.,.? J h untttt0 HmtlH jf Ja j ,- PRINTS THE . KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NKWS Willie IT 18 NKWS Tl J a 33 - rFTCTssi3aaie'j6aarsa jlalli "" "' U,'"MW' -r. jy-r., a-HxaaBjaaacr- KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914 11 1, ftfO DUNKIRK BELIEVED OBJECTIVE OF GERMAN TROOPS IN NORTH Censor on London Sees 'GanzGude' Paris Job Britons Win Says Berlin Crown Prince Inspecting His Men 1'AHIH. Orl 3 1, A sudden tight-' MINIKIN, Ort. 31 Tlt ifi . i'KKI.IN, Oct, 2l,lt Is annouurrd ,(!, I llr rni"rtili Iu(IIpb( Unit (tlatlrtii tonight anonuiiuM that li ha ,,,fll '' fver denting In progress lawrlsai dilmiil ar lit t.rt-g.. -""" '""' auiM-nik wirr that '.twM.it ilir Herman ami Belgian .Mrlllih wrhip, r-tiptaitiiit (h d Hvnch along the lllvcr Ywr U a ' "tM ! ft rtanit uf Hit. allium in ILIkIiiiii -' lii'i'tUh... It U fpill that Ui Kill- jHuit.l4r brought down a Zpi-lln ami The. Ovritiaus hate gradually gain guMa a ilrttwiftl sllsVh oit l.lll j,M nnunrrtl Taub ,.n th ll-lelan ! In ilm general direction of Dure Sttrr lite lK'!')UMtf of tlif tlr ti! It It nut alaUd wtiHluT ire MrV aun ilgtii ! reported to tw .VrAf Hero destroyed or raptured. I The Orman right wing u h1so uW((()rj TIm iihj Mutrt dUrc1 that llrlt-j1" ,r""' ,'"1"" Tb fighting l gen- .. ..,, ,t t.,,..i ni.ii., iJm fhiM a iit Uio naval brleinlrl''"' "'err. iMM.r It. diai 0MtK ,ml ,, UlIrrlN u , rm Th-assault upon Verdun continue t not b the Idling I growing bt ,w)m T, ,(, a, an)lt , Additional artillery ha been -nt to( IU irl Orrmait obiec-Uin , not a ), t( l.COo artiltwiitiMt. ,""" IK,,nl- i n,-,uii r...i,..i. ' eorU from tho Ka.lern theater flCTM- 1 ygwwe: 3 r. , i ! - ' " "" -aggi MUHiigJ i- r- ! I g nw 'i j i fir " i tr uWnmMim'nk mr) 1 ' """"p3"BBJR3'? NO, HE CANNOT GIVE CONTRACT ON NEW STREET llLT, ItCMOK HAM JT, WORDKN I'ltOMISKft I Unlike .Counlr AUtaA .t'ontfictlw Work, Um Vnmtioa of Wkte Cm flnirl. llx- HIilpplngloB Htcbwaf I t' to Hm Mrnbm of Um CKjr rounrll, KoHontec A4ve?tiMgalt for llil ob the Job. lis rvtril from imnklrk, hut Itun .ilk ltlf It U eijirlf.) that An l Irion io uko that filr l in irtgrr, ':hrtrm it m in tho rffMrt thnt the Itinwlan cnv-l airy fnllini uttrrlj- In II niti'tnpi to ... i .i .. . .. . - . I, . I...!,,..!,, .l,...l. .. i . .. .. IIOI" "" ""riiwu IIIf Ml I llf wiuui- ""' ii.ifwi ,-..i. Tim war onsen i r,nnupii mat ",lWr,t ( Warw ThU m tho rtimll t. in en t ... .r -r.... , ft v,,pj mjJom by AuMrcMJpr- nnnur -jiPfai, It ricct tu fieliilne In M:tlin for Miui tlmi but ) lnliirlan aro rrjirJUng th ItUMlana at llhv Iuibiiii of tl.4 nurthprn llm In.mnnr W lUCrrmatt gnnral u(t nmt rlli ihtum liiwttm and ion Kluk cannot taM tkr tlllt. in tUik, and for that rttwn Herman)' U iocloplng a nn g6ltal Wtduu, TM. wornlng'a ftiMmimliiuw that Knm. u riaM). Mlll,w ,n ,(,, f(lr. Ittimral .lluallon a wol change. )pr MMI, mnfcln6 bo, j,,, , ,hP lu U rrlcrrinl Jflllr to rHrr-l)Rft,nrp ctUf,wr. .iifflci.lt. ' h.'nlng,( and .lid not rofor in ii.d,,uarlrr n,tmU ,hat thr alllc. , tMr.gi.nai: ammn in i program jft, Bl,,,w,g turtilng m.ncmHit. i9ikr lit I Ufllnifrtl that lu iihjpft U to r llMWurirr. Itrtrl. hlghl) PMI'fj hP (!.rma right from thf vlcla mi. HUh ..mdaU d. not dt.ni- .,. f scroti and O.land. rxxtttic iuoiinloti good n!ii. ? . It l gthrrntt)' trllVrd lhal tilt tWrsaaa sr rctlrtr. 5r.s!4 thtr ttl rUn (ronil. r 1rtri I no coiitlrinmlon of th tv, frtlt lhal Oatmd ha lri cvamiatitl man ratatrr, and dftHt(d. IhU, Vienna m1vlr uv that ttin Am. i (nirtur MBta. II) KAItL H. von WltXi.WI) (Writtrn for tho t'njted 1'reaa) I.IKOi:, 8J)t 11 (liy eourlor via TurivU. S. Consul Over to Chinese ItHtTlHll IMVIIItrt I'nllr.l I'lf.. HfC At-TKHfa:UM.N TOKIO. Oct. 21. TJm Jarau u , .... tiiriKtl rnltrtt Hlatp Comtil 1'ock at fallrd rr. Hrvlri TVInt fan and flvn other uon-om. fOl'KMIAOKN, 0t. at.tt I ro'halanu rt-ently Waving that ettlt- rriiM i la t llrliUh mihinarlnfa nri' until orr to tho Clilnco authorities. llrmMlttK io ,lnk n npt of (Jcrman, According to IVck about twanty ltrnrni nff thi hlr of Uugr-n. lrtll arv glvr-n. No Ucrnmn Tau. romn remained lu Thins iWmWrtWWWWMMIWfcill,, IMIIII IWWWWHyWWWW i i l nm0SWWnHW.NiWf "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie Thin I tho Ihirit InaUlluionl of tho rl of four article ll"Mtlnu In Til HnU4 uclualvvly nu tho auhjoct of "Tho Ad uniting Msdlttw uil Um AdKrtlatuent." AdvrtUln U a llvluc thing, innvod by lulolllgeucn. It lure, Uoponda largaly upon lha niillratlon of ncuuiulaled ktuiwtmlK-knowUds that U aiqulrrd by rotuUtniil atudy of KtxnU, couditlom, cuatoiavtBi Whcro tho Miea cau tirtxuiil hl iiropoaltlou lu flvo ntlic uu, the advirtlHBt tuuat do II In m fw word. Wuvra tho ahumii can gal au audtaico with tho cuatoiuor to prt'font hla iropoltlon to him, lh ad biuki rorco llaolf upon tint cualomor, Wlmio tha aalwian cau ajiawor quoatlnna, tho ndurtlKiuint uutt nnttclpaU Umui. Wham Uiu aalaamau cau laKo tho order tho ad tuuat bring tna cuatomtd to tho atom or olllro to glvn tho order, Whether that U dona by mall or iiomounlly, It nuiotuilH Io the aaraa. The 4mUaaeuL tuuat nut only augpt. but rom lvl tho effort to buy Uia gooda, to compel nrtlon, Vou are uoat cartful, Mr AdvortUcr, nbout your wnr' and "bout the medium (or your advertising. You altidy rurcfilly "' circulation, who the nmdiuui roachca, tho rates, tc. Hut how muck efort do you uo In u.lng otir incdlumii to tlio beat adrantacet What la the ndvertlalun you Inaort In thomT Do you gut Uio -lKBotit returns on every dollar you apond from your advert!, ngt Do you got all Hint tho ndvorlUliiR aliould bring youT The mi'dlutu uloun la not nnougU, Suppoao you luiorl an 'l In tho H.tturilny KvonliiK l'oat, wjtlu n, clrculallou of over 2.000,000 per woek, mid tho rato of 5 pr owli rolumtflnch 1'i-r week, uud tho ud diM-a not pull. Will you blnnu the me '"""'T Or will you bltimo the ad T ? X . Htudy ynur ndvertlaemont. Ari thoy built to Altriirt .Attention f t v ' o I hoy aroueo and maintain InloruitT o they mate deetwt, 7 elx l thoy atlmuUtepurchaioT "$ ' o Ihey compel action T U ' I have decided to mako K nrtlclea upoB'tnU talk of "The AdVrtuing Medium uud tho AdvcrlUoment.hUJi the Utlrd '"I", and there will be throw moro. along 'thU wTbio lln, Mr. IIhhIupm Man, read tbcm, ami think on theee thluga. " you do bualneea with Tlio Herald, The Herald will lake ""io of your AdvertWig, aud take care of your copy, wo know imw io make It "fHM,." ff CHARGED WITH DIRE THREATS I I A good story U being told wltk ret urcnto to "the propoaed laffroTtiemt t planned by the Klamath DerelofMeat company for some time next year. ! connecting np their property In Bnesa jvisu addition, and building a res4 to Shlpplngton. ' It la reported that Judge Worde la taking advanUge of this eroneeed uork in the hope that be can eeeare votes at Shlpplngton, and to ale at tempting to Influence the Totes of the orklngmen by the bait of proapeet i e jobs. It Is aald that he haa approached fccmttblng like five dlBereat eoatraet ore, and gave them to uadarataad that they could begin Ago ring ob the construction of the propoaed road. on the sea and under the sea, all at. the Zeppelin which terrorised Ant-. The facts aro that Judge Wortem'e the aame Ump, 'vrcrp. waltIon with the Klaaaath Pavel aa Although It Is aomewhat early to Member of .the German Flying ment company la not anch that he) haa draw conclusion, the ZeuDcllns hao-Corp ho have bevn under fire many (nnyay la the management at the T!u (Icrroan Crown I'rlnco Frederick Wllhclm U verj' popular In tho army. This photograph partly explal litre ho la shown friely mixing wilhh la men. What Is Expected From the Zeppelins Maantrlrh and llnitr.r.tm i. v... Vorkl That Ceraaanv l. nr.narin bon ,n ','?e0 a,u, Antwerp, thataa.Hmea In. this war, and with whom i,company, or would have amy partlea , craaaoj i preparing i wcaMm of orreng; lhc. far 8UrpMs hao ulked. say that there U little to"' influence In deciding ape amy the ncronlitiHM. This aluo has beon'fear from rifle and machine gun fire'IrPOed improvement by th fan atrial attack, or lnalo of Kng- lland with her fleet of Zeppelins In the.suted to mo by members of tho Fly-When Hying at nn altitude of not leas PJ. Igeneral ImprreMou among officra!liiK Con, ho have declared that theUhen 4,000 feet. ! I this improvement dletrtct aheuM here. o far as I could get any of routing and reconnolterlug of tho Sergeant Werner, trie flrst pilot , c caiaoiianea ui is aecmec io ,iturm to express nu opinion. That Orman Itrlbu cavalry of the "air" has con-1 who flew over Paris, aald he I. i utcd largely to the Orraan Buc-twenty-five patches on the wings ofjf tbc r, but tj.nl aB'tiirensne woaim-J.!s nn"iln"riotir wars of Ihe enemies 'dOOv ' hBd 'cadamize cerUIn streets la this mart city, the work can only he unaer tne aupervteloa of the ;liullet. Ho declared It had been hla city engineer, and the contract will same Improaslon is lu the nubile mind ifttkt.ivii mv in jsauu2Avi.'n i!i-l. i.-.n.' .- ..-- "9 " ' """ uuu '""' lhe Zeppelins aro far suppcrlor. . OX COMI'IJM.VT OF M. H. WITH. 'V hero are all tho Zeppelins apd Thc German acroplanoK carry oxperienre and that of other flyers Jbe let by the city to the lowest vtimt aro nicy uoingT I asked atWeV(J i.,m,u,j hombu hunr? In racks, that at an altitude of 4,tl00 feet a bul- lble bidder, under the saata ragmla- member of tho Flying corps. on t,)0 t ot the maChlne. The j let haa little or no force or Impact Oons and in the aame manner as all "Just wait and see," ho replied. ,iM,.i. r ,, i,i,j iiirma-h i!ip,pft As hn nut It. "ron ean almost 'other Improvement work done by the ."England gate us a llttlo surprise off n(r 8ell, n utti0 pr0pellor Into raoUon ,Catcll them In ynur hand." city. .Heligoland. We will give her a llttlo w,,,ch . in tho contact point or -. surprise uuiorc long. -nrlmor" so that tho bomb will ox- more appear io oa oui low ep-ltlIoltB mlo hlttlnc anv obiect. ItOI WHO AI.LKOKft lltr) I.IFK WAS TIIUIUTK.VEI1 Tho preliminary hearing of Victor OrarOc, arretted on'charge of uttering threats to kill, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock before Justice of tho Trace K, W. fJowen. Qrafflc was arrested at Midland late Tuesday afternoon, upon complaint mado by II. II. Wlthrol. nt tow ep-.Dio,!- ul)OI, hlttlnc anv object. t. ..it . .. ... .I"-- "-" penns wun mo armies in tne neiu. U ... . ..rlmer" or "contact" li1 It Is dangerous to ask questions or' W4HlIn b). tr)c propeller, the bomb' seek inroramtion. out inoications are. u sar Thus a forced landing or and I have been told from various laniMh.u,, 0f the aeroplane would not, j,ti kMad I It tat 1 Ii.k 'anivallna vk IiaIh b I . . .. uu-., .....k ,... ..v,.,... ., , jcxpiodo tbrj bomDs carrieu. concentrated clone to tho North Sea.' T,, ,nlv.ii ,rtiiirv n Mniainod t " ,'" w...-, --. Still Seeking Open River Ml Is said that tho completion of sev- .. ..... ... i...,i,, . n.ii. Orafflo ha. been released .m JU or npW z(pMlu8 ,. , awt0(I ''0, ''Tc ,nches ta l-gtb. and nan recognisance. Tho trouble be- JWl ,(0W Zeppcllna OeramnyJa,,out ,0 nchca ,n u!nmeter. They aro !'T' ,U:.!! tZ1Z2, B.ln":d:l"" ""J of " fliled with n",?e.,exSue? isnu ohu . ,....-. - knows, tleforo mo war tlio onicial nrnnn. n ,h ,hinir nrotocted that tlrallle drew a revolver. MA6UIRE TO GET HECTORS STOCK AltllANOUMKXTH VOU THH TRANS l'i:it AIIK NOW IIKINO MADK UV TIIK TWO iXTKRKHTKW I'AH TIKH .NNOl?XKMKXT HOON A deal Is now pending In local mer cantile circles, whereby J. F. Magulre will soon purchase tho stock of the Hector department atore. This deal wlI bo closed within a few days. Mr, Magulre, who la experienced In mertantlto lines, some time ago pur chased" the Atkinson stock, which ho Is closing out. With the purchaao of thd Hector stock, ha will enter the permanent field hero with a lino of drygoods, shoes aud furnishings for meu, women and chlldreu, Off on a Hunt. A. J. Wiggins has gone to the woods for a hunt of several weeks. He wll hunt in tho vicinity of Wamp. lorVcarup. when not more than one Zeppelin was shot down by tho French or Belgians. It la quite posslblo that we nr less Informed In Germany, but there Is every reason for doubting this whole- far as I havo watched events, there Is a possibility thnt two may havo been destroyed, but thero Is no proof of It, and very llttlo to base tho supposition on. Tho government flatly denies that it has lost a singlo Zeppelin so far. It also denies tho report of tho loss of Hue for Damage. Suit to recover ISO, tho value ot a hulfcr killed by a railroad train, was started against the Southern Pacific toduy b John i. Morgan. Rollo 0. record was less man nrieen. rnere.,. o( ft Dattl.3ll,,,( u ta A they ,.. .nti.rtHd rr I.aIIavIhv ).,, nr.' ... . n.u ......... .... -v..... ...- . 0llW Ko mrougn mo snip, many nag more, in ibci, many more. Tho Zeppelins and the 42-cvntl-meter mortar aro tho two mysteries of tho war so far. You raa take your choice from tho stories that uro adorn about these two weapons. Among the stories afloat are that 'the manufactured parts ot a large number of Zeppolins had been made at tho Zeppelin works la Frtoderlch shafeu and stored, ready th he put to. gether when tho emergaaay arose. The Zeppelin works are aald to be working day and night, Both In Ber lin and here I have been told that idormany haa now a fleet of sixty-four aerial cruisers. From other sources 1 wss told that as noon as a fleet of thirty Zeppelins could be sent across the Channel tho aerial attack on Eng land will begin. That tho Germans will make some daring coup with their aerial fleet and that In tho near future, there (a some reason for believing. It Is quit pos sible that Ihey are merely .waiting tor a suitable base, Antwerp, "slend or J Calais. Tlio atorlca of the number ot Zep uellna Germany now haa matt ha tak en for what thoy are worth. Aside from tho undoubted fast that Ken pollns aro being turned oat aa fast as possible, no one knows anything about the also of th teat exoept the government officials, aad they won't tell. lu somo quarters the opinion pre vails that tho Knglish fleet will ha at tacked by the Seppellm fleet or simul taneously by the Seapeltas sad the uermsn aeei. ia sw wwraa, j big battle will bo fotafmt ta the air, Another Appeal Is Made to Secretary of State In tlio hope of securing some action toward the re-openlng of Williamson rho American press, so far aa I ond Spraguo Rivers to logging opera could Judge from tho first papers re celved In many weeks Just before 1 left Berlin, had practically destroyed the entire German fleet of Zeppelins, , interior It seems to havo been a poor day, ti10 Klamath Chamber of Com tions, tho Chamber of Commerce nas Just sent the following letter to Sec retary Lane of tho Department ot tho mercc'and various other organisa tions. Including the Portland (Ore.) Board of Trade and tho Council of Klamath Indians residing upon the Klamath Indian reservation, have salo destruction of the Zeppelins. Sojjlirlg tjIQ W8t yenr anj a half mado MARTIN ESTATE BEFORE COURT Silas Obenchnln has been appointed administrator of the cstato ot tho late Dr. William Martin, and B.0II0 q, Groesbcck his attorney, in accord ance with a petition tor probate II loci with tho county court. Tho portion ot the estate listed In this petition Is valued at 1,220, consisting of real property In Klamath county and au Interest lu property in California. The bulk of the estate Is In 11 to In surance, which Is In favor of the young daughter pt the deceased dentist. efforts to secure the opening of the Williamson and Sprague rivers to logging operations. They have like wise been endeavoring to induce the bnuorable, commissioner ot Indian af fairs to sell somo ot the pine timber of tho reservation, so aa to 'give the Indians some benefit from It before it deteriorates to such an extent that it will bo very much less valuable Notwithstanding all the offorts of all the business community lu Klam ath and Lake counties. In Oregon, and tho business organisations of Port land, Oregou, and tho elected repre sentatives ot tho Indians themselves, we hAVo been unablo to secure even an inspection ot the local situation by unyone connected with either your office or tho office ot the commissioner of Indian affairs, who had sufficient authority or weight to decide tho mat ter on Ita merits. It Is doubtless wol known, even In Washington, that business conditions all oyer tho coast aro very bad Just now, and that tho bottom has fallen out of the lumber market. Such is certainly the case In this county la" the lumber business, as most ot the' mills havo been compelled to skat down for one reason or another. Oaa of tho principal reasons which has compelled the mills In this part ot the state to shut down Is tho fact that there la uo market for fir timber, aad the land holdings of the mills Imclatfo a high percentage ot Or, necessitating the cutting of the fir sioag with the pine timber. This has heretofore been the case on the forest reserve. It Is well known that over 90 per seat of tho timber In the neighborhood ot Williamson River and westerly there from is yellow pine, which haa a good market at this ttme. la fact, tho greatest body ot pure plao timber la thispart ot Oregon Is to be fettad oa the Klamath Indian reservatlea, the pine on the Crater National forest aad In other parts of the state beiag i terspened with fir aad other spseles of timber. It is thought that this plno Umber should bo pat oa th Mar ket now while there, is a market for pine timber and the market toy flr io very poor. 1 Again, it is well know, even to year own timber cruisers aad all others who understand the timber prosleas and have examined the timber of the Klamath reservattoa, that the arses of tho reservation aro bow aadchave been for a number' ot years fall grown, and that they aro fast, dove! oping "spike tops," haras aad saaldo, which Is causing tho, trees to rot aad the timber to become less valaahlo aa tho years pass. There are sailasad with this letter six ymwsutahoerft different places 'oa th Klsam f ervatloa, shewing th saik Of VVf i " .' wwwwwmwwMi a; 41 IMS Bfeern K&S iri'-i , l naxarays : A Ml ft, "-l h M . : tl '. ..4w I .' V I V, -" , Qrocsbsck la his attorney. "' in-iiruuuuuuu-nru-ar.-minivirm-- ' . . immi r-' t, ..- j' i" ' - 1- ' t't ',