wr V fri -' '- 4ft "i,. i 1fj ?H.,Ait! K, !&.l Sir? ',', ll4" i t PRINTS THE y. ;t KLAMATH PALLS' .... OFFICIAL NEWIPAFEU "O ''J . ft 8WIUUC!T4NEWS V" - j. - r.-- a-f K' Z T t BMBSBaaar i . I S' r " a ,- Rli4KW5fM((l"' XHtt- - rwMWMIl'H'", JU Jr. t;s-iaa3i': irimr TT"n r "" V'.. HI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1914 Xle irar ' ! 1 sml mam mamm .asi IBaw BB .BBW WSTfaaV g JMHB.M easaamssr V inritiui x&iunuui im'TBrTH'rifT -" r''"fT5--rTTTTfm-riiprT-TrTgs PEOPLE WERE DECEIVED BYTHE Photograph of Great German 16-Inch Siege Gun I eaasaspsassssassi MMmmm is i Hwmmm ai ii 4 himmm rtwwMMMa m , , . - . 1 M III I. . j l IJBLn?v " .sam saw ' ifaa f aemamamaksamamamamams r - ' -Bsv-iF .. qaaWtjsaV ..TTM aaVYaev,BTi" ' il' tJ. ...smsm -t "r Tj'-'.fcJftfct!wMtet'BWu' JWWttwiAM.'iriM wSJI uHBESBCticalBB 'sammme.' lamma! ivFiiHlEHHHiBByiiB BamamBmaB?MsE$-?' PHHJVr1'! MuHDHHIHBwH Eaw$& MHBMHWWMBMIMMMMWMIMBMBHBfjKBWBMWlMMiilMMiBBBBMMH&35HMBMBMi ft COUNTY COURT rAW ',MMt ',,M ,,KAI' ,H" MIIT FlHIM Till! 1'WM'l.K . at. ..a .. 111 ,.T Wi'Ulrli ! 1 f"wm mi .ii ,illl. !"' ,,B ,,M' VrHltlm I IVMNir '"" '" 'r ImIiW. tUl l llrrit tjr HntlM tlmM'i.uMi llwmk rf (be WUMr CWiil". 'W(rU I''1 f a M'ttmy, U Ote ! ' ,ii"' tMDty tr i"'1 ""' lirnt y. ibsr bti)tln Hr hnl t ltt (! ini'f'wJ "'I' "f '" lM( m puttlUtx-U tiy lh omnir ror, in MrteM ut lb KMnllljf i( tht. rourt lit. the rony' t'rojwri). Afford- M !) (tit term, ut ill" ltttrniFiH.t iW talr J"ifliftr Ihf fr? km r ib firm una linlldlnit lu Mr. J Nuki)t tot Uiv. mr. n4 In 4 4lilt u JouaUiik I'lm ' m nit ItMltet ib Uml tiJ (urntuhlnir tttt Mtirr w(hlnrr unit ImjiltwcuU Ht hkh o ftm Mm, they ll Mot iti frr um et ibs htiUM. WMhw ftJ furniture, mk4 pr ISO Ml. ,r ,r.,. h .h.. .-, W(h 4 tm aMM ,a a 7 elf, n)' of ihv hMnit r pUs v ' uliiK l iUr In ftlil tMn 4(wr mm limp nfur Ik. bllfUan of . ... , au?,nB h irJlM1 ,Utl lhey IUImm m.w.. f lt, wtu liwh Mhu,, n,, , Krw, .(ellwfr during I, utMU iMsitote wis- lkti , . WIBM, MWlI , T-nj, ,, wrfmbr rt Jrnl. .nfo ib "'j,H.ril;iMal i.rmlUIng ld dr ate ) bid brrn furlbrr KrMly -,,,,,. ,.,, lwd md Mlhcd, It wan found" ihal TU B, glW0 ug ,,;,, u un. Utguir win Imd nllsnijMfd l lm wtMfnr " l l "' WMd lb. tnli of ibcttniy iili 1 rt4,,un lu row4 WMOU unlw. It rtfmnfoioihfllnit.HdlUoimof m( Um4 t0 ,hoW lhftl H WM ,uud Wm, nl, dlhrr 1ltmlurll)f or ,Uf0 th opn eon. Tl lat Mkrc, lis J mnllted from llirlr . b curd frou Oaron Warden wwwwwwwwrw nawtwwwwwxwwwwwfrOMW j f Uf bof , who llM Jlt rtWIVtd B UP" (CotiUu4 on ! ) py for lbebnfflt of local porumtn Belgian Soil Still Scene of Battle Lulled I'rcM StrvUs . VAMH, OcU 20-lt l rumortJ hfrns llial the allien hT0 a.,mj tf...... . . . "k- . . ... .. - aL....!1 '"" '" "rn near trtimil, IIIHier IIIL gunn Ol IIM) HnUM t If 1I1U U mj, It mean tfiat"tli? Orrmati ltl lx tnnUrnl freai liM) Tin-re- U iu .mcJal ((iiillnnalloi), IIkhikIi. " lvnunrrcllllnRiliiirMrt,f.ar Hint Uic ItrilMi. Arvt b ! rrci- neur tin- Fnnrfl(-l.in,Ma roaot lo. They clatatlfcat aa aIMM rrfi rillipf n narnl nrlK-idc or nn wrrtj- ilrlnclutwat re)4 wytiato-teadV-s ,? , '' tV . rniifnKC iherr, under ilie jjn of I lie llfhUU llct. IHU nllrriicmn' ottliial tAt.s)irat aiotiMT thml lbi i.wiU. nmtriJ.il iivg.n-yi. ut iuanr,NtiiU tn lite luMllr tW. 3 -ItNff rf til' ii fcnufcii itiM la tin? ri 1 .iikkihiJi j uMIlnl of Hie etfal U-lncU Wmi nun of Uu tiennan uruij'. !Iih inyiicrlou Invention ljf tbc Kru rijr Tin tri f Ktt lia 'aManJ diiwn Hi firu of AnlWfrp, I Uk, .N'amur and. AlaubcuKu so far. Tito calibre rnnr lw cotnparMl lo lb' li.Jir of 1I10 .i.IIpi iiatlix II lmui pfolrtillw an largp n a man's Xml) TliU Run I masni-d by Autlrlait oldlcn. ' " GAME TA6S MAY SAVE TROUBLES VILLA CAPTURES PAIL FACTORY IS COUNCIL TO HOLD PEACE DELEGATES VERY BUSY PLACE. STILL MORE MEETS (V nr. 'Ili. IUIlei huhUnK the line at Viewport. Ml Mm4t' imk alMBNM' Itlirr '!, nrr (1tlnrrrl to be mahtUfalnc tUc tklrmir dMfkkr. Jh iaa-f ' iiK., nr ittt rhniun. J'i. ' '"" T Tli f.'tniiaii. Mill JioJJ lrnsl' iiiturbc! udraMCtl 'Tfilifa ! Ik tiHiiliy or Lllli but rlrfc I Jltti, jcciioral cbtmc in .lluii'ilUcrivJnH' CifMimnJutrr Irldl il.-H-fulrljr In Wirrk llu- Kirorli ofTrtviitr trnm Hw rlH Tfie .nt-ral trr ronflr lnakirk Mire, rtkttt m j Miit there, and to the nld of Hut Jlfljtian troops aloac Ike Wtftr fit 1 , it- ini irtiirn in uwilluilKII an IfH rijini. 11(lil ucuol ilirlr iwmuH mIouk tli MMfw, ami liare ' Mllutn. Many Ih-Hcvc- that Ihv itHmhI larinti ir Alsace laiiKlhlr form. Mrtz U bctleved'tb br theobjrrtlTe! H' w "..? il ,' '!.. ., S. .r! VA "8fi i -M lUrOVim THAT AXVllAMi:fl..tllKIMl:nmTIH THAT UKIIKIj ,KW MACHIXKHV M AllDHU. AMJsSIOXS TO UK HKM FlltNT, ClllrlK, WITH A 111(1 MIMY. OLVTIIACT IH JUST HKCL'KKU HKCXI.X't), TH1H11 ASV FQl'RTH ItoUXtW l!l AM. HIT (INK Hilt l-'IKTY CARIXIAIM ft)K Af MOXI1AV V.MGHTS OK KACH KA.NKAK CITV FIRM KIUT AITKIt HIMIS fMil. mi't hi: tahokh ki'iihkh i HAH TAtW XOW OI'THKKMIHHAItlKH MONTH IH-'.RKAKTKIt 1 ni','i'.wmi mMMllwwwi . :: If thn doiuand (or woudaa pall,' buckcia and butter ktta It aay kind of a buflMM baromelorTftrawcould be lot worae, for the bucket and pall factory conducted by Wood k lnu llcrvafUr. Instead of holding Hire meeting a month, the council will' hold session four tlmea In the name length of time. TbU-will be the four Monday, beginning with Untied I'm 8anrlc LAUKDO. Oct. 20.U la retried hurv that (lenvrat Villa, at the hoad of 18,000 iroo, entered Aguaa Call- nte today, and lm,rloiicd the peace dlgataa, repreufntlug hlmMir, Car- at Mil VaiiaIb. IHUiM pun a"r"w 1 j.l.a ILL . I HJitl I. ib... oaocm Hai.alhi.1 ! lit.. n.ncral Antonio Vllllreal. men- "'" ""' ...-. -. -- - --.-. - - Honed aa nrovl.lonal nrwldcnt to auc- ew now nutubera aUtijen mn. eouncllmeu. Hut Mayor Mcholaa. " . "' " : ..! " ," ,lwl(h a chanc of an enlamecnt bo-.l'ollce Judge Lcavllt. City Attorney In tbU rlty, la txsrl)- awraped by tbn'the tint Monday. ordt-ra that are cowing In. New equli)- lre of work, hoi need of an extra , Iorradavla- " c m UX1HX. Ort.,a. Sei-rral mornlnK paeent repuHs thai'tia aaMi Cnlttd Prix Service W ' " M '"'Mli barn' nrbrriipled Offend, to nmNtn thin. The Betglan legxkiai awd I be war. I ' ' 'v. ifi iawj ifK tat , tw 1.,- .- i-rf.3f .. i.l TT- . . WP .W3.Mu& VftKS wayM from IJIIe. Tiie allies are resisitiaa; the adraWi4'(M"MBMtfM' HMM Kx,yl..tlbf.ch4Brcof Daaktrk t riraihl to .wtcMMat f,if ' ' j war idaitN. They amert, thowgh, that thn BrMlah tu&' Pmicti raa makt thia Impossible. ,,., 'ftJWS-!'.. ., :-.. f..- .. !.. ", m' . : ." :-m.--J-'.R(. - f.. anMM ,w; v nWH nppjnCV Wf IViraHS SVSS 1WT t. j man artlllorv nu tills mombur -"- --.-i.-- ,----.... -1. ? -. Mha2x s t I jrft - ...5 a-5itT iw' i-Atl rirrann waa the Onll" one tOI""" " '" .... -.!... I Inir tifMWMfir before lona. eacape. Ho waa on uia way o ieic ". City. Tho Information cornea from prl vto tolegrama and advlcaa In a Car raniUta uaper bore. RESERVE SYSTEM STARTS NOV. 10 Jap (Cuitcd Vi f VSK0fMrtV Jil. US Jl en iHr&,r .HBJr '."H v -" ivime:uoMUOwi rr W! I -j '?! i, n- J iT iAvi rata' Senrta TAe Muroa GirlandHer Auntie" A uitimuttoad Im yasjardu'a laauo ol The Herald, tbla la lh erond nttlcls upoa Uta aubjavt u( ,HTha AdvarlUlug alodium and ttil AilvmllUMsU" Tin. pax, uadw tha tlUa of "Tito Mutual Ulrl and Her Auttih,' that Tha HrU will aotm fwluri, will bo a llvo ono III pull buslMaa WliyT Ilfuo It l twentieth century flan, tbtis laa't a man, wonau or child lu tha city at Klamath Kalli that will not look forward to Iho laauo of thta ig. twlco ocr WMk. I have alramdy looked Into ll tnyalf,aud know and Imvn t 20 women who bava apokett to m about It, and aald tboy wr reading ovary article, and aro going to continue lo mud It. Uutlotm Man, doa't fortf4 that ,hft w0mcu ot XOiUy nro U'V mlgbly factor In Um egpaadltura ot tlio nooda ot llio bomo mid tha fatally, Now, In regard to ihla atcond arilelaAdwriUIng I really Mlaamanahlp, throuib tha printed or ,mlitUd word, Tha auc cruful aAleaaa kaawa hla ware, proini thorn o thoy will attract attention, aretieam A walutalna Interest, rrentea dMlro od atlmulatw, Bd, aoaatigM. force, purchaau. Here, In a guUhall, yw bavo the aecret of Iho "liullltig 'l vortteenant. It MtMi ho haK lo attract attention, to arouno nd malaatn latefett, to creata Oealrc, and to atlntulato purchaao. Hut whore tha aeJsewaR ran (oroa a aale, th advortUemonl can oi. It can atlraulato tht purchnao only, Horo l thq harder Mk or tha admtlaawent. It mint not only croato n dealro. but no htnlfy thai daalre aa to cornel action. It U bo bitalitcaa of "IverlUlng to 'compel action., But to do that u; advertlaortionl Mt nuggoat wotlvea that wlU iml Iho ctulomor to purchBaa tbe ndvartlaad artleto'for W owitHsraoital baatplU,' TmVeyHooUo)i'i4T-lrtlalig ta. iugaalloH-auiigeatlon ibat tompela daalra and actlou. iii.iaatioH l adverlWn" cU through tha'Hva aaaaaa, kt Ha waal forcofut apiaal la through I'oraoaal Interest. - , Tl.UUthed.flaltlonof advfirtUliig of Uwl Wiley, preal dMin of tba DaHy Nawipapir Club, ah' tatU.oty on adyertWnf In America, r ' ' -' 4V Study your aa;YrtlewMta, " Aro they built to attract gttontlonT Do they arouaa ad gaalntnln IntnraatT o (hey creata daalreT , Io they atlmulata ptirchaiaT '' ' " ' ' Third lf4aiJJr1waWiV lflid WIT. STOREHOUSE TO BE DONE SOON kltOwT I'lttMIF WAKKHOCHK IS UK- IXH tXlXHTHUCTKH AIVIOIXIXO HAILKOAH TRACK HV HUPPLV HOVHK T!.o firm Im juu doted a contract I with a Kauaa City firra that call for fifty carload or the product of tho local concern. Aa aoon aa freight ro'e matteru art' aetlled work on tbl 'rir It rlll hn utarted. ' Itolde thl order, Swift A Co. and other large concern are Making -jl iuU I lIDLU 111 c,..l.lw of tho local concern, and (hre$ IMIII I lHHUCll uU. . M V Ituteulc, City Engineer McLean and . tho nownpaper men. Who drag down4 uo oxtra money for extra attendance, ;sKt'HICTAHV are not elated at the prospect of de voting twelve ot the thlrteeu Mon days In each quarter to council meetings. i TOKYO. Oct. 20. TaA , light cruiser Takachiko 'atnteka man tniuo off Kaio Chaa hareer. sanlu Klghteeu of the craw hj iit , ?iji OK THUlSUllV AX XOl'XCl THK HEGIXX1XO OKIsavad and 344 lost. vlu.n:Brvrv TrI No further detette werCiw.ITW aja,a ii wvaaaeav.ivf uhhv OX THAT DATK '"W& "W Ttur.llrrt vna Kullt (A,1ltC -i , anwvuau sraaB ' ' wAR'TAX BUJU M "'. '4. ..i' "J-., ? ' "Wo oipect to have tho concrete work on iho tructure.compiewu o the lal of tho week," ald Arthur C Iwla, of tV Kannera Implement and Supply llouao, poklng of tho ware Iiuuho thu concuru I building on Sixth utroot, near Market. "Wo havo a large crow at work, In order to get the utructtiro completed In tlma for stor ing ot thl year' cropa." Tho wnrohmue being eracted la ol ..nBM-nirt two atorlea man, wim a baaotnent, Tho Itoora nro to ba atx Inchoa In thlcknca, nnd tho itructur will bo tit led lu atortng potatoes, araln nnd other producU farroora and commlMlon men will market later In tho winter. Thu building adJolna tho railroad track, and haa a frontage ot ii ieev along It. Tho atOe or tho triauguier bnlldluK facing Sixth atreet la 183 feet In length, and tho Market irwt length la 108 feot. (, ' " Aniiounceiueut waaraado by the Canadian I'aclflo Hallroad September 28 that tho operating departmenia oi Ita oaatorn and weatern llnea would eiploy 0.000 extra men within tha next two montha gor tha purpoee ot relleyjtm the dlatraaa' ";" about Naarly 800,000 women are employ. .aoaae big. IS INCORPORATED . ...... Mn.. ,. mWMAAft m .tu trin flttM.. rnaabaAliM nThl llatirer 1'acklng company, ljaAn-f uvlta haa contracted with the plant for a year's aupply ot aUty-iwuad Urd j poll, nnd thl order alone la quite an Item. .,, ,.0.. ,.UiM-iuriv ia Erkii.'it i, A,r,r, ,. .- s.-. . v.w..w ', iieaiuea ne couirscw, m wu-i cern haa aucceodad In aeUblUhini: a good demand for It product all over tho coaat, Tho output include canoy imlla, jelly pall, tlah Ball, pickle pall, lard pall, butter kJU and pack age, etc., and this week three car load arc being chipped to til order that are coming In conatamtly. With tho addition ot hi machine ry, the plant la now tarmla out 600 finished bucket and pail a day. Yel low plae U being uaei la ,tuo con struction ot the moat of the Bail and bucket, although white tr la uied tor tha butter container. The firm la using Ita own Umber, aa It haa a tract 4 mtlea from Klam ath Pall, on tho Fort road. It will aoon be figuring on purchaalng more timber for uo In Its plant. Submarine Sunk by a French Ship UuUid Preaa Samoa LONDON, Oct. 80, A, newa agency dlapatch from CettlnJ aaya omclal confirmation l given the newt et the tlnklng ot an Auatriaa aubmariae In the Adrlatlo by U Irenek eratoer WalUec RoMeau. The look place north ot Cattar. Two attbmarlaea aUaeked the trulief, which was eonTeyta a trans port. jTha French erew alMTef4 the attempt In time to atak one etatt by ,'a breadeld aatve, WITH THE CAPITAL STOCK HI V1DED IXTO FIVR SHARES OF $ 1,000 EACH BKFOsW.COil I JsblaWr, W IfnlfMl Praa Sorvlre i " WASHINGTON'. D. C, Oct. 20. aloJ Preaa SaaTrtea , V , Secretarj- McAdoo or the Treasury l " ?i"-.Yv"" Departraent today announced that thejTbo hu tWVaatta'war.li ball federal reserve bosrd plans to Inaiig-fto the conference m.'flta$ Keraia sata mat ne aa etaen eaaaaw- urate tho new currency system on No vember 10,. by the opening of the twelve regional banks ' ered the 81.75 taxiea beer tee algb; nnd demanded a reduetlM. MoArtnn nn thut.bv that time, fa-' .underwood. KltCRea, cllltlw for the receipU or deposit PnB wero chosen a the keaee eea trom member banks will" bo In opera-f terete. jtlon. and that tho redlscountiug with i.r. hnv enlinl available Will be CWUliam Kocaewier.. users r. "" " r.l . 1 D.i.'i.-..J naKer, vnarjen . oiwmi mmm 3?" 1 4 t M ' . y( .ii u. "'I 4'1 1 t.i Article ot lncororatton were tiled with County Clerk Oe Lap late Mon day afternoon by tho Lamm Lumber company, tho Incorporator being W. E. Lamm of Danville, lllv: F. M. Do Neffe and J. L. Conley of Portland. Tho capital stock of 15,000 U divided into flvo ahnre. Tho concern's ptmctpal place of bualneaa U Klamnth Falls, and ac cording to the articles tiled. It pro poaea to own, construct and operate logging railways, lumber; mill, etc., buy and aell timber and lumber, elec tric current, etc. This concern owns tho 266,650,0Q0 feot ot lumber naar Odessa recently sold by tho forest service. No an uouncement haa yet been made aa to where tha mill will bo built. s.fhytoa" resigned aa'.sVroaterael'.taa Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mu rray! New York. blew. Haven a4r IteirMeH left this morning for San Francisco. They will spend the winter in Call torn lu point. -sl Railroad company at a Ini; of the board held at Near Terk, -.- County Display Goes lali.i. ' . &aaS " Prododsol County Will Be Skawi at v fc Pt'ofeaaor Aal of Christiana Uni versity, propoaea that tho Nobel prise money for tho best work done during each "year In the cauae of peace In physic, science, etc., be consolidated In a fund to organise an international Only 88,000 alien eatered the port ot New York during September, com pared with 108,504, September 1818, according "to inure .obtained at Kill island. About 85.00Q Amerleaa ref ugee arrived at Njr York ,'inrlaf the month. $ ' ' ir Ktumath county does not make a great Impression on the people aW tendlug the Manufacturers' and Lana Producta show, to open In Portland Monday. It lll wpt be the fault et Klamnth' Chamber ot Commerce? lor it has, nasemVled an excellent display m . V... i.'Hl &&ll t i ti Tt . -i . "i . jk. 'a: ... t, Prt,.bf--"tS'fc4 th?sevf ". "r. :t VV.,H..'t ...- T't-SjTaJ,, l- . .V Lll.lt with thi. Tata wWisrtS) tms..j .... . . r w7V-;.y. pair a' tow daya,la.,wIeksto'aiiPf ''.-id. tho dlsplajr manner, P ''.!B'?!Wrl5i. '-" & alaplay, arid give intormatloa . regard- fe t,e"l4t la Pertmad a a inWHbla-riectloa. V; V . agklgiMA" "' .Rlower. and Olal-ler.v'leaye lank, TfffrsafcmiW All (.fined z-.-'rrr & l. ti ,i '. v.i f vna, sfm;m- , jttmM'i.JfM: : In ta d4ay.v'Tw aa f .: of tho product ut Klamath cpnnty the dlajmtat .Ullf JJfJfa for dtaplay. In addition, It la aendlng tu Fort Klasaa flhKtrM.8W wl Secrotary George O. Blower and Conn-; behowa, l. iJsmT .- ty 'Agriculturist Qlalayey to.Portiaa UeTiv seewred Jor, tko , laaiam i to. ho in cnarge oj iae tviawsin jj internaioaat.sa biiii rf &?;. ii jk a::'::.1.., ""rzln th? -r ta"S ,.J-..'.a44'i4L lift . i..7 1 . -- "l""1" v. wwwwwwawssMWswwwwwwwwwwa aaaaaaaMiasMisiaia'i"i'i"'i JiSl" feb ..ay s P t4r d4arrf Vv i- M, rs ter -.va . -is MJweHHWW . -t J. t-v ;fi . L5ffl