J vS : 1 . PKlNTi THE KLAMATH PALLS' o HEWS WM1LK IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NKWSPAPIST joMfJCWS-" jm,im""ri'"1fTt"',-"v""J -"'' Miilli Year No. WH KLAMATH PALLS, OUatOON, MONDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1914 AWE " MU. nT m V, JL , t 11 Jti? feitPtttttti ittalii BSeamS" B - avmBHHHW vhhmvw 4hhh BBB aBBr aBBr enaBF WBBJaeBnn'nnem BanBBr "BBB-aWBae eBBST WBBBaBB stuiw.i i. .. .. -tt--g.j in,r tii rCT...,.... fitr-rrm m i ii in i i li ran I iiii nn ri i i i r-rri r ''' ' ' ' ma n i n ARE SIEGE 6UNS ; MOVING FOR THE DUNKIRK FORTS? New King and Queen of Roumania ii mmEM rwiWjtm are w rfliif BsvRI I uccasionsuy Hi m nittory or a nwppr, particularly ou represent jlne political party. It besom r lo decide between what might be Norrt'itHAM 'lllSrttTt'll "IT IH M4" ttVn Xttne U "flrMKiUtM I'nuii llrli Ith r '' Ihtlle Trwtw Air lllia lUalvaaanl, IMl uf Hip t'rerl HllealhtM i:rr. ,( IIkIiIIb rllntt4r uttllt of IhlrtMl Vow. I'tlUd im hervlta J.0NIK)N, Oct. I&.Atrcordlus Co t litll) Mail dUjaUli, reported, front Urlln. il (ffini (! uwrdei lc rtilh ittr IIpUUii (r)itilr ur H,r nwii. ami ,f mil" front aaklrk llf- ''' " (trroutixntK th" iw, r(tllliK lo the report, ftlttl II ftpxti l ilck Uunt.Uk. TUr l no ofllrlal ronnrniail-in of tKe trj by local itffUIl BBBBSi' BBBHySm4 sbbbbBb&. V BBBBBBBBWTvFh SJBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBhw. Bk BBBMnis 'IBJBJW aPaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTar l: ;:i"BBBB !' JbHEJ PMbhbbbbVX taalBBBaBalCaW kakV rW'PVkBBBBkBBkBkBV "mww bbbbbVX SMPraBr 'JJbbbbbbVX UmvJJ; I K lKfllBBBBBBBA Wr .J-' SSBBff SHLf!iialBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBi B V BTilBBS I lalBiBiBB : I BBBB im iBBBaaaBPO? .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl I BfSflfS 1 Hllt.JBfBf?lBfBfJlBfJ I BlHSlH '31 .ilKlKatiBilllHBr'ABilllllBlH bbbbbbbbbbbbBb ita aaHHBvlHHBVBBBBl VSaalSaalBaaV afB aSSBrBaKiSBalSaalSSSaalSNlBSH ' BaTBaTBaTHI Sfil ktBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBBBBBBBaHiaBW r l Mf! t BmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-BBBBB M bSbWMW'I BBWBVSiBBHV AWFbW i VaVCakMaV Vt :1 'WSbbWT 7TBiyjjps trtixldcrctl duty to Die party, an what In plainly I ho duty of the paper jlo Km reader atid the pvople It nrM.i i now tool mat mien a tim ba ar jrhed with The Herald, where I am railed upou either to me tb influence or The Herald toward arromplUhlue what I am firmly convinced would he lo chamber boosts jALLIES CLAIM THE FOR THE NORM ,m . uo rnrrn uiuunAOd uicuujj l.VTTV.M UKISU HKST TO ALL "l THK BOOttTKll UODIEH OV THK HTATK, AHKIM1 lil'FPORT THK HI I.L ' - ,OF Lulled I'reaaWrlat' Of I'AHIH, Oct. t9TJw 0ermm inraoa of Krtwce rla ThU U the intcrpretatioa aiTea to tate aflat glum lm brn checked, noon' romlaqac. ' Ifeadquarter, hlglilf optimhtlc, iKlleve tiiat the The followlut letter U helnc sent. .... . . . i .i .. ..... . . ... . . tn un MimnaArriai riuiM. niviotimenL KlaZl , aaaZT or Z T lk. and Influent!,, cimen. throu6h. -'. '-"-'-, H H e,.ecfd ai U,e propoeed Klaroalh couaty, or eUe oppo oaa, ... .. . ,. .... ,, t..u. ,J,i' mra., niu UM k. .h.i. of tlie letdtac eaadldatn for oc on r of comtatra-. Hotue iwedlrt that the Ocntiaai will eooa abaadea aU f the llepublleu ticket. , "Our club and the people of thlti -,.,. m. k- ..'iu k., .anukiiv ,tw iu e tb. U I hare carefully conaldered the ". in common with all Southern b8 a., ta' f;f of tlw aUW. m.l,.r from ali .K d ta. more SH7l7JS!1SlS SS " - tto dU,e U. aoe,,. repaka, C, ,iuudr I litest the more ptataly my KorB,i gch0ol at Artlind. We want I errry where. jUuiy appeara. both to the people of n,, .upport of eVery kectlon of the' H U reported by tae war oaVe that tlie aMet tpw faa) law Kumiui county and to tn republican aute. we leei tnat it u a mauer mail iac ta ttle aoraa. ii ah1j4 kaaaIuh "ttoh ar4v Tfrf Ir . r . .....UIU .v..v ... ,vr-.., .-. .., BelgUa rorcerfrBO coaceat rated aloag ta aaw Hm .i.i , .., -.ii.i.i. ii.., nr! eUhu froatler. drore the Otnaaai to llonllera, than aaHaa iiWTiaiiuu vt wua o-whv w putting our children In the handi of of Coatral. ,, leachcra who know bow to teach. Wei Tlu left wing of the aUIca U sdrunriux toward Lille, aaaj k would not think of hiring n lawyer ,-ria rn- HabUaa la tlte aetcJiborhood of Ijdtaaae. ltiaataaat who doe. not know the law; we call' iWman 0,,I0,ulott ta .! Mcttoa i aioet formlUble, aad that ta In the very beat physicians obtainable. ..u.-,i- , .n hire cipert hortleulturUts. but '"" " - - ..- . Trie latot wdr oSce Matemeat follews: A party as well. ItallH I'laa IWrflC IICUI.IN. 0, 15 (wlrelrw via Hay. vlllr, .S' J.) Arurdluit l lHly' um cUl uicrorul, tho general alluatlon In Vnutv and llelaiunt l not rhatiK t4. ThU m that the ttoopa ara be- Kiwe frrdlnsnd and qurn Mario, wedded lo royalt). It took two years tag remaned ta I ha Md, but tr'.,ii hat roruo li Ihft thrnin' in Htu.f -utialon Iwlure he would agrea ao dmiU. ,.M,U hy ihe de.ih uf Kins Cbarle. J" "rV ' eih ':r1lnc," ,,h TIk. Herman tight l conilnunu.ly) Uni-)i.ufar Tt... miven I ,,,r ,,M'fttt a,,r'",r" '"1 hrr Qermaa ta ctlu uh of a,t.nd, the o.hnr'" r u,"-)"u "r y" wn allunrv-lhrough her father being t,t hafng gone uth .oiflu Mr her lote affalri.. OimsIp j)uK0 of R,.c0,urg a rll a IJuke It U bBltlaltr admitted that . 103 "aUtitt li-r ha sonn mi fur many 'f Kdlaburgb. km. Ilnlaw tmrllraltv all tit llin )tr .S.r.r, wer lol when the HrltUh "h nurrlagn ., rVrdlnand and ftaUet.Undaunled sank four tlTmn'Mil'v ,,1 "M1""' erlroyera. m LOST "BOX" JUST RECOVERED Tcrdiitaiid U iipl to ihl day ?r n ba foriiuiinu hi youthful lur fur lU'lcii Varnrimni, the moat bvauilfiil wumaii In Ituumanta. the daiirhler f one of th country mt nnhlrt famllU-. Klne Charlea wa de irrminrd thai lln prlnco should be l'rinceju Mario oon learned of the former lore of Ferdinand. Her own aAaMte aie'iiumeroo and kaown to all Kurope. The RoumanlaB. ready at first to take tho tall, dashing, Prln- ceaa Mart lo their hoaomi, found the was cynical, unsympathetic, proud. and, worst of All, she was contemptu ous of the paopla over wham she aad her Uushaad war to ruto. Oirn. h 0cr Hhlve and other hunt ers a f' days ago. TIki phonograph and ome clothing fftt nioien trom tno nomo i . i-4. tL'M hv mT:iu Mll.rM KltOM I.KK rotiit mtlNUtlllAI'H mtuli: ItV J. I. TAtTAX IX fetTMMKlt tlr Ittlrt IH nry al Oltno on the night of July IS, .. ..... .. i . .l.iL .mb vm. I9l, utter, iua ciujuma - etad at the Tappan eralgTaul wagon when tt waa searched by authorities. Tho phonograph a hid la the brush, and It U supposed that Tappan planned to gat this on hla way oul of Olaae. Uasplt iu long aiposure. the "canned music" hot plays as good as ever, and today it was ukeu back to Oleu by Mr. Kinney. An rclm of the liifamniu rocord of Joha ItcWlu Tappan, acrusea aar uf a rrimlnal hmuIi upua hla Httl (hlldrm, hut released latar la Slskl )o rouniy, I heard la taa isaiag of a talking marhlna fear Rallaa fre I aPaai aaakd "AaMMMMfWMWMW ii i - -i rj J -i"i ii "in -i1'-- ""1 aajaaaaaaBaBPaspvv ... - "pull" "The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie" A subject that ought ta laterosl avtry business man, WIS ADVKKTIMINU MMMUM ANI TMK ADVKRTWKMKNT u...i .t.. .....i ....hii.ht in Hi Herald clusirly, This I" II one of tha irat of four arllclas that will appear in the Herald. What MAaaaailfutaa as atWMl MA VsttTI XSalBlfiUi I Why doe. oaa a.vartbaMaant "pull" and mother not "pull." How la an aaftrtlaemant to be judga, wneuin .. -. or not? , Wht Is ft i aacrat of lb admilsaut that "pull. T Can you answer these queationa, Mr. Adrilar, to aaiUf) our owa aUadt , ..... hould ha aata to luwtr to youraelf, whether you spend ono dollar j . .. -.' . . u.i..ik.a i ia ni nniii?r. niiiaiHattfiui (or one IMaaajM far MTMTMIRg, wne "- v-.-. - -Prograai, alllaaara. street car aiga, plclura show, or what not ad VMtlaiag, Taa or t.u Ova yenra,ao adyrtlsag waa wiMeh inat m r UMtlng m a ttiattV9r,tlM! fllUl" t tha wlwrtUln tolUMor. Today we demand cta. Vafd.liitnd roaulla. When wo apond a dollar or a million for avirt'' " u,t know ufor,l,a lhRt ihU amount la an lnveatment, ota aipeuso. JlowT By studying beforthinrt our mIm prohlems lh medluma to b used and tho advertisements lhaaaWoa, " . STUDY OUH AUVKIITI8KMBNTII. ARB THRV BUILT TO ATTRACT ATTKNTJONT I0 TIIBV AROUBK AND MAINTAIN NTKRTT DO THKY BTIMULATIC I'UItCHASEHT PO TIIY COMH'KI. ACTION T . " . , Oct your Advorliaaiutmt Iu ih HrratdJ we will lak car of your cupy aud make It PULU (Thli article will ho contlntusl tomorrow), nannY The local conditions, the peculiar aurroundlni. your partloular lrd In this district, require quit a dltartnt ferm of advrtllng MoaUaa; in. in cotton rpaiv" u .ij v hat It would la Alaska,, Mutt, Moatu tht raa-dlitrletKetllforfl-h '. x i WMWMWWMMWDMMaM MORE PHEASANTS FOR KLAMATH CO. (WMMUMtOKKK LOaMCH NO TUtK IN OLTTIKO INTO HARNNBH rXH TMK OOOO Of THIS ffKC TION The Klamath Sportsmen's Assocla lion has Just received nolle from William I.. Flnley that at the raquaat of CouimUslouer C, F. Stone he hat Instructed the superintendent of the stnln game farm to send sliteen crate of pheasants (19)1 bird) to Klamath county for llborntlou. About iOd of these game birds were received and liberated In Klam ath rouniy this summer, and ar do ing line. These bird are liberated on prUnte farms In th county, whri the owner ngroo to see that they ar given proper protection. The letter from Mr. Flnley Indi cate that the phessanta are to b hipped this fall, Just as soon aa the ncccary application blanks ar tUad out. allowing where th blraa ara to bo placed. Tho Association rafiwta Hint anyone In tho county dastrsmg a crate or more of thos pheasant for liberation on lb farm should notify the president Chu- I. Roberts, ot W. O, Smith, acrtary, at once. Dr. Uebkaacht, th Qerman so cialist who was rportd to- haw been shot to death at th beginning of tho war, Is now roportod to hare delivered on address In which h said thni "th., minuUi any attempt ta mado to Incorporate Belgium or any irt of it In Qermany. that mlauta the boasted unity ot Qerman partii will dltappoar." U i the Meitlean Francisu de la flarra ambassador to Franca, has telegraph ed hi resignation toth cansUtoUaa allet gortrament otMealeo.' Ii in roiivlaced that the re-election I if tlltllSA VratAli tl fftiis snAPA 'iill he nothing lea than a raltmlty lo Ihl rniinty, and for this rtason 1 feel the people are entitled, through llm Herald, lo Ixi Informed of eaisl Ins facts In tho affair of the county, I which heretofore they have not been Ifrmltted to secure Uimugh sny of the neHpaers of the county. In ojiponlug Judge Worden, I do not feel that any unfair advantage Is being taken of him, as he still has the upport of lb Northwestern, a demo cratic paper, and the other papers of the county, wkiah bar a leaaing to ward the progress!' party, if Jadge Worden cannot get a fair hearing thiough the medium. 1 am willing to do the right thing, aad permit him to ut The Harali w , Th Herald supportedSsud helped elect" Judge Worden four year ago. It stayed with him during the 'recall election, bee j use It believed he was entitled to trrr hi full term, so that he mlghtihave tufftcleat time iawhlch to demonstrate what he could do. - He had four years at the Job, and has utterly and absolutely failed. This he wilt have to admit himself. He waa advlccd by loading republicans that It was hi plain duty to tae party to stay out of the race, and let the people nominate some republican for th office. He kept delaying his deci sion from day to day until it wast too i t late to place any other man on the ticket? II was tkua able lo secure the nomination by default, and not because he was th choice of the re publican party. yhetber Judg Worden la a repub lican or not, neither he nor the repub lican parly can tad proper objection to a truthful review of hla adminis trate of county afalra during the past four years. If thla should show that Judge Worden Is not a compauat or proper man for the position. I be ll ve thai the republican natty woald be stultifying Itself by tryaac to fate him' on thopeopia. . It Is th duty ot vary aaaa and wo man ot either aarjrto ant, as far as In their power, tail Uair party Is creditably rpreata in public ofic. They should take prtda la aalaeUng tha most capabl man possible fee each and every ofnee. Unless they d this they cannot egpeet tha support of tho people. j The people of Klamath county have followed Judge Wordaa through four long years ot quarreling. Seating and dlaentlon, which has mata tn county a Joke all over taa eaaat. laTastors and homeseekers lag to Klamath county are Informed ot te internal strife cltlng hm eator laar ranch Weed, and by tha time they arrlva t the depot In Klantata Vails they are ready to lake tha aoai trala out. Instead ot Klamath oounty growing and prospering ait laaaUUsd to, Easterners and prUTl.sttrs MMWWWtMk r I un-' we hire cipert turn our children over to 'raw. trslned teachers who hae to learn by "Efforts oa tlte part' 6f the Genmins to utlMse years of experimentation on those I , rortnl iUport aad east of DU Mu.U liave tame chlldrea. We haven't undertak-. mA B(Jj(Ulw. t-n n mnvA In httr onr school COndl " "" "- - -- - - . . . ib a a J. I .in. .h. r. h..M'l hn hrotitht sat towaru tMUiiers, mewywo huh. irons w cumm. against the lack of training for th'e teachera. "ffeaca this normal school. vtuCbj Is solely for the purpose of training teachers, Is of great concern to this section of the state, and we bespeak for It your hearty support. Yoa know your section and Its people better than we. hence caa better Jodaje how that support caa best be exerted. We have la mlad. ot coarse, the local pa' per, -It ought-to get them, on the thoroughly logical plea that by your helping Southern Oregon In an effort that Is Important to them, -you wilt be In a position to expect tho help of that section when you-necd it. And we can assure you ' that reciprocal help will bo forthcoming." She heavy have cheaasetvea i aaagaaattol t'nlted Tree Service LONDON', Oct. IP. it I aaaoaaced tliat the BrtMah I traifftitrad oat a the result o hard SfltMteB.? It la i imwHlag of laat aiabt'a aaaoaaKeaseat that th tie hack thirty aeSea. ' The DrttWi, ta a aerie of .heavy engagements, preveatesl van rma altarkiac-Daakirk from the soattu Tha Gn assas. resaforced, avaaced weUward of UHe toward I he JMUah-nkmag... t. -rftrrtt Ptr ,-4 jt-V TO DEMONSTRATE CHOLERA SERUMS KLAMATH-LAKE MAILS NOV. 1ST CONTRACT FOR CAKR.YING MAIL FROM RLV TO LAKEVIEW IS - AWARDED. DO OLD TIME SS3U VICK WILL RE RENEWED of Agricultural, will hold tlons here In December. ' Dr. Knowles wlU spend days In 'Klamath county. .fraajT Da cember T to December 16; Dnrtaac that time he wiH vlftt all parts' ef taa county, giving" lcturs aad mskiag fiemonatratlotts aid traatiag aaga ta BE I prove the worth of the new serum. O. A. C. LNSTRUCTOR WILL HKHK IN DECEMBER, AND jwhlch the government And la of grant I COL'XTY AGRICULTURIST 18j value In preventing th spread of the ! disastrous swine dlseaaa. i ARRANGING MEETINGS Mr. Glalsycr u at work arranging ' tfor tho meetings, and. any aec'rsiaar i WWVWWWWMMMMMMMMOMAMMf (Coatlaaat .aa taaa ) 1. M. Cory, of the Consolidated Stage company, has received a tele gram trom Senator Chamberlain, ad- vising him that ha has been awarded the contract for carrying the mall beta-sen Lakevlew and Dly. tho portion of the Lakevlew-Klamath Falls route that was abandoned when contract were re-let laat spring. Mr. Cory state that he will have the line In operation by November 1. It will be dally service, seven tlmea weekly. Autos will be used and con tinued as long as weather conditions permit, atter which horse stages will he Inaugurated, This conies as good. news to all con County Agriculturist H. Roland Glaiayer la In receipt ot a letter from the extension division ot the Oregon Agricultural College, stating that Dr. W. Virgil W. Knowles, la charge ot the demonstration and educational hog cholera work being done In Ore gon by the United States Department Interested In the lecture aad the serum can get more specife lararaka tton from Mr. Clalsyer. Lenftae Meeting. t Thero will be a matting; ef ta We- I men's Civic League at I: ! Umartew at the neat Room, at tha Caaathar Commerce. All members ar faaaaat ed to sttead. Sa53E5 War Names a Conhision Savants Outline Rules for Pronuntiosi Ry CARLTON TEX EYCK (Written tor the United JrPeasf ceraed In this section, and especially I ,xeV YORK, Oct. 19.-rPronounc- to th settlers' along the route, who have suffered great Inconvenience sine th stage line wsb taken off th trst of July. Lake County Examiner. NEXT EDITORIAL 'SESSIONS HERE WILL BE HELD NEXT SUMMER AT PELICAN BAY LODGE LOCAL NEWSPAPER MAN IS HONORED BY ASSOCIATION According to advices from Oregon City,' wher the Oregon Editorial Ab sedation hsa'beea ia asaslon, the aaxt convention will b, bald at; Pelican Bar. on Uooer Klamath Lake. This was after an Invitation Issued by Ed ttor Sam Brans of tha Northwestern Mr.,, Brans was eweted vlos presl dent of 'tho organisation for tha en u tag. year. B. B. Brodl. puhllshsr of taa Orafaa City atarKtoa, u taa praailsat, aad Php f , Bates aeeretary, Ins war names is the newest and most popular form ot amusement In Man hattan these dnys. Some ot the Jaw breakers and tongue-twisters uncov ered tor the first time by theJEuro- poan war Inve been glon as many different pronunciations by the gen eral public as u certain manufacturer has brands of pickles. Therefore, au attempt has been made, In the Hat which followa below, to give tho correct, or at least aa near correct, as possible, pronunciation ot tho names that ouo seen every day or two in stories of tho conflict raging tu Europe. It should be borne tn mind, how ever, that It Is utterly Impossible to Indtcste exactly tho sounds employed tn pronouncing soma of the names. Some of them you eaa't describe la th English language. Hera's ,oa for which a professor steads naaitM:. Ta Iraa U .;. rf sound (equivalent to ta?OarssS U with the umilat mark) as aa, alent la Engltsh. To make thq eeaad) purso the -Up as taeugk' m.lsay O. but say E instead. The aamafastloa produces the French soaadlai'af U. The French and Belgian names are, as a rule accented oa all syllables. To' an American tney wouia seaaa aa though they were aceaatad oa taa laat syllable. Th Amerieaa werda afa generally accented oa the ftMjpsa. UM. . . . ' In tho Itot below will b fouad aaaM' uordsmaravsaaaaal. Tegatlaaaar. rect souad. for Instance, ef the rraaea) ? word men (my) tt m preaafMM aa- though spelled mawa, tka lettoy.lsj" ," however, not being soaaaad. Mil JMtt J dying away wit a nasal twaafr' 1 r as though' tha ead ef saw- V to creep owtUbrnaa!PW stuek thrs, FeraanB,le Mai n got stuek there. sapwajjm i iJ,: J ?: v if : Vi H- '" 4l 1 T 1 saa"ssawiiVwV ' ' " iaaaaaf Ultffld , i..G!i.Jte hitfu.- ."ie-,- 8 iins': .,h A . V'U