rAMTWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WKBNrHOAV, M?Mim;tt , professional cards The E veiling Herald . T-- -- . CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY AMTRACIS DnHJstAHCB Members Oragoa AaaoclaUaa TtUa Mm rhoae lit OBot aad Resldeaca, NW cor. Tth and Mala OLAIIOXS.WBRRLKH ttiystrlaa aad gargpoa Osteoydh Kpoadylotkeraidas (Splaal Treat-neat) Office beuse: to 11:10 a no; a 10 F r .; eVealBga, 7 lO I . THK KLAMATH PAX STEAM LAONMtT Ouaraateas flrrt elaaa work m well aa ant elaaa aarrlaa. Jf you ha occaatea to auk eossplalat aad do aot gat la mediate atteaUoa, aaoaa D. B. OAMPBKLL 1 Wood! Wood! Block Wood, Load tB.M Block Wood, Doable load I3.se (Extra oa kill) It-lack Body Wood . . . IC-taca Ltatb Wood 4-tt. Body Wood 4-fL Uaik Wood Lean Ordata at Sqaare Deal Star OavBtcaaaa P. C. CARLSON WOOD Blackwood, Load S2.73 Blockwood, doable Load . . .f.7B lSsarti GrooB Hak . . . .tB.7S la-tac Dry 8Ub faLSS Dry Slab. 4-foot B3.M Buy your greea alab early KLAMATH FUEL CO.. OfBcaSMMaia. O. Peyteaw PbeaMl87. rlHEREare to many good things these days we hardly dare one thing. suggest any MINCE PIES ARE NOW IN ORDER and WE HAVE ALL THE THINGS THAT MAKE THEM GOOD VAN RIPE BROS. "Quality Groceries" flth aad Mala Ilioae SS Blockwood Theater Vaataria W. E. Seobora In flip Commercial Dnuaa "ALL FOR GOLD" For tlili, or ita equivalent, on Uie spot, wo will deliver Hlockuood for S3 a load, and a so-called "Double Load" for $1, with trad liiK stamps to boot. l'HONK 72 Blue Front Livery and Feed Stables formerly tbe Qoodaaa Stablaa WELL EQUIPPED LIVEBV AND PEED STABLE Muted HftyanL Pro. Ill KUautk At. Pkoa Ul-W Published dally ascaat Saaday by Tbt Herald rubHaalag Coaipaay of Klamath ralU, at 11 J roarth Kraat W. O. SMITH, MMar Katorod at tke postoffko at WaJB- ith ralle. Oregoa. tor tnaualaaloa throutb tbe Malls aa eeeoad-eUae Matter. Subscription unaa by aaall to aay ad- dreea la tbo Ualted SUtaa: Oa year Oae aioatb ...... .11 KI.AMATH FALLS. . . OMGON WKDNK8DAY, OCTOUKK SW, IBM eYW&llIlBfl AND BTOP AT KLAMATH FALLS W11KX THK HKAKT Tt'BXS HOMK IT IS about this time of year that the dwellers la the country and In the country towns have ll all over those who live (a carles uw ot the word!) In clUc. In clllc It U merts ly cooler or chillier, but In the coun try one has assurance ot a mighty chance In the lite ot the earth and the passage ot the seasons. Open fires now look good and smell good; there Is a certain rlpcnesa about the very dust of the road. A light gleam- tag through an unshaded window does not suggest a hot and odorifer ous lamp, but a desirable place to read and rest. Home luelt Is twice as dear as one comes toward it in the magic ot autumnal twilight Instead of the glare ot a summer afternoon. It Is well worth taking long walks or rides just tor the pleasure of getting back and finding out what there is for supper. The harvests are getting In not simply an abundance of things to eat. but a visible evidence of the guard that human labor and foresight can throw about the objects of Its love, a pledge of man's conquest ot tbe earth. Summer Is gone, and It was very good, with all its flowers, but these are tbe home days, and much dearer to our hearts. Collier's. .'. Scattered Shots .. "IT IS THHOUGli mistakes that we succeed," says some old wiseacre. Perhaps that's why the majority ot people are looking for success(lon) In the office ot county Judge. FHOM ilEPOUTS coming from Portland, It looks as though that section was being "showed" regard ing the possibilities of Klamath coun ty farms. NOW, AFTER all tbe preparation, denial and expense ot the "Christmas Ship" to bear remembrances to war impoverished Europe's children. wouldn't It be worse than a calamity if a ship of true Christmas spirit should strike a mine? WHILE THESE European rulers have been "trusting in God" for these many years, it has been forci bly demonstrated that they have obeed the rest ot the adage, and have kept tbeir powder dry. THK DEMOCRATS have announc ed that tbe tariff question Is settled. Are you satisfied with tbe way they have settled it? WITH MANY ot tbe nobility on tbe battle line, and a few of them be ing killed off, It looks aa though American title hunters will be com pelled to pay Increased prices in tbe future. THE IDLER who says "wish I'd had his chance," when enviously looking at tbe men who succeeds, never seems to consider that the suc cessful man never loafed while wait ing for "chance" to come along, but prepared to grasp It when It came. HOW'S YOUR ROOF? 18 IT IN SHAPE FOB WINTER? W.D.Miller Dee General Hnajlag Repair Work PHONE 1ST Harvard and Michigan Coaches" 1 Students Bring Games Back to Rival Cities jS00" v v vlft Y ajr rTWJJgw sV hbhhm 'asssssssssssssssssss7 1 ""p" "" J TlajSJgkfJ CiA. 'msssssT ,75 a m CJ "sfcfclg .ggsBsmT. ""' "" .3xgB. f ISgggSaSggBBl' ggssH 1 ss(ssslgSgggH(iK & Ka ztt' iam WBT jESr 1 4ggstTV f r $4ft Iri S riy I v4VstLsssssLNr 4: v stvmJ M & gggssW ;MM&xwWfa' XgLssssMcfl -.sssssssssssssssssssssT i ;-S yMmWrmm 1j..Mi)rsg..TW k ) SfBl gfgfgfgfgfJtJk JsVgggBBSssF ' 'MrUl ggHglldsssssssssssssssssssssssr M. y'-2mKm 3gggggggSssssTrr S... W l WBBgf?iBsTBBBJ Bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssw' iarai . ? ul i.-wn iassssssssBBBBBBBi BBBV SBBT sssssss Hd - tv.immm . . JeVT . Tt2HRif mKm vm mmmtmm ?im gJBJSJH .K jguBJBJBJBJBJBs 4gflgXk Rlssssssssssf " 1 ilasgSsWi - IsssssB' v vMEmwJ. JgHKnsssMBi'P" -1 snssssl ' ? tmgggaW-'-Ai SssaBsssram. JFacfdsl 'rsfEMBilm$A IBKK9rBsTs"flB?UUR .Jrsi jffisssTsTfHf I BsssssssibsssssTSBJBJBj rt 'BJBjBJBJBT 7 v 'ggBssly?!-! IgBgfll xJgBi' ;-- 'kK!fiS BssssBrmjgPP W3Jj' ' m4 lUMlltm tlA.t tU( trh put to 18 b! . lm ttmt ttm, Um ll. .utr l v ,.f t,iiu Ml4 ' ulliilUr roii.lHli.ii. prevaiM ( c VsllU SMHIIIK (tin !u.UiL T; i wlllel tbt Ktttlti. ot. tl,r eHpw tt r0. nt AIUh A mtltnmetll n MiurhtJ h j. Kt illlllllllK llr nelU 0( m dturllli to Ulo tl Katun Irt V land Nm mil) tl ritM (,( iJ inn finite in i in lujru acj t insiif in o( in, "HurryUp Percy Ilaugbton and "Hurry-Up" Yost, famous coaches of Harvard and Michigan football teams, are pre paring their charges for what may be the most Important football match ot the year that on October 31, be tween Harvard and the University ot Michigan. Harvard has consented to play this one gam with tho Western university, but has mado no promise about tho future, and has not engaged to meet Michigan on Its own ground next year. Many persons think Mich chlgan will win. It so. It will havo a tendency to confirm the suspicion ot many persons that the Western teams are superior to the Eastern. (Slillt lnriMtdcwl ) ir.NIVKHtflTV r' OltKOON. Oct. Th "l')rtliiUsll mutttettt," ilut muthttbued wrm, ! brvit Up vtdir-l' d cu ol a sorlutis iti' turn In rollt'iio rltvlt within Mm lt Ivu dtt, rlAlly Hi t'orrtllU stud I'lUflf Whn plan httd lw prm.tttrll mitiplrlpd f'r dt Klttk f dm On Ktm-tl A l' K'"" Hi I'l'ltUli'l, Olio itHlUoi't all'tt'l) lgllni mill Mtltillivr .... ii ..,r.. nf it. ilia 'ttrhotoctcal iiuunvuf -rih.a on tk Meno u. .e. ',"f;M"-' " tiuit. TUI, with handlul )( l)l "" ' I nherally .tudmt. ,upik,hJ b, d. , rUM" e,''K ' '!! t a. fttUi-d rIMIt llt "! tlbll rlf iU- In l.tuti'. CorvallU and ls, i ui nut !!. I'urlland. Int" bb bull u( action Tlit hpUIiik ldard for - etrtt rlk lh cvlirral w4 biMd In Kun il I'mlUnd, prontolod dtruutfh th I'odUnd nw Hlwf. dint t). A, l had th dfld. lilt ot dio I'Utf Uvtn thl ? was In b? played. NoUdy knw deBnili' I), u w wrrrly an undmnded rtt ntttr lht could ttt be Irarsd. 11 had bn pKpi and wttdn rotntant- ly tbit It pracllrally nUbtUned In ihn mlnl of all, ,. It llliail?, iiiiuoni w '"--iwmi Itlo gutnn Wi j.jI an It Unto aaor. hd eivrn iijii tho lwprronj0 g, r h uot0f r..ircr, .lhAl It mm prurtlcally Ull U O, A, U,i u ., tt r, t.rtnn ita4tst Mj to 4rilp, but bo did not ttVe a j.rnlllneiil bait m( hrn fttittH ,ileOnll'Maimrnl to tbUBt twptorolaub by th ihir cuiii is iU rln Kuem". a far ran U vlw ,m.l, ,w the ntsn. Ut rxuinrd He bad let! Friday woralitw tontfo't rrp in U)f me fur roriiaitd ii mo i4mipm jji mdmi i atenM f, aamv had Iku uiut.r dutuiU t, .. i...i..,, i .. . ' in .iM'irm. nun iinrutlh) ft, llirlil It) ! lht utt,0 04 ,i4 rIMt'll. Till. I.'ugruo MU0 ,,, . Ib movrtnoiit ititd ojtea (nI ltttttltlj,ttk.t4 tl ' .t...i. . . iu,p,ri,m;-: r t ,"- - , -r:r. lw.n.,-. ....,...- w..,, ,lll(tl 1 irnlt, Tho mtr a Jluuij lit tx In tho liAtnU o( () A C A telephone rati t. H A C !ttJ di wntfUK-nt ibtn tra ii,( leamrd l( llir. ntli.iiti t lb (h,tii indents. A olmltar mrtU( vw bald there Mum tilihiuii t,j rjf- rnlSthr til A afo tuWi,f f rt, Jrn(, TtieiM lrllllr.l In mn, xi. !lns at both lntuiunt iI.bhsJuj itbnt die (nine U . i n IU rtatii LOCAL TEAM IS STILL IN FIGHT SATURDAY'S DEFEAT IS TAKEN IN THE LIGHT OF A TRUE MEASURE, AND TEAM WILL NOW STRENGTHEN ITSELF game. ii4Hi inirnlbly l the W, H, tf, came, and uppwUy t dnUh r rnnevnientit fr the O. A, . iw. .j The tndtnt bad bn qnMly dl ''niiilm i (in unw and wberp ll wa to Kar from beloK dUbcarlcncd, do warriors of tfaiuraay K8'"" '" t Pu, Nothing Had ba don! to I'fttr d '' With a to I tbrlr Irdiirer ihfju it Mtir lteller nilumtu mmriUlt ml was srrurod, Th gant lll Un flfJ is Cat vatlU IhU year on SouwM H, ill In Kujonn ntt irar ., .,tr rnaliiu that they cut up In an admirable drc. a game Jlght, though Inexperienced, hlfu In tho Ilne-up and . !""" Is si Alll and pitted against a tuavler, more play and wfWnt: tb.y ' U Q TADQ QIV extrlenced team. ... now tho squad .h to take on d, b-l I ",'" . ffj i l ll U OR I i. -... .l.,.uv.i inio a tram that Two new mMt l.ao ht '" , IWI I VII V Will promises to upset the dope lu lb., the Klamath bacKMeld. and the-lorn.. I Ilogue lllver Valloy r backs have brrn vrl at th end Oscar E. Wllley, wIiojo coaching "' lh,, ,tn'' , . , ,, . brou," two state championship, to There will be ampin time for rar-, the Aberdeen High school footba.l'.tlcc by h. K C r II A UffrfMln tKMtllon to devotn " " ''.- -" " the local toaru ' I"J '""" ' " ,"" , iW.. .. thl. Two days later the team will plr . . .... ... .....i. Mrdford lllr.li. and the aou will br Z"io th; UamV MchWhc; r hero THaaUgWa. with Me. and his followers have uvery rmMin Pelstkai AanouKowb team. Is now In a omo attention to I Earl Elliott will also taVu (iint a Ihti vUltlliC Cam TEAM IS GAME .Hiiiai m hiiie tiKHi the TIUM h THE UAMET THAT i;',ll IIEPIUMK.NTEII KI.AM. ATI! 1il!TY IlldOII There Is no weeping, wailing and to exoect a bit improvement gnashing of teeth at tho Klamath. Oamenws l a thing that Is issen- QQP L83V6 KlBfTIBth FSllS county hirh school as the result ofitlal to any successful organliatlon. tho outcomo ot Saturday's football'and this qualification tho plucky lit In tbn tniMi brilliant and nptaru lar cridfron control eer siagpd In Gertrude & Co. WINTER MILLINERY UPWARDS OF 100 EARLY WINTER STYLES IN LADIES' HATS WILL BE OFFERED IN FOUR GROUPS THIS WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH Fifteen Original Paris Models We have some of our imported pattern hats yet, about fifteen of the more moderate priced ones ranging from $12.50 to $18.00. These will go for .$8.00 to $12.00 Twenty-five New York Copies and Adaptions FROM IMPORTED MODELS Worth $10.00 to $15.00, at $0.50 to $0.00 T.wenty-five Attractive Copies of the Season's Most . Popular Styles in Sailors. Tricornes and Turbans Worth $8.00 to $10.00, at $5.75 Fifty smart and jaunty newly trimmed popular priced little hats, worth $5.00 to $8.00, at $.'i.0,") Also all the newest uutrimmed shapes in hlack and colored silk, velvet and hatters plush, ostrich tips, feathers, plumes, gold and silver hands, fur bands, ribbons, new face veils, etc., at correspondingly low prices, GJertrude & Co. 113 Fourth Street . .Nrr.1 to .srrk . iwr .,,., ,rnrr.Amlhc)ftt , , A,nam gn at Vi.ur li.r i football warrior, plunging and tight (lie to dm lat dlicb, defeated tho aMnl team that ever rrpreaeilUd to o In Mod' NO need to Iup Klamath Fall. lJKlimil,h ,,,. hunt tip proof, uM.Atie you have III burn at home The straightforward. ' "' ""- ktatuineiil of a Klamath Fntln rral idem llkn dint filtcii below, bear an I Interest for vory man, woman or child hnro in Klamath FatU. ' Mrs (Icorgii Dell, WaaliliiKlou ivlrM-t, Klamath Tails, says. "I Ih 'can to suffer from pnlna in my bark, due to illionliTf-C kidneys. The kill- Although tho iriim may wfW a lll tin lopdienvy, It dira liul detract Initio feature from dur divor-dle oplrlt and playing done by the Klam ath huMra, neither dorw It show that i hit vll(urs had Ihrm ouirlassed in any dnpartment of dirt game. . , No athletic team was ever given morn loyal auppnrt than was Klam- ....a i.. e..lli.iia li.,ri. iilin 11 l St ft I 11 I I ..,, ,....-,... - -.,..... .h VMW f)nfn r lMf M()W i( lt.llBll IIIU Mlllll'lilll.'. VJMIIlin HI doun's Kidney IMIIn. 1 imml I lie in .Tliey coinpktnly rurtd mo." l'rlm uOc lit nil ilvalers liirnts. Kvpty girl In nrhont wan out In a while drns. red sweater and a rooter's rati, and formed a iikm! In. Dllll t 'viilrlriv nrtiirl Tl. nnll.s.1 vll. simply auk for n kidney remedy got L.,., ., .,. )iv.,r 200 Klamalh stu. Iionn'i Kidney 1'llls-d.o hri dmi,lnu MlrMf,P, AMendon on all sltlm, Mrs, lli.ll had. Fiwler-Mllbiirn Co . ,, Um mir(( ,.,,, f.n00l ,vwn I'roim., Iluffnlo, N. V. V(( u,aAt,T Hvu A blinjM (I'ald Adverltiement) Herald want ads bring results. rloMd for two hours, and a crowd nl over COO loyal rooters were on hand, Ashland Tidings. HsPcBHSggggggHaiaHg- gagEBagggggggflgggHglggggSa' BBLTSBsBssffTRS.: IHbFi P'aigllllllllllllllllllllllllllOigL. r for JmmIi-o u( l lie t'esre Allnrnsy I: Wllley. 4awUr andi4t for JmtKe ( Its feM. t.lnkvlllo iMitfltt A man la 1 ff slon reulrlne JudirUI Uoll a Ut Blled lor a JuJIcUl o!5f. desire lo rdl the attrftlUa tt IU totrs lo the fact Ibat la s44lU being tbe prrnl lacumUai, IwstM nominee of Ibe Iteputillraa B n- greashn prde fr reiiw. I dlaud upon uy record K W. 110W HenM'sClassiyAfe FOR RENT OFFICE ItOOMH -Cholte I'' the Odd Fello and WIIUU Ings; host location In Its dty. W. 0. Kmllh, lUroldomce. ' NICELY FUUNWin.d .! bmtt booms at the Clalrmool. " IXWEH AI'AIITMIINT r-nhM or iMfiirnlihri Wl.lil menlo, Hltlh and Mlth itMt JifTH': or mi: riutu Ij imi MISCELLANEOUS ii.i :. fimlllf H ..rellontly Il'u roil i.eahi: small rniiHiei't -.. .i.ik ed homo on l"rnl street. "' ' . this place U mmi-Mcly f.JJ with linen, rhlna lMr j B0' ,, urnlturn matrlirH I'hmie " FOR SALE atsa4asasjsasaasa- "". . ,... tof FOIt HALE- I'ot'l fi'l,HW","l1l , log car, a. " IIKAD HTOK.UK1K I'or WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH Wo k(H . at , i. ,J, ,,,,! ,,fnr(( rteMmBdl by U inn iniiermty, Vour pnscrlpllona are dlsMnse'l by rrgUlrrrnl plismarUU, May ue not serve yoa? UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY Corner Mala aad Tth MlrooU, Klaawih Fall, Ore at Vel.lrle.. I'liriiii-.v, E. I". AIHl.vr AlllOK, 1137 Wll'l" HI . '1(,sr. lid i i " FHKHII l",V Oysters Stt Crabs All Oilier FWi '" H-" ' PeopksltoW Malt' imt tku r I a i K. If '."5S4. . &?' ,