The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1914, Image 1

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lEumtng Mvv&lb
, ! !
.Mnili Vrr S. 'J.noM
x x s-
ar.i t, , t s-
Price Fit
i'i::cit '
I prolllUid III" peiiplu to '
ii Hum 1 III nc Himii 1 mm uirii. e
d four )ir ugo I bet Krt !
Hie liiill.liir. (11 iio 11 win, (.tl..,i ej
11 warnm hoot, u. h
kV ilo 0"r""" "' "'""' Murh
!ir I'fiml, and K-. Off 'f Hiir
i. Hie I'liMiicUl Question Ttml
Up Hew Pulling Ihe Voters,
Timber Owner Mr IWrninl Ii)
)iMi"r lr 'nunl)' Condition,
a a rallirt sf lulls lulllded nu
4lrBo tbl xrwUd Judge Wurdeti t
lie Ofl'beut ItifAlrr Ut I1UI1I Tlir
it ttitnldrrsblp spplaiiw, '( tours,
u JuJi- Wordstt had uuity iH'tfimal
(rlrtutt tlr'il H wo BlVrn a (air
Inline ami full opportunity lt r.
pills. b he ttsd douo xrllti III"
txml motio) durlnc til (our year
In oBJfv
II; i-cliirf.l I ill ini n Uren number
vl (r. lit n.i4 In llflrrciit ?
lofef at (he roiinty wrr shown Ar-
(Mint I" ibe i-kr over Son mllr
(j bt road hsl twit built tf him,
trtt Ulotti coins Into utftre Klam
tU louittr didn't tiavo a mail itmt
ij u Urhttt t r.
JuJt Wbtdou sUleinvlll showed
lil IQ,Q0O hftd bwtl spoilt OH tho
iw4 In ihr rounly Outside f id
nty n-rtit un bridge mi 4 ilip rtiuri
Wf, hfr failed In elpUttl What !!
( ul Ihr. fr of I Iio money -nl
; Urn.
V.'llU thr apparent puipo? o(
!ri"lai the ilrtiit(iii 11 ( til tii).
ttip I low nllu-r lllallutii, io arr all
tf tli lima lii irflne 10 Imiu. liU
lrr lili ihv womlrrful ililuen lip
M 4t In imlMltig fimiU, nil
llft that ItiMd ruiil -im 3l.
'??, xi ihp iotril klmtt Umi In it,r
CMjwnf 1913 ihn lolnl aiiiiiuiiI (
ufm Jrrii w 1 1 as,; 13 93
TMi u juti for nno yretr, ntul 'nr
4m bi 10 in offlco (or four yrtirs,
tti rodlnc 1111111)' nil (tin limn, !!
'Mlrcl; Icnornl mi) ri.frrcim. (o mi)
jr khi Ur him, ur,jii ihni (or
n4 an.) ihn ruiiri huuwn
l"lloliis hu tiiriiirit fhuta, Wot.
i Urainl (tip (mi.r nirimratlom
"Mrb hxd ttlUrVnl h rouiil) trnr
u lie Ml.t thM nil Hip IIk Dm.
r ominr da,) tntmpA n jhmiI mul
Mi iui iii nton.jr lo lnilmlitHi the
m'f " ! fteht niiy Imiirotp.
'. "I irmilr to My off pturx
' I li
my hint.
cliBiim to
10 11 I.I iu
tnn lmiiiniii in
ntul littwirt Imil
ho hi rrjlly
If nil of llu iiili. of
KlaiiiNili 101111I) MiHiUI iiuly cri
hurl, vf 1110 ami eho inn fti-t
ti'iii. you 1I0 not kmiM imi I
MOUllI ill) "
UV oli tln Huirautu mid
Ko Hi" moiipy W'p IiouIJ aror
ry. iinlr miuip of )ou Iiuvp
om of Kin KJUtniiu "
Points From Which German
Zeppelins May Attack London
"l troml you that nmry
rouiil) mrniit nlmll hn smlit At
lnr. I'liin ihn liiti"ti. t ilo hoi ;
rt.c lo .a) I til nil In mi"
)irt hul If Ihn lltntx-r nit.iirn.
tloti hml to iy It nit v.) 1
Vion'f nay any motn '
' I firomWn to romiUo iii.i
fOUH hOIIo ril yrr." (Il l
HUM mpmI niirthlrtl fluUhi-t )
"I M fill
rh hl "
lh rouitly n
"Whrn Ihr omrt hw ork
U itOIIK I Hill I
ih ly li Well
A , .
Wn will ntlUh llif Itnltl'
uskti r1 tt year" iTh
rOunly rrrotiU ho that H9.
391! It llHY t'll rli.trtnil III
IhU lomt nlirail) Mtir tin
Iw-rli .vrl, hut ilirlll'tr'l III oth
T Itlll. Thr fOail I now fur
fiom Mite illhl )
imiiMM . 1 ... . M , f
L'nlteil Vteu SerTtc
; I.OI)().V. Oct. -M. From all rtport, llie Moodleut' Bgklimt of lk
I ciitlri war cpntlnum In ItclRlum. It l fcarcil that the Hkn lomi, lHw
j tliom of (.'mimny, hap rmrlHtl a ftUticgerlBff ttgur.
i Tlie Cn-rman arc mnklnic desperate nilit ntUcLs la aa rxlTer to
, H-iirtrutc tlo allltV line tonranl Oaakirk anil Call. So far, taM Bt
j lnvn rrjiulM-tl.
1 ItritUh ai-lilii urv again hIicIIIdk thv (min land fortrea.
Mini) mllltnry ..itii lmv thought itlilf.l thnt the next Kicai (iornin
th i.ur.i..c. of Hi,, lioriiiann In taklit ra",K',al niovo rouhl be made
iirnui!i 1.011U011. to make tins move
A Itoinrilitiu ilUoolfli (u the Ualtr Mali atm that the Gcnaaaa haa
Im-4 11 ilrhco noitli of the Ver after a Ittvt f 10,000 kilted and ttrlc that
nil in Ut raptureil anil wounded.
Jl'i-olulily neter hefor In the hlnlory of warfare have? combataata
fouKlit Willi twiuol flrireneMi," It nay In conclusion. .
fcea, unhmiirlnij nnd air forevs of the
kallfr on I hi. KnHlili rnial
Dlipolchta from AmMerdutn quote IIKHI.I.V. la The Ifaxue, Oct. MH. The war offlce admits that
United I'resa Service
n " " "' w""l'n io u.o wUh .... , , hnld ,,. nnm,, - ,.. -,... I .... " - . . "7 V -"' . "-. . - T
nun no'i orn i : ," -"- ........ ui u na;-.,uuHi uoix-ntie oriiiiuk oi me wnoie campaign u bow ragiac I
alilc to rcducv ' '" '"'""' "" "'"' "' a imie "...... ...., ...n- . ,h-.ii.b, m- (nR lnai ucrmnn) ncrint Invasion or The 1om- oh Iwtli ldfH are heavy.
lit mill " ' ' lnrk of y...f.-llu on Um-lou 'nlla1, """ 8l ,enn blMr J-lrn,'ltf- Hnsland will be made In February.! Heailijuarten. K confident that tl
ThU tlrtlderaium ban now been at
f.uniK. utere may Ik' orealonnl raid
talned, mid It la reported that (Jcr-1 before that time, the neneral aaauU
I iie takx iho north HeUlait rttli-j
""' ,","", "", "',U'",, ""' mn man .ubmarlnr. and lorix-do hoau by Zenpellnis and aeroolanei.. h,. .-,.
jtuu.e on to II... Frrnrh roat rtid are belitK trannporte,! from Kiel ln' not begin until then because
jtM"iilndl mho iiunklrK and fnllar. piece, like a torn-dotrii summer col-?Oermany will not be ready earlier.
jTlie irtp from Callan ncriM lo l.on- ,nR''' to l"' "-' coat. iKorty-nlx Zeppellnn lll then bo ready
.None or tlie creat ahlp of tbe for tervleo. It U said.
timlely hurceed.
the German roast campaign wW ssJUl
L'ulted I'resii Service
IMKIS, Oct. 'JH. Tonlt(lit' ceunuunique: "Our troopa have
iniued all of their xwltlons, anil luivit lieen able to adraaee their
iiohIi and south of Y'ptf. Tlie Cieramn offensive Lh derreaalac te rhklt,
dun kiuld be very hort. and ll , n" " "" Kr'M """' xl l,ie,'or rvi.. It U said. , north ami south or Vprt. The Gerwan
a , .. knUcr's navy haa so far been enpiBed Thl aviator la quoted an saying ' -! inlly hetuivn Xlcuport and Arras.
IM' " " mi" l"- -.ubnmrlnM. dtroyem and small that Oermnny In building 300 aero-' "All report indicate tluit the enemy
"We hh eradet) over tOU
miles of iie tt.iil In Ihn count)
durliis my irrm. T)ue lll nil
)litVn lit hn slirfACeit. and then
we lll havn iwrmaiienl roads "
jssuiu of it tbere uoiild Iw a panic cfuUew havlnrj borne the brunt of planes of a new and very large type,
Ifii iit.itaiit Vltii il.s. fisUns-.. . it...itf)ml nnrail nrftnn fliAr h tiswn In nHiuutif (n. .. .t..ii -... .. -...
'" v ' :...-". "-" """ " "... . -""" lent Geruuiii nlBht attack in the Tlciiillr
ttm North Sea.
enemy lias suffered
Tlie afternoon rouimuiiIiue was most optimistic. It says that m Tfe-
of Craoaae was realaatl wtth
iini tri liirmnn rusli toward I'aris. "" " "" " - - luarumes, no sajs. "0 ca-i .n. ttKA
i.m Mi..'s ere ,e. " , . . 7 f ' -I" earryinK J.ouu pouno be-
. I lie fleet are taken br some of tli ev. iMh tin. nvlninr ,i hnmi. tUm,r
ll- '.'.I and driven bark to the ,,,., , d,.no, tha, ,nt. ilmti ,,, nr. AUalor) are lOW b,n ..,,. . . ln.elle.l and ilwi ther.. is a sliRht let-up It. the flRhUa aear Dte
it declare-, that tlie (iennsu ats:iult upon tlio extreaae right .h
I line, mllltsry and tiavnl sxperis pre-(rled for a comhlnsd attack by tho, crate them.
rei nty warrant, plus the interest."
aid Worden "I cannot do ihU In
one year but It these llltllirr lis, urn
had 11 pay It all. r I on't say
any more"
He admitted that he had made
many mltaU. and promised that he
oiild not do Ihlucs In the future, as
he ha- done III the past. "I Knott
m'tre nhotit the court house no than (
did hen I started In." ho !'!
Sllslend uf helne satlnlted Vflth ad-
mllllnit hi rotly mistake, he had
to lar the blame on some one. o he.
nreosed the timber owners ltn uenik
the cati.e of all hU blunders, lie
I United I'rvM Ssrvlca
'United Vrtai Service
j LISBON. Oct. 2S- A 1'ortUKueae NKW YORK, Oct. 28 German, aid
declaration of war atraln.t Germany: Austrian cotton merchant have aotl-
Jis Imminent. Arme-l German, have fled theIr New. Vork ta that ihey
.Invaded Angola. In I'ortugueflo West , , , A . ,
Africa, and the governor has been or- are P"P" lo 'W bal" ot
dered to resist this. A full report Is cotion per mourn tor an inuenniu
lir.M.llri:it I'HOIMSITil'niltMKIt fllAfTAl'VUA I.KCTUU-'m'.W YORK IUSIMS MUX MKKT 'ashed, and If this shows to bo an in-itlme.
jvaalon bauctloned by Germany, a dec-'
I'l ItMsll I'lltntKillAI'IIS til'
llt't'lil.Mi IIIUI.SCIIOS TO TlllHi:
si;,VIII(l IN WltAI'I'KltS
Kit Wll.l, M'lUK AT HOl'STO.VS,
AT XVA..1H)RF ASTORIA AXI,aratIon or war pectCll
j lli-ie rroiu Reaerratioa.
' , Superintendent Freer of thr Klam-
The German loss nt the battle oftath letcrvatlon is down front tha
AuKUfilawo is said to have been about , Agency, attending: to business mat-
, ters.
(Continued on pa )
Whin Ihn I'mlerwood Drill! eom- "The Failures of Prohibition I.eKis-, NKW YORK. Oct.
-Two huu-
. WlW,MfcjVVnl'."- ."
- i '..-.K,.,,wi
"The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie"
jsan.rj mhii
.HLrinrw ' r i
tBUfll 4r
"Aiheitlaliiu iiiliiisl me,"
Hit lit the ma ii,
"What on en rth," deiimndetl we,
"Was your plan'."'
"Only line mUtiiko," he suiltl,
"fiiiueil my full,
"I let rivals In I lis tititle
Ihi It nil."
. (
r (.
j x '
I" -&m r
( 9
Ami Ihttre'a'mureilruili tlutn poutry. nboul this,
opera Astoria today, unit adopted the slogan
vn as a of "Made lu U. S. A.," Instead of
ItAiiy lam year sent tu the K. 'eek,l"llun" Is the theme upon which La- ured leading New lork business men
.ico.iPHiiyof l),.lt.lne..lown.severarv,flr,: tntrUJf I'ortland will .peak and tlnanclom mot nt the Waldorf
... i-riiiny nintii ni uoustoirs
... ... ....ull....i ..luil 1,, ., hrnti(.liri"
v " "" " v"" houw Cantrell Is well kuow
tlltlUlt'M lHKt'11 tit l Is'ls, rIKfc 1,,.i.lniin.M, .....I I .rx.MVM lts.An ftwl.i Irs A .k f-l. s. !.!. I.n K..,.. i
(ltinleo liy Rmtiietl M.tgee, the) start- i.mi h,i speaks only after civing a'l.enrd so much since the outbreak of
id an advertising stunt that hiis uot uueiUlon much study A new iltaso thu Kuropean war.
only boosted lh nl ot "Weeks i "' ' Question, It Is expected, will be This change was made at the sug-
lliMk.ln-a.Cold TahletH." bul iH,'l "ul U h,m- . Kwtlou of Mis Annlo K. Peck, ex-
i.ecintiy .tir, wnireu spoKO ueroipiorer ami motininin ciimoer.
,bou, j Prohibition." Ills speech
drawn much attention to Southern
Oregon's big Wild West show.
11. .. Aiiiiiniit ttntt utrtstftlt
""' J "T " J V", T" . itlme attracted much attention
"It takes n week to break a broncho,'
which It uses In Its publicity work.
Thu pictures from Klnmnth Falls
were very effeithely used lu connec
linn with this, nnd posters ndvertls'
lug both I ho tablets und Klamnth
Fulls, were senl to all parts of Amor.
Ira. I'liKlnnd nnd Australia.
The plrtuieii niiido u great hit ev-j
.tn "Twelve Fundamental Fallacies of now ridiculous it would be to bay
County and Circuit
Courts Only Affected
lit thiitfthat Uruguay Is fast becoming Amer
icanized, or that Canada is Amor
Icnnizod," said Miss Peck. "South
Americans are us much Americans as
we nro. ami nnv sloirnn hurting thslr
feelings would Injure our trade Utlonnl amondmont.
SALKM, Oct. 3S. According to was increased to Ave, aud It waa pro
Attorney General Crawford's, Inter-1 Med that one ot the additional Jua-
pretatlon of tho law, the 1910 con-,
nixing the
'ttcea should be elected for a ten
urjwheie, mid there hitvo been many
tlelinillde for them. To 111! this de
innnil. the Weeks company has o
curetl thu negatives of tho pictures
from t'Hilurwood'H, nnd will send
copies of tho pictures to nil sending
lu tho lops of "hrenk-up-U'Cotd" lab
ial boxes,
Coin Crop N Knoroiotis
Greater (.orn crop prospocts by "S,-
I luoo.OOO bushels and great Imptove-
(iiient lu tobacco, Increasing tho pros
MIOCK (Ml'NI'S DKATH t)F IIRLI'- nects of thnt crop over tho forecttbt In
September by 92,000,000 pounds,
terms of judges at six years, did not
1 chance tho tonus of the omen of Jus
tices, of the supreme court, und both
Carpenter Fusses Ami).
Frank Ferris, nged r.S, died nt the
county Intlrmury Into Tuesday after
noon, following u siege of tuhercu
losls, which Incapacitated him from
work sttvetal months ago. Telegrams
linvn boon sent to mint Ives of tho do
tensed carpenter In tho Hunt, nnd
pending word from them, tho itutmlns
nro helng held by Coroner Whltloek,
wore tho features of tho department
FIITY IIOD1I-S IIAYR RRKV RK.Jof ngrlculturo's October crop report
jnnuounced a few days ago. An lu-
COVRRKR jertMso of 11,000,000 bushels in tho
! potato crop, 21,000,000 bushels lu
the onls crop, and 10,000,000 bush-
Goon lo Washington.
Mrs. l.elitiid Mosler left tills moru
Ing for Washington, I). 0., whoro ihn
wll spend pvornl months ns tho
guest of her undo nnd nunt, Senator
William 11. Thompson uud wife, of
Dulted Press Service
IIRHRIN, Ills., Oct. ST. Two wo
men whoso hushiiuiW wero killed lu
e.terdiiy's explosion at tho Roynltou
mluo uru dead from tho hIiocIi of be
loinomout. lloth wore foreigners.
Ulghteen moru bodies havo boon
recovered, making it total of forty
novel). The corpses are being nr
minted lu un improvised morgue,
IMns Agues O'Dny Is running for
tho nomination for secretary ot state
In Colorado,
lu tho MeUneslau
do tho proposing.
Islands women
ids tu tho apple crop was also forecast.
Advised to Raise Horses
American fur mors nro advised by
tho United State department ot ag
riculture to raise horses. Only high
class horses, however, nro wnuted,
the scrubs being n drug on tho mar
ket. Tho department predicts tho
demand will last ten years because of
tho war In Europe. It Is estlmntud
thnt 1,000,000 tiorses nro employed
In tho presont war.
Lima, Peru, has a woman suffrage
four years and the other for six
years. Thus the rotation provided
for by the constitution for supreme
court justices, was preserved.
Justice Henry J. Uean was elected
Chief Justice McRrlde nnd Justice i fur the four-year term In 1910, and
Henry J. Uean nro subject to re-elec 'Justice lluruett for tho six-year term.
tlou at this elecUou, and their names , Hence Justice Bean's term expires at
aro properly on tho ballot. the present election.
"Tho ballots should remain as pre-' "Chief Justice McUride was ap
pared by tho secretary of state for .pointed In 1O09 to succeed Judge R.
justices ot tho Hupromo court," saldS. Uean, who was appointed to the
Attorney General Crawford, "Tho 'federal bench. In 1910 he was elect
constitution has nlunja fixed the ud to (lllJudge R. S. Rean'a unexpired
terms of justtcea of the supremo! term, nnd which expires at the pree
court nt six years, und tho amend-jent election,
ment to article Yll of tho constltu-J "In 1913 tho legislature increased
tlou, passed In 1010. did not changoitho number of Justices to seven, and
their terms of oltlce. When tho jus-tprovldcd for the election of two addl-
tlces ot tho supreme court und circuit. tional Justices at the present election,
judges cuno to bo elected tu different
classes, tho throe justices of the sti
pieniQ court weto elected ouo each
two years to servo for six )ears, tho
intention of tho constitution bolng
that justices should not all bo elocted
at tho same time, but at different
times. Further, tho constitution pro
vides that when a Justice ot the su
premo court la elected to (HI a va
cancy ho shall bo elected for the un
expired term of tha ouo he succeeds.
"In 1909 tho number of justices
both to bo elected for six years. Hence
the ballot as prepared Is correct, and
county clerks should not take the re
sponsibility ot changing the ballet.".
Tho amendment, hewsver, 4M
chango the terms of county Judaea,
he said, and all those cowtAy Jth
elected simultaneously with ita
sage serve for six years, and My a)K
pointed In the meantime and eew ena-v
dldateajwlll be eleete for slsmev
and not for the naegnirea:' temper f ,
their predocemra. K j"'
rJ, '
1 "t
V . l