.&- jf i J dl 1 i 1 , BW !i PRINT! TH KLAMATH FALLS' 'OFFICIAL NEWSRAPIR NEWS W1IIMC IT IS NEWS h ATM .lif ' 1 tj "l : fciistffitff Herald rfleih Year '' 1MB C jaMMlMflTlMtiHMj.iMi.arfJM TVffl TTTT HIES DRAWING KLAMATH PALLS, OREOOH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914 Gfrmprvrtrs PHee, live IN ALONG THE BATTLE FRONT ihi: hohii.xu i .umi.v ih:hw. I'tid W Making mmi Mljit kin .i I't'lm. IImi Ih (!' liln llwv u Olf! I'r Mrlltrtiiflil Ml 1111 ('iiu In IhMM" lliM rc Mtt-i"K JtW( Christabel Pankhurst, Militant of Feminist Army in London 1 MAY ASK U , S. TO ("KLAMATH FALLS llir IMlle Tin rrriMli.MtMrfMNM tun hamik, On. a, it u r ymA ibl (dp allies have eomphrUiy rat of ihe (trrinii ftNtUHlellottt Utu llriit end lineal, Praatu., ilfrr, or Independent Preach, tksrrelKXitrri, are reported Optfatiagj Mini ttip t)rmn Hue, wnlplnis " ssssTsd. !r Tb ttibtluc In that eectloa i twsWsg, " l'n4 Service I .fAHIH, tkt aalt U reverted that j las )tmn have withdrawn their, sinst line, which wu eipaaded free) MarUKerk 6 MI4dleaffkr.' W mm of i tin r,fKit work f (he Ik of ihp HrllUh moaltofs. The (Irrrotn are etreagty lit4 r of ihi lulu highway reeaMlnft 0,tnd u NlMaari. r)Uor ot , ,fwll ftr TVk1 fiitiid.t It. eta.M 4k tlii.L SFWe IMHIM'H M MM IIMNI W I' 'ggggggBjgggggggggggn L -kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaann saaaaaaaaaaaaaWBaaaaaaLrY!isaaaflBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 BaaaaaaaaaaaanvTfllP-iHPtPanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf SEE THAT RIVER IS KEPT CLEAR OIV'j? AND THE COAST," CAROLS JOHNSON Son of Chief of German Navy L0N00N HEARING in iifrrri,Vfj :. it. MWVH M,llltKTt"IC.Vi:i IHMthTlUt ri.WH vi: .UtK 1,1'VKY MUS HUITI.V Hall l iMllrrflii of a 11 Irr llotx-rt I &" i Vrt'mi lliK'Ifautrr l-Uli WnnVu'Tori OrXOMTrlllMK l if.n liuirflvJlr ofS ilti- 'lirmtol'wmtiilliii, ii ml KiiuatlliiK n ,(Hrl n Uir Inillan Mrdic 1 1, Imh KUiiimiIi ItJirr. i. JiiluiMin 1'liiiU Tluu In llii-f Hoiilli, l.'ouriUJ'tii r itif ('iilloii ' . ,.- ' - f KMarkrl Ha llitnoivilli.l Tfinl III, i (Hi I, mitt TIijiI In Hie .Vl'dhlic" Wr j lt HufTi-rlntf l-'niiii u (.'urttiilinriit ( at Ctiilli lj- dip riiuitrl nt. Aflir working for a i-ar lu an of. "I w nrvcr o kI1 Uial t llvt-4.In furl lu Induct. tUcCaUfomla null und alio Klamath country as I am today,") iKuuitt t-oiuutUalou to ult iouiv iviixay HoU-rt A. Johnnun, lmd of, the ThU l hai t'lirUlawt I'nnkliurtt, wauj f ium toaalnie ba4i Mtllltatil Knrral f iht fetnltilit army ami olhr thlna for th hoaplUla ana In Uoln, who b Jut arrhJ In clothlnK for lite men In th aW. Aa th l'll4 HUtw, hal to t about .ulttagpit ncthltlca arts In aWyanw the attitudw of the imi) ho nftk now In Kuland. I thouhl It ould for loarl tfc urntt war U a kix tl wm ,0 ,h' 'ou'- TI.P nffrarttPi In Kniclaiiil t In try. I Uld not ll o ay in t.ur They hav land with n nuaorndnl JU ntnr Ia .it ,iik,..i,.. i.ii I, .i. .. inn Tim HritUU aUtltorilln kpria to Tboreall. wmI lWfltlr.iwc)1( jf(, ror (l tJroe j,,,, -nt, ,lUdp n0 BttmH to molei me whn m t,dqMttef, rart4 ll,b)lvp unanlmotiiily Jolnrd t help In I arrived Ihwe, hut 1 told thtm. of HCarUtllp, t nUm WBy ifof ran, Many of .coow, thai 1 ahould bo leaving In a RfWU from h K4suartfr ofith ( In thf Hl Cr nrtUc, f- day for American." Otal (JallWm tadkatea that bwi. " U aa emullon In lh M'U. Tk 0naa rtintlnna their KtU to Wk the ilnrf toward Kic-uport nd frwaUIW, ' l' J T (lrwt ar dwirat!) iry Uiio brrak through Ibn alllaa' llu4 la (b vltlnliy of Arraa aa Wall aa In I'tillvd IW Ik-nrlc IM aotih Indlrallona am that lh W'AUIIINOTON. U. C, Oct, SS. WttU' U not at th dUlrt ia, fh KiiRlUh baay haa traaamlttad 0 atrount of tho a round not af..t ih VblU llouaa a dUpatch i- (la rovr, th tm tu mjIi nri.i. nUM atatlng that Kngland baa or- Itrr4 tba rlM of tha HocafHr. Th dUpaUh tUlad that tha vaaaal wm aaUed txcaa "It waa consigned towuKl tin flHblihmctit of u flh laddvr oi koutv OUiei iumiu for titU lo git bov iu' CalUornla-Ortfgou t'owcr tompany'a dan in the KUmatb ItlVfir at Klamathon, the omdati of Ih state flh aad time coaalaaloe are about to adopt asetber tack. Tbla will be through aa anneal to the In dian nrlce, ahowlag that by reaaon of the obm ruction in the riTtr the KUnutb Indiana art deprived of tlurfr talruoD, which they hayo been wont to um) aa food. ' Klaiu:itli Muniifactutlne company," uUu h rcturntsl fiom u sojourn of; feverat wt-eka In the Middle West and j foutli. "Tho people on the Coat. j from Ktamalb KaiU south, are, la j clover, compared with the condition eltewbere In the nation. ' "I And that nowhere tn thlr section nor in California haa the budnesa man suffered the war as they have in the Bait. Iniemt l no higher on the Coast than It waa bcfor the war broko out, nor U there any curtail .gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnVnnnnnnnnnnnnB NEWS GALORE OF INVASIONS UMIOZH Vtni TftoOt ItKI'ORTKn -s The following letter concerning thejmont of credit noticed. Just tho re mitter haa Mt to E. B. Ualllvprn of this la the caae in the Bast. ".tiiulIiVr tHarj s" Tliat tploMsge r r -UJilwuttttd In the. BrltMJi ftlea, jukI iik n Itmult; AustrlaHM ahd Onr inn hi Ai-n'llcinK ICoMatled Vp by (he A.utlwUier-4iep&ft4 Thmt Zvppeliti SlieiU Arm Hrtog BMH. . i ;? '2 United I'eaa Sarvica ' LONDON',. Oct,,, 2,rCopiBajKn -wires that the Germaala and Howard jKhlpjurd t Kiel are baafed fat tha ' coast ructlou of armored, bargea, to be usetl to transport the flerman torad- er to England. t This report aaythat;ntany ot, the .barges are' finished, and the real aie ... , ,. Mia turned oufai' the rate of nine The aoa of Admiral von Tlrplt, hmr x German minister of tho navy, wa ,t ,,. j,, Hti tUt ijJrf o,,. captured by the British In the .North mM m gtruetinl- Z.pat. aheda Sea. and at onco. his father waa noti- aj ggniejjg " " Bed that he wm safe. Later he was Xelther 0," tnesa bmri -Mk g., ri-turnd to Germany. llrmedl " " ' ' ' " ' : , The Sta?sys)ii iaftMaaed froi; a nign oniciat source caai cae of the Klamath Snertamen'a AaeocU-, "tn the South conditions are tho lion by It. K. Clantou. master ftablworat. owing to the deplorable con warden, showing the"' new plan aug-'dltlon of the cotton situation, follow- The Rockefeller ' Ordered Released I hi f ortnou. Th u( communique aaya that tho nt Mwrn th allf luvaitlons art llBf. Tat (irrtttsu atUck contlnutHi tery lat and ihp varloua galna by Um M'In are Ulng off, by the vsrt 'lil rrtlri-inrnti wrr.ri tlw ()man ull nn it.,. MttMl wvere, ' l tlati-,1 itl4 KPUItn y mm " lemalh unrhaiiB4, daeeJle tke f-HtP righiiiig to order." IMairUNiti4 thtpadles. Sheriff Uv left IhU morning (or rrf Klamath and Creecent to deliver the election suppllea through north rti Klamath. Ho waa necontpanled by Colonel M. 0. Wllklna and Hob Huaanker. i i ,,i JMMMWMMSMMMMIMIM ,ijiji.n.nriMMi'w' 'Trie Mutual GrlandHer Auntie There have been an many changed aUadarda In advertising In the pa.t nve yean that what win good IVe yenra ago will not l now, '' (ft u all teat the value of 'advertising today. There nro liuiulr,,!, of ua reading thin rr today, We have all got to lnd a itrtaln amount r oey durlM'the nett twruty.four our. , , , . Nuw, I simply nay to tho buetaeee pooplo of Hits city: Don't look to the medium alone to brlig results, Look to tho adver-tiwmi-nts themaelvea, A good ad In a poor medium may bring faults, but a jioer ad had boiler be loft nut of thu best of nil o' them. i If you spend a dollar In newspaper ndy'ertitliig, or a dollar lu usiailnes, or on billboards, or Ihi the picture show houses or In bookletM, or In circulars, or in any way oiul manner that ad vUliig la usitd be sure before you contract to speud tho dollnr that you will spend that dollar Judiciously and so that H wilt bring back that dollar ud a profit besides. That's why you ilvir(tsv! to mak a profit. Hee to It that you not only use ,'l' iiRht mfdlums lint Hint you use tiiem right. Hiudy your udvertlaeuvnU. An- thty built to attract alteutlonT )n th,y urouae and maintain Interest? !- tht.y create desire? ) they fcilinulale purchaser "' tlu-y compel Htoftt Von disngo ynur'ndvtttliement often to tell the people what u hnvn for sale, . 't HiflMtrglJ get you tip good live copy, aomethlng that will 'I'M nntt hang jt on Hie book In the offlr. and have th,e changes """at all times. We will, do tt. ft ldintlfltMl on the Mutunj,(Mrl page. Why! Uecauso It U different,. fmwvS55252225555ii 'r ' ""MAMlIMI "ifl ,. .: ttti t "BADDY," vxyw wwwwwwwiikww4 IMMMiMMWiAaAMMMA, wwwwiwwnwwwwvviwwr "" MANY GOING TO PLANTING FEST MHB1IM MK-'Ati 8ltItTHMKX WHX MAKK THK HOWIN'O OV WILD HICK AMI CKLKHY A OALA KVKXT AT AHVKS UAKK Jackson t Kimball, Southern Ore- gon repreeeauuve or ib jr- hauaer Und company, la In receipt or a buaiiei oi wnu ceieir " barrel of wild rlco seed, to be planted around Aspen lake. The need waa shipped from tho Minneapolis office of the concern, with a view to increas ing the number of wild ducks around the pond. The object ot making the lake more attractive for ducka Is to pro vide another shooting place for local sportsmen, not to make a private re- asrvo. For this reaaon, local sporU mott are ready to aaetst lu the work entailed. Sunday the seed is to bo planted, and already several auto loada of the members of the Klamath Sportsmen's Association have been made up to mako tho trip. Others are Invited to arslst lu tho work, and plana are be ing made to hold a "Jlnka" In couneo- llou with, the work. gceted: ing the shutting off of European mar- "I am enclosing a copy of letter re-, ket. When I think or the war celved from the California flan and i things are going to the eaat of ua, ' game commission, -"referring to the land how much poorer conditions are dam In the Klamath Itlver. You j there, I can easily say that we are In will note from same that there U no'dover out here." prospect of getting any immediate re-J Ur. Johnson also brings home the I lief of the situation there through the jcheerlng news that Ibe Klamath) California commission. This dam has country is In llno'to supply boxea to been in the uko of CMslrwction forf-m new big Eastern field. This Is Took- a couple of years or more, aad from jBg to the Coast for its supplies, and ? Indications it will probably be several tho way la being opened for thu years yet before It la brought to com-j Klamath concerns to furnUh these. : iieiioa. "Accompanied by Commiaaioner B. ELKS APPOINT A HOME COMMITTEE raJt hare. been ordered-to Austrian and Ormaa alien the ages of 1? aad'30; for the of sending them to' ceaatrwetlen camp aa prisoners of war., It I, reported that the actleav la Um result of a, system ot esaleaage Jwt' . discovered, Whereby Qermaay la kfC MKMBKIUI OK THIS, .AT FIltST informed ofTthe moTcmU ef Brrtle! w- -. .t-t- MKKl"i.0, DECIDE TO COM- lr1' ""fy MKX.CE WOHK EARLY IX THE COMING YEAR &v v y ;German'IEapEujre BHtiK Soldi E. K. Duncan, I made an inanectlon of this dam, aad It was our Judgment that It was absolutely impossible for any fish lo paM above the obstruc- 4 , SPENCER CREEK tiou at any time or at any atage of 11 1 L lll the water. Inasmuch aa 1 have hd! Ul I L I lllllllll If German Estimate of Allies' Losses United, Presa Service MOULIN, Oct, II, The Kreua Set tung In aa article estimates the loaaea of the-rreneh, English, Russians and Bolglans; thus far at 760,000. Henceforth. Russian Jewa may be come? army -and navy oflceraof the highest rank. The caar la aald to be ready to accord Jewa la.RueeU the into rights hereafter aa Ruetlans. Authentic, records show that cin ders, from a forest Sre in the tree topa (a Northern Washington thw tall wore carried a disUnoe of twenty mllea.) this maUer up with the California commission for over a yaw, with bo reaulu whatever, I will hat to con- feaa that I do not see that I will be able to do anything further In the matter, but have though" thelmatter might be taken up r the Klamath county people with the adlaa depart ment at Waahlngton, D. C., setting forth the fact that this obet ruction haa been the meana of stopping runa of salmon, which frequent tho trib utarlea ot the Klamath River, aad which the Indians have been accus tomed to take for food. I have thought It possible that tha above de partment might be able U bring some prcaure to bear which weald relieve the situation. If, In your Judgment, you think It advisable' taj take thla matter up on these ground, we would he glad to aaalst you la aa way with in our power." B. Hall. W. O. Smith, J, E.. .. Hedge. E. B. Henry and 'P. R. Olds United Press Service were appointed a oulldlng committee! WASHINGTON', D. C. Oct. -i ,at last night's meeting of Klamath The German embassy has received a 'Lodge So. 1247. B. P. O. Elks. Al- wireless message to the effect that lu ready they are at tcorS on plans for. tho fighting west of Lille the Oermaaa' mv .Mftw .j.., w . w.v,.. .jwi,u.wtvuv uikuviivyw'afliu Third and Main. V MILLS TO HAVE PARK BEAUTIFIED ORGANIZATION IS POMOD TO IMPNOVK THK ADDITION'S PARK SITE, AND TO SOT OUT TREES, ETC. Having aa Its purpose iha beautify- lag ot MUla Addttie. IHarth War Park Aseeeiatte lata heaa formed by Mills AddRloa aaoale.' It will work to have Ua nark alta la MUla Addltlea ImKovad as4 aUhwed a iateaded, aad ahw werk to beauti fy the etreeta ot that tarivkta; dlatrtct by plaatlag treea alaag ttw' nirMaaff. Memberahlp la one to ail ffwarth Ward reatdeaU. Tha PreaMeat. 3 Uaata; vie; Mrs, Sylvia WeetlaUj urer, R, b. Aliiaa4ar, I.KASK HTATE IS SECURED RY THK WHAT SUPERIN- HATCHERIES UVH IS STATE'S BEST SITE FOR TKNDE.VT OF The state of Oregon now has a leae on the hatchery alt oa Spencer Creek. A Ave year leaae. executed by tho Western Pacific Land and Tim ber company waa today aigned by Plah and Game ConitnlsslouerCharlea P. Stone for tho state ot Oregon. The lease is on fifteen acre ot ground. Tho atato by the terms of the documeut has the privilege of erecting und maintaining a fish hatch ery and the necessary equipment for the same, tho right to dirert the wa ters of Spencer Creek for hatchery purposes, and to erect the necessary runways and fish traps. There is every reason to expect that considerable work will be done at tho hatchery next year, for Super intendent of Hatcheries K. E. Ctanton considers this the finest trout hatch ery site In the state, and the bulk ot' the trout fry to bo distributed through out the state In 1915 will undoubted ly come from Spencer Creek. , Superintendent Clanton will be here In a short time to plan the en larging of the present hatchery, and, the work to make it a permanent in stitution. ' Cv The building to he erected is to bn a lodge home arid, club house, not a businesa block. The committee plans to secure plans, etc, as soon' aa pos sible, In order that work maybe started on tho building early next spring. geTft'raliriachlnn aruns. 4 A- 1 . . y- . ? :n. k Sr . : , & ' It also stated that German artistry northwest, ot Neuport had disabled a BrltlaU utroye " . &t Another Mini lu Pulpit. By request of the pastor. Elder S. E. Milan will nil the pulpit of the Baptist church at the 11 o'clock ser vice Sunday forenoon. OKI Kricade Meet. D. S. Linker, a Portland attorney. Is here attending, to business f matters, lie and W, H. A. - Reaaer are' old friends, meeting here for, the flrat time In eight years. Va'dt theyrhave been haying a great time talking aver e uays oi lueir joriaer -.acuuai-tce In Illinois.' -'. &s - t ih ance BigGameTomorrow " K ei V Ashland-Klamath High Sckools Are Ctf eMs Coach Otto Klum an Alteon husky Park before 2:30, tor It has beea i-. knlghtB of the grldlrou left Ashland creed that the game analTatart a ttat' today for Klamath Falls, the last slg- ,,0"r .prom'?, "''' li; . J . , , . l Oscar Ei Wllley will officiate aa nal practice has been held by the - The umpire will be Dr. Brla-' iK'nl team, ofllctals have been appoint- 0i Ahlndv ed and every thln-g Is lu readiness, for Tho Klamath High team will be, t tomorrow's gaino between the toot- picked from tho following:) c Noel.; ball teams represeutlng tho Ashland ( Page. Motacuenbacher, Oreai, Stew- High school aua the Klamath Conn- art, Hill, McMlllaa,Baala. KiaaL I Orders have beea Issued by the American etate department to all eoa aula la tha war area to look out for themaelvea aad keep out of danger, Whenever there la great danger con- aula aad ministers are expected to change their posts. During the Bring ot Rhieau, Wlllhua BerdeV. consul there, sought rafufa from German guns la a wlaa eaUar. Rusata priatU. thusldsm at tho high school today, the rootlng'splrlt boing rampant, and yell practices are belug held as otteu as possible.. Thla evening the students will hold u monster rally on tho street, to Whoop up Interest In tomorrow's con test. ThU wilt be held onMala sl'root, starting at ":30, and pjrow Isee to be as, interesting aad spectac ular as It U noisy. The procession wm go to the depot, to greet the Ash Und team upon 1U arrival. ' t;(i Tomorrow at" 1;S the atudeats will held another bbj parade oa Mate n street, Thla wUi1 terminate 'at afedaa derson. Short,. O'l.oughlla aad, "Some of our Graves,, boya are Everettj' e toeapar- lenced. fodtbalV ,aay. CoaehYerl non. MoUelMbacheV; '"hat taafa; nil OHttnA 'AbllNi 'mrnii mrii a!b ' taftA'' the game " wtaTJteWieittVtiias. jW; Hon but Uttjhlaa4j.taa i,1S'-l one or ine oeet latejseaeMeHf j Inthe state, this yaaTi .hu.tmmna.taai, vWifi' TT r-T' .T''r7 T l -- -,-r-ft rr . v.rf Isaw aaaWssaaal sawar -' - ft TaW ill VHMrl . " ,- "1 Pass High' elevea, a ;, lbe.Kasaatk.t4aVP: .Blrttedl aere baea. i flgbtm etothea," ;v ; : ' ;. 1 $.ri Ati MM .7J. I .Vj'rfSI j . vw (' , ' s .