q- ..... . , "''" .i .. .3, r " -.-v'i t i' IteraU v -4 "S 'ri PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS j ? .OFFICIAL NEWSPAFBX NEWS WHIMS IT IS NBW8 h untna 9PfliPftlHirwNBst"W w , v... .1 1UU Mnlli Ywr-."- -'-" 8Y STAND TAKEN BY BELGIAN KING ,i nn.T, meiii: timmiw ami: i:i.ihtkh 1 HiuKli !'" Urtllw M) lil All' ( i4 Ifelftluid "" ,dH"i1 l lite lirniMH lWr OwiMielliir Uair lo '.'Mrr Willi KaUrr Wll. hrlm trHllt llto Gmrrnmenl of Tlul IM.iilM. . , l'DllfJ l'i H-nlte MlNDON, Oct lt. :nitUn4, t ,il,j ij' the detlaradon or Kluici Aiutt of IMcium that MnliliKr he r j ik.. nuM-it lll accept ftlnm, and! iK( M UUIn iiruty .III fWttlQltftJ In illiitt Hi le UU Tt" llrljlsft tlC will l I'M j !! II l iilri ht IttU MI ltlt !. iVUitil rililiie nnollifr i-tliritl. iU. in lln ninllliKhl. I'frtufjlln EK6LAND STIRRED I -fHufjil"n of HrltWh irrrulU tj(r aimminremuni lm Jut been made initml. u li U bellere.1 Uiiititl William. J, itunif, (tm lulh who Vrlttt 'tll- VI TI irialnl JlfflctlHy ii ibi iumilft wrfo lAckina ilit ih mod rfflrlrnl iiunrlprmntlpr . Va ti In Hip frnl. rri itrJ4 Mr. littl Kllrtiener I tmrlln ilMrmrfianimlon of I III ilntarttm m. m4 Ii l IninUtilne rjulimtni nl; t!j n,Mfh nuifP ri'lillr. l'liJ l'r Hnlf IIUIII.IS', (tU Th llAKUe), Oai I!. Tli r omro utimmnr Ittnl ' it(ltrmjMiln HrUlum Iuvp rlfptud ' Jn(ll(m llli I ho rlicfit wlnie or Hie, trmj In IVanro, nnit Utl tl liu- It t aiimuiiH'.-) dial ChnnrwIUtr, H4(liiutnn:litlttK lt tono l'i Kric: nltU0 lirrtilntiBUrrn from Anlwrrn li fffHifi in Dm ialior It In rint. l lliit tbU nlll rwttll In llirt mi. diifi)tiit ( a nw iUn rr llu KOTttflMHll of llrlKlllllt, It i ftnninuirl itml Uftletnm U M Mstln-ly In (J.riitnn liand. iir Ihrnl" i:nUrr-. U a lilghlr plped rm M that left th 'flur Howl" to Af. ftT mjoying their Unit lunch tfcete, for Manngwr tlarrlcli ha Juat iMUIIci 1m tnUl-.. and U now '"Ing hm elwlrleally rookl lanjhw, i,n,, R, n(M, nd , ,h? eenlng. Tlnf new ilepartmenl lm rl a illiilnrl hit. "The Mutual Girl iwlr foio "HI mwiii ! cm c"M4unH,)m TT", '" 1'Xl.K. ..,,.l. , l'"" ......WMX'1-, If'1 i -1-n.i-i.i-LTLruvu- in - -j-ij-ji.mij-i.n.rij-1- i .... .w-'"j Mr. i:ulue ma,",, remember one thiiiR In yur ndvertlK lK, ami that U thU. No ale wn ver mn'ls until mnn wan foiivlnced And tho reiiult U, that you imul mnUc Hie pemon under. iniiil lmfire ho U convinced, Ho eaunot underalnnd unle In tho (ixiilnnnllim ho enn un lertinml whnt you mean", and tho nvenigo human lieliiK Im ii tonildernlilo amount of prldt, 'o nil illtllke to own up to n tliliiK wo don't undowlaml. 1 Imvo hml men explain thing to me and )", " Von umU'nitnnil lii?" mill would nod my head. II Would lio'n roficctlou upon mynelf to do othurwUe, nnd I liave kepi on nodding my head, hut when tint explanation wna ilnl-lied I ehuugeil to n Inlernl Inntcnd of nn up-nnd-down mo llun ,ai mtt ulli Von cauunt noil to anybody unlit ho unilirnmU what you f miking about. i Hiiro your oxplaimtlon Ik uliiln In your ndveitlHliiK, Jnl I'luln comiunn voiue talk in your ndvortMnB two lime two I'Waiuo liulf of tho peoplo do not know technical term, t n nil be careful what wo imy In our letter and what w fy In our mlvortlilng, After wo have written thorn down, they atmut out In good 'hl type, nnd people wjll he very llithlo to "mlaeoniilnin our tiiciniiluir, nnd iheroforo, I y, be careful. "''id all the good Ihlngi Ir. The Herald Monday. WWWWWWWIIWll"l"'f' HWU' W I ,. I i stJ- A Tl Hf,y .,, y f. Detective' Is Now at Work on Stories, Book )rrin, onrr ihff n(nlii ro- ,fiftfckt itM lin Ulfafint fat I..i.KmII jr-rf f - ftF i" ii ii fi4iii imi twii 'lJ'l'f flll llllirf llldl. It tM, ,hi..ll.u.l 11. a.MJt. t..l fa.i.t.,1 ll,r llr.,,.. 1.I..I frsu.l , . , , tr,. ih iton PranrWr 6,-fi . hHetiifore , .... . ckln, niiu"' ' djnamltln. and in. . .. Is liis-j J 4 .t ! fc luk -ll Jkl ls.a. j la. rr(r) Id rrwfl lnftlj;nilt.ii In ' ' a Special Program at the Baptist Church Tlu Wiuiirn'- MImIom Circle and llin StiiMlay nchtxit of the Itafil-l ehurch lia prjwtel n peelal r Kram for loinortuw rrnlne' ervlc. "Mate .MImIou" U tho prlntliwl tln'iiii', A tor dial Invllntlon In ex. trlldiHt l nil to ntleud. rolluwIitK l the pmernm In full; Hymn Cmi-.reRatlon trrrlptur IteadliiB ..Kuperlnt'itilent llrrliiiufn llrmllnK ,.. ..Htipt. DeUp I'myer ......... Hev. J. II. Orimth Song. -"Keep 11 Holllng" .... Choir tiilrndncilon, Mr. II. 0. Chamberlain llecluilon . ..'... 'Tim IMoneem" Cllmbeth (lrlRh- tJ,.iiK .. "Mlwlonary llelU" Jttnlor tllrl' Cla and Her Auntie 1A " rwqu - "usmmm-, jBsotai3aariis KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, SATURDAY, ' iiMiny mali-d, Ian eutcmt thr lltcrar; Klll lliirnn In now hi wurL mi n ...rli.j r ,p(pfj(Vp trlr for marajlnc. Thin rgr ' jiIojI will to imrllr nulotil- Stiihk4l, nnit will bo In tlio main HlUllUinl UWIII HCClinl MrlMIC( of MfMtl ""I VUt ""J ''! "?'? llentd the storte, li U niKrtci 1W(, ,. , ,,, ,,,,,,, a ,1O0l ..i t. I . ..... I . . 11 of hU "iiiemolm." IKierrUi ....... "What Can I Do!" j Five Utile dirt lno Holo . . . "l.ovo and Devotion" Mix Margaret Dowllng Our 8iti Convention Work". . .............. I'antor Simmon Isous ..... "Hory Tim Trumxter" School and Choir , MUMon Work on the "l.lfo IJne." . Mr, tlrlgiby ,liiKt-Mr. Simmon, Mr, flllbert (KiTl-t) Six Young tadles Song "Only Junior" Three OlrU ,Kocltnllon.,"A Penny nnd a Prayer" Pnrrlx Heed Soidc "Sweet (lift of Love" Choir Piano Solo, "Angel Voice Kver Near" Ml Gladys Peel Offering KxcreM ...... Young Campaigner Hone Congregation llenidlctlon WOMEN'S MEET , GREAT SUCCESS illAI.PTHi: INITIATIVK MKAHUUKM ! WKHK DISt'l'SSKD FrtlDAY, AND , .otiii:h ,mi:ctini timk is i AltltAN'dKD Kven tho oxpectallona of those In rliurso wero surpassed by tho auccosa of Iho women's meeting ut the Wo men's Library Club Friday .afternoon, when tho Initiative measures to be voted upon In November wro dla- ensued. Half of the measure were taken up, and some lively discussion eiiHiied. which nerved to clarify much of dm red lapo HUirouiullug some of tho hills. Mrs. Hubert K. Wattenburg wna chairman of tho meeting, nnd quit a number look part In tho UUcusslons. The entire mooting was n great sue- eesH. and was full of Interest tor bii, ho much so, that another meeting ha been arrauged tor next Thursday ur ternoon. when other measures will be up for discussion. All women are luviioa to auenu, AMERICANS HURT BY SHOOTING OF MEXICAN TROOPS i on; ;AV.ii.nvMK ,m: amomi Till'. WOI'MIKII In Aililllloii l I lie KMlillrrn, TliH-pt Clrlllun Art' HtwtVinhUun l ll. uiiimI TflU MafKlnjc I')' Km VIIIji miiiI Cart ti ii (a Troop at ,nf Cur mtiM Kotw Kllll HoMImk Ttiat . i llonlrr Cltjr. ' .' l.'nl.x) Vrt Btrncr NACO, Oct. K,Four Araerlcnn lavnlrjmcti unit tlirru elvlllmu woro wounded lodaf bjr tiulloU fired r Jlrxlcun Uclllni-rpnU latlllne at N'aro, Jlll 0lMlt, Of I ho wounOa I'rlrato Hobrt Wnlhnn of Troop A, Ninth cavalry. Ivan almt through th utoraacli, and I may dli-. Anoilicr wrloiuly wounded lroir U l,rvat Daniel Wakuflcld, of Trtoji K, Ninth favalry. Tho other woundwl irooirs arc of (ho Tenth cavalry, and are Sergeant Nathan Btlth and Private l'onc Mc Carvr. United PrM Scrvlc DOI'OI.AB, Arl., Oct. 17. Fierce tlchtlng wa reaumed between tho Villa and Carranta force today at Nam, Honora, Jut acroen the river from Naco, Arlt. ,. Mcwagcs front tho American town My that many bullet are falling on the American ldt of tho border, and that four per win wern (truck In the American town. .,sv . -, Carranta' force (till hold 'the .Naco defences. J i Called Prew Servlcn WASIIINOTON, D. C, Oct. 17. jdovcrnor Hunt of Arlionaiha asked permUlon of the state department jto etablUh n hospital on tho Amer. .Icon ldo for the benefit of the Mex Jlran wounded, j The department refused to conn- itennnro the plan except In the case of Mexican when wounded and abandoned. YOONG DEPUY GOES UNDER KNIFE AS A ItKSUI.T OF KICK FROM A CtV SOMK TIMK AGO AN OPKR. ATIO.V IS FOUND NRCKKSARV. PATIKN'T DOINO WEUi I Several days ago Alfred DePuy, son or Mr. and Mrs. j. yv. ueruy, who live on n ranch Just south of town, was kicked on tho leg by a cow, while milking the animal. The blow left a largo bruise, but no atten tion was paid to that at the time. In a fow dayB, however, an abscess formed In the groin, and this became m) bad that It was found necessary to bring tho young man to town Friday and hnvo It removed. The young man, while still suffer Ing greatly, Is much Improved, and In two or three days will again be able to navigate. HOMEFROMNORTH WITH A HELPMEET IdOIIX TAllOll SUItPRIHKH HIS LO- OAI FHIKMW IIY IIRING1NG A IIIHDi: IIKHK FROM THK FRO.. i:.V NORTH "Well. John struck It lucky In Alaska this auer," ay- "Db" Tabor, coawentlng ubob tka return OCTOBER 17, 1914 MORE WAR TALK BEFOR E CONGRESS TIIIK TIM lltAXOK IK I.V IMI, AH A IIICHUI.T OK llOAUM.Vr. OF ! AMKIIICAV HHII O.V TIIK HlfiH HKAH I'nfird I'rwn srvlc WASHINGTON. I). C, Oct. 1 iHvnalor C'liarle H. Thomaa of Colo rado today read In the Mriiate a letter from It. W. I'atleraon of Colorado, vlcorouxly iirotcotlng ogalnsL the al Itged boarding of the American steamer Sletnpan by n French crul r' crew, and the reported arrent therefrom of five Herman bound for a neutral norl. Senator Stone, chairman of the committee on foreign relation, voiced a warning to the belligerents that they will be held responsible for tuch deed, and that If Interference with the rlghta of American citizen l Indulged In, America will be forced : to act. OTHER PROJECTS ASKED TO BOOST COI'IKft OF KMH.ITH WATEH L'KKIW AfWOCIATlOX RESOLC TIOV THAT SHANK'S WORK IS IIKXKFICIAIi, TO 1IK 8KXT OCT At the meeting of the water users tn Merrill Saturday, resolutions were, adopted lauding Secretary I-ane for hts efforts In behalf of the water users of the West, and giving the support i of the people of the project to any inrmnoUutt thaL uiicht be clvcn tolmugt And out what Is behind the face Lrt-.. .rt; , i-Zu-im!! li.l ,. i,. MM..MM.Ant .....Im fpuint U Vrr tl.nl rMann lntAfl if rw.4 i . . rr '..1 ' V'J'V1 mm. - htm in the government service. The! resolution was sent to President Wll - son by the association. . Now a plan is under way to havcthe locat pajeni, he left nn assistant ,..,.., I..WUIWIUIII... ,. , - the projects, and submitted to the president. .... k aieim lownru tiun aiu ar1"."."." .v .wmw.w.w.v mm..wM. ready being taken. SLIGHT BLAZE F IIOMK OF DON LYTI.K OX NINTH STUKKT IS TltltlUTK.NKD IIY FIHK STAItTIXG IX VOODlM).V'. WATKK DAMAUK IUC.OKXT ITKM Fire believed to have .started In Uie kitchen woodbox cnlled tho Ore de partment to tho homo of Don J. Lytle, on Nlutlmtreet, near Main, this morn ing. Tho blase bad gained slight headway, and through the efforts ot cldions before the Are department arrived, nnd a fow mluutea' work by tho tire fighters, tho contlngratlon was soon extinguished. The loss caused by the tire was very small. Some ot the rooms will hnvo to bo rcpanered, owing to tho unavoidable damage from water. I Iteeoverlng. Miss Stacey llleha, who was operat ed upon for appendicitis and gall stones Wednesday by Dr Hamilton, is recovering nicely, according to ad vices from tho Dlackburn hospital. She Is past tho danger mark. of hi son, John Tabor, from the sal mon tlshtug ground north ot Ketchl- cau, whore Johu owns u successful fleot or fishing boats. "Dad" has particular reference to Mr. John Tabor, who Joined for tunes with John this summer In Alas ka. Tho bride, In the two days she has boon hore, has already atade a splendid Impression upon those she has met.and the returned local boy la receiving hearty congratulations. The Tabor will spend the winter here, , RENOON Shepherd Will Write Another Series on War .vaVBgavt.' mmwjt tHV.ffBaiU.V" t9 BBBBLgBgggBW ggggggggggggggf ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggV xggggggggggggggggggggggg ( M Headem of the Herald will be glad to learn that another erle of article on the preient great war, written by Wllllam O. Shepherd, will oon be publlthed. The flmt of the will ap - pear In Monday's Herald, written from I'arU, and describing actual con - jdltlon there. I A fotr week aco a scriw of three article by Mr. Shepherd on theiFrlday. causes of the present conflict were '"' published. These attracted wide-1 United Pre Service - spreaa nuenuon ana me .avoraoie, j .. ,, . , man army , bars pre, m ib xvh ra nation caused the United Pre to re- , . . , i. Dj,,,.j . i . .... i .t . .- . .w. 'treat from. Raaei&n Polasa, wet, e quest still further atorlee of this. r ... ".-, -. . -, -yjL r-J& t ... . . i Warsaw, accordlag te the war, one. cnaracier irom me guiea pen ei . . . Shepherd. For the past three years 'Shepherd has been much In the eyes of the world. Following bis wonderful story or the burning or the Triangle ""v -r7 m w ,, ' - 10 Meiico as me Mexico wy repre-jn,tJoa inn i scntatlve or the United Press. j w , Shepherd ha alwaj- been a rosder,' united PreseSerrtet" " t'' and a man not to be contented with" udon, TS&iZyr&ytii& Ju.t the story as gWen out. He te rmorpd .hau.k B0 csalratedltet like a curious boy with a watch-he or It. For that reason, instead of re- malnlng comtortably In Mexico City, . . . .. . .." . '""" "-"TT'"l T- '.-1 renasning me news mai appenrea 1B - .. . . ' " . " time making nrst nana investigations ... .. . .. . !.. The result was his masterly and au- ithorltatlve articles, .which opened the eyes of the world to true conditions !to the south of us. Shepherd's story on the taadlostL marines at Vera Crux waa wort 'wide "beat. f!&2i 5T3 BLIND SOCIALIST HERE TO LECTURE , It. OSHORXK ARRIVKS TONIGHT, AND AVIMi ADDltKSS VKOVUR AT THK I.IIHURY CLUB HAM.' TOMOHUOW J. II. Osborne, a well kuowu social 1st writer and lecturer generally culled the bllud socialist orator will arrive this evening, nnd will deliver a lecture tomorrow. The lecture Will Fire Protection in Record (Herald Specie! Service) PORTLAND. Oct. 17. lu review ing the tire protection work ot the past season, tho district forester at Portland announces that some very eMctent and speedy records have been made In reaching tree, Perhaps the nost striking Instance pf thin speedy werk. occurred at a. ranger stntlen tkrte-elghts of n mile from wiver Mine, ureses, CHANGES ALONG LINES ARF HOT OF IMPORTANCE ,KTItOUItAH HKIt)ltTH AXOTHK VICTORV Allien Claim. Advaaceo Aromttl Aim mill the Orcupatlon'of Flewr MmM. IIHIUIi Urft the Htakltttt ef tier wan Sblpx, jm1 There 1 a fawn firmed Itaaier ofIetwta tlmt llrfhMeaW.Wa! - 5P t (Tnlted i're Service 1'AHIS, Oct, l7--TBe Iatet eeav wlinciar that- the allle iMvegalaM In the rlclnlty of Arm d 8t MlbM and now occupy th fttatrtet miMM Armentlere and'the-yUMige of r IDalx. It ya the, ltaUo la geaeru (l little changed. - r r , tn the Ynie dirtrtct Jtaer to e r. alteration Jn tbeJlB. They geer tally remain Jtifreporft Thur4ar s4 -tj-ii. jtlHie--M-i, pBrBQaBAD Oct, 17. Tfc OefJ ,, . ., ', -. iS Tiki aftcr a. battle of ,eieveB-ey.5wi . ff . -nj-- !,""- "" ,.. fi.tsjsi.j Tne.orace says mtBuwimj .ed from their PoaUIeM. lwH tl .Oennaa Into atrai. TWMt&tMT 'j. tftfHmrf''. abli40BlBg UHlil'.BJ GtrBMn nHunxt9fmm -r7bie InN'frtn 8& yrferjr.,Te ofBelal-preas fcBreBfil tfce fMttuMsi . th admiraUr; i,,, a staUsaeat j msere4jtiBg thto. The British fleet sunk four GersaaB nmaa i the German coast. IB ,Mfc.WJW.M w. the declaration of tho ofRcIal bureau tonight. It is undentaesl tkai the destroyers attacked we cibIbW Undaunted while, the latter .ntV i..iiin nH nthp TtrtiiiW ahlaa raak- up nt , foar t0 the t-- tora, ifX W. U, Manager Lemvee, ...,-. i H. L. C. em. manager of the West-, jcrn Unloxitoilce here, left t Me -tf Ing for Kalamazoo, Mich., to .Bt" (he bedside" of his mother, who hi fV jjiorted as approaching death. The Department ot Cesxiaeree lei sued a license to the Attaatlc Cosa munlcatlon company to operate the. wireless, station at Sayyllle, L.I., ,; t'llmlted' public :erTi BUuel; ibe given at 2:30 at the Library, Clubj ! butldlng. and Is opetf'teell?' ' f Mr, Osborne la a university, grnd- j naie, ana ims a nanus wh r-i-M- tlon as a writer and lecturer.,, He was hero last year, and his trttllnat talks at that ttraeMeremekhejrjwtby; hts audience as VleaV'nft twrefMe, speeches). , . -si t y Time in Lake ," A .,. .... '& Jr.jK.V.' ' ..,x ti i-sKS : Tho rnuger,. refeiVedn, Ulehsfe; call te: the effect thefctBere wna ntfre ., mill twalva Bllla lU. Ha. I- j. V J f ms ..., ,-w.,. ,.r- ,.--,, ..TT.'T K.TZ.KX -i ,. nmeiBeiy dmm ",'(!? H7 S""!-ajme m,'i ' '' 4 - I iu.. Bd.,w,'BWBrii9ei-'.. 1 into town, automoMlee, nbtutee from the,!tlnM;.iejBjsgf it,. tAUnlina call. '! .";.;'- jlpln. Irenes JgaSfiJ .u i. ta fial saenl T ' ' a. y -r. t . HI m a?i v"r .! ar " -., , -V -1 -L mi jp s $m r m ;'! ' ': m-. "itj ' vWWWwwwww.ww-AVWiwvvyv x'-fjiy'" ' v - rj am