Lt TUESDAY, ocrui,,;,, THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, ORSOON cwo PROFESSIONAL CARDS CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY amimcti immuNca MMiWrt OrHM iMMUttH Tttl Mm Oak u RMldMM, NW cor. 7th ui Mala CLAYTON B. WHRKLKR rfcyslciaa aad Sarg-on Phone lit BfjoadyloUiccnplst (Bplaal Treatment) one he: to 11:10 nil to 6 p m. erwalaa. 7 to I . THE KLAMATH FALLS 8TKAM LATJNMtT Guarantee Inrt elans work a wll aa arat etaaa aarrtsa. It you hava oecnaloa-to make complaint aad toHtntta madtata tttitta, aa D. M. Wood! Wood! Block Wood, Load Mock Wood, DoatMe load S4UK (Extra oa kill) lt-taek Body Wood ... It-lack Uak Wood t-ft. Body Wood 4-tt. Lima Wood . Lea Ordora at ttgaar Daal I P. C CARLSON tan WOOD .2.79 tej.78 LTS Btockwood, Load Blockwood, doakle Load . la-aneh Ore- Sana . . lafaMam DfT Slakv Dry SUb. 4-foot ... Bay yoar ggte. alak early KLAMATH FUEL CO.. nMMin. Have You Seen the Big Cheese? A 3 POUXDKR IT WILL BE CUT IX TWO WEEKS. AND YOU KNOW THAT THE BIGGER THET ARE MADE THE BETTER. FOR THE HEART OF ANT CHEESE 18 AL WAYS THE BEST. IT IS FULL CREAM AND MADE IN WISCONSIN. VAN RIPER BROS. "Quality Groceries" Ui aad Mala Pboae SB Bltckwood Theater jPaatatmg W. K. Seaboni In Uie Commercial Praia "ALL FOR GOLD" For this, or lu equivalent, oa the pot, wo will deliver Blockwood for 8 a load, aad a ao-callcd "DoHblo Load" for , wlUi trad. I UK ttarupa to boot. I'HONE 72 Blue Front Livery . and Feed Stables Formerly tha doodmaa Sublaa ji !wKLL KgUIFl'KB UVKHV AND ' " ) js irmui wTMwmjm HfBMaHPji mmjWth mjf It KlaaMtk AT. PfcaM IM-W The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH. MRat PubUeaed dally aent anaday ay Th Harald Pnallshtac Cat-tag at Klamath Fall, at lit Foartk ttnat Entered at the aoatoHe ath Faltt, Ortge. tor through taa Malta aa attar. at atlas Subtcrtptloa Utma ay Ball to aay ad- draat la taa Ualted Stat.: On yaar ....... Oatmoath II KLAMATH FALLS. . OHMON TUESDAY, OCTOBER Sa 1914 A AND STOP AS KLAMATH FALLS STILL NO REPORT IT HAS been several weeks alaca Mrs. a A. Moora dragged Klamath Falls Into mora notoriety by a loag letter to Governor Wast, la which she made some ugly allegation re garding conditions here, asd since the govsrnor spattered still mora stud on our reputation by giving taa latter full publicity la Portland aad Sales papers. Following that, the state executive wrote some letters to local oHcials, and alto made seTeral talks about an investigation here. Now, .knowing that tae charges made by Mrs. Moora could not be substantiated, the official the gover nor wrote to answered that the wo man's allegations were untrue, and they offered all assistance to the gov ernor, should he care to Investigate. But so far, no Investigation has been made, or If It has been made, ao report has been given out as to the findings. And this is the point that makes Klamath Falls people Incensed. Several times Governor West has cast reflections on Klamath Falls by threats of sending la the militia, etc.. and in every case conditions here have been represented otherwise than in their true light. But It investigations have been made, nothing has been given out from the state house re garding them, either to substantiate the charges made, or to vladleate Klamath Falls by the disproving of them. I Such notoriety, with no contradic tion from the source that spread It, is harmful to the town. People in other sections, reading in the papers tbeee charges, cannot form a very high opinion of this section, especially af ter no pains are taken by the gover nor to set the town right In the eyes of the public. Men Who Made Braves the Champions James. . KBH U 1?C II liSVii II .ooo ii SsX3aP II '? 11 tSSW II .JS3 kiSslu . Wu 1 1 ?:swRt"3 1 1 dowdy's bat won kTO-'j f Cf A 'aadT 1 tiSmmLm anW ;,'-Cyg VttV J aggressive batters. Urate champions of the baseball world. To Rudolph and James go the credit ot winning the four games from the Philadelphia Athletics. Ot course, they could not wta by them selves. The runs were made by taa aggressive batters. QoOwdy'a bat won the first and third garnet; Deal's won the second and Kvsra' the fourth game. Gowdy and Evera are the only players who had extraordinarily high batting averages. "Big BUI' Jamta didn't get a kit. DEAL . 3 Regal Shoes Join the "Buy a Bale of Cotton Movement COMPANY AURKK8 TO PURCHASE A POUND OF COTTON FOR KV KRY KALE OF SHOES LAST SEASON'S HALES INDICATE A PURCHASE OF 498 BALKS i PATRIOTIC CAMPAIGN OF NA TIO.V WIDE SCOPE TO HELP THE SOUTH '. Scattered Shots .'. e e e a ALL THE BOX FACTORIES and the bucket factory running full blast, one big mill in course of construction and two mora assured for the aear future looks like Klamath waa com ing to lu own as a manufacturing point. Now, if the railroad waa com pleted, we'd be right In It PETE SAID he was able to walk out to the brewery, but they bad to bring him back in a wagon. THESE "FLOATING MINES' to be doing as much damage to the shipping of the world aa they did to the fortunes of the easy marks a few years ago. QUESTION Would the proceeds from a skunk farm be classed aa tainted money? BUT THAT right wing, though re ported broken several times, still manages to keep a-lattering somehow or other. "CONSTANT READER" asks the most effective wsy to cure a dog of egg-sucking. Shotgun. That the patriotic movement to help the South oner -"Buy a Bale of Cotton" Is spreading among the cap tains of industry and heads of "big business" Is Indicated by the latest re cruit to the ranks the Regal Shoe company, which operates 100 stores of Its own throughout the United States, and baa 900 agents. In a Utter, reproduced below, which has been received by the spon sors of the "Buy a Bale of Cotton" movement, E. J. Win, president ot the Regal Shoe company, pledges the! hearty support of that well known 91 organization to the plan to help the South. The letter I as follews: Boston. Mass, Oct. 1st. 1M. Dear Sirs Accept our congratulations for , originating n simple, practical ' method for laaaclng the cotton crop, aad wa want to let you know that we cordially endorse your activity In promoting the commercial Interests of the Booth and Indirectly hencHtlng thn whole country through the "Buy a Bale of Cotton" movement. Wa believe you have "started something," aad a patriotic movement of this sort that will result in a national beasflt to the country as a whom will sweep aside all prejudice aad Jealouilcs aad you will receive the hearty co-operation of every big publica tion la the country. We have joined the movement. In a small way, bat we want to do more. For every pair of Regal Shoes sold la our stores for slaty days. beginning October 1st, we sgree to purchase one pound ot cotton NOW. THEN, who dares kick about; the weather here? APPLE PIE, apple dumplings, ap ple cobler, apple 'aass," apple au naturel In fact, every variety of ap ple except the pineapple Is In order today. Winter Is coming oa with its loag evenings. Now Is the time to sub scribe for the Ladles' Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post and Country Gentleman. H. P. Thomas, Klamath Falls, Ore., resident agent. Phone i5iw. ie-it M tt'a worth harass, Ma wertfc lav arftm. Ba WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR BOOTH Republican Candidate for United State Senator Are you better off now than, you were under a Repub lican administration? Are you satisfied? If you believe in the principles of the Republican Party, if you are convinced that these principles are best for the country, then prove it by voting for your standard-bearer, Robert A. Booth, Republican candidate for the United States Senate. You know that under Republican Presidents the people of the United States have good times. e You know that under Democratic Presidents you have democratic times. , Remember the prosperity under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft. - Remember conditions under Cleveland and Wilson. The issue in this campaign is not one of personality. It is nor one of non-partisnnship. It is a question of whether you prefer prosperity under Republican administration. Do you have enough work? Arc your wages good ? Is your business what you want it to be? if you are satisfied with present conditions, well and good; if you believe that the present situation is better than under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft. vou know what to do. The way to bring back prosperity is to help elect a Re publican Senate. The Republican candidate in Oregon is R. A. Booth, This is a Republican year. Vote the ticket straight. (Paid Advertisement Republican State Central Committee, imperial Hotel, Portland, Ore.) at 10 cents a pound. We are In tructlng rach of our tores throughout the country to pttce au ordr far cotton every wk on this 1U, W might tviitalii (bat tin imltw lu our ntnrew for corres ponding period latl year would Indicate that our purrhs. In . accordancn with this arrange ment, would probably amount to about IDS," I pound of cotton. Wo know Iho Idea will Inaplro t'tithuilnum In every man In our employ, and wo will devote prom inent window ipse for appropri ate dltptay In overy storv, and are making arrangement to glv tho plan ttio lulli-nt pomIMo pub licity, Yours very truly, HKOA1. SHOE COMPANY. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS HAYS BACKACHE IS A SIGN YOU HAVE BEEN EATING TOO MUCH MEAT When you wake up with backatae nnd dull misery la, the kldaey raffias It generally means you have bees eat ing too much meat, says a wall kaewa authority. Meat form uric acid which overworks the kldaaya ia their effort to filter It from the blood, aad they become tort ot paralysed aad loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish aad clog you mutt relieve them, Ilka you The Best Yet It the buy you can gel now on Fine Winter Apples IIEI.LKPLKUflM, NEWTOWNH A.VD ARKANSAS IIEUTIEH All good keopor nnd oicellent to eiit. I'rlco It extremely low, $1.35 per Box, or in 5 or 10 Box Lots, Sfraifbt or Assorted, $1.25 Tiiko ndvnhtago of llil lay In your wltitor supply of applet, for they r. nure to be higher. Sunset Grocery i'uone 100 AT Tilt: CHRISTIAN CHURCH Tin. twHliin l lh ChrUUan church aw toutluuliig with later!. Tim itww Iwinltlry lit beoit cimiploUd ami ImptUmal tervlce will ba held lt. night. There arw a number of cndl dates for baplUm, The uupitluii bo hat proved of ab aurLliist IttlerrM, and U H pnUuu. Ited, Wa mite bw MWPlo ot the (juwlloiw ttikwl ami antwri by Mr. Hwaiulon Quotum lu yuu lltlug that a nun who ut tobacco cannot enttr the Kingdom of ItcaveuT Antwer My private oplnlaut which U worth Utile) I tbtt I will meet many of my tulmivo uolun friends In Mcu, llower, my objvclltm to the u ot tuUtfto nie three: First, It U a dirty. lUlhy babit. Atk the wive t( iKlxu-os ulng ntvu If It It not. Second, It U a coatly habit, Third, It UdHrlmvutat to both health ami mural. It altecta the brain, the timch, nor out tvttvftt and the heart. It Muntt the moral flbr or a gi-tittemtu. Fourth. It glvta a llceate to bo to smoke cigarette. The mother ntl ltra ot tbU land never will up-rool thn cigarette aa long at h fathers and brother suck the pipe. Q, Vbi U lnutag sgaiaet the Holy (lhottT A. In thr third chapter ot Mark, ChrUt U arctiMtt of walking alt asir actct through the power of the devil. Jeut atd thU wa blasphemy tga iho Holy Hplrli. Q, ihim the lllbl r aaythlag against danclngt A. -The HIMe 4ea not aay any thing agatnt dmrlng as tnta It would t rlated, however, with It near of ktu, Iho drink curt asd the MioUirr, The lllblo wentlon a form of dattnc, but It w a dance sthsre the two danc4 Mparately. It ou did that danrlng would lot IU riator. Nothing but turn vr cawe Iroin th dtneo Ooor." Q-,ff iherv hypocrite la lb kingdom ui (J(h1? What U a hypo crlte! A. A hHfil is one who It pre tending to U something h I not. It wa a Urrvk ward, once applied to ttor. Considering the church at an arlhlr orgsnUsllon, them nr hyiMwrltr In It, lint thre aro hypo crite out of It, If you don't want to dwell with hypocrite you will have to gri out of the world. Anyway, I would rather Itvn a lifetime with hyp ocrilp In th church than to live through rterntty with hypocrite la bell. IHBn SI mm n u m HX THAT AMtltaMlftT Uvm, I1T WWNfll. Inmx sin aKXq iiKMKmit JM'mtci, ,1V UMaiuuin inviiiicr Attordliig to il. .,lkl,, .... lloiiiMvitt arrhcl at h n.- ....r "h en u it.. Third ..H ,W1; ;,; project, , nbmtmg m, '" to-ed t6 K,rt , ,c (0i ' remainder of tl.o a.or.n t.':.r lug 35 per cent u. etllj .,,?: till! til Urn jK-op10 , iu, dl,,, lit addition to lam, lh lion at prrvlout mrtin, 4T" lion of property own.r, nh...7 nlghlV council Mating Mo,T ed Hm nutter A uumbrr of tMtaui wero wade nl thU nm Uji. l. ... oHcial. hut It wa, d.UKj ta Ui, '" ewuMM lAKeu up m i, y meeting of the i.uirtr ..i troet cotuntltteo to ho h.i Ttn iiiiv m iuv dir nail Th Third UH luil)tnlwauai 1 10 bo paid lor h) thn KruiMHi ,. er In a dUtrlct Mirfa btukf vtat, not by thno alone the iiirj, ed. a In othrr tr, Tklt, u property ownt y w, t utLnu cost lighter upou th owixHttUs abitlling property uwinc ia (t ui. er street twins Ur,iniM u Improtvd nUeet up the Hill till Other trl the rod U u. 4ed 40 per cent In Ik tktU properly, and on TMrd trtlthtl pef cent agsltt.t the thsittlsg M. -My Hubectltw tor th. lUri4, H tstH woath lit IndU 9 tT rrttt til lb Wnaft raitnot rrd or rlt When baby mCct wtth xiat oma llchtng kln iroublo. vu Txtib Olntmtnl. A lllito of It tw leaj way and It I f for cklMrea. fWtj reals a hot at til drug itnr. Herala'sClassiyAk bad yw rellete your bewslt: raawvlM all ta body's urlaoua watt, ahw yw aava l.H'-bi. sidt ttsiist. iturmmmi your stomach tour, toagae la And when th weather la have rbtumatle twlagaa. Taa ark Is cloudy, full of sduaaL hanas ottvn get r. water acalda aad y are obliged to seek relief twa r tarn timet during th algat. Klther coasult a good, rallabl aay- tlclsn at one or get from year paar- mtclst about four eaace of Jad Btlta; take a ublttpoeafal la a taa of water befor breakfaat tar a law days, aad your kldaey will taa at fine. Thu fsmoaa salts la atada traai the sdd of grapa aad lataati lalea. combined with IMhU, aad aaa used for gtatratlaaa to alaaj tlmulste sluggish kldaaya, ala u aeulrallta acids a la aria nkit loagtr Irrltatat, tha aadtof Uddr weakn. Jad Stiu U a Ufa aavar far rttraUr meat eaters. It m IisijimIt. aaa- not Injure, aad make a dlla1itralH erferstcent lllhla watar drtak. (Advertlsttatat) Tha KlsmsUi Valley Warehonso will ttorn grain and latua warahaaa reonlptt, I'hona 6, 6T-IW lr. II. II. Hasnlltosi la new laaalad la room 1, a aad a, la WkM MkldV lag. PbosMeW . FOR RKNT Mtaaejjgi4S orrici; iioouu- ctou. u it lh Odd r'ello. and WllliU kM- lags; beat Iccatlsa In tfc illy, let rft titnmnh, iiersid ornre, S-d NICKI.Y KUKNIHIIIM) tma h(td hoomtal ihoClnlrmotil. Mlla MISCELLANKOUS 0j0tm0l0m00000lri PUHM0TK.S,00ltAl,IIKIt..S0TAT -Igtl ptr. letter wtltUf Ml copying. O. II. Aihler. 13 SUtkst, phoa IT, MS FOR EXCHANGE m0V0t0WWt0www i TO KXCIIANtii; I h-ro.ita era huuto clo In, AUo g"cd " cnat corwef netr city htll. K. tl. ArgrnVM, ownr, I US Mtlu BU lu KKKMII IIAII.Y Oysters Shriftf Crabs All tHhrr r'Wi In Iwoto Peoples Market rtMssaaw fldl Mala H. - . ..,, w , "" sa'1 HHHtJHJHfaBBBBJBBB .. WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALg Wo keen at all time Uta laleal taMrta detHanilril by " Iml fralaralty, Vour preecHpUeaa ara raead by reatsfereil pliainuirlt May we aot aarv y7 UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY a. 7, I f t "-!. SJ1 Tadara saws Ml TM Harald. ir j- "!'- w'OSi -T -,ft- I .&' .-... .. ... ... . .. ,Mj ,,