N Till: FIIWT
Thu UiorliliiK paper el led tbU
iiioruliiK In repurtlui: tho reKlHterluc
of AMplndiile," II. I.. MIIU' lino farm
near lllldebrand. Instead of beluc
leKlitered with tho coilllly dork, us
the paper Hinted, tho iinme was sent
to Tbu Herald for publication, In ro
spoinin to 11 MkKcHtlnn inndu In a re-
jcfiil editorial.
TIiIh wna the tlmt ntuuo to bo muiI
to Tho llornld for publlcntlon hIiico
lh edltoilnl wim printed, but Is wna
not the llrnt to be reKlntered with
the county clerk, for oh yet Mr. Mills
has not done thin, whllo tlm reKlslcr
of fnrm unuien .howb tho followliiR
"l,ol Itltur Itmich," Francis J.
How no, llonnntu. Filed November
111. un.
"SprliiB Hill," K. r.lty, north of
Merrill. Filed October 30. 1911.
"Seven Hpilngs Unucli," Kdwnrd
Fieiier. I'oo Viilloy. Flh'd October R,
"Ili'ililolil Hunch," Kdwnrd Hay
Proucr, I'oo Vnllojv Filed Novombor
an, mu.
"Oloyully Farm ," Hny Freimr. I'oo
Valley. Filed April 10, 1013.
"Dollcreiit," II, l Hoey, Crencent.
Filed April 3, 1913.
OXK-AIT niMKUV WHITTKN HV of tiii: tkoufk was of-
It wns 11 well pleated audience that
left tlm Orpheus theater last night af
ter witnessing the production of "Tho
Country lllrl," by local amateurs. Tho
mouthers of tho cast displayed his
l ionic ability In the manner In which
they bundled their lino mid sltuu
tloiiH, mid kept tho house luuKtitnjc.
The skit, which has to do with n
ensu of mlstnken Identity, was written
by Mrs, Sum Onrrett. In addition to
fiirulslilni; tho sprightly vehicle for
tho nppenrmico, Mrs, (Inrrott also
took tlm part of "Mary," it servant
Klrl, mid nddod much to the success
of tho piny by her clever work.
Tho other members of the cast were.
Mrs. A, V. Tlmlall, Mrs. O. D. Mnt
thows, Mis. J. I,. Cunningham, Flor
ence (IrccK, Charles Hutchinson,
Hhliiehiirt Motschonbnchcr and Stan
ley Smith, mid thoy all cnrrled their
parts good. Tho hill will bo repeat
ed this evening.
F.tMIIN'l'lllll. ,
License to wed wns todny Issued to
Dnu l.oy ISvam and Olive Ilessla Faul.
Iloth uro reslduhl of Worden, tho
groom being a Itreutau.
Itregou MotlieiV MiH'tlnn
United 1'ross Sorvlc
I'OHTl.AND, Oct. 3D.- Willi sovor
11 1 hundred dologates lit attendance,
mid with 11 list ot mothers highly
qualified lo discuss child llfo In all Its
phases, tho Oregon Congress of Moth
ers Is In annual session hero today,
The session will closo tomorrow.
Ouo woman In every three In the
pottery trade In rOeat Britain earns
less than M.40 a week.
1 , lly W. O. .SMITH ;
j HKVKNUK! This Is tho word that!
jvoundit sweet to the old political war,
! borne, "Bob" Kramltt, chairman of
jthu republican central committee, and,
I to his honor, Win. .S. Wordeiij the.
iii'unty Judge. J
I For bo It known that' tbe said.
i"llou" l.'mraltl. aided by Judgo Wor-"i
idcu and his friends, aro working day'
and night in an effort to defeat tho'
f editor ol Tbe Herald as a candidate J
... ... .(... ti Lnll. lino'
MOT IOC ICKIIIBIurc. Jlf. uuium
jbeen In politics long enough to know
llilil orucn uain 1 a siiutk ui a
how now, so be and the Judge are
trying to And satisfaction in their
Idea of revenge.
It Is only natural that Kmmltt
should feci sore at anyone who had
tbu nerve lo oppose Worden, for
watn't Ummlit on the county pay roll
for a long lime, and wouldn't all fu
ture prospects go glimmering with
Wordeu's defeat?
Tho republicans of the county elect
ed four committeemen In four of Ihe
tweul-tlvo precincts. Mr. Kmmltt
was one of thwe. "As ouo of the com
mitteemen was out of town, and an
other so far away ho could not get
here, Mr- Kmmltt proceeded to call
himself together and elect himself
county chairman. So now he Is tbe
big political "boss," and tells all oth
er cltltens mid republicans where to
get off at.
It was political treason for The
Herald, as n newspaper, to oppose a
man for otllco who happened to be on
the republican ticket, but Mr. Kmmltt
ns chairman of tho republican central
committee, does not hesitate to make
a light on the editor of Tho Herald,
who also happened to bo on tho re
publican ticket.
Jill lUIIJlllK VWl. 11.3 ,'., .. .. IKapu (n li.. GAnt nut tlironcti
Crook. Orant and Utke counties, urg
ing the people of those counties to
vote for Vernon A. Forbes, repub
lican, and I. H. Dencer, democrat,
both of Crook county, and stating
that the people of Klamath county
did not want W. O. Smith elected.
Naturally it can bo expected that
Crook county will give tho mnjorlty
of their votes to the two men from
that county. Orant county, which ad
joins, may do tho same. So. Mr. Km
mltt mid his friends tlguro that If a
considerable vote In Lake county can
bo thrutvu to these two men that W.
O.. Smith will bo beaten, and they will
have that sweet revenge for which
they are longing.
Now, I want to say to the people of
Klamath county that I do not care
whether I get n single voto In the
whole district. I never asked a man
or n woman to voto for me, and I am
not now n8khiK It. I accepted the
nomination simply bocauso no one
olso seemed to want tho Job at $3 n
day and pay their own expenses, and
I folt that tho Interest of Klamath
county and this part of the state de
manded representation In tho legis
lature. Two years ago I represented this
district to tho best of my ability. I
drafted and secured tho passngo of
the county budget bill, which com
pels county courts to preparo nn Item
ized budget, showing tho uiuount of
tuxes to bo levied and tor what pur
pose the money Is to bo expended.
Heretofore county courts could mako
a blanket lovy for as large an amount
us they thought tho people would
stand for, and then use It as they raw
tit. Of course this new business law
did uot please Judgo Worden, nud
when the people found out what he
was going to do with the money he
was forced to cut down the levy
1'uitud l'ress Service
I'AltlS, Oil. 20. riijrlcal exImuHiion U erloul)r Interreriac wiUi
the projrc of the lighting lit Northern France, the oldlcr btflaateg to
Itrmk. (Ioiiii under the continued strain. That is the raOB girea far tb
ftUtkcnliu: there latt night owl today.
The (lerman loc far etceetl tlmt or the Allien. The GerraM Uat,
(hough. It largely intact.
The 11 1 1 It- hare not attempted a general advance. Iloth armle
lelnfordiiK for n hlg ((niggle.
Thousand of (.errnan re-ervc uro reported crowing Itelgiuai. It I
iMdletrd that another attempt to ad r mice "111 be made by the kateer
forte from .Vietiport (oitnrd Dlv Mmle and between Lille ami Arm,
llenbimrleni liellete the Germans contemplate active operation till
t Inter.
Thlt afternoon communique sayo that the alllett contlano (o make
progress especially between Vpre and Arras, where n namber of Genaaa
trendies uere raptured after a serif of brilliant charge).
Tin; coiimiunhiue ileclarrt that the nllle are advancing in the Argoaae
rt'K'on, and d; to the forest of Aprrniont, hut that floewhere there la ao
tlutiiKe in tho battle front.
The skalrn for the Hunsaker &
Wakefield rink arrived last night, and
tonight tbe rink will be opened to tbe
public. The line maple floor bas been
placed in tbe best possible condition,
and the "skate fans" are all Joyful at
the prospicts at a,wlnter,on "w heeled
More unmarried than married
women were defendants In the New
York criminal courts last year.
lotra Demoeratft Cloae Carapalga
United .Press Servlcn
DK.S MOINES, Oct. 29. Tbe dem
ocratic campaign will be closed bare
tonight at a banquet ot the Iowa
League ot Wilson clubs, at which. Sec
retary of State W. J. Bryan, and Poet
master General Burleson are sched
uled to be tbe principal speaker.
Democrats from all over Iowa are
here today attending the closing rally
of tbe campaign, the object belag to
land Congressman Maurice Connolly
of Dubuque In Senator Cummins!
shoes, eleven congressmen and a
state ticket.
Look Over This list
It's a Resume of Some of the Initiative Measves
Condensed titles with their ballot
number of a few of the proposed con
stitutional amendments, and a brief
statement of their real meaning and
effect. It adepted:
Nos. 32 S and 329 Public docks
and water front amendment. Would
deprive state school fund ot revenue.
Would lock up 'tor generations un
sold tldelands and prevent develop-
Nos. 302 mid 303 For coustltu-inient of tudustrlea.
tlonal amendment creating the offlcoi ,os. 330 and
of lieutenant governor. This pro-t wharves mid dock bill. A measure
posit has been heretofore rejected by, permitting cities to go further lo
the people. An unjustified repeater. (debt. Companion to the preceding
Nos. 30U and 307 For amend- measure,
inent of section 7. nrticlo XI of tho Nos 33c nnil 337specic gradu
constliutlon authorizing Indebtedness le(, ,.xtra.ux amendment. Coafla
for irrigation mid power projects. lts!eatt)ry tax opposed to ludustry and
effect would bo to eucourage bonded jevelo,inM?llL Heretofore defeated
indebtedness mid would nullify tho by WQ tQ ono vote A ropeater
lestrlctioti of tbe section, as It now ,,obbim.ii..
'" " " ""' -w....
; corporation mid insurance depart-
tlieuts. Just a personal grievance
-A peraoaal
btmuls, limiting thu state legal liabil
ity to $30,000.
Nos. 30S and 309 For amend
ment of section 22, nrticlo l of tho
coiistltutlou. This Is tho third sub
mission ot this proposed amendment.
It has been twice defeated by tbe
people. j
Nos. 310 and 311 For amend-.
nient of section 1, artlclo IX of tho -now undertaken by a paid state
Nos. 340 and 341-
grluvnnco measure.
Nos. 344 and 34 G Tax code con
mission bill. Creates a commission
and appropriates money for work
constitution. Another proposed mod
ification of uniform rule of taxation,
heretofore twlco defeated.
Nos. 318 and 319 Amendment of
section 29, nrticlo IV ot the constitu
tion raising pay of members of tho
legislature. The pay Is now $3.00
ler day. It hat been twice defeated
by tho people.
Nos. 320 and 321 Universal olght
hour day amendment. Applies to
etery kind of employment. Monacea
Nos. 340 and 347 Measure abol
ishing desert land board and merging
certain offices. This is 11 personal
grlevnuco measure.
Noa. 34 8 and 319 Froportloaal
representative amendment. Would
abolish district representation and
loavo some counties not represented.
Nos. 3f,0 and 351 Abollshlag tbe
stato senate, amendment. The abol
ishment of the house would be more
llfo of inrm and many other Indus- oreferablo.
trios. ' Nov. 352 and 363 Constitutional
Nos. 324 nud 335 Non-partisan 'amendment establishing departBMt
Judiciary bill. A man caanot rW'of Industry and public works. Prw
. himself of his partisan political bo- posos to levy Inheritance ta to ?
(Coatlausd oa saga 4)
Hof, no matter how he Is elected. .work to the unemployed. AUiBonass
I Nos. 32G aud 327 Fifteen huud- legislative appropriates far at.
Ired dollar tax exemption. Single tax Oregon would be the ay,a for ' lfc
iln disguise.
Unemployed ot tbe whole Mttw4rr."