WILL KLAMATH COUNTY BE AT THE 1915 FAIR? VOTE 78 X iteralh v ' ,. PRINTS TUB NKWS WHILE IJJI8 NKWS KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER rjt oil i..-. jtj.ym tmww Wtirm- . jfiTth Vmi .V. .Wt iSE"iicsr: Jasat 3B. ? awsr.Eseeissape- tfat KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1914 Ifi0t)i jWp h umntit NINETY PERISH IN GOAL MINE GAS EXPLOSION .Ml HOI'l. I OH THE ETOIHI!D Wrl lull ' l'w' " '" WMM, Miln llrwitf Worst lmmlluV, , Ht'i "AM Mlint. Alt' Ilcmtl Ali. W'tr III" I'laiMr irl firtltil, Mi wrs I'tllrrit ri ltf Ml !. UVrr HttKigltl llllltltl.V. HI,, Oil. 2T.A lit. all u( the. pil(Mit f e la llm Kejalleu wlit, iwrtlt u( Iteiw. thla Koutnt. ntnrty mtn r bllVrd ni I tl4iL I riiftit) o cjiio.ioM as miii- t, lo woii al work In Dip win?, n ircitd alive. The ftr of edwa mii iuwovoJ. In addition la Hmwm It it bellied. t&st tbI are ovnijine iiioip mn It tbe wlbc, ml It I believed Dial sll tHini by lliU time. tomr lime niter the ripstMlon lit.' ui l-c4ti ta ir4tt, until no lite ttft wit entrance to the tImp NJ Minute . TfcU nuke It an lmolbll!ty to iru Ihr entombed MJo, , Sfege Gun, fne Creates 77ijng in fAe Greatest War I itS-lfc- 'ffe' -teJfe--.. Xtirf !' SPI II 1 j -. "---fnfA -vaA7j AFUnimrtSKHBHlrL - ttl cMwararc . J 1 1 ill p TiTW(MiriWi . "' aRikrisMiBWn V J-HiBsiasslJwisssmiQrjpJi.L '; ..finsT .-T:-;yya hj: J fifls-BP1' I 3i HHiBCK3K!(S?sSiSaBVit!ZaS1RBBtfHHMiSK4f wSl?5SSHH! w LIBRARY FOUND . TOO SMALL FOR INTENDED USES Aonrriov to isolation', i ISAIiKqVArK tl'lan ! .Vow lu I'm TW FlM.tMrw lure Sh a HtSre Homti,' m4 9t4titk- me tbtf Kooka,T)ireiih,J Jn birrermi PiU of Ckjr a'WeH Vntcif l H'orlhlPM. jfefiWgiUB ThU l lli (lf-t lttttKriih of tin? piitlre lrK kiiii wild whUlt ilt C unnii iiriiiy Iidm roduwd the forU at MfSr, Namur,, Ituubcso anil Ant-wt-n, un whicf. Ii now Ixslleretl to Ik ttiniliiB nt tltn mlelttj French (urtlSrailMti i llvHurt In Oik wtutli. Tlt Kim niuI rarrlaRc ar5 made up of twoparu, n will bo awn from tho photograph. The middle carriage on enorm ou lntii nliwili Urtv ltnwn U placod la rniu-ni fuundatlon, and the Kunl hac-litd ngalmt It for itport. Theforwnrd automnblla la tho powerful machine neci-Mary to transport the sjm. ,TliU l tt nf tho to kito KUimtahirh talUnd th fortification at Antwerp within thrw days after ibey ban work. Whllo the Uetfort fortlficationa nr aald to be the itronccst. In lh wufld, wllltarr npffiu do not UoIIpVo thy will hold out agaluit lh- attacka of uch a un, unh-aa rellof romwi from, the French armr. Teutons on the Offensive Now in Eastern War Austrian Troops on German Lines Against Allies French Right Is Russians Say a Driving Germans Retreat Being Across Frontier; ! fhllrd I'rout Srvlc United I'rraa Servlc I'AHIB, Oct. 27. -Tho lateat com- RECALL VOTE IN PORTLAND TODAY t'nlud Iim itervlt IIKItl.l.V, 0l 27 (Ulrrlm via, LONDON', Orl. ST.- An Anuter- Hm tup loiiowniK 1 M-m 0111 )t1j(m wg nwcf di,,,nlrh tatM that miqtie aaya: fclhj. Vienna wri.me-, la)fiv form of the lli line Au.lrlan ' "T,,e ualile goe on continually. -Tim wWiil AM.iirfm.n. rf h fl arl,cul.r vl.or btwwn hdld strone .inl almtttl 'ihtlnunu , .rarin m pamcuir Tigor wwk pfMlilona In n lone lln from Bamhoi Uril, ,l,, lu sf,h' '"W"1 (1 tho lower reaches of tho Rlvr Vacr In U..IUU a.i louard lnymct iit(Hmhrrn Helclum. and ilu relon of Lena. On thla part ih UUrr Han, nd ihntr alrniut In ; The Tlmw' ConhaKfn correaiwn- ,n( 1(i ,ronl ,h0 aeit have nol cl(J. Mialeht lln .fi.Mh to Hotik In North. U.-ni r that r,,wt. from Herman 1 Mnlln, rrn Poland. ' Kvrwhrn alonK the V'rrr ay uai Hauer wtineim naa CANIREADJUST . Sis M.de in Poland TUC QQCC?yCHT I IIL nUULUUIfflLli I M4VUH AI.IU:i: ASH TWO "OM.:ii ii,,. arolrtrhiliia ihn.Mnln ltu- o It led Callaa cjtptnred at any cot. 'jllne il Ulan i (to mnke prosrcs In MlMIO,t:it AUKTIIK mis l!V.(,u nrmy thni ndvlcra, accordinc to the twiu Ypre and Ilouler. wwt Hlll-HI'rlCH'li; CIIAItliKM fUt;i AUtlran irfrtiho In vlrlnl (cifiponnrni. ay Hint haiaer wn- "in the reclon of SoUaona and Her-' U4t'l L'il IIKIU &. .. . ... 1.)... ...... IH lllMl...M O...I.U U-m .. . .... ... ..' ,.,.... ,,(.(,.1 rn.r.if ,jj 4,f (( rariaininua na roiupeiieu " -"" """ """"ii ''irjr an iiac me aronery uucu 1 urn en llhe HitMtan tu draw bvtljr on litir iTnonmiy nwucu ae repiriB o! l0 0llr ndvantane. Several Oerman I'ortlaiid Itelnrorvemenla, "'' 'n"f' A ' 'li aald thatuilerie wero destroyed. In (l.o mlddl- (if tJalacIa the haltlt- ,,.' . ' '"--" "'". auoui .ancy we uava iaKen me ih mill raelnr with h Anatrlau ' 'viU '. wa vital to the r offentlva and driven the enemy across mkln auro-iwnl prottr. Thyim " ""IIm plana. (, frpor ,nl0 aerm.ny." at,. U.i urrful ftloK io lo-1' "' l"nlai u-cianinon m me earner communique was mo ueciaru- l.'nlttd Frew Service t t'ETIlOGRAD. Oct. 27. The war offlco announct tt ha received tn-' formation that the German advance j Id Poland and the Austrian advance? In (lallcla have been checked. The war office sara the Oermans are) mine the Austrian to cover their re-, treat. The Uuuian center and right nrei adranclns. while the left is maintain .Vow that the $25,000 Crsl Li brary iia been1 practically coHptU4. fit f dUcovered that the buiMtei, i 'addition to being UoIaUd, U eitlrely too mnall for th accommodatlo of (tho reading public. '. It la now planned to use thla aamU- I. icent miniature atrnctare u a ert of storeroom for books, an4 eatnbMah tranche, nearer the ceatwi of Vf 11 tatlon, for 'the dtatribatiW of books 'to the public. , . t One of lheost beneJIetel festuroa :pt public libraries In the iwssJas room, where the young people, is oar Ocular, can gather and aeslre the habit or reading. y atey; taatnMUro evenings ark thas spoat sWtkoso who wonld othenrtse -waste tsetr Usm C1TV ATTOltXEV: ItKNDKKU Ol'I.V IO.V, AM) MATTKR WILL UK TAKEN UP HI PHOPERTr OW.V EltS AX1) STREET COSDilTTEE ft he ftrtets or la lass destmMoi . . : ..- . - -: .. a ions inp str s in esawi to sosa an Isolated dUtrlet aa'ttat la wWoa the sew library- U loestos, Is aofatiy tractive after darkreTea aM tao pareatu of yotng peopl bo vWaac U1- permit It. .. . ' ' & COKTUS'I), Oct. 3 tlllutx lAdiiy ip drcldtng In imUI tlKilnis whHhrr Mayor II It. AIU- I la U rcal,i from iitrir. Othr l Ut& lfnijir (ltti ihH will of :,";," '" vomi.M.on.r ,, ,0MU,,, , .,lVWp. Tb omcUU hare w lu omw UteJuly, 113, when th,comU won fonn nf KOVfrnmi;Mt-i.whlch' in tlad the rrcnll profftwaa Innur urates Tliw, iietltlon were filed Ilk Cttjr Auditor lUrbur. deiuandlng U reall, tut no upecirtc rharM of BKlfraiaitro ,tr miimiIIoiipI, thu women of Franco havo vni-vntiffit-a to ot-rtf In the aviation cn. Thy ato nxprlfiicr'l avlatori, holdlitK pilot' llMnn, nnd two of ihem MII0. Mnrvltut nnd Helen - No Confirmation of the Suicide III lied IT Herv Ice LONDON', On. fcAAiWWWftftftJWNWWWM The Evening trtf it tr tloitt! witil duty lnr war .VinV Puttfrdam corrvupondant aayt uu dwlarl. ". re I. no i-onitrmatlon of tho report .llt.it ticneml von lliwler committed ,ku cltlo nt llrtigi'a. hi rr Ik no ronllrnintlnu of tho ro- I( " ' ' ' ... ...-f ff "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie I.IKE A tJHEAT lll'HINEHH THOHOUOIH-'AHE Will Hit- Mutual Olrl nndllsr Aumli Iko ! H vrlll rep rMii tlm nhopM, alnrea titid vnrluua llm f Imlwalry '! 'lllJ I" lln city of Klamath Fulls, each with aomt'thlitK luinroallim ' It'll, eurli with itoiilHlilltK InlvrmttiUK "'T a'l ' w11' A vurltnlik. hiiitluoMa scclluii will hit lu'r, it "f ' ,'u"' im aloiif, hut of raanyhtihiK tu tltn nuliililtt wurld, n well our UuitKuiid. of peoplo at homo, that Klamath FalU la rltsht In tady lino for prortaloa. .,J .f l.lkii n great fair tlw hiulnMiiroiic'rna iiiivo Mint, from n'r and near with their merchnmlUn nttil Imaliifaaea to dUplny H In the form of prlnler'a ink. A you travsl through thin j'"wt," " wr,, mi uro 'Tgfil to buy, yon will be Imnrotweil hy the lflrn mill varlftl Iwtlnn nnd quality offered, nud thn aplrll of fnlruoaa nml hm "ly nml fnlth In thn fiitnro wsllfnro of Ihla rqiniminUy hi'twcvit IIimo InialiiMa concerns and It a patrons. Hy following thla pago, now anil often Inttor l(l'" Hint l'flifnl will he gained by pntronUliig tho hiutlnoa at nil lime Unit are herein ropreaentod; yon wllj tlo youwelf n ral ar vl nml add your Influence to lie altle t lptl IiuhIiii'M. Wii tlenlro to say thU 1( la n clean form r ndvrilaln "i"1 urniipH tiiRKther nnd bind tho common good nf nil; t only 'nr'earii Intllvldiinl cata, bwr for tho'Wholo, ojly; Il will bo tho "'"ly Home audio for placeijof (juallly nml alnlillliy, t irailo "'"I I'nlrniiUn, and In your own lnll$(uur. Thu Jlimiltl. Vou, iin huaineaa men, wll(tl'l liilparlfuhir fonluro t ho 'MuJIeil jiiat na r.eproaenletlo jnu, wltliiiul u kIiikIo IiHi irif our men IMLyqti a Ihlng hotitYthU,tfj;rtiKanllii? your 'l'r. mid other mntfera pprUlnlnViaJiiiiKpnluro. I w" I'Mtctly ritlt I NftwHrtthti huiliuNH mam f)ui Is ithlH to' upend fif cent u w'ok pr(60 n weok, wo InsWthMt you ought to bo roprcaonlod "I'oit IhU page, r'js' new akdjlt la goodimd will, go out nmong your people and bo watched Shy the roailora thoiiHiinda of Wni?,durng' tHo;yer, fist ua nrrnnuo your "aimpp) " copy ' U WIIlWho. ,ou builMos. J fiAfti " o - "UAUIM, II ,t & poii fiv.m otlttr unurte't, nnd no rea noil rt'ftnH nttltcnnl for hi taking UU fllfi. i Hon that tho French offensive In the vicinity of Nancy waa gaining. Thla and tho latter report of the Germans being driven' Into Qersaany contra dicta the flerman report that tho IFrench right was crumbling between; Toil and Verdun. If the French can maintain tho ad vantage they gained nt Nancy, it Is declared that the Hermans must aur- I render iht fortifications tn the Ylcln- y nf Hte. Mlhlcl and abandon the Following au opinion from City At torney Rutenlc that there la no legal ; the region bc-i,n now p,,,,,,, on ,uo wwt barik. impediment In the matter of chang-; I - . lHt...i..lH..t rt ,t. rpKllt ..,n t or the Ban. " "" "3"cuv uu .uc .. ...vc Tho latent alalemeul follows Umprovemcnt district, the matter Is "Flehtlne In tho vlclnltv of Ietro-!'w b threahed out by the prop- kow Hadom ha now developed Into ert' neM and the street committee a battle front of seventy miles from "lve moru saUsfactory ad Hawa Nowomlaiit and Blalobrsegl to Juttnent. the mouth of the Ultra Hihankn. A "-eetlng to iettfe thU will be "The fighting has been continuous,1-1'1 tater Tho tdtx ;-raiy'ii ro alnco Saturday. The Iluaalana are0"- a Wted hC fast nlglita fietjuontly using ihelr bayonels.- and . weetluK follews: the enemy Ul losing heavliy.'U '' "Kl'eated for ntf opinion on the I legal Questions involved in the ob- lections' of Mr. iiehaffey and others 'to protiosed asseement for Improve- -mjMif tn Thlril Ktrw.t' 1 hftvn thn A tyj a? rjao.fln V Iii honor to report as follews: Germans Shellint? M i JT "rncnt to THEY ALL KNOW "8003" RIDDLE weat hank of tho Muese, or faco the danger of being trapped or captured. The war office ay that tho allies are holding everywhere In the north. FOUNDER OF THE TOWN OF HID. OLE. WHO DIED THERE HE- tJEXTLV, WAS WELL KNOWN IN' KLAMATH FALIJi j, Tho current hutuo of tho lllddle pTribune, which contains a biograph ical fikotclt of the lalo J. H. Riddle, who died thoro recently, la being read with much Interest here, an Mr. HUltllo had a host of friends through out Klamuih county, a ho hud lu all parU of Southern Oragou. Illdillo canto to Houthorn Oregon In 1851, and when but 19 year of ii ko nctiulrod the land on which the town of Riddle now atanda. With tho coming of tho railroad in tho '80's, ho laid nut the town bearing bta name, nnd ho has been a groat factor liv Ha development, building many buildings nnd starting many succosa fill enterprlaes there. Beuuiiitroiiaoa in Argentina receive 4' centa ier day. f' , Balkan Allies in Bosnia Drop Back 'nlttd 1'rraa Service CI-nmNJK, Oct. 2TiAccordlng to an otllclal statement today, the combined Servian and Montenegrin forces operating in npsnla, finding tliouifclvea outnumbered five to one, retired from their advanced positions near Sera'ovo, after Inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. The Autttrlnna are reported unable to illsloge the allies from their sec ondary position and pursue tho ad vnutnKO thus trained. British Steamer' Strikes a Mine Paris has over. 8,000 dressmakers out of u.p.oyeat., . . vft UnUcd Piesa ServHe LONDON, Oct. ST. Tho steamer Knnchoster Commerce, bound from Manchester to Montreal, haa boon eunlc, ns It struck a mine off tho went const. A trawler has reached an Irish port with thirty survivors of tho crew, according to a Lloyd's agout. Tito survivors say the captain and thirteen members of the crow wort drowned" l - ' The exact location of the, accident U withheld. "Mr. Mehaffey explaining the oh- Uectlona aa follews: That tho pro- U tilted Vrt Service ; ' 'posed assessment Is considered ' too i'OUDEAUX. Oct, ST. Reports JW on th aoutUng lot, at 65 per from Arraa declare that ihe Germans ceu, ,n ODl'o8 ueairing mat a am hnhiLsrainr u.t .iisc. greater'proporUon should be imposed The entire city stroyed. U practically de-!on the ,oU MOt contiguous, I see no SACRAMENTO MAI' IN CHARGE HERE A. G. WILL, LONG COSNUCtKB WITH HEAD OFFICE OF WOOD. CURTIS COMPANY, TAKES TatE, ruVcta, WOKKtKatANai ,! ' -.'-- its rt- Tw A. Gv'.Wlll; for many yearn with the Wood-Curtis coa - tl SUES RANCHER ed with the Wood-Curtis coaaaay k California, and fear a time la eaaraje. of Us Sacramento house, is tao aew Klamath county represeatativa of this great wholesale produce coacera. He Is now on the Job; Making hlsMelf ac quainted. " ,Mr, Will j au "old, head" Ja-jta local objection to lowcrlrig tho pro- comul?,o bu,e. and ko.k oat- it posed percentage as to the abutting lining a campaign" whrer taa'laeal -property, should tho council deem. market HUJ koptlproperly saa- ithat a ralr adjustment would so re- Piled at all times with the beet Italia quire. and vegetables oh the market. Tao "The lota in First addition beln of .Wood-Curtis compaay hi a waoleaate leas width than lu the original town-? concern only, and dealsoaly; with tao CflP niHlktVYl''' therc 'b no ,esa1 objection to rotarV,the oaialga .of rJlr.frili, I Ull Uni11f1ULlll'0Ur taK,"E tImt nct '" wnttou lu the assessment. y. our taking that fact Into consider- ThO COUH-. .. ell having determined to apply the. 'front foot rule, I do not see how part HEX HORII IS DEFENDANT IX A of the assessment can be shifted from' SIHTRROUGIITRVOLENEMAto blocks, near Main street to the I blocks further up hill, without aban- OVER A CONTRACT FOR CUT.;,lonUK the front foot plan." TING AND HAILING HAY . -, , . - .- belngio'make 4o aietaUe of reeeiala sue hthat there will always be freea produce, in plenty here IVliUe sho.laxmly.tS years of a, M.1IC. Tlugetto Vltoe of Parte haa at- ready gained a reputation as a iderful sculptor. i tr' "K I Damages to the extent of f 150 and $379.75 alleged due for cutting hay on the Hord raueh near Olene, are de manded by Henry 0. Leuilcr of Olene, i lu a suit nna in mo circuit cuun. w. If, A, Rennor Is lrhler's Attorney. ' The complaint alleges that the two men entered Into au agreement whereby l.emler was to cut all of Rord's hay thla year at $8.50 per ton, and was to hale 100 tons. TJie plaintiff Kfcya that Rord owes him $379,7li on account for cutting the Journal Klamath Exhibit; Is V Drawing hay. The following U from, the 1'ortland ,nl: - 1V?S. 3A j I AliAnHiin M ' sm.K.BLHHBrMBraiai s w . ' r. v M I te M '. vis :m He also alleges that after ho had hla hay baler, supplies aud help ready to bale tho hay, Rord ordered him not to do so. For thla ho asks $109 Umn"M' ' ;Chuvlomm(r l;We to wla New York state haa overt.H0.0Q6 nds do.wa.au fc . - uniMAn ll.flA HBUnlH.1! 1 j i .1 n.1. ....1, u ...W. .. . -.-.. t y fJf if any prizes are given nt the Land PfodiuiH''bhow1 for the' okhlblts that bavo traveled the longest dlstauce, the display prepared, by tho Klamath Austria' haa a female population of.neariy 16,000,000. j To reach Portlaad,' ' It was neces sary to rntp the hlg exhibit down late Calif ornlavInd'ih4aee northward, or Af - .1 x, Tim J ' M i.. . ,i... -.. ... ...... I.i V Cl rati connections do 'not 'ealaCV.L , ' 1 V' charge of Oeorge C. Blower. ja k la ':' -. sal k& Just Hsjj(iLlMii'Mlvrr '. -' ;"-&.. ."" . !.",- c'tr ,i IfliininthV ln.rn whM It aamak 1a atfU ' .'it, a I ,1.. .....I.J - ..- -.' '.t m-yt.'X. ' " " " ""T r'-"mrr'TTrmii ii bomeseeKcrs ana, aaMatsvjataV ,", - 'Klamath Falls win feet In tatjujtvlUoa.tf' Jioaae tleultural aa agriiaWaral soraetjUaif wTiielj aoaajta wo Mr tMk Oriwos'fo, swe1 aa : i -' V) '"(t" aooa latiaejafW ' ' ' aea as. thaiouaya' IKMfHIbUJegtiMr. v-. P.i B l i awl -r "if 'kVV :" w 4M- CI