,r,sl I ii.4 iEuntnn Wtvalb -v "ff,lr KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NKW8 i nrmiit'rwtmiiMrmiwr yBKJUC- - Math rn' -Nil. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON? MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914 b I I NO CHANGE YET 'COURT SAYS ALL ; ORDERED IN THE ' JUDICIAL TERMS FORM BALLOT' ARE SIX YEARS I'liii'l.i - with OS itti'XTY unit trr io wwat iu. ii.vsh. 4t:iwi: ; vm or jriMji: Antwerp Man in Remains of Home ITU AM TIIIH WAH. I WK'W I'HKTTY NEAUI.V fohgotthv tub causi: i i Mallrr vUio l Itlertrd, ill Mallri tArxtnllng Opinion Munilol llottu Will ll " "' ''rflwl ' llw U" Iti lite rlrrt.ni (. Ii) llix supi. nie . ( tmtl lor U lrUluM Mc' t'ullM, Hie Teio ill !! Judge IM-our ,(, Male end IMMrtrt TtcaH M IW- j tull of Hilling. , l,l .lul !(- of llir IVnii. Arc Nit Yrara, mul hnie.liil I It 10 (iMill ttnli .tir In twite Ciilll HM7. - - Tin Htititrrmu Court lit nit opinion rotiilofv-it Matutda) decided Hint I In art (if ilirt ISMS IpKUIaIUIp abolishing' lh? littler. .( roilllly Judfir lit MllllUO Utah ttiuitt) U void, and that Judeu . , I Molt, n J at mm nine rii-airo. It u i.e-t twllet that Ibo drlloi circuit Judee. I HU rountr Jude, or ihr tupr"-!" tourt lit lh Wlu' wut (,nl ,s ,rr, 0f mro ttn-i not evplie for U tear fnim lit" nine AtaUlltrd tilllfp. III IIMX . OIAXJTT rrrarf of Mat J.U.BM. tM. 5. Nothing Im ' (,t.d itrMM altrcla lit etti"r Ik.n . IliU ortho l rwanly rlrrfca M- Hiili n.uulv r can U tt) effect C-n tbe of the blM i ! Iloit ltrl virok. : (ItMUlti III" tUt inunir Jil.lr,"i tittl fr u xr 1 It t Imfill) itulalto tlmt Ibw xMtilpj of K'iiciaili cutihtr will U tioiirUnt ' if tbp uitH)ftuntir ( tMllliK for rj 4rlct JU'Un WtlrOrtl, Ttto mull linttU Itiat l an sl "f til" fc-iflr Rl Dm kIitIIdii III I9IU tlif, drill tf All Jutlgi'ft Of all (titttn lit DffEOIl I'ltclt.lril tl ll )Cilti, fTh ojiltiloit rlll;ii lr JuHrt' Mtfoip, aitl rpn4rrr4 In n' ' ."' i " , linlii Hturrvilllit lltltltlltrd tit' !! Th Ullo( ip lrixtly mi ,,(r, AlKitnry :an of Multiitiitult' I(lrtr4 iJ tl(tHtffrJ lo lite ,,er"l'Jtoutii), hi ImI ! iltlf of "fre tf' Jed umtiy of Ihm l4V ln utJ kjU4 n,,tman n wuity framtlou otcr to lite voiln f)rclitctit. :vr'f Jr, .jaiii.ni. It nerrl tlmt; touia li Jt'l illdJ W roi ,, fouil mtlJ !' Il u' 1"'' t4rfp4 a rtll (f, 11 wntlltl tm jMai-lt tl f Clrruli JuUfl Clr U tun tain In bt now t'allol irliH- , I'a.l.r ilm lab lki rii.itilv rlrf W It ro i Tim ttttlllloli a) sulrrj io .riwrv III Ut, and, . "' "" ?", mll1, , ... I lit ii vlilt- ffif llii lottlnil t l ci' Ibwll, Came a mn un lh M " '-" ' ". " ". : rnuiy UU. Iai !"" """ ... - C-.c2bVQsHb1bBjishhBXmB9' 'BjMslBBBiiBBQyHijtfm BbIbBBBBBBBBBBBBSSmBim 'bbbbbbbbbSbBbI fBBBBBLHBHySBlP i- BjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHkZBR BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3BBBBBhBBH t-OBSrV' HE flHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHkPHHHHB0SicL2&."'' Ib1bSb1KbW '- BBVB,9BBaaflHBaaHrll&k , '1 Vr m TBSHaSka4aSa thiff'-: j It" ABaBaVsFl7FPBaw-7riAv F slBlHBmiil0w4 fBafflfflfffVfHBB iSPCTBM Bk , fBBBBK)HaVvr!9BJ vfucfraStf BarflrflrflrflrflrflBaBaVkZjirwIESI H BBBBBJBJpBJBBBBjn I IrHii 'MbJbTbX. H a SMSaSSiB"SM"a"SF:.fc,''i'w 3MlwPf B ' LlBBBaK ' r HC i ;-llBlBlBlBlHBl:;T:rfBH HfI BaBaBaBaBaBlP" YlBaBBal I 'BaBaBaBaBaHLtfBliteBBaB BH )i,. 4HHkl2dBHBtBsiBsiBl B ---w B9fflfflfKBlfflTB'CMBffH5BBlfflfl v if fflVflVffBIV ' iBBBafHiQ iBaVSflBJB9f v vT UlBBBaBSP! JBvtfl&fiB?9BiVBvBvSvSvffUHVSl tV., lamrBtt JsSBSP BHKBS3BHar&HHtM LaBaflBHwiBaHBaBBB9''.BaHH IjBSijiBHHfflfCBsfflMKrflnBsffluQBsfflfflfflfflHlS L'nltfd Vrti Hrrla? ( tiLMiititin n..tiM riA 9! a j nn.now, ....-mm., yv, .... , i Tenty-four pcrtoim tried on a , clurK of icinntilracy in the raur- . ' dor of Anlidiiku Franz Kerdl- ! nand of Aimtrla ond wlf bru ' , oay convlctrd of lilgh trcanon. Thoy will lo write need Wl- ( u-da. In all probabllltlp tltor ! lll lx cctitfd, ' It wai ns a result of HiIh as- wixnlnatloii that Franz Jof d'- m find i-d the poloicr from Her- via which Kindled tlio war npIrK In Kurop. ALLIES STORMING LEFT TEACHERS' UNION t UPHELD BY COURT rt.KVKl.tM) JTIUKT I'lXDS si:. I'Kltl.VTKXDKXT IUriiTV OK l-OXTHMIT, AXll WIM. MK.V. l. TKXfi: HIM THIS WEKK L'tilted I-reat Service I'.WII.S, Kt. '-tJ-Ttip (.VnnniiH rre being held bjr the all lea ail llic iii-h Imtllf lino di ihc north. Tito Frtncli are prdwlof thp Rgktkm om tlirlr i'lrrinc right In on effort fo forrr llic nipinx to change fit pUaa. Tlil l the liilenrllln placcil iiiou I lie Malt-mmf that thre U a. fr llRliflnK In h tlrtnltj- of Vocvrc unit ArgBB. In an effort to nutkr I lit- wratloii4 in llir north utroagcr, the Oeraauw tiithdtru th llnrnrlan trot f rum the tJrmao left, ad ent.tlwfM ! ! ...,.-.1 kIuhi to art a ouiiport for frrh troop from fologae, ! Bertl. Tkm . . . .. j . . ... I Krcnrli Itare micrn auraniuge 01 mi maneuver, niHi it m omnn mm m arc iiufnbtlnlnK their venrt preiwure llirougli their estreats right. Tin- ItHtUli warlilp oueratlng from the nelgfaia canals, coaUMM tfceir v cnflladlnK ". nlth the rwult that tlte GermaM Itnve alulMMlMil et I their Mxltlon along the roil connecting .Menport una wtm, At cr.rjr place licre ImmUIo force might be Uaded, tlte OenHMM Iluive ot.-l batter!- to prevent thU. As afternoon communique aaya the (iertnana crowed the River Year la henry forre rctenlajr, but failed to fotlovr up their ndveatace. It that the nlllen line opposing the enenif there la Intact, and thnt Premdl llue eUetihere in the north arc maintained. Thl roitmninuue refer to the German Iomcm'ui the rceea a "ronlUerable. f Ffgtitlng l severe late totlar in the Woerre and Argoane uhert the German rroivn prince U In Bcommaad. Tlte Genuan are using heary arlUlerjr in an effort to daatisf hW 1'rrnrli " roniiiiandlng the romniuiilration through the ThlneewtXan Mint rua.l tovvanl life. Mlhlcl. Tliero U much ramtilalnt over the increased detMlea ofre the front. Wounded officer, and men are forbidden to talk, lal at headquarters villi add nottdng to the oflclal coasniBalaae. United I'reM SerrJce CI.BVKlJiNO, Oct. JC Upholding t!ii right of labor to organize, Judgo tV. II. Neff today found City School .Superintendent Frederick guilty of i contempt of court In Ignoring a court (Injunction not to discharge school 'teachers because of their activity In j forming a union. He will sentence 'Frederick Friday under the contempt 'statute, the maximum penalty being 1 $500 fine and ten da) a' Imprisonment. Tlio trial resulted from the ousting , ol six teachers, leaders In the union) iti.ovemcnt, because the school board 1 ruled that unions were barred. Judge Ncft enjoined the enforcement of this jrtile. "" TM !iow what nan left of the tinisi.ior l'ucul Sampler, a prominent ;i in:-r"! illrrihr llcrnii:; liful tioniuaitlcd tlin nlacc for a few Tlii. ptr.rnt ballot will ltav In ti",'"' ln "' "r ' " " , , iu, )x om, nilglity shell struck his ho inn mid demollnhed It. Mr. Samplers ra.lu a. it Is. and tho prople tan ole faMtni, ur,, uu,liie mar U prt..il""l "' ',l M"",l, ,h? M on tbrlr rholr far county JudKo. No . , . .. . Lulled Press Service ' IXiSVOS, Oct. 'M. British refugee arriving tU Knltaa rtaaf l-Uigllshmen 1 the Ilelglan territory captured by Geraaaay lm lelled or held pendinr a decision as to whether they are to fc prisoner of war or aa spies. They say condition Indicate that they are at work on defCMsTO un,! in order to ronceal their operations, have ordered the rounded uu in order to tlglden the cemwrshlp. It la betlaved tet imnoriant movement aitalnst the Germans la la piogreaa ha X uistler wu. I olecled, the qUrMlon , . ,.,.,,.'. . ,llllr at SUtUnamtlh rou,.,v III havp (n to taken to tho Miiirnnm ., . , ,. . .. tourt. and :im man .nllil.4 lo the '" w'!fW,r ? 2.111 "'" ""' 0fflre ni he determine,! I.y h, r..iri. " " , , IxZZrl ,'wl"",a'""K cou",)' J,u,, sftrr election tsloners of Multttomalt county, mat (), ll(l n)Un,j. Wftt ,y urM act, at- Any a.temin by Judg Worden u;" f ,J,,!l0TmS,,",,l,,,, 'i' "" T 1 i'" t.e the .lloU change,! at Oils llm " ? ?, Ja e, t ,, " e ,'" T' ." " ""' " . ...,r..n wlm shi.lllu COII'llllIln llic ... i .i i,, itlr.. hi ili iln turn ritiintv ' lil.l-.l innmlMir of lllAt 004 r II. '' ' l., I, ,if il,-il cininlv II miiu-nri. thai sfrsld of thn rnsult. Ilrt knoirs that h It Mien, If the people of the coun ty are permitted lo epre their lhe. nml tlmt he h shown him lf orer'Stiilouit to hold onlo Ihr- offlce by hixk or rrook. He doesn't Ju.Iko of that county. It nppcnr that third member of that uoaru. e,i therefore, unanimously conclude that J( ,,Kl oio-rttt a duly elected coun Ittifut O. Ilolnian I duly appolnte.1 . ju,lp of .Multnomah count) No leeally ittlirie.l and acting county cmb,,, t,, i&io, at which tlmo the or-l rommiwlnnr thereof. Krnlc act of Oregon was amended 'It U coureded thai Iho provisions , inK u,.. term of nil Judge of nil roiirts in tills state nix years. mis fr. btlh.r Iho nopl want him or'of Hrcllon 3 of Chnpler 3.S of the (Contlout4 oa pat 4) which undertook to abolish Iho office ...-w-i "" ''.". ' ''': " 'iLTl .. - -.--i-i-M-s-iaiBi "" ""-- a C Pocketbook of fhe Wife Jnmw J, Hill, railway builder, niwr and iipernlor, In n iirtkle conlrlbittPd to the J turn number ol Hie Motlim Maga Hue, take Hi. posltlvn groitiul Uml htru U uothlnit moi.i Im I'oriant In this or Iu nu' other nation llmti the pot-ketliook or llmvvlfe. The pockulbook of thn hiittlmutl, the enriilitB laclor In thn fiimlly, Is of minor ImjHitUitre, unnpntcd with that of tin. woman, who has Hto'linme and tho chll.lreii under her control. Htm Is Iho spettder. II maltera not Just how U ony lo Mends cornea to her, whether from her own larnltiKs or from Hut enmliiRN of lu-r husbandj It I itho who disperses tho nventgo liunmo. At Mr, Hill sw II, the Rreal unestloit U whether.sho kmmK how to nso hor pocket book wisely. Ho di'iiloren tho tendency of tho averngo woman to buy cheap tilings. Thl lm pronounces tlio worst kind of economy. A good buyer, ho holds, really reduces tho cost of living by pay ing a high price for mi arllclo tlmt l ttoith It. nml ho lliua trine his meaning by lolling f u transaction In teol rails it) which he Mivvd 0 pr ccut for M couipuny by imylug lo.ouo,. o nu.ru for thoin than ho hud nntUlpiited doing, In order t nil l"o might liavo those of real worth. Ho could hnvo mndo tin im mi'illiito anvlitK uf I3.00O..OOO by purcluisliiK rnlU of u cheaper rniUi.. A cnmiHilInK rompiiny did buy tho Iwttor, and had to re lay IIh trucks within four year nt tnr groitttir cost than mo oilKltml Insinuation, whllo tlio rnlU (or which ho imld the high r pilco uro still In service With this us ii basil. t. Mr. Hill KoU llml hu lit IU lnUton , lo lulk eionomy to hotiaewlvui. nd w toll thorn It muke. no dif ftr.iiitM whether ono la buy lug miles aleul mil or underc ot i K Wr tho children, or u bunch of tmloiis, tho thltiK to do Is to my for rtnil worth, Tlio point tlmt tho rhwipeal In often tno ilour.Mt, In tho long run U Well taken. Mr, Merchant, this Mtttultilrl Pine U going to uppenl to Iho mighty factors In tha spending; tho money for the homo iioed TIIK WOMNN. ' 1 ,-, "DADDV." i I M 1- , . i ---. -. --. nn eiidmeut vns ratified and he wan .el. .ltd when the polls cloned on tho, e ulnK of tho day of the election. As j lhi clio'ce or siicu cnuniy juuge nun tho approval of tho amendment of Be Unit 1 of Article 7 of tho funda- mi ntal hw occurred ultnultnneously, BOWLING ALLEY TO BE OPENED OUWKKS ' TIIK I'Al.M CIGAK steiu: havi: M-.8KU thk al- I.KYS AXI AUK ALHO I'DTTIXG IX Itll.I.IAItUS AXI IHMH. When tno six teaeners, wno navei n,ii. -,.. i. , . .. , , . . I Krarue nd along the lielglau coast tecome aged in the local school sor-l '1 ,i.11a.I In !.,. Ih pannnnlnl.I - --- 3 1 ltd. itllll'U ,1k UUMIIIlUb .,-.fc.- I - Intents this fall. Judge Neff lummoned .'.Frederick, and today's verdict la tho iwult. The arrest Is taken as a great vlc-i lory for tho teachers' union move-! .uicnt, which has beeu In progress ' nearly a year. It Is being backed by ( I the American Federation of Labor, and last year Samuel Gonipere came tu Its aid. .. a- No Verdict From Jury Another winter umusemeul resort l to be opened shortly after tho tlmt, of November by McDouough & Dale, uiui muir.it.. the Palm Cigar Store. tlmt amended organic act wns In forcotThey have taken a lease on.the bowl- whou Judge Cluuloii was olectoo, nuuMug alloys in tno imaeraem oi me i SWANDER PLEASED t WITH WORK HERE Mrs.(kman()utooE4)d;HyfBTridnti his term of olllcu U m-cosHarlly six years from tho first Monday In Janu ary, 1911. SI ATI! SUPKIUXTENDENT OF tllltlSTIAX CHVKCU LAUDS LO- l C'Ati rAI'EHS FOll THK1K SUf- IHHT IN MF.KTING Uulted Press Service MtNEOLA. N. V.. Oct. 2C After thirteen hours of deliberation, during Carman was In the office at taa Ue, but his back was turned at tk mve ment that the shot rang out and Mr. O. 0. F. Temple .... . !. !. tit For hllllHI llllto uof umu ucvu u i l.. ,li. I.n.mivit aitrfftrtn.-' Ilin I "Judge I'leoton being thus Uiaue)H. making ImprovemenU, etc., liclilmato county Jiidgo of Multnomah i until tlio alley nro now second to (county, all orders, judgment ami ue-(none. In Houttiern urcgon. jeree made, given or rendeied by hint Hiiro he iiHsumed tho duties of that jotnro are valid, nod binding, ho far as In it... rum lo hear mid determine mat- 'tern coming before him In probate and )m.u nml women, nd- .iih. ,n in Mm bowline1 allsv. the leasees arc Installing' a number of pool and billiard table, and will have n plcusaut establishment open to both guardianship proceedings I con corned. "e'rom tho onliiloiiH handed down In ; thu case of llrnnch vs. McCormlck, lt will bo assumed that tho attempt by , rimninp STO of tho General 1-iiwi of dregon of 111! U, to organize depart-' mmi i No. o of tho circuit court or tnoi Fourth Judlclivl District, cteatod at! least a de facto court for Multnomah ( county, When, therefore, Judge uiee- ton heard and determined ennse in hiicIi court ho wiih acting a a do fftiio liiduu thereof, and all order, Judgment!! and decreca made, gvon nml rendered by him tborotu are m- ..i..iv vntiii nml binding upon all ' pnrtlCH, unlesa bla authority In audi' mnttera was duly challoiigod oeroro, and determination was reached there- Local Tlteaptani an. tma w. !,, A party cannot b. permitted to boards at the Orphou. theater Wad i ".. .. ' .. iwiv and Thursday night of thl vttt until an auversej.iuauiuiu " - -' - ......i,-, nii ! croo I. rendered again., h.m and . tM J . whw "A Co t y 0 W. a rg AMATEURS WILL PUT OIU PLAY 'THE COUXTHY aillL" Wlhlt HK OFFEIUXGG AT OHPHKUS WED XEHDAY AXD THUK8DAY NIGHTS OF Tints WEEK With a cousecratlon meeting of the membership of the church Sunday afternoon and a farewell sermon last night, Elder Swander, state secretary of tho Christian church closed his series of meetings here. This morn ing ho left for Portland. Suuday Elder Swander received n generous number of pledge, for the fund devoted to stnto work. Ho ox- nreased himself as much gratified at tho entire success of tho meetings. and he also praised tho Klamath Falls newspapers for tho support and pub licity tendered tho meotlngs. Eight new mouiboru wero received Into the church during tho meetings. A baptistry wns also Installed In tho church. ...,i..i. tin., .hm- mod ten to two for !BaUjr fell dead. I..-. .... i..--. ..nrn in fm- thnl Thn wennon with which the Burdar itrlal of Mrs. Florence Carman, charg- waa committed was never foud. Tka ed with killing Mr. Louise Bailey, iprosecuuon moae aa eeaiva nun was discharged without rendering a for It spending a great dI ot Has verdict. land money In an effort to lad It, kt Mrs. Carman collapsed following enorU w unataiukg. this announcement, as she and most' The muraer e.usea t gre. nwp of the people following the trial W . "-- " " "7 "'" contldent of on acquittal. Mrs. Car- '" " ""- . L. nan was charged with tho killing ol (great deal of feeUag agataat M. C. .... r....... ....ii. iu !..,. w, in, man n me vitiate. "" " ;Hr.me. of Mrs. Carman'8 husband. oetor and hi. wife ralUad tc ihr. . . innrt retiiltlne ln nearly the entire a Freeport, u. i.. puysiciau Hero on UuslueiM. 11, St. Geo. nishop Is hero from The Cedars" attending to business matter. claim that the judge before whom bla case wi tried wa powerle to deter mine the Uiuea Involved." roaring comedy of'mlitakea Identity will be given. There la a clever ro mance running through, this sprightly bill, and there Is not a dull line In tho play. Tho following la tho cast, of char acters: Mr. Stanton. Charles HuUklaaem; Mr. Stanton. Mr. O. D.Matthewa; Hilly, Mr. 3. IiT(Cuaalnghai Tom niv? Rhlneaart Moteekenbscaver; Bob, i Stanley 8mlth; Bob's wife, Mrs. A. Y. Tladall. Mrs. Caiman was this afternoon re leased from custody under 125.000 bonds. These were furnished by neighbors, and tho district attorney's oflico made no opposition to her being admitted to ball. It la understood tuatrMra. Carman villi not be tried again. Sho has re covered from her collapse following tho Jury's disagreement, and left for her Freeport home. The case was peculiar In many re spects. It waa also tho tlrst tliuo that a dictograph figured In a murder trial Iu this country. Tho dictograph that figured so strongly In the trial was found In Dr. Carman's ottico after the murder. Mrs. Carman, toon after the murder and before sho had been Indicted, cooly admitted that sho had had It placed there so that sho could "spy" on her husband while he was closeted with women patients. Sho confessed that she was Jealous of him. and she want ed to And out, whether or not her sus picions were correct Mr nallov waa slain at night. Dr. Carman's office la In his home, and Mr. Bailer had called on him. The fatal ahot was tired through a wladow vi nort. resulting ln nearly the entire village taking sides on the matter. Following a highly leasatleaal bearing the grand Jury of Nassau county returned an Indictment agalast Mrs. Carman, charging her wltk man slaughter In the first degree. Her ball was arranged at one, maay friends ot Dr. Carman coming for ward with offers. Subseauently District Attorney Smith uncovered new evidence that resulted ln another grand Jury hear ing, and Mrs. Carman was re-Indicted, this time on a charge of murder. An Important witness for the state was Frank Farrell. a waBderer. He Is said to have been la the Carmaa yurd tho night ot the murder, aad the have seen a woman running away from the window through which the fatal shot waa fired. Mr. Carman' remarkable eemae sure during the grand Jury Investiga tion, prior to her irtt laeJcuaetM aaa, . un until the time she waa ladleied ler , .... -ii in.MM aa. :' uiuruv. , w .. .w--v - - - fAlinwlnr hnr Indictment am gM O Aar lhl, iha SIMSd t efcftW ! ... '' . .. . k. art tim aai'avew ;- '""'" - " "-" ' T.J-. ' ." i. Ill when confined la the eeaaty tJav. i ... -.- - 41 It t J .H. ., ana ior n i.mv v ",, --- -.....,.' .ihlMa.ah1 iseaiui " ? "T '..'. ..- AJ ' . from the outside ot the house. Dr. tried at, thetlawatt. - I.. .' ' ""' i w.w.vwwii w' '""" " ' - ' 7..T,V...ui- u-inriruW ,, - -' - " ' &iiH)i' h r .t I T 9?