a tt? n 1 ktiX .1 ril UteraiS VJ'tWWJI PRINTS THK HgWS WHILE ITt8 NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t ti tti fmKKJIB.2: wil .-. a" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1914 h Kitromg f RDFN RANKS BEING THINNED Af. Turpin, Sard to Have Invented Gas, Which Smothers the Germans BY DESERTIONS m .tn NOV THAT OF till. KM U.I. FtMPAMIHX nii tlirll HrtllM III t lu ll,,. Mill t'.ltltll) Hlnm The IVvii W (MlH'UiKl "I indie I !' ItMHiiiiK ll.lr MIiL, I-'uIIiim Itix tin- l"IMlJIl " PurMel Millie 'T t'l '"lllllj' FUHI. Hrtiu routing In from nil wtff IU txuui) xuulil Indicate Inst Will 4.o iiuMt " I"1 ""'' tof tM umt this J"r Tltw riilhutlan Ht lUfrail rl.til.ui U entirely ItuUtte, It4 tb political wntkn sfl KlUCb If tlMrr si '"", '"' Uitnilr missed their Job. It U not ol btftlSrtrU trt lip fill trtimrlU. Mil yir VnJn lu the smith f bit i. rr Stt'l thrle VTA nlliul M stmili M frlrhd rverywhetfl, 1(41 Ike rvarlluit h t lu Mid lit 4i Use omtlme, 14k many oikf i-oliikian bl tie to popular. Jir t rspl.t. bat tlitt decline t oHii sw lit Ku IiU most ardent ISfHUttt of th past M olllivr sllsat er m or Mux sgatust him. WJtt' good in! program t(otli biro many voles lst jr4r, ltd Ibe prtrHwcU III JoU luflllvnced Mf ttht. Home of lb Uttvr H lbs JoU. but they kto wakW up to lb (art lhl they wr stuns. Alt iBB&BBk! .?- "i-f4'W'fiiiiiiiB ' f JpiWP WgwnP& 2BsBst9MluB .mBBBUgBsnbgBtsnBBBBB) i tJbTC ssgtgtgtnsePV hk VBiiMiiiiilViiiiiiiiiiiik-iiiH MBfHt 'jF v Ii? jrf TT xh iiiiiiiiiiiiH I SEDR0-WO0LEY ROBBER KILLED I.K.iOKIt UV THK (l.XSli WHICH HHilT l'tk THK TOW'V IK HIIOT JIM' WIMKHUTHK f.l.VAIHAXJ I.IVKORMKIt lK.U SUITCASE FIND WELTERWEIGHT IS ALLIES CLAIM A IS A MYSTERY DEAD FROM BLOW BI6 ADVANTAGE OVER TEUTONS MATCHKI. COVMIM.NO l'KIUM.V.,CHIC.t;0 HIX-IU)U.VII IMJl-T KSDH M, VM'KUH Ol' PltOMI.VK.NT IV- FATA MA' I.V IHA.V fOUM) .MMlt UKltn. HiasH of h:l'ffi.k .sittnv hkco.no, whkn; j Mil.U: l'I.FJCt;.H III.OW FATAL I.V IIUItTS ItOXKK if r MNKS AIIK SPLIT TO THK .NORTH OF MM.K , I iifud l'r HcrUr J HKATTI.i:. OetjM--The leader of jtlio KiillK of liHllitiUwIili li !iot li)i (hi Ikiku of Hwlro.Vooly Sntunlti)' iilnht mill HH'.J ttltirn tir.'ioo niolcu from l he Flrnt Nfttlenal baak, wm UIIImJ by n ioi 1I1U moinlni; nl IUMlncrH, jiiiit arroiiH ihit CanneJIati liorilor, urronllnK o 4 lone distant MrrUiK.t icr'lvitil tf)l forenoon Olflrrr Clffnrit of I.ocjI lciitb atv much mtlQeit United I'fm Serrlce IimUX, n tho rwuii or iuc nuumr 01 CHICAGO, Oct. Z2--ln thft fcc-! a ulluw neur tho dcoi lt nluht jnd roB( of a KhedBleiI 8x.r0und Uy i!r. and .mm. uiinrie uii, ini ; Following ThU lirfktm la Alli4,VUl KbiImmtot 10 ! ... . . . . n.. . . . - n,nii..r nu t..nort..i! 111 lh nlierlff' ' baxlag ConlCsl at TOIIMlOli, ica ai jM.cmuin nigin, ,mr onwrn ..,..... . -., . , j. IbMly ami the Hm Flfbttec a rral From Ijomtme Itiu CUlm Victory. m... t. ...... ...! t,,Uv ui.rifr tk'.nleht. between Joe Lcvcndowstl, a veni 10 the niw)l unit took tho null- illcliltyin City Keller eluht, and Jack, etiMi Inlo III imhumIoii, l.undgrcn of Chicago, l.undnren land-' L'jioij opening It U wa found lhai (Hj a sojnr plent Wow In the M.-cond the Niillcam: lonlalnrd a number of,rfln,i which ! til nntonnt. down J ili r'nnadlnn Mtuiiortani luneni boionKine 10 me and out. Ho aii carried from the. - 1 lmiiilKr.i!lou tTlri a nlo killed Jackon, a iiromlncnl Klamath In- ring arid taken to a honpltal whm he ; unf., Prea Sarvtcc In th battle. Idlan, norne Indian Kfl'nblliiK uevicea. failed to recover from the blow, and The other four bnuiliu have been jclothlnx and other thins. Near the'about midnight he filed, mirrouudcl, and their capiur U re-J"lot were found hlgn of a ncuffle I ; to Um Km. "OHeS He ci.italn. ROAD EN6INEERS . LEAVE FOR NORTH I MAW MII.KK OF ttAI llt'll.T OR hTI!.U(SHTK.NKI THIS YKAK. .KT VKAK, GRAtIKO ItOAIMi T(t UK SiritFACKIi f ) and tome button evldrntl) torn off of roati durinc a xtruggle. How tho suitciBo liappened to bej there, or what nan the cause of tbe. oldent ttrugglo U tho mystery. This l made more mj-sterious by tho fact that the nultcatc, from the date of a purchase bill In It, bait been out for' a touilo of eeVn, while Jacluon has DISAGREEMENT IN TRIAL OF INDIAN PA It 13, Oct it. The alllea are rolling tbe German back. For tfc riral time since the battles hi the 'north commenced, the alllea save punned a wedge through the llaea of the enemy thirteen mllea aorta of l.ltlo, cutting oft tbe right wlag. The allle have aUo made a gala of tn mllea east ot Ulfe. This la a small, but a vry Importaat aeraace. Iifcn In lownalnce then and hai.madc'.ll.i:V FAII.KO TO ltF-ril A VKH- As a result, the allies are aow ta a no report of hlx Iom to the author-. Men. 1 On tif th remarbahlfl talc 01 th iwin ha believed !, but netcr- thel the Mory baa come ttiai m. xreaiwar ha btii that from Franre, 1 glnrer tlrorge K. (Joodwln, Mr, and Mm. V. II. Petem. C. 8. Chapln. TMn.lo.th. wU known Inventor. ( 8hr0w ,Ba Ks urlx who UnkreiobowtorthelrumVr', that a .ldl, Ra a brine 11 ted by ,)0m ,,, otxtc wM t0 Jal. had "',"?" luT" " hVh .hway kU.f.IIUlepUrltten lh, VrrMl artill-r, I.. .ttfftatecumw,n. thl. peculiar lw'ilre"0B Crier Lake National PYTHIANS TO HAVE A TIME I.K.NOTHV TK8TIMONY IX THK I IIKOW.V MLTtDKIt THIAL in C T A F T K It HK.AHI.N c polt!on ,0 w to earelope the .German right, and It ta.preoletaa that this will be acconpllafeed la a week. , The Utcat com m unique Mjrs that the alllea are malntalalag their a- , laiuugc iu iuc uoria 01 1 mie According to a telegram received that moat desperate- flghtlac ,by Charles F. Stone from his law'ues In the vicinity of Dlxaaa4, At partner. H. 8. Gale, the federal dis- mentieres. Iladfgeen and T iHtan, 1trtct court Jury at Medford failed to .with the German aaaaulU repulse at reach a verdict (n the caae of Jim .nil these points. HPrr. Thr.e at nlcu little ou. hf)U rtlttmpnu 0f tjP,ms,w, Few which t-xploded Into deadly gaa. ftlrv kail Mmf te ran! liHV ttti hHi! mwf wA - -vs .T"t- n ; Oo ihff ntbur hnd inf aru forwt 4 iHnt tw ll l rr t ot In to My i nirft utv it4( (tut rifirkv (tie ttottitiu lurl of the count?, Htm- pwb r ihv MmloMmtlctti nrndft IUr rnirU comw from Oa!rr Hoaa-I hraiaii n.( ll4M HtLs-vm lk.1 t tv mm uu( lti -tiAit I. off tit lllii srtll Bl . wd t(Mi, whlfh they hohrtllr efo It I turn ld that ho will not got a la Utor of bulhlliig, ar( tlho the tint- nun) ton In tbe Mtrrlll country MbU l.()i.u that wa hulldcil upon ' l" tht four years ago, when he II urnl Tho) am ft rrutnbllnc jut mnt carrlsd the district. Ill) Hit illolilimrlttv Ih ..III.! t..iln tlliii.tlo.lt llf Haaillo who VOtcd for tottr tent that could he ratoea by Wordm In the recall will not boFOMXWIXO THK SKCUIUXO OF I net or on "arrant credit wa sini( found with hint at the coming dec , .ci.KAIl .T1TI.K .TO .THIRD In bulldlttt riKtiU, hut not a cent w lion. Aa one man remarked; "I bo- irw4 to keep them In rnlr. Wor.Uleve In giving a man a fair chance to . vrilKKT PHOPWtTl, uuiluiau dmtk rift t.AiwA sl. ..t . mk.j. u.uut..u .t. .t l.u n .Is U'tfilfih h ' ELKS MAKE STEPS TOWARD HOME it ha followed iln pAB of the nitin na iliunnl hi rcwiurrt In the eKhe of npeiialve hrvellt)g sad lf wachlnery, and then dUcoreroa b b.l iioitilhK left wllh whkh to b-tfkod 1.11.1 i,ty fur intilug In thei show what be can do, Wordcn has had bin opportunity, and It has al most ruined the county." In nn HtulneM. Ira Hatineu came In today from itUklrou county to attend to local llwldrtii .f Kurt KIsiasth, whlch)mine InteresU, He owns a Urge ht al) i.ren (foIu fe, Words,! tract of land star Ko. aaiisfcsassshsassasasBasaMshasBasmasaMa NsisiMMhisMhJiJMMW MWyMMkAAMArArV I "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie i:r) bustnees aaa la the city of Klamath Falls, who I tablug nu Interest la his buslites. who desire to suciivd, bouhl look st this situation suusroly. This subject, "Tho AilvertUlug Msdlusa and the Advertisement." Tako Hue tad thought, and digest those wordu, for )our I'lttin.i prohlsai today U oae ot uubllcliy. Couictitlou la b turning o keaa that It atasas almost lmpolbU thut the old yliiK U coutthf Uh: "The survival of the tlttest.;' You woulda't hlra aa your saloamnuagcr n limit who knew n Hioiunml people aad aoUilac & What K''1 ould hla ni quiilnlnnco be to hiss, or to you, If ho aa not iv inilemnan. Whon you Insert aa ad thsl cannot brink ' results In any nodltitn, you aro hiring a ssIm niaimger wltliut nny !' ability, but with a targe acquaintance. Do you know of nny reason why you should l'y I'M rntos for having your ad luserted, without insuring yourself that tho tt,l will bring results! Would you, In your business, Mr, Aihor Ht, pay big salaries lo your men without domnndliiK rcsulls ffu'u iheiitT H )our ttdvertlslug does not bring resnllH, don't bo loo quick ! hlriinliig Uio msdliiui. First, 'analyst otir salon problomH. 'I'lmu mail) so (he medium, If both of theso ro correct, look ut ur iidvertlsliiK, h It built to attract iiltontlouT Does II fHMo mid malntalfl Interest? Does It crowd deslrjjTT loo It "iliiiiilaiu purchaser Duos It compel nctlonT How many tliuesthave,y swm advertisements ruunlug In " l'M'U that wora eennleiely out or ilnto, simply because tho llfm tl ut whs paying for that nd was noloctful In mokinu up now copyandrmaklng that space nrn him moneyr Why '1 li Hint many 'or tho larger amrahnnta and business men HuouKiioiit this! whole oauntry nqw employ men to do noihliiK but " chart of their copy, and pay thorn a big price for II fist 111 Tim 'MurS' iV will t.k oare of your copy,, and UlAko It "PULI..t' ' . rill Uka.oare of your copy. v ."r7, v 1 WJJJrr"" wssssitiiiwsMsiwwwwwiwexwiiw IXIMMITTKK WILL UK XAMKD lu addition lo tho Intllatlon of a class of candidates, other IraporUnt matters will be taken up at tonight's niotttlng ot Klamath Falla Lodge No. 1147, !). P. O. Klks. among these be ing step toward the Klks' Temple. Tho lodge now has a clear title to tho property at Third and Main streot. tho deed being filed. At to night's meeting, n building committee. will bit appointed to plan and arrange I for tho new home. I Ptrk, under the direction ot ths i icon's of Engineer., left this morning! 'for Portland, after closing tbe work! tor tho year. I "lu addition to the work on thel o'Iict toads, we located aad cleared ithe, tight of way preparatory to the building of n strip of road from tbe hotel to The Watchman," said Mr. fCoodwIn. "This and other strips will ibe bitlti next )car, and provided a tuft!rr.l appropriation ts made, we. cxiect to hard surface tbe roads al ready built. ' Hesldes the Improvement of the Anua Creek canyon rout from the Fort Klamath park line, we have eliminated tho "corkscrew" la the road leading to Medford, built a road connecting Anna Creak aad Sand Creek, and constructed several other connecting roads." FOUWLNU THK MKKT..NG OF THKI?" 1 1 eier uriiwn. uuui were luiuwia. vavw.& wism uv..uw u mm IX1DGF. THIS KVlMXn PYTHI-fand tho shooting is alleged to have' The alllea are reported to have ftuken place at Piute Camp. gained slightly In the Argoane AX SISTKItM WII.I sort a i. Ki-aMinv JOIN IV A I A strong circumstantial cote was Woevre districts. tirscntcd for ho nrosACiitlnnr.nrowii.i- r- land George, with other Indians, were'l'nlted Press Service , J -f 1st gambling games near Valnax. and PETROQRAD. Oct..JI. Itjls '- There will be a full attendance atj,hD following day Drown's body, with 'dally announced that the Oenaaas tonight's session of Klamath Lodge. two b,,,lts ,n tnp back- was founder In full retreat. Tbe battle line la Kulghu of Pjthlas or after the reg-!Tu6 s,a,e ,,r,d tnat tno two were r,v"-n0 ln,rt' mlte e8t ot Warsaw. ular meeting li flnlshed. there will!"' for an ,ndlan ma anl1 thai.' and the Siberian corps Js pursuing .elm n -. trtfl fftirntfiitt sflr i! rll In T un ..nfn T.a . be a social KsIon, which will also "'" "" " -..-., .u "i ""'r1-. be attended by the ladles ot tho Cas cade Club, au organization in Joint social meetings, always spend a most enjoyable evening. The plana for to night's entertainment promise even more enjoyment than ever before. heavily. , It Ut reported that tbe 21st German Several days wero required to get corps lost nearly two-thirds of Its in all 'of the testimony, much of (strength. RINK TO OPEN SATURDAY P. M. riMHIIIXG TOt'OIIKS AHK XOW IIKIXG AlHir.l. AM HKATK8 AHFTKXPKtrrKI) THIS niMNO FltOM NUPPI.V HOU8K Tho skating rink will be opened to tho roller skating public Saturday ulght, according to auuouncoment made today by Wakefield & Hunsak or, Tho now nkatc nro expected to night. For several weeks work ot putting tho rink In shape for a busy season Iish been going on, and la now about complete). Tho hardwood floor has boon winded nud levelled, aad many Improvement have beeumade. In Metlfonl, F. n, Kngllsu, head accountant of the Klamath Division, Is In Medford, uttoudltiK a westing of the head ac countauU ot all of the California-Ore-gou Power company's divisions, COMPLAINER PAYS PROHI WANTS TO COSTS OF ACTION DEBATE ISSUES ItOWKl.ti IS8UKS AX INVITATION TO KOMKONK OPPOsUsO TO PRO HIIIITIOX TO OKRATB TOMOR ROW NIGHT The following waa received today from K. A. Rowell, who lectures this evening at Houston's opera house oa Portland After Dsrk." "Believing that out ot full and free discussion ot all pnhlle taeeUons there arises a hotter understanding of those questions In tho public mind, and believing further that the wet and dry Issue Is tho paramount ques tion In this campaign. I therefore publicly challenge any naraea accept able to tbe liquor latoraaU to a pub lic debato Friday evening la Hous ton's opera house." Mr. Rowell'a lecUr toalaht, la ad dition to brlnglug forth facta regard ing the liquor traffic la Portlaad, will bring out some dlacloaaraa raaardtng Klamath Falls. Mr. RowaU aaa aeen connected with Mwaaaaar work tor soma time, and gatharea atuak of aU information for hie leetaro whlla thus engaged. MAX WHO HAD ANOTHKIt UK8TK1I ' OX CUAKGK THRKATKXIXO HIS LIFK. MIS8KS THK CHAIIGK Alt- OF 1HS- whlch was conflicting. Judge Galef and Hon. L. R. Webster defended Use (joe to Albany accused aborigne. M. E. PEOPLE TO HOLD A BANQUET THIS WIMi BK A "GET-TOGUTH-KH" AFFAIR, .AXD PLANS FOR THK COMING VKAR WILL UK GOXK OVKR i C. C. Hogue, fiscal agent of the rec- umstion servtce here; letr weaavas day for Albany. Ao, visit relatives . friends. Mrs. Hogae Is at the Una county metropolis, aad tbe two will visit their children In San Fraaclsco before returning. Uecauso ho learned that the wit; nesses he had caused to be subpoe naed would not testtry against Victor arafflc, II. A. Wltherllt last night withdrew the cbargo ot threatening to kill, on which he had Grafllc ar rested. Incidentally Wlthorlll paid tho costs ot the case as tar us it had proceeded In Justice Gowen's court. Tho trouble between the two men occurred at Midland Sunday. Grafllc was arrested late Tuesday atternoou, and tho preliminary bearing was scheduled for today. Gratnc In the meantime was released on his own recognisance. Thursday night, to be attended by all of the church" members!'' Thl will start at 7:30. The banquet Is being gtvea to get the congregation together, so the board ot directors can talk over Utalr plans and alms with the rest ot the congregation, and receive sajaa- lions. At mis time me coacresjauea Arrangements have been made fori will be fully acquainted with the eoa- bnnquet at the Mothodit church Jdltlons of all attaint or the cnurca. Vialtlag School. County nupertataaaaat Frasl Patar aon is visiting tht War aanaai to day. r VisiUait the Project. D, W. Murphy, engineer lu charge of draluago operations for tho recla mation service, camo In last night from Los Angeles, on a trip of In spection. Ho Is out on tho project today with Project Manager Camp, Attaches Potatoes. Four hundred sacks ot potatoes, Just dug by the employee ot U, Baa noaslya, were attached last night by BheriR Lew, under a writ issued In tbe recovery action Brought against the Nipponese by Thome Nawtoa. War Tax Bill Is Passed e - s Congress Will Now Adjourn After Lotg Sessiti United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 22.- With tho passage of the war tax bill today by both houses, final adjourn ment ot congress Is expected late this afternoon or tonight. This Is the longest congressional session on record. It has been In practically continuous session since April 7. 1913, or a total ot 56S days. During tW session 30,377 bills ware Introduced In the house aad 7,413' bills la tho senate. Ia that time President Wilson seat 6,000 nominations to tho senate for con firmation, and ot these less thaa.teu ...... BAJ The falulr of the eottoa amend' meat cleared tho aaeka for oulck ac XT I 1 1 ttou, aud au adjournment la time to allow senators and repreeeatatlves to get home for a tew daya before tb elections. . f" The war tax bill aa reported from- tho democratic coatereace waa, sub mitted to tbejheuae at lOsa'alaak, ,! ny si vote otilH1 illtk aaaaa I , oilouted tho report. No rH sstM,aa demaudid.1-1 ' 4 IfXff'i' Cit ramedlataiy upoa tu aaaajisai ajr; - ' the house the hill waa aeattM, ', O twaato, Taeaato pasaa th raport f by S5 to U. ' " VI? Mr1 v "Majority Leader Uaaaa4'alaai J la tbe bouse that to ; jV expUeaJHVlalayilllj & awly It weuM U.Miiseary; W'tsJsV ' tlaue the taaatJMNBW,4 . ijrbv