MV, ii. & U- m TMDMMtAy, OOwhikh m, ( THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON v ii . : -ii -j f , fe . ft; v i- m I iC? . S ... V " J' .X .. V r. t. V Hr iiv..5 PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Member Otn TNI Mm The Evoniitf Herald W. O. UltTH. Pabtfhd uaHy aneeet ftMMtar hy fkt Herald INtMBhte Cwii(H Klamath Pall, nt lit Pwurth atiwet Osare eat RmUmm, NW car, 7th aad Mala CLAYTON K. WHKKI lYiyefrtea aad ttaniw t'hoae lit KH plaal Treatment) OBca heuse: to U:t a. m; 1 tti i. p ta.; evealagsv 7 to t Kalerea a the poetoBc at Ktas ait. rail. Oregoa, for traaamtealCB thruugU laa walla a coed-class mat tar- Sal" rlptlon terwt by Matt In any nrM tn the Halted Mtaies: On rar , . . Il.tP Oar tnoatb . , . , la Count Zeppelin, Inventor of Aircraft KI.M ITU PAt.t. OMHMM THt'HSDAV, OCTOnKIl !ia, KIM . tHK KLAMATM PAUA rsTCAM UAUNDBY ttuaraateea Irat claae war aa wall aa Irat rinse aafflaa. It you have octaaloa ta aeka complaint aad da met cat tat mediate attention, phea B. B. t AND MTOH AT K1.AMATM FAIXH POMTIOt AMI llfSIXKKS Wood! Wood! Mack Woo. I4 Bt8 Mark He, nWahte lead flaUM (Kstraeahlll) U-taeh Body Wood . . U-laea Umb Weed 4 -ft. Body Weed 4-rt. Uaik Weed .. Ijmv Oswese aa P. C CARLSON WOOD avWKamWeeVaf adS)Sxam SjBeeTBt MsbMb Unesi .fWe . 9B.TtV fttfaVaBBaBBa B BBBBBm SBBa-Bml BBBeBBmB wy eBBBJBaw ammaamm Bar faav gewoa stem eattr KLAMATH FUEL CO, OlI -4ABPLE DAY rkt itvW Seal Ht aa NOW IS THE TIME TO UY THEM VAN RIPER BROS. "QaaaUa OrererW at aad Mate J jTtlKIlK ate stilt a few of the old- B tittu irty men who cling to the ("customs aad practice ot the old day (of political corruption, when bosses 1 1 were able to put tho party tax on !'wiDt ntan aad cram htm down the (thnmu of the voters of that party, Vht'ttie? they liked It or not. ' There are come today who will ac jcp)t an important part la the leader :UI of their party, and permit a poll Itlclau to exploit the party for hU own personal beueat, and then ac ;cue those who refute to stand for it (of betoir traitor. Verily, verily, the good old day of politic are gone. The are aome awful time. urely, wbea the votera refute to lltten to the political dlctat or aad Insist on selecting their pub lic oflciakt strictly oa a haala of their ataeat for the oBee, rather than b eaaaa they were aaootk eaough to aecar am oBcial, tag. The Herald la a republican paper. It ia preaC of the repabUcaa party and of Ita achleremeat. It belieTee In the aatloMl polldea advocated by the repabUcaa party, aad faala that they are for the beat iatereata aad proaperlty of the whole people Bat The Herald refaae to be gagged wkea H ia coarlaeed that am oBdal ia iacompeteat. whetaar h be a re pabUeaa. deaacrat, aoeJallat of one wltk or wHaoat a party. The Herald feagftt Car Worden aad JeoaaraJaed IU baaiaeaa wkea It be Uered he wma right. It will flght Jaat aa-aard agatawt kirn or aay other whea it kaliaraa ta7 are wroag. The Herald owaa a duty to the peo ple ot Klamath cooaty, which It will perform aa lose aa It la under the preaeat maaageaaeat, waather it meet the approval of ao-alld polit ical boaaea or not. The Herald ia ala- cera la daalrlag to be fair aad truth ful wltm Ita reader, aad it U ta thU policy that we cradU taa fact that The HaraU kaa beam able to grow aad prosper, walla taa away other aewtpaper that Balaam iatanaU have foateraa la the paat few year, have dUd a-keralag. The Herald weald muck rather have the good will aad coafldeace of the, reading public thaa eara the raa nUUoa of being a tool of the poltt ital boaaea by doing their biddiaa. The cry I going op all over the state agaiaat the extravagance aad waste la taa maaagecaeat of pebllc baaiaeaa la atata aad coaaty goveramenu. which ia caused by too much polities aad, mot eaough buslaea method. The taxpayer aad people have the j remedy la their own haads. aad we believe that they will not hesitate to rellave tbemsahree of taia burden of boas rale wkea they go to the polls la Kevamker. BwBwBalBte;v ;;ftvj& BwBwBwBwBwBwBwELlJwWK JLbwBwBwBwBwK'! gBBBBBBBBBBBBKwiBBmBBW' 'V-' 'BBBBBBBBBBwBBw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBTmBBB9BBB '"r1t OBwLp. a 'BLBBmmmaV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKdBmmak HPIC llnBBBBw: 4 4bHBBBBbV-B KWaBKaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBvk. mm 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBa'BBM'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBWVakwBBBB rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBKBub vBTBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBK BBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP''MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb? bbbbbbbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPbbbbMbI wbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbKbbbbM BwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwiaElklkJal!, OKKtttKKndSBii'iK BBKfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm JwawBwaBwBwBwBwBwBwmV-1". 4JwrtflKEKWIBS!lJKKm3BLL BwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwZ iSBBBBBBBBXBBBBBBBBW'' 'tWr ' . "J''yMKESi '' T SBBV'BKBTiiJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT I vawswawawan m iiaamMWJSBwaBBwaBBaBawawaaasBBaaaBwMaWB News ol OvNttBwri nmmmmmm" ijiwMitms'iw'ii1 tjttwlp aad I'lafreaa at Maaswf t'ltmHiuaNlea V i. ii.m ii Theater Guide II. a. I nvnsions Ihwpil-tii AiMscaafe i Vlart IXttlt H)N IttMtrotrhtliiK m-iI illl(i(ni It lllll lll'HJ t'f lliillMr-nv,.,., ty I wyn,,,. ,M M. Monit, t-aahl.T ( ll.f Klrt Nalltm ,l tut nk itf Mmitim, One., Ii,a Jl I'cmiiitir i yiT i'""1"1"" vwn": i.j j.- ( 11(111 ( M I'llIP Mint llll l)rHlllt'tlllj omili. Uvi lttlfrlKwltiK Mr. Mor.! -- . mi til Uik Moisi'H Una ami Htli STAR I itHi t-uiiiMii', Mr Miiitii .) i I rtti' wink will ifniiimiiiiiWiii lltf Mlf , , M.. dhrli hlilihi n vh .r mm 4t -,.WWltw lu nml I ioikI.i"! i l"B (' wll or "" dltlMiia IH iffhilt A wfr ( "iwtapi. I,m, furl, mt Kir"! 1mI f "'k U nctM , r'rt t'tlm.-,' HOUSTON'S MUUSK siy in lulu Ui "'wl U Mmltfij Klni Hiin4 M ..... u,,u l.ik.11. tl.M H,mI. ,itll, I,,! Ih wul Wf will 1 lakrn U wllhiiul I "" ,"i'M, "I ir ((ulH itnUy, U lltr (tlnliii f Mr Mima,--" ,,,',,, iam U l'lti lnlrrMuunlatii. ?"tl.t llhi,u,' Sumi ,V atil ' vliiu,, ril)u,4r ti llu mlin-4 iiiiHl iliolr Vnittriiv Ini timi' mill Ut HiuiJii, iiU l HmUmio "xflilii until hIkhM ' rnl,t vttMltirr TIiki htt rt I'lrW l( I'llUIVll iitMiut itilitfrii mrn, liu ni Ji'Imb il.' vlmiuteni tk, ami will aU halH' w. KII.M)t mln mi a iIm kuU. Rltar tht W: '" ""HU M lMCV. rxvutii uf lu.illin , msirklhiT),. -. IS WmHhtil, lhl Mtlnlrlill, U th I ,. . rtaicf .! (ill at wk. ! '",w" '".ImmU, M Meads, ih pn,'rl "1 thu mtm an liwklas " 8"w Rirtrtl AItiltn NVir IJt! --- MMihrjr iMmin iii siw j T K M P L K THKATKK ThU k llti firm tf Mnlkey f (iKftii nM tUtt Kcural wofthamll! ..,., H4iii lu Mr Wltm of lflatllU, ",,r" "" wrM at.' ThU is Count Zupplln, "whose almhlps liavo Rprvail terror to 1'itrU an.l umiiy i-IKra In Crnnto imt llrlclum. to say nptblng of the uneaalneiis they liavo caused In I-oudun. Tliv count, accorjtliic to a storf ixftttly rahUit from Germany, was offered the bigb-eounding title Admiral of the (!innnnu rM KI.tI Uf Kl.r Wllholm "Walt until w return from London," be replied. Mr U'limlrfe Mi tMiwlay lor ItIb. tlll tit trk nii.l ili aa lli.aoa iixrk n( aim?iil trtvrtbaadl. whlrh h? will aill li lit liwk he purkM4 At thU t)ri from MuUey 4 INoia, Mr U'lnnkk hM tA eagagnd la tk rorrmntltp lmltra la I'rlaavllla far . srei 'siou ;.jC0MB SA6E TEA INDIAN AGKNT FREEH aaya laiTA An 111 II I in some ot tho KUmath Indiana are of a .III LVIT Hlllf low moral sUndard. Is it any won-1 ij I 111 I U Qlln I llfllA der, with so many white people of ' 1 1 - still lower standards who are eager. to onus; aooui mi cubhiuob j "-ll.UlKK.S UtUTIH'I.I.V ,t.M Itr lag liquor to the redaT I THE OPINION of some that the I bald beaded man I benefited la malt- ( lag a quick toilet by the small amount t of hair to comb la without founda tion, when-you consider the expanse ot extra face he must waah. KTOItKS ITU THICK.VKHtf AMI M'HTRK AT O.Nt.'K DUY GOODS made In America pay the war tax Imposed on a peace ful nation and be contented. BUT EVEN better sounding than "Made U America" are "Made la Oregon." or "Mado or Grown In Klamath." Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked aad faded hair beautifully dark aad lux uriant, remove every bit of dandrnf, stop acalp Itching and falling hair. Jnst a few applications will prove a revelation If your hair Is fading, gray or dry, scraggjy and thin. Mixing the Sago Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way Is to get the ready-to-use Hiciwifi iMatar BJ. B. Bfeeaara ta the Commercial Drama ,, "All FOR GOLD" For Ms, or tw aqaJvalemc, am the aaat, wo will deliver Blackwood far B a lead, aad a so-called yaafcle Lead" for $4, wHIi trad lac stamp ta boot. r- raoNB 72 t .5 h' tij 1 r ' ms and Feed Stables .'rmarlyvtka GsodaMa Stablas miki mviurm uvbbv anb '?& .l raaaa' - m i.Ba' gaaaasjmw argwmmw II Klajaaim At Ptaa) if-W OP COURSE aUra SCARED THK actio ot Staator Chamber lain, democrat, of Orwnn in &. curing a leave of absence by resolu tion from his duties in tbe senate la order that be may return home to campaign .for re-IecUoa la la striking contrast ta the coadact of three re publican senators. Senators Jones of Washington, Smoot of Utah and Qronne of North DakoU, are being attacsad from ev- err Platform la taair respective states wniie they are still In Waahingtoa at tending to business. Is aay one of thea asklag to be ex cused from duty to go home and play polities? Ne! Winter tofeomlag oa wltk Its loam evenings. Now is the time ta sab- scribe for the Ladles' Home Jearmal, aaturaay Kvealaa Peat aad Ceaatnr aemUemam.H. P. Themaa. Klamath Palls, Ore., reeidaat swmL Pkeae IMW, .t Dr. U. R. a iMtem hj aew teealad ia iweame l, a aad , la WMte badU- WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR BOOTH Republican Candidate for United States Senator Are you better ofT now than you were tiniler a , Repub lican administration r x Are you satisfied? - ; V If you believe in the principles of the Republican l':iriy. if you arc convinced that these principles are best for the country, then prove it by voting for-your standard-bearer, Robert A. Booth, Republican candidate for the United States Senate. Vou know that under Republican Presidents the people of the United States have good times. You know that under Democratic Presidents you have democratic times. Remember the prosperity under McKinlcy, Roosevelt ' and Taft. Remember conditions under Cleveland and Wilson, The issue in this campaign is not one of personality. It is not one of non-partisanship. It is a question of whether you prefer prosperity under Republican administration. Do you have enough work? Are your wages good? Is your business what you want it to be? If you are satisfied with present conditions well and good; if you believe that the present situation is better than under McKinlcy, Roosevelt and Taft. vou know what to do. The way to bringback prosperity is (6 help, elect a Re publican Senate, The Republican candidate ins Oregon is R. A. Booth, ' This is a Republican year. Vote the ticket, straight. (Paid Advertisement -Republican Mate Central Committee, Imperial Hotel, Portland, Ore.) Itonle. cwtlna 50 enl a lrc- bottle uwb"1' ' . Mermed 'at dm- ttoraj. hnonw as "'a be ' up-to-date Ilea of Sage and Sulphur Hair lUmery." 'lMd Hkow M af I I r mm. Messrs thus avoiding a lot of wut. 'Mulkrv A Dliaa will roatlaue aaetal' While wlsuy. rar. faded hair la " ta Novemeer IS, not slntul. we all dcalre to rttatn oir''"" Mr Wlnnlrk will takaave tbe youthful npeparante ami atlrattlve-l'""1"' uulnr, Pott Klamath S"e ni-mi. Ily darkening your hair with Wyeth's Raso and Sulphur, no one Jwicr iiaailaaaalefa can tell, because It do4 It so natural I Nutim U bprohy glvoa that aa Ike ly, u evenly. You Just dampen a.'Ulh day ofOvtober, 114, 1 Imaowad sponge or soft brush with it and jwl th following described aalawlt draw this throush your hair, taking! ( bay mart-, age about years, one small strand ot a time: by mora- branded K M on Uft hip. tilled la Ing atl gray hairs have dUappearedJrlsht y and, alter another application or two, UnlcM said animal I claimed It your hair becomes bsAutifull dark, . will U sold at public auctloa at Ike Slo.jiy, wft and luxsrteat fur pound at 3 nVlock. oa Prlday. (Paid AdvrlUuirBt) (klober 33, Kt OWKNlt. 303t I'duadmaster, When baby suffer with eciewa or - some Itching skin troubla, use tloaa's. Ointment. A Utile of It aoca a lone I KaeJre All IflUW kaowlaa Iht-mluM Ik. way ami It Is safe tor children, Plfty'ilebti la th late Dr. William Mar- cents a box at nil drug store. tin art renumled to maka hubhi-ji. jtlemenl wliU the adminwtrator at tke "lit. Thomas' Eclectic Oil Is Ik oR!r of Hollo C. (Iroesheak. aliatma best remody for that often fatal die- at law, Klamath H ease croup. It has been used wllbi success in our family for eight years." t Subscribe far tke Haraka. It Mrs. I.. Wlilteacr. HuSalo, N. Y. month BKyBweBweBweBweBweBweBweBweBweBweBBwB IvBa-'JBBBBBBBBBBBBaxawBBmBawawBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlj ABBW maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTrswaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam BaWBtBBBBBBBBBBBkl TBBr BtamtmaBBmmBJ BwidwBUBwaBwaBwaBwamwa. 'ZaTaaa: AHTamfamwi ' QB S9q VfrnfAQH wRawHBjLJHBwVaai BBVr JerBwamwaa) nTflBwaBwHllrxMJBBBwawK1 H IIBwPBwaWmi-V BMaswaBwaWJaBaweISwi4, '! -M'- .etwawl HSBwBBwaBBwaBTaHiHMIH'V """"mmmmmamj , WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH leiaaaded kjr the asad. kit. i.l all ilmr, i, u,nt mrtui,,,, rt, lil fmlcrnlly, Your prcacrlpllorw art, .llrnMsl hj registered rttarroarlals May we not serve yoa? UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY """'" "'"' ", Tin Nireeu, Klsawlh Palle.( rwiig r nri jipm "Trd lh Trevlblr." Hl;rih l')me4r "TW Mralr) i,( IUvskIm wh-art".K4h,, Unas ADMt4MOX Al.vVAVM It OKYN t MATtMNK DAILY AT Itg AI4. UCKHMiai fK-TtHM MEIUUIX OPERA HOUK Merrill. Or. MOTHI.V fH)TtJHM TVMMH AX MATUHOAYe Par da4k f it. Peaes Alleraey O, K Wliky, eaadldate for Jutllm of Ik Unkvtlt IHstrltt. A msa la a refa sloa reaulrlag judicial kaetisaes k tlted for a judldal PIMI Jl'llsiCK Or THK PIUOl I deelre to call the atltaaeaellet voleta ta the fact that la aesWea B helaf the preeeet lncurobtat,lBB mamUea f Ike Itepufallrta Mm ff greewtre aarllee for re-eMkw. I 'dlkllhat MttflB laBV PWelftl. ., ....-. .tji K. W, UVWBM, . awaaawBBamjsaaawaawBBammsjBBaam Ijav slB M J SawBawBt MtWVM' BBJhBweBaBJaweBweaavJBiaa'w"l aawJ- U , I'OR RKHT( ('mmmmammmmimmmmmmMA' i win on itiuitm. rtinlr sehat.B li .. .. .. .. .. . il-lilU.kaaY I me w rmioH aim ', t'Nsu; best location la tke'sBy.l i'.V. o, Umlib. Herald oc I ?':p amkd:i' ultfi v.- aiiukliullvtl ! 'haewa at tke Ctolrmoaj4Jgfj lUlCBLLANEOOICj ,y i'-" ' t ...imgatfT 1 s-wswiv,aivu " "".i.-j'i'i -iegai paperi, ie ""T3L jrliJl .(. t II AahlaV. lHBmmvRl ahoaa 17. MIWFI A CHECK BOOK IS THE KEY Which ofti.n unlocks the doora of num. Toiru nnu it nasler to buy good on tjme if you have an ncrount with this bank aad par ly chock oa It thai If yeu headed out the currency, The poasssslem of an account here prove your good Judgment la NaaNelal at-tars, FIRST STATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PAlSToIwSbI " P Qa?l wBBawBMBgif & ri fr-v'zsJ DttAn HTOHAOfli For Autos, Vehklw, Kurnllura, P K. C, AIWIMVIM AST Willow Ht.. nr -aaBaaaaav v Z Htf 1 y 1 1 j. j DAIXY Ojibys Skif CnW AM Other bleh & U if,1 rmm mmmm ?- i !.' m , t44aW ' J1V JA'I ' '' ' -,"Sj tag. Pbeaef .tv T hi S-r Wi (ii'"fe, Tj i ,